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Full text of "The indigenous trees of the Hawaiian Islands"

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J.   F.   ROCK 













Botanist  of  the  College  of  Hawaii 

Consulting  Botanist,  Board  of  Commissioners  of  Agriculture  and  Forestry, 
Territory  of  Hawaii. 

ISSUED   JUNE  26,   1913. 

With  Two  Hundred  and  Fifteen  Photo-Engravings 


Edition  Limited  to  1000  Copies 



1 140  FORT  STREET 

COPYRIGHT.   1913.   BY 

JOSEPH     F.    ROCK 

HONOLULU.  T     H. 






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It  has  long  been  the  writer's  desire  to  give  to  the  public  a  volume  on  the  na- 
tive trees  of  Hawaii,  giving  popular  as  well  as  technical  descriptions  of  the  trees 
peculiar  to  Hawaiian  soil. 

At  first  it  was  thought  that  plain  popular  descriptions  would  suffice,  but  it 
soon  became  evident  that  the  technical  part  could  not  be  dispensed  with,  and  in 
order  to  make  the  book  valuable  for  both  the  layman  and  the  scientist,  it  was 
therefore  included. 

The  rather  lengthy  introduction  seemed  an  advisable  feature  and  necessary, 
as  it  gives  practically  for  the  first  time  a  more  or  less  detailed  description  of  all 
the  floral  regions  and  their  plant  associations  found  in  this  island  group,  not 
being  restricted  to  trees  alone  but  embracing  the  whole  plant  covering. 

In  the  sequence  of  families  Engler  and  Prantl's  Natiirliche  Pflanzenfamilien 
System  has  been  followed,  beginning  with  the  Cryptogams  and  ending  with  the 

Under  each  species  a  complete  reference  and  synonomy  is  given,  as  far  as 
was  possible.  Of  course,  as  in  all  works  of  this  nature,  mistakes  will  un- 
doubtedly be  found,  which  will  have  to  be  overlooked  on  account  of  the  insular 
position  of  the  writer,  as  it  was  not  always  possible  to  consult  original  works, 
some  of  them  old  and  out  of  print  and  therefore  unobtainable.  It  will  not  be 
out  of  place  here  to  acknowledge  the  kind  assistance  of  Miss  Mary  A.  Day,  the 
Librarian  of  the  Gray  Herbarium,  for  the  loan  of  books  and  copies  of  articles,  etc. 

Following  the  reference  is  a  technical  description,  usually  enlarged  and  based 
on  material  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium ;  only  in  such  instances  as  when 
the  plant  is  very  common  or  has  not  been  collected  by  the  writer,  are  descrip- 
tions of  old  authors  quoted.  As  far  as  possible  native  names  are  given  under 
most  of  the  trees  in  italics,  as  well  as  any  legendary  or  other  facts  of  sufficient 
interest,  together  with  habitat,  plant  association,  etc.  Of  a  number  of  trees  of 
which  nothing  is  known  of  a  popular  nature,  the  technical  side  is  enlarged  upon, 
especially  in  the  family  Rutaceae  (genus  Pelea)  and  Campanulaceae  (tribe  Lo- 

The  writer  wishes  here  to  acknowledge  above  all  the  kind  assistance  of  Prof. 
Dr.  Ignatz  Urban  of  Berlin,  Prof.  Le  Comte  of  Paris,  Prof.  Dr.  A.  Zahlbruckner 
of  Vienna  and  Profs.  B.  L.  Robinson  and  M.  L.  Fernald  of  Harvard,  in  the  loan 
of  herbarium  material,  mainly  types,  for  comparison,  without  which  the  authen- 
ticity of  many  determinations  would  have  been  doubtful;  this  refers  mainly  to 
the  tribe  Lobelioideae  of  the  family  Campanulaceae,  one  of  the  most  intricate 
tribes  found  in  these  Islands. 

All  such  plants  are  included  in  this  book  as  have  been  observed  by  the  writer 
as  trees,  even  if  usually  occurring  as  shrubs.  To  the  many  species  of  trees  already 
known  the  writer  has  added  1  new  genus,  22  new  species,  31  new  varieties,  3  new 
forms  and  1  new  hybrid,  which  are  all  described  by  him.  A  number  of  new 
species  were  discovered  by  the  writer,  but  described  by  various  authorities,  in- 
cluding 4  new  species  of  Palms  by  O.  Beccari  of  Florence,  Italy,  all  of  which 
are  included  in  this  book.  In  an  addendum  the  writer  describes  seven  new 
species,  seven  new  varieties  and  one  new  form  belonging  to  the  Family  Cam- 
panulaceae,  tribe  Lobelioideae.  This  brings  the  total  number  of  new  plants 
described  by  him  herein  up  to  seventy -two. 

It  was  also  necessary  in  some  instances  to  make  a  few  new  combinations. 

Of  the  215  photographs  nearly  all  were  taken  by  the  writer  in  the  field,  with 
the  exception  of  plates  1,  12,  17,  27,  68,  130,  and  131,  by  Mr.  R.  S.  Hosmer;  nos. 
29  and  37  by  Mr.  R.  Perkins ;  no.  2,  by  Mr.  A.  Gartley,  and  nos.  23,  26  and  31,  by 
Mr.  R.  J.  Baker,  to  all  of  whom  the  writer  wishes  to  acknowledge  his  indebtedness. 

The  present  volume  is  primarily  due  to  the  enthusiasm  of  Ex-Governor  George 
R.  Carter,  who  headed  the  list  of  patrons  and  secured  the  necessary  funds  to 
insure  publication.  Credit  is  due  the  College  of  Hawaii  for  supplying  photo- 
graphic material  and  part  of  the  writer's  time. 

It  should  be  stated  here  that  most  of  the  material  on  which  this  publication 
is  based  was  collected  by  the  writer  under  the  auspices  of  the  Board  of  Commis- 
sioners of  Agriculture  and  Forestry  of  this  Territory. 

To  Dr.  H.  L.  Lyon  the  writer  is  indebted  for  technical  advice,  and  to  Dr.  E. 
Hackel  and  Rev.  George  Kiikenthal  for  identification  of  Grasses  and  Cyperaceae 

To  Mr.  Francis  Gay  of  Kauai  the  writer  is  greatly  indebted  for  knowledge  of 
matters  pertaining  to  Hawaiian  names  of  trees  and  their  vises ;  he  also  wishes  to 
express  his  thanks  to  all  those  who  extended  to  him  the  far-famed  Hawaiian 
hospitality  during  his  many  sojourns  on  the  various  islands  of  the  group. 

Last  but  not  least  the  writer  wishes  to  acknowledge  the  kind  assistance  of 
Prof.  H.  M.  Ballon  of  the  College  of  Hawaii  in  his  painstaking  reading  of  proof- 
sheets,  and  expresses  his  thanks  to  him  and  all  those  who  have  helped  in  the 
preparation  of  this  book. 

The  volume  is  herewith  presented  to  the  public,  who  the  writer  hopes  will  be 
lenient  towards  any  mistakes  in  the  construction  of  sentences,  English  not  being 
his  mother-tongue. 

College  of  Hawaii, 
Honolulu.  T.  H.,  April  23,  1913. 


Ovary  superior,  naked  flowers  unisexual,  on  spathaceous  spadices. 

Flowers  dioecious,  in  heads  or  spikes,  leaves  elongate,  prickly  at  the  edges. 

Pandanaceae  96 

Ovary  superior,  syncarpous,  3-celled,  perianth  of  6  segments  in  2  series. 
Perianth  regular,  wholly  corolla-like,  cells  of  ovary  2  to  many  ovulats. 

Liliaceae  109 

Perianth  small,  calyx-like,  fruit  drupaceous  or  baccate,  1-seeded,  leaves  palm- 
ate or  pinnate,  flowers  on  a  branching  spadix Palmae  99 


I.  Perianth   simple   or   none. 

Ovary  of  3  or  rarely  2  or  more  than  3  united  carpels,  with  1  or  2  pendu- 
lous ovules  in  each. 

Fruit  either  capsular,  separating  into  as  many  2  valved  cocci  as 

carpels,    or   succulent    and    indehiscent Euphorbiaceae       243 

Ovary  free  with  one  ovule,  styles  2  or  rarely  1. 
Ovule  anatropous  or  amphitropous. 

Fruit  indehiscent  nut  or  drupe-like,  one  seeded....     Ulmaceae  113 

Fruit   small,   drupe-like,   milksap   present,  leaves  with   2   axillary 

stipules Moraceae  114 

Ovule  orthotropous. 

Polycarpium     or     drupe     often     enclosed     by     and     united     with 

the  perianth;  usually  without  milksap Urticaceae  117 

Ovary  1-celled  with  few  ovules,  seed  single. 

Perianth    partly    adnate    to    maturing    ovary,    ovules    1-3. 

Santalaceae  126 

Ovary  1-celled  with  a  single  ovule;  embryo  curved. 

Perianth  dry,  supported  by  3   bractlets:  stamens   connate   at  the 

base,  as  many  as  perianth  segments Amarantaceae        135 

Perianth   tube   persistent   around   the   fruit,   stamens   not   of   the 

same  number  as  lobes  of  perianth,  hypogynous..      Nyctaginaceae      143 
Ovary  one-celled,  free,  with  a  single  ovule,  embryo  not  curved. 

Perianth  segments  6  in  2  circles,  persistent;   fruit  a  one  seeded 

berry  or  drupe Lauraceae  149 

Perianth  segments  4,  stamens  twice  as  many,  sessile  in  2  alter- 
nate rows,  fruit  a  drupe-like  reddish  berry Thymelaeaceae      315 

II.  Petals  united,  at  least  at  the  base. 

Corolla  epigynous,  regular. 

Ovary  2-  or  more  celled,  stamens  adnate  to  the  corolla,  as  many  as 

corolla  lobes;   leaves  opposite Rubiaceae  429 

Ovary  1  celled,  1-ovulate;  stamens  adnate,  as  many  as  corolla  lobes. 

Compositae  497 

Corolla  epigynous,  irregular. 

Stamens  5,  filaments  and  anthers  connate,  the  latter  bearded  at  the 

top;  milk  sap  present Campanulaceae     469 


Stamens  free,  stigma  surrounded  by  a  hairy  indnsium.  ..     Goodeniaceae         494 
Corolla  hypogynous  or  perigynous,  bearing  the  stamens,  regular. 
Ovarv  3  or  more  celled;  1   or  2  ovules  in  each  cell. 

Stamens  5,  alternate  writh  corolla  lobes;   a  single  ovule  in   each 

cell Eracridaceac         365 

Stamens  indefinite;   flowers  unisexual Ebenaceae  393 

Stamens   5-6.   opposite   the   corolla   lobes   when   of   =ome   number, 
often  alternating  with  staminiodia;  milky  sap  present. 

Sapotaceae  380 

Ovarv  1-celled,  with  a  free  central  placenta. 

Stamens  opposite  the  corolla  lobes;    drupp  with   a   single  hasilar 

seed Myrsinaceae          367 

Ovary  2  or  incompletely  4-celled. 

Corolla  contorted  in  the  bud;  leaves  opposite. 

Capsule  2  or  3-celled,  with  axile  placentas,  leaves  stipulate. 

Loganiaceae          401 
Carpels  2,  more  or  less  distinct,  milky  gap  present. 

Apocynaceae         407 
Corolla  not  contorted,  leaves  generally  alternate. 

Ovary  2-celled  with  1-3  ovules  in  each  cell;   corolla   colored, 

4-lobed,  imbricate Oleaceae  397 

Ovary    2-celled,    with    many    ovules    in    each    cell;     corolla 

plaited  or  imbricate,  5-4  lobed Solanaceae  417 

Ovary   4-celled,   with   1   ovule   in   eaeb   cell;    corolla   5-lobed, 

imbricate Borraginaceae       414 

Corolla  perigynous,  bearing  the  stamens,  irregular. 

Ovary  2-10  celled,  one  ovule  in  each  cell;   corolla  5-7  lobed,  as  many 

as  stamens Myoporaceae         425 

III.  Petals  free.      Stamens  perigynous  or  epigynous. 

Disc  conspicuous,  perigynous  or  hypogynous;   flowers  small,  regular. 

Stamens   alternate   with   petals;    ovary    2-5    c-slled,   with    2    or   rarely 

1  ovule  in  each  cell Celastraceae          267 

Stamens  opposite  the  small  petals;  ovary  free  2-4-celled  with  a  single 

erect  ovule  in  each  cell Rhamnaceae  281 

Stamens  alternate  with  the  petals,  or  twice  as  many,  ovary  superior 
1-5   celled,  fruit  usually  a   one-celled   drup«*;   leaves  pinnate. 

Anacardiaceae       262 
Carpels  free,  or  connate  only  at  the  base. 

Flowers    irregular    and    imbricate    or    regular    and    valvate;    fruit    a 

2-valved  pod Leguminosae          1 73 

Ovary  syncarpous,  superior,  with  axile  placentas,  ovules  1  or  few  in  each  cell. 

Corolla  monopetalous,  ovary  many-celled Aquifoliaceae         263 

Ovary  syncarpous,  with  axile  placentas  and  many  seeds  on  each  placenta. 
Ovary  inferior,  stamens  indefinite;  calyx-lobes  imbricate. 

Myrtaceae  319 

Ovary  syncarpous  with   parietal   placentas   and   many   ovules   on   each    of 
the  latter. 
Ovary  partly  adnate  to   calyx,  2-5-celled;   leaves  opposite. 

Saxifragaceae       151 

Ovary    inferior    with    an    epigynous    disc,    2-    to    several    celled,    with    a 
single  ovule  in  each  cell. 

Calyx  adnate  to  ovary,  the  latter  2  to  many  celled,  with  one  ovule 

in  each  cell;  leaves  compound Araliaceae  336 

IV.  Petals  free  from  the  calyx  and    from  each  other,  wanting  in  Xyloxiiui. 

Ovary  syncarpous,  placentas  parietal. 

Petals  as  many  as  sepals  or  none,  stamens  indefinite.  ..     Flacourtiaceae       311 
Sepals,   petals  and  stamens  isomerous,  5   each;   fruit   a   two   to   four- 

valved  woody  capsule Pittosporaceae      153 

Ovary  syncarpous,  placentas  axile. 
Disc  wanting,  sepals  imbricate. 

Sepals  and  petals  tetramerous,  stamens  indefinite;  ovary  1-celled; 

leaves  opposite Guttiferae  309 

Sepals  and  petals  pentamerous,  the  latter  often  cohering  at  the 

base;  stamens  indefinite,  leaves  alternate Theaceae  307 

Disc  wanting,  sepals  valvate. 

Stamens   indefinite,    monadelphous;    fruit    capsular;    seed    usually 

reniform,  flowers  often  showy Malvaceae  291 

Stamens  indefinite,  polyadelphous Elaeocarpaceae      287 

Disc  annular,  inside  the  stamens. 

Leaves    entire    and    opposite    or    imparipinnate    and    alternate; 
stamens   as   many   or  twice  as   many  as  petals;   ovary  4-celled 

and  in  fruit  4  lofced,  or  of  a  single  carpel Rutaceae  192 

Disc  annular,  outside  the  stamens. 

Leaves    entire,    impari-pinnate    or    dissected,    alternate;     petals 

sometimes  wanting;  ovary  3-celled Sapindaceae  26f) 


Little  attention  has  hitherto  been  paid  to  the  various  interesting  botanical 
regions  of  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  The  different  types  of  forests,  even  at  the 
same  elevation  and  often  in  one  district,  are  so  marked  that  one  could  draw 
imaginary  lines  separating  these  various  types  of  forests  with  their  peculiar 
species.  There  seems  hardly  to  be  a  transition  type  present.  It  is  owing  to 
the  various  lava  flows  of  all  ages  that  such  types  of  forests  are  at  present  in 
existence,  but  nevertheless  climatic  conditions,  such  as  wind,  rainfall,  etc.,  are 
also  .responsible  for  these  peculiarities.  This,  of  course,  applies  more  to  the 
Island  of  Hawaii,  which  is  the  largest  and  supposed  to  be  the  youngest  of  the 

If  we  include  the  scanty  strand  vegetation,  which  consists  mainly  of  a  few 
herbaceous  plants  and  three  or  four  species  of  trees,  which  are  scattered,  single 
ones  here  and  there  on  the  beaches,  we  have  six  botanical  regions,  each  of  which 
has  again  to  be  subdivided  into  sections,  owing  to  topographical  changes  caused 
by  lava  flows  and  climatic  conditions.  Many  changes  on  lava  flows  are  caused 
by  rain  and  exposure  to  wind,  which  disintegrates  the  lava  quicker  than  in  other 
regions  more  sheltered,  and  so  decides  the  plants  most  adaptable  to  these  re- 
gions, though  this  in  turn  depends  again  on  the  nature  of  the  lava  itself,  whether 
aa  (rough)  or  palwelwe  (smooth)  lava. 

The  botanical  regions  are  as  follows: 

1.  Strand  vegetation. 

2.  Lowland  region.   (This  region  merges  into  the  lower  forest  region) . 

Section  a,  dry  region. 
Section  b,  wet  region. 

3.  Lower  forest  region. 

Section  a,  windward  side. 
Section  b,  leeward  side. 

4.  Middle  forest  region. 

Section  a,  dry  region. 

Section  b,  semi-dry. 

Section  c,  wet  region. 

Section  d,  kipukas,  (small  areas  of  lands  with  no  trace  of  lava,  soil 
black  and  fertile  in  dry  section,  surrounded  by 
newer  lava  flows;  richest  in  tree  species). 

5.  Bog  region. 

6.  Upper  forest  region. 


As  already  remarked,  the  strand  vegetation  of  these  islands  is  extremely  poor 
in  comparison  with  the  luxurious  strand  floras  of  the  islands  of  the  South  Seas 
and  other  countries  bordering  on  the  Pacific.  Of  trees,  the  most  common  are 
the  Hisbiscus  tiliaceus  (Han)  and  Pandanus  odoratissimus  (Puhala).  (See 
plate  I.)-  While  the  former  may  be  seen  in  scattered  clumps  along  the  shore, 
the  latter  forms  dense  forests  on  the  windward  sides  of  the  islands  of  Hawaii 
and  Maui,  covering  the  precipitous  walls  down  to  the  water's  edge.  They  are 
usually  associated  with  the  Jambosa  malaccensis  (Ohio,  ai),  which,  however, 
does  not  grow  on  the  steep  slopes,  but  at  the  bottom  of  narrow  ravines,  which 
the  mountain  streams  have  cut  into  the  precipitous  cliffs.  They  are  also  asso- 
ciated with  the  Aleurites  moluccana  (Kukui). 

It  is  in  such  places  as  Pololu,  Honokaneiki,  Honokanenui,  Waimanu,  etc.. 
on  the  windward  side  of  Hawaii,  and  Makaiwa,  and  other  valleys  on  the  wind- 
ward side  of  Maui,  where  conditions  are  still  undisturbed,  that  one  can  see 
strand  vegetation  that  would  somewhat  remind  him  of  the  strand  floras  of  the 
South  Seas.  But  in  the  true  sense  of  the  word  it  is  not  a  typical  beach  flora, 
but  belongs  to  the  lowland  zone,  which  in  certain  localities,  as  mentioned  above, 
reaches  the  water's  edge.  (See  plate  II.) 

On  sandy  beaches  the  cosmopolitan  Ipomoea  pes  caprae  (Pokuehue)  is  nearly 
always  found,  with  its  long  runners  reaching  almost  into  the  sea.  Cuscuta 
Sandwich iana  (Dodder  or  Pololo)  may  often  be  seen  growing  on  Ipomoea  pes 
caprae  as  well  as  011  Ipomoea  tuberculata.  Among  other  Convolvulaceae  pecu- 
liar to  the  shores  is  Ipomoea  acetosae folia  (Hunakai),  which  is  found  on  the 
island  of  Niihau  only.  Jacquemontia  Sandwicensis  occurs  farther  inland,  as 
well  as  on  sandy  shores,  together  with  the  nyctaginaceous  Boerhaavia  diffusa 
(Nena).  Of  the  Caryophyllaceae,  only  two  endemic  species,  Schiedea  Remyi 
and  Schiedea  Lydgatei,  are  found  on  the  shores,  and  those  on  the  island  of 
Molokai  only,  under  the  precipitous  cliffs  on  the  windward  side.  Of  Legumi- 
nosae,  the  rare  Sesbania  tomentosa  (Ohai),  Vigna  lutca  and  Canavalia  sp?  are 
to  be  found,  the  two  latter  especially  common  near  Waialua,  Oahu,  and  also  on 
Molokai,  together  with  the  boraginaceous  Heliotropium  Curassavicum  and  H. 
anomalum  (Hinaliina).  Of  Campanulaceae,  the  very  interesting  and  queer 
looking  Brighamia  insignis  of  the  tribe  Lobelioideae  is  found  on  the  islands  of 
Niihau,  Kauai,  Molokai  and  Lanai,  though  only  on  the  windward  sides,  growing 
on  the  precipitous  cliffs  down  to  a  few  feet  from  the  waves,  where  they  are 
Avithin  reach  of  the  tremendous  spray  of  the  sea.  On  the  latter  island  it  is  found 
at  the  head  of  Mauna  Lei  gorge  on  the  precipitous  cliffs. 

One  of  the  most  common  sea-shore  plants  is  the  cosmopolitan  Scaevola 
frutescens,  which  is  usually  in  company  with  Vitex  trifolia. 

Of  trees,  CalopJiyllum  Tnopliyllum  (Kamani)  forms  usually  large  groves  on 
the  windward  sides  of  most  of  the  islands;  but  especial  mention  may  be  made 

of  the  beautiful  grove  on  Molokai  in  the  valley  of  Halawa,  which  was  spoken  of 
and  recorded  by  the  earliest  navigators  who  visited  these  islands. 

Among  the  plants  already  mentioned,  the   following  are  often  met  with, 
though  a  few  are  peculiar  to  certain  localities : 

(  A  species  of  Tetramolopium*  on  the  more  muddy  flats 

on  Molokai. 

(Nehe)  Lipochaeta  succulenta  (Niihau  and  Kauai)* 
|  (Nehe)  Lipochaeta  integrifolia* 
I  (Xehe)  Lipochaeta  connata  var.  littoralis* 
V  (Kookolau)  Campylotheca  molokaiensis. 
(Koko)  Euphorbia  cordata 

(Ohelo  kai)      Lycium  Sandwicense 

Solanum  Nelsoni*    (Molokai) 
Kadua  littoralis  (Molokai)* 
Lepidium  sp?* 

(Hoawa)  Pittosporum  halophilum  (Molokai)* 

(Heuhiidii)       Cassia  Gaudichaudii  (Lanai  Manele) 

Scaevola  coriacea* 
(Hialoa)  Waltheria  Americana 

Achyranthus  sp. 

(Makou)  Peucedanum  Sandwicense* 

Lysimachia  spathulata 
Ruppia  maritima 

(Nmika)  Lythrum  maritimum  (Waikolu,  Molokai,  only) 

(Mao)  Gossypium  tomentosum 

(Maiapilo)        Capparis  Sandwichiana 
(Anapanapa)   Colubrina  Asiatica 
(Kiilui)  Nototrichium  humile* 

Batis  maritima 

(Ilialii  aloe)     Santalum  littorale* 

(Kaunoa)          Cassytha  filiformis  (usually  on  Ipomoea  pes  caprae) 
Of  trees  the  following  may  be  recorded: 
(Milo)  Thespesia  populnea 

(Niu)  Cocos  nucifera 

(Kou)  Cordia  subcordata 

(Kamani)         Terminalia  catappa 
(Noni)  Morinda  citrifolia 

On  the  rocks  near  the  sea  at  Waialua  and  Cape  Kaena,  Oahu,  the  writer  ob- 
served plants  of  Myoporum  Sandwicense*  only  one  foot  high,  which  at  3000 
feet  elevation  becomes  a  tree  40  feet  in  height. 

*  Those  which  are  followed  by  an  asterisk  are  all  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands 
and  belong  to  the  strand  region,  with  the  exception  of  a  few  which  have  descended  from 
the  lowlands  and  are  found  on  the  beaches. 


COPYRIGHT  1911  BY  J,  F.  ROCK, 

COCOS  NUCIFERA  L.      (Native  name:     Niu);   coconut  palm  grove  near  Lahaina,  Maui, 
only  short  distance  from  sea.      Some  of  the  trees  are  over  100  feet  high. 

Of  Cyperaceae,  the  following  are  to  be  found: 

Cyperus  pennatus 

Cyperus  phleoides 

Fimbristylis  pycnocephala* 

Carex  Sandwicensis  var.    (Makaiwa  and  Nahiku  beach,  Maui) 

Sporobulus  Virginicus,  etc. 

The  Cordia  subcordata  (Kou),  which  has  followed  the  Malayan  race  in  its 
migration,  was  once  much  more  common  than  now.  Only  a  few  trees  can  be 
found  along  the  shores,  and  those  mainly  on  the  less  frequently  visited  islands, 
in  out-of-the-way  places.  Whether  the  presence  of  this  tree  can  be  attributed 
to  the  ocean  currents  or  to  the  agency  of  man  can  not  definitely  be  determined, 
though  presumably  to  the  latter.  The  Coconut,  of  course,  needs  hardly  to  be 
mentioned,  though  it  is  not  present  in  such  extensive  groves  as  in  the  South  Sea 
Islands  or  Central  America.  (See  plate  III.) 

Of  Cryptogams,  mention  may  be  made  of  the  Opliioglossum  vulgatum,  which 
springs  up  on  our  shores  after  heavy  rains. 

Between  the  beach  formation  and  lowland  zone  occur  lagoons  on  some  of 
the  islands,  which  are  usually  stocked  with  Sesuvium  Portulacastrum,  very 
common  in  company  with  Cijperus  pennatus,  C.  laevigatus  and  Mesembrian- 
thenium  of  recent  introduction.  In  the  ponds  themselves,  Lemna  minor  and 
Wolfia  columbiana  are  very  common,  besides  Nelumbium  speciosum,  Sagittaria 
sagittifolia  and  the  cryptogamous  Marsilia  villosa,  Scirpus  maritimus,  and 
8.  lacustris.  Cyperus  umbettiferus,  having  escaped  from  cultivation,  is  found 
occasionally  in  patches.  The  Chenopodiums  are  numerous,  nearly  always  in 
company  with  Portulaca  oleracea  and  Cenchrus  echinatus. 


Most  of  the  plants  mentioned  in  the  strand  formation  can  be  found  in  the 
lowland  zone,  though,  of  course,  several  species  of  plants  are  peculiar  to  the 
lowland  zone.  This  formation  is  usually  open  grassland  on  the  leeward  sides  of 
the  islands  when  spared  by  lava  flows,  and  has  lately  been  taken  up  with  Pro- 
sopis  j uli flora  (Algaroba)  and  Acacia  farnesiana  (Kin).  Of  the  native  vege- 
tation belonging  to  this  zone,  Andropogon  contort  us  (Pili  grass)  and  Panicum 
torridum  (Kakonakona)  are  the  most  common.  In  these  fields  Opuntia  tuna 
occurs  frequently  with  numerous  aliens  of  many  countries,  of  which  the  most 
obnoxious  is  Lantana  camara  (Lantana),  which,  however,  ascends  to  an  elevation 
of  sometimes  3000  feet  and  even  higher. 

Of  other  native  plants,  Sida  falla.c  and  8.  cordifolia  (Ilima)  are  the  most 
common,  with  Waltheria  Americana  and  a  few  species  of  Lipochaeta  and  per- 
haps a  species  of  Haplostachys,  which  is  peculiar  to  the  dry,  open,  grassy  dis- 
tricts. Thephrosia  piscatoria  is  not  uncommon.  Passiflora  triloba  and  P.  foe- 
tida  have  become  terrible  pests  in  certain  parts  of  the  islands,  covering  large 


LOWEE  FOREST  REGION  on  Oahu,  a  typical  stand  of  Aleurites  moluccana  Willd.   (na- 
tive name:      Kukui). 

areas  to  the  exclusion  of  everything  else.  A  striking  plant  of  the  lowland  zone 
is  the  Mexican  Poppy,  Argemone  Mexicana,  the  Puakala  of  the  natives.  On  the 
lava  fields  which  have  reached  the  shore,  especially  on  the  island  of  Hawaii  in 
South  Kona,  native  trees  belonging  to  the  lower  forest  zone  have  descended  to 
the  lowlands  and  can  be  found  within  a  few  yards  from  the  sea.  The  most 
common  is  Reynoldsia  sandwicensis.  Even  the  Metrosideros  polymorpha  (Ohio, 
lehua)  the  writer  found  growing  practically  at  sea  level,  together  with  Plectronia 
odorata,  which  was  covered  with  the  lauraceous  leafless  parasite,  Cassytha  fili- 
formis.  What  has  just  been  said  of  the  Ohio,  lehua  is  also  true  of  Myoporum 
sandwicense  (Naio),  which  can  be  found  near  the  sea  on  the  west  end  of  Oahu 
near  Kaena  Point,  only  a  foot  in  height. 


This  region  is  perhaps  the  most  interesting  one  as  far  as  tree  growth  is  con- 
cerned'. It  ranges  from  about  1000  feet  to  2000  feet  elevation,  and  is  exceed- 
ingly tropical  on  the  windward  side,  with  a  more  or  less  uniform  vegetation, 
though,  of  course,  varying  according  to  locality. 

Nothing  can  be  more  different  in  aspect  than  the  lower  forest  region  of  the 
lee  sides  of  some  of  the  islands  as  compared  to  that  of  the  windward  side.  How- 
ever, there  are  exceptions,  as  no  two  islands  are  alike  in  formation,  and  vary 
also  greatly  in  age.  The  vegetation  on  some  of  the  lava  flows  of  more  recent 
origin  differs  from  that  of  the  lava  flows  of  greater  age.  On  some  of  the  islands, 
as  on  Oahu  and  Kauai,  and  perhaps  Molokai,  in  certain  localities  on  the  leeward 
side,  the  vegetation  differs  very  little  from  that  of  the  windward  side;  but, 
nevertheless,  each  island,  with  the  exception  of  Kahoolawe,  and  also  Niihau,  has 
its  peculiar  leeward  lower  forest  flora,  which  is  in  all  cases  richer  in  species  as 
far  as  tree  growth  is  concerned  than  the  rain  forest. 

The  island  of  Hawaii  will  need  a  special  chapter,  as  it  is  the  largest  of  the 
group  and  has  the  most  widely  ranging  regions  of  all ;  differing  in  climatic  con- 
ditions, rainfall,  soil  formations,  lava  flows  of  all  ages,  winds,  etc.,  all  of  which 
have  contributed  or  are  the  cause  of  these  marked  types  of  forest  or  plant  cover- 
ings belonging  to  the  lower  forest  region. 

The  island  of  Maui,  which  is  the  next  largest,  has  also  a  very  striking  forest 
flora  that  belongs  to  the  region  discussed  in  this  chapter.  For  convenience  sake, 
this  lower  forest  region  is  here  divided  into  two  subsections:  (a),  the  windward, 
and  (b),  the  leeward  forest  flora.  The  island  of  Hawaii  is  discussed  separately. 

The  most  striking  of  all  trees  belonging  to  this  region  is  the  Aleurites  moluc- 
cana  or  Kukui.  It  can  be  recognized  at  once  from  a  distance  on  account  of  its 
pale  foliage,  which  gives  this  lower  forest  region  a  distinguishing  character.  (See 
plate  IV.)  It  either  forms  large  groves  to  the  exclusion  of  everything  else  or 
is  found  in  company  with  Jambosa  malaccensis  (Ohio,  ai)  and  other  trees  which 
will  be  taken  into  consideration  as  a  whole.  Immediately  above  the  lowland  re- 
gion a  few  straggling  Kukui  trees  may  be  observed.  They  grow  on  the  leeward 


VEGETATION  ALONG  A  STREAM  in  the  lower  forest  region  on  Oahu,  Palolo  Valley; 
the  trees  in  the  foreground  are  Aleurites  moluccana  Willd.     (Native  name:     Kukui.) 

as  well  as  the  windward  side,  on  dry,  arid  lav$  flows,  in  deep  ravines,  along  dry 
stream  beds,  in  exceedingly  dense  rain  forests,  but  never  going  higher  than  2200 
feet,  and  sometimes  rarely  that. 

Its  associates  are,  however,  not  always  the  same,  nor  are  they  confined  to  the 
same  region.  With  it  in  the  dry  as  well  as  semi-wet  districts  is  to  be  found  the 
rubiaceous  Plectronia  odorata,  usually  a  shrub  or  often  a  small  tree.  In  the 
valleys  back  of  Honolulu,  Oahu,  as  well  as  in  the  valleys  of  Molokai  or  other 
islands  (see  plate  V),  it  is  associated  with  the  Acacia  Koa  (Koa),  which  de- 
scends on  Oahu  as  low  as  600  feet,  the  Pandanus  odoratissimus  (Puliala),  Jam- 
bosa  malaccensis,  and  Elaeocarpus  bifidus  (Kalia),  which,  however,  is  not  ex- 
actly a  tree  of  the  lower  forest  region,  as  it  forms  the  largest  part  of  the  middle 
forest  region  on  the  island  of  Kauai,  from  3000  to  perhaps  4000  feet  elevation. 
The  rubiaceous  trees,  Straussia  Kaduana,  S.  Mariniana,  Gardenia  Eemyi,  Bobea 
elatior,  and  on  Oahu,  especially  on  the  western  range,  Santalum  ellipticum,  are 
found  in  its  company  at  an  elevation  of  perhaps  800  to  1000  feet.  The  quite 
numerous  Metrosideros  polymorplia,  in  its  various  forms,  grows  also  in  this 
region,  but  is  not  confined  to  it,  as  it  can  be  found  from  sea  level  to  an  elevation 
of  9000  feet,  and  even  higher.  The  nyctaginaceous  Pisonia  umbellifera  (Papala 
he  pan)  is  one  of  the  typical  trees  of  this  region,  together  with  the  urticaceous 
genera  Pipturus,  Boehmeria,  and  Touchardia,  but  rarely  TJrera.  The  malvaceous 
Hibiscus  tiliaceus  (Hau),  and  also  the  native  white  Hibiscus,  species  Arnotti- 
anus,  a  medium-sized  tree,  may  be  found  in  this  region,  as  well  as  the  anacard- 
iaceous  Rkus  semialata  var.  Sandwicensis  (Neneleau).  The  latter,  however, 
forms  groves  by  itself. 

A  form  of  Maba  Sandwicensis  with  narrow  leaves  may  also  come  into  this 
region.  The  tree  is  especially  common  back  of  Hilo  along  the  road  leading  to 
Olaa.  Of  shrubs,  the  pretty  white  flowered  goodeniaceous  Scaevola  Ckamis- 
soniana  (Naupaka  kuahiwi)  is  very  gregarious  with  Wikstroemia;  the  latter 
genus  is  not  confined  to  this  region.  Next  to  the  Kukui,  but  not  quite  so  con- 
spicuous from  a  distance  on  account  of  its  much  smaller  size,  is  the  monocotyle- 
donous  plant,  Cordyline  terminalis,  the  common  Ti  or  Ki  of  the  natives.  It 
clothes,  sometimes,  the  lower  slopes  of  the  valleys,  on  steep  sides  or  precipices, 
crowding  out  every  other  undershrub. 

Special  mention  must  be  made  of  the  very  strong  and  beautiful  climber, 
Freycinetia  Arnotti,  which  covers  the  trunks  of  trees  (mainly  OJiia  leliua), 
smothering  them  beneath  its  great  masses  of  runners  with  their  peculiar  cling 

In  this  very  interesting  region  the  first  signs  of  Lobelioideae,  a  tribe  of  the 
family  Campanulaceae,  occur,  to  the  wronderful  development  of  which  the  writer 
wishes  to  call  attention.  (See  plate  VI.)  It  is  the  largest  of  all  other  families 
which  occur  in  this  Territory,  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  The  most  extreme  forms 
can  be  found,  from  two  to  over  forty  feet  in  height.  They  are  represented  at 
from  800  to  2000  feet  elevation  by  the  very  common  Clermontia  macrocarpa, 



CYANEA  TRITHOMANTA  Gray,  a  typical  lobelioideous  plant  of  the  lower  forest  region 
on  Hawaii;  the  vine  in  the  background  is  Freycinetia  Arnotti  Gaud,  (native  name: 

which  can  be  found  on  nearly  all  the  islands.  Higher  up,  its  place  is  taken  by 
the  most  interesting  and  peculiar  as  well  as  handsome  forms,  such  as  C.  persicae- 
folia,  C.  oblongifolia,  C.  drepanomorplia,  etc.  On  Oahu  the  genus  Rollandia, 
also  of  the  tribe  Lobelioideae,  is  represented  in  the  lower  forest  region  by  the 
species  R.  lanceolata  and  E.  grandifolia  and  another  species  of  Rollandia  found 
to  be  new  and  named  R.  truncata  by  the  author. 

Clermontia  Kolialae,  a  strictly  lower  forest  zone  type,  is  also  new  to  science. 
It  is  found  at  Kohala  on  the  island  of  Hawaii,  where  it  is  gregarious  at  1500 
to  2000  feet  elevation,  after  which  place  it  is  named.  It  is  a  small,  handsome 
tree,  flowering  in  the  summer.  To  this  region  belongs  also  Cyanea  angustifolia, 
C.  acuminata,  C.  grimesiana,  C.  scabra,  all  of  which  are  peculiar  to  this  region. 

The  gesneriaceous  genus  Cyrtandra,  with  its  many  species,  characterized 
by  the  often  bilabiate  corolla,  which  is  invariably  white,  having  a  fleshy  berry 
of  the  same  color  as  the  flower,  with  minute,  almost  microscopic  seeds,  belongs 
to  this  zone;  but  not  exclusively.  These  Cyrtandras  have  very  few  species  in 
this  region,  but  reach  their  best  development  in  the  middle  forest  zone. 

The  euphorbiaceous  Claoxylon,  a  small  shrub,  may  be  found  occasionally  in 
this  zone,  though  most  plentifully  on  West  Maui  in  the  valley  of  Waikapu.  Of 
vines,  several  Convolvulaceae,  especially  the  genus  Ipomoea,  are  found  trailing 
over  guava,  lantana  and  other  introduced  shrubbery  which  have  established 
themselves  in  the  lower  forest  region.  Besides  the  Convolvulaceae,  Dioscorea 
sativa  and  D.  pentaphylla  (Yam)  are  common,  as  well  as  the  liliaceous  Smilax 
Sandwicensis  (Ploi),  trailing  over  trees. 

The  Hawaiian  Labiatae  are  conspicuous  by  their  absence  in  this  region,  at 
least  in  the  region  belonging  to  the  windward  subsection,  though  two  are  found 
in  the  dry  section. 

Of  monocotyledonous  plants,  the  following  remain  to  be  mentioned:  The 
Alocasia  macrorrhiza  (Ape),  one  of  the  huge  species  of  taro,  but  not  edible, 
though  in  times  of  scarcity  the  stem  was  cooked  and  eaten  by  the  natives.  With 
leaves  several  feet  long,  they  can  occasionally  be  found  in  shaded  ravines  or 
valleys,  besides  the  useful  Tacca  pinnatifida  (Pia).  The  last,  but  not  least,  is 
JIusa  sapient  um,  the  Banana,  of  which  the  natives  recognized  some  forty  odd 
varieties,  which  is  a  typical  feature  of  the  lower  forest  zone,  and  with  it  is  the 
ginger,  Zingiber  zerumbet  (Awapuhi). 

The  cryptogamous  flora  is  also  represented  in  this  region,  its  most  conspicuous 
and  typical  representative  being  the  Asplenium  nidus  or  bird's-nest  fern,  \vhich 
usually  is  plentiful  in  the  forks  of  the  branches  of  the  Kukui,  with  which  it  is 
invariably  growing  when  not  terrestrial.  Of  other  ferns,  mention  may  be  made 
of  the  everpresent  Xcphrolepis  exaltata  and  the  very  troublesome  Gleichenia 
linear  is  (Ulithe),  which  covers  the  ground  so  thickly  with  its  far-reaching  branches 
that  it  is  next  to  impossible  to  penetrate  any  country  taken  up  by  this  robust 
fern.  It  is  usually  in  layers  of  four  to  five  or  even  more  feet  thick,  the  lower 
ones  usually  dead,  forming  a  canopy  over  which  one  crosses  only  with  great  diffi- 


culty.  It  is  often  dangerous  to  cross  places  where  this  fern  grows,  as  it  com- 
pletely hides  the  ground  underneath,  sometimes  concealing  the  holes,  into  which 
one  is  likely  to  fall  should  he  entrust  himself  to  this  treacherous  fern.  Several 
species  of  Poly-podium  are  present,  as  P.  spectrum,  etc.  Dryopteris  and  As- 
plenium  have  also  species  in  this  locality.  In  the  more  open  places  the  ground 
is  usually  covered  with  Commelina  nudiflora  (Honohonowai)  and  several  grasses, 
with  a  few  cyperaceous  plants,  such  as  Rhynchospora  thyrsoidea  and  Galmia 
Beecheyi.  In  the  more  open  glades  on  the  outskirts  of  the  lower  forests  Micro- 
lepia  strigosa  and  Odontosoria  ckinensis,  the  Palapalae  and  Palaa  ferns,  are 
quite  common,  while  occasionally  Cibotium  and  Sadleria  occur  in  this  region  also. 
The  family  Flacourtiaceae  is  represented  by  two  species  in  these  islands, 
both  of  the  lower  forest  zone,  though  one,  Xylosma  Hawaiiensis,  is  peculiar  to 
the  wet,  the  other,  X.  Hillebrandii,  to  the  dry.  This  holds  good  of  the  euphor- 
biaceous  genus  Antidesma,  with  its  two  species,  A.  platypkyllum  and  A.  pulvi- 
natum,  the  former  occurring  in  the  wet  section  as  well  as  in  the  dry,  while  the 
latter  is  found  mainly  in  the  dry  section  of  the  lower  forest  zone. 


No  two  forest  floras  could  be  more  different  and  strikingly  peculiar  than 
those  in  question.  The  plant  covering  of  the  leeward  regions,  as  for  example 
the  Waianae  mountains,  Oahu,  the  southern  slope  of  Haleakala,  Maui,  the 
west  end  of  Molokai,  etc.,  is  the  richest  in  species  as  far  as  tree  growth  is  con- 
cerned. Nearly  all  trees  growing  on  these  more  or  less  arid  lava  fields  have 
developed  extremely  hard,  close-grained  wood.  Only  four  or  five  species,  as 
Reynoldsia,  Erythrina,  Nothocestrum,  etc.,  are  soft-wooded,  and  possess  exceed- 
ingly thin  bark,  while  those  of  hard  wood  possess  a  usually  rough,  scaly  bark  of 
perhaps  half  an  inch  or  more  in  thickness.  This  striking  flora  gives  the  region 
a  most  peculiar  aspect,  and  more  so  in  such  places  which  were  disturbed  by  more 
or  less  recent  lava  flows,  destroying  the  original  vegetation,  which  is  then  suc- 
ceeded by  an  entirely  different  plant  growth.  These  districts  which  harbor  such 
an  interesting  flora  are  not  very  large,  being  only  perhaps  two  to  four  miles 
long  at  the  most  and  much  less  wide.  It  is  in  these  peculiar  regions  that  the 
botanical  collector  will  find  more  in  one  day  collecting  than  in  a  week  or  two  in  a 
wet  region,  and  may  it  be  said  here  that  it  is  indeed  astonishing  that  these  various 
places  like  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  Hawaii,  and  Kahikinui,  Maui,  have  been 
•entirely  neglected  by  the  botanical  collectors  who  have  previously  visited  these 
islands.  It  may  be  of  interest  to  know  that  not  less  than  60  per  cent  of  all  the 
species  of  indigenous  trees  growing  in  these  islands  can  be  found  and  are  pecu- 
liar to  the  dry  regions  or  lava  fields  of  the  lower  forest  zone,  which  in  certain 
localities  gradually  passes  into  the  middle  forest  region,  carrying  a  few  trees  up 
into  the  latter  zone. 

Exceptions  are  certain  kipukas  on  Hawaii,  at  an  elevation  of  between  4000 
and  5000  feet,  which  possess  a  flora  which  is  otherwise  entirely  restricted  to  the 


lower  forest  region.  In  these  restricted  areas  one  may  find  from  40  to  50 
species  of  trees,  some  of  which  are  confined  to  one  locality  only.  It  is  in  these 
places  that  the  writer  has  found  many  new  species  of  trees  and  rediscovered 
some  which  were  thought  to  have  become  extinct.  Of  course,  most  of  the  Ha- 
waiian plant  genera  have  representatives  in  both  wet  and  dry  districts,  which 
differ  so  greatly  from  each  other  that  one  cannot  help  coming  to  the  conclusion 
that  they  must  have  originated  in  different  periods,  meaning  that  their  evolution 
was  not  carried  on  simultaneously. 

The  Kukui  is  sparingly  represented  in  these  floral  districts  and  is  replaced 
by  the  araliaceous  Reynoldsia  sandwicensis,  a  striking  tree  of  sometimes  50  feet 
in  height.  (See  plate  VII.)  It  is  one  of  the  trees  which  possesses  a  soft  wood 
and  an  exceedingly  thin  bark.  Its  most  plentiful  associate  is  the  leguminous 
Erythrina  monosperma,  the  Wiliwili  of  the  natives,  whose  wood  is  also  very 
light  and  soft. 

Nearly  all  Hawaiian  Araliaceae  come  into  this  region,  with  the  exception  of 
a  very  few  species,  such  as  Tetraplasandra  Waialealae,  the  Oahuan  varieties  of 
T.  meiandra,  Clieirodendron  platyphyllum,  and  Pterotropia  gymnocarpa,  which 
are  characteristic  of  the  rain  forest.  Pterotropia  dipyrena  is  peculiar  to  the 
region  discussed  in  this  chapter,  though  sometimes  going  over  into  the  middle 
forest  zone,  to  which  Pterotropia  Kavaiensis,  a  handsome  tree  found  only  on  the 
island  of  Kauai,  is  peculiar. 

The  Apocynaceae  have  three  arborescent  species  represented,  Rauwolfia  sand- 
wicensis (Hao),  either  a  shrub  or  more  often  a  tree,  and  Ochrosia  sandwicensis 
(Holei),  not  uncommon,  and  Pteralyxia  macrocarpa  (Kaulu),  only  found  on 
Oahu  in  the  valley  of  Makaleha.  The  latter  is  a  small  tree,  with  large,  bright 
red,  double  fruits.  The  Gynopogon  oliviformis  (Maile),  also  belonging  to  this 
family,  has  a  variety  myrtillifolia  occuring  in  the  dry  forests,  usually  climbing 
over  trees,  and  sometimes  strangling  them  to  death. 

The  most  common  tree  is  the  liliaceous  Dracaena  aurea,  or  Halapepe  of  the 
natives.  It  is  entirely  restricted  to  this  region  and  only  very  rarely  is  found 
outside  of  it. 

These  dry  or  mixed  forest  regions  occur,  however,  in  other  tropical  countries, 
as  in  East  Java  and  India,  and  are  peculiar  in  so  far  as  they  are  composed  of 
periodically  deciduous  trees.  In  Hawaii  only  three  or  four  species  lose  their 
leaves  in  the  dry  season,  as  Erythrina  monosperma,  Reynoldsia  sandwicensis, 
Kokia  drynariodes,  and  Sapindus  saponaria.  The  same  may  be  said  of  No- 
thocestrum,  which  also  sheds  its  leaves,  but  without  ever  becoming  leafless,  as 
its  defoliation  immediately  precedes  its  acquisition  of  new  foliage.  These  dry, 
forest  regions  or  mixed  woodlands  have  hardly  ever  been  investigated,  previous 
explorers  confining  their  investigations  to  the  wet  forests,  which  appear  from  a 
distance  much  more  promising.  These  rain  forests,  however,  display  much  less 
variety  than  the  mixed  forest,  where  not  a  single  tree  species  can  be  called  domi- 
nant. Of  course,  there  are  exceptions,  as  for  example  in  South  Kona,  on  Hawaii, 


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where  Metrosideros  polymorplia  (Oliia  leliua)  got  the  upper  hand  and  now  forms 
nearly  pure  stands,  with  perhaps  a  few  other  trees,  like  Straussia  and  Suttonia, 
on  the  more  recent  lava  flows  which  intersect  the  mixed  forests.  This,  however, 
is  due  to  the  wonderful  adaptability  of  the  Oliia  to  nearly  any  environment 
trad  to  its  quicker  growth,  while  the  trees  of  the  mixed  lower  forests  are  ex- 
tremely slow  growing  and  their  seeds  usually  do  not  germinate  before  one  or 
two  years,  or  perhaps  much  longer,  after  which  the  two  cotyledons  remain  for 
another  year  before  a  third  leaf  appears.  Trees  of  these  mixed  forests  have 
practically  no  epiphytes  and  only  one  or  two  lianes  are  present,  Embelia  sp., 
whose  huge,  rope-like  stems  are  entangled  in  the  tops  of  the  trees,  having  a  thick- 
ness of  several  inches  near  the  ground,  on  which  they  are  twisted  like  the  coil  of  a 
rope  before  ascending  the  trees.  This  giant  Embelia  has  only  been  observed  so 
far  by  the  writer  in  the  kipuka  Puaulu,  near  the  volcano  on  Hawaii. 

Caesalpinia  bonducella  is  very  common  on  the  lava  fields,  and  the  writer  met 
with  huge  plants  whose  rope-like  stems  climbed  the  tallest  trees,  forming  also  an 
impenetrable  mass  on  the  ground,  very  treacherous  on  account  of  their  recurved 
sharp  thorns  and  very  spiny  seed  pods.  Besides  these  lianes,  two  parasites  are 
exceedingly  common,  one  being  the  Hawaiian  mistletoe,  Viscum  articulatum, 
which  at  that  locality  infests  mainly  the  ebenaceous  Maba  sandwicensis,  while 
the  leafless  parasite,  Cassytha  filiformis,  with  its  thousands  of  thread-like,  yellow 
ftems,  covers  the  tops  of  trees  (usually  Plectronia  odor  at  a),  which  in  due  time 
succumb  to  this  pest.  (See  plate  VIII.) 

Strange  to  say,  these  mixed  forests  have  hardly  any  native  undergrowth, 
with  the  exception  of  a  few  ferns  and  grasses,  though  in  late  years  lantana  and 
guava  have  driven  out  the  few  native  plants  which  formed  this  undergrowth. 
In  dry  forests  of  normal  conditions  a  few  composites  thrive,  such  as  Lipochaeta, 
and  a  menispermaceous  vine,  CoccuUis  Ferrandianus,  and  a  species  of  the  cucur- 
bitaceous  genus  Sicyos.  Some  of  the  trees  belonging  to  the  mixed  or  dry  forests, 
as  the  handsome  Pelea  multiflora,  Alectryon  macrococcus  and  Hibiscadelphus, 
but  mainly  the  former,  are  covered  with  a  species  of  lichen  which  gives  the  trees 
a  mournful  appearance  and  is  really  injurious  to  them.  This  particular  species 
(Usnea  australis)  does  not  infest  all  trees,  but  only  certain  species,  mainly  Pelea 
multiflora,  in  the  dry  forest  of  Auahi  on  the  southern  slope  of  Haleakala. 

Though  it  is  said  that  the  more  conspicuous  lichens  are  common  on  unhealthy 
trees,  rather  than  on  thrifty  ones,  nevertheless  when  they  do  occur  in  such  quan- 
tities as  on  some  of  the  trees  of  the  mixed  forests,  they  must  interfere  with  the 
functions  of  the  bark.  It  also  may  be  said  that  nowhere  is  the  lichen  flora  richer 
in  species  than  in  the  mixed  or  dry  forest  of  the  lower  zone. 

On  Kauai,  the  dry  or  mixed  forest  zone  has  almost  entirely  disappeared  and 
only  a  few  trees  can  still  be  found.  Most  of  the  land  has  "been  cleared  for  sugar 
cane  fields  up  to  an  elevation  of  nearly  2000  feet;  above  Makaweli  only  little  is 
left,  while  above  Kekaha  only  grass  land  spreads  up  to  an  elevation  of  nearly 
3000  feet. 



INTERIOR  OF  FERN  FOREST  on  Hawaii,  near  Volcano  Kilauea,  elevation  4000  feet. 
The  tree  ferns  are  Cibotium;  undergrowth  ferns,  Dryopteris,  Asplenium,  Aspidium, 

That  there  was  once  a  mixed  woodland  is  told  by  the  very  few  remaining 
trees,  such  as  the  white  Hibiscus  (Hibiscus  Waimeae),  a  handsome  tree  with 
large,  white,  showy  flowers,  which  still  exists  in  a  small  valley  in  company  with 
Osmanthus  sandwicensis.  At  an  elevation  of  1000  feet,  back  of  Makaweli,  the 
most  common  tree  is  Sapindus  oahuensis,  remarkable  for  its  simple  leaves.  This 
tree  has  hitherto  not  been  reported  from  Kauai,  from  whence  it  must  have  come 
to  Oahu,  being  much  more  numerous  on  Kauai  than  on  the  latter  island. 

The  plants  which  make  up  the  mixed  woodlands  are  usually  the  same  on  all 
the  islands,  with  the  exception  of  certain  species  which  are  peculiar  to  certain 
localities.  Among  them  are  the  following :  Hibiscus  Waimeae  to  Kauai ;  Ptera- 
lyxia  macrocarpa,  an  apocynaceous  tree  with  bright  red  double  fruits,  to  the 
Waianae  mountains  on  Oahu;  Pelea  multiflora,  a  newly  described  species,  to- 
gether with  P.  cinerea  var.  racemosa,  Hibiscadelplnis  WUderianus,  Sideroxylon 
aualiiense,  all  new  to  science,  peculiar  to  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  southern  slopes 
of  Haleakala;  and  Pittosporum  Hosmeri,  Xanthoxylum  dipetalum  var.  nov., 
Kokia  Rockii,  and  others,  to  Puuwaawaa,  Kona,  Hawaii;  while  Tetraplasandra 
Lanaiensis  and  a  few  other  species  are  found  on  Lanai  only. 

Not  all  dry  forests  of  the  lower  zone  are,  however,  alike,  some  differing  very 
materially  in  possessing  fewer  species  of  trees  than  others,  and  thus  form,  so 
to  say,  a  transition  type.  On  Maui  the  forest  above  Makawao,  which  gradually 
passes  into  the  middle  forest  zone,  has  a  similar  aspect  to  the  dry  forest  on  the 
southern  slope,  but,  being  more  to  the  windward  side,  and  therefore  receiving 
more  rain,  is  unsuitable  for  certain  tree  species,  and  thus  less  rich  in  species. 
Between  this  forest,  which  is  somewhat  a  mixture  of  rain  and  dry  forest,  since 
it  has  suitable  conditions  for  plants  of  both  regions,  and  Kula,  is  now  a  large 
treeless  plain,  with  the  exception  of  the  intervening  valleys,  or  rather  old  lava 
gulches,  with  their  precipitous  walls,  which  show  still  a  very  interesting  tree 
growth,  mainly  composed  of  Sideroxylon,  Xanthoxylum,  Pseudomorus  and  Dra- 
caena. The  slopes  of  Kula,  where  once  a  beautiful  dry  forest  existed,  are  now 
bare  owing  to  cattle,  and  the  only  trees  still  to  be  found  are  Dracaena  aurea. 

At  Ulupalakua  native  vegetation  has  disappeared  entirely  and  only  planted 
Eucalypti  are  to  be  seen.  The  land  of  Ulupalakua  must  be  extremly  old,  as  not 
much  lava  is  visible,  while  the  immediate  vicinity  shows  lava  flows  of  little  age. 
Several  lava  flows  of  various  ages  must  have  flowed  down  the  mountain  at  in- 
tervals of  a  century  or  perhaps  more,  which  can  be  judged  by  the  presence  of 
the  various  floral  aspects  on  these  different  lava  flows.  The  older  lava  flow  has 
been  taken  possession  of  by  tree  growth  of  such  species  belonging  to  the  typical 
dry  forest  as  are  more  easily  transported  by  either  winds  or  birds  and  have  the 
advantage  of  becoming  more  easily  established  than  others,  while  the  newer  and 
also  somewhat  blacker  flow  is  covered  by  a  somewhat  different  vegetation,  mainly 
of  introduced  weeds,  with  here  and  there  a  native  shrub.  Beyond  these  flows  is 
the  typical  mixed  or  dry  forest,  undoubtedly  of  great  age;  its  area  is  about  500 
acres,  and  is  mainly  aa  (rough)  lava,  very  much  disintegrated  in  some  places, 


though  where  it  is  not  covered  with  vegetation  other  than  lichens  it  shows  still 
all  its  characteristics. 

Beyond  Auahi,  with  its  fifty  species  of  trees,  is  open,  flat,  rough  country  with 
a  few  scattered  trees  of  Xanthoxylum,  the  last  stragglers  from  the  dry  forest 
which  have  ventured  out  into  the  open,  or  perhaps  are  the  survivors  of  an  old 
forest  previously  existing  in  this  locality.  Close  to  it  lies  the  Kaupo  Gap,  or 
southern  outlet  of  Haleakala  crater,  beyond  which  seems  to  be  a  semi-wet  dis- 
trict, followed  immediately  by  the  rain  forest. 




The  Island  of  Hawaii  is  composed  mainly  of  the  three  mountains,  Mauna 
Kea  (13,823  feet),  Mauna  Loa  (13,675  feet),  and  Hualalai  (8273  feet),  while 
the  western  end,  the  mountains  of  Kohala,  are  said  to  have  formed  once  a  sepa- 
rate island,  being  about  of  the  same  age  as  West  Maui.  The  now  extinct  volcano, 
Mauna  Kea,  the  highest  mountain  of  the  Pacific,  is  the  oldest  volcano  on  Hawaii, 
while  Mauna  Loa,  whose  summit  crater,  Mokuaweoweo,  still  becomes  periodically 
active,  is  the  youngest.  Mt.  Hualalai,  the  lowest  of  the  volcanoes  on  Hawaii,  now 
supposed  to  be  extinct,  was  last  active  a  little  over  a  century  ago,  its  last  erup- 
tion, in  1801,  being  thought  to  have  been  witnessed  by  an  Englishman. 

Naturally  an  island  like  Hawaii,  still  in  process  of  formation,  represents 
widely  ranging  districts :  ancient  lava  flo\vs,  deserts,  dense  tropical  rain  forests, 
dry  or  mixed  forests,  new  lava  flows  bare  of  any  vegetation,  alpine  zones,  and 
almost  any  climate  from  dry  desert  heat  to  the  most  humid  air  of  the  rain  forest, 
from  tropical  heat  to  ice  and  almost  perpetual  snow  at  the  summits  of  the  moun- 
tains, where  a  temperature  of  13  degrees  Fahrenheit  in  midsummer  is  nothing 
uncommon.  From  a  phytogeographic  standpoint  the  island  of  Hawaii  offers  the 
most  interesting  field  in  the  Pacific. 

All  these  various  districts,  with  their  peculiar  climates,  support  many  inter- 
esting types  of  plant  coverings. 

The  windward  side  of  Hawaii,  as  of  nearly  all  the  other  islands,  is  very  pre- 
cipitous, especially  along  the  western  end,  the  Kohala  mountains,  where  ver- 
tical cliffs  nearly  3000  feet  in  height  are  covered  with  verdure  almost  to  the 
the  water's  edge.  The  rainfall  is  exceedingly  heavy  in  this  district,  and  the 
waters  have  cut  huge  gorges  into  these  rocky  walls,  such  as  the  valleys  of  Waipio, 
Waimanu,  Pololu,  Honokaneiki,  etc.  The  vegetation  of  these  valleys  is  rather 
uniform,  and  has  been  described  under  the  lower  windward  forest  region. 

Between  Kohala  and  Mauna  Kea  is  a  large  plain  of  many  thousands  of  acres, 
now  mainly  grassland,  at  an  elevation  of  2000  to  3700  feet,  after  which  the  slopes 
of  Mauna  Kea  rise  more  steeply.  At  from  3700  feet  up  to  7000  feet,  on  this  big 
plain,  is  a  belt  of  forest  composed  mainly  of  Sopliora  clirysopliylla,  while  lower 
down  are  scattered  trees,  usually  Osmantkus  sandwicensis,  the  Hawaiian  olive, 
with  Myoporum  sandwlcense,  the  Naio,  etc.  To  windward,  the  mountain  slopes 
rather  gently,  forming  the  Hamakua  coast,  which  at  the  lowlands  has  been 
planted  with  sugar  cane  exclusively  up  to  an  elevation  of  2000  feet.  From  thence 


up  is  a  stretch  of  forest  which  receives  a  heavy  rainfall,  and  is  composed  mainly 
of  Metrosideros  polymorpha,  with  Perottetia,  Straussia,  Suttonia,  Pipturus  and 
other  trees  peculiar  to  such  a  forest  type.  Epiphytic  plants  occur  in  great  num- 
bers, especially  Pteridophytes  and  vines  like  the  Freycinetia  Arnotti  (le-ie), 
while  the  lobeliaceous  Clermontia  parviflora  is  found  on  trunks  of  trees  and  on 
tree  ferns.  The  whole  forest,  however,  has  suffered  greatly,  not  only  from  the  in- 
vasion by  cattle,  but  also  by  forest  fires,  which  have  destroyed  large  areas. 
Ilex  sandwicensis  is  found  in  great  numbers,  besides  huge  tree  ferns,  Cibo- 
tium  Menziesii,  some  of  which  measure  25  to  30  feet  in  height,  with  a  diameter 
of  3  feet.  The  fibrous  trunks  are  usually  covered  with  multitudes  of  species. 
Vaccinium  is  plentiful,  also  Clermontiae  and  Eubus  Macraei.  The  Ohio,,  which 
becomes  a  tall  tree,  is  festooned  with  the  liliaceous  Astelia  veratroides,  besides 
Smilax  and  other  plants. 

Between  2000  and  3000  feet  elevation  the  forest  has  disappeared  and  only 
stragglers  of  tree  ferns  can  be  found  standing,  though  ten  times  as  many  are 
lying  dead  on  the  ground  and  overgrown  with  all  possible  weeds,  which  the 
ranchmen  have  imported  with  their  grass  seeds.  Among  them  is  the  composite 
climber,  Senecio  mikanioides,  an  awful  pest,  which  has  become  well  established 
on  Hawaii.  At  3000  feet  a  few  K oa  trees  can  be  found,  together  with  Naio,  and 
here  also  was  found  a  single  native  palm,  Pritchardia  sp.,  windswept  and  half 
dead.  If  one  considers  the  natural  condition  in  which  this  palm  flourishes,  as 
for  example  in  the  dense  tropical  rain  forests  in  Kohala,  and  then  looks  at  the 
single  plant  all  alone  in  a  field  of  Paspalum  conjugatum,  as  the  accuser  of  man 
the  destroyer,  it  stands  a  witness  to  the  fact  that  there,  surrounding  it,  was  once 
a  beautiful  tropical  jungle.  Above  this  dead  forest  belt  is  grass  land  only, 
while  a  little  higher  up  Sopkora  chrysophylla  forms  a  belt  of  forest  together 
with  Acacia  Koa,  on  whose  trunks  grows  Asplenium  adiantum  nigrum.  Far- 
ther up  the  Koa  gives  place  to  the  Mamani,  which  forms  the  sole  vegetation  be- 
sides a  few  straggling  shrubs  of  the  rosaceous  Osteomeles  anthyllidi folia  at 
6000  feet. 

In  this  locality  are  three  cinder  cones  or  craters  on  the  mountain  slope,  Ka- 
luamakani,  a  little  over  7000  feet,  Moano,  and  Nau.  The  vegetation  on  these 
cones  is  scanty.  The  crater  holes  are  very  shallow  and  sandy  and  harbor  only 
few  plants.  On  the  rim  of  the  cones  grows  the  monocotyledonous  Sisyrynchium 
acre,  a  glabrous  plant  6  to  10  inches  in  height,  with  small  yellow  flowers.  In 
the  shade  of  the  Mamani,  as  well  as  on  the  slopes,  grows  Ranunculus  Hawaii- 
ensis,  while  in  the  cracks  of  the  crater  wall  several  grasses,  Cynodon  dactylon, 
Koehleria  glomerata,  and  Deschampsia  australis  var.  were  found  in  company 
with  Gnaphalium  luteo-album.  At  an  elevation  of  7000  feet  on  the  wind- 
ward slope,  Eaillardia  arborea,  one  of  the  Hawaiian  tree  composites,  grows  in 
company  with  the  epacridaceous  Cyathodes.  On  the  crater  Nau  several  Compositae 
were  found,  mainly  Raillardia,  but  also  Campylotheca  and  Lipochaeta,  besides 
a  tree.  Euphorbia  lori folia,  and  several  herbaceous  Labiatae  of  the  genus  Ste- 


nogyne.  Encircling  the  base  of  the  cone  Nau  is  a  deep  lava  gulch  with  precipi- 
tous walls,  inaccessible  to  cattle.  Here  a  composite  vegetation  with  Labiatae 
flourishes;  while  outside  only  the  hardy  Mamani  trees  have  survived  the  ravages 
of  cattle. 

The  forests  of  Puna  near  Hilo  are  extremely  rich  and  are  situated  almost 
between  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Kea  and  Mauna  Loa.  Immediately  back  of  Hilo 
is  a  somewhat  mixed  forest  composed  of  species  of  trees  peculiar  to  the  dry  and 
wet  regions.  The  nearly  impenetrable  forests  of  the  Hilo  district  are  com- 
posed mainly  of  Mctrosideros  polymorpha,  which  forms  almost  pure  stands. 


The  floral  aspects  of  the  country  surrounding  Kilauea  are  exceedingly  in- 
teresting, as  there  are  many  peculiar  types  of  vegetation  which  are  limited  to 
certain  small  areas.  Immediately  back  of  the  Volcano  House  is  the  fern  or  rain 
forest  (see  plate  IX),  composed  of  the  tree  ferns  Cibotium  Menziesii  and 
Cibotmm  Cliamissoi,  which  reach  here  a  wonderful  development  as  far  as  fronds 
are  concerned,  though  the  trunks  are  not  so  high  as  in  the  mountains  of  Kohala. 
The  main  trees  are  Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii,  Ilex  sandwicensis,  Suttonia 
Lessertiana,  while  lobeliaceous  species  such  as  Clermontia  parviflora  var.  plei- 
antlia  and  others  grow  in  the  forks  of  trees.  Metrosideros  polymorplia  is  also 
extremely  common.  The  trunks  of  these  trees  are  usually  covered  with  moss  a 
foot  or  so  thick,  holding  a  tremendous  amount  of  water.  In  the  moss  on  these 
trees  epiphytes  are  numerous ;  10  to  15  species  of  ferns  can  sometimes  be  found 
on  one  trunk,  mainly  Poly  podium  tamariscinum,  P.  lineare,  P.  pseudo- 
gramnntis,  P.  sarmentosum,  Asplenium  horridum,  A.  pseudofalcatum,  Elaplio- 
glossum  gorgonciim,  E.  reticulatum,  E.  Wawrae,  etc.,  while  an  occasional  Ly- 
copod  may  be  found  also.  Besides  these  numerous  ferns,  the  liliaceous  plant 
Astelia  vcrairoidcs  forms  dense  beds,  especially  on  horizontal  tree  trunks,  while 
Vaccinhtm  penduliflorum  and  another  variety  occur  quite  frequently  on  the 
same  trees.  The  undergrowth  is  mainly  of  ferns  of  the  genera  Asplenium  and 
Aspidium.  (See  plate  X.)  From  the  trunks  of  tree  ferns  a  beautiful  Labiate, 
with  large  pink  flowers,  Stcnogyne  calamintlwides,  hangs  gracefully  and  some- 
times interlaces  several  tree  ferns  with  a  number  of  its  runners.  Of  shrubs, 
Broiissaisia  arguta  and  several  species  of  Cyrtandra  are  not  uncommon,  while  in 
certain  localities  the  cyperaceous  Uncinia  sp.  covers  the  ground.  However,  the 
native  undergrowth  is  now  being  driven  out  by  the  tenacious  Eul)iis  jamaicensis, 
or  thimble  berry,  an  introduced  pest,  which  makes  walking  very  difficult  on  ac- 
count of  its  nasty  recurved  thorns.  The  plant  grows  luxuriously  in  the  shade  of 
the  tree  ferns.  Besides  this  obnoxious  plant,  another  one  has  been  introduced  of 
late,  the  ordinary  blackberry,  which  already  shows  signs  of  having  taken  a 
strong  foothold. 

Before  one  reaches  the  true  rain  or  fern  forest,  where  rich,  black,  muddy 
soil  abounds,  a  sort  of  semi-wet  forest,  or  rather  shrubby  vegetation,  is  passed 


through.  Sadleria  ferns,  which  like  the  open  country,  are  numerous,  with  an 
occasional  Cibotium  (see  plate  XI)  ;  the  trees  are  the  same  as  in  the  rain  forest, 
but  are  more  stunted,  while  the  shrubs  are  composed  of  different  species.  Vac- 
cinium  reticulatum  ranks  first,  then  Cyathodes  tameiameia,  an  epacridaceous 
plant  with  pretty  white  and  red  berries,  and  also  the  poisonous  thymelaeaceous 
plant  Wikstroemia  sp.  On  the  open  lava  fields  Ohio,  lehua  abounds,  and  especially 
along  the  hot  sulphur  cracks,  where  the  small  trees  are  covered  with  the  yellow 
crystals.  Many  cyperaceous  plants  can  be  found ;  among  them  are  the  following 
indigenous  species :  Cyperus  mauiensis,  Carex  sandwicensis,  Gahnia  Gaudi- 
cliaudii,  Cladium  angustifolium,  Cladium  Meyenii,  etc.  In  the  old  cracks,  San- 
talum  Freycinetianum  var.  latifolium  is  common,  besides  several  species  of 
Coprosma  and  the  composite  shrub  Raillardia  laxiflora,  the  sapindaceous  cos- 
mopolitan Dodonaea  viscosa,  besides  the  common  fern,  Polypodium  pellucidum, 
Lycopodium  cernuum,  etc.  Adjoining  this  open  scrub  vegetation  is  the  Koa 
forest  (see  plate  XII),  where  giant  trees  can  be  seen,  some  reaching  a  height  of 
80  feet  with  a  trunk  6  feet  or  so  in  diameter.  It  is  mixed  with  Ohio,  lehua, 
Straussia,  Suttonia,  Perrottetia,  and  tree  ferns,  while  in  the  forks  of  its  branches 
small  trees  of  a  new  lobeliaceous  plant,  Clermontia  sp.,*  have  established  them- 
selves. Miles  of  this  forest  exist  in  which  one  can  easily  lose  his  way  if  he  tries 
to  penetrate  into  the  interior,  which  in  certain  localities  is  inaccessible.  The 
le-ie  vine  is  occasionally  met  with,  but  4000  feet  elevation  is  its  limit.  Border- 
ing this  forest  to  the  south  are  extensive  lava  flows  of  aa,  which  have  now  been 
taken  possession  of  by  Acacia  Koa  solely.  (See  plate  XIII.)  Here  the  trees 
do  not  grow  straight,  but  have  short  trunks  with  very  crooked  branches,  of 
which  the  lower  invariably  trail  on  the  ground.  In  contrast  to  the  lowland  aa 
flows,  which  are  taken  possession  of  by  Ohia,  at  this  elevation  Koa  is  the  pre- 
dominant or  sole  tree. 

Three  or  four  miles  from  the  Volcano  House,  in  the  midst  of  aa  lava  just 
described,  is  a  bit  of  land  composed  of  56  acres,  which  is  called  Kipuka  Puaulu 
by  the  natives.  This  little  oasis,  as  it  should  properly  be  termed,  shows  no  sign 
of  lava  rock,  but  has  rich,  deep,  black  soil  which  supports  a  marvelous  mixture 
of  vegetation.  As  many  as  forty  species  of  trees  are  present  in  this  beautiful 
park-like  spot.  (See  plate  XIV.)  It  is  of  a  similar  nature  to  the  mixed  or  dry 
forest  of  the  lower  forest  zone.  This  kipuka  or  oasis  is  situated  at  an  elevation 
of  4000  to  4500  feet,  and  is  surrounded  on  three  sides  by  old  aa  flows,  20  to  30 
feet  thick,  while  on  the  southeast  side  it  is  cut  off  by  an  old  pahoehoe  flow, 
which  supports  a  scanty  Ohia  lehua  growth.  Many  unique  species  of  trees  occur 
in  this  beautiful  spot,  and  have  not  been  found  on  the  other  islands  and  not 
even  in  other  localities  on  the  same  island. 

It  is  the  writer's  opinion  that  this  forest  is  the  sort  of  type  which  covered 
the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  at  this  elevation  for  quite  a  large  area  but  was  de- 
stroyed by  the  many  lava  flows  which  broke  out  on  the  flanks  of  the  mountain. 
Fortunately  this  little  oasis,  which  will  soon  be  reserved  as  a  National  park, 

Clermontia   Hawaiiensis    (Hbd.)    Rock. 


escaped  the  fiery  streams  by  its  elevation.  It  is  now  used  as  a  fattening  paddock 
for  cattle,  and  it  is  indeed  high  time  that  something  is  done,  or  else  these  won- 
derful trees,  many  of  them  new  and  unique,  will  be  a  thing  of  the  past,  in  even 
the  nearest  future.  No  undergrowth  exists,  with  the  exception  of  a  few  ferns, 
mainly  Aspidium  and  Asplenium,  the  most  common  being  Polysticlmm  falca- 
tum  var. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  trees  is  a  Malvaceae  nearest  to  Hibiscus.  Only 
one  tree  is  in  existence,  and  was  described  by  the  writer  as  a  new  genus  under 
the  name  "  Hibiscadelphus. "  Two  other  species  have  since  been  discovered  by 
the  writer  belonging  to  the  same  new  genus,  which  will  be  mentioned  in  their 
respective  places.  Among  the  biggest  trees  is  a  new  variety  of  Xanthoxylum, 
with  a  straight  trunk  of  over  a  foot  in  diameter.  (See  plate  83.)  Several  species 
of  Pelea,  besides  other  Xanthoxyla,  Sapindus  saponaria,  and  Suttonia,  etc., 
make  up  this  beautiful  park. 

Beyond  this  oasis  is  another  aa  lava  flow  of  more  recent  age,  as  it  is  still 
covered  with  a  sort  of  scrub  vegetation.  Dodonaea,  Rumex  giganteus,  Coprosma 
ernodeoides — the  Kukainene  of  the  natives,  Cyperus  mauiensis,  Carex,  Koehleria 
glomerata,  Styphelia,  and  a  few  others  form  the  main  vegetation,  while  a  little 
lower  is  a  triangular  spot  which  was  saved  from  the  lava  flows  and  supports  a 
number  of  trees  of  Pittosporum  Hosmeri  var.,*  the  only  Pittosporum  representa- 
tive in  the  whole  district.  It  is  most  remarkable  that  not  a  single  species  of 
Pittosporum  or  Sideroxylon  can  be  found  in  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  which  has  most 
of  their  associates  represented,  while  these  two  genera  are  conspicuous  by  their 
absence.  With  these  Pittosporum  are  Pelea  volcanica,  Pelea  sp  ?  and  Cheiro- 
dendron  Gaudicliaudii.  This  strip  of  lava  beyond  the  little  oasis  is  about  half  a 
mile  wide.  On  its  other  side  is  an  aa  flow  of  much  greater  age.  Oliia  leliua  has 
covered  it  densely,  together  with  other  species,  the  former,  however,  being  the 
dominant  tree. 

Adjoining  this  flow  is  another  kipuka  called  Ki,  similar  to  Puaulu,  though 
much  younger,  as  the  vegetation  is  not  half  as  rich  in  species  as  that  of  the 
latter.  Sapindus  saponaria  is  the  predominant  species,  forming  50  per  cent  of 
the  tree  growth,  while  Acacia  Koa,  Sophora  clirysophylla,  Straussia,  Pelea  vol- 
canica; and  others  make  up  the  rest  of  the  forest.  Sapindus  saponaria  is  the 
largest  tree  present,  reaching  a  height  of  about  80  feet,  with  trunks  of  2  to  3 
feet  in  diameter.  There  is  no  undergrowth  now  with  the  exception  of  a  few 
Aspidium  and  Polystichum  ferns.  Lichen  growth  is  extremely  rich  in  species, 
especially  on  the  bark  of  Sapindus  saponaria.  This  last  kipuka  is  at  an  eleva- 
tion of  about  4600  to  5000  feet.  Above  it  is  still  another  aa  flow  occupied  by 
Acacia  Koa,  while  below  it  is  a  forest  of  Sophora  clirysopliylla,  which  at  this, 
elevation,  4000  to  5000  feet,  reaches  its  best  development. 

Another  aa  flow  joins  this  kipuka  on  the  southwest  side,  supporting  a  vege- 
tation similar  to  the  one  adjoining  it  on  the  other,  but  is  still  younger.  This, 
flow  is  perhaps  two  miles  wide,  and  must  have  come  from  the  west  flank  of 

Pittosporum  Hosmeri  var.  longifolia  Rock  v.  n. 



TYPICAL  JUNGLE  OF  THE  LOWER  FOREST  REGION,  at  Hilea,  Kau,  Hawaii,  eleva- 
tion 1800  feet.  Ferns  to  left,  Sadleria;  to  right,  Cibotium;  vine  in  background, 
Freycinetia  Arnotti  Gaud. 

Manna  Loa.     The  vegetation  is  extremely  uniform,  Oliia  lehua  being  the  only 
tree,  while  in  certain  localities  it  is  entirely  bare  of  vegetation. 

At  5000  feet  elevation  is  a  large  area  of  land  with  rich  soil  supporting  a 
number  of  species  of  native  grasses,  mainly  Koehleria  glomerata,  with  Car  ex 
sandwicensis  var.  lav  arum.  Most  beautiful  Koa  trees  of  great  size  form  clumps 
of  forests,  together  with  Mamani.  This  land,  which  has  been  reserved  as  a  pad- 
dock, must  be  extremely  old,  as  no  lava  is  visible,  and  is  sharply  contrasted  by 
the  rugged,  sharp,  black  aa  lava  flows  bordering  it.  Above  this  paddock,  which 
is  of  considerable  extent,  is  the  again  everpresent  lava.  It  is  only  on  this  side, 
but  mainly  above  Kapapala,  that  the  silversword,  Argyroxipliium  sandwicense, 
is  found  as  low  down  as  7000  feet  elevation  on  Manna  Loa.  The  vegetation  from 
the  volcano  until  one  reaches  Hilea,  in  Kan,  is  extremely  uniform  and  quite  unin- 
teresting. At  Hilea,  the  slopes  of  Manna  Loa  are  cut  into  many  divisions,  mainly 
valleys  and  ridges  with  very  precipitous  slopes.  From  Naalehu  the  country 
slopes  very  gradually. 



Immediately  below  Hilea  proper  the  land  is  all  under  cultivation,  sugar  cane 
being  the  only  crop.  At  an  elevation  of  about  2000  feet  is  a  small  plateau, 
mainly  composed  of  pahoehoe  lava  of  apparently  great  age,  on  both  sides  the 
mountain  of  Kaiholena  rising  to  about  1000  feet,  with  very  precipitous  walls. 
The  pahoehoe  plain,  which  is  called  Kanalohu,  is  all  hollow  underneath.  Great 
subterranean  channels  undermine  the  whole  plain,  and  are  now  used  for  reser- 
voirs. The  lava  walls  are  perfectly  smooth  and  black  and  form  complete  arched 
tunnels  for  a  long  distance.  These  were  undoubtedly  subterranean  outlets  of 
rushing  lava  streams.  In  fact,  some  of  the  channels  can  be  traced  right  down 
to  the  water's  edge.  The  main  vegetation  of  this  plateau  is  Paspalum  conju~ 
gat um  (Hilo  grass),  besides  a  number  of  ferns. 

Emerging  into  this  flat  plateau  are  several  valleys,  one  of  which,  Kumauna; 
is  of  interest.  The  forest  from  Hilea  to  Waiohinu,  though  being  on  the  lee  side 
of  Hawaii,  belongs  to  the  rain  or  wet  forest  type.  At  Hilea  proper  it  is  somewhat 
mixed,  being  composed  of  trees  belonging  to  both  wet  and  dry  forest  types.  The 
forest  as  a  whole  is  more  uniform  than  similar  forest  types  in  other  localities, 
due  mainly  to  the  land  being  geologically  much  younger  than  in  similar  locali- 
ties on  the  other  islands  where  volcanic  activities  ceased  thousands  of  years 
ago,  as  it  is  situated  on  the  southern  slopes  of  the  still  active  volcano  Mauna  Loa. 
The  land,  nevertheless,  has  extremely  rich  soil,  which  is  black  and  somewhat 
muddy.  The  principal  tree  of  which  the  Hilea  forest  is  composed  is  Metrosideros 
polymorpha,  which  is  the  most  numerous.  Its  associates  are  Antidesma  platy- 
phyttum  (Hame),  Straussia,  Perrottetia  sandwicensis  (Olomea),  Pipturus,  Sut- 
tonia  (Kolea),  Pelea  volcanica,  Pelea  clusiaefolia,  Bobea  sp.,  Tetraplasandra 


meiandra  var.,  Eurya  sandwicensis  (Wanini),  and  several  species  of  Gouldia, 
Coprosma  being  very  common  at  lower  levels. 

On  the  slopes  of  Kumauna  and  Kaiholena  valley  is  found  Pterotropia  dipy- 
rena  var.,  which  reaches  here  a  beautiful  development.  Trees  60  feet  tall  and 
more,  with  trunks  of  nearly  two  feet  in  diameter,  are  not  uncommon  in  the 
valley,  while  at  higher  elevation  it  is  a  tree  30  feet  in  height  with  rather  ram- 
bling branches.  The  ie-ie  is  gregarious,  besides  Smilax  and  Embelia,  which  are 
all  lianes,  climbing  over  trees.  Of  Leguminosae,  a  beautiful  climber,  Strongy- 
lodon  lucidum,  called  Nukuiwi  by  the  natives,  covers  the  tops  of  the  numerous 
Kukui  trees  in  Kumauna  valley.  In  few  places  has  the  writer  seen  such  a  beau- 
tiful forest  as  the  one  in  question,  reaching  from  Hilea  to  Waiohinu.  Its  natural 
condition  is  undisturbed,  and  therefore  presents  a  marvelous  display  of  growth 
up  to  an  elevation  of  nearly  6000  feet.  (See  plate  XV.)  Several  Lobeliaceae 
occur,  such  as  Cyanea  tritomantlia,  which  is  exceedingly  common  in  this  locality, 
favored  by  the  very  shaded  situation  under  the  rank  growth  of  trees,  ferns  and 
lianes.  It  belongs  to  the  section,  which  is  peculiar  to  the  middle 
forest  region,  but  occasionally  going  a  little  lower.  Clermontia  coendea,  Cl. 
parviflora,  are  also  common,  both  being  trees  sometimes  growing  in  the  forks  of 
other  trees.  The  solanaceous  genus  Nothocestrum  is  represented  by  the  species 
breviflorum,  which  is  here  a  little  tree  20  feet  in  height. 

The  only  plant  cultivated  near  the  Hilea  plain  is  Piper  methysticum,  the 
awa  of  the  natives.  Pittosporums  are  absent  as  well  as  Sideroxylon  and  its  as- 
sociates. In  Kumauna  valley  proper,  Pisonia  inermis  var.  leiocarpa  (Papala 
kepau)  is  very  common. 

The  country  just  below  Hilea  is  called  Kalaiki,  and  is  mainly  aa  lava,  which 
supports  a  strictly  speaking  dry  or  mixed  forest  flora,  though  not  as  rich  in 
species,  as  the  area  is  limited.  It  consists  mainly  of  large  groves  of  Kukui,  be- 
sides stunted  forms  of  Straussia  and  a  few  trees  of  Antidesma  pulvinatum;  Os- 
manthus  sandwicensis  is  very  common  besides  Plectronia  odorata  (Walahee),  a 
pretty  little  tree  or  shrub  with  horizontal  branches  and  a  dark  green,  glossy 
foliage,  which  is  pleasingly  contrasted  by  the  white,  birch-like  bark.  A  white 
flowered  and  white  fruiting  variety  of  the  Ohia  ai  or  mountain  apple  is  also  to 
be  found  among  shrubs  of  the  tapa  plants  Pipturus  (Mamake)  and  Brousso- 
netia  papyrifera  (Wauke),  the  latter  having  of  late  become  exceedingly  scarce, 
as  its  cultivation  has  been  discontinued  since  about  fifty  years  or  more  ago. 

A  few  hundred  feet  below  this  small  grove  of  mixed  forest  we  find  the 
typical  lowland  formation  on  aa  lava  fields,  which  is  characterized  by  the  legum- 
inous trees,  Erythrina  monosperma,  Reynoldsia  sandwicensis,  Myopornm  sand- 
wicense,  Nototrichium,  Dodonaea,  several  Cyperaceae,  besides  the  following 
climbers,  of  which  the  leguminous  thorny  Caesalpinia  bonducella  (Kakalaioa) 
is  the  most  common,  in  company  with  the  convolvulaceous  Ipomoea  insularis 
(Koaliawahia)  and  Argyreia  tiliaefolia  (Pilikai).  Large  yellow  patches  are 
discernable  on  the  tops  of  trees  from  the  distance,  and  on  examination  are  found 


to  be  the  very  troublesome  leafless  parasite,  Cassytha  filiformis  or  Kaunoa  of 
the  natives,  which  is  here  more  plentiful  than  in  any  other  district  of  the  islands 
of  the  group  visited  by  the  writer. 


Above  the  cane  fields,  which  are  situated  on  the  rather  steep  slopes  back  of 
Naalehu,  is  a  more  or  less  flat  stretch  of  land  clothed  in  a  rather  scanty  vegeta- 
tion, mainly  Sadleria  ferns;  the  soil  is  muddy  and  numerous  species  of  weeds 
abound,  besides  the  everpresent  Hilo  grass,  forming  a  dense  carpet.  Joining 
this  open  stretch  of  land  at  an  elevation  of  about  2300  feet  commences  an  almost 
impenetrable  jungle  which  ascends  uninterruptedly  to  an  elevation  of  6000  feet. 
The  main  vegetative  feature  is  fern  growth,  intermixed  with  Scaevola  shrubs, 
Straussia,  Broussaisia,  Clermontia  parviflora,  Cl.  coerulea,  the  latter  one  of  the 
most  common  trees.  The  larger  trees  are  mainly  Suttonia,  Pelea,  Perrottetia,  Me- 
trosideros,  and  as  we  ascend  a  species  of  Pittosporum  is  not  uncommon.  The 
forest  is  strictly  of  the  rain  forest  type,  and  becomes  more  uniform  with  in- 
creased elevation.  For  example,  at  from  3000  feet  to  5000  feet  elevation  three 
species  of  trees,  Suttonia  Lessertiana,  Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii  and  Metro- 
sideros  polymorpha,  are  the  principal  ones,  while  an  occasional  straggler  of 
Pittosporum,  Gouldia,  and  Straussia  can  be  observed.  Tetraplasandra  meiandra 
var.  belongs  to  the  3000  foot  level.  The  undershrubs  are  mainly  Broussaisia 
peUucida  and  several  species  of  Cyrtandra,  with  many  species  of  ferns  and  a 
few  Labiatae,  such  as  Phyllostegia  and  Stenogyne. 

Pipturus  albidus  is  the  most  common  plant  of  all,  reaching  the  size  of  a  hand- 
some tree  with  a  trunk  of  sometimes  a  foot  or  more  in  diameter.  It  ascends  to 
an  elevation  of  5000  feet.  Along  the  fern  trail  toward  the  mountain  springs, 
from  which  the  sugar  plantation  obtains  its  main  water  supply,  the  vegetation 
becomes  richer;  the  ground  is  covered  with  thick  moss.  Here  the  writer  was 
fortunate  enough  to  discover  three  species  of  Lobelioideae  new  to  science,  two 
belonging  to  the  genus  Cyanea,  one  very  remarkable  for  its  creeping  root  stock; 
the  third  is  a  handsome  shrub  of  the  genus  Clermontia  with  pinkish  flowers. 
Lobelia  hypoleuca  and  the  exceedingly  handsome  Lobelia  macrostachys  occur 
here  also,  as  well  as  at  the  higher  levels. 

Of  a  species  of  Pritchardia  18  to  20  feet  high  (a  native  palm)  with  a  smooth 
trunk  about  8  inches  in  diameter,  the  writer  found  a  few  individual  trees.*  It 
differs  from  all  the  other  native  palms  in  its  flowering  spathes,  which  are  thickly 
covered  with  a  salmon-colored  wool  or  tomentum.  Its  fruits  are  oval  and  little 
more  than  an  inch  long.  It  may  be  the  same  species  that  is  found  near  Glenwood 
on  the  road  to  the  Volcano  Kilauea  from  Hilo,  which  the  writer  had  no  oppor- 
tunity of  examining.  This  conclusion  is  drawn  from  the  fact  that  the  forest 
flora  at  this  latter  locality  has  many  species  in  common  with  the  one  just  de- 

*  Since  described  by  Beccari  as  Pritchardia  eriostachia  sp.  n. 


The  writer  crossed  the  Naalehu  forest  diagonally  toward  Kahuku  up  to  the 
source  of  the  1868  lava  flow,  at  an  elevation  of  about  6600  feet.  The  main  trees 
above  5000  feet  elevation  are  Metrosideros  polymorpha,  the  Ohio,  leliua,  usually 
tall  trees  with  rather  straight  trunks,  which  are  enwrapped  with  moss  and 
epiphytic  ferns;  the  Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii  (Olapa)  is  the  next  most 
common,  with  Suttonia  Lessertiana. 

The  undergrowth  is  exceedingly  dense  and  is  composed  mainly  of  Rubus 
Hawaiiensis,  which  is  covered  with  fine  aculeate  spines  which  adhere  to  and 
penetrate  into  the  flesh  very  easily  when  touched.  It  grows  here  erect,  5  to  8 
feet  high,  and  was  almost  void  of  foliage  (January).  It  has  one  main  stem 
tapering  toward  the  end  without  even  small  branchlets,  having  the  shape  of  a 
whip.  Ferns  are  also  common,  mainly  Dryopteris  globulifera,  Sadleria,  and 
here  and  there  a  Cibotium.  At  an  elevation  of  5600  feet  Ohio,  leliua  is  the  prin- 
cipal tree.  Associated  with  it,  curiously  enough,  is  the  small-leaved  Suttonia 
sandivicensis  (Kolea),  which  is  here  a  tree  18  to  25  feet  in  height  with  a  straight 
trunk  of  5  to  6  inches  in  diameter.  The  undershrubs  are  mainly  Coprosma  with 
rambling  branches,  Broussaisia  pellucida,  and  Pipturus.  The  soil  is  still  rich 
and  muddy,  and  is  often  covered  with  tussocks  of  Astelia  veratroides,  the  large- 
leaved  form  usually  found  to  be  terrestrial.  At  about  5000  feet,  where  in  other 
localities  a  forest  of  this  type  would  gradually  change  into  an  open,  flat  swamp 
like  Puukukui  on  West  Maui,  or  Waialeale  on  Kauai,  the  land  here  becomes 
drier,  and  the  first  pahoehoe  lava  becomes  visible.  The  transition  vegetation  is 
stunted,  though  some  straight,  tall  Oliia  trees  are  not  uncommon,  while  a  pecu- 
liar low-growing  Sadleria  forms  the  undershrub.  The  most  interesting  fact  is 
the  absence  of  Acacia  Koa  in  the  entire  stretch  of  forest  between  Hilea  and 
Waiohinu,  as  well  as  of  Sophora  chrysophylla,  which  is  not  found  even  on  the 
open  pahoehoe  lava  field  which  supports  the  following  vegetation  belonging  to 
the  upper  forest  zone :  Eaillardia  sp.,  a  small  shrub  4  to  5  feet  high,  grows  to- 
gether with  Vaccinium  reticulatum,  and  an  undescribed  variety  of  the  same 
which  is  much  taller  and  has  a  bluish-purple  glaucous  berry,  with  orbicular 
glaucous  leaves.  Geranium  cuneatum  var.  ft.  forms  small  shrubs  with  stout,  stiff 
branchlets;  the  leaves  are  silvery  underneath.  It  is  usually  plentiful  on  ele- 
vated crusts  of  pahoehoe  lava  which  have  become  fissured,  and  covers  them  com- 
pletely together  with  Styphelia  tameiameia  and  St.  imbricata  and  Raillardia, 
forming  densely-wooded  mounds.  Coprosma  ernodeoides,  a  rubiaceous  creeper 
with  black,  round  berries,  abounds,  besides  the  Chilean  strawberry,  Fragaria 
Chilensis,  the  cyperaceous  Gahnia  Gaudichaudii,  Carex  sandwicensis,  while  the 
juncaceous  Luzula  Hawaiiensis  Buch.,  which  has  all  the  aspects  of  a  Cyperaceae, 
and  Sisyrynchium  acre  of  the  order  Iridaceae  are  growing  scattered  between  the 
lava  cracks.  Lycopodium  venustulum  and  the  Gramineae  Koehleria  glomerata 
and  Deschampsia  australis  can  also  be  met  with. 


This  is  the  limit  of  tree  growth.  Above  this,  old  and  more  recent  lava  flows 
cover  the  ground,  which  is  either  bare  or  covered  with  a  scrubby  vegetation  such 
as  just  described. 


ELEVATION    OF    4200    FEET. 

Between  Waiohinu  and  Kahuku  the  vegetation  is  mainly  composed  of  Ohio., 
with  an  occasional  sandalwood  tree,  8  ant  alum  Freycinetianum  var.  latifolium. 
Lava  flows  of  various  ages  have  descended  from  the  upper  as  well  as  the  lower 
slopes  of  Mauna  Loa,  some  having  reached  the  sea,  others  having  just  crossed 
the  government  road  (1200  feet),  while  minor  flows  have  descended  for  only 
about  a  mile  from  their  source,  after  which  they  cooled  and  stopped.  The 
neighborhood  of  Kahuku  is  the  seat  of  many  eruptions,  some  within  the  memory 
of  man,  as  two  flows  came  forth  from  the  southern  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa,  one  in 
1867,  and  another  in  1887,  while  as  recently  as  January  9,  1907,  after  a  few 
slight  earthquakes,  another  flow  proceeded  in  the  same  direction  from  an  eleva- 
tion higher  than  that  of  the  two  previous  flows.  This  last  eruption  emerged  con- 
siderably below  the  summit  of  Mauna  Loa,  pouring  forth  a  stream  of  aa  (rough 
lava)  which  divided  into  two  nearly  equal  streams,  with  a  smaller  one  between 
This  is;  however,  not  the  place  to  give  a  description  of  the  behavior  of  lava  flows, 
and  the  writer  wishes  to  refer  the  reader  to  Dr.  Win.  T.  Brigham's  valuable 
publication  on  the  Volcanoes  of  Kilauea  and  Mauna  Loa.  All  three  flows  men- 
tioned above  are  entirely  bare  of  vegetation,  and  the  half  century  intervening 
has  not  changed  the  appearance  of  these  various  flows  in  the  slightest.  The 
older  ones  look  exactly  as  does  the  one  of  1907,  the  only  difference  being  in  the 
color,  which  is  a  trifle  lighter  shade  of  brown.  It  is  most  interesting  to  note 
little  areas  of  more  ancient  flows,  perhaps  only  an  acre  or  smaller  in  extent, 
which  have  not  been  covered  by  these  flows,  and  bear  an  occasional  shrub  of 
Nototrichium,  with  Sadleria  ferns,  or  a  small,  stunted  Ohia.  These  more  recent 
flows  are  very  irregular  in  outline,  and  in  the  actual  flow  little  islands  of  many 
shapes  have  remained — that  is,  islands  of  old  lava  beds,  bearing  a  typical  dry 
scrub  vegetation  which  was  spared  by  the  fiery  streams.  The  last  flow  at  first 
came  forth  as  palioehoe  (smooth  lava),  while  lower  down  it  assumed  aa  form,  as 
can  be  seen  along  the  government  road. 

The  first  plant  to  settle  along  the  margins  of  these  various  flows  is  Nephro- 
lepis  exaltata,  a  cosmopolitan  fern.  Sadleria  ferns  follow  after  it  or  perhaps 
at  the  same  time,  but  the  former  was  always  to  be  observed  when  hardly  a  grass 
or  weed  of  any  kind  wras  visible.  Two  branches  of  the  recent  1907  flow  are  about 
four  miles  apart,  and  this  stretch  of  land  is  covered  by  a  dry  scrub  vegetation 
and  occasional  trees,  such  as  Xylosma  Hillebrandii  (Maua),  which  is  by  far 
the  most  common  tree  next  to  Ohia,  Antidesma  pulvinatum  (Hame  or  Haa), 
Pipturus  (Mamake)  and  Sadleria  ferns.  The  land  of  Kahua,  which  is  appar- 
ently older  than  Manuka,  is  of  a  rough  lava  nature,  with  occasional  kipukas,  and 


supports  a  vegetation  mostly  composed  of  Nototrichium  sandwicense  and  Dra- 
caena aurea,  which  are  the  predominant  trees  in  this  district.  An  occasional 
Pittosporum,  Straussia,  and  Santalum  can  be  observed,  but  the  two  first  men- 
tioned form  the  main  plant  growth.  On  the  kipukas,  which  were  originally 
covered  with  Cynodon  dactylon  (Manienie  grass),  the  guava  has  established 
itself  to  such  an  extent  that  it  is  difficult  to  penetrate  far  into  these  kipukas 
without  a  cane  knife  or  an  axe. 

From  Manuka  toward  Honomalino  are  several  stretches  of  aa  lava  flows 
geologically  younger  than  the  rest  of  the  country.  These  flows  have  originated 
at  an  elevation  of  about  4000  feet  and  can  be  distinguished  from  afar  by  the 
entirely  different  vegetation  which  they  support.  These  flows,  of  which  Kaula- 
namauna  is  an  example,  are  sharply  outlined  against  the  sky  from  the  country 
which  they  intersect,  by  the  tall,  straight  trees  of  Metrosideros  polymorpha 
(Ohia)  which  form  the  main  plant  covering.  It  is  only  on  the  margins  of  these 
flows  that  intruders  from  the  surrounding  country,  such  as  Reynoldsia,  Pittos- 
porum, and  others  have  taken  a  foothold,  while  Alphitonia  excelsa  (Kauila)  has 
become  a  part  of  these  Ohia  forests.  The  scrub  vegetation  is  mainly  composed  of 
the  following  plants:  Styphelia  tameiameia  (Pukeawe),  Santalum  Freycine- 
tianum  (Iliahi),  the  above  mentioned  Alphitonia,  Gouldia  sp.,  with  very  large, 
black  berries,  Vaccinium  reticulatum,  Coprosma  montana,  C.  ernodeoides,  Gah- 
nia  gaudichaudii,  and  Eumex  giganteus  (Pawale),  besides  the  two  species  of 
Cladium,  Pellaea  ternifolia  and  the  everpresent  Nephrolepis  exaltata,  which 
seems  to  thrive  as  well  on  aa  lava  as  in  the  dampest  lower  forests.  The  vegeta- 
tion of  Manuka  is  more  or  less  uniform  and  not  as  interesting  as  that  of  Kapua, 
only  a  few  miles  distant. 

Besides  the  Kipuka  Puaulu  near  the  Volcano  House,  there  are  only  two  dis- 
tricts on  Hawaii  which  possess  an  extremely  rich  and  xerophilous  flora,  namely, 
Puuwaawaa  in  North  Kona,  and  its  rival  Kapua  in  South  Kona.  There  is  no 
doubt  in  the  writer's  mind  that  a  vegetation  such  as  is  represented  in  both  these 
districts  encircled  the  southern  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa,  but  was  consumed  by  the 
various  lava  flows,  leaving  these  two  districts  unmolested.  Kapua  is  small  in 
area,  and  so  is  Puuwaawaa;  their  vegetative  growth  is  very  similar,  though  the 
latter  is  richer  in  species.  They  are  about  50  miles  apart,  and  the  intervening 
country  is  taken  up  by  more  or  less  uniform  vegetation  which  has  little  in  com- 
mon with  either  Kapua  or  Puuwaawaa.  Beginning  with  the  lowlands  at  Kapua 
to  an  elevation  of  about  2000  feet,  the  vegetation  covering  this  area,  which  is  on 
a  gradual  slope,  belongs  strictly  to  the  dry  or  mixed  forest  type,  while  above  it, 
between  2000  and  4200  feet,  the  vegetation  is  of  the  rain  forest  type,  but  by  far 
not  as  wet  as  the  rain  forest  above  Naalehu,  Kau.  Species  of  the  lower  levels 
have  ascended  into  the  wet  forest,  or  vice  versa. 

Immediately  above  the  lowland  zone,  which  is  composed  of  the  ordinary 
types  of  plants  common  to  that  region,  commences  an  exceedingly  interesting 
and  very  varied  xerophilous  vegetation.  The  most  common  tree,  forming  60 


per  cent  of  the  vegetation,  is  Maba  sandwicensis  (Lama),  which  fruits  prolific- 
ally  during  the  winter  months,  and  is  associated  with  Erythrina  monosperma 
(Wiliwili),  Eeynoldsia  sandwicensis  (Olie),  Plectronia  odorata  (Walahee),  here 
a  little  shrub,  Pandanus  odoratissimus  (Puliala),  Aleurites  moluccana  (Kukui), 
and  here  and  there  in  open  places  by  itself  Capparis  Sandwichiana  (Maiapilo), 
which  becomes  here  a  shrub  8  to  10  feet  high  with  a  thick  stem  and  rambling 
branches.  Opuntia  tuna  has  ascended  from  the  lowlands.  The  country  is  ex- 
tremely rocky,  loose  aa  of  ancient  origin  covering  the  ground  for  many  feet  in 

The  undershrub  is  solely  composed  of  the  troublesome  Lantana  camara,  now 
dead,  killed  by  the  insects  introduced  by  Koebele,  but  still  the  country  is  almost 
inaccessible,  as  the  dead,  thorny  shrubs  stand  more  than  15  feet  high  in  certain 
localities.  It  ascends  to  an  elevation  of  2000  feet,  above  which  its  place  is  taken 
by  the  guava,  Psidium  guayava,  which  forms  thick  stands  on  forsaken  kuleanas 
or  old  native  homesteads. 

As  we  ascend  above  1000  feet  elevation  the  vegetation  becomes  more  inter- 
esting. (See  plate  XVI.)  Osmanthus  sandwicensis  and  Maba  sandwicensis  re- 
main still  abundant,  but  are  associated  with  Nototrichium  sandwicense  (Kului), 
Charpentiera  ovata  (Papala),  and  Pisonia  sandwicensis  (Papala  kepau  or  Aidu). 
The  euphorbiaceous  trees  Antidesma  pulvinatum  and  A.  platyphyllum  are  here 
the  most  numerous,  and  are  indeed  very  characteristic.  They  can  be  recognized 
by  their  deeply,  longitudinally  furrowed,  fibrous  gray  bark  and  broad,  heart- 
shaped,  dark  leaves.  Pittosporum  Hosmeri  var.  is  also  exceedingly  common, 
together  with  Dracaena  aurea  (Halapepe),  Straussia  sp?,  Xylosma  Hille- 
brandii,  an  occasional  Colubrina  oppositifolia  (Kauila),  while  the  other  native 
Kauila  (Alphitonia  excelsa)  is  here  absent  and  only  found  on  lava  flows  of  more 
recent  origin,  where  Ohia  lehua  forms  almost  pure  stands.  Rutaceous  genera 
are  entirely  absent,  such  as  Pelea  and  Xanthoxylum,  which  reach  such  a  won- 
derful development  on  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  so  similar  in  floral  aspects 
to  that  of  Kapua.  Eeynoldsia  sandwicensis,  while  stunted  at  the  lower  eleva- 
tion, together  with  the  Lama,  is  here  a  tall  tree  reaching  a  height  of  40  to  50 
feet,  with  trunks  of  two  feet  in  diameter. 

Of  shrubs,  the  very  strong,  tenacious  Osteomeles  anthyllidi  folia  forms  almost 
80  per  cent.  Its  white  rosaceous  flowers  are  very  fragrant.  The  wood  is  ex- 
ceedingly tough  and  can  be  bent  into  almost  any  position  without  breaking  it. 
When  growing  on  the  slopes  of  the  lowlands  on  the  windward  sides  of  the 
islands  it  is  a  small  vine,  while  on  the  dry  lava  fields  it  develops  many  erect 
stems  from  a  common  root-stock,  which  are  several  inches  thick  and  sparingly 
branched,  reaching  a  height  of  15  to  20  feet.  Plectronia  odorata  is  again  very 
common,  while  the  araliaceous  Tetraplasandra  Hawaiiensis  is  only  sparingly 
represented.  It  reaches  here  a  height  of  only  about  25  feet.  Of  Sapotaceae, 
Sideroxylon  auahiense  var.  is  found,  but  is  not  numerous,  being  restricted  to  a 
single  locality  along  a  little  gulch  at  1600  feet  elevation.  Santalum  Freycine- 


tianum  var.  occurs  also,  but  only  small  trees  can  be  found.  Malvaceous  trees 
are  entirely  absent,  though  we  might  expect  to  find  the  newly  discovered  genus 
Hibiscadelphus,  which  is  peculiar  to  such  localities,  one  species,  H.  Hualala- 
iensis,  occuring  on  Puuwaawaa.  Besides  Tetraplasandra  Hawaiiensis,  no  other 
species  of  that  genus,  nor  of  Pterotropia,  are  present,  though  several  can  be 
found  in  similar  localities.  Neither  can  any  urticaceous  trees  be  observed.  The 
Pipturus,  so  common  in  Kau,  is  not  found  in  the  district  here  described,  and  is 
only  sparingly  represented  in  the  forest  above  it,  where  one  would  naturally  ex- 
pect it  in  abundance,  as  in  forests  of  Kau.  Suttonia  Lessertiana  (Kolea)  is 
scattered  here  and  there. 

Nearly  all  the  species  of  trees  were  in  full  fruit  when  visited  by  the  writer 
during  the  month  of  February,  1912,  with  the  exception  of  one  tree,  which  is 
undoubtedly  new  and  of  which  only  three  individuals  were  seen.  As  the  tree 
had  neither  flowers  nor  fruits,  and  as  a  careful  search  on  the  ground  below  the 
tree  did  not  reveal  any  sign  of  fruits  or  seeds  of  a  previous  season,  the  writer 
was  unable  to  classify  it.  The  writer,  however,  had  occasion  to  visit  that  district 
again  in  the  month  of  July  when  in  company  with  Mr.  W.  M.  Giffard ;  the  trees, 
which  were  then  in  flower  and  fruit,  proved  to  be  new,  and  are  described  in  this 
volume;  two  male  and  one  female  trees  were  observed. 

Several  Convolvulaceae  flourish,  such  as  Ipomoea  insularis,  and  others  of  the 
same  genus.  Of  Crassulaceae,  the  common  Bryopliyllum  calycinum  (air  plant) 
grows  very  gregariously  along  the  roadside  together  with  Cassia  gaudichaudii, 
Pteridium  aquilinum,  Nephrolepis  exaltata,  Stachytarpheta  dichotoma,  and 
many  other  weeds.  On  old  native  homesteads  or  kuleanas  which  have  been  for- 
saken for  many  years,  orange  trees  are  bearing  very  prolifically,  while  the  Che- 
rimolia,  or  Momona,  as  it  is  called  by  the  natives,  fruits  seldom.  One  other  re- 
markable fact  is  the  absence  of  any  leguminous  tree,  such  as  Mezoneurum 
Kauaiense,  or  the  Sopliora  clirysopliylla,  or  Mamani,  so  common  on  lava  fields, 
and  invariably  associated  with  Myoporum  sandwicense,  the  Naio,  another  tree 
which  is  absent  on  the  lower  half  of  the  district  of  Kapua.  It  may  be  remarked 
that  the  inflorescences  of  Maba  sandwicensis  are  attacked  by  a  species  of  Acari, 
causing  them  to  have  the  same  appearance  as  the  deformed  inflorescences  of 
Elaeocarpus  bifidus  on  Oahu. 

Of  interest  is  also  the  fact  that  it  is  difficult  to  find  a  sound  capsule  of 
Pittosporum  Hosmeri  var.,  as  they  are  almost  invariably  pecked  open  by  the 
native  bird  Alala  (Corvus  liawaiiensis),  which  feeds  on  the  very  oily  black 
seeds.  The  bird  is  very  abundant  in  this  district. 

About  a  mile  above  the  government  road  at  an  elevation  of  about  2000  feet 
we  find  an  entirely  different  type  of  forest.  It  is  neither  exactly  a  wet  nor  is 
it  a  dry  forest,  but  has  all  the  characteristics  of  the  former.  Of  the  first,  tall 
Oliia  leliua  trees  form  almost  pure  stands,  with  trunks,  as  elevation  increases, 
covered  by  the  climber  Freycinetia  Arnotti,  the  ie-ie.  Straussia  Hawaiiensis, 
a  very  handsome  tree  peculiar  to  Kona  and  Puna,  reaches  a  height  of  about  40 


feet,  with  a  straight  trunk  and  black  bark  of  half  an  inch  thickness.  Xylosma 
Hillebrandii  becomes  here  a  beautiful  big  tree  with  a  trunk  of  one  and  a  half 
feet  in  diameter,  straight  ascending  and  clothed  in  a  gray  bark.  Tetraplasan- 
dra  Hawaiiensis  is  here  a  large  tree  60  feet  in  height,  with  a  fine  trunk  ascend- 
ing for  30  feet  or  so  before  branching.  It  is  about  two  and  a  half  feet  thick 
and  vested  in  a  whitish  bark  three-quarters  of  an  inch  thick.  It  is  the  only 
representative  of  the  family  Araliaceae  in  this  forest.  Myoporum  sandwicense 
is  here  a  slender  shrub,  and  only  a  few  individual  specimens  can  be  observed. 
Coprosma,  Perrottetia,  Pipturus,  Pelea  volcanica  only,  Cheirodendron  gaudi- 
chaudii,  Antidesma  platypliyllum  and  a  species  of  Suttonia  form  the  tree 
growth,  together  with  Pittosporum  and  Ilex,  up  to  the  Koa  belt  at  an  eleva- 
tion of  4200  feet.  Sadleria  cyatlieoides,  Gibotium  Menziesii,  and  the  lobelia- 
ceous  Clermontia  coerulea,  which  ranges  from  the  extreme  eastern  end  of  Kau 
to  North  Kona,  form  the  undergrowth.  The  latter  ascends,  however,  up  into 
the  Koa  belt,  where  it  can  be  found  on  Koa  trees,  growing  in  the  forks  of  their 

Several  aa  flows  of  more  recent  origin  intersect  this  forest.  The  flows  are 
covered  with  a  scanty  vegetation,  such  as  Vaccinium,  Styphelia,  Coprosma 
ernodeoides,  Raillardia  scabra  (very  common),  and  stunted  Ohia;  while  the 
lava  itself  is  entirely  hidden  by  a  species  of  lichen.  At  4200  feet  elevation  the 
trees  described  above  are  replaced  by  Acacia  Koa,  which  grows  here  under 
similar  conditions  as  near  the  Volcano  House,  together  with  Urera  sp.  and  the 
tree  ferns.  Cattle,  however,  have  played  serious  havoc  with  this  beautiful  forest. 
The  undergrowth  is  mainly  composed  of  Polystichum  falcatum  var.,  Dryopteris, 
Asplenium,  and  Cibotium. 

The  most  interesting  vegetation,  however,  occupies  the  area  between  1500 
to  2000  feet,  above  which  the  forest  is  very  uniform.  Nowhere  has  the  writer 
found  such  beautiful  stands  of  the  ebenaceous  Maba  sandwicensis  (Lama)  as 
in  this  district,  where  it  associates  mainly  with  tall-growing  Kukui  trees.  Trees 
30  to  40  feet  in  height  with  trunks  of  a  foot  or  more  in  diameter  are  not  un- 
common. Beyond  Kapua  the  country  is  covered  mainly  with  Ohia  leliua,  and  is 
as  a  whole  very  uniform,  until  we  reach  the  boundary  of  South  Kona,  where  a 
forest  similar  to  that  back  of  Naalehu,  Kau,  forms  the  lower  and  middle  forest 
zones.  Most  of  the  land  about  600  to  2500  feet  elevation  is  under  cultivation, 
Coffea  arabica  being  the  crop. 


If  we  ascend  from  Kealakekua  up  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa,  we  at  first  pass 
through  large  areas  of  Psidium  guayava,  which  has  taken  possession  of  the  land 
and  is  the  only  shrub  up  to  an  elevation  of  about  1200  feet.  The  country  then 
becomes  more  open  and  old  pahoehoe  flows  are  visible,  which  are  covered  with  a 


scanty  grass  vegetation.  The  trees  on  this  lower  plain  are  mainly  Straussia  and 
its  associates,  such  as  Charpcnticra  obovata,  Pisonia  inermis,  var.  leiocarpa,  with 
occasionally  a  Pelea.  The  trees  are  so  scattered  that  one  can  count  them  easily. 
This  somewhat  mixed  forest  passes  gradually  into  an  Oliia  leliua  (Metrosideros 
polymorpJta)  forest,  with  Suttonia  Lessertiana  (Kolea).  Here  also  the  lobe- 
liaceous  shrub  Clcrmontia  coerulea,  somewhat  different  from  that  of  Kau,  is 
present.  It  descends,  however,  as  low  as  1500  feet,  but  then  only  on  the  aa 
flows,  as  will  afterwards  be  described.  The  forest  in  this  section  is  as  a  whole 
very  uniform. 

The  Ohio,  leliua  gradually  passes  into  the  Koa  forest,  if  such  it  can  still  be 
called ;  for  nowhere  has  the  writer  found  such  a  pitiable  sight  as  the  Koa  forest 
presents  in  this  district  at  about  3000  feet  up  to  5000  feet  elevation.  Here  90 
per  cent  of  these  giant  Koa  trees  are  dead;  their  huge  limbs  dangle  in  the  air 
on  pieces  of  fibrous  strings  of  bark,  ready  to  drop,  if  stirred  by  the  slightest 
breeze.  The  remaining  10  per  cent  of  trees  are  in  a  dying  condition,  and  in  a 
very  few  years  the  country  will  be  entirely  denuded.  Huge  masses  of  trunks 
and  limbs  are  scattered  over  the  ground,  and  it  is  really  difficult  to  ride  through 
this  remnant  of  forest.  It  is  also  dangerous,  as  any  minute  a  few  huge  limbs 
may  drop  from  the  heights  above.  Trees  reach  here  a  height  of  80  feet  or  more. 
This  condition  is  mainly  due  to  the  cattle,  which  have  destroyed  all  the  under- 
shruBs  and  also  injured  the  trees,  which  are  then  readily  attacked  by  insects.  It 
may  be  remarked  that  native  insects,  especially  beetles,  do  not  attack  healthy 
trees,  but  only  such  as  have  been  injured. 

As  we  ascend  farther  the  dead  Koa  trees  are  associated  with  Myoporum  sand- 
wicense  (Naio),  Sophora  chrysophylla,  Suttonia  Lessertiana,  and  Santalum 
Freycinetianum,  the  Iliahi,  or  true  Sandalwood  of  commerce,  of  which  trees  50 
feet  in  height  and  trunks  a  foot  and  a  half  in  diameter,  are  not  uncommon. 
Next  to  Koa,  Sandalwood  is  most  numerous;  but,  like  the  former,  most  of  it  is 
destroyed.  It  differs  from  the  Sandalwood  found  in  other  parts  of  Hawaii  in 
its  smooth,  black  bark  and  very  dark  green,  glossy  leaves.  The  wood  is  also  ex- 
ceedingly fragrant. 

That  the  undergrowth  must  have  been  intensely  interesting  is  evidenced  by 
the  fact  of  the  abundance  of  vines  on  aa  flows  which  intersect  this  forest  area, 
and  are  very  seldom  frequented  or  even  crossed  by  cattle.  Lower  down  at  an 
elevation  of  1500  feet  these  aa  flows  present  a  dense  jungle  of  ie-ie  vines,  many 
species  of  trees,  mainly  the  rubiaceous  Straussia  and  urticaceous  Urera  and 
Pipturus.  Ferns  are  abundant  as  well  as  one  or  two  lobeliaceous  Clermontia. 
Higher  up  the  main  tree  is  Ohia  leliua  together  with  Sandalwood,  which  on 
these  flows  is  in  splendid  condition.  At  an  elevation  of  4600  feet  Sophora 
chrysophylla  has  encroached  on  the  aa,  but  not  the  Koa.  On  the  margins  of  the 
flows  and  in  cracks  and  fissures  many  species  of  Labiatae  thrive,  the  most  num- 
erous representative  of  which  is  the  genus  Stenogyne.  Trailing  over  aa  lava 
we  find  Stenogyne  rugosa  var.  ,?.,  St.  cordata,  St.  sessilis,  while  climbing  over 



DELISSEA  UNDULATA  Gaud.,  in  the  upper  forest  regions  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa, 

elev.  5200  feet.     The  tall  specimen  to  the  left  is  35  feet  high.     The  trees  are  mainly 

Acacia  Koa  Gray,  Sophora  chrysophylla  Seem.,  and  Myoporum  sandwicense  Gray. 

Naio  shrubs  are  St.  calaminthoides  and  SI.  scrophidarioides,  the  latter  with  small 
pale  yellow  flowers  covered  with  silky  hair.  The  genus  Phyllostegia,  also  of  the 
Labiate  family,  has  several  species.  Raillardia  scabra  is  also  common  on  the  aa 
as  well  as  Smilax  sandwicensis,  and  several  ferns,  of  which  Pellaea  terni folia 
and  Sadleria  cyatheoides  are  the  most  common.  And  all  of  these  in  a  compara- 
tively small  area.  Clermontia  coerulea  is  here  a  fine  tree,  growing  to  a  height 
of  20  feet  or  so,  on  the  aa  lava,  shaded  by  Ohia  and  Sandalwood. 

This  forest  merges  gradually  into  the  great  central  plain  at  an  elevation  of 
5000  feet.  Of  course,  clumps  of  tall  trees  can  be  found  in  certain  localities  and 
on  the  plateau  also,  as  well  as  higher  up  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa.  The 
trees  become  smaller  and  only  a  few  stunted  Naio  and  Sophora  trees  (Mamani), 
together  with  Santalum,  are  here  to  be  found. 

At  Pulehua  and  beyond  toward  Mauna  Loa  a  nice  Koa  forest,  mixed  with 
trees  peculiar  to  this  elevation,  such  as  mentioned  above,  extends  up  to  an  ele- 
vation of  6000  feet.  Koa  is  the  principal  tree.  The  country  is  composed  of 
rich,  black  soil,  now  supporting  a  rank  growth  of  undesirable  weeds.  A  most 
interesting  feature  in  this  forest  is  the  lobeliaceous  Delissea  undidata.  Pre- 
viously this  plant  has  only  been  recorded  from  Niihau,  Kauai  and  Maui,  and 
that  at  a  low  elevation  on  exposed  open  cliffs,  only  reaching  a  height  of  10  feet. 
Here  'at  6000  feet  it  grows  under  the  shade  of  giant  Koa  trees  on  the  slopes  of 
the  numerous  crater  hills  with  which  the  country  is  covered.  The  plant  grows 
here  35  feet  tall,  perfectly  straight,  with  a  bole  only  two  inches  in  diameter,  not 
branching,  and  bearing  at  its  apex  a  crown  of  leaves  only  one  and  a  half  feet 
in  diameter.  (See  plate  XVII.)  These  beautiful  little  round  crowns  are  often 
hidden  in  the  foliage  of  the  Koa,  so  that  only  the  gray,  straight  stems  covered 
with  leaf-scars  can  be  seen.  The  plants  are  exceedingly  numerous,  but  especially 
on  the  crater  bottoms  of  the  numerous  volcanic  cones,  where  they  form  the  main 
vegetation.  Looking  down  into  one  of  these  cones,  one  sees  the  tops  of  this 
curious  plant  like  cabbage  heads  protruding  up  to  the  rim  of  the  cone.  This  is 
the  only  lobeliaceous  plant  at  this  elevation. 


When  we  step  out  on  this  great  plateau  from  the  South  Kona  side,  we  have 
Hualalai  to  the  left,  Mauna  Loa  to  the  right,  and  Mauna  Kea  in  front  of  us. 
This  great  plain  is  composed  mainly  of  pahoehoe  lava  and  black  cinder.  The 
palwelioe  lava  has  often  broken  through,  and  huge  caverns  or  caves  are  visible, 
which  expose  again  old  palwelioe  lava  or  black  cinder.  The  clouds  gather  at 
about  eight  o'clock  in  the  morning  around  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  up  to  an 
elevation  of  4000  feet,  where  they  remain  under  normal  weather  conditions  up 
to  noon.  At  about  two  o'clock  they  encroach  on  to  the  central  plateau,  which 
by  three  o'clock  is  completely  covered  by  the  clouds.  When  caught  out  on  this 
plain  without  a  compass  in  the  fogs  it  is  indeed  exceedingly  difficult  to  find 
one's  way.  The  plain  is  about  fifty  miles  across  and  almost  level,  full  of  holes 


and  cracks  into  which  one  is  likely  to  fall,  and  by  going  round  about  them  one 
gets  lost  in  no  time.  The  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  are  very  gradual  on  this  side, 
while  those  of  Mauna  Kea  and  Hualalai  are  steep.  On  this  plain  are  scattered 
many  volcanic  cones,  mainly  composed  of  black  cinder  and  covered  with  dense 
vegetation.  But  especially  on  the  crater  bottoms  one  is  likely  to  find  interest- 
ing plants  which  have  disappeared  from  the  open  plain,  where  they  are  eagerly 
devoured  by  cattle  and  goats,  while  at  the  bottom  of  these  craters  they  are  safe 
from  their  ravages.  Anyone  collecting  on  this  plain  should  direct  his  steps  to 
all  these  cones,  as  it  is  here  only  that  he  can  obtain  things  of  interest. 

Curiously  enough,  the  plants  found  on  these  various  cones  are  not  always 
the  same.  On  the  plain  itself,  Geranium  cuneatum  is  plentiful,  besides  Rail- 
lardia  sp.?,  Coprosma  ernodeoides,  a  rubiaceous  creeper  with  black,  round 
berries,  the  main  food  of  the  native  geese,  besides  Ohelo,  Bumex  giganteus, 
Styphelia  tameiameia,  an  epacridaceous  plant,  Myoporum  sandwicense  (Naio), 
Sophora  chrysophylla,  the  iridaceous  Sisyrynchium  acre,  while  in  the  black  cin- 
der the  caryophyllaceous  Silene  struthioloides  and  8.  lanceolata  thrive  best. 
Both  species  develop  a  large  root  system  having  a  main  tap  root,  sometimes 
tuber-like,  and  often  5  inches  in  diameter  and  over  a  foot  and  a  half  long.  The 
root  is  sweet  to  the  taste,  and  is  eaten  by  the  natives. 

Here  and  there  are  shrubs  or  small  trees  of  Mamani  and  Naio,  among  which 
one  sometimes  finds  Suttonia  and  a  stunted  variety  of  Pittosporum  Hosmeri. 
Dodonaea  eriocarpa  forms  straight  trees  some  25  feet  in  height  with  trunks  of 
8  inches  in  diameter.  At  Naahuaumi,  a  historic  place  where  King  Umi  took  the 
first  Hawaiian  census,  near  the  old  Judd  road  which  leads  to  the  1859  flow,  the 
santalaceous  Exocarpus  gaudichaudii,  a  shrub,  is  not  uncommon,  and  extends 
up  the  slopes  of  Hualalai.  Stenogyne  rugosa  var.  must  once  have  been  exceed- 
ingly common,  but  can  now  only  be  found  growing  in  deep  fissures,  which  cover 
them  completely,  where  they  are  safe  from  cattle.  Osteomeles  anthyllidi folia,  a 
rosaceous  vine  of  great  toughness,  forms  dense  tangles  over  thrown-up  fissures 
in  pahoehoe  lava.  During  the  morning  sunshine  thousands  of  Odynerus  (Ha- 
waiian wasps)  and  bees  can  be  found  flying  over  the  sweet-scented  flowers  of  the 
above-mentioned  vine,  which  is  called  Ulei  by  the  natives. 

The  only  poisonous  plant  in  this  district  is  a  shrub,  a  species  of  Wikstroe- 
mia,  with  long,  drooping,  slender  branchlets.  The  bark,  like  that  of  all  other 
Hawaiian  Wikstroemia,  or  Akia,  as  they  are  termed  by  the  natives,  is  extremely 
tough  and  very  suitable  for  cordage. 

The  crater  cones  in  the  neighborhood  of  Puulehua  are  Puuokeanue,  Puuoi- 
kaaka,  Pohakuloa  and  others.  These  cones  support  a  very  interesting  vegeta- 
tion. Besides  the  plants  found  on  the  plain  proper,  Lipochaeta  subcordata,  de- 
scribed by  Gray,  is  very  numerous  at  an  elevation  of  5300  feet,  and  forms  dense 
masses  on  Pohakuloa  crater  to  the  exclusion  of  everything  else.  It  has  previously 
only  been  reported  from  the  sea  shore,  where  it  is  one  or  two  feet  high,  while 
at  this  elevation  it  branches  diffusely,  covering  the  whole  crater,  being  almost 


similar  in  habit  to  Gleiclienia  linear  is,  the  well-known  Uluhe  or  staghorn  fern. 
The  writer  has  found  it  also  on  one  of  the  other  craters,  but  sparingly,  and 
again  on  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  in  North  Kona. 

An  arborescent  Raillardia  about  15  feet  high  grows  on  Puuokeanue  in  com- 
pany with  Solanum  incompletum,  also  found  in  North  Kona,  where  it  is  a  shrub 
5  to  8  feet  tall.  Campylotheca  micrantha,  another  shrubby  composite,  was  as- 
sociated with  it.  Campylotlicca  Menziesii  var.  y,  was  only  found  on  one  crater 
on  the  slopes  of  Hualalai  on  Puuoikaaka.  It,  however,  is  not  uncommon  on  the 
"Waimea  side  on  the  slopes  of  Maun  a  Kea,  especially  on  Nohonaohae  and  Kemole 
crater.  A  species  of  Sida  not  found  on  the  central  plain  proper  is  confined  to 
Pohakuloa,  where  it  forms  dense  thickets.  Of  trees,  Santalum  Freycinetiannm, 
Snttonia,  Wikstroemia,  etc.,  form  the  main  vegetation,  besides  Sopkora  cliry- 
sopliylla,  the  everpresent  Naio,  and  Acacia  Koa.  The  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  are 
covered  with  a  dense  growth  up  to  an  elevation  of  8000  feet,  after  which  the 
plants  become  very  stunted  and  few  until  we  find  nothing  but  a  species  of  grass, 
Koelileria  glomerata. 

The  main  trees  are  Sophora  and  Myoporum,  but  Koa  is  wanting.  Of  shrubs, 
the  epacridaceous  Styphelia  is  common,  together  with  a  species  of  Raillardia ;  of 
Rubiaceae,  two  species  of  Coprosma  are  present,  one  being  a  creeper,  the  other 
a  small  shrub.  GaJinia  Gaudicliaudii,  Carex,  and  Cyperus  are  scattered  here 
and  there.  The  main  plant  covering  at  an  elevation  of  6000  feet  is  the  grass 
Keolileria  glomerata,  which  grows  exceedingly  rank  and  stands  sometimes  three 
feet  high.  As  already  mentioned,  it  is  the  last  plant  one  sees  at  an  elevation  of 
11,000  feet.  Of  course,  the  Olielo  is  also  common.  Noteworthy  is  the  fact  that 
Argyroxipkium  sandwicense  is  not  to  be  found  on  this  side  of  Mauna  Loa,  but 
only  above  Kapapala  at  an  elevation  of  from  7000  to  9000  feet.  Besides,  one 
looks  in  vain  for  the  tree  composites  which  can  be  met  with  so  frequently  on 
Mauna  Kea  up  to  11,500  feet.  Here  on  Mauna  Loa  only  one  species  is  present. 
The  slopes  of  the  mountain  on  the  Kona  side  are  mainly  composed  of  palwelioe 
which  is  of  great  age,  and  very  much  disintegrated;  the  country  is  covered  with 
holes,  which  are  usually  overgrown  with  Stenogyne  rugosa  at  the  lower  levels, 
5000  to  6000  feet,  and  harbor  Vaccinium  shrubs  or  Mamani  at  the  higher  levels. 
The  lava  crust  is  very  thin  and  cracks  like  ice,  which  makes  traveling  very  un- 
comfortable. At  about  9000  feet  we  meet  the  first  aa  flow,  which  covers  the 
palwelwe  for  miles.  It  was  ejected  from  a  crater  situated  at  that  elevation.  It 
is  a  triangular  steep  cone  with  sharp  rims,  and  is  called  Puuouo.  The  aa  flows 
are  barren  and  of  great  thickness.  Many  aa  flows  intersect  the  ancient  palwelioe 
at  the  higher  levels.  In  traveling  it  is  a  continuous  going  round  these  flows, 
which  one  is  occasionally  forced  to  cross.  Above  11,000  feet  perfectly  black, 
shining  palwelwe  covers  the  mountain.  It  is  extremely  thin  and  glassy  in  ap- 
pearance, breaking  in  at  nearly  every  step.  When  the  writer  ascended  Mauna 
Loa  on  February  17,  1912,  snow  was  to  be  foimd  only  in  patches  several  feet 
thick.  The  steep  crater  walls  were  more  or  less  covered  with  snow,  which  was 




beautifully  contrasted  from  the  red,  yellow  and  black  colored  walls  of  cinder. 
(See  plate  XVIII.) 

The  crater  itself  showed  no  activity.  Two  small  cones  of  reddish-yellow 
cinder  mark  the  outbreak  of  1907.  The  temperature  at  nine  o'clock  in  the 
morning  on  the  upper  lava  flows  was  92°  Fahr.  at  an  elevation  of  about  8500 
feet.  At  the  summit  the  temperature  was  at  60°  Fahr.  about  noon,  and  sank 
during  the  night  to  35°  at  an  elevation  of  7000  feet.  A  most  peculiar  fact  is 
the  presence  of  millions  of  flies  at  the  summit  of  the  mountain,  which  make  a 
stay  of  even  a  few  minutes  most  disagreeable.  Besides  these  flies,  only  another 
small  insect,  similar  to  an  Ichneumon,  was  found,  covering  the  patches  of  snow 
thickly.  Only  a  few  hundred  feet  lower,  remarkable  to  say,  not  a  single  fly 
could  be  detected.  They  evidently  had  been  blown  up  by  the  wind. 


From  Kealakekua  toward  North  Kona  the  forest  is  very  uniform  and  of  a 
similar  nature  to  that  between  Kapua,  South  Kona,  and  Napoopoo.  At  the  lower 
levels  Kukui  forms  the  main  tree  growth,  together  with  introduced  shrubs,  such 
as  lantana  and  guava.  Coffee  is  extensively  cultivated,  also  sisal,  and  in  cer- 
tain localities  sugar  cane.  The  vegetation  begins  to  become  interesting  at 
Huehu§,  near  the  lava  flows  on  the  northern  flanks  of  Hualalai,  and  reaches 
its  culminating  point  at  Puuwaawaa,  the  richest  floral  section  of  any  in  the 
whole  Territory. 

It  is  only  as  recently  as  1909  that  this  region  was  botanically  explored.  The 
whole  country  was  until  ten  years  ago  a  wilderness  of  lava  fields,  and  only  since 
the  opening  of  the  country  through  the  government  road,  ten  years  ago,  was 
this  beautiful  floral  region  made  accessible. 


Mt.  Hualalai,  which  is  the  smallest  volcano  on  Hawaii,  has  an  elevation  of 
8273  feet.  Its  last  eruption  was  in  the  year  1801,  not  from  the  summit,  how- 
ever, but  at  an  elevation  of  about  1800  feet,  where  huge  lava  masses  poured 
forth  which  changed  the  coast  line  of  the  region  about  Huehue  for  twenty-five 
miles  from  a  bay  to  a  headland.  This  lava  flow  is  still  bare  of  vegetation,  with 
the  exception  of  a  few  ferns  and  weeds. 

The  lowland  belt  is  extremely  arid,  rainfall  being  exceedingly  scarce.  Opun- 
tia  tuna  grows  gregariously  and  is  associated  with  many  other  introduced  plants, 
such  as  Leucaena  glauca.  Datura  stramonium,  Waltheria  americana,  Nicotiana 
tabacum,  Acacia  farnesiana,  and  many  others. 

The  interesting  native  vegetation,  wrhich  is  of  a  similar  nature  to  that  of 
Kapua  in  South  Kona,  begins  at  Huehue  proper.  Aleurites  moluccana  is  still 
the  principal  tree,  though  as  one  advances  toward  Puuwaawaa  it  becomes  more 
scarce.  Antidesma  platypliyllum  and  Antidesma  pulvinatum,  besides  Dracaena 
aurea  (Ilalapepe),  Maba,  and  their  usual  associates  are  predominant.  In  this 


district,  however,  occur  many  species  of  trees  which  are  not  found  in  other 
places,  not  even  on  the  same  island.  The  most  prevailing  tree  is  the  rubiaceous 
Plectronia  odorata  (Walahee).  Gardenia  Brighami  (Nau)  of  this  same  family, 
only  common  on  Molokai  and  Lanai,  is  here  also  to  be  found,  but  will  have  to 
be  termed  for  here  a  rather  rare  plant ;  it  has  not  been  recorded  previously  from 
the  Island  of  Hawaii.  Nearly  all  the  trees  occurring  at  Kapua,  South  Kona, 
can  be  found  also  in  North  Kona,  with  possibly  one  or  twro  exceptions,  though 
numerous  trees  occur  here  and  not  in  the  former  locality. 

Of  Leguminosae,  the  elsewhere  very  rare  Mezoneurum  Kauaiense  (Uhiuhi) 
is  here  plentiful.  It  forms  small  groves  by  itself,  while  only  here  and  there  can 
a  single  tree  be  found,  usually  in  company  with  the  rhamnaceous  Colubrina  op- 
positifolia.  Hillebrand  records  this  species  as  a  small  tree.  Here  in  this 
locality  it  grows  to  quite  a  good  sized  tree  with  trunks  of  over  a  foot  in  diam- 
eter. It  is  much  more  numerous  in  North  Kona  than  in  South  Kona,  outside  of 
which  the  tree  is  not  found.  Of  Rutaceae,  which  are  absent  in  Kapua,  two 
genera  are  represented,  Pelea  and  Xanthoxylum.  Pelea  cinerea,  not  uncom- 
mon at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet  near  the  Volcano  Kilauea,  grows  gregariously 
at  500  feet  elevation  and  even  lower,  on  rough  aa  lava  fields. 

Of  great  interest  is  the  genus  Xanthoxylum,  which  has  here  four  species; 
two  belong  to  the  X.  dipetalum  type,  the  other  two  are  variations  of  X.  Kauaiense 
and  X.  Mauiense. 

Pittosporum  Hosmeri  is  also  met  with  quite  frequently,  the  trees  found  at 
Kapua  being  a  variety.  At  Puuwaawaa  the  fruits  are  nearly  twice  the  size  of 
those  from  South  Kona,  while  the  tree  itself  is  also  larger. 

Euphorbia  lorifolia  (Akoko)  is  a  shrub  at  2000  feet  elevation,  while  700  feet 
higher  it  is  a  tree  about  25  feet  high,  with  a  diameter  of  10  inches.  The  tree 
yields  a  large  amount  of  latex,  which  owing  to  its  predominance  in  an  area  of 
5000  acres  will  undoubtedly  prove  a  valuable  commercial  product.  Of  Arali- 
aceae,  Reynoldsia  sandwicensis  is  quite  plentiful,  besides  Tetraplasandra  sp., 
and  Tetraplasandra  Hawaiiensis  growing  at  3500  feet.  Of  Sapindaceae,  Sapin- 
dus  saponaria  is  quite  common,  especially  at  Puuwaawaa  proper,  a  rugged 
hill  of  3000  feet  elevation.  Associated  with  it  are  Acacia  Koa,  Claoxylon  sp., 
Delissea  undulata,  a  lobeliaceous  plant  also  found  on  Mauna  Loa,  but  in  this 
locality  much  smaller  in  size,  Xanthoxylum  sp.  and  Charpentiera  obovata  (Pa- 
pala).  Nothocestrum  breviflorum  occurs  on  the  lava  fields  surrounding  the 
crater.  A  very  interesting  tree  is  Hibiscadelphus  Hualalaiensis,  of  which 
species  several  trees  are  in  existence,  while  of  the  two  other  species,  also  pecu- 
liar to  the  dry  districts,  only  one  specimen  of  each  species  has  been  discovered. 
Sandal  wood  is  frequently  met  with,  as  well  as  Pisonia  inermis  var.  leiocarpa, 
and  Ochrosia  sandwicensis,  the  latter,  however,  being  scarcer.  Chenopodium 
sandwicheum  (Alaweo  or  Aweoweo),  which  in  other  localities  is  herbaceous,  is 
here  a  small  tree  and  very  plentiful.  Of  vines,  Canavalia  galeata,  Mucuna  gi- 
gantea,  Cocculus  Ferrandianus,  two  species  of  Ipomoea  and  one  of  Breweria  can 


be  observed.  Asplenium  adiantum  nig  rum,  Asplenium  trichomanes,  Poly- 
podium  pellucidum  and  Pellaea  ternifolia,  besides  Psilotutn  triquetrum,  rep- 
resent the  cryptogams. 

About  a  mile  above  the  government  road  Sophora  chrysophylla  (Mamani), 
together  with  Myoporum  sandwicense,  are  the  predominant  species,  with  under- 
shrubs  of  Solanum  incompletum,  Campylotlieca  sp.,  and  a  Labiate  vine  of  the 
genus  Phyllostegia.  Still  higher  up  the  lava  fields  are  bare  for  a  certain  dis- 
tance, especially  lava  fields  of  more  recent  origin.  The  only  plants  observed  on 
these  flows  are  Rumex  giganteus  (Pawale),  Gnaphalium  sandwicense,  Raillardia 
scabra,  and  xerophytic  ferns,  as  just  mentioned  above. 

The  region  called  Waihou  is  composed  of  a  semi-wet  forest  and  is  situated 
at  an  elevation  of  3500  feet.  The  predominant  tree  is  first  Metrosideros  poly- 
morpha  (Ohia  lekua),  which  inhabits  an  old  pahoekoe  lava  flow  adjoining  the 
rough  aa  lava  fields;  here  the  trees  are  about  40  feet  high.  This  grove  of  Ohia 
leJnia  passes  gradually  into  a  more  mixed  forest,  mainly  Acacia  Koa,  Sophora, 
jMyoporum,  and  Euphorbia  lorifolia  (Akoko),  which  in  places  is  so  thick  that 
it  is  almost  impossible  to  pass  through  it.  A  species  of  Urera  grows  quite  tall, 
besides  Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii,  Suttonia  Lessertiana  (Kolea),  Ilex,  and 
others.  Higher  up  occur  Pelea  volcanica,  Pipturus  albidus,  tree  ferns,  Cibotium, 
Broussaisia  pellucida,  and  on  the  trunks  of  tree  ferns,  Clermontia  coendea. 

At  4500  feet,  Metrosideros  polymorpha  (Ohia  lekua)  is  stunted,  as  it  grows 
on  aa  lava  flows,  which  intersect  the  old  forest  with  its  trees  of  80  feet  in 
height  at  this  elevation.  It  is  the  predominant  tree  on  these  flows ;  only  occa- 
sionally one  observes  Suttonia  sandwicensis  and  8.  Lessertiana. 

Vaccinium  penduliflorum  ft  var.  gemmaceum  assumes  here  the  size  of  a  tall 
shrub ;  here  and  there  Stenogyne  sessilis  can  be  observed  clinging  to  Ohia  lehua. 

At  5000  feet,  this  vegetation  gives  place  to  a  gravelly  plain  which  is  bordered 
on  its  northern  and  southern  limits  by  heavily-forested  hills  or  ancient  craters. 
The  principal  trees  on  these  hills  are  Acacia  Koa,  Ohia  lehua,  Styphelia  tameia- 
meia,  and  Coprosma  rhyncliocarpa.  This  latter  tree  reaches  quite  a  size  in  height 
and  diameter  of  trunk,  though  nearly  all  trees  are  diseased,  their  trunks  being 
all  hollow  and  the  abode  of  a  species  of  sow  bug  (Philoscia  angusticauda) ,  which 
can  be  found  by  millions. 

It  is  here  that  the  wild  native  raspberry,  Rub  us  Macraei  (Akala),  attains 
its  most  wonderful  development;  its  runners  vary  from  10  to  15  feet  in  length 
and  are  two  inches  in  diameter,  climbing  over  Koa  trees  and  trailing  over  the 
ground,  thus  forming  almost  impenetrable  thickets. 

Here  and  there  in  the  extensive  barren  lava  fields  and  cinder  plains  are 
beautiful  green  hills  covered  with  old  giants  of  Acacia  Koa,  which  from  their 
elevation  escaped  destruction  by  the  fiery  streams,  and  now  appear  like  oases 
in  a  desert. 

On  the  northern  border  of  this  dismal  plain,  on  the  slopes  of  a  crater,  grows 


Dubautia  plantaginea,  here   a   small   tree,   in  -company  with   Pelea   volcanica 

Finally  tree  growth  ceases,  with  the  exception  of  a  few  straggling  shrubs  of 
Sophora  clirysopliylla  (Mamani)  ;  the  ground  is  covered  with  a  scrub  vegetation 
of  which  Eaillardia  scabra  is  predominant,  besides  Geranium,  Coprosma  erno- 
deoides,  Frag  aria  chilensis,  and  also  Plantago  pacliypliylla.  The  crypto- 
gamous  flora  is  composed  of  Asplenium  trichomanes,  Asplenium  adiantum  ni- 
grum  and  Polystichum  falcatum  var. 

At  7000  feet,  Sophora  clirysopliylla  and  Myoporum  sandwicense,  both  trees 
of  about  20  feet  in  height  at  this  elevation,  have  gnarled  trunks  and  form  the 
main  tree  growth.  Keoleria  glomerata  and  Panicum  nephelophilum  represent 
the  Gramineae. 

At  the  summit  of  Hualalai  the  vegetation  is  scrubby,  with  the  exception  of 
a  few  Ohia  lehua  trees  (Metrosideros  polymorpha  var.  p),  with  thick,  woolly 
orbicular  leaves,  which  grow  on  the  rim  of  Honuaulu  crater.  The  crater  floors 
and  slopes  are  covered  with  the  ordinary  eagle  fern,  Pteridium  aquilinum, 
which  on  the  northern  side  of  the  mountain  summit  forms  the  sole  vegetation. 

The  slopes  of  Honuaulu  are  covered  with  StypheUa  tameiameia  (Pukeawe), 
Dodonaea  viscosa  var.  spathulata,  and  Coprosma  Menziesii.  (See  plate  XIX.) 

The  summit  of  Hualalai  is  composed  of  a  series  of  large  craters,  200  to  500 
feet  deep  and  several  thousand  feet  in  circumference.  The  highest  point  is 
Honuaulu,  8273  feet  above  sea  level.  Some  of  the  walls  of  the  craters  are  solid 
or  composed  of  cinder,  and  almost  vertical.  In  the  rock  crevasses  of  the 
crater  walls  one  frequently  meets  with  the  composite  Tetramolopium  humile, 
the  Hawaiian  daisy. 

Northwest  from  Honuaulu,  a  half  mile  distant,  is  a  series  of  craters  and 
cones,  one  being  especially  remarkable  for  its  unfathomable  depth.  Of  these 
cones  there  are  many.  They  are  usually  built  up  of  aa,  and  have  the  shape  of 
the  well-known  tufa  cones.  The  one  in  question  is  a  veritable  chimney,  about 
100  feet  high,  with  a  blow-hole  of  ten  feet  in  diameter,  the  inner  walls  of  which 
are  perfectly  smooth.  A  stone  dropped  by  the  writer  in  this  chimney  fell  for 
sixteen  seconds  before  the  first  reverberation  could  be  heard.  Between  this  cone 
and  Honuaulu  is  a  plain  of  pahoehoe  lava,  with  a  very  thin  crust  which  breaks 
at  nearly  every  step,  making  it  dangerous  for  man  and  animal  to  cross  it. 

The  slopes  of  Hualalai,  from  the  Puuwaawaa  side,  are  very  steep  and  bear 
only  one  crater  of  considerable  size,  at  an  elevation  of  5000  feet. 

This  mountain  is  usually  wrapped  in  clouds  and  only  occasionally  the  very 
summit  can  be  seen  appearing  like  a  little  island  above  a  sea  of  clouds,  while 
Mauna  Loa  and  Mauna  Kea  are  hardly  ever  completely  hidden  from  view. 
(See  plate  XVIII.) 

Back  of  Puuwaawaa  its  wonderful  vegetation  ceases  and  its  place  is  taken 
by  the  leguminous  Sophora  clirysopliylla  and  Myoporum  sandwicense.  Here 
and  there  a  few  composites  can  still  be  found  and  an  occasional  Euphorbia 


lorifolia,  together  with  Pseudomorns  Brunoniana,  form  the  last  stragglers.  From 
here  the  country  merges  into  the  great  central  plateau  whose  vegetative  charac- 
teristics have  already  been  described. 

Adjoining  Puuwaawaa  on  the  north  is  another  interesting  strip  of  land  called 
Puuanahulu.  The  plant  formation  on  this  land  is  very  similar  to  that  of  Puu- 
waawaa, but  harbors  species  of  trees  which  can  not  be  found  in  the  latter  locality. 
In  this  respect  the  vegetation  approaches  very  much  that  of  Kapua  or  Manuka 
in  South  Kona. 

On  the  way  to  Puuanahulu  the  road  leads  over  a  bluff  of  about  100  feet  in 
height,  over  which  the  lava  flowed  cascade-like.  The  trees  growing  on  this  bluff 
are  mainly  Reynoldsia  sandwicensis  (Ohe)  and  Dracaena  aurea  (Halapepe). 
The  land  forms  a  promontory  and  is  in  reality  an  ancient  crater;  the  soil  is  a 
yellow  loam,  and  no  trace  of  lava  is  visible.  Opuntia  tuna  is  exceedingly  num- 
erous, together  with  Brousonettia  papyrifera,  which  has  been  cultivated  by  the 
natives  living  there.  It  is  one  of  the  driest  districts  and  very  few  trees  can  be 
found,  such  as  the  above  mentioned  and  Erythrina  monosperma  (Wiliwili),  all 
of  them  trees  adapted  for  districts  with  very  little  rainfall. 

Immediately  beyond  the  bluff,  the  1859  flow,  which  found  its  source  on  the 
flanks  of  Mauna  Loa,  crossed  the  government  road.  The  lava  is  pahoehoe 
(smooth),  and  is  bare  of  any  vegetation  with  the  exception  of  some  weeds, 
such  as  Solanum  pseudocapsicum,  which  is  very  numerous  in  that  neighborhood. 
Beyond  this  comparatively  recent  flow  is  an  old  aa  (rough)  lava  flow  which 
supports  a  very  interesting  xerophytic  vegetation.  Here  we  find  Xanthoxylum 
Hawaiiense,  a  small  tree,  also  Kokia  Rockii,  and  Alphitonia  excelsa. 

Adjoining  Puuanahulu  is  Keaumoku,  a  large  plain  with  a  scrub  vegetation 
which  merges  into  the  Parker  ranch,  and  is  really  a  continuation  of  the  slopes 
of  Mauna  Kea.  The  shrubs  found  here  are  mainly  Dodonaea  viscosa  (Aalii), 
Wikstroemia  phyllyreae folia  (Akia),  a  low  shrub  with  brick-red  globose  ber- 
ries; and  a  few  others  also  common  to  the  central  plateau.  From  Keaumoku 
on,  the  country  is  flat  and  mainly  grassland;  the  grasses  growing  there  are 
of  recent  introduction,  such  as  Cynodon  dactylon,  Melinis  rosea,  Bromus  vil- 
losus,  and  others;  mixed  with  them  are  Sida  falax,  Argemone  mexicana,  Wal- 
theria  americana,  Silene  gallica,  etc.  The  country  is  extremely  dry,  and  when 
very  windy  the  dirt  is  carried  for  miles  and  so  thickly  that  everything  appears 
to  be  hazy  as  in  a  dense  mist  or  fog. 

Of  interest  in  this  locality  is  the  large  crater  Nohonaohae,  as  it  harbors  still 
some  of  the  original  vegetation  which  covered  these  lands  before  they  were 
stocked  with  cattle  and  sheep. 

Of  great  interest  is  the  Labiate  Haplostachys  Grayana,  an  exceedingly 
scarce  plant  which,  like  its  congeners  Haplostachys  rosmarinifolia  and  H.  trun- 
cata,  belongs  to  the  dry,  open  grasslands.  As  these  lands  are  usually  used  for 
ranching,  these  beautiful  plants  were  of  the  first  to  be  devoured  by  sheep  and 
cattle  alike.  It  is  also  only  in  such  places  as  Nohonaohae,  owing  to  the  partial 


inaccessibility  to  cattle,  that  one  can  still  find  H.  Grayana;  with  it  grows  Wik- 
stroemia,  Campylotheca,  several  species  of  Lipochaeta,  Dodonaea  viscosa,  Eail- 
lardia  ciliolata  and  Xantlioxylum  Hawaiiense,  the  latter  a  small  tree  or  shrub 
with  strongly  lemon-scented  leaves. 

The  treeless  plain  extends  over  to  the  Waimea  village,  situated  at  the  foot 
of  the  South  Kohala  mountains,  at  an  elevation  of  2700  feet.  The  country 
north  of  Waimea  is  extremely  wet,  while  south  of  it  the  land  is  comparatively 
dry,  especially  so  at  Kawaihae.  From  Puukawai,  a  crater  situated  about  three 
miles  south  of  Waimea,  the  land  is  known  as  Kawaihaeiuka,  and  must  have  been 
once  upon  a  time  covered  with  a  plant  growth  similar  to  Puuwaawaa  now. 
Nearly  all  the  common  trees  found  in  North  Kona  occur  here;  the  only  species 
not  found  in  Kona  and  growing  on  the  slopes  of  South  Kohala  that  is  in  Ka- 
waihaeiuka is  Acacia  Koaia  (Koaia),  a  tree  resembling  very  much  the  Koa,  but 
differing  from  it  in  size,  in  its  rather  gnarled  trunk,  harder  wood  and  very  nar- 
row seed  pods.  It  can  be  found,  however,  on  the  slopes  of  Puuanahulu,  the 
boundary  of  North  Kona.  The  tree  is  peculiar  to  the  very  dry  districts  and 
never  occurs  in  wet  forests,  as  is  the  case  with  the  Acacia  Koa.  Hillebrand  in 
his  Flora  reports  the  araliaceous  Pterotropia  dipyrena  as  growing  at  Kawai- 
haeiuka, but  the  writer  was  unable  to  find  it.  In  fact,  the  land  is  now  very  open 
and  only  few  trees  can  still  be  found,  cattle  having  destroyed  them  very  rapidly. 
At  3000  feet  elevation  the  land  is  swampy  and  the  main  plant  covering  is 
Paspalum  conjugatum,  with  a  few  Sadleria  ferns,  instead  of  the  dense  forest 
which  once  here  existed. 

In  conclusion,  the  writer  wishes  to  state  that  owing  to  the  similar  age  of  the 
Kohala  Mountains  to  that  of  the  West  Maui  Mountains,  he  finds  it  advisable  to 
treat  that  district  either  separately  or  in  conjunction  with  the  West  Maui  for- 
ests and  those  of  Waialeale,  Kauai. 



Next  to  the  xerophytic  forest  on  the  leeward  sides  of  the  various  islands, 
the  middle  forest  region  is  one  of  the  most  interesting,  as  it  is  here  that  certain 
plant  families,  such  as  the  Campanulaceae,  tribe  Lobelioideae,  and  Labiatae,  as 
well  as  Rutaceae,  reach  their  best  development  and  become  highly  specialized. 
As  is  the  case  with  the  lower  forest  regions  on  the  various  islands,  in  re- 
gard to  non-uniformity,  so  it  is  with  the  middle  forest  region,  but  still  more 
pronounced  as  the  various  islands  are  of  different  ages,  Kauai  being  the  oldest. 

Owing  to  the  fact  that  there  is  no  typical  forest  for  all  the  islands  as  far 
as  the  middle  forest  zone  is  concerned,  it  will  therefore  be  of  greater  interest 
and  value  to  describe  the  vegetative  formations  of  this  particular  region  on 
each  island  separately. 

The  Island  of  Kauai  is  almost  orbicular  in  outline  and  is  intersected  on  the 
leeward  side  by  a  large  canyon  and  several  valleys,  of  which  Kalalau,  Miloli  and 
Olokele  are  the  most  noteworthy. 

At  3800  feet  elevation  Metrosideros  polymorpha  (Ohia  lehua)  is  a  very  com- 
mon tree  and  inhabits  the  outskirts  of  the  middle  forest  zone.  It  is,  however, 
associated  with  Sideroxylon  sandwicense  (Alaa),  Tetraplasandra  Waimeae,  the 
lauraceous  Cryptocarya  Mannii,  previously  thought  to  be  peculiar  to  Kauai,  but 
since  found  by  C.  N.  Forbes  on  the  Kaala  Mountains  on  Oahu,  Xanthoxylum 
dipetalum  var.  ?-.,  Broussaisia  arguta,  usually  found  along  streams  with  the 
lobeliaceous  Cyanea  leptostegia  (Halialua),  a  truly  superb  plant  of  palm-like 
habit  which  reaches  sometimes  a  height  of  40  feet.  It  is  associated  with  Cyanea 
hirtella,  and  Cyanea  spathulata,  both  of  which  are  shrubs  with  small  flowers. 
Santalum  pyrularium,  the  Kauai  Sandalwood,  forms  an  important  tree  of  this 
region,  while  Elaeocarpus  bifidus  (Kalia)  forms  about  30  per  cent,  of  the  forest, 
following  immediately  after  the  Ohia  lehua.  This  particular  elevation  has  still 
some  species  of  the  lower  forest  zone  present,  as  can  be  seen  by  the  occurrence 
of  Pterotropia  Kauaiensis,  Osmanthus  sandwicensis,  Antidesma,  and  others ; 
while,  as  we  enter  the  interior  of  the  island,  a  wealth  of  foliage  is  displayed 
which  can  hardly  be  equaled  anywhere  in  the  group. 

Members  of  the  Rutaceae  are  the  most  prominent,  besides  Pittosporum,  of 
which  P.  Kauaiensis,  P.  acuminatum,  and  P.  Gayanum,  a  species  new  to  science, 
are  of  interest.  The  latter  species  occurs  only  on  the  high  plateau  at  the 
foot  of  Mt.  Waialeale,  where  the  rainfall  is  immense.  As  already  mentioned, 
the  family  Rutaceae  is  well  represented  in  this  floral  zone.  The  genus  Pelea, 
which  has  a  few  species  in  the  drier  regions,  has  not  less  than  14  or  15  species 
here,  10  of  which  are  peculiar  to  Kauai,  in  the  middle  forest  zone.  They  like 
heavy,  gray,  loamy  soil,  where  water  is  often  stagnant,  forming  small  pools  all 
the  year  round.  Pelea  cruciata  (Piloula),  and  P.  microcarpa  (Kolokolo  Moki* 
hana),  both  recently  described  species,  are  quite  common  in  company  with  Wik- 
stroemia  sandwicensis  var.  furcata  (Akia),  Pelea  Kauaiensis,  P.  Knudsenii,  P. 


sapotaefolia  and  var.  procumbens,  P.  macropus,  P.  oblong  if  olia  (not  peculiar  to 
Kauai),  P.  barbigera  (Uaheapele),  and  the  well-known  P.  anisata  (Mokihana), 
all  are  old  denizens  of  Kauai  and  particularly  of  the  middle  forest  zone.  On 
the  other  islands  several  species  of  Pelea  are  found,  but  by  far  the  most  num- 
erous species  are  found  on  Kauai.  On  Oahu  we  find  P.  Lydgatei  and  P.  clusi- 
aefolia,  but  the  most  common  species  is  P.  sandwicensis,  whose  place  is  taken 
on  Hawaii  by  P.  volcanica,  which  ascends,  however,  up  to  6000  feet.  Platy- 
desma  rostrata  and  PI.  campanulata  var.  macropliylla,  both  species  belonging 
to  a  strictly  Hawaiian  genus  with  almost  no  affinities,  are  to  be  found.  Of  these 
two  species,  the  former  inhabits  the  more  dry  districts,  as  in  the  forest  of  Kopi- 
wai  in  company  with  Alphitonia  excelsa,  while  the  latter  is  usually  found  in  the 
interior  of  the  island,  but  in  the  Elaeocarpus  forest  belt.  Solatium  Kauaiense 
(Popoloaiakeakua)  forms  the  undershrub,  with  several  species  of  Cyrtandra  and 
the  very  handsome  composite  Campylotheca  cosmoides  (Poolanui),  a  shrub  with 
long,  rambling  branches  and  very  large  yollow,  drooping  flowers.  The  genus 
Raillardia,  with  its  many  species  on  Maui  and  Hawaii,  has  only  one  species  rep- 
resented in  the  middle  forest  zone  of  Kauai,  but  this  species,  Raillardia,  lati- 
folia,  is  so  different  from  those  found  on  the  other  islands  that  one  would  not 
recognize  its  relationship  at  the  first  glance.  While  all  Raillardiae  are  either 
shrubs  or  small  trees,  the  species  in  question  is  really  a  vine  or  climber.  The 
writer  observed  it  on  Bobea  Mannii  and  also  on  Xanthoxylum,  both  trees  of 
about  30  feet  in  height.  The  genus  Dubautia,  also  of  the  composite  family, 
consists  of  seven  species,  all  of  which  can  be  found  on  Kauai,  five  of  them  being 
peculiar  to  the  island.  Dubautia  plantaginea  is  found  on  all  the  islands  of  the 
group,  but  has  many  variations  on  Kauai,  where  it  is  very  common  along  Waia- 
lae  stream.  Dubautia  Knudsenii  usually  grows  on  more  open  slopes  and  ridges 
and  is  a  small  shrub,  while  D.  raillardioides  is  a  small  tree  still  belonging  to  the 
Elaeocarpus  belt.  Of  other  Compositae  especial  mention  must  be  made  of  the 
highly  interesting  Wilkesia  gymnoxiphium,  a  very  beautiful  plant  usually  found 
on  the  edge  of  canyons  and  bluffs,  nearly  always  in  company  with  the  tall  and 
handsome  blue-flowered  Lobelia  yuccoides,  \vhich  becomes  15  to  20  feet  in  height ; 
they  are  usually  found  in  company  with  Styphelia  tameiameia,  Bobea  Mannii, 
Dodonaea  viscosa,  and  Acacia  Koa,  and  belong  to  the  outskirts  of  the  middle 
forest  zone. 

If  we  follow  the  Waialae  stream  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet  we  find  many 
interesting  plants,  among  them  the  new  lobeliaceous  Cyanea  rivularis  with  its 
large,  bright-blue  flowers.  It  covers  the  steep  banks  or  walls  of  this  wonderful 
valley,  almost  to  the  exclusion  of  everything  else.  At  the  head  of  this  stream 
these  beautiful  plants  stand  erect  like  palms,  with  their  large  crown  of  leaves 
at  the  top  of  a  single  15  to  20  feet  tall  stem,  waving  gracefully  in  the  wind. 
With  it  is  usually  found  Lobelia  liypoleuca,  Cyrtandra  begomaefolia,  and  C. 
Wawrae,  as  well  as  the  new  Cyanea  Gayana,  another  of  the  numerous  Lobelioi- 
deae  inhabiting  this  wonderful  island. 


As  we  advance  into  the  interior  of  the  island,  Elaeocarpus  bifidus  and  its 
associates  give  place  to  the  araliaceous  Cheirodendron  platyphyllum  (Lapalapa), 
which  is  the  predominant  tree  with  Metrosideros  polymorpha;  here  dwell  Scae- 
vola  glabra,  also  known  from  Oahu,  Labordea  tinifolia,  L.  Waialealae,  and  sev- 
eral other  species  of  this  genus,  some  of  which  are  new  to  science.  The  forest 
becomes  wetter  and  wetter,  thick,  light-green  moss  covers  the  trees  and  ground 
alike,  fern  growth  is  abundant,  and  Hepaticae  together  with  Hymenophyllums 
and  Trichomanes  ferns  hang  gracefully  from  every  tree.  The  narrow  leaved 
Astelia  Menziesiana  covers  fallen  trees ;  with  it  can  be  found  the  very  peculiar 
caryophyllaceous  Schiedea  lychnoides,  with  large  white  flowers,  while  Sckiedea 
stellarioides  inhabits  the  drier  districts.  In  these  swampy  forests  the  newly- 
described  Lysimachia  glutinosa,  with  large,  beautiful  cream-colored  flowers, 
forms  part  of  the  undershrubs,  but  only  in  one  locality,  and  that  at  the  summit 
of  the  ridge  leading  to  Kalalau.  It  is  here  that  the  writer  discovered  a  species 
of  Palm  new  to  science,  which  has  since  been  described  by  Dr.  0.  Beccari  of 
Florence,  Italy,  as  Pritchardia  minor.  It  is  a  very  distinct  species  and  differs 
from  all  the  rest  of  Hawaiian  palms  in  the  oval  black  fruits,  which  are  of  the 
size  of  a  black  olive,  while  the  other  species  have  fruits  of  the  size  of  a  small 
hen's  egg;  besides  the  whole  aspect  of  the  palm  is  different.  Of  Rubiaceae, 
Straussia  Mariniana  and  8.  oncocarpa  var.  p.  grow  side  by  side  with  Psychotria 
hexandra,  since  also  found  on  Oahu  in  the  Punaluu  Mountains.  Psychotria 
grandiflora,  a  small  tree  or  shrub  with  beautiful  cymosely-arranged  white 
flowers,  inhabits  the  dense,  swampy  jungle,  with  Cyrtandra  Gay  ana  and  several 
vines,  such  as  Stenogyne  purpurea  var.  brevipedunculata,  and  one  or  two  species 
of  Phyllostegia  with  fragrant  flowers. 

The  genera  Kadua  and  Gouldia,  both  endemic  genera  of  the  Family  Rubi- 
aceae, are  represented  in  this  zone  by  many  species,  of  which  Kadua  Knudsenii, 
K.  Waimeae,  and  K.  glaucifolia  are  the  most  common.  These  with  Gouldia 
species  inhabit  rather  the  more  open  places  where  Cyanea  leptostegia  abounds. 

In  the  smaller  streambeds  occur  several  species  of  Pipturus,  as  P.  ruber,  P. 
Kauaiensis,  and  others,  besides  Urera,  Neraudia  sp.  nov.,  Perrottetia  sandwi- 
censis,  Dubautia  laxa,  Rubus  hawaiiensis  var.  inermis,  several  species  of  Phyl- 
lostegia, Cyanea  spathulata,  Artemisia  australis,  and  others. 

What  is  true  of  other  genera  is  also  true  of  the  genus  Suttonia  (Myrsine). 
This  genus,  with  its  species  Lessertiana,  common  on  all  the  islands  of  the  group, 
has  four  species  peculiar  to  Kauai,  which  inhabit  the  swampy  forests.  Most 
peculiar  is  the  fact  that  of  the  lobeliaceous  genus  Clermontia,  which  has  reached 
such  a  wonderful  development  on  Oahu,  Maui  and  Hawaii,  only  one  species  (C. 
Gaudichaudii)  occurs.  It  is  a  small  tree,  usually  groAving  along  water  courses, 
either  terrestrial  or  epiphytic  on  other  trees. 

Mention  may  also  be  made  of  the  herbaceous  Dianella  ensi folia  (Uki)  with 
its  lilac  berries,  which  covers  the  ground  thickly  in  the  Elaeocarpus  forest 
belt.  Syzygium  sandwicense  (Oliia  ha)  attains  quite  a  height  and  is  associated 


with  Ohio,  leliua,  Kalia,  and  the  rubiaceous  genus  Coprosma,  of  which  C.  pub  ens, 
C.  Kauaiensis  and  C.  Waimcae  (Olena)  belong  here. 

The  third  species,  C.  montana  var.  ~( .,  is  only  found  on  the  high,  swampy 
plateau  itself  in  company  with  Lobelia  Kauaiensis  and  L.  macrostacliys  var. 
Kauaiensis  var.  nov.,  several  species  of  Dubautia,  and  others. 

The  further  we  penetrate  into  the  interior  the  denser  becomes  the  growth. 
Soil  is  no  longer  visible,  as  the  ground  is  covered  with  a  beautiful  green  carpet 
of  moss,  often  two  feet  thick  and  saturated  with  water.  The  same  can  be  said 
of  the  trees ;  their  trunks  appear  to  be  two  feet  in  diameter,  but  on  investigation 
we  find  the  true  diameter  to  be  only  4  to  5  inches,  the  rest  being  mosses  and 
hepaticae  of  all  description.  It  is  on  such  trees  that  Poly  podium  hymeno- 
plnjUoides,  P.  serrulatum,  P.  adenopliorus,  and  Lycopodium  Mannii  occur. 

The  genus  Diellia  has  several  species  peculiar  to  Kauai,  as  D.  centifolia,  D. 
laciniata,  and  D.  Knudsenii,  which  belong  to  the  swampy  region.  The  same 
holds  good  of  many  Asplenium,  Polystichum  and  Dryopteris  species. 

In  these  dense  forests,  which  harbor  many  species  undoubtedly  new  to  science, 
which  will  be  described  as  soon  as  the  bulky  material  can  be  worked  up,  we 
find  large  open  places  of  several  acres  in  area  which  resemble  the  peat  bogs  of 
Northern  Europe.  The  vegetation  is  naturally  stunted  and  only  few  shrubs 
occur.  The  soil  in  these  bogs  is  of  a  gray  color,  loamy  and  heavy,  and  decayed 
vegetation  is  often  found  to  be  10  to  15  feet  deep.  A  bunch  grass,  Panicum  monti- 
cola,  forms  large  round  mounds  or  tussocks,  together  with  Panicum  isachnoides 
of  similar  habit.  In  these  tussocks  we  find  Selaginella  deflexa  and  Lycopodium 
erubescens,  the  latter,  however,  often  submerged  on  the  rocks  in  the  middle  of 
streambeds.  The  most  interesting  plant  is  Drosera  longifolia  (Mikinalo),  one 
of  the  so-called  insect-eating  plants,  which  also  occurs  in  the  northern  parts  of 
Europe.  Outside  of  Kauai  the  plant  has  not  been  found  on  the  other  islands 
of  the  group. 

Back  of  Kaholuamano,  in  the  midst  of  a  dense  forest,  is  such  a  bog,  which 
bears  the  name  Lehua  makanoe  or  "Lehua  in  the  fog."  The  only  shrub  in  this 
bog  is  Metrosideros  pumila,  probably  a  stunted  sport  of  Metrosideros  poly- 
morplia,  in  whose  shade  the  beautiful  herbaceous  violet,  Viola  Kauaiensis  (Poke 
hiwa)  thrives.  It  is,  however,  not  confined  to  this  locality,  but  can  also  be  found 
throughout  the  swampy  forest,  mainly  on  moss-covered  tree  trunks,  as  well  as 
in  Kauluwehi  swamp  (4210  feet),  and  on  the  summit  of  Waialeale,  wrhose  vegeta 
tion  will  be  described  under  "bog  formations." 

Denser  and  wetter  becomes  the  forest  as  we  ascend  the  gradual  slope  which 
leads  to  Waialeale.  We  cross  the  first  stream,  Wailenalena,  on  whose  banks  the 
writer  discovered  a  new  violet,  a  variety  of  Viola  robusta,  which  was  named 
after  the  stream,  var.  Wailenalenae,  outside  of  whose  banks  it  has  not  been  ob- 
served. It  reaches  a  height  of  3  to  6  feet,  and  has  a  woody  stem,  such  as  many  of 
our  violets  possess.  Two  new  shrubby  species  of  Pelea  grow  in  its  company.  As 
we  approach  the  streams  of  Kailiili,  Kaluiti,  and  Kanaholo,  we  find  for  the  first 


time  the  very  interesting  haloragaceous  Gunner  a  petaloidea  (Ape  ape),  with  its 
huge,  thick,  rugose,  reniform  leaves  of  sometimes  five  feet  in  diameter.  Both 
banks  of  the  streams  are  lined  with  these  handsome  plants,  under  whose  leaves 
the  traveler  finds  as  perfect  a  protection  from  rain  as  under  an  umbrella.  The 
stems  of  the  plants  are  4  to  5  feet  tall,  and  can  be  cut  with  one  stroke  of  the 
knife,  though  almost  six  inches  in  diameter.  Associated  with  it  is  the  newly- 
described  araliaceous  T etraplasandra  Waialealae,  which  ascends,  however,  up 
to  the  summit  of  Waialeale,  where  it  is  most  common. 

One  would  expect  that  in  such  a  locality  the  tribe  Lobelioideae  would  have 
many  forms,  which,  however,  is  not  the  case.  Only  one  species  is  found,  which 
occurs  also  in  the  Elaeocarpus  belt,  and  is  new  to  science.  The  two  species 
of  Lobelia,  L.  Kauaiensis  and  L.  macrostackys  var.  Kauaiensis  var.  nov.,  are 
found  in  great  numbers,  especially  the  former,  which  forms  often  pure  stands 
of  several  hundreds  of  plants  in  open  spots. 

In  the  neighborhood  of  Kauluwehi  swamp,  Suttonia  Kauaiensis  and  its 
tomentose  variety  form  more  or  less  tall  shrubs.  Cyperaceae  are  plentiful  in  the 
open  swamps  and  forest  as  well,  and  will  be  mentioned  under  ' '  bog  formations. ' ' 

A  very  peculiar  cyperaceous  plant  was  found  on  a  dry  ridge  leading  to 
Waiakealoha.  It  was  unfortunately  neither  in  flower  nor  fruit,  but  was  sent  to 
Dr.  Kiikenthal,  the  authority  on  this  family. 

The  common  species  of  Gahnia  and  Cladium  can  be  found  at  Kaholuamano 
as  well  as  in  the  neighboring  districts. 


The  Islands  of  Oahu  and  Molokai  have  many  species  of  plants  in  common. 
As  we  have  seen,  Elaeocarpus  bifidus  (Kalia)  is  almost  the  predominant  tree  of 
the  first  belt  of  the  middle  forest  zone  on  Kauai;  on  Oahu  the  tree  belongs  to 
the  lower  forest  zone  and  is  only  sparingly  found  above  2400  feet.  On  Molokai 
the  tree  is  entirely  absent,  as  well  as  on  the  rest  of  the  islands  of  the  group.  The 
reason  for  this  is  probably  to  be  found  in  the  awkward  size  of  the  seed,  which 
is  about  as  large  as  a  small  pigeon's  egg,  and  dispersed  by  nature's  agents  only 
with  great  difficulty  or  now  not  at  all. 

Of  Lobelioideae,  the  genus  Clermontia,  only  represented  by  one  species  on 
Kauai,  achieved  a  wonderful  development  on  Molokai  and  Oahu.  The  most 
common  species  is  Cl.  macrocarpa,  found  also  in  the  lower  forest  zone  at  1200 
feet  elevation.  Since  the  dying  out  of  the  once  beautiful  forest  on  the  northern 
slope  of  Haleakala,  especially  between  Kailua  and  Honomanu,  this  shrub  has 
taken  possession  of  the  land  and  seems  to  thrive  where  Ohia  lehua  trees  could  not 
exist.  On  Oahu  we  find  the  sharp  ridges  of  the  main  range  covered  with  dense 
vegetation  (see  Plate  XX),  especially  so  in  the  valleys  of  Punaluu  and  Ka- 
hana,  until  we  reach  the  drier  districts  of  Kahuku.  Compositae  are  scarce  on 
Oahu,  and  the  genus  Raillardia  is  practically  absent.  On  Konahuanui  several 


species  of  Clermontiae  abound,  such  as  Cl.  oblongifolia,  which  has  a  variety  on 
Maui  and  is  also  not  uncommon  on  Lanai ;  Cl.  persicae folia  is,  however,  peculiar 
to  Oahu.  It  is  a  small,  handsome  tree  with  white  flowers,  and  is  not  uncommon 
in  Palolo  Valley  along  the  ridge  leading  to  Mt.  Olympus.  On  Molokai,  Cl. 
arborescens  and  Cl.  grandi  flora  take  the  place  of  Cl.  macrocarpa  on  Oahu,  the 
former  being  especially  common  not  only  on  Molokai,  but  also  on  Maui,  where 
trees  of  20  to  25  feet  in  height  can  be  found.  At  the  Pali  of  Wailau,  Molokai, 
we  find  Cl.  pallida  as  the  third  and  last  species  of  that  genus  on  Molokai. 

The  genus  Cyanea,  however,  finds  a  larger  development.  On  Oahu,  the  most 
common  species  are  Cyanea  angustifolia  and  Cyanea  acuminata,  the  latter  not 
unlike  a  Delissea  at  first  appearance,  to  which  supposition  its  white  flowers 
would  lead  one.  Cyanea  Grimesiana,  one  of  the  few  Lobelioideae  with  pinnate 
leaves,  is  often  found  hidden  among  ferns,  and  when  not  in  flower  could  easily 
be  overlooked  as  such.  On  Molokai  we  find  Cyanea  Mannii,  C.  solenocalyx,  and 
C.  ferox,  which,  however,  has  a  close  relative  on  East  Maui.  C.  procera  belongs 
to  the  2000-foot  level  above  Kamolo,  in  which  district,  however,  the  forest  has 
suffered  tremendously  from  cattle,  and  no  doubt  the  introduced  Japanese  deer 
have  contributed  their  share  of  uselessness.  The  trees  in  this  section  are  again 
Ohia  lehua,  mainly  with  Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii  (Olapa),  Suttonia  Lesser- 
liana,  and  several  species  of  Pelea,  such  as  Pelea  Molokaiensis,  P.  oblongifolia,  P. 
sandwicensis,  etc.  Of  Rubiaceae,  Straussia  kaduana  is  the  most  common  tree, 
and  is  distinguished  from  its  ally  S.  mariniana  in  its  drooping  peduncle,  which 
is  usually  of  various  lengths.  Psychotria  hexandra  has  also  been  found  outside 
of  Kauai,  to  which  island  it  was  once  thought  to  be  peculiar.  It  grows  in  the 
mountains  of  Punaluu  in  company  with  Pittosporum  glomeratum,  P.  glabrum 
(Hoawa),  Perrottetia  sandwicensis,  numerous  species  of  Rollandia,  and  in  its 
shade  grows  an  exceedingly  interesting  species  of  Lysimachia,  which  was  dis- 
covered by  the  writer  in  the  year  1908,  and  has  later  been  named  by  C.  N.  Forbes 
as  L.  longisepala.  In  the  same  locality  grows  a  tree  of  the  family  Euphorbi- 
aceae;  it  is  a  true  Euphorbia,  and  has  been  named  after  its  discoverer  as  Eu- 
phorbia Eockii  by  C.  N.  Forbes,  who  also  named  a  species  of  violet  found  by  the 
author  as  Viola  Oahuensis.  The  genus  Cyrtandra  of  the  family  Gesneriaceae 
reaches  here  a  wonderful  development,  and  it  can  safely  be  said  that  Oahu  har- 
bors more  species  of  that  genus  than  any  other  island  of  the  group. 

Of  Palms,  we  find  Pritchardia  Martii  on  Oahu,  while  on  Molokai  in  the 
swamps  of  Kawela  grows  Pritchardia  Hillebrandii.  Of  Araliaceae,  Tetraplas- 
andra  grows  in  the  dense  forests  as  well  as  on  open,  exposed  ridges,  in  company 
with  Scaevola  gldbra,  Pelea,  Campylotheca,  and  Xanthoxylum  oahuense,  a  small 
handsome  tree.  On  Oahu  we  find  Tetraplasandra  meiandra  in  many  varieties 
on  the  exposed  ridges,  while  the  variety  /3  of  the  same  species  occurs  along  a 
large  gulch  near  Kawela  swamp  in  company  with  Pittosporum  glabrum,,  Lo- 
belia gaudichaudii,  and  Raillardia  Molokaiensis.  Tetraplasandra  hawaiiensis 
is  not  uncommon  on  Molokai,  especially  above  Kaluaaha  and  in  Wailau  valley, 


as  well  as  on  the  Island  of  Lanai  on  the  main  ridge  of  Haalelepakai,  from  which 
place  it  had  not  been  reported  previously.  Hillebrand  in  his  Flora  reports 
Pterotropia  dipyrcna  from  Lanai,  especially  from  the  main  ridge;  the  writer, 
however,  failed  to  find  a  single  tree  of  this  species,  but  Tetraplasandra  hawaii- 
ensis  being  very  common  he  comes  to  the  conclusion  that  there  is  a  possibility  of 
Hillebrand  having  mistaken  the  identity  of  the  trees  in  question,  which  resemble 
each  other  very  much  and  perhaps  could  be  mistaken  one  for  the  other  when 
not  in  flower. 

The  middle  forest  zone  is  also  the  home  of  the  loganiaceous  genus  Labordea, 
of  which  many  species  exist,  as  new  ones  have  come  to  light  since  the  explora- 
tion of  this  group  has  been  commenced  systematically.  Mention  must  also 
be  made  of  the  extraordinary  species  of  Compositae  belonging  to  the  genus 
Hesperomannia.  Mr.  Forbes  has  described  an  interesting  species  which  he 
found  on  the  Island  of  Kauai,  and  the  writer  has  found  trees  30  feet  in  height 
of  H.  arborescens  on  Mt.  Konahuanui,  Oahu.  The  trees  were  originally 
found  on  the  Island  of  Lanai  on  the  highest  ridge,  where  Hillebrand  says  he 
found  about  eight  specimens  of  this  tree.  Dr.  R.  C.  L.  Perkins  told  the  writer 
that  he  found  two  trees  about  ten  years  ago.  A  careful  search  during  a  six- 
weeks'  stay  on  that  island  did  not  reveal  even  a  sign  of  such  a  tree  once  having 
existed.  Our  three  species  of  Hesperomannia  are  very  closely  related  to  the 
Tahitian  Fitchia,  a  genus  of  two  arborescent  mountain  species. 

Of  Goodeniaceae,  several  species  belong  to  this  region,  Scaevola  mollis  being 
peculiar  to  Oahu,  as  well  as  S.  ckamissoniana,  the  latter,  however,  descending 
into  the  lower  forest  zone,  while  8.  procera  inhabits  the  mountains  of  Molokai, 
Maui,  and  Kauai;  8.  cylindrocarpa  being  only  found  on  Lanai  on  the  highest 
ridge.  The  epacridaceous  shrub,  Styphelia  tameiameia,  is  also  an  inhabitant 
of  this  zone,  together  with  V  actinium  penduliflorum. 

Of  herbaceous  plants,  several  species  of  Campylotheca  belong  here,  as  well 
as  several  vines,  as  Gynopogon  oliviformis  (Maile),  the  liliaceous  Smilax  sand- 
wicaisis  (Pioi),  and  the  myrsinaceous  Embelia  pacifica.  Besides  Euphorbia 
Rock ii,  a  number  of  other  species  belong  to  this  zone,  such  as  E.  clusiae folia  and 
E.  multiformis,  the  former  on  more  exposed  ridges,  especially  back  of  Honolulu 
on  one  of  the  ridges  leading  to  Konahuanui,  where  it  is  associated  with  a  stunted 
form  of  Syzygium  sandwicense  (Oliia  ha). 

Of  Violaceae,  Viola  robusta,  a  very  stout  species  3  to  5  feet  tall,  is  very  com- 
mon in  the  dense,  mossy  forest,  while  V.  Chamissoniana,  a  shrubby  species  with 
pink  flowers,  is  found  mainly  along  stream  beds  (see  Plate  XXI)  in  company 
with  shrubby  species  of  Plantago,  such  as  Plantago  princeps,  not  uncommon 
back  of  Kamoku  camp,  Molokai,  where  it  grows  over  6  feet  tall.  The  Labiatae 
take  here  also  an  important  place,  Phyllostegia  being  represented  by  numerous 
species.  Especial  mention  must  be  made  of  the  truly  superb  specimens  of  Ste- 
nogyne  Kamehamehac,  which  trail  over  the  swampy  ground  with  large  clusters  of 



VEGETATION  ALONG  A  STREAM  BED  on  Molokai,  ferns  Sadleria  cyatheoides. 

deep  magenta  flowers  which  are  over  3  inches  long.  On  Hawaii  its  place  is 
taken  by  the  also  handsome  species  8.  calaminthoides,  while  on  Oahu  only  two 
are  recorded,  of  which  one  is  doubtful. 

The  amarantaceous  Charpentiera  ovata,  as  well  as  Ch.  obovata,  ascend  oc- 
casionally into  the  middle  forest  zone,  but  are  really  typical  of  the  lower  forest 
region.  The  biggest  trees  of  the  species  Ch.  obovata  were  found  at  Puuwaawraa, 
Hawaii,  where  the  writer  measured  trunks  two  feet  in  diameter. 

A  handsome  plant  growing  along  streambeds  and  waterfalls  is  the  begoni- 
aceous  Hillebrandia  sandwicensis,  the  native  Begonia  or  Akaakaawa,  or  as  it  is 
often  called,  Puamakanui,  the  big-eyed  flower.  It  is  common  on  Kauai  as  well 
as  Molokai,  and  may  still  be  found  on  Oahu.  On  Maui  the  writer  found  it  at 
about  6000  feet  elevation,  in  the  crater  of  Haleakala  in  the  Koolau  gap,  where 
it  grew  over  six  feet  high  under  the  shade  of  Perrottetia  sandwicensis  (Oloniea). 

The  queen  of  all  is  the  lobeliaceous  Cyanea  siiperba  var.  regina,  an  exceed- 
ingly beautiful  plant  found  only  on  Oahu,  in  the  gulches  of  Wailupe  and  Niu, 
and  in  Makaleha  of  the  Kaala  range. 

Cryptogams  reach  also  a  wonderful  development,  especially  the  tree  ferns, 
which  have  been  referred  to  under  the  chapter  on  the  Island  of  Hawraii  proper. 
Marattia  Douglasii  may  be  called  a  typical  fern  of  the  middle  forest  zone;  it  is 
known  to  the  natives  as  Pala  or  mule-hoof  fern  on  account  of  its  large,  fleshy 
auricles,  which  cover  the  caudex  and  are  a  source  of  food,  as  they  abound  in 
starch  and  mucilage. 


Many  of  the  trees  found  on  Oahu  and  Molokai  are  common  on  Maui  and  also 
in  the  Kohala  mountains  on  Hawaii,  and  need  not  be  reenumerated ;  only  men- 
tion will  be  made  of  such  plants  as  are  peculiar  to  the  localities  treated  in  this 


Undoubtedly  West  Maui  once  upon  a  time  formed  a  separate  island  and  was 
in  no  wise  connected  with  the  extinct  volcano  Haleakala,  which  forms  the  bulk 
of  East  Maui,  ascending  to  a  height  of  10,030  feet.  West  Maui  is  very  much 
older  than  Haleakala,  as  no  trace  of  a  crater  is  visible  at  its  summit,  with  the 
exception  of  the  flat  swamp  called  Manna  Eeke,  which  has  the  resemblance  of  a 
crater  floor.  West  Maui  is  connected  with  East  Maui  by  a  narrow  strip  of  land 
or  isthmus  with  a  mean  elevation  of  160  feet.  The  mountain  mass  of  West  Maui 
is  intersected  by  many  deep  valleys  or  gorges,  which  find  their  source  in  the  very 
heart  of  the  mountain.  Of  these  valleys,  lao  is  the  biggest,  on  the  eastern  side, 
while  it  is  separated  on  the  western  side  by  a  low  ridge  from  another  valley, 
called  Oloalu,  which  has  a  rather  narrow  entrance  but  widens  out  amphithe- 


The  extreme  western  side  is  intersected  by  the  valley  Honokawai,  which 
reaches  almost  to  the  head  of  Puukukui,  the  summit  of  West  Maui,  with  an  ele- 
vation of  5788  feet.  This  valley  is  much  narrower  than  either  lao  or  Oloalu,  but 
resembles  very  much  the  northern  valley  called  Honokahau,  which  finds  its 
source  at  the  head  of  Mauna  Eeke  at  a  height  of  approximately  4500  feet.  On 
the  northeastern  side  are  still  other  valleys,  the  most  interesting  one  being  Wai- 
hee,  which  has  a  very  interesting  vegetation;  but  owing  to  the  enormous  amount 
of  rainfall  is  not  often  accessible.  The  streambed  is  narrow  and  enclosed  be- 
tween steep  walls,  which  makes  it  very  dangerous  should  one  be  caught  in  even 
a  slight  rain  storm.  The  same  is  practically  true  of  Waikapu,  which  is  south  of 
lao  valley. 

The  vegetation  in  most  of  these  valleys  is  rather  uniform  and  belongs  to  the 
lower  forest  zone.  As  the  walls  are  very  steep,  in  reality  vertical,  it  is  impossible 
to  investigate  these,  but  one  has  to  satisfy  himself  by  exploring  the  gradual 
slopes  on  each  side  of  the  valleys,  which  culminate  into  a  more  or  less  flat  plateau 
with  a  stunted  swamp  vegetation.  In  the  Kohala  Mountains  on  Hawaii,  how- 
ever, the  plateau  is  much  more  extensive  and  is  covered  by  a  typical  middle 
forest  zone  formation.  Metrosideros  polymorpha  is  again  a  predominant  tree, 
with  Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii,  several  species  of  Suttonia,  Pelea  clusiae- 
folia,  Cyrtandra  pilosa,  the  rubiaceous  Kadua  formosa,  together  with  Schiedea 
diffusa  and  again  Gunnera  petaloidea,  which  covers  the  walls  of  the  valleys  to 
the  exclusion  of  nearly  everything  else. 

The  ground  on  the  slopes  at  4000  feet  elevation  is  covered  with  moss,  hold- 
ing a  tremendous  amount  of  moisture.  In  such  places,  under  the  dense  shade, 
grow  many  species  of  Cyrtandra,  which  are  nearly  all  dense  shade-loving  plants. 
With  it  we  find  the  terrestrial  Lycopodium  serratum,  while  Lycopodium  erru- 
bescens  is  found  on  rocks  in  streambeds.  Here  also  is  the  home  of  the  genus 
Labordea  of  the  family  Loganiaceae,  herbaceous  species  with  orange-colored 
flowers,  growing  in  the  thick  moss,  while  shrubby  or  even  arborescent  species 
are  found  mostly  along  streambeds  together  with  Urera  sp.,  Gouldia  axillaris, 
and  Pittosporum  insigne,  the  latter  a  common  but  handsome  tree  in  this  locality. 

Of  Compositae,  we  find  Dubautia  laxa  along  the  edge  of  Honokawai  gulch, 
with  species  of  Pelea  and  the  rubiaceous  genus  Coprosma.  Campylotheca  has 
several  species  at  an  elevation  of  4500  feet,  while  it  is  also  represented  in  the 
lowlands  by  one  or  two  species.  Cladium  angusti  folium  and  Cladium  Meyenii 
occur  on  the  rather  windswept  edges  of  the  gulches,  together  with  Scaevola 
chamissoniana,  Styphelia  and  other  plants. 

Of  interest  is  the  tribe  Lobelioideae,  which  is  represented  here  by  the  genera 
Lobelia,  Clermontia  and  Cyanea.  The  genus  Lobelia  is  found  only  near  the 
swampy  plateau  in  the  more  open  forest  which  leads  into  the  great  bog,  the  only 
species  being  L.  Gaudichaudii. 

Immediately  below  the  swampy  plateau  are  one  or  two  miniature  bogs  which 
harbor  Plantago  pachyphylla,  with  its  many  varieties  peculiar  to  high  elevations. 


Here  also  occurs  a  creeping  species  of  Lysimachia,  together  with  Lycopods,  and 
other  cryptogams,  besides  Lagenophora  mauiensis,  which  has  descended  from 
the  bogs  above. 

One  of  the  interesting  lobelioideous  plants  is  Cyanea  atra,  a  plant  of  the 
aspect  of  Cyanea  tritomantka  (see  Plate  VI),  to  which  it  is  related.  The 
flowers,  as  the  name  atra  implies,  are  almost  black.  The  plants  are  10  to  15 
feet  tall,  and  grow  either  along  streambeds  shaded  by  Gunner  a  petaloidea,  or 
also  in  dense  jungles  in  mossy  forests.  In  the  more  open  forests  grow  Cler- 
montia  arborescens,  Clermontia  grandiflora,  and,  at  an  elevation  of  nearly  5000 
feet,  Clermontia  multiflora  var.  micrantha  forma  montana  f.  n.  This  latter 
plant  is  an  exceedingly  handsome  lobelioideous  shrub,  with  most  beautiful  foliage 
and  bright  pink  flowers.  It  grows  neither  lower  nor  higher,  but  is  peculiar  to 
about  4800  to  5000  feet  elevation. 

The  variety  micrantha  is  found,  according  to  Hillebrand,  in  Waihee  Valley 
in  the  bare  gravel  along  the  stream,  while  the  species  is  found  in  the  same  valley 
and  also  on  Oahu,  in  Wailupe.  Another  lobelioideous  plant,  Cyanea  macrostegia, 
resembles  C.  atra  closely,  and  is  found  often  in  its  company.  Other  species  of 
the  same  genus  are  found  in  Waikapu,  lao  Valley,  and  above  Kaanapali,  but 
more  in  the  lower  forest  zone.  Of  trees,  the  araliaceous  Tetraplasandra  meiandra 
var..  may  be  mentioned,  which  is  found  at  an  elevation  of  4300  feet.  Here  also 
belong  the  Labiate  vines,  such  as  Phyllostegia  and  Stenogyne,  though  sparingly 


Haleakala,  an  extinct  crater  over  10,000  feet  high,  makes  up  the  whole  of 
East  Maui.  Its  vegetative  covering  is  indeed  of  great  interest,  but  has  suffered 
severely  the  last  fifty  years,  and  represents  probably  an  entirely  different  aspect 
from  what  it  was  before  the  slopes  of  Haleakala  were  given  over  to  the  ranch- 
man and  his  cattle.  The  lower  forest  zone  has  already  been  described,  and  we 
have  to  consider  now  mainly  the  vegetation  between  3000  to  5000  feet  on  the 
northern  slopes  of  the  mountain,  as  on  the  western  and  partly  southern  slopes 
nothing  remains  to  be  considered,  as  the  grassy  plains  have  not  even  a  remnant 
of  the  once  existing  forest,  except  in  deep  gulches  inaccessible  to  cattle,  from 
which  we  can  judge  of  what  the  forest  was  once  composed. 

The  western  slope  of  the  mountain  is  not  much  intersected  by  gulches,  the 
only  one  of  interest  being  Waihou  gulch.  The  northern  slope,  however,  is  cut 
into  many  gorges,  such  as  Waikamoi,  Puohaokamoa,  and  Honomanu.  The  big- 
gest, however,  in  the  northern  outlet  of  Haleakala  at  Keanae,  called  Koolau  gap, 
while  the  western  outlet  is  known  as  Kaupo  gap. 

The  interesting  forest  commences  at  Olinda  in  the  district  of  Hamakuapoko 
and  up  to  Ukulele,  from  which  latter  place  the  upper  forest  zone  begins.     We 
find  practically  the  same  trees  in  this  district  as  on  West  Maui,  the  most  com 
mon  and  predominating  trees  being  Cheirodendron  gandicliaudii  (Olapa),  Co- 



A  TYPICAL  JUNGLE  of  the  middle  forest  zone,  Waikamoi  trail,  East  Maui;   elevation 

4000  feet. 

prosma,  Metrosideros  polymorpha  (Ohia  lekua),  and  Acacia  Koa,  which  has 
ascended  from  the  upper  edge  of  the  lower  forest  zone.  It  is,  however,  still  a 
common  tree  in  this  zone,  and  rivals  with  Olapa  and  Okia  lekua  in  predomi- 
nance. Straussia  oncocarpa  and  Straussia  leptocarpa,  of  the  family  Rubiaceae, 
belong  to  the  3500  foot  level. 

On  the  open  grassland  between  3000  feet  to  almost  5000  feet,  but  especially 
a  little  over  3000  feet,  is  a  belt  of  an  endemic  Labiate,  Sphacele  liastata,  peculiar 
to  Haleakala.  It  is  really  marvelous  that  this  plant  is  still  to  be  found  in  large 
numbers,  as  it  is  in  the  midst  of  a  cattle  ranch.  On  investigating,  we  find  it 
owes  its  survival  to  its  peculiar  mint  odor,  apparently  offensive  to  the  taste  of 
the  cattle.  All  other  vegetation  has  disappeared,  though,  as  mentioned  before, 
traces  can  still  be  found  in  inaccessible  gulches. 

The  semi-dry  forest  above  Makawao  gradually  merges  into  the  middle  forest 
zone.  Southeast  of  Olinda  only  grasslands  prevail,  though  here  and  there  many 
species  of  Eucalypti  have  been  planted  into  symmetrical  squares. 

The  forest  beginning  at  Olinda  and  extending  all  along  the  windward  side 
of  Haleakala  is,  however,  the  object  of  our  investigation.  Besides  the  trees  al- 
ready mentioned,  we  find  other  araliaceous  genera,  such  as  Tetraplasandra  mei- 
andra  var.  and  the  tall  Pterotropia  dipyrena  (Oheohe),  most  common  on  Puu- 
kakai,  an  extinct  crater  between  Ukulele  and  Olinda.  Pittosporum  insigne  var. 
(3,  Nothocestrum  longifolium,  Gouldia  axillaris,  Perrottetia  sandwicensis,  and 
Raillardia  Menziesii,  an  arborescent  composite  which  reaches  its  best  develop- 
ment at  the  lower  edge  of  the  upper  forest  zone,  are  the  more  common  trees. 

Of  Lobelioideae,  Clermontia  arborescens  is  the  most  common,  while  Cl.  tuber- 
culata  is  the  rarest.  Of  shrubs,  we  find  Platydesma  campanulatum  var.  ?  with  a 
small  Gouldia,  and  one  or  two  species  of  Kadua,  numerous  Cyrtandra,  a  species 
of  Scaevola,  a  few  species  of  the  rutaceous  genus  Pelea,  and  also  the  leguminous 
Sophora  clirysopliylla,  which  inhabits  here  the  wet  forest  with  Suttonia  Lesser- 
tiana.  Dubautia  plant aginea  is  occasionally  met  with,  as  well  as  an  introduced 

Of  herbaceous  plants,  we  find  Ranunculus  Mauiensis  quite  common  in  com- 
pany with  numerous  species  of  Labordea.  Surprising  is  the  dense  undergrowth 
of  Rubus  hawaiiensis  on  the  outskirts  of  the  middle  forest  zone.  As  we  pene- 
trate into  the  interior  the  forest  becomes  dense,  moss  covers  the  ground  and 
trees  (see  Plate  XXII),  and  many  epiphytes,  such  as  Astelia  veratroides,  with 
numerous  species  of  ferns,  especially  of  the  genus  Polypodium,  abound.  Pepe-- 
romiae  form  a  dominant  feature  of  the  herbaceous  growth;  and  it  is  here  also 
that  we  find  two  species  of  our  Orchids,  poor,  measly  representatives  of  a  family 
which  reaches  such  wonderful  development  and  floral  beauty  in  other  tropical 
countries.  Labiatae  are  at  home  in  this  floral  zone  and  display  a  beautiful  va- 
riety of  forms,  many  of  which  possess  beautiful  flowers  worthy  of  cultivation. 
The  genus  Phyllostegia  displays  not  less  than  nine  species,  of  which  P.  grandi- 
flora,  P.  glabra,  and  P.  racemosa  are  the  most  common  and  beautiful.  They  are 


only  surpassed  in  beauty  by  the  species  of  Stenogyne,  which  flower  in  the  late 
winter  months.  Their  large  curved  corollas,  which  are  borne  in  large  whorls, 
vary  in  shades  from  deep  magenta  to  crimson,  pink,  yellow  and  pure  white,  in- 
terlacing trees  or  gracefully  festooning  branches,  or,  as  is  often  the  case, 
forming  dense  carpets  covering  the  ground  in  small  spots  to  the  exclusion  of 
other  plants.  The  handsomest  species  are  St.  Kamehamehae  and  St.  longiflora. 

Another  very  important  feature  of  the  vegetation  is  the  tribe  Lobelioideae, 
of  which  most  of  the  species  found  here  are  new  to  science;  they  belong  nearly 
all  to  the  Sect.  III.,  Palmaeformes,  and  are  more  or  less  closely  related.  The 
most  interesting  is  Cyanea  aculeatiflora,  which,  as  the  name  implies,  is  covered 
with  spines  even  to  the  lobes  of  the  corolla;  another  peculiar  new  species  is 
Cyanea  kamatiflora  with  broad  sessile  leaves,  dark-red  flowers,  and  large  purple 
fruits ;  the  latter  plant  is  most  common  on  Puukakai,  where  it  reaches  a  height  of 
15  to  20  feet,  similar  to  C.  aculeatiflora.  C.  macrostegia  with  lobed  leaves  is  not 
uncommon,  and  so  is  C.  atra,  but  differing  from  the  specimens  found  on  West 
Maui.  Cyanea  ferox  is  here  a  shrub  15  feet  in  height  with  straight  ascending 
branches,  which  together  with  the  stem  are  covered  with  thorns;  the  leaves  of 
this  latter  species  are  sinuate  and  remind  one  somewhat  of  Cyanea  Grimesiana. 

Besides  these  tall  species,  two  subherbaceous  ones  are  found  in  the  dense 
shady  moss  forest,  the  taller  one  of  the  two,  Cyanea  Bishopii  (a  new  species,  but 
first  collected  by  the  late  E.  Bishop,  and  referred  by  Hillebrand  doubtfully  to 
Cyanea  Kunthianaf),  with  purple  flowers,  is  the  most  common,  but  flowers,  un- 
like the  other  species,  in  the  winter  months.  As  we  cross  Waikamoi,  where  we 
meet  again  with  Gunnera  petaloidea  and  Hillebrandia  sandwicensis,  the  Ha- 
waiian begonia,  the  forest  becomes  more  uniform.  At  the  edge  of  Waikamoi 
proper,  we  find  Lobelia  macrostachys  and  a  species  of  Wikstroemia,  probably  a 
new  species.  The  writer  crossed  this  forest  belt  from  Olinda  to  Honomanu  and 
followed  along  the  ditch  trail  to  Kailua.  A  forest  as  described  in  the  above  pages 
covers  this  stretch  of  land,  and  it  may  be  remarked  that  at  about  3000  feet  ele- 
vation, above  Honomanu,  there  are  two  clumps  of  Palms,  Pritchardia  arecina 
Becc.  This  palm,  discovered  by  the  writer,  is  new  to  science,  and  is  described  by 
Beccari  in  Webbia  Vol.  IV.  Lower  down  along  the  ditch  trail  proper  the  forest 
has  died  for  miles,  the  cause  being  still  unascertained.  All  the  Okia  trees  are 
dead,  and  only  here  and  there  a  species  of  Tetraplasandra  is  struggling  for  exist- 
ence. Since  the  death  of  the  tree  growth  the  lobeliaceous  Clermontia  macro- 
carpa,  so  common  on  Oahu,  has  become  almost  the  sole  underbrush,  with  here 
and  there  a  species  of  Cl.  arborescens. 

What  has  been  said  of  this  forest  belt  up  to  Honomanu  holds  good  for 
Keanae  and  Nahiku,  the  only  exception  being  the  presence  of  Sideroxylon  rhyn- 
chospermum  at  Nahiku,  besides  several  species  of  Cyanea. 

The  forests  spoken  of  by  Hillebrand  at  Ulupalakua  have  entirely  disappeared 
and  only  remnants  of  them  can  be  found.  Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii  is  still 
common,  besides  Suttonia,  and  Ohia  lehua;  numerous  still  is  the  araliaceous 


Pterotropia  dipyrena.  The  undershrub  is  again  mainly  Rub  us  hawaiiensis. 
The  species  of  Cyanea  found  by  Hillebrand  are  gone  forever;  and  where  they 
once  reared  their  proud  palm-like  crowns  toward  the  sky  there  is  now  only  grass- 
land, with  herds  of  cattle  and  ugly  Eucalypti.  The  writer  was  fortunate  enough 
to  find  a  specimen  of  the  long-sought-for,  gorgeous  Cyanea  arborea  in  that  locality 
in  a  small  gdlch  inaccessible  to  cattle.  It  was  the  last  of  its  race.  He  scoured 
the  country  for  miles  searching  for  the  handsome  Cyanea  comata,  but  his 
searches  were  in  vain:  it  had  vanished  forever. 


Above  3000  feet  in  the  mountains  of  Kohala  we  find  the  vegetation  similar  to 
that  of  East  and  West  Maui.  Metrosideros  polymorpha,  Cheirodendron  Gaudi- 
cliaudii,  and  a  host  of  species  of  Pelea  are  the  most  common  trees.  Like  West 
Maui,  the  Kohala  mountains  are  intersected  by  many  deep  gorges,  of  which  the 
biggest  are  Waipio  and  Waimanu  valleys,  which  are  followed  toward  the  west 
by  Honokanenui,  Honokaneiki  and  Pololu  valleys ;  beyond  them  the  country 
becomes  flatter  and  only  little  gulches  descend  to  the  sea.  (See  Plate  XXIII.) 
All  the  sugar  plantations  of  this  part  of  the  Island  of  Hawaii  are  situated  here. 
As  we  advance  farther  west  the  land  becomes  very  dry  and  is  bare  of  vegetation. 

Back  of  Waimea  village,  which  is  situated  at  an  elevation  of  2700  feet,  the 
mountains  are  intersected  by  only  a  few  small  gulches.  The  summit  is  called 
Kaala,  and  has  an  elevation  of  5500  feet.  The  most  prominent  gulch  on  this 
side  is  Holokaiea.  The  valley  of  Waipio  is  very  large  and  is  divided  into  many 
other  gorges  of  great  interest.  Hiilawe  and  Waima  are  minor  valleys,  while 
Alakahi  and  Kawainui,  the  latter  a  continuation  of  the  former,  reaches  almost 
to  the  center  of  the  mountain.  The  walls  of  these  valleys  are  vertical  and  nearly 
3000  feet  in  height,  with  hundreds  of  waterfalls.  Clouds  hover  nearly  con- 
stantly over  the  ridges,  and  the  traveler  is  lucky  if  he  gets  a  glimpse  of  the 
depths  below  him.  It  is  on  these  flats  on  each  side  of  the  valleys  that  the  botan- 
ist finds  a  most  interesting  collecting  ground. 

It  is  only  recently  that  this  part  of  the  land  was  made  accessible  through 
the  so-called  upper  Hamakua  ditch  trail,  which  leads  to  the  headwaters  of  Ka- 
wainui gorge,  opening  to  the  botanist  a  most  interesting  field.  Not  less  interest- 
ing is  the  land  back  of  Awini  in  Kohala  proper.  On  these  flat  forest  lands  the 
trees  do  not  grow  to  any  size,  but  are  more  or  less  stunted  and  covered  with 
numerous  mosses  and  hepatics,  and  are  also  festooned  with  Astelia  veratroides, 
Vaccinium,  and  many  ferns.  Of  great  interest  is  the  rutaceous  genus  Pelea, 
which  has  many  forms  here.  One  species  new  to  science  has  extremely  large 
capsules,  and  when  bruised  emits  an  even  stronger  odor  than  Pelea  anisata  of 
Kauai.  Xanthoxylum  is  represented  only  by  one  species,  which  is  new,  and  shall 
be  known  as  Xanthoxylum  Bluettianum  sp.  n.,  in  honor  of  Mr.  P.  W.  P.  Bluett  of 
Kohala,  through  whose  courtesies  the  writer  was  enabled  to  explore  this  won- 



VEGETATION  ALONG  ONE  OF  THE  MANY  STREAMLETS   which  descends  to  the  sea; 

Kohala  Mts.,  Hawaii. 

derful  country.  Labiatae  are  represented  numerously,  the  most  common  being 
Stenogyne  calaminthoides  and  several  species  of  Phyllostegia. 

The  tribe  Lobelioideae  reaches  a  most  remarkable  development,  but  especially 
the  genus  Clermontia,  the  species  parviflora  being  the  most  common,  not  only 
in  this  district  but  in  all  the  wet  forests  on  Hawaii.  Clermontia  Kolialae,  a  new 
species  with  dark-purple  flowers,  is  found  on  the  lower  Kohala  ditch  trail  as 
well  as  Awini.  The  largest  flowered  species,  however,  occurs  at  an  elevation  of 
4200  feet,  and  is  very  variable  in  leaf  as  well  as  flower.  It  is  also  new,  and  was 
named  by  the  writer  Cl.  drepanomorplia.  It  is  associated  with  another  new 
species  of  the  same  genus  named  Cl.  leptoclada.  At  least  five  more  species  of 
this  genus  can  be  found,  nearly  all  of  which  are  new  and  were  discovered  by  the 
writer.  The  genus  Clermontia  forms  a  large  percentage  of  plant  growth  in  the 
upper  Kohala  mountains,  which  is  not  the  case  either  on  Waialeale,  Kauai,  or 
Puukukui,  West  Maui.  As  on  the  other  mountains  so  also  here  we  find  Coprosma, 
Cyrtandra,  Tetraplasandra,  and  at  an  elevation  of  3000  feet  the  interesting  palm 
Pritcliardia  lanigera,  differing  from  the  other  Hawaiian  palms  in  its  woolliness 
of  leaf  and  spadix.  Schiedea  diffusa  makes  here  also  its  appearance  with  several 
Labordea,  and  the  lobeliaceous  Cyanea  pilosa. 

In  more  open  boggy  places  we  find  Raillardia  scabra,  Raillardia  sp.,  a  new 
species  of  Plantago  covered  densely  with  long  gray  hair,  Lycopods,  Selaginella 
deflexa,  Schizaea  robust  a,  and  other  species.  Suttonia  sandwicensis  is  also  not 
uncommon.  At  4500  to  5000  feet  elevation  the  forest  is  exceedingly  wet  and  the 
ground  covered  with  mosses  two  feet  or  more  thick.  On  this  high  plateau  are 
numerous  volcanic  blow-holes  which  are  a  constant  danger  to  the  traveler,  as 
they  are  hidden  from  view  by  shrubs  which  grow  on  their  sides  and  also  by 
vines  and  moss.  These  blow-holes  are  often  several  hundred  feet  deep,  and 
sometimes  only  10  feet  or  so  in  diameter.  As  already  said,  they  can  seldom  be 
perceived,  but  can  always  be  heard,  as  water  from  the  swamps  drains  into  them, 
making  the  sound  of  a  miniature  waterfall.  In  this  extremely  wet,  mossy  forest 
the  writer  collected  a  great  quantity  of  material  which,  owing  to  continuous  field 
trips,  has  not  yet  all  been  worked  up,  but  undoubtedly  will  result  in  the  determ- 
ination of  many  new  forms. 

Here  also  the  writer  found  growing  in  the  beautiful  light-green  moss  a  va- 
riety of  Viola  mauiensis  which  he  named  var.  Kohalana.  This  is  the  first  violet 
recorded  from  the  Island  of  Hawaii.  The  flowers  are  blue,  while  the  plant 
stands  about  five  feet  high.  At  the  summit  of  the  mountain  a  white-flowering 
form  was  found. 

T  Jntil  the  material  of  this  region  has  been  thoroughly  worked  out  the  descrip- 
tion now  given  will  have  to  suffice.  In  general,  the  vegetative  characteristics  are 
the  same  as  on  West  Maui.  On  the  steep  slopes  of  the  valleys,  especially  along 
the  sides  of  the  enormous  waterfalls,  we  find  Gunnera  petaloidea,  the  Ape  ape 
of  the  natives,  besides  many  ferns  usually  common  to  all  wet  districts  of  the 
higher  levels. 



LOBELIA  MACROSTACHYS   growing   in   the   open   swamps   of   Molokai. 

Of  Gramineae,  the  following  may  be  recorded:  Polypogon  monspeliensis, 
found  in  open  places,  often  in  pools;  Isachne  distichophylla,  and  Eragrostis 
grandis,  the  latter  usually  at  lower  elevation  along  streams.  Cyperaceae  are 
also  more  or  less  common,  especially  on  the  edges  of  the  cliffs  of  Kawainui  and 
Alakahi.  Mention  may  be  made  of  Cladium  Meyenii,  Uncinia  uncinata,  usually 
along  streambeds  and  waterfalls,  Cladium  any  usti folium,  and  Cy penis  strigosus 
var.  insularis  Kiikenth.  The  juncaceous  Luzula  hawaiiensis,  resembling  very 
much  a  Cyperaceae,  is  also  very  common. 


The  bog  region  is  usually  confined  to  the  summits  of  the  mountains  of  the 
older  islands  or  portions  of  islands,  with  an  altitude  of  little  over  5000  feet. 

Waialeale,  the  summit  of  Kauai,  at  an  elevation  of  5280  feet,  represents 
such  a  bog,  as  well  as  Pun  Kukui,  the  summit  of  West  Maui  (5788  feet)  and 
Kaala,  the  summit  of  the  Kohala  mountains  on  Hawaii  (5505  feet).  All  these 
three  localities  have  many  species  of  plants  in  common,  but  also  each  locality 
has  again  its  peculiar  species. 

The  summits  of  these  mountains  are  nearly  always  throughout  the  year  en- 
wrapped by  clouds,  with  the  exception  of  a  short  period  during  which  the  south 
wind  prevails.  The  best  season  for  visiting  these  wonderful  places  is  in  October 
and  the  first  part  of  November.  The  rainfall  in  these  localities  is  enormous,  bat 
no  definite  record  has  been  kept  in  these  places,  with  the  exception  of  Waialeale, 
where  the  U.  S.  Geological  Survey  placed  a  rain  gauge  with  the  capacity  of  hold- 
ing 120  inches.  The  writer  ascended  Waialeale  for  the  second  time  on  October 
20,  1911.  One  month  before  the  rain  gauge  had  been  emptied.  On  arrival  at 
the  summit  on  the  above  date  the  rain  gauge  was  found  overflowing. 

It  may,  however,  be  remarked  that  these  bogs,  with  their  peculiar  flora,  are 
not  always  confined  to  the  summits  of  the  mountains  of  an  altitude  of  5000  feet, 
but  can  also  be  found  in  the  midst  of  the  middle  forest  zone  at  an  elevation  of 
usually  4000  feet.  Thus  we  have  four  bogs  on  Kauai  besides  Waialeale.  The 
biggest  one  is  situated  a  few  miles  back  of  Halemanu  and  extends  almost  to  the 
edge  of  Wainiha  gorge;  this  bog  is  known  as  Alakai  swamp,  and  is  about  one 
and  one-half  miles  across.  Another  much  smaller  bog  is  Kauluwehi  swamp, 
situated  at  an  elevation  of  4200  feet,  back  of  Kaholuamano  on  the  trail  to  Waia- 
kealoha  waterfall;  the  smallest  one  is  Lehua  makanoe,  "Lehua  in  the  fog" — 
only  about  a  mile  back  of  Mr.  F.  Gay's  mountain  house.  The  next,  though 
larger  than  either  Kauluwehi  or  Lehua  makanoe,  is  the  bog  of  Wahiawa,  at  a 
much  lower  elevation  than  those  previously  mentioned. 

On  Molokai  there  is  only  one  bog  worth  mentioning,  and  that  is  Kawela 

swamp,  back  of  Kamoku,  not  far  from  Pelekunu  gorge.     (See  Plate  XXIV.) 

On  Maui  we  have  besides  Puu  Kukui,  the  bog  Mauna  Eeke,  situated  above 

Honokahau  gulch  at  an  elevation  of  about  4100  feet.    It  is  indeed  of  interest  to 

note  that  most  of  the  species  of  plants  found  on  Puu  Kukui  are  not  peculiar  to 


the  bog  region,  but  have  been  found  by  the  writer  on  the  steep  walls  in  Kaupo 
gap  in  the  crater  of  Haleakala. 

In  the  Kohala  Mountains  there  are  several  bogs  besides  the  main  one  at  the 
summit,  the  names  of  which  are  not  known  to  the  writer. 


In  the  bogs  situated  on  the  central  plateau  we  find  the  vegetation  the  same, 
while  the  great  bog  of  Waialeale  has  its  peculiar  species  besides  most  of  those 
found  in  lower  situated  bogs. 

The  turfy  soil  is  covered  with  tussocks  of  Gramineae  and  Cyperaceae,  mainly 
Panicum  monticola,  Panicum  imbricatum  and  P.  isachnoides,  together  with  the 
cyperaceous  Oreobulus  furcatus. 

On  these  tussocks  of  grasses  and  Cyperaceae  we  find  the  European  Drosera 
longifolia  (Mikinalo),  the  so-called  insect-eating  plant,  embedded.  It  has  been 
said  that  D.  longifolia  is  hardly  ever  found  without  its  associate  D.  rotundi folia, 
but  here  on  Kauai  it  is  the  only  representative  of  the  family  Droseraceae.  Dro- 
sera longifolia  is  more  common  in  the  lower  swamps  than  on  the  summit,  where 
only  few  specimens  of  it  have  been  found.  Between  these  tussocks  grow  small 
bushes  of  Ohia  lehua,  or  really  called  Lehua  makanoe,  from  which  one  locality 
derives  its  name.  The  plant  has  been  named  by  Heller  Metrosideros  pumila.  In 
its  shade  grows  the  handsome  blue-flowered  violet,  Viola  Kauaiensis.  Habenaria 
holochila  was  found  by  the  writer  in  Alakai  swamp  in  the  turf,  growing  erect 
about  three  feet  in  height.  It  is  the  third  species  of  our  poor  orchids. 

The  swamps  are  bordered  by  many  tall-growing  Cyperaceae,  as  Carex  sand- 
wicensis,  which  forms  stands  4  to  5  feet  high,  together  with  Cladium  sp.,  probably 
new,  a  tall  plant  with  long,  scaly,  creeping  rhizomes,  with  stems  often  10  feet 
high.  In  the  swamp  proper  we  find  Carex  montis  Eeka,  Rhynchospora 
glauca  var.  chinensis,  Deschampsia  australis,  Selaginella  deflexa,  Schizaea  ro- 
busta,  Styphelia  imbricata  var.  struthioloides,  a  creeper,  a  species  of  Wikstroe- 
mia,  Suttonia  sandwicensis  ft  var.  denticulata,  Vaccinium  penduliflorum,  etc. 

The  summit  of  Kauai,  Mt.  Waialeale,  was  visited  first  by  Wawra,  the  botanist 
of  the  Austrian  exploring  expedition,  in  the  year  1871 ;  and  it  is  peculiar  that 
no  other  botanist  or  botanical  collector  had  cared  to  visit  the  mountain  again. 

The  writer  ascended  Waialeale  in  the  year  1910  and  again  in  1911.  The 
second  time  the  ascent  was  very  much  facilitated  through  the  trails  which  had 
been  cut  by  the  men  of  the  U.  S.  Geological  Survey.  The  vegetation  of  Waia- 
leale is  extremely  interesting,  and  several  new  species  were  found  and  described 
by  the  writer.  The  ridges  leading  to  the  summit  have  an  entirely  different  plant 
formation,  composed  of  peculiar  species.  One  of  the  striking  plants  is  Pelea 
Waialealae  (Anonia  or  Alaniwai),  which  grows  together  with  Suttonia  lanceo- 
lata,  a  very  distinct  species,  both  being  shrubs  but  occasionally  becoming  small 
trees.  Of  Compositae  we  find  Dubautia  laxa  var.  pedicellata  Rock  v.  n.,  which 
is  here  a  shrub  10  to  15  feet  high,  in  company  with  the  rutaceous  Pelea  orbicu- 
laris  var.  ?  and  Pelea  sp.  ?  and  Dubautia  paleata.  A  few  small  species  of  La- 


bordea  are  not  uncommon  on  the  mossy  tree  trunks.  Here  we  also  meet  with 
Lobelia  Kauaiensis  and  Lobelia  macrostachys  var.  Kauaiensis  with  deep  crim- 
son flowers.  As  we  ascend,  we  enter  the  open  plateau  or  bog  with  still  a  few 
shrubs,  and  even  higher  up  in  little  depressions  we  find  trees  such  as  the 
newly-described  Tetraplasandra  }Yaialealae,  the  second  species  of  Tetra- 
plasaudra  that  is  to  be  found  on  this  island.  Cheirodendron  platyphyllum 
is  also  found  here  as  a  small  tree  \vith  sinuate-serrate  leaves,  while  at 
lower  elevation  the  leaves  are  entire.  Among  such  shrubbery  grows  Lobelia  ma- 
crostacJiys  var.  Kauaiensis,  wrhile  L.  Kauaiensis  with  either  a  simple  or  com- 
pound candelabra-like  spike,  with  cream-colored  purplish-streaked  flowers,  pre- 
fers the  open,  flat  swamp  where  the  vegetation  is  stunted.  Labordea  Waialealae, 
a  shrub,  is  peculiar  to  this  locality,  as  well  as  Labordea  fagraeoidea  var.  pumila, 
which  is  subherbaceous.  Pittosporum  Gayanum  var.  is  here  a  shrub,  differ- 
ing from  the  species  in  its  being  glabrous  throughout;  with  it  occurs  a  stunted 
form  of  Eurya  sandwicensis  var.  with  rather  large  fruits;  and  also  a  species  of 

In  the  open  bog  proper,  we  meet  with  the  already-described  Cyperaceae  and 
Gramineae,  besides  a  species  of  Cyperus  and  Descliampsia  australis  var.  pumila. 
Astelia  Waialealae  is  scattered  over  the  ground  plentifully,  but  is,  however,  not 
peculiar  to  Kauai,  as  it  has  been  met  with  by  the  writer  in  Kawela  swamp  on 

A  curious  species  of  Dubautia,  named  D.  Waialealae,  grows  at  the  summit 
proper.  On  the  outskirts  together  with  the  other  shrubs  grows  Lysimachia 
HiUcbrandii  var.  venosa,  with  rather  long  herbaceous  branches. 

In  the  grassy  tussocks  we  find  again  Viola  Kauaiensis,  but  only  very  small 
plants;  in  Sphagnum  moss  the  pretty  Geranium  hum-He  var.  Kauaiensis  (Noliu- 
anu)  occurs  together  with  Plantago  pachypkylla  var.  Kauaiensis,  and  Acaena 
exigna,  as  well  as  Sanicula  sandwicensis  var.  ,3.,  with  leaves  much  less  incised;, 
this  latter  plant  had  not  been  recorded  previously  from  Kauai.  Wawra's  Plan- 
tago pacliyplnjlla  var.  pusilla  occurs  only  in  one  locality,  called  Kawakoo.  Me- 
trosideros  pumila  is  here  a  small  glabrous  creeper  only  a  few  inches  in  length. 
Another  variety  of  Plantago  pachyphylla,  which  is  wholly  glabrous,  occurs  at 
the  summit,  and  is  here  named  var.  glabrifolia  Rock  v.  n.  Lycopodium  venus- 
t ulum  var.  herpeticum  is  found  trailing  at  the  summit  in  company  with  Ste- 
nogyne  purpurea  var.  Lobelia  Kauaiensis  is  an  exceedingly  handsome  plant  and 
is  quite  common  at  the  summit.  It  differs  very  materially  from  L.  Gaudichaudiir 
so  common  on  Puu  Kukui,  West  Maui,  and  when  seen  in  the  field  no  botanist 
can  help  but  see  the  specific  distinction. 

Of  interest  may  be  the  names  of  the  various  localities  on  the  summit  of  Waia- 
leale.  Immediately  after  leaving  the  ridge  leading  into  the  open  plateau  a  large 
patch  of  bright-red  dirt  is  discernable;  the  natives  used  to  go  to  this  place, 
which  the}-  called  Kaluaalaea,  for  this  dirt,  which  they  used  for  paint.  The  first 
point  or  hill  on  the  plateau  is  called  Honunamanu ;  where  the  rain  gauge  is 
situated  the  place  is  known  as  Manakauaalakai ;  the  highest  point,  on  which  the 


copper  plate  of  the  U.  S.  Geological  Survey  is  enclosed  in  cement,  is  Kapailoahiki. 
Where  the  Heiau  is  situated  is  Kawakoo,  then  comes  a  pool  called  Waialeale,  and 
beyond  it  a  hill  overlooking  Wailua,  which  is  known  as  Waikini. 


Puu  Kukui  is  a  large,  open,  more  or  less  flat  plateau,  composed  of  light-gray, 
heavy,  loamy  soil.  The  vegetation  is  stunted,  with  the  exception  of  such  as 
occurs  in  depressions  or  small  gulches,  and  at  the  head  of  lao  Valley,  where 
trees  belonging  to  the  middle  forest  region  abound. 

The  whole  of  Puu  Kukui  is  a  second  Waialeale  of  Kauai,  though  a  number 
of  plants  are  peculiar  to  the  former.  We  find  the  same  globose  tussocks  of  Ore- 
obulus  furcatus  and  the  very  interesting  Carex  montis  Eeka,  besides  Grami- 
neae,  such  as  Deschampsia  australis  forma  longius  aristata,  Calamagrostis  Hille- 
brandii  Hack.  (nov.  nom.),  and  others,  while  the  juncaceous  Luzula  hawaiiensis 
var.  glabrata  grows  in  their  company.  One  of  the  most  striking  vegetative  fea- 
tures is  the  great  abundance  of  the  very  beautiful  Lobelia  Gaudichaudii.  In 
certain  parts  this  plant  covers  the  ground,  and  in  the  month  of  August  it  is  in- 
deed a  beautiful  sight.  At  about  5000  feet  elevation  these  Lobelias  are  only 
about  3  to  4  feet  high,  while  at  the  extreme  eastern  end  of  this  interesting  bog 
the  plant  is  from  8  to  15  feet  high  and  branches  candelabra-like  into  usually 
five  erect  racemes,  bearing  from  40  to  80  flowers  each,  while  the  plants  in  the 
open  bog  have  only  one  pyramidal  raceme  about  2  to  3  feet  long.  The  flowers 
are  much  larger  than  those  of  L.  Kauaiensis,  found  on  Waialeale,  and  also  hand- 
somer; they  are  cream-colored  with  a  slight  pinkish  tinge,  and  are  three  inches 
long  and  an  inch  wide.  Lobelia  macrostachys  is  here  absent,  while  represented 
on  Waialeale,  Kauai,  by  a  new  variety.  The  beautifully  branching  Lobelia 
GaudicJiaudii  found  on  the  brink  of  lao  Valley  is  certainly  distinct  from  the  one 
described  by  DeCandolle  in  many  particulars,  especially  in  the  very  long  lanceo- 
late acuminate  bracts,  and  shall  from  now  on  be  known  as  var.  longibracteata 
Rock,  var.  nov. 

Next  to  the  Lobelioideae  found  at  the  summit,  the  Compositae  have  three 
representatives.  Of  greatest  interest  is  the  very  handsome  Wilkesia  Grayana, 
with  its  5  to  8  feet  tall  stem,  bearing  a  dense  crown  of  verticillate  leaves,  out  of 
whose  center  the  inflorescence  comes  forth  as  a  large  foliaceous  raceme  of  one 
and  one-half  to  two  feet  in  length,  bearing  yellow  globose  flower  heads  of  about 
10  lines  in  diameter.  There  is  only  one  other  species  known  of  this  interesting 
genus,  W.  gymnoxiphium.  It  occurs  in  the  dry  districts  of  Kauai,  especially  on 
open  wind-swept  cliffs  in  company  with  Lobelia  yuccoides;  while  W.  Grayana 
grows  in  the  open  bog,  which  receives  an  enormous  amount  of  rainfall. 

The  second  interesting  genus  is  Argyroxiphium,  which  also  belongs  to  the 
most  ancient  of  Hawaiian  Compositae,  though  of  American  affinity.  These  two 
genera  are  undoubtedly  the  oldest  denizens  of  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  The  genus 


Argyroxiphium  with  its  two  species,  sandwicense  and  virescens,  has  hitherto 
been  found  only  in  the  drier  upper  forest  region  in  black  volcanic  ash  at  an 
altitude  of  from  8000  to  10,000  feet.  At  the  summit  of  Puu  Kukui  is  a  small 
species  of  this  genus  growing  in  a  veritable  pool,  but  only  in  one  locality.  The 
plant  was  not  in  flower  at  the  time  of  the  writer's  visit,  but  it  can  be  said  that 
when  the  plant  is  fully  known  it  will  undoubtedly  represent  a  new  variety  or 
intermediate  form  between  A.  sandwicense  and  A.  virescens.  The  leaves  of  the 
plants  in  question  are  neither  silvery  nor  green,  but  are  covered  with  a  bluish, 
somewhat  silvery  or  glauceous  pubescence. 

Lagenophora  mauiensis  is  very  common  in  the  turfy  soil  in  company  writh  the 
creeping  Geranium  humile  with  pink  flowers.  Acaena  exigua,  which  is  very 
scarce  on  Waialeale,  is  here  exceedingly  common,  together  with  Viola  mauiensis. 
Remarkable  to  say,  Drosera  longifolia,  so  common  on  Kauai,  is  here  absent.  A 
small  creeping  Metrosideros  is  also  present  with  Lycopodium  venustulum  var. 
and  Styphelia  imbricata  var.  struthioloides. 

The  writer  met  with  a  single  plant  of  Lycopodium  Haleakalae  resembling 
very  much  L.  erubescens,  but  stouter  and  not  reddish.  Several  species  of  lich- 
ens grow  on  the  exposed  gray  loam,  such  as  Cladonia,  Stereocaulon  and  others 

At  the  extreme  eastern  end  of  the  bog  on  the  brink  of  lao  Valley  the  tree 
grow,th  is  mainly  Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii,  Suttonia  sp.  ?,  Pelea  sp.,  Metro- 
sideros polymorpha,  and  the  lobelioideous  Clermontia  grandiflora.  All  the  trees 
are  covered  thickly  with  moss  and  hepaticae  or  Liverworts.  The  swramp  of 
Mauna  Eeke  harbors  the  same  vegetation  as  that  of  Puu  Kukui  with  possibly  one 
or  two  exceptions. 


The  upper  forest  region  extends  from  about  5500  feet  elevation  up  to  11,500. 
Of  tree  growth  we  can  practically  say  that  four  species  form  the  main  trees. 
The  most  predominant  of  these  is  the  leguminous  Sophora  chrysophylla  (Ma- 
mani),  and,  secondly,  Myoporum  sandwicense  (Naio),  and  on  the  lower  edge  of 
the  upper  forest  zone,  or  as  on  Mt.  Haleakala  at  7000  feet  elevation,  Acacia  Koa 
(Koa),  with  Metrosideros  polymorpha  (Ohia  lehua).  These  four  species  form 
the  main  tree-growth,  while  here  and  there  we  find  the  rubiaceous  Coprosma 
montana  at  9000  feet  elevation  and  with  it  the  arborescent  Compositae  Raillardia 
arborea  up  to  10,000  feet,  while  R.  struthioloides  can  be  found  up  to  an  elevation 
of  11,500  feet;  the  two  latter,  however,  only  on  Mauna  Kea  (13,823  feet),  Ha- 
waii. Raillardia  Menziesii  is  found  at  an  elevation  of  6000  to  8000  feet,  and 
on  Mt.  Haleakala  is  the  largest  species  in  the  genus  Raillardia,  but  is  a  shrub 
at  the  higher  levels  up  to  the  summit. 

On  Mauna  Loa  tree-growth  ceases  at  a  little  above  8000  feet;  the  tree  com- 
positae  found  on  Mauna  Kea  and  Haleakala  are,  however,  absent  on  Mauna  Loa. 
Santalum  Haleakalae,  a  species  of  Iliahi  or  Sandal  wood,  is  peculiar  to  Haleakala, 
Maui,  and  can  be  found  at  from  7000  to  8500  feet  elevation.  This  same  species 



growing  in  the  crater  of  Haleakala,  Maui,  elevation  7500  feet. 

was,  however,  observed  by  the  writer  on  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  southern  slopes 
of  Mt.  Haleakala,  at  an  elevation  of  2000  feet.  Naturally  the  species  was  not 
stunted  but  developed  to  a  fine  looking  tree ;  only  a  single  tree  was  found  at  the 
lower  level,  while  at  8000  feet  it  is  not  uncommon,  especially  at  the  very  head 
of  Waikamoi  or  Honomanu  gulch. 

The  Compositae  form  quite  a  large  part  of  the  vegetation  of  the  upper  forest 
zone  and  are  most  numerously  represented  on  Haleakala. 

The  mountains  which  possess  an  upper  forest  flora  are,  according  to  age, 
Haleakala  (10,030  feet),  Maui;  Mauna  Kea  (13,873  feet),  Hualalai  (8273  feet), 
and  Mauna  Loa,  the  youngest,  (13,675  feet),  Hawaii.  All  four  mountains  are 
volcanoes,  three  of  them  extinct,  while  Mauna  Loa  becomes  still  periodically 

Haleakala  is  entirely  different  in  formation  from  the  other  mountains ;  it  has 
a  summit  crater  of  huge  dimensions  having  a  circumference  of  nearly  23  miles, 
is  2000  feet  deep,  and  is  covered  at  the  bottom  with  numerous  cinder  cones,  of 
which  the  highest  is  1030  feet. 

The  crater  has  two  outlets,  one  on  the  north  side  called  Koolau  gap,  and  an- 
other on  the  southern  side  called  Kaupo  gap.  The  former  gap  is,  up  to  an  ele- 
vation of  6000  feet,  an  impenetrable  tropical  jungle,  while  the  latter  is  compara- 
tively jdry  and  covered  with  more  or  less  scrub  vegetation.  The  largest  portion 
of  the  crater  is  bare  of  vegetation,  being  composed  mainly  of  extensive  aa 
(rough)  lava  flows  and  huge  fields  of  black  volcanic  ash;  it  is  in  the  latter  that 
the  most  beautiful  Argyroxiphium  sandwicense  var.  macrocephalum  (Ahinahina 
or  Silversword)  thrives  best.  They  still  occur  in  thousands  in  Haleakala  crater, 
but  are  indeed  very  scarce  on  Mauna  Kea,  and  more  so  on  Mauna  Loa  and  Hua- 
lalai. The  steep  slopes  in  the  upper  part  of  Kaupo  gap  are  covered  with  this 
most  beautiful  plant  (see  Plate  XXV),  which  flowers  from  July  to  October. 
Wild  goats  are  doing  great  damage  to  it,  as  they  devour  it  eagerly,  and  so  also 
do  cattle,  the  arch-enemy  of  the  Hawaiian  forests.  In  earlier  days  this  interest- 
ing plant  was  also  found  plentifully  on  the  slopes  of  the  mountain,  but  it  has 
now  vanished  since  tourists  began  to  ascend  to  the  mountain  summit. 

Raillardia  platypliylla,  a  shrubby  composite,  is  quite  gregarious  along  dry 
streambeds,  especially  along  the  upper  part  of  Waikamoi  near  Puunianiau  crater, 
while  R.  Menziesii  grows  as  a  tree  at  6000  feet  elevation  and  becomes  a  common 
shrub  at  9000  feet  near  the  summit.  Of  great  interest  is  the  green  sword-plant, 
Argyroxiphium  virescens,  which  is  peculiar  to  Haleakala  and  found  together 
with  the  plants  just  mentioned.  It  usually  grows  on  the  edges  of  cliffs  in  com- 
pany with  the  silversword,  and  is  especially  common  near  the  base  of  Puunianiau 
crater.  It  has  been  observed  in  the  crater  of  Haleakala  itself,  but  not  on  the  ash 
fields,  as  its  congener,  but  in  Kaupo  gap  along  dry  streambeds  between  rocks, 
together  with  Lobelia  liypolcuca  var.,  Diibautia  plantaginea  var.,  Raillardia 
sp.,  etc. 

Vaccinium  reticulatum  (Olielo),  with  its  delicious  berries,  covers  the  moun- 


tain  slope,  with  another  species  which  has  lately  been  described  as  V  actinium 
Fauriei,  a  very  distinct  plant,  with  large,  glaucous  berries  and  small  leaves ;  it 
grows  much  taller  than  V.  reticulatum,  and  its  berries  are  better  tasting  than 
those  of  the  latter. 

Rubiaceae  are  also  not  uncommon.  We  find  again  Coprosma  ernodeoides 
(Kukainene),  Coprosma  montana,  and  C.  menziesii,  with  Sanicula  sandwicensis, 
Plantago  pachyphylla,  Fragaria  clnlensis  (the  Chilean  strawberry),  and  the  iri- 
daceous  Sisyrynchium  acre,  once  employed  in  tattooing  by  the  Hawaiians. 

Ranunculus  Hawaiiensis  (Makou),  the  Hawaiian  buttercup,  is  not  uncommon 
on  Puunianiau  crater,  and  exceedingly  plentiful  on  Mauna  Kea,  especially  above 
Waiki  and  the  craters  Kaluamakani,  Moano,  etc.  Silene  struthioloides  is  found 
in  black  cinder  in  the  crater,  as  well  as  on  the  slopes.  Metrosideros  polymorpha 
var.  /?.  and  $  are  usually  found  in  gulches,  together  with  Suttonia  sp.,  Dodonaea 
eriocarpa,  Sopliora  chrysophylla,  and  others. 

Special  mention  must  be  made  of  the  wonderful  development  which  the  tem- 
perate genus  Geranium  has  reached  in  these  islands.  Like  the  Violaceae,  it  has 
become  arborescent  and  evolved  into  many  species.  The  Hawaiian  species  of 
Geranium  form  a  distinct  section  in  the  family,  called  Neuropliyllodes.  All 
species  have  a  peculiar  type  of  leaf  which  varies  in  size,  shape,  and  pubescence. 

Geranium  tridens  is  the  common  shrubby  form  which  can  be  seen  mixed  with 
Sophora  chrysophylla;  its  leaves  are  covered  with  a  bright-silvery  pubescence, 
and  are  tridentate  at  the  apex,  whence  the  name.  It  is  the  most  common  species 
on  Haleakala,  while  G.  arboreum  is  scarcer.  It  is  usually  found  in  sheltered 
places  near  Puunianiau  crater.  The  leaves  are  the  largest  of  any  of  the  Ha- 
waiian Geraniums,  and  are  not  silvery ;  the  flowers  are  a  purplish-red ;  the  petals 
are  unequal,  giving  it  the  appearance  of  a  violet.  The  name  arboreum  would 
have  fitted  better  to  G.  multiflorum  var.  canum,  which  is,  indeed,  a  small  tree, 
15  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  of  about  10  inches  in  diameter,  while  the  former 
is  a  large  shrub  with  drooping,  rambling  branches.  G.  multiflorum  var.  canum 
is  not  uncommon  in  the  crater,  but  is  found  especially  in  Kaupo  Gap,  where  it 
grows  on  upheaved  aa  lava,  or  fissures,  together  with  Artemisia  australis. 
Geranium  ovatifolium,  also  a  shrub,  is  found  on  the  north  bank  of  Haleakala 

Labiatae  are  not  very  conspicuous  in  this  region,  though  a  few  species  of 
Phyllostegia  and  Stenogyne  are  not  uncommon.  One  St.  microphylla  the  writer 
found  entangling  Santalum  Haleakalae;  the  leaves  are  very  small,  measuring 
only  about  three  lines  in  length;  the  flowers  are  very  inconspicuous  and  green. 
The  epacridaceous  shrub  Styphelia  tameiameia  (Pukeawe)  is  the  most  common, 
while  St.  imbricata,  very  common  on  Mauna  Kea,  is  only  found  near  the  summit 
of  Haleakala.  T etramolopium  humile  and  T.  Chamissonis  var.  arbuscula,  the 
Hawaiian  daisies,  occupy  cracks  between  rocks  and  can  also  be  found  in  black 

The  most  interesting  discovery,  however,  made  by  the  writer  is  a  new  species 


of  the  large  tribe  Lobelioideae.  It  is  a  rather  handsome  tree,  undoubtedly  one 
of  the  oldest  types  of  Lobelias,  and  has  an  almost  antediluvian  appearance.  This 
striking  plant,  of  which  only  three  trees  are  now  in  existence,  is  a  species  of 
Clermontia,  and  is  described  in  this  volume  under  the  name  Clermontia  Hale- 
akalotsis.  It  was  found  on  the  inner  slopes  of  Puunianiau  crater  at  the  head  of 
one  of  the  numerous  small  gulches  which  find  their  origin  in  this  crater  basin. 
The  trees  were  thickly  surrounded  by  Rubus  hawaiiensis  and  Sophora  chryso- 
pliylla.  It  flowered  during  the  month  of  October.  If  not  protected  from  the 
cattle,  which  are  very  fond  of  the  thick,  fleshy  leaves  of  this  wonderful  plant,  it 
also  will  join  the  others  of  its  race,  as  Cyanea  arbor ea  and  Cyanea  comata,  which 
have  vanished  forever. 

Of  Gramineae,  or  grasses,  mention  may  be  made  of  the  following:  Koeleria 
glomerata,  and  var.  nov.  rigida  Hack.,  and  the  newly-described  Argrostis  Rockii 
Hack.,  which  was  discovered  by  the  writer  at  an  elevation  of  9700  feet  between 
rocks  near  the  summit  of  the  mountain.  Hackel,  who  described  the  plant,  says 
that  it  is  an  excellent  species  and  is  nearest  related  to  A.  varians,  which,  how- 
ever, is  no  xerophyte,  as  is  A.  Rockii. 

The  vegetative  formation  of  the  upper  forest  zone  on  Mauna  Kea  and  Mauna 
Loa  has  already  been  described  in  the  chapter  on  Hawaii.  Mention  may  be 
made,  however,  of  the  introduced,  or  rather  naturalized,  flora  of  this  region. 
Veronica  arvensis  grows  as  a  weed  among  rocks  and  on  the  pasture  lands  above 
6000  feet  elevation  with  Sonchus  oleraceus,  which,  by  the  way,  was  the  last  plant 
observed  on  Mauna  Kea  at  an  elevation  of  12,000  feet,  where  it  was  prostrate 
with  leaves  and  flowrers  closely  pressed  to  the  ground,  with  a  long  root-stock. 
Gnaphalium  sandwicensium  and  G.  luteo-album  grow  side  by  side  in  the  black  cin- 
der and  between  rocks.  One  of  the  most  common  plants  is  Senecio  vulgaris, 
which  can  be  observed  up  to  an  elevation  of  10,000  feet  and  even  higher ;  Cheno- 
podium  album  is  often  found  in  its  company. 

Since  the  introduction  of  grass  seeds  by  the  ranchmen  to  improve  their  pas- 
ture lands,  many  undesirable  grasses  and  weeds  have  come  with  them.  We  find 
Poa  annua  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Kea  together  with  Cynodon  dactylon,  Bromus 
unioloides,  and  Eragrostis  atropioides,  which,  however,  is  a  native  grass  originally 
found  on  Haleakala,  Maui.  Also  Hordeum  murinum  var.  leporinum,  Lolium 
multiflorum,  a  very  tall  grass,  usually  found  in  company  with  Malvastrum  tri- 
cuspidatum,  which  for  that  part  of  the  district  forms  a  valuable  fodder  plant, 
owing  to  the  absence  of  anything  better.  Bromus  villosus  occurs  here  and  there 
in  patches,  while  Poa  pratensis  is  found  scattered. 

The  following  Cyperaceae  occur  in  this  region:  Carex  macloviana  on  Moano 
hill,  Carex  sandwicensis  scattered  over  the  wrhole  of  Mauna  Kea,  and  a  new  va- 
riety of  the  same  about  to  be  published  by  Rev.  G.  Kiikenthal. 

In  conclusion,  a  few  wrords  may  here  not  be  out  of  place,  describing  briefly 
the  floral  aspects  of  Lanai,  Niihau  and  Kahoolawe. 

The  Island  of  Lanai  is  the  best  forest-covered  island  of  the  three  last  men- 



STAND  OF  ALEURITES  MOLUCCANA  (Kukui)  at  the  head  of  Mauna  Lei  gorge,  Lanai. 

tioned.  It  has  an  altitude  of  about  3400  feet.  Two  main  ridges  run  parallel  the 
length  of  the  island,  and  are  called  Lanai  hale  and  Haalelepakai,  the  former  being 
the  highest.  On  the  leeward  side  of  these  mountain  ranges  is  a  flat  plateau  con- 
sisting of  about  2-4,000  acres,  having  an  elevation  of  approximately  2000  feet; 
the  southeastern  end  toward  Manele  is  covered  with  the  cactus  Opuntia  tuna 
(Panini)  exclusively.  This  plateau  must  have  been  once  upon  a  time  covered 
with  a  xerophytic  vegetation  similar  to  that  of  the  Kipuka  Puaulu  on  Hawaii 
near  the  Volcano  Kilauea. 

The  main  ridges  of  Lanai  are  covered  with  a  similar  vegetation  to  that  of 
Molokai  above  Kamolo,  but  are  not  as  wet  as  the  latter,  though  here  and  there 
swampy  spots  can  be  found  in  which  the  newly-described  var.  lanaiensis  of  Viola 
Helena  occurs.  Peculiar  to  these  ridges  are  the  thymelaeaceous  Wikstroemia  ~bi- 
cornuta,  the  lobelioideous  Cyanea  Gibsonii,  and  the  goodeniaceous  Scaevola 
cylindrocarpa.  The  most  common  composite  at  the  summit  ridge  is  Dubautia 
laxa  var.  hirsuta.  One  of  the  rare  and  interesting  compositae,  Hesperomannia 
arborescens,  of  which  a  few  trees  were  seen  about  ten  years  ago,  has  vanished 
forever.  Xanthoxylum  has  several  species  present,  and  so  has  also  the  genus 
Pittosporum,  \vhich  on  Lanai  has  the  most  varying  species.  That  this  particular 
genus  is  in  these  islands  dependent  on  insects  for  fertilization  is  brought  out  by 
these  numerous  variations.  It  is  difficult  to  arrange  the  classification  of  the  va- 
rious species  according  to  their  capsules,  as  the  writer  had  observed  on  Lanai  not 
less  than  three  capsules  of  different  species  on  a  single  flower  cluster. 

Araliaceae  has  several  species  here,  especially  the  genus  Tetraplasandra,  of 
which  the  newly-described  T.  Lanaiensis  is  peculiar  to  Lanai;  with  it  occurs 
Suttonia  Lanaiensis  and  Sideroxylon  spathulatum,  the  latter  a  small  tree  with 
cone-shaped  yellow  fruits. 

Very  interesting  is  the  vegetation  in  the  valleys  of  Mahana,  Koele,  and  Kai- 
holena,  which  is  of  a  xerophytic  character.  Lobelioideae  are  here  rather  scarce, 
and,  as  already  mentioned,  the  tribe  has  only  one  species  peculiar  to  Lanai. 

The  extreme  western  district  of  Lanai  is  covered  with  an  interesting  mixed 
or  dry  forest,  mainly  composed  of  Osmanthus  sandwicensis,  Sideroxylon  spathu- 
latum, Nothocestrum  sp.,  Chrysophyllum  polynesicum,  Suttonia  sp.,  Plectronia 
odorata,  Gardenia  Brighami,  Bobea  Hookeri,  and  others. 

The  land  has  been  very  much  eroded  and  portions  of  this  interesting  wood- 
land are  now  buried  beneath  earth  and  sand  dunes,  only  the  tips  of  trees  pro- 
truding through  the  earth. 

The  windward  side  is  exceedingly  barren  and  only  the  xerophytic  Pili  grass, 
Andropogon  contortus,  grows  between  the  rocks,  together  with  Waltheria  ameri- 
cana,  Sida  fallax,  and,  lower  down,  Gossypium  tomentosum.  The  gulches  of 
Mauna  Lei  and  Xahoku  are  almost  barren,  the  latter  very  much  so.  Mauna  Lei 
is  exceedingly  interesting  from  a  geological  standpoint.  Vegetation  is  very  scarce 
and  only  few  trees  can  be  found,  as  Erytlirina  monosperma  (Wiliwili)  and  some 
of  those  already  mentioned  above.  At  the  very  head  of  this  gorge,  which  near 


'!'  t 

*'*•:  m 

the  entrance  divides  into  two  main  valleys,  the  vegetation  becomes  more  inter- 
esting, a  few  Compositae  cling  to  the  rocks,  such  as  Artemisia,  and  to  the  writer's 
surprise,  he  found  the  interesting  lobelioideous  Brigltamia  insignis  growing  on 
the  vertical  cliffs,  even  inaccessible  to  the  multitude  of  goats  inhabiting  this 

On  the  bottom,  at  the  very  head  of  the  gulch,  are  huge  trees  of  Aleuntes  mo- 
luccana  (Kukui)  (see  Plate  XXVI),  the  trunks  of  some  of  which  are  torn  into 
shreds  by  huge  boulders  which  are  constantly  coming  down  from  the  heights 
above,  which,  when  loosened  by  the  goats,  bring  with  them  avalanches  of  rocks 
to  the  depths  below.  Nahoku  gulch  is  the  narrowest  and  steepest,  and  is  void  of 
vegetation,  but  in  the  early  days  enough  water  came  down  in  the  now  dried-up 
streambed  for  the  natives  to  carry  on  the  cultivation  of  taro. 

The  Island  of  Kahoolawe  is  the  most  eroded  of  the  whole  group  and  the  only 
native  tree  growth  which  remains  is  composed  of  perhaps  a  dozen  Erythrina 
monosperma  (Wiliwili).  (See  Plate  XXVII.)  The  urticaceous  Neraudia  Ka- 
hoolawensis,  the  only  plant  thought  to  be  peculiar  to  Kahoolawe,  was  found  by 
the  writer  on  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi  on  the  southern  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala, 
Maui.  Most  of  the  land  on  this  island  has  no  soil,  all  having  been  blown  into  the 
sea  by  the  wind,  after  it  had  been  robbed  of  its  vegetation  by  cattle,  sheep,  and 
goats,  with  which  the  island  was  overstocked.  The  result  is  that  there  is  nothing 
left  but  pure  hard-pan,  several  feet  thickness  of  soil  having  been  blown  away. 
Even  now  on  a  windy  day  the  island  is  not  visible,  as  it  is  enshrouded  in  a  cloud 
of  red  dirt  which,  when  the  south  wind  prevails  is  carried  across  the  isthmus  of 
the  Island  of  Maui,  to  be  deposited  on  the  already  fertile  sugar  cane  fields. 

The  Island  of  Niihau  is  in  a  similar  state,  though  is  not  as  eroded  as  Kahoo- 
lawe. The  native  vegetation  of  this  small  island  has,  however,  disappeared. 
Acacia  farnesiana  and  Prosopis  juliflora  (Kiawe  or  Algaroba)  have  been  planted 
on  the  lowlands. 

In  this  rather  lengthy  introduction,  the  writer  has  tried  to  give  a  more  or 
less  detailed  description  of  the  various  interesting  botanical  regions  of  this  island 
group.  The  present  paper  by  no  means  claims  to  be  the  result  of  an  ecological 
study,  but  a  mere  foundation  for  such  work,  wrhich  undoubtedly  will  have  to 
follow.  The  whole  of  the  introduction  is  devoted  to  the  floral  aspects  of  this  in- 
teresting island  group,  and  is  merely  floristic  work  with  here  and  there  an  at- 
tempt to  explain  some  of  the  ecological  features. 

The  writer  has  had  occasion,  as  Botanist  of  the  Board  of  Agriculture  and 
Forestry  and  of  the  College  of  Hawaii,  to  visit  all  the  islands  of  the  group,  each 
several  times  at  the  various  seasons  during  five  years,  making  a  thorough  botanical 
survey  of  each  island,  some  of  the  results  of  which  are  herewith  published. 

XOTE: — All  plants  mentioned  in  this  introduction  as  new  to  science  (trees  excluded)  are 
briefly  described  in  the  appendix.  All  new  trees  mentioned  are  described  in  their  respective 
places  according  to  the  natural  system  of  classification. 





Plants  not  bearing  true  flowers — that  is,  having  no  stamens  nor  ovules  and 
never  producing  seeds  containing  an  embryo. 


FILICE:S  (Ferns) 

Sporangia  minute,  placed  on  the  margin  or  under-surface  of  the  leaf  or  frond, 
rarely  somewhat  larger  and  arranged  in  spikes  or  panicles.  Spores  all  of  one 



The  Cyatheaceae  are  mainly  tropical,  and  are  distributed  over  the  old  and 
new  world  more  or  less  evenly.  The  family  is  restricted  to  localities  with  a  very 
moist  and  uniform  climate.  They  are  found  rarely  in  areas  with  a  precipitation 
of  less  than  100  cm.  annually.  Against  temperature  they  are  more  or  less  inde- 
pendent, as  they  still  thrive  prolifically  in  regions  where  mild  frosts  occur,  as, 
for  example,  in  Tasmania.  With  the  appearance  of  this  family  in  the  Stewart 
Island  of  New  Zealand,  it  has  reached  the  border  land  of  the  Polar  region. 

Pinonia  Gaud.,  Dicksoniae  sp.  autt,  Hk.,  Bk. 

Sori  globose  at  the  apex  of  a  vein,  marginal,  enclosed  in  a  prominent  coriaceous, 
deeply  2-valved  involucre,  the  outer  box-shaped  valve  proceeding  from  the  margin  of  the 
segment,  but  being  of  different  texture.  Sporangia  stipitate.  Annulus  with  a  stomium 
consisting  of  thin  walled  cells,  which  can  easily  be  distinguished  from  those  of  the  walls 
of  the  sporangium. — Tree  ferns  with  very  large  leaves,  which  are  usually  tripinnate,  the 
last  pinnae  with  linear  oblong  segments. 

The  distribution  of  the  six  or  eight  existing  species,  which  seem  to  be  very 
closely  related,  is  very  remarkable.  C.  guatemalense  and  C.  Wendlandi  occur 
in  Guatemala,  as  well  as  C.  Schiedei  in  South  Mexico  and  Guatemala,  in  culti- 
vation for  a  long  time.  C.  Barometz  occurs  in  the  monsoon  districts  of  East 
Asia;  another  subspecies  (C.  Cumingi)  is  endemic  in  the  Philippine  Islands, 
while  three  are  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands. 


PLATE  28 


s.  4  '•£•      •    •   -•     '    t   "  * 

Hapu  lii  or  Heii. 

Showing  part   of  frond  with   sporecases,   and  part  of  the   stipe   to  left;   reduced. 


Stipes  tuberculate,  and  clothed  with  long  blackish-brown  hairs C.  Menziesii 

Stipes  smooth  and  glabrous  in  the  upper  portion C.  Chamissoi 

Cibotium  Menziesii  Hook. 

Hapu  Hi  or  Heii. 

(Plates  28,  29.) 

CIBOTIUM  MENZIESII  Hook.  Spec.  Fil.  I.  (1846)  84,  t.  29  c;— Brack.  Fil.  U.  S.  E.  E. 
(1854)  280;— H.  Mann.  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  212;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1888)  546;  — Heller  in  Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  IX.  (1897)  776;— Diels  in  Engl.  et  Prantl 
Pflzfam.  I.  4,  (1902)  121; — Christens.  Index  Fil.  (1906)  183; — Eobinson  in  Bui. 
Torr.  Bot.  Cl.  39,  (1912)  243. — C.  pruinatum  Metten  et  Kuhn  in  Linnaea,  36, 
(1869)  150.— Diksonia  Menziesii  Hook,  et  Bak.  Syn.  (1866)  49  et  II  ed.  (1874) 
49;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII  (1892)  356. 

Stipes  green,  stout,  with  a  ventral  and  two  lateral  furrows,  tuberculate  and  shaggy 
at  the  base  with  a  straightish  and  long  brownish  yellow  glossy  pulu  which  changes  higher 
up  into  stiff  long  blackish  hair,  and  as  such  often  covers  the  entire  stipes;  frond  with 
stipes  18  to  36  dm  or  more  long  and  9  to  15  dm  or  more  broad,  pyramidal-oblong,  coriace- 
ous, naked  underneath  or  sometimes  with  minute  furfuraceous  dots;  the  rhachis  asperous 
with  scattering  tubercles;  pinnae  with  a  stipe  of  25  to  50  mm,  oblong,  4.5  to  7.5  dm 
long,  bearing  18  to  24  pairs  of  free  pinnules  besides  the  pinnatifid  apex;  most  pinnules 
shortly  stipitate,  linear  lanceolate,  acute,  cut  halfway  or  more,  often  to  the  rhachis  at 
the  base,  into  oblong  rounded  or  entire  segments,  which  are  separated  by  broad  sinuses; 
veinlets  very  prominent,  simple  or  forked;  sori  8  to  14  on  a  lobe,  also  fringing  the  sinus. 
Invol.  corneous,  large,  a  little  more  than  1  mm  to  nearly  3  mm  in  width,  the  outer  valve 
fornicate  and  large,  the  inner  flat  and  narrower. 

Cibotium  Menziesii  or  Hapu  Hi  of  the  natives  is  the  most  stately  tree  fern 
of  the  Hawaiian  forests.  Nowhere  in  the  islands  does  this  handsome  fern  reach 
such  a  wonderful  development  as  on  Hawaii  in  the  forests  of  Puna,  Hilo,  and 
especially  in  the  Kohala  mountains.  In  the  district  of  Paauhau,  on  the  wind- 
ward slopes  of  Mauna  Kea  (13823  feet)  the  writer  saw  the  biggest  specimens. 

The  fibrous  trunks  of  these  immense  ferns  have  often  a  diameter  of  three 
feet  and  reach  a  height  of  about  24  feet  or  so,  not  including  the  almost  erect 
fronds,  which  measure  occasionally  more  than  12  feet,  giving  it  a  total  height 
of  sometimes  36  feet.  Thanks  to  the  hardiness  of  these  ferns,  they  were  and  are 
able  to  withstand  attacks  from  cattle,  and  even  when  uprooted  by  wild  pigs,  and 
laid  prostrate,  they  continue  to  grow. 

Nothing  is  more  beautiful  than  a  stand  of  pure  Ohio,  forest  with  trees  of 
about  80  feet  in  height,  when  growing  together  with  this  beautiful  fern,  which 
forms  the  dense  undergrowth.  Their  bright-green  fronds  produce  a  pleasing 
contrast  to  the  rather  grayish  Oliia  lelnia  trees,  which  contrast  is  enhanced  when 
the  latter  are  displaying  their  beautiful  red  blossoms.  Such  a  forest,  when  not 
in  the  vicinity  of  human  dwellings,  is  inhabited  by  native  birds  of  all  colors,  red 
(the  liwi),  however,  predominating.  These  birds  feed  on  the  pollen  of  the  Ohia 
flowers,  and  can  be  seen  in  great  numbers,  often  sitting  on  the  bright-green 
fronds  of  the  majestic  tree  ferns. 

The  Hapu  Hi  occurs,  however,  on  all  the  islands  at  an  elevation  of  from  2000 
to  6000  feet  and  perhaps  higher.  Ordinarily  the  trunks  are  not  taller  than  8 
feet  or  so,  but,  as  already  mentioned,  the  fern  reaches  its  best  development  on 


PLATE  29. 

Hapu  lii  Fern. 

Growing  in  the  forests  of  Kohala,  Hawaii;   elevation  4000  feet. 


the  Island  of  Hawaii.  The  wool  or  pulu  of  this  fern,  as  well  as  of  the  two  other 
species,  was  used  in  stuffing  pillows,  etc.,  and  the  trees  were  ruthlessly  cut  down 
by  the  pulu  gatherers  in  order  to  get  easily  at  the  wool.  Since  the  pulu  is  no 
longer  in  demand  and  as  hardly  any  is  being  gathered  at  present,  the  ferns 
have  begun  to  thrive  again,  and  fine  specimens  can  be  met  with  in  all  the  Ha- 
waiian rain  forests. 

It  might  be  of  interest  to  remark  that  the  Ohio,  lelma  (Metrosideros  poly- 
morplia)  is  a  close  associate  of  the  Hapu  Hi.  Both  the  fern  and  the  tree  are 
often  found  growing  together  to  such  an  extent  that  it  is  difficult  to  distinguish 
the  tree  trunk  from  the  trunk  of  the  fern. 

The  natives  have  an  idea  that  the  Hapu  In  fern  is  the  mother  of  the  Oliia 

The  seeds  of  the  Oliia  lelma  often  germinate  in  the  crowns  of  the  tree  ferns, 
sending  down  their  roots  along  the  very  fibrous,  often  water-soaked  trunk.  In 
time  the  fern  begins  to  die  and  the  Oliia  lelma  is  left  standing  with  stilt  roots 
of  often  15  feet  or  more  in  height,  after  which  the  real  trunk  of  the  tree  com- 
mences. Such  examples  are  very  numerous  in  the  Hawaiian  forests,  and  un- 
doubtedly led  the  Hawaiians  to  the  belief  that  the  tree  fern  is  the  parent  of  the 
Oliia  lelma. 

Cibotium  Chamissoi  Kaulf. 

(Plate  30.) 

CIBOTIUM  CHAMISSOI  Kaulf.  Enum.  Fil.  (1824)  230,  t.  1,  f.  14;— Spreng.  syst.  IV.  (1827) 
127;— Presl  Tentam.  Pterid.  (1836)  69,  t.  11,  f.  8;—  Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no. 
512;— Hook.  Spec.  Fil.  I.  (1846)  83;— Brack.  Fil.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  279;— Moore 
Ind.  Fil.  (1857-62)  259;— H.  Mann.  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  212;— Hbd. 
Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  547;— Christ  Farnkr.  (1897)  316;— Heller  in  Minnes. 
Bot.  Stud.  I.  (1897)  776;— Diels  in  Engl.  et  Prantl.  Pflzfam.  I. 
4  (1902)  121;— Christens.  Ind.  Fil.  (1906)  183;— Robinson  in  Bull. 
Torr.  Bot.  Cl.  39  (1912)  243.— C.  pruinatum  Mett.  et  Kuhn  in  Linnaea  36  (1869) 
150.— Dicksonia  Chamissoi  Hook,  et  Bak.  Synops.  Fil.  (1866)  50,  et  II.  ed.  (1874) 
50;— Hook.  Icon.  Plant.  XVII  (1886)  pi.  1603.— C.  Chamissoni  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl. 
Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VII  (1892)  356. — Pinonia  splendens  Gaud.  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  Ill 
(1824)  507,  idem  Gen.  p.  96,  et  Bot.  Voy.  Uranie  (1826  title  page,  appeared 
1830)  370,  t.  21. — Dicksonia  splendens  Desv.  Prodr.  (1827)  318. — Dicksonia,  Smith 
ex  E.  Brown. 

Stipes  12  to  24  dm,  brownish,  smooth,  clothed  at  the  base  with  a  pale  fawn-colored 
lustreless  matted  or  cobwebby  pulu,  furfuraceous  or  naked  above;  frond  12  to  24  dm  long, 
chartaceous,  the  under  face  green  or  dull  glaucous  and  generally  covered  with  a  pale  cob- 
webby pubescence;  lowest  pinnae  4.5  to  7.5  dm  long,  writh  24  to  28  pairs  of  pinnules,  these 
shortly  stipitate,  linear  lanceolate  12.5  to  15  cm  by  16  to  20  mm,  acute,  the  lower  ones 
cut  to  near  the  rhachis  into  oblong,  straightish,  rather  obtuse  segments  with  narrow 
sinuses,  the  basal  segments  entire  and  not  deflected;  veinlets  little  prominent;  sori  8  to  14 
to  a  segment,  the  involucre  small  about  1  mm  wide,  chartaceous. 

The  Hapu,  which  is  of  much  smaller  stature  than  its  congener,  the  Hapu  Hi 
or  Heii.  is  one  of  the  most  common  tree  ferns  of  the  group.  It  occasionally  has 
a  trunk  of  16  or  more  feet  in  height,  but  never  reaches  the  size  of  Cibotium 
Menziesii.  Both  are,  however,  found  growing  together  and  are  most  numerous 
on  Hawaii,  especially  in  the  forests  of  Puna  and  back  of  Hilo.  Near  the  Volcano 

House  pure  stands  of  these  two  species  can  be  found,  usually  associated  with 



PLATE  30. 


Showing  fruiting  pinnae  of  frond  and  pnlu  to  right 


Mctrosideros  polymorpha  or  Ohio,  lehua  of  the  natives.  Where  these  ferns  grow 
with  a  typical  Oliia  lehua  forest,  the  soil  is  usually  not  deeper  than  2  or  3  feet 
at  the  most,  below  which  we  find  the  arched  pahoehoe  lava. 

The  Ohia  lehua  is,  however,  not  their  only  associate.  In  the  older  forests  we 
find  them  growing  together  with  Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii  (Olapa),  Ilex 
sandwicensis,  Perrottetia  sandwicensis  (Olomea),  and  especially  with  Suttonia 
Lessertiana  (Kolea).  In  the  drier  or  semi-wet  forest  we  find  it  again  with  Aca- 
cia Koa  (Koa),  while  it  can  also  be  met  with  in  a  typical  xerophytic  forest,  but 
then  only  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet  or  so,  and  not  at  all  common.  Only  a  few 
stragglers  can  be  found  scattered  in  these  interesting  dry  regions.  On  Oahu  the 
Ha  pit  is  much  smaller  than  on  Hawaii  and  not  quite  as  common,  as  it  never 
forms  pure  stands  or  covers  large  tracts  of  land  as  is  the  case  on  Hawaii. 

On  the  Island  of  Kauai  occurs  a  variety  of  this  species  named  var.  3.  by 
Hillebrand,  which  differs  from  the  species  in  its  smaller  frond,  which  is  dull 
glaucous  underneath. 

The  young  stems  of  this  species  are  farinaceous,  and  used  to  be  eaten  by  the 
natives  in  times  of  scarcity.  They  are  baked  in  hot  ashes  and  are  then  quite 

The  trunks  of  the  Hapu,  as  well  as  of  the  Hapu  Hi,  are  used  for  forest  trails, 
where  they  make  an  excellent  pathway  through  the  otherwise  hardly-penetrable 
swampy  jungles.  Portions  of  trunks,  when  used  for  fern  trails,  sprout  usually 
at  one  end,  forming  quite  a  handsome  hedge  of  young  fronds.  The  pulu  wool, 
which  densely  covers  the  base  of  the  leafstalks,  is  glossy  and  of  a  fine,  silky  tex- 
ture, and  was  used  together  with  that  of  the  Hapu  Hi  for  stuffing  pillows  and 
mattresses,  and  formed  a  regular  article  of  export  to  California.  According  to 
Hillebrand,  the  hairs  consist  of  a  single  series  of  flat,  thin-walled  cells  which 
break  readily  at  the  joints.  The  cells  are  shorter  in  Cibotium  Chamissoi. 

Cibotium  glaucum  is  occasionally  found  with  the  other  two  species,  but  is 
rather  rare.  All  three  species  are  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  outside  of 
which  they  have  not  been  recorded. 




Embryo  with  only  one  cotyledon.  Stem  consisting  of  bundles  of  vascular 


The  family  Pandanaceae  is  peculiar  to  the  tropical  regions  of  the  old  world, 
and  is  represented  in  America  by  the  Cyclanthaceae.  The  Pandanaceae  are 
especially  rich  in  the  Malayan  region,  in  Micronesia,  in  Madagascar,  Bourbon 
(Reunion)  and  Mauritius.  Little  is  known  about  the  distribution  of  this  family 
in  West  Africa.  The  Pandanaceae  are  related  to  the  Palms  and  Araceae. 

Here  in  Hawaii  we  have  two  species  of  two  different  genera  which  belong  to 
this  family.  One  is  the  well-known  Halo,  or  Puhala  (Pandanus  odoratissimus) 
and  the  other,  the  climber  Freycinetia  Arnotti  or  le  ie.  Only  the  former  is  here 
considered,  being  the  only  arborescent  representative  of  this  family. 


Erect  trees  or  shrubs  with  simple  or  variously  branched  stems,  mostly  with 
aerial  roots.  Never  climbers.  Inflorescence  often  of  immense  size. 

The  genus  Pandanus,  with  its  many  species,  is  so  far  little  known,  owing  to 
its  dioecious  character.  In  Hawaii  there  is  only  one  species  represented,  which 
is  however  not  peculiar  to  the  islands,  as  it  extends  from  Hawaii  to  the  Sey- 
chelle  Islands  and  Arabia. 

In  German  New  Guinea  eleven  species  have  been  found  so  far,  six  of  which 
are  endemic. 

Pandanus  odoratissimus  L.  has  been  sunk  by  Warburg  and  made  a  synonym 
of  P.  tectorius;  which  he  records  as  occurring  in  "Hawai."  On  the  same  page 
he  creates  a  variety  y.  sandvicensis  from  the  Sandwich  Islands.  Prof.  War- 
burg evidently  regards  Hawai  and  the  Sandwich  Islands  as  two  different 
groups,  and  it  is  possible  that  his  variety  came  from  the  higher  levels,  whence, 
of  course,  it  would  differ  somewhat  from  the  tree  found  on  the  shores,  where 
they  are  exposed  to  the  salt  air;  while  the  higher  altitude  (1800  feet),  larger 
precipitation,  wind,  etc.,  would  undoubtedly  cause  some  differentiation,  which 
would  not,  however,  warrant  the  creation  of  a  new  variety.  On  the  strength  of 
this,  the  name  Pandanus  odoratissimus  is  here  retained.  The  genus  consists  of 
about  156  species. 



Pandanus  odoratissimus     L. 

Hala,  Puliala,  Lauhala,  or  Screw-pine. 

(Plate  31.) 

PANDANUS  ODORATISSIMUS  L.  f.  Suppl.  (1781)  424;— Forst.  PI.  escul.  (1786)  38,  et 
Prodr.  (1786)  no.  368; — Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no.  738; — Guillem.,  Zeph.  Tait. 
(1837)  No.  136; — Jardin,  Hist.  Nat.  lies  Marqu.,  (1858)  27; — Pancher  in  Cuzent, 
Tahiti  (1860)  241;—  Nadeaud,  Enum.  (1873)  286;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888) 
453;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VII.  (1892)  324,  et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.  (1893) 
232. — Pandanus  verus  Eumph.  Herb.  amb.  IV.  (1744)  140  t.  74; — H.  Mann  Proc. 
Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  204;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1873)  281;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1875) 
245. — Pandanus  tectorius  Sol.  Prin.  Fl.  Ins.  Pacif.  Ined.  350; — Parkins  Draw. 
Tahiti  PI.  113  (ined.); — Warburg,  Pflzreich.  IV.  9  (1900)  46,  fig.  13  F.  et  var. 
sandvicensis  Warburg  1.  c.  p.  48. 

Leaves  crowded  at  the  ends  of  the  branches,  abruptly  narrowing  toward  the  apex  into 
a  long  acumen  (point);  prickly  at  the  margins  and  keeled  midrib,  coriaceous;  spadix  of 
male  flowers  compound  pendulous,  spikes  sessile,  supported  by  very  odoriferous  spathes; 
stamens  racemosely  fasciculated,  the  filaments  shorter  than  the  column,  anthers  linear, 
long  mucronate;  syncarpium  surrounded  by  3  sets  of  white  imbricate  leaf -like  bracts, 
erect,  globose,  of  the  size  of  a  child 's  head  when  mature,  about  50  to  80  drupes  in  a 
syncarpium,  reddish  when  mature,  each  about  4  to  10  cm  long,  2  to  6  cm  broad,  angular, 
composed  of  5  to  12  carpels,  the  flat  top  divided  by  shallow  grooves  into  as  many  spaces 
as  there  are  carpels;  the  sessile  stigmas  at  first  oblique  but  finally  apical,  uniform. 

The  Puliala  or  Hala  is  a  small  tree  reaching  the  height  of  15  to  20  feet.  The 
trunk  is  short  and  branches  in  a  dichotomous  manner,  having  many  aerial  roots 
above  the  base  and  also  from  the  branches.  The  bark  is  whitish  and  covered 
with  prickly  lenticels.  In  the  female  tree  the  outer  cortex  is  exceedingly  hard, 
while  the  inner  pith  is  very  fibrous  and  soft.  In  the  male  mature  tree,  however, 
the  trunk  is  more  or  less  solid  throughout.  The  male  flowers,  which  are  called 
by  the  natives  Hinano  Hala,  are  very  fragrant,  and  are  pendulous  from  the  cen- 
ter of  the  leaf- whorls;  the  spadix  of  the  female  flowers  is  solitary,  globose,  and 
reaches  the  size  of  a  child's  head  when  mature,  and  is  orange-colored  to  red. 
The  leaves,  which  are  prickly  at  the  margins,  are  arranged  like  a  corkscrew, 
from  which  the  tree  derives  its  name. 

The  Puhala  is  most  common  on  the  windward  sides  of  all  the  islands,  inhabit- 
ing the  lowlands  from  sea-level  up  to  2000  feet.  It  is  most  common  on  the  coast 
of  Puna,  Hawaii,  and  also  on  the  northern  slope  of  Haleakala,  Maui,  where,  on 
the  flat  plateau  above  the  cliffs  between  Keanae,  Nahiku  and  Hana,  it  forms  a 
thick  forest  exclusive  of  everything  else.  It  is  the  landmark  of  the  lower  levels, 
and  is  often  found  with  the  Kukui  and  the  Koa  on  Oahu. 

Many,  indeed,  are  the  uses  of  the  Puliala.  From  the  leaves  handsome  mats 
are  made,  while  the  wood  of  male  trees,  which  is  of  exquisite  beauty  and  exceed- 
ingly hard,  was  employed  for  many  purposes. 

The  orange-colored  seeds  are  strung  into  leis  together  with  the  fragrant 
leaves  of  the  Maile  (Gynopogon  oliviformis  Gaud.)  and  worn  by  men  and 
women  alike.  The  seeds,  after  having  become  dry,  were  used  as  brushes,  and 
with  the  fibrous  end  the  various  dyes  were  applied  onto  their  tapa  or  cloth.  In 



PLATE  31. 


A  Pandanus  forest  at  the  lower  zone  on  East  Maui. 


Mauritius,  where  the  tree  is  plentiful,  the  fiber  derived  from  the  leaves  is  used 
for  making  sacks  for  coffee,  sugar  and  grain;  the  rqots  are  also  fibrous  and  are 
used  by  basket  makers  as  binding  material.  An  oil  is  obtained  by  distilling  the 
fragrant  bracts  of  the  male  flowers  and  is  called  Keora  in  India. 

The  natives  of  Burma  make  matting  sails,  by  sewing  together  the  leaves  of 
the  Hala;  the  very  fragrant  male  flowers  are  used  as  hair  decorations.  The 
etheric  oil  expressed  from  the  flowers  is  used  as  a  stimulant,  and  is  also  applied 
as  a  remedy  for  headaches  and  rheumatism.  The  seeds  are  used  in  India  as 
spools  for  twine. 

The  wood  of  the  female  trees  is  often  used,  after  the  removal  of  the  fibrous 
pith,  as  water  pipes  on  the  richly-wooded  volcanic  islands  of  South  Polynesia. 
The  native  name  in  Tahiti  is  Fara,  in  Viti  or  Fiji  Balawa  and  Vadra. 

The  Puhala  or  Lauhala  is  distributed  from  the  Seychelle  Islands  to  Arabia, 
all  over  the  South  Sea  Islands,  to  Guam  and  India.  It  is  called  Aggag  in  Guam, 
Pandan  or  Sabot  an  in  the  Philippines,  and  Fala  or  Laufala  in  Samoa. 

In  India,  where  the  tree  is  cultivated,  female  trees  are  a  rare  occurrence, 
while  male  trees  are  common ;  this  is  just  the  reverse  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands. 


The  lamily  Palmae  is  characteristic  of  the  tropics.  It  is  distributed  over  the 
old  as  well  as  the  new  world,  and  finds  its  northern  boundary  in  the  south  of 
Spain,  South  Italy  and  Greece  to  the  southern  part  of  Asia  Minor,  and  from 
there  to  the  Himalayas,  South  China  and  to  the  most  southern  part  of  Japan. 
In  the  new  world  it  is  distributed  from  Southern  California  to  Arizona  and 
Mexico.  The  southern  boundary  of  the  Palms  of  the  old  world  describes  a 
circle  through  the  arid  interior  of  Africa  to  Madagascar,  Australia,  the  South 
Island  of  New  Zealand  and  through  the  Pacific  Islands,  including  Hawaii.  In 
equatorial  Africa  the  family  is  poorer  in  species,  but  becomes  richer  in  the 
West  Indies,  Central  and  South  Brazil. 

This  order  consists  of  about  1000  species.  Of  interest,  so  far  as  Hawaii  is 
concerned,  is  the  Pacific  genus  Pritchardia,  which  is  represented  in  the  Ha- 
waiian Islands  by  ten  species.  Cocos  nucifera,  the  Niu  of  the  natives  or  coconut 
of  the  foreigner,  is,  of  course,  also  present,  but  is  too  common  to  be  described 
or  otherwise  mentioned. 

The  most  interesting  species  are  the  native  Pritchardias  or  Loulu  Palms,  all 
of  wrhich  are  endemic  and  found  only  at  an  elevation  of  about  2000-3000  feet,  in 
the  wet  or  rain  forest  zone,  though  occasionally  Pr.  Gaudichaudii  occurs  near 
the  beach  and  often  at  1000  feet  elevation. 

PRITCHARDIA   Seem,    et   H.   Wendl. 

Flowers  hermaphrodite,  singly  on  the  branches  of  the  panicle;  stamens  G,  connate 
at  the  base  into  a  cup;  ovary  three-lobed  with  a  single  style,  the  latter  tri-sulcate  with 
3  minute  stigmas.  Drupe  dryish,  with  a  single  nut  or  coccus,  the  pericarp  thin  fibrous, 
the  endocarp  crustaceous.  Seeds  with  uniform  albumen,  and  embryo  at  the  base. — Tall 
trees  with  terminal,  fan-shaped  palmatisect  leaves,  and  unarmed  petioles. 



Here  in  Hawaii  only  2  species  of  Pritchardia  were  formerly  known  to  exist, 
namely:  Pr.  Gaudichaudii  and  Pr.  Martii.  0.  Beccari,  the  world's  authority 
on  Palms,  described  three  species  since  the  publication  of  Hillebrand's  Flora, 
based  on  the  latter 's  herbarium  material. 

In  the  month  of  February,  1909,  the  writer  discovered  an  interesting  species, 
with  very  small  olive-shaped,  black,  shining  fruits,  which  was  named  by  Beccari 
and  published  in  Webbia  Vol.  III.  137  as  Pr.  minor.  Since  then  the  writer  has 
carried  on  extensive  explorations  on  all  the  Islands  of  the  group  under  the 
auspices  of  the  Board  of  Agriculture  and  Forestry,  as  well  as  under  the  College 
of  Hawaii,  with  the  result  of  bringing  to  light  new  plants  of  many  families, 
among  which  the  Palmae  were  represented  by  four  new  species,  as  follows,  the 
first  discovered  by  G.  P.  Wilder :  Pr.  eriopkora  Becc.,  from  Halemanu,  Kauai ; 
Pr.  arecina  Becc.,  from  Honomanu,  Maui;  Pr.  Rockiana  Becc.,  from  the  Puna- 
luu  Mts.,  Oahu;  and  Pr.  eriostacliia,  from  the  slopes  of  Manna  Loa,  Hawaii. 
This  brings  the  species  of  Hawaiian  Pritchardia  up  to  ten.  As  0.  Beccari  re- 
marks in  a  letter  to  the  writer,  he  believes  that  other  species  of  Pritchardia  yet 
remain  to  be  discovered  in  these  Islands,  to  which  the  writer  cannot  but  agree. 

The  writer  has  held  back  the  manuscript  on  the  Palms,  as  he  had  hoped  to 
receive  Beccari 's  publication  of  the  above-mentioned  new  species  in  Webbia 
Vol.  IV,  as  was  promised  by  him.  In  fact,  the  writer  cabled  to  Beccari  in 
Florence,  Italy,  for  prompt  despatch  of  the  publication,  but  no  answer  has  been 
received.  It  is,  however,  hoped  that  the  publication  has  been  issued  before  this 
book  appears  off  the  press. 

In  order  to  have  this  book  on  the  native  trees  as  complete  as  possible,  it  was 
thought  advisable  to  include  all  the  species  of  palms  so  far  known  to  be 
natives  of  Hawaii,  and  brief  descriptions  are  given  of  the  new  ones  by  the 
writer,  giving  0.  Beccari  credit  as  the  author  of  the  new  species. 

In  regard  to  the  usefulness  of  the  Loulu  palms,  it  may  be  stated  that  excel- 
lent hats  are  made  from  the  young  fronds  by  the  natives.  This,  however,  has 
caused  much  havoc ;  the  present  generation,  being  more  or  less  afflicted  with  the 
hookworm,  finds  it  easier  to  cut  the  palms  down  rather  than  climb  them  for 
the  single  young  frond  necessary  for  a  hat.  The  Japanese  have  imitated  the 
natives,  and  consequently  many  beautiful  trees  are  being  destroyed. 

The  genus  Pritchardia,  which  consists  of  about  14  species,  is  represented  in 
Hawaii  by  10  species.  Of  the  remaining  four,  two  belong  to  Fiji  (Pr.  pacifica. 
also  cultivated  in  Honolulu,  and  Pr.  Thurstonii)  and  two  to  the  Dangerous  Ar- 
chipelago, on  the  Island  of  Pomotu. 

Pritchardia  Gaudichaudii  H.  Wendl. 

PRITCHARDIA  GAUDICHAUDII  H.  Wendl.  in  Bonpl.  X  (1862)  190;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit. 
(1868)  274; — H.  Mann  in  Journ.  of  Bot.  VII.  (1869)  177; — O.  Beccari  in  Ma- 
lesia  III.  (1889)  295.  tab.  XXXVIII.  fig.  11-13.— P.  Martii  (non  H.  Wendl.)  Hillebr. 
Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  450  (pro  max.  parte). — Livistona  (?)  Gaudichaudii  Martins 



Hist.  Nat.  Palm.  III.  (1836-50)  242  et  319.— Washingtonia  Gaudichaudii  O. 
Ktze.  Eev.  Gen.  PL  II.  (1891)  737.— Eupritchardia  Gaudichaudii  0.  Ktze.  Eev. 
Gen.  PI.  III.  2.  (1898)  323. 

Canclex  of  medium  height  1.5  to  2  m;  30  cm  in  diameter;  young  fronds  squamose  under- 
neath, small,  narrow  lanceolate,  attenuate  on  both  ends,  with  scattered  silvery  pubescence, 
with  about  20  or  more  segments  connate  to  the  middle;  spadices  about  1  m,  spathes  with 
a  scattered  glaucous  scaliness,  sheathed,  panicles  rather  short,  erect;  branchlets  sinuous, 
glabrous;  flowers  alternately  distichous,  calyx  tubular-eampanulate,  sharply  3-dentate,  out- 
side conspicuously  striate-nervate;  fruits  large  spherical,  4  cm  and  more  in  diameter,  the 
very  minute  subsymmetrically  apiculate  style  deciduous  from  the  carpels,  pericarp  fibrous- 
grumose,  3  to  4  mm  thick,  endocarp  osseous,  1  mm;  seeds  globose,  embryo  subbasal. 

This  species  was  discovered  by  Gaudichaud,  probably  on  Oahu.  The  above 
description  is  a  translation  of  Beccari's  Latin  description  as  published  in  Ma- 
lesia,  and  is  based  on  the  original  material.  He  says,  "For  the  description  of 
the  floriferous  spadix  Hillebrand's  specimens  served  me,  and  as  I  have  said,  re- 
ferred Pr.  Martii  of  Hillebrand  to  Pr.  Gaudichaudii.  The  fruits  which  I  at- 
tribute to  Pr.  Gaudichaudii  and  are  here  described  were  communicated  to  me 
from  Kew,  and  were  collected  by  Stephen  Spencer  in  the  year  1884  on  the  small 
island  off  Molokai  (a  small  rock  supposedly  cast  off  from  the  face  of  Waikolu 
cliff,  Molokai,  where  also  trees  of  Hillebrand's  second  species  grow,  by  him  re- 
ferred to  Pr.  Martii)." 

He  then  describes  in  detail  specimens  in  the  various  Herbaria,  as  fronds  to 
be  found  in  the  Herbarium  Webb  at  Florence,  etc.  Suffice  it  to  say,  the  writer, 
according  to  Beccari,  to  whom  all  the  palm  material  was  submitted,  has  not  as 
yet  collected  Pr.  Gaudichaudii  in  a  wild  state,  though  specimens  are  cultivated 
in  Honolulu. 

Pritchardia  Martii  H.  \Yendl. 

PRITCHARDIA  MARTII  H.  Wendl.  in  Bonplandia  X.  (1862)  199;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1868) 
274;  H.  Mann  in  Journ.  of  Bot.  VII.  (1869)  177;— Hlbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  451 
(tantum  quoad  Spec.  Lydg.  e  Xiu?). — O.  Beccari  in  Malesia  III.  (1889)  297  tab. 
XXXVIII.  fig.  14,  15.— Livistona  (?)  Martii  Gaud.  Bot.  AToy.  Bon.  (1844-52)  t. 
58-59;— Mart.  Nat.  Palm.  III.  (1836-50)  242  et  319.— Washingtonia  Martii  O.  Ktze. 
Rev.  Gen.  PI.  III.  2.  (1898)  323. 

Trunk  of  medium  height.  Petioles  unarmed,  ligule  rotundate,  leaf  pluri-radiate,  su- 
borbicular,  with  40  segments  connate  not  quite  to  the  middle,  coriaceous,  intermediate 
threads  to  1/3  bifid,  densely  covered  underneath  with  a  griseous-furfuraceous  tomentum; 
fruit  elliptical,  the  albumen  in  the  ventral  part  not  ruminate,  testa  only  thickened;  fruit 
of  the  size  of  an  ordinary  plum  with  the  residuous  stigmas  at  the  acute  vertex,  glabrous; 
fruit-flesh  about  4  mm  thick;  seeds  globose-elliptical,  testa  dusky,  shining,  thicker  in  the 
part  in  which  the  embryo  is  imbedded;  embryo  subbasal,  the  small  wart  produced,  conical, 
2  mm  long. 

Gaudichaud  has  not  indicated  the  precise  location  where  he  collected  this 
species,  but  it  is  believed  to  have  come  from  Oahu.  Beccari  says  that  he  him- 
self has  correctly  referred  to  Pr.  Martii  the  specimens  often  cited  by  Lydgate; 
this  species  can  be  found  growing  at  Cape  Niu.  He  continues,  "Pritchardia 
Martii  is  in  all  probability  very  close  to  Pr.  Gaudichaudii,  but  can  be  distin- 
guished from  the  latter  above  all  in  the  elliptical  fruits  and  not  globose  ones, 


PLATE  32. 


Loulu  Palm. 
Growing  in  the  mountains   of  Kohala,  Hawaii;   elevation  3000  feet. 


in  the  larger  dimension  of  all  parts,  in  the  calyx  which  is  more  distinctly  cam- 
pauulate,  and  in  the  style  which  surpasses  the  urceolate  androphore.  The 
flowers  are  a  little  larger,  very  attenuate  at  the  base  and  broader  at  the  mouth, 
striate-nervose. ' ' 

The  writer  has  never  collected  the  typical  Pr.  Martii,  which  undoubtedly  occurs 
on  Oahu.  In  the  Punalim  Mts.,  Oahu,  quite  a  number  of  native  palms  occur, 
some  of  which  may  have  to  be  referred  to  this  species. 

Pritchardia  lanigera  Becc. 

(Plate  32.) 

PEITCHAKDIA  LANIGERA  Becc.  in  Malesia  III.  (1889)  298.  tab.  XXXVIII.  fig.  1-3.— 
Pr.  Gaudichaudii  (non  H.  Wendl.)  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  4oO  ex  pane. — Wash- 
ingtonia  lanigera  O.  Ktze.  Rev.  Gen.  PL  II.  (1891)  737.— Eupritchardia  lanigera 
O.  Ktze.  Kev.  PL  III.  2.  (1898)  323. 

Spadix  long  pedunculate,  spathes  7  to  8,  broadly  lanceolate-oblong  with  auriculate, 
densely  silvery-woolly  clasping  sheath,  rhachys  lanate,  panicles  short  compact,  ovate-thyr- 
soideous  (12  to  15  cm  long)  branchlets  densely  woolly  to  pilose,  erect-spreading,  short; 
flowers  somewhat  large,  calyx  ovate,  urceolate,  rounded  at  the  base,  not  striate  outside, 
apex  crowned  by  3  rather  short  ciliate  teeth;  corolla-lobes  not  striate,  coriaceous;  the 
urceolate  androphore  as  long  as  the  calyx,  filaments  subulate,  erect  after  the  expansion  of 
the  flower;  fruits  oblong  (rather  large?). 

This  species  occurs  on  the  Island  of  Hawaii  and  was  collected  first  by  Mr.  J. 
Lydgate.  It  was  again  collected  in  the  type  locality  by  the  writer  in  the  Kohala 
Mountains  above  Awini  at  an  elevation  of  3000  feet  in  the  dense  tropical  rain 
forest.  It  was  in  flower  only,  so  that  the  mature  fruits  remain  still  undescribed. 

Beccari  says:  "A  very  distinct  species,  and  uncomprehensible  how  Hille- 
brand  could  confuse  it  with  Pr.  Gaudichaudii."  He  states  that  fruits  (as  de- 
scribed above)  were  attached  to  the  sheet  in  a  separate  envelope;  he,  however, 
believes  for  some  reason  that  they  do  not  belong  to  Pr.  lanigera,  and  it  is  therefore 
wise  to  restrict  the  specific  distinction  to  the  floriferous  spadix.  Specimens  of 
this  species,  together  with  other  palm  material,  were  forward  to  O.  Beccari,  who 
pronounced  Xo.  8820  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium  the  typical  Pritchardia 

Pritchardia  Hillebrandi  Becc. 

PRITCHARDIA    HILLEBRANDI   Becc.    in    Malesia    III.    (1889)    292    tab.    XXXVIII   fig. 

4-10.— Pr.   Gaudichaudii    (non  H.   Wendl.)    Hbd.   Fl.   Haw.  Isl.    (1888)    450    (excl. 

specim.  e  Kohala  ridge  et  e  Bird  Island). — Washingtonia  Hillebrandi  O.  Ktze.  Rev. 

Gen.  PL  II.   (1891)   737.— Eupritchardia  Hillebrandi  O.  Ktze.  Rev.  Gen.  P.  III.  2. 

(1898)    323. 

Caudex  6  to  7  m  high,  30  cm  in  diameter;  petiole  60  to  90  cm  long,  limb  suborbicular 
1  m  to  1.3  m  in  diameter,  woolly-furfuraceous  underneath  to  one-third  divided  into  60  acute 
bifid  segments;  spadices  50  to  60  cm  long;  panicle  glabrous,  diffuse,  thyrsoid-ovate,  inferior 
branches  simple  or  divided  into  7  to  8  furcate  branchlets,  superior  ones  simple;  flowers 
oblong,  apiculate;  calyx  cylindrical  tubular  or  subcampanulately-dilated  at  the  apex,  trun- 
cate at  the  base,  not  striate-nervose  outside,  the  urceolate  androphore  shortly  exserted,  fila- 
ments erect  or  spreading;  fruits  globose-ovate,  symmetrical,  20  to  22  mm  long,  17  to  18 
mm  wide,  seeds  globose,  11  to  12  mm  in  diameter.  (Descript.  ex  Becc.) 



Beccari  in  his  notes  following  the  description  says* :  "According  to  Hille- 
brand  this  palm  seems  to  appear  to  grow  spontaneously  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands 
upon  cliffs  of  the  northern  coast  of  Molokai,  but  is  also  frequently  cultivated 
on  the  other  islands.  (Native  name  Loulu  lelo.)  " 

He  continues  as  follows :  "I  have  not  seen  fronds  which  could  be  referred 
with  certainty  to  this  species.  Therefore  their  characters,  as  well  as  relative 
indications  of  the  trunk,  I  have  taken  from  Hillebrand's  description. 

"The  spadices  examined  by  me  measure  all  together  55  cm,  of  which  23  cm 
fall  to  the  peduncle,  but  of  this,  probably  there  is  a  small  portion  missing; 
the  one  at  hand  is  slightly  compressed  and  fugaciously  pubescent.  The  panicle 
is  rather  diffuse,  as  a  whole  ovate — thyrsoid,  a  little  unlaterally  incurved.  Of 
the  spathes  there  ought  to  be  five  (Hillebr.),  but  of  the  mentioned  specimen  the 
first  portion  of  the  peduncular  part  is  missing." 

This  species  was  not  collected  by  the  writer,  but  numerous  palms  were  ob- 
served growing  on  the  cliffs  of  Wailau,  Molokai,  near  the  sea,  which  probably 
belong  to  this  species. 

Pritchardia  remota  Becc. 

PRITCHARDIA  REMOTA  Becc.  in  Malesia  III.  (1889)  294.— Pr.  Gaudichaudii  (non  H. 
Wendl).  Hillebr.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  450  (partim). — Washingtonia  remota  O.  Ktze. 
Kev.  Gen.  PI.  II.  (1891)  737.— Eupritchardia  remota  O.  Ktze.  Eev.  Gen.  PI.  III.  2. 
(1898)  323. 

Spadix  more  ample  than  in  Pr.  Gaudichaudii,  inferior  branches  divided  into  numerous 
simple  subspirally  disposed  sinuous  branchlets,  calyx  sharply  3-dentate. 

Hillebrand  writes  (p.  451)  that  this  palm  covers  a  part  of  Bird  Island,  a  small 
volcanic  rock  400  miles  N.  E.  of  Kauai,  and  also  writes  that  seeds  were  brought 
to  Honolulu  in  the  year  1858  by  the  late  Dr.  Rooke,  and  that  the  palm  is  supposed 
to  grow  in  the  Palace  court. 

Beccari  says  that  the  above  description  was  drawn  from  a  floriferous  spadix 
sent  to  Kew  by  Hillebrand. 

This  palm  is  not  known  to  the  writer,  but  on  Laysan  Island  Prof.  Bryan  saw 
a  single  palm  with  a  short  trunk  which  is  probably  Beccari 's  Pr.  remota. 

Pritchardia  minor  Becc. 

PRITCHARDIA  MINOR  Beccari  Webbia  III.   (1910)    137. 

Under  the  above  name,  O.  Beccari  published  a  species  of  Pritchardia  which 
was  collected  by  the  writer  back  of  Halemanu  in  the  swampy  forest  near  Alakai 
swamp.  Only  mature  fruits  were  collected  by  the  writer,  as  the  palm  was 
then  not  in  flower  and  only  a  single  panicle  with  old  fruits  had  remained  on 
the  tree.  The  seeds  were  taken  to  Honolulu  and  were  sent  to  Dr.  Francesci  of 

Translated  from  the  original. 


Santa  Barbara,  California,  by  the  Government  Nurseryman  of  the  Board  of 
Agriculture  and  Forestry,  without  the  knowledge  of  the  writer.  Dr.  Francesci 
forwarded  the  seeds  to  0.  Beccari,  on  which  the  above  species  was  based;  from 
where  and  whom  Beccari  received  the  description  of  flowers,  leaves,  etc.,  is  a 
mystery,  as  no  one  but  the  writer  had  ever  collected  that  species  and  only  the 
seeds  at  that.  The  description  as  given  in  Webbia  III,  pi.  137,  is  therefore 
apocryphal  and  entirely  unreliable. 

Mr.  Gerrit  P.  Wilder,  while  on  an  excursion  to  Halemanu,  Kauai,  was  re- 
quested by  the  writer  again  to  collect  Pr.  minor,  as  flowers,  leaves,  etc.,  were 
wanted.  On  May  llth  Mr.  Wilder  sent  a  box  of  specimens  of  a  palm,  which 
was,  however,  not  the  desired  Pr.  minor,  but  a  new  species  named  since  by  Beccari 
Pr.  eriophora  sp.  nov.  The  Pr.  minor  was  again  collected  by  the  writer  on 
Kauai  in  the  forests  of  Kaholuamano  in  October,  1911,  differing,  however,  some- 
what from  the  one  found  at  Halemanu.  The  palm  from  the  latter  place  has  a 
slender  stem  and  is  quite  tall,  20-30  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  of  about  10  cm 
in  diameter ;  the  leaves  are  small  and  pubescent  or  woolly  underneath ;  the  fruits 
are  of  the  size  of  a  small,  black,  ripe  olive,  and  are  covered  with  a  black  glossy 
pericarp.  The  specimens  from  Kaholuamano  agree  well  with  the  writer's  notes 
of  the  palm  from  Halemanu,  with  the  exception  of  its  general  appearance;  the 
trunk  is  shorter  and  thicker  and  the  whole  palm  has  not  the  slender  aspect  of  that 
"  from  Halemanu.  No  type  exists  of  Pr.  minor,  except  the  seeds  now  in  Beccari 's 

Pritchardia  eriophora  Becc. 

PRITCHARDIA  ERIOPHORA  Becc.  in  Webbia  IV.  p.   ? 

A  tall  slender  palm  12  m  or  more  high  with  a  slender  trunk;  leaves  small  on  short 
petioles  which  are  densely  covered  with  a  matted  light  brown  wool;  spadices  short;  panicles 
short,  the  branches  almost  hidden  by  the  thick  matted  wool  which  unites  the  branchlets 
almost  into  a  compact  mass  as  if  covered  with  cotton;  fruits  very  small,  12  to  15  mm  long, 
8  to  10  mm  wide,  black,  shining. 

This  species  was  discovered  by  Mr.  Gerrit  P.  Wilder  in  the  forest-swamps  of 
Halemanu,  Kauai,  and  specimens  were  sent  to  the  writer  by  him  in  May,  1911. 
It  is  an  exceedingly  interesting  species  and  quite  unique  among  Hawaiian  Prit- 
chardias.  It  is,  however,  close  to  Pr.  minor,  from  the  same  island.  None  of  the 
palms  so  far  found  on  Kauai  have  as  large  fruits  as  those  found  on  the  other 
islands  of  the  Hawaiian  group,  another  incident  showing  the  great  difference  of 
species  on  Kauai  from  those  of  the  geologically  younger  islands.  The  co-type 
is  no.  8846  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

Pritchardia   Rockiana   Becc. 

PRITCHARDIA  ROCKIANA  Becc.  in  Webbia  IV.  p.   1 

A  small  tree  5  m  high,  trunk  3  dm  in  diameter,  and  of  a  gray  color;  leaves  large, 
glabrous  above  but  furfuraceous  and  lighter  colored  underneath;  panicle  open  and  spread- 
ing, freely  branching,  subglabrous;  fruits  large,  obovate. 


PLATE  33. 


Loulu  Palm. 
Showing  flowering  and  fruiting  spadices,  and  parts  of  leaf;  reduced. 


Specimens  of  this  species  were  collected  by  the  writer  in  the  Punaluu  Mts., 
Oahu,  in  August,  1911,  and  were  sent  to  0.  Beccari,  together  with  other  speci- 
mens of  Pritchardia  from  various  islands  of  the  Hawaiian  group,  all  of  which 
proved  to  be  new,  including  the  species  in  question.  The  co-type  is  no.  8822  in 
the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium.  It  grows  in  the  rain  forests  of  the  Koolau 
range,  Punaluu,  at  an  elevation  of  2500  feet.  All  four  species  are  here  only 
very  briefly  described:  for  complete  descriptions  see  Webbia  Vol.  IV. 

Pritchardia  eriostachia  Becc. 

(Plate  33.) 

PRITCHARDIA  ERIOSTACHIA  Becc.   in  Webbia   IV.   p.    ? 

A  small  tree  6  to  7  in  high,  with  a  gray  smooth  trunk  of  15  to  20  cm  in  diameter, 
petioles  of  leaves  6.5  to  10  dm  long,  spadices  over  1  m  long,  covered,  as  are  the  panicles 
and  spathes,  with  a  dense  salmon-colored  wool;  panicles  very  small,  few  branched;  fruits 
elliptical-obovate,  about  4  cm  long. 

This  exceedingly  interesting  species  was  also  discovered  by  the  writer.  It 
occurs  on  the  southern  slopes  of  the  active  volcano  Mauna  Loa  on  Hawaii,  in 
the  dense  rain  forests  of  Naalehu,  district  of  Kau,  at  an  elevation  of  3000  feet. 

Pritchardia  arecina   Becc. 


PRITCHARDIA  ARECINA  Becc.  in  Webbia  IV.  p.   ? 

A  tall  palm  10  m  or  more  high,  with  a  trunk  of  about  25  cm  in  diameter,  bark  some- 
what longitudinally  furrowed;  leaves  very  large  on  long  stout  broad  woolly  petioles; 
spadices  over  1  m  long,  woolly,  panicle  short,  few-branched,  furfuraceous;  fruits  large, 
ovate  or  obovate,  5  cm  or  more  long. 

Only  two  clumps  of  this  species,  which  was  discovered  by  the  writer,  were 
found  on  the  northern  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala  in  the  dense  swampy  forest  above 
Honomanu  gorge,  at  an  elevation  of  3000  feet.  One  single  tall  specimen  was 
also  observed  above  Nahiku  on  the  same  mountain  at  4000  feet  elevation  along  a 
stream  bed.  It  is  one  of  the  largest  species  next  to  Pr.  lanigera,  of  the  Kohala 
Mts.,  Hawaii.  Co-type  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium  no.  8821. 


PLATE  34. 


A  flowering  branch,  much  reduced. 


The  family  Liliaceae  consists  of  about  2450  species,  and  is  distributed  all  over 
the  tropics  of  both  the  old  and  new  world  and  also  in  the  temperate  zone. 

Hawaii  is  extremely  poor  in  Liliaceae,  as  only  5  genera  with  8  species  can  be 
found.  Of  interest  here  is  the  arborescent  genus  Dracaena,  which  is  represented 
in  these  islands  by  a  single  species. 

DRACAENA  Vandelli. 

Perianth  whitish  or  golden.  Ovules  ascending,  single  in  each  cell  of  the  ovary. 
Stigma  entire,  or  scarcely  divided,  style  filiform.  Berry  3  to  1  seeded,  with  large  globose 
seeds  which  are  entire,  whitish  or  black  to  brown.  Trees  or  shrubs  without  stolons. 
Leaves  linear  lanceolate.  Inflorescence  a  terminal  foliaceous  panicle. 

The  genus  Dracaena  consists  of  about  50  species,  distributed  over  the  warmer 
regions  of  the  old  world.  Only  one  species,  Dracaena  aurea  (Halapepe}  is  found 
in  these  islands,  outside  of  which  it  has  not  been  recorded.  In  fact,  Dracaena 
aurea  is  the  only  representative  of  this  genus  in  Polynesia. 

Dracaena  aurea  H.  Mann. 

(Plates  34,  35,  36.) 


DRACAENA  AUREA  H.  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  207;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1875) 

244;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  443;— Del.  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII  (1892) 

318;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  806.    Draco  aurea  O.  Ktze.  Eev.  Gen.  PL  II  (1891) 

Leaves  sessile,  linear  ensiform,  with  entire  margins,  acuminate  at  the  apex,  broad 
at  the  base,  without  midrib;  panicles  terminal,  recurved,  pendulous,  about  6  dm  long, 
foliose  bracteate,  flowers  single  or  2  or  3  together  on  slender  pedicels;  perianth  tubular, 
golden  yellow,  divided  to  one-third  into  linear-lanceolate  erect  lobes;  stamens  inserted  at 
the  base  of  the  lobes  and  of  the  same  length  as  the  latter;  style  shortly  exserted;  berry 
bright  red  globose,  brownish  when  dry,  8  to  16  mm  in  diameter;  seed  generally  single, 

The  Halapepe  reaches  a  height  of  25  to  35  feet  or  even  more  in  certain  locali- 
ties, and  has  a  straight  trunk  of  1  to  3  feet  in  diameter,and  is  freely  branching. 
The  branches,  Avhich  are  densely  ridged  with  leaf -scars,  are  erect  and  stiff,  bear- 
ing at  their  ends  a  whorl  of  long  linear  sword-shaped  leaves. 

The  Halapepe  is  a  xerophyte;  that  is,  a  dry  district  loving  tree  or  plant.  It 
is  especially  common  on  the  aa  (rough)  lava  fields  on  all  the  islands  of  the 
group,  and  is  usually  to  be  found  at  an  elevation  of  from  1000  to  2000  feet. 
The  golden  yellow  flowers,  which  are  arranged  in  long  drooping  terminal  pani- 
cles, appear  in  the  early  spring  in  the  drier  localities,  while  it  often  flowers 
during  the  summer  months  in  districts  with  more  rainfall. 

The  Halapepe  is  very  common  in  North  and  South  Kona,  Hawaii,  as  well  as 
in  Kan,  in  the  district  Hilea.  On  the  Kula  slopes  of  Maui  there  once  existed  a 
forest  of  this  tree,  the  remnants  of  which  can  still  be  seen.  While  the  tree  is 
very  common  on  the  other  islands,  it  is  rather  scarce  on  Oahu,  and  not  quite  as 
plentiful  on  Molokai  as  on  Kauai,  where  it  forms  almost  pure  stands  at  the 
bottom  of  the  cliffs  below  Kaholuamano,  near  Waimea. 


PLATE  35. 


A  fruiting  branch;   reduced. 

PLATE  36. 


Halapepe  Tree. 
Growing  on  the  lava  fields  of  Kapua,  South  Kona,  Hawaii;   elevation  2000  feet. 


On  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  on  the  southern  slope  of  Haleakala,  the  tree  is 
most  numerous,  but  differs  in  many  regards  from  the  specimens  found  in  the 
forest  of  Makawao  on  the  same  mountain.  The  leaves  of  the  Auahi  specimens 
are  much  smaller  and  more  graceful. 

The  wood  of  the  Halapepe  is  white,  with  reddish  streaks,  and  is  extremely 
soft.  On  account  of  its  softness  it  was  used  by  the  natives  for  carving  their 
idols.  Certain  gods,  however,  Avere  carved,  each  from  a  particular  wood,  like 
the  goddess  Laka,  who  was  represented  on  the  altar  by  a  large  block  of  wood  of 
the  Lama  (Maba  sandwicensis)  tree. 

The  branches  of  the  Halapepe  were  used  by  the  natives  in  decorating  the 
kuahu  or  altar  of  the  goddess  Laka,  which  was  erected  in  the  halau  or  hall  in 
which  the  hula  dances  were  performed,  Laka  having  been  the  patron  of  the 
sacred  Hula. 

Much  of  interest  in  regard  to  the  decoration  of  the  Halau  and  Kuahu  can  be 
found  in  Dr.  N.  B.  Emerson's  book,  "Unwritten  Literature  of  Hawaii." 



The  family  Ulmaceae  is  at  present  to  be  found  nearly  everywhere  in  the 
tropical  and  extra  tropical  regions,  though  they  are  only  sparingly  represented  in 
the  western  part  of  North  America,  and  are  entirely  absent  in  the  prairie  re- 
gions as  well  as  in  the  Asiatic  and  African  deserts,  and  also  in  South  and  West 
Australia.  As  far  as  Hawaii  is  concerned,  the  genus  Trema  is  alone  of  interest. 
The  family  consists  of  13  genera,  with  about  117  species. 

TREMA  Lour. 
(Sponia  CommJ 

Perigone  of  the  male  flowers  5-,  rarely  4-parted,  as  many  stamens  as  segments.  Ovary 
sessile,  with  permanent  styles.  Drupe  small  ovoid  or  subglobose.  crowned  by  the  styles, 
and  enclosed  in  the  perigone.  Seeds  with  a  fleshy  albumen.  Embryo  curved  or  spiral 
with  narrow  cotyledons.  Trees  or  shrubs  with  short  petioled,  triply  or  pinnately  nerved 
leaves,  and  subsessile  cymes;  monoecious  or  dioecious.  Flowers  very  small. 

This  genus  consists  of  about  30  species,  which  are  all  closely  related,  and  occur 
in  the  tropics  of  the  old  and  new  world.  The  most  common  is  T.  amboinensis 
Bhune,  which  occurs  in  subtropical  and  tropical  Asia  and  Australia  and  the 
Hawaiian  Islands. 

Trema  amboinensis  Blume. 

TREMA  AMBOINENSIS  Blume  Mus.  Lugd.  Bot.  II  (1852)  63;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins. 
Mar.  Pac.  VII  (1892)  294,  ,et  Fl.  Polyn.  Fr.  (1893)  190;— Engler  in  Engl.  et 
Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill,  1  (1893)  65.— Celtis  amboinensis  Willd.  Spec.  PI.  IV.  (1806) 
997; — Decaisne,  in  Brongn.,  Voy.  Coqu.  (1828-29)  212,  t.  47. — Sponia  velutina 
Planch,  in  Ann.  Sc.  Nat.  3,  ser.  X.  (1848)  327;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1873)  235.— 
Sponia  amboinensis  Planch,  in  A.  DC.  Prodr.  XVII.  (1873)  199;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw. 
Isl.  (1888)  405. 

Leaves  ovate  oblong,  cuspidate,  cordate  or  rounded  and  often  oblique  at  the  base, 
margins  serrate,  very  rough  above,  silky  tomentose  underneath  when  young;  cymes  with 
male,  female  and  hermaphrodite  flowers,  shortly  pedunculate  or  subsessile;  male  flowers 
sparingly  pilose,  perigone  5-parted  to  the  base;  stamens  as  long  as  the  lobes;  ovary  obovate 
without  style;  female  flower  5-fid  to  the  middle;  ovary  2-celled;  drupe  ovoid,  puberulous, 
little  fleshy. 

Trema  amboinensis,  which  has  no  Hawaiian  name  as  far  as  can  be  ascertained, 
is  a  small  tree,  20  to  30  feet  in  height,  whose  young  branches  are  covered  with 
a  soft  gray  pubescence.  As  has  already  been  remarked,  the  tree  is  not  peculiar 
to  Hawaii,  but  is  found  on  nearly  all  the  other  islands  of  the  Pacific,  as,  for 
example,  in  Samoa.  Viti  (Fiji),  Tahiti,  etc.,  where  the  tree  is  much  more  com- 
mon than  in  Hawaii,  and  where  it  is  also  known  by  several  native  names.  In 
Hawaii  the  tree  has  so  far  only  been  found  in  Manoa  Valley  and  on  the  northern 
slope  of  Kaala,  on  Oahu,  and  also  at  Mapolehu,  on  the  island  of  Molokai. 

Parts  of  the  tree  are  used  medicinally,  mainly  for  their  purgative  properties, 
which  are  expressed  in  the  Samoan  names  tio  and  in;  the  most  common  name  by 
which  the  tree  is  known  in  Samoa  is  fauui,  and  on  Tutuila  the  name  ti'ovale  is  in 
use.  The  name  fausoga  occurs  also  in  Samoa  for  this  particular  tree.  From  the 
bark  of  the  fauui  or  fausoga  the  natives  manufacture  a  strong  fiber  which  they 
use  for  their  fish  nets. 



The  family  Moraceae  consists  of  55  genera  which  have  a  distribution  similar 
to  the  Urticaceae ;  though  the  number  of  species  of  the  former  is  larger  in  tropical 
America.  The  family  is  closest  related  to  Ulmaceae,  but  can  be  distinguished 
from  them  very  easily  by  their  inflorescence.  It  is  less  allied  to  the  Urticaceae. 
The  family  Moraceae  is  an  exceedingly  useful  one,  primarily  in  their  latex, 
which  contains  rubber  in  many  species;  second,  in  their  fruits,  which  have  a  very 
pleasant  taste,  as  figs,  breadfruit,  etc. ;  and,  third,  in  the  fiber,  which  is  used  for 
various  purposes. 

The  family  is  represented  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands  by  two  genera,  with  two 
widely-spread  species. 


Flowers  dioecious  or  monoecious. 

Female  flowers  in  spikes 1.     Pseudomorus 

Flowers  monoecious. 

Female  flowers  on  a  globose  receptacle 2.     Artocarpus 


Embryo  subglobose,  with  a  large,  curved  cotyledon,  which  encloses  the  other  smaller 
ones.  A  tree  or  shrub  with  entire  or  dentate  leaves.  Flowers  monoecious  or  dioecious; 
female  inflorescence  short  cylindrical,  few  flowered. 

The  genus  Pseudomorus  consists  of  a  single  species  only,  which  is  of  wide  dis- 
tribution. Originally  found  on  Norfolk  Island. 

Pseudomorus  Brunoniana  (Endl.)  Bureau. 
Ai  ai. 

PSEUDOMORUS  BRUNONIANA  (Endl.)  Bureau,  in  Ann.  Sc.  Nat.  5  ser.  XT.  (1869)  371 
et  in  DeCand.  Prodr.  XVII.  (1873)  249;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  405;— Del  Cast. 
111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VII.  (1892)  296;— Engler  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill,  1 

(1893)  72. — Morus  Brunoniana  Endl.  Atakta  Bot.  ( )  t.  32. — Morus  pendulina 

Bauer  111.  PI.  Norfolk,  tab.  186,  ined.,  et  in  Endl.  Prodr.  Fl.  Norfolk   (1833)   no. 
84;— H.  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  (1867)  201. 

Leaves  distichous,  ovate-oblong  or  lanceolate,  acute,  sinuate  dentate,  rounded  or 
truncate  at  the  base,  thin  pale  shining,  glabrous  on  both  faces,  chartaceous,  flowers 
monoecious;  male  spikes  in  the  upper  axil,  slender  7.5  to  10  cm  long  on  peduncles  of  about 
2  to  4  mm;  perigone  2  mm,  4-  rarely  3-parted;  stamens  4,  twice  as  long  as  the  perigone; 
pistil  obcordate,  naked;  female  spikes  shorter,  often  ovoid,  at  most  12  mm  long  by  8  mm 
broad,  with  few  drupes  when  mature,  ovary  ovoid,  peaked;  fruit  a  fleshy  drupe;  subglobose, 
6  to  8  mm,  2  horned  with  the  conical  style-bases. 

The  Aiai  is  a  milky  tree  or  shrub,  reaching  a  height  of  sometimes  40  feet.  It 
is  clothed  in  a  whitish  gray  bark  and  has  a  trunk  of  up  to  2  feet  in  diameter. 
The  leaf  resembles  somewhat  the  mulberry  at  first  appearance. 

The  Aiai  is  not  endemic  to  Hawaii,  but  is  also  found  on  Norfolk  Island  and 
in  Australia.  In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  it  may  be  found  on  Lanai  in  the  gulches 
of  the  main  range  of  Haalelepakai,  at  an  elevation  of  2300  feet.  It  is  common 
on  the  island  of  Maui,  especially  in  the  dry  gulches  above  Makawao,  where  the 



writer  met  with  very  large  trees,  about  40  feet  high.  The  flowering  and  fruit- 
ing season  falls  during  the  summer  months,  and  trees  can  be  seen  loaded  with 
the  small  fruits  in  October.  At  Auahi,  southern  slopes  of  Haleakala,  in  the  dry 
forest,  it  is  again  not  uncommon  in  company  with  Ochrosia  sandwicensis,  Sider- 
oxylon  auahiense,  Pelea  multi  flora,  etc.,  as  well  as  at  Ulupalakua  at  an  eleva- 
tion of  3000  feet,  and  at  Puuwaawaa,  Kona,  Hawaii.  It  also  inhabits  the  dry 
regions  of  Kauai,  Hawaii  and  Oahu,  on  the  latter  island  in  Wailupe  Valley  and 
in  the  Waianae  range. 

The  wood  of  the  Aiai  is  light  brown,  close-grained,  hard,  and  tough.  The  abor- 
iginals of  New  South  Wales  employed  the  wood  for  their  boomerangs.  When 
properly  dressed  and  polished  it  has  a  remarkable  resemblance  to  Oak.  A  well- 
seasoned  specimen  has  an  approximate  weight  of  56  pounds  per  cubic  foot.  It 
is  known  by  the  aboriginals  of  the  Richmond  and  Clarence  rivers  of  New  South 
Wales  as  "Mail"  or  " Legaulbie."  By  the  whites  it  is  called  "Whalebone  tree." 


Perigoue  of  the  male  flowers  2  to  4  lobed,  with  only  one  stamen;  perigone  of  the  fe- 
male flowers  tubular,  obovate,  or  linear;  style  with  spathulate  stigma,  rarely  2-3  fid. 
Seeds  without  albumen.  Embryo  straight  or  curved,  with  thick  fleshy  equal  or  unequal 
cotyledons.  Trees  with  large  coriaceous  leaves  which  are  either  entire  or  incised,  with 
deciduous  axillary  stipules,  and  single,  short  or  long  peduncled  inflorescences.  Flowers 
monoecious,  on  globose  or  club-shaped  often  elongate  receptacles. 

The  genus  Artocarpus  consists  of  about  40  species  distributed  from  Ceylon 
through  the  Indian  Archipelago  to  China.  Of  interest  is  Artocarpus  incisa,  the 
Ulu  of  the  natives  or  Breadfruit  tree,  which  is  indigenous  in  the  Sunda  Islands 
and  has  been  cultivated  for  ages  everywhere  in  the  tropics,  but  especially  on 
the  islands  of  the  Pacific. 

Artocarpus  incisa  Forst. 

Ulu,  Breadfruit. 

(Plate  37.) 

ARTOCARPUS  INCISA  Forst.  PL  escul.  (1786)  23,  et  Icon.  (ined.  cf.  Seem.)  t.  250-252;— 
Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no.  882;— Guill.  Zeph.  Tait.  (1836-37)  172;— Trecul,  in 
Ann.  Sc.  Nat.  3  ser.  VIII.  (1847)  110;— Pancher  in  Cuz.  Tahit.  (I860);— H.  Mann 
Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  201;— Seem.  PL  Vit.  (1873)  255;— Nadeaud,  Enum. 
PL  Tab.  (1873)  n.  305;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.Isl.(1888)  407;— Engl.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl 
Pflzfam.  ITT.  1  (1888)  82  fig.  61;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VII.  (1892) 
298,  et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.  (1893)  196;— Wilder  Fr.  Haw.  Isl.  (1911)  pp.  101-106,  pi. 
48-51.— Rademachia  incisa  Thunb.  in  Vet.  Akad.  Handl.  Stockh.  38  (1776)  253. 
Leaves  coriaceous,  pubescent,  3  dm  or  more  in  length,  oblong  in  outline,  pinnatifid, 

with  acute  or  obtuse  lobes;  stipules  2,  free,  very  large,  rolled  round  the  bud,  soon  caducous; 

male  flowers  on  thick  oblong,  female  flowers  on   large  globose  receptacles,  both  at  first 

covered  by  2  large  bracts;  male  perigone  of  2  divisions;  style  simple  or  2-3  fid. 

The  Ulu  or  Breadfruit  has  only  one  variety  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  but  has 
many  in  the  South  Seas  which  are  well  known  to  the  islanders  of  the  Pacific,  as, 
for  instance,  in  Samoa,  Fiji  and  Tahiti,  where  they  distinguish  more  than  24 
sub-species  or  varieties,  each  one  having  its  native  name.  The  milky  sap  of  the 
tree  is  used  by  the  Hawaiians  for  bird  lime,  and  is  chewed  by  the  boys  and  girls 
in  Samoa. 


PLATE  37. 


Ulu,  Breadfruit. 
Showing  a  fruiting  branch,  much  reduced. 

The  Ulu  has  accompanied  the  Polynesians  in  all  their  migrations  and  was 
planted  by  them  wherever  it  could  possibly  live.  Here  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands 
we  can  find  the  Ulu  always  near  native  dwellings  or  in  the  valleys  and  ravines 
of  the  low  lands,  near  by  forsaken  grass  huts  or  native  houses.  In  Hawaii  the 
Breadfruit  has  not  played  a  very  important  part  in  the  household  of  the  abor- 
igines, as  it  did  with  their  relatives  in  the  South  Seas.  The  fruiting  season  in 
Hawaii  is  very  short,  being  from  June  to  August,  and  the  art  of  preserving  the 
fruit  as  is  done  in  the  South  Seas  (as  will  be  explained  in  a  special  paragraph) 
was  not  understood. 

The  Hawaiian  Ulu  never  bears  seeds,  and  is  therefore  cultivated  by  suckers. 
The  fact  that  the  tree  does  not  bear  seed  is  sufficient  to  show  that  it  could  not 
have  been  found  here  originally,  but  must  have  been  brought  here  with  the  ar- 
rivals of  that  race  which  we  now  call  Hawaiians.  The  seed-bearing  species  found 
in  the  islands  is  of  comparatively  recent  introduction  and  came  from  the  Caro- 
lines. Since  then  the  Jack  fruit  (A.  integrifolia)  has  been  added  to  the  stock 
of  cultivated  fruits. 

The  Ulu  often  reaches  a  very  large  size,  ranging  from  40  to  60  feet  or  more  in 
height ;  the  bark  of  the  trunk  is  smooth,  the  latter  often  2  feet  in  diameter.  It 
is  usually  found  together  with  the  Ohio,  ai  or  mountain  apple  (Jambosa  malac- 
censis)  and  the  Kukui.  The  wood  of  the  Ulu  was  used  in  the  construction  of 
doors  *and  houses  and  for  the  bodies  of  canoes.  The  fruit  was  often  made  into 
a  delicious  poi,  and  the  root  was  used  medicinally  as  a  purgative. 

The  name  Ulu  occurs  again  in  Samoa,  though  also  known  by  24  other  names 
designating  the  various  sub-species;  the  most  common  in  use  are  uluea,  ului, 
uliifauluma'a  (meaning  many  seeded),  ulumanua,  etc. 

In  times  of  superabundance  of  breadfruit,  which  is  usually  from  January  to 
March  in  Samoa,  the  fruits  are  preserved.  They  are  thrown  into  a  hole  in  the 
ground  which  has  been  laid  out  with  banana  leaves.  Most  of  the  fruit  is  placed 
in  whole,  while  a  few  are  cut  up,  and  then  covered  with  leaves  and  buried.  These 
preserves  are  very  useful  in  times  of  scarcity,  as  they  do  not  spoil  as  long  as 
they  are  buried.  The  Ulu  preserve  is  known  as  Masi.  The  Tahitian  name  of 
the  Breadfruit  is  Uni,  and  in  Fiji  Uto  and  Uto  sore.  For  references  of  similar 
nature  consult  Saff orcl's  "Useful  Plants  of  Guam,"  p.  189,  and  Seem.  Flora  of 
Fi.ji,  p.  255. 


The  Urticaceae  are  differentiated  from  the  Ulmaceae  by  the  inflorescence  and 
inflexed  anthers,  anel  from  the  Moraceae  by  the  absence  of  laticiferous  vessels; 
the  only  exception  being  Neraudia  and  Urera. 

The  family  Urticaceae  is  only  sparingly  represented  outside  the  tropics,  es- 
pecially so  in  Europe.  The  family  consists  of  41  genera  with  about  500  species, 
of  which  33  per  cent,  are  to  be  found  in  the  new  world,  and  perhaps  as  many 


PLATE  38. 


Showing  branch   with   male   inflorescence;    reduced. 


in  Asia  and  the  Indian  archipelago ;  about  14  per  cent,  in  Africa,  14  per  cent,  in 
Oceanic  Islands  and  only  3  to  4  per  cent,  in  Europe.  In  the  Hawaiian  Islands 
the  family  is  represented  by  9  genera,  of  which  two  only  are  endemic  (Neraudia 
and  Touchardia).  Two  genera,  Pipturus  and  Urera,  however,  have  arborescent 
species  only.  The  usefulness  of  the  Urticaceae  is  mainly  in  the  long  and  very 
strong  fiber  which  is  obtained  from  the  bark  of  some  species.  The  fibre  of  the 
Hawaiian  Olona  (Touchardia  latifolia)  is  one  of  the  strongest  in  the  world. 


Urereae.     Perigone  of  the  female  flowers  four  parted  or  four  lobed. 
Flowers  in  cymes. 

Cymes  divaricately  dichotomous,  corymbose,  achene  covered  by  the  fleshy 

perigone 1.     Urera 

Boehmerieae.      Perigone  of  the  female  flowers  tubular,  free. 
Flowers  in  axillary  clusters. 

Female  flowers  on  a  globose  receptacle,  the  perigone  dry  with  fruit .     2.     Pipturus 

URERA  Gaud. 

Perigone  of  the  male  flower  4-5  parted,  stamens  4-5,  and  a  globose  or  cupshaped  rudi- 
mentary ovary.  Female  flower  with  equally  large,  or  smaller  outer  segments.  Stigma 
globose-penicillate  or  cylindrical,  subsessile.  Achenes  enclosed  in  the  fleshy  perigone. 
Seeds  with  scanty  albumen. — Trees  or  shrubs  with  alternate  leaves,  and  punctiformous  to 
elongate,  in  the  Hawaiian  species  ovate-elongate  cystolithes,  flowers  in  dichotomous  or 
irregiUarly  branching,  loose  cymes  or  corymbs. 

The  genus  Urera  consists  of  about  22  species  distributed  over  the  tropics  of 
America  and  Africa  and  the  islands  of  the  Pacific.  In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  we 
have  only  two  species  with  several  varieties,  both  species  being  peculiar  to  the 
islands,  outside  of  which  they  have  not  been  found.  The  native  name  for  both 
species  is  Opuhe. 

Urera   Sandvicensis  Wedd. 

(Plates  38,  39,  40.) 

URERA  SANDVICENSIS  Wedd.  in  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  ser.  3.  XVIII  (1852)  177,— et  in  DC. 
Prodr.  XVI  (1869)  Sect.  I.  92; — H.  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  200;— 
Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  410  inclus.  var.  £.;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac. 
VII  (1892)  299. — Villebrunea  crenulata  Gaud.  Bot.  Voy.  Bonite  (1844-52)  t.  92. 

Leaves  oblong,  15  to  20  cm  x  7  to  9  cm,  on  petioles  of  3  to  5  cm,  acuminate,  moderately 
elliptico-contracting  but  more  or  less  obtuse  at  the  base,  wavy  crenulate  in  the  upper, 
entire  in  the  lower  portion,  chartaceous,  or  thick  somewhat  fleshy,  pale  underneath,  either 
glabrous  or  pubescent  along  the  veins  and  midrib,  veins  impressed  in  fresh  specimens, 
penninerved,  with  12  to  15  strong  nerves  on  either  side,  all  parallel,  straight,  the  lowest 
equally  long  or  often  longer  (not  shortest  as  given  in  Hillebrand 's  Flora);  stipules  lanceo- 
late about  4  cm;  flowers  dioecious;  cymes  in  the  lower  axils,  often  rising  from  the  naked 
branch,  regularly  and  repeatedly  dichotomous,  corymbiform,  5  to  8  cm  in  diam.  with  a 
peduncle  of  about  15  mm'in  the  female  and  30  to  35  mm  in  the  male  flowers;  male  perigones 
8  to  20  in  a  glomerule,  subsessile,  each  about  3  mm  in  diam.,  pale  reddish  or  yellow,  with 
4  to  5  segments;  anthers  pale  usually  5  in  number;  female  perigone  surrounded  by  a 
deciduous  cup  of  bractlets,  shortly  pedicellate,  3  to  4  toothed,  at  length  fleshy  and  orange 
yellow,  about  2  mm  or  less;  achene  suboblique,  with  yellow  stigma,  ovate,  tuberculate 
on  both  faces,  entirely  enclosed  by  the  perigone. 


PLATE  39. 


Showing   (female)  fruiting  branch;  reduced. 


The  cystolites  in  the  specimens  from  near  the  volcano  Kilauea,  Hawaii,  are 
ovate  elongate,  while  those  from  the  Kohala  mountains  of  the  same  island  are 
punctif orm ;  besides,  the  male  inflorescence  of  specimens  from  the  latter  locality 
is  only  about  3  cm.  in  diameter,  and  the  leaves  are  shortly  petioled.  The  speci- 
mens found  at  the  slopes  of  Manna  Loa,  Hawaii,  seem  to  be  the  typical  U.  Sand- 
vice  nsis  and  coincide  exactly  with  Gaudichaud's  most  excellent  plate.  Hille- 
brand's  var.  /?.  is  here  united  with  the  species,  as  the  pubescence,  which  seems 
to  be  his  only  distinctive  character,  occurs  in  nearly  all  the  specimens  from 
various  localities.  Hillebrand's  var.  ~f .  from  Molokai,  Oahu  and  Lanai  differs 
from  the  species  mainly  in  the  leaves,  which  are  shorter  petioled  and  are  rounder 
or  rather  broadly  truncate  to  cuneate  at  the  base,  making  the  leaf  almost  deltoid. 
The  leaves  are  nearly  all  pubescent  underneath  in  the  writer's  specimens,  espe- 
cially along  the  veins  and  midrib.  Heller  suggests  to  uphold  Weddel's  Urera 
ylabm,  which  is  a  synonym  of  Hillebrand's  var.  y,  merely  on  account  of  geo- 
graphical range:  the  difference  is  in  reality  slight,  and  Hillebrand's  variety  is 
here  retained.  The  latter  author's  var.  8  or  Wawra's  Urera  glabra  var.  mollis, 
which  is  cited  as  a  synonym  by  Hillebrand,  does  not  warrant  being  separated 
from  var.  r,  with  which  it  is  here  united.  In  Olokele  Valley,  on  Kauai,  the 
writer  collected  specimens  of  Urera  Sandvicensis,  which  he  refers  to  var.  Y  •  They 
differ  somewhat  from  the  plants  found  on  Molokai  in  the  longer  petioled  leaves 
which  are  slightly  cuneate  at  the  base,  and  the  very  large  loose  male  inflores- 
cence ;  the  leaves  are  more  or  less  deeply  serrate  even  to  the  subtruncate-cuneate 
base,  and  wholly  glabrous. 

The  Opulie  is  a  medium-sized  tree  with  a  straight  trunk  which  is  clothed  in  a 
smooth,  very  fibrous  bark.  It  is  distributed  all  over  Hawaii,  where  it  is  nearly 
always  a  tree,  while  on  the  other  islands  it  is  merely  a  shrub.  Near  the  Kilauea 
volcano,  on  Hawaii,  slopes  of  Manna  Loa,  especially  at  the  Kipuka  Puaulu  (4000 
feet),  it  is  a  very  common  tree,  25  feet  or  so  in  height,  with  rather  long,  thick, 
drooping  branches.  The  tree  is  dioecious;  that  is,  male  and  female  flowrers  are 
borne  on  separate  trees.  It  is  associated  with  Koa,  and  Naio  trees  near  Ship- 
man's  ranch,  and  with  many  other  trees  at  Puaulu,  such  as  Straussia,  Pelea, 
Xanthoxylum,  etc.  At  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  Hawaii,  it  is  not  uncommon  in 
Waihou  forest  (elevation  3000  feet),  where  trees  35  feet  in  height  can  be  found. 
It  is  here  that  the  writer  met  with  the  biggest  trees ;  some  had  trunks  of  one  foot 
in  diameter.  In  the  Kohala  mountains  on  the  same  island  it  is  a  shrub.  Va- 
rieties of  this  tree  occur  on  all  the  islands  of  the  group,  but  not  with  well-defined 
characteristics.  Like  Neraudia,  it  also  exudes  a  milky,  watery  fluid  which  is 
otherwise  lacking  in  the  family  Urticaceae.  It  is  not  a  very  dry  district  plant, 
but  favors  regions  with  more  frequent  and  heavier  precipitation. 

The  bark  was  used  by  the  natives  in  a  similar  manner  to  that  of  the  Olona — for 
fish-nets,  and  even  at  times  for  their  tapa  cloth.  It  is,  however,  not  as  strong 
as  Olona.  The  trees  are  free  from  insects.  The  wood  is  soft  and  light. 


PLATE  40. 



Female  tree  growing  in  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  near  the  Volcano  Kilauea,  on  Hawaii; 

elevation  4000  feet. 


On  the  island  of  Kauai,  on  the  leeward  side  in  the  forest  of  Kaholuamano, 
grows  a  small  tree  about  18  feet  high,  which  differs  very  materially  from  Urera 
sandvicensis,  found  on  Hawaii.  It  is  here  described  as  a  new  variety  under  the 
name  Urera  sandvicensis  var.  Kauaiensis.  The  native  name  of  this  tree  is  Hona. 

Var.  Kauaiensis  var.  nov. 

Leaves  broadly  ovate,  bluntly  aecuminate  at  the  apex,  truncate  to  cuneate  at  the 
base,  evenly  crenate  to  serrate,  thick  coriaceous,  dark  green,  with  bright  red  midrib 
and  veins,  pinnately  nerved,  glabrous  on  both  sides,  6  to  9  cm  wide  and  10  to  14  cm  long, 
on  petioles  of  4  to  12  cm;  male  flowers  bright  red,  perigone  tuberculate,  stamens  purple 
to  pink,  5  in  number,  inflorescence  in  the  axils  of  the  upper  leaves  and  all  along  the  naked 
branch,  very  shortly  pednncled,  branching  cymosely  or  paniculate,  flowers  larger  than 
in  the  species. 

The  tree,  which  is  called  Hona  by  the  natives,  was  the  only  one  observed  in  the 
forests  of  Kaholuamano,  Kauai,  along  a  streambed.  It  was  collected  by  the 
writer  in  August,  1909,  and  October,  1911.  The  number  of  the  type  is  9006  in 
the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium.  It  differs  from  the  species  in  its  very  long 
petioled  coriaceous  leaves,  shortly  peduncled  male  inflorescence,  which  is  of  a 
bright  red  color,  purple  anthers  and  large  perigones. 

Mention  may  be  made  here  of  Urera  Kaalae  Wawra,  a  small  tree  found  in  the 
Waianae  range  of  Oahu.  It  differs  from  U.  Scmdvicensis  in  the  palmately 
nerv,ed,  cordate  leaves,  small  triangular  stipules  and  bracteolate  inflorescence. 
The  plant  was  discovered  by  Wawra  and  described  in  Flora  (1874),  p.  542.  His 
specimens  came  from  Mt.  Puakea  of  the  Kaala  range.  Not  collected  by  the 

( Noth ocnide  Blume. ) 

Perigone  of  the  male  flower  with  4  to  5  ovate  lobes.  Perigone  of  the  female  flower 
thin  and  fleshy  with  the  mature  fruits.  Embryo  with  scanty  albumen  and  broad  cotyledons. 
Trees  and  shrubs  with  alternate  3  to  5  nerved  leaves,  which  are  usually  covered  with  a 
gray  pubescence  underneath,  entire  to  serrate  leaves;  stipules  bifid,  easily  caducous. 
Flower  clusters  globose,  single  in  the  leaf  axils,  or  in  some  plants,  not  from  the  Ha- 
waiian Islands,  arranged  in  catkins. 

The  genus  Pipturus  consists  of  about  12  species,  which  are  distributed  over 
the  Oceanic  Islands,  Hawaiian  Islands,  and  Mascarene  Islands  to  Australia.  The 
Hawaiian  species  are  all  called  Mamaki  or  Mamake;  they  furnished,  next  to 
WauJce  (Brousonetia  papyrifera),  the  fiber  for  their  tapa  or  paper  cloth. 

Pipturus  albidus  A.  Gray. 

Mamaki  or  Mamake. 

(Plate  41.) 

PIPTURUS  ALBIDUS  A.  Gray  (ined.)  in  H.  Mann,  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  201;— 
Weddl.  in  DC.  Prodr.  XVI  (1869)  Sect.  I.  23517;— Nadeaud,  Enum.  (1873)  n. 
313;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1874)  547;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  413;— Del 
Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII  (1892)  303,  et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.  (1893)  203;  — 
Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  814.— Boehmeria  albida  Hook,  et  Arn.  Bot.  Beech. 
(1832)  96;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no.  866.— Pipturus  tahitensis  Wedd.  in  Ann. 
Sc.  Nat.  ser.  4.  I  (1854)  197,  «t  Pipturus  Gaudichaudianus  Wedd.  1.  c.  p.  196.— 
Perlarius  albidus  O.  Ktze.  Eev.  Gen.  PI.  II  (1891)  630. 


PLATE  41. 


Mamaki  or  Mamake. 
Branch   with   female  inflorescence. 


Leaves  ovate  to  obloug  acute  or  accuminate  at  the  apex,  cordate,  truncate  or  rounded 
iit  the  base,  crenate  to  serrate,  10  to  14  cm  long,  4.5  to  10.5  cm  wide,  chartaceous  to 
coriaceous,  shortly  wliite-tomentose  underneath  (Oahu)  often  light  green,  to  dark  brown 
especially  in  specimens  from  the  other  Islands;  tripli-nerved,  the  nerves  often  red  in  the 
living  plant;  stipules  triangular  bifid  to  the  middle  into  subulate  lobes;  flowers  all  sessile 
in  axillary  clusters  of  6  to  12  mm  either  all  male  or  all  female  or  male  and  female  flowers 
in  one  glomerule  (in  Lanai  specimens),  white  tomentose  or  very  hispid;  male  perigone 
reddish  acutely  4-fid  to  the  middle  or  less;  stamens  little  or  much  exserted  (in  plants  from 
Paauhau,  Hawaii) ;  female  perigones  on  a  thick,  finally  fleshy  receptacle,  the  uncinate 
stigma  much  longer  than  the  perigone;  fruit  about  1  mm. 

This  is  a  most  variable  species,  and  if  one  should  undertake  to  separate  the 
various  forms,  one  would  have  to  name  individual  trees.  The  leaves  vary  greatly 
in  shape  and  size  as  well  as  in  pubescence,  some  being  densely  gray  tomentose 
underneath,  others  light  green  to  brown;  the  same  holds  good  of  the  nervature, 
which  is  often  bright  red. 

On  Oahu  the  plant  is  only  a  small  shrub  about  8  feet  in  height,  while  in  the 
forests  of  Naalehu  in  Kau,  Hawaii,  the  writer  observed  the  biggest  trees,  which 
occasionally  attain  a  height  of  30  feet  with  a  trunk  of  often  one  foot  in  diam- 
eter. When  a  tree  grows  in  the  open  it  has  long  drooping  branches,  which  are 
arranged  pyramid-like.  The  trunk  is  clothed  in  an  exceedingly  strong  fibrous 
smooth  bark  of  a  light  brown  color.  As  already  stated,  it  is  a  very  variable 
species  and  occurs  on  all  the  islands  of  the  group,  avoiding  dry  districts ;  it  in- 
habits the  mesophytic  forests  at  an  elevation  of  1500  to  4000  feet,  but  does  not  go 
higher.  Occasionally  it  can  be  found  in  a  sub-xerophytic  district,  but  never  on 
the  lava  fields  as  is  the  case  with  the  Hawaiian  genus  Neraudia,  which  can  be 
found  in  the  hottest  and  driest  districts,  as  well  as  in  the  rain  forests.  Two 
species  of  Pipturus  were  described  by  Heller  from  Kauai,  as  P.  Kauaiensis  and 
P.  rubcr.  The  latter  is  a  good  species  and  was  even  distinguished  by  the  na- 
tives from  their  Mamaki;  it  is  known  to  them  as  Waimea  on  Kauai. 

The  Mamdke  furnished  the  natives  of  old  with  the  fiber  for  their  tapa  (kapa) 
or  paper  cloth,  which  they  obtained  from  the  bark  of  the  tree.  It  is  said  that 
Mamaki  fiber  made  the  finest  tapa  and  was  preferred  to  that  made  of  the  Wauke 
bark.  For  further  information  on  the  tapa  making  and  the  fibers  used,  the 
writer  wishes  to  refer  the  reader  to  Dr.  "Wm.  T.  Brigham's  valuable  book  "Ka 
Hana  Kapa, "  which  is  an  exhaustive  treatise  on  the  subject.  The  wood  of  the 
Mamaki  is  exceedingly  hard  and  durable.  It  is  of  pinkish  color  when  newly  cut, 
and  turns  brownish  with  age.  The  bark  and  fruits  of  the  Mamaki  are  supposed 
to  have  been  employed  by  the  natives  medicinally  for  consumption. 

In  Samoa  several  species  of  Pipturus  occur  under  the  name  fausoga  or  soga. 
The  bark  of  these  trees  is  used  by  the  natives  in  a  similar  manner  as  was  that  of 
the  Hawaiian  species — for  their  tapa  or  paper  cloth.  The  Hawaiian  species  is 
supposed  to  occur  also  in  Tahiti. 



The  family  Santalaceae,  which  consists  of  26  genera  and  about  250  species,  is 
divided  into  two  groups:  Holoparasites  or  genuine,  and  Hemiparasites  or  half 
parasites.  To  the  latter  group,  among  others,  belongs  the  genus  Santalum,  which 
is  represented  here  in  the  Islands  by  several  species.  The  Hemiparasitic  Santala 
root  in  the  ground  and  partly  extract  nutriment  from  the  roots  or  stems  of  other 
plants  by  means  of  haustoria  or  suck-organs.  It  has  been  proved  in  Santalum 
album,  the  Indian  Sandalwood,  that  it  can  exist  and  grow  in  soil  perfectly  devoid 
of  foreign  roots.  Botanists  are  of  the  opinion  that  parasitism  in  this  group  must 
have  played  an  important  part  in  the  existence  of  these  plants  in  previous  pe- 
riods, on  account  of  the  large  number  of  haustoria  on  their  rootlets,  and  the 
small  number  of  which  succeed  in  bringing  about  adhesion  to  roots  of  other 
plants;  while  in  genuine  parasites,  as  the  Loranthaceae,  no  such  extravagant 
endowment  is  to  be  found.  The  opinion  has  been  expressed  that  these  Hemipara- 
sites, which  root  in  the  ground,  form  an  intermediate  step  to  those  para- 
sites which  live  on  tree  branches,  rather  than  being  reduced  forms  of  the  latter 
or  genuine  root  parasites. 

The  Santalaceae  are  distributed  over  the  tropics  and  the  temperate  zone.  A 
majority  of  the  genera  occurs  only  in  dry  regions  and  comparatively  few  belong 
to  regions  with  heavy  precipitation. 

In  Hawaii  the  family  is  represented  by  two  genera,  Exocarpus  and  Santalum ; 
of  the  former  two  species  are  to  be  found,  while  of  the  latter  four  or  five  species 
occur  in  the  mountains  of  all  of  the  Hawaiian  islands. 

It  may  be  of  interest  here  to  remark  that  in  the  days  of  Vancouver,  Sandal- 
wood  was  the  main  export  from  these  Islands,  which  was  shipped  to  China.  An 
interesting  account  is  given  in  regard  to  Sandalwood  export  from  the  South  Pa- 
cific islands  to  various  parts  of  the  world,  in  Seeman  's  Flora  of  the  Fiji  Islands. 

The  Chinese  term  the  Sandalwood  Tanheong.  i.  e.,  scented  tree.  The  Hawaiian 
Islands  are  called  Tan-skan  or  Sandalwood  mountains  by  the  Chinese,  on  account 
of  the  Sandalwood  trade  which  was  carried  on  with  China. 


Flowers  hermaphrodite,  perigone  4  to  5  lobed.  Tube  of  perigone  campanulate  or  ovate. 
Lobes  of  perigone  free  to  the  discus,  each  lobe  with  a  tuft  of  hair  at  its  base.  Stamens 
inserted  at  the  base  of  the  perigone,  and  shorter  than  the  latter;  filaments  short.  Discus 
drawn  out  into  fleshy,  spathulate  triangular  lobes,  between  the  stamens.  Ovary  at  first 
superior,  later  on  partly  inferior.  Style  simple,  stigma  short,  2  to  4  lobed.  Ovules 
2  to  4,  pendulous.  Drupe,  ovoid  to  globose  crowned  with  the  scars  of  the  fallen  lobes; 
exocarp  thin,  somewhat  fleshy  and  hard  rugose  endocarp.  Seeds  ovoid  to  globose. 
Embryo  in  the  center  of  the  albumen,  obliquely  embedded;  radical  longer  than  the 
cotyledons.  Glabrous  hemiparasitic  trees  or  shrubs  with  opposite  rarely  alternate,  entire 
leaves,  and  relatively  large  panicles  or  racemes  which  are  either  terminal  or  axillary 
Bracts  not  present. 

The  genus  Santalum  consists  of  about  10  species  which  are  all  closely  related 
and  occur  in  East  India,  on  the  islands  of  the  Malayan  Archipelago,  on  the 
islands  of  the  Pacific  and  in  Australia. 



In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  four  species  are  to  be  found,  which  are  perhaps  only 
variations  of  a  single  species.  Since  the  large  export  of  Sandalwood  from  these 
Islands  to  China,  the  trees  have  became  rather  scarce  and  only  individual  ones 
can  be  found  scattered  through  the  drier  forests.  On  Oahu,  Sandalwood  trees 
or  Iliahi  are  still  plentiful  in  certain  districts,  such  as  Kahuku,  and  in  Palolo 
Valley,  where  they  are  very  numerous  at  the  lower  elevation  in  company  with 
Acacia  Koa  (Koa). 

Inflorescence  axillary  and  terminal. 
Perigone  reddish,  8  to  10  mm. 

Drupe  ovoid,  smooth S.  ellipticum 

Perigone  reddish,  large,  12  to  14  mm.  cylindrical. 

Drupe  obovoid,  rough S.  pyrularium 

Perigone  yellowish,  6  mm  campanulate. 

Drupe  ovoid,  smooth,  mucronate S.  Freycinetianum 

Inflorescence  a  terminal  cymose  densely  flowered  panicle. 

Perigone  bright  red S.  Haleakalae 

Santalum  Freycinetianum  Gaud. 

(Plates  42,  43.) 

SANTALUM  FEEYCINETIANUM  Gaud.  Bot.  Voy.  Uranie  (1826)  (1830)  442,  t.  45;— 
Hook,  et  Am.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  90;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no.  939;— Guill.  Zeph. 
Tait.  (1836-37)  no.  184;— DC.  Prodr.  XIV.  (1857)  682;— Jardin,  Hist.  lies.  Marqu. 
(1858)  184;— A.  Gray  in  Proc.  Amer.  Acad.  IV.  (1860)  326;— et  in  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E. 
ined;— Panch.  in  Cuzent,  Tahiti  (1860)  233;— H.  Mann  Proc.  Amer.  Acad.  VII 
(1867)  198;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1875)  171;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  389; — 
Hieronym.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl.  Pflzfam.  Ill,  1  (1889)  221;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins. 
Mar.  Pacif.  VII  (1892)  282  et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.  (1893)  173.— Santalum  insulare 
Bertero,  in  Guill,  1.  c.;  — Nadeaud  Enum.  (1873)  no.  328. 

Leaves  opposite,  ovate  to  obovate  or  elliptico  oblong,  4  to  8  cm  long,  2.5  to  4  cm  wide, 
on  petioles  of  2  to  15  mm;  either  obtuse  or  acute  at  both  ends,  chartaceous,  glabrous,  glossy 
and  darker  green  above,  lighter  underneath  or  in  specimens  from  North  Kona  golden  yel- 
low; cymes  paniculate  terminal  or  in  the  axils  of  the  upper  leaves  2.5  to  5  cm  long,  few 
flowered  in  axillary  inflorescences,  densely  flowered  in  terminal  ones;  the  flowers  in  almost 
sessile  clusters  or  3  to  9  or  more;  perigone  yellowish  green,  with  slight  reddish  tint,  cam- 
panulate about  6  mm,  the  somewhat  acute  lobes  as  long  or  longer  than  the  tube;  disc 
lobes  short  and  broad,  tufts  of  hair  very  scanty  and  short;  anthers  longer  than  the  fila- 
ments; style  little  shorter  than  the  perigone,  shortly  3  to  4  cleft;  drupe  ovoid,  about  15 
mm  long  when  mature,  the  apex  somewhat  truncate,  very  shortly  mucronate,  and  crowned 
with  depressed  annulus;  putamen  smooth. 

Santalum  Freycinetianum,  the  Hawaiian  Sandalwood  of  the  commerce  of  by- 
gone days,  is  a  most  variable  species.  It  is  often  a  small  shrub,  but  usually  a 
medium-sized  tree,  and  is  peculiar  to  the  dry  regions  of  these  Islands.  It  loves  the 
lava  fields  of  the  Island  of  Hawaii,  where  it  is  especially  common,  comparatively 
speaking.  It  occurs  as  a  small  tree  in  South  Kona  on  the  lava  fields  of  Kapua, 
and  Manuka,  while  in  North  Kona  on  the  old  lava  flows  of  Mt.  Hualalai  it 
reaches  a  handsome  size.  Here  the  tree  grows  35  feet  or  so  tall,  with  a  trunk  of 
10  to  12  inches  in  diameter,  which  is  clothed  in  a  rather  rough  scaly  bark. 

On  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  above  Kealakekua,  at  an  elevation  of  about  5000 
feet,  the  writer  met  with  the  biggest  Sandalwood  trees  to  be  found  in  the  whole 
group.  They  differ  very  much  in  their  outward  appearance  from  the  other  varie- 
ties known  to  the  writer.  The  trees  reach  a  height  of  over  50  feet  and  have  a 

PLATE  42. 


Iliahi,   Sandal  wood. 

Growing  on  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  Hawaii;  elevation  2800  ft.      Show- 
ing flowering  and  fruiting  branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree.      Note  the  rough  bark. 


trunk  of  over  one  and  a  half,  and  occasionally  two,  feet  in  diameter.  The  bark  is 
black  and  smooth,  the  leaves  very  dark  green  and  glossy,  and  drupes  olive  shaped 
and  black,  with  somewhat  fleshy  exocarp.  It  occurs  mainly  on  the  rough  aa 
flows  intersecting  this  beautiful  country,  but  can  also  be  found  in  the  Koa  forest, 
where  it  is  very  numerous ;  many  large  trees  were  found  dead;  undoubtedly  due 
to  the  dying  off  of  their  hosts.  Nearly  90%  of  the  trees  which  formed  this  once 
beautiful  forest  are  now  dead. 

Santahtm  Freycinctianum  occurs  on  all  the  islands.  On  Lanai  it  can  be  found 
on  the  extreme  eastern  end,  scattered  about  on  the  exposed  open  grasslands.  At 
Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  Hawaii,  it  grows  on  the  lava  fields  at  2000  feet  and 
higher  up  on  the  slopes  of  Hualalai  large  trees  can  be  observed.  This  species  of 
Santalum  has  several  varieties,  found  on  the  various  islands.  On  Lanai  and  East 
Mani  on  the  southern  slopes  of  Haleakala  occurs  Hillebrand's  var.  -f.  cuneatum, 
which  differs  from  the  species  in  its  small  thick,  fleshy,  suborbicular  leaves,  which 
are  slightly  cuneate  at  the  base.  It  is  usually  a  shrub,  but  to  the  writer's  aston- 
ishment it  grew  as  a  veritable  vine,  completely  covering  a  species  of  Sideroxylon. 

At  the  volcano  of  Kilauea,  Hawaii,  elevation  4000  feet,  occurs  another  variety 
called  ,5.  var.  latifolium  Gray.  Its  leaves  are  coriaceous  pale  glaucous  underneath 
and  quite  broad;  the  flowers  are  arranged  in  numerous  panicles  which  are  axil- 
lary and  terminal.  It  grows  plentifully  on  the  cliffs  surrounding  the  main 
crater,  but  always  as  a  shrub. 

On  Diamond  Head  crater,  the  landmark  of  the  Island  of  Oahu,  and  in  Kailua, 
Hawaii,  as  well  as  at  Cape  Kaena,  Oahu,  grows  a  small  much  branching  shrub, 
which  is  another  variety  called  var.  £.  littorale  Hbd.,  as  it  grows  in  the  vicinity 
of  the  seashore. 

On  Lanai  on  a  spur  of  the  main  ridge,  Lanaihale,  the  writer  found  a  tree  quite 
distinct  from  any  of  the  other  varieties  known.  It  has  the  largest  leaf  of  any 
Santalum  known,  and  also  flowers  which  almost  exceed  in  size  those  of  Santalum 
pyrularium  of  Kauai.  It  is  here  described  as  follows: 

Var.  Lanaiense  var.  nov. 

Branches  robust,  stiff;  leaves  orbicular  in  outline,  mucronate  at  the  apex,  slightly 
contracting  at  the  base  into  a  petiole  of  5  mm,  7  to  10  cm  each  way,  dark  green  above, 
bright  glaucous  underneath  with  red  veins,  chartaceous;  panicles  very  small,  axillary,  25 
mm  long,  flowers  two  or  single  on  minute  pedicels,  flowers  large,  bright  red  with  glaucous 
hue;  perigone  12  mm  long,  campanulate  to  cylindrical,  the  acute  lobes  a  third  the  length 
of  the  tube;  anthers  as  long  as  the  perigone;  drupe  unknown. 

A  medium-sized  tree  with  stiff  gnarled  branches,  growing  at  an  elevation  of 
about  3000  feet  in  company  with  Straussia,  Bobea,  Dubautia,  etc.  It  has  the 
largest  leaf  in  the  genus  and  is  almost  worthy  of  specific  distinction.  Collected 
in  July,  1910.  Type  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium;  co-type  in  the  au- 
thor's Herbarium  no.  10061. 

It  may  be  of  interest  here  to  relate  the  rise  and  fall  of  the  Sandalwood  trade 
in  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  In  the  year  1778  the  attention  of  the  commercial  wrorld 
was  first  drawn  to  the  existence  of  Sandalwood  in  these  islands ;  a  Captain  Ken- 


PLATE  43. 


Iliahi,   Samlalwood. 

Growing  on  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  Hawaii.      One  of  the  biggest 
Sandalwood  trees  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands. 


drick,  of  a  Boston  brig,  is  known  to  have  been  the  first  who  left  two  men  on 
Kauai  to  contract  for  several  cargoes.  Under  the  able  government  of  Kameha- 
meha,  vast  quantities  of  the  wood  were  exported.  The  Sandalwood  wras  to  these 
islanders  the  start  in  life.  From  1790  to  1820  numerous  vessels  called  for  this 
wood,  bringing  many  and  various  things  in  exchange,  and  about  1810  Kameha- 
meha  I.  and  his  people  began  to  accumulate  considerable  wealth.  In  one  year 
nearly  400,000  dollars  were  realized.  Under  the  reign  of  Liholiho  the  Sandal- 
wood  began  to  be  exhausted,  though  in  the  year  1820  we  still  hear  of  80,000  dol- 
lars'  worth  of  the  wood  being  paid  for  the  yacht  ''Cleopatra's  Barge,"  and  in 
1822  of  a  voyage  to  Kauai  to  collect  the  annual  tribute  of  the  wood  in  that 
island;  though  the  produce  became  every  day  more  difficult  to  procure,  and 
could  no  longer  be  demanded  in  payment  of  taxes.  Finally  a  substitute  was 
discovered,  the  Naio  (Myoporum  sandwicense  A.  Gray)  or  Bastard  Sandalwood, . 
though  no  relation  to  true  Sandalwood ;  it.  however,  could  not  revive  the  trade. 

Thus  came  to  an  end  the  export  of  the  IliaJii  or  Laau  ala  (fragrant  wood)  as 
the  natives  termed  the  wood. 

For  further  particulars  in  regard  to  Sandahvood  trade  in  Hawaii,  consult  J. 
J.  Jarves'  History  of  the  Hawaiian  Islands. 

Santalum  ellipticum  Gaud. 
Iliali  i. 

(Plate  44.) 

SANTALUM  ELLIPTICUM  Gaud.  Bot.  Voy.  Uranie  (1826,  1830)  442;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds. 
(1836)  940;— DC.  Prodr.  XIV  (1857)  682;— A.  Gray  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  IV  (1860) 
327;— Mrs.  Sinclair  Indig.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1885)  pi.  34;— Heller,  PI.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1897)  818. — Santalum  Freycinetianum  var.  e.  ellipticum  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E. 
iued;— H.  Mann,  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  198;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888) 
390;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VII  (1892)  283. 

Branches  slender,  more  or  less  drooping;  leaves  thin  chartaceous,  elliptical-oblong, 
reddish,  about  17  cm  long  and  3  cm  wide,  on  slender  petioles  of  18  mm,  acuminate  glabrous; 
panicles  in  the  axils  of  the  upper  leaves,  rather  loose,  the  flowers  on  distinct  pedicels  of 
:!  mm;  perigone  8  to  10  mm  reddish,  the  lobes  as  long  as  the  tube  or  longer,  with  long 
tufts  of  hair;  drupe  as  in  /S.  Freycinctia-imm. 

Santalum  ellipticum  or  Ilialii  is  not  uncommon  on  the  islands  of  Kauai  and 
Oahu ;  on  the  latter  island  trees  of  this  species  are  very  numerous  on  the  eastern 
end,  especially  in  the  valley  of  Palolo,  where  they  are  associated  with  Acacia  Koa 
(Koa)  mainly,  which  is  probably  its  host.  It  extends  from  an  elevation  of  600 
feet  up  to  about  1500  feet,  at  which  latter  elevation  it  grows  together  with  Straus- 
sia  Kaduana  (Kopiko),  Elaeocarpus  bifidus  (Kalia)  and  others.  It  has  a  short, 
straight  trunk  and  a  rather  round  crown,  formed  of  slender  branches.  It  is  very 
conspicuous  from  a  distance  on  account  of  its  reddish  tinted  foliage. 

The  Hawaiian  Sandalwood,  according  to  old  natives,  grows  to  a  height  of 
often  80  feet,  with  trunks  of  often  three  feet  in  diameter.  The  older  and  bigger 
the  tree  the  more  valuable  it  becomes,  as  its  fragrance  increases  with  age.  It  is 
only  the  very  heart  wood  that  is  scented,  and  in  small  or  young  trees  the  roots 
only  are  fragrant. 


PLATE  44. 

Iliahi,   Sandal  wood. 


Santalum  pyrularium  A.  Gray. 
Ilia  hi. 

SANTALUM  PYRULAEIUM  A.  Gray  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  IV  (1860)  327,  et  in  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E. 
ined;— H.  Mann,  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  198;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1875)  172;— 
Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  390;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VII  (1892)  283. 
A  medium  sized  tree,  leaves  as  in   ^untiiliim   cUipticitm  of  Oahu,  but  glaucous  under- 
neath;  panicles  axillary,  loose,  few  flowered;   flowers  on  pedicels  of  3  mm^  perigone  dull 
red,  cylindrical  12  to  14  mm,  the  lobes  as  long  as  the  tube  or  shorter;  anthers  as  long  as 
the  filaments;  style  nearly  as  long  as  the  perigone,  3-cleft;  drupe  large  1-4  to  24  mm  long, 
the  putamen  rough,  runcinate,  crowned  with  membraneous  annulus  below  the  apex. 

This  species  is  peculiar  to  the  Island  of  Kauai  and  occurs  in  the  forests  of  Hale- 
manu  at  an  elevation  of  3000  to  4000  feet,  where  it  is  a  tree  35  to  40  feet  high, 
occasionally.  It  can  also  be  found  in  the  woods  of  Kaholuamano,  on  the  same 
leeward  side,  above  Waimea  in  the  more  dry  regions  in  company  with  Elaeocarpus 
bifidus  (Kalia),  Tetraplasandra  Waimeae  (Olie  kikoola),  Pterotropia  Kauaiensis 
(Olie  olie},  Straussia  (Kopiko),  Bobea  Mannii  (Ahakea)  and  others.  It  also  en- 
croaches on  the  border  of  the  rain  forest  where  it  is  a  straighter  and  taller  tree 
than  when  growing  on  the  drier  forehills. 

On  the  road  to  Halemanu,  near  Puu  ka  pele  of  the  Waimea  canyon,  the  writer 
saw  a  fine  specimen  which  was  loaded  with  fruit,  and  the  ground  beneath  was 
covered  with  thousands  of  seeds,  but  none  had  sprouted. 

It  may  be  remarked,  that  any  attempt  to  germinate  seeds  of  the  Hawaiian 
Sandalwoods  resulted  in  failure.  Hillebrand  records  a  similar  fate  in  his  Flora 
of  the  Hawaiian  Islands. 

Santalum  Haleakalae  Hbd. 

(Plate  45.) 

SANTALUM  HALEAKALAE  Hbd.  Flora  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  390;-Del  Cast.  1.  c.  p.  283.— 
Santalum  pyrularium  var.  ft.  A.  Gray,  mss.  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  ined; — H.  Mann,  Proc. 
Am.  Acad.  A'H  (1867)  198. 

A  small  tree  with  stiff  erect  branches;  leaves  thick,  coriaceous  to  chartaceous  (at 
lower  elevations)  dull  light  green,  ovate-obovate  oblong  3  to  5  cm  long,  25  to  30  mm 
broad,  on  petioles  of  4  to  6  mm,  bluntly  acuminate  or  rounded;  panicles  crowded  near  the 
end  of  each  branch,  constituting  a  terminal  corymb  of  3  to  8  cm  in  length  and  also  in 
width;  flowers  subsessile,  of  a  deep  scarlet  red,  the  perigone  8  to  10  mm,  with  the  lobes 
as  long  as  the  tube  or  longer;  disc-lobes  lanceolate,  longer  than  the  filaments;  anthers 
on  short  filaments,  their  cells  diverging  at  base  and  apex;  style  subexserted,  3-cleft;  drupe 
ovoid  12  to  16  mm  long,  truncate  at  the  base,  and  with  a  conical  vertex  at  the  apex  and  a 
short  annulus  below  the  same,  putamen  minutely  runcinate. 

This  species,  which  is  easily  distinguished  from  the  other  Hawaiian  Sandal- 
woods  by  its  dense  corymbose  inflorescence,  which  is  bright  scarlet,  is  peculiar  to 
the  Island  of  Maui,  and  at  that  confined  to  the  eastern  part  Mt.  Haleakala,  after 
which  mountain  it  was  named  by  Hillebrand,  who  records  it  as  a  shrub. 

It  is,  however,  also  a  tree,  though  not  of  any  size ;  the  highest  trees  observed  by 
the  writer  were  about  25  feet.  It  grows  around  the  crater  of  Puunianiau,  on  the 
northeastern  slope  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  at  an  elevation  of  7000  to  9000  feet.  It  was 


PLATE  45. 

Iliahi,  Sandalwood. 


also  found  as  a  small  tree  15  to  18  feet  in  height  on  the  floor  of  Haleakala  crater 
in  Koolau  gap  and  Kaupo  gap,  in  company  with  Sophora  chnjsophylla  (Mamani), 
Geranium  tridens  (Hinahina),  and  the  well-known  Silversword  (Argyroxiphium 
sandwicense  var.  nMcrocephatum) . 

It  has  been  reported  by  Hillebrand  to  grow  only  at  very  high  elevations  near  the 
summit  of  the  mountain,  together  with  Raillardia  and  Geranium.  It  may,  how- 
ever, be  of  interest  to  state  that  it  was  observed  by  the  writer  on  the  southern 
slopes  of  Haleakala  on  the  lava  flows  of  Auahi,  Kahikinui,  at  an  elevation  of  2600 
feet.  At  this  latter  locality,  which  is  one  of  the  richest  botanical  districts  in  the 
Territory,  it  is  a  fine-looking  tree  and  does  not  show  any  signs  of  stiff  branches 
and  short,  gnarled  trunks,  as,  of  course,  must  be  expected  at  high  altitudes.  Were 
it  not  for  the  dense  inflorescence  and  bright  scarlet  perigones,  one  could  easily 
mistake  it  for  Santalum  elliptic  urn  of  Oahu,  which  it,  in  reality,  resembles  greatly. 

The  wood  of  trees  from  the  high  levels  is  exceedingly  fragrant,  and  of  a  dark 
yellowish  brown  color. 


The  family  Amarantaceae  occurs  in  all  floral  regions  of  the  world,  with  the  ex- 
ception of  the  frigid  zones.  It  consists  of  about  40  genera,  with  about  655  species. 

In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  only  five  genera  are  represented,  two  of  which  are 
endemic  (Charpentiera  and  Nototrichium)  and  have  arborescent  species. 


Style  simple  with  a  capitate  stigma. 

Flowers  villous  or  hispid;  in  terminal  or  axillary  spikes 2.     Nototrichium 

Style  deeply  divided  into  2  stigmatic  branches. 

Flowers  glabrous,  in  long  paniculate  spikes 1.     Charpentiera 


Flowers  inconspicuous,  arranged  on  long  slender  branched  paniculate  spikes.  Ovary 
ovoid,  with  two  stigmas.  Androeceum  consisting  of  a  shortly  5  lobed  discus-cup,  with  5 
stamina,  alternating  with  the  discus  lobes.  Pericarp  dry.  Trees  or  shrubs  with  always 
long  petioled,  ovate  to  obovate  or  elliptico-lanceolate  leaves. 

The  genus  Charpentiera  is  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands  and  consists  of  two 
species,  Clt.  elliptica  (Hbd.)  Heller,  and  Ch.  obovata  Gaud.  The  former  is  a 
shrub  peculiar  to  Kauai,  the  latter  a  tree  found  on  all  the  islands.  The  native 
name  of  the  species  is  Papala. 

Charpentiera  obovata  Gaud. 

(Plates  46,  47,  48.) 

CHARPENTIEKA  OBOVATA  Gaud.  Bot.  Voy.  Uranie  (1826,  1830)  444,  pi.  48;— Hook,  et 
Arnott.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  94;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no.  718;— Moquin-Tandon 
in  DC.  Prodr.  XIII  (1849)  2.  p.  232;— Wawra  (1875)  188;— Sinclair  Indig.  Fl.  Haw. 
Isl.  (1885)  pi.  44;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  375;— Del  Cast.  111.  PI.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac. 
VII  (1892)  269;— Schinz  in  Engl.  et  Prantl.  Pflzfam.  III.  1.  a.  (1893)  10],  fig.  52;— 
Heller  PL  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  820.— Ch.  ovata  Gaud.  1.  c.  pi.  47;— H.  et  A.  1.  c.;— 
Endl.  1.  c.  no.  919;— Moqu.  1.  c.; — Mann  Enum.  (1867)  no.  423  (ex  parte);— Hbd. 
1.  c.  etc. 


PLATE  46. 


Flowering  and  fruiting  branch,  reduced  one-half. 

PLATE  47. 


Growing  on  the  lava  fields  of  Kapua,  South  Kona,  Hawaii;  elevation  2000  feet.      Fruiting 
branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree. 

PLATE  48. 


Growing  on  the  lava  fields  of  Kapua,  South  Kona,  Hawaii.      Tree  about  25  feet  tall. 


Leaves  ovate  or  obovate-oblong  6  to  30  cm  long,  4  to  12  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of 
2  to  8  cm  rounded  at  both  ends,  slightly  decurrent  into  the  petiole,  fleshy,  thick  or  char- 
taceous  when  fresh,  glabrous,  dark  green,  with  impressed  straight  parallel  veins;  panicles 
compound,  red,  often  40  to  50  cm  long,  but  smaller  in  the  specimens  from  dry  districts,  on 
peduncles  of  sometimes  more  than  12  cm;  flowers  2  mm,  thin  rather  pale;  bracts  about  1 
mm,  ovate;  sepals  ovate,  stamens  about  as  long  as  the  sepals;  utriculus  2  to  3  mm, 
enclosed  or  partly  exserted;  stigmas  deeply  bifid  exserted. 

This  is  a  tree  of  15  to  35  feet  in  height,  and  reaches  its  best  development  in 
the  dry  regions.  It  is  a  very  variable  species,  and  was,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  de- 
scribed by  Gaudichaud  as  two  different  species,  mainly  on  the  shape  of  the  leaf. 

The  Papala  occurs  on  all  the  islands  of  the  group  in  the  rain  as  well  as  the  dry 
forests.  It  is  not  uncommon  in  Manoa  and  Pauoa  valleys,  Oahu,  as  well  as  in 
the  whole  Koolau  range,  where  it  grows  in  densely  shaded  ravines  and  on  moun- 
tain slopes.  On  Kauai  it  is  plentiful  at  Hanalei  and  neighborhood.  We  find  it 
again  in  all  the  valleys  of  the  Kohala  mountains,  but  not  higher  than  about  4000 
feet.  The  biggest  and  finest  specimens  of  this  tree  the  writer  observed  in  North 
Kona,  Hawaii,  at  Puuwaawaa,  where  the  trunks  reached  a  diameter  of  two  and 
a  half  feet,  being  perfectly  straight  and  clothed  in  a  very  smooth,  light  brown,  thin 
bark.  The  trunk,  in  its  lower  portion,  usually  divides  into  several  column-like 
parts,  in  the  form  of  buttresses.  When  in  full  bloom  it  is  a  rather  attractive 
looking  tree.  The  wood  is  very  soft  and  fibrous,  and  when  dry  exceedingly  light, 
and  will  burn  like  paper.  It  is  the  very  tree  which  was  used  by  the  natives  for  a 
most. original  and  grand  display  of  fireworks,  owing  to  the  easiness  with  which 
the  wood  can  be  ignited.  Mrs.  Sinclair  in  her  beautiful  book  on  the  "Indigenous 
Flowers  of  the  Hawaiian  Islands, ' '  says  the  following  in  regard  to  this  sport : 
"On  the  northwest  side  of  Kauai  the  coast  is  extremely  precipitous,  the  cliffs 
rising  abruptly  from  the  sea  to  a  height  of  from  one  to  two  thousand  feet,  and 
from  these  giddy  heights  the  ingenious  and  beautiful  pyrotechnic  displays  take 

' '  On  dark  moonless  nights  upon  certain  points  of  these  awful  precipices,  where 
a  stone  would  drop  sheer  into  the  sea,  the  operator  takes  his  stand  with  a  supply  of 
papala  sticks,  and,  lighting  one,  launches  it  into  space.  The  buoyancy  of  the  wrood 
causes  it  to  float  in  mid-air,  rising  or  falling  according  to  the  force  of  the  wind, 
sometimes  darting  far  seaward,  and  again  drifting  towards  the  land.  Firebrand 
follows  firebrand,  until,  to  the  spectators  (wrho  enjoy  the  scene  in  canoes  upon  the 
ocean  hundreds  of  feet  below),  the  heavens  appear  ablaze  with  great  shooting 
stars,  rising  and  falling,  crossing  and  recrossing  each  other,  in  the  most  weird 
manner.  So  the  display  continues  until  the  firebrands  are  consumed,  or  a  lull  in 
the  wind  permits  them  to  descend  slowly  and  gracefully  to  the  sea." 

On  the  Island  of  Kauai  in  the  forest  of  Kaholuamano  occurs  another  species  of 
this  genus — Ch.  elliptica  (Hbd.)  Heller.  It  is  certainly  quite  distinct  from  Ch. 
obovata  in  the  long  elliptical-lanceolate  leaves,  and  very  short  inflorescence  which 
is  almost  erect  and  not  drooping.  Hillebrand  mentions  it  as  a  variety  elliptica. 


Flowers  hermaphrodite,  small  conical,  hispid  villous  or  pubescent.  Perianth  deeply 
4  parted,  the  lobes  equal,  an  outer  pair  enclosing  the  inner  one.  Stamens  slightly  con- 


PLATE  49. 


Showing  flowering  branch. 
Photographed  from  Herbarium  specimen;  nearly  one-half  natural  size. 


nected  at  the  base.  Ovary  one-celled,  one-ovulate.  Style  slender;  stigma  capitate.  Fruit 
an  oblong  or  obovoid  thin  utricle,  enclosed  in  the  perianth.  Seed  lenticular,  with  thin 
testa. — Shrubs  or  trees  with  dichotomous  branches  and  opposite  penninerved  leaves.  Flow- 
ers in  terminal  and  axillary  spikes  with  a  woolly  or  pubescent  rhachis. 

The  endemic  genus  consists  of  three  closely-related  species.  In  Engler  and 
Prantl's  Xattirl.  Pllzfam.  the  genus  Nototrichium  is  merged  with  Psilotrichium, 
from  which  it  differs,  however,  in  the  equal  perianth  lobes  and  tetramerous. 

Only  one  species,  N.  sandwicense,  becomes  arborescent;  the  other  two  species, 
are  shrubs.  One  of  them  occurs  on  Kauai,  the  other  on  Oahu,  while  N.  sand- 
u- ice  use  or  Kului  occurs  on  nearly  all  the  islands  of  the  group. 

Nototrichium  sandwicense  Hbd. 

(Plates  49,  50.) 

NOTOTRICHIUM  SANDWICENSE  Hbd.  Flora  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  373;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  IsL 
(1S97)  821.— Ptilotus  sandwicensis  A.  Gray  in  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  ined;— H.  Mann 
Proe.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  200. — Psilotrichium  sandwicense  Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1867) 
198,  adnot; — Wawra  in  Flora  (1875)  186;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII 
(1892)  270;— Schinz  in  Engl.  et  Prantl.  Pflzfam.  III.  1.  a.  (1893)  111. 

Branches  slender,  articulated,  covered  with  an  ochraceous  tomentum;  leaves  opposite, 
ovate,  acuminate,  covered  with  a  silky  adpressed  tomentum  especially  the  underside  of  the 
leaf,  which  is  silvery  tomentose,  contracting  into  a  petiole  of  12  to  18  mm,  2  to  8  cm 
long,  1.5  to  -1  cm  wide;  spikes  generally  3  or  5  at  the  end  of  a  branch;  thick  ovoid  to  cylin- 
drical, 1.5  to  3  cm  long  on  peduncles  of  6  to  30  mm,  the  rhachis  densely  villous;  flowers 
crowded,  ovoid  2  to  3  mm  long,  villous  with  spreading  hairs  at  the  base;  perianth  lobes 
ovate  lanceolate  3  to  5  nerved,  hispid  at  the  back;  stamens  nearly  as  long;  ovary  oblongr 
truncate;  style  as  long  as  the  perianth,  with  punctiform  stigma. 

The  Kului,  which  is  usually  only  a  shrub  several  feet  high  in  the  lowlands,  be- 
comes a  small  tree  of  about  15  to  20  feet  in  height  in  the  lower  forest  zone  at  2000- 
to  3000  feet  altitude. 

It  is  a  handsome  little  tree  and  quite  conspicuous  by  its  silvery  gray  foliage  and 
its  pretty  catkins  which  droop  from  the  end  of  every  branchlet.  It  is  peculiar  to- 
the  very  dry  regions  and  may  be  found  as  a  straggling  shrub  where  nothing  else 
can  live. 

In  Kona,  Hawaii,  especially  near  Puuwaawaa,  it  forms  a  regular  hedge  along 
the  government  road  on  the  rough  aa  lava  fields.  On  Molokai  it  grows  on  the 
western  end  in  gulches,  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa,  where  it  forms,  together  with 
the  Xau  (Gardenia  Brigiiamii),  the  Ohe  (Reynoldsia  sandwicensis}  and  the  Wili- 
u'iU  (Enjthrina  monosperma),  the  last  remnants  of  what  was  once  a  xerophytic 
forest.  At  Puuwaawaa,  Hawaii,  proper,  it  grows  to  a  small  tree  about  15  to  201 
feet  in  height  at  an  elevation  of  3000  feet,  besides  also  at  Kawaihaeiuka  (2500- 
feet),  together  with  Maua  (Xylosma  Hillebrandii}  and  the  Mamani  (Sophora 
cJirysopJnjUa}.  It  also  is  not  uncommon  on  Maui  and  Oahu.  On  the  latter  island 
it  inhabits  the  arid  regions  of  the  Waianae  Mountains.  It  occurs  as  a  tree  on  the 
lava  fields  of  Kau,  and  South  Kona;  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa,  Hawaii,  and 
forms,  in  certain  districts  as  Manuka,  about  80%  of  the  growth. 


PLATE  50. 



Growing  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa,  Molokai;   elevation  2000  feet, 
ground,   Erythrina   monosperma    (Wiliwili). 

Tree  in  back- 


Two  varieties  have  been  described,  one  from  Kauai  by  Asa  Gray,  and  another 
from  the  Pali  of  Kalaupapa,  Molokai. 

The  wood  is  coarsely  grained  and  very  light,  resembling  the  wood  of  the  Papala. 


This  family  is  one  of  the  most  interesting  in  the  vegetable  kingdom,  on  account 
of  its  many  peculiarities.  All  Nyctaginaceae  are  void  of  corollas,  but  possess, 
however,  a  perigone  of  often  remarkable  beauty.  The  family  consists  of  18 
genera,  with  about  155  species ;  it  is  represented  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands  by 
three  genera,  only  one  of  which,  Pisonia,  has  arborescent  species. 

The  Nyctaginaceae  are  either  herbs,  shrubs  or  trees,  and  are  distributed  over  the 
warmer  regions  of  the  whole  world,  especially  in  tropical  America. 


Flowers  rarely  hermaphrodite,  usually  unisexual,  with  2  to  3  small  triangular  to  linear 
bracts  at  their  base.  Male  flower  campanulate,  with  a  5-lobed  perigone  and  5  to  30 
(usually  6  to  8)  stamens,  which  are  very  shortly  united  at  their  base,  and  exserted,  sur- 
rounding a  rudimentary  ovary.  Female  flowers  tubular,  5  lobed,  with  staminodia  and 
an  often  plainly  stipitate,  elongate  ovary,  with  a  filiform  style  and  fringed  capitate  stigma. 
Anthocarp  of  variable  form,  elliptical  to  long  prismatic,  etc.,  smooth  or  angular  with 
viscous  glands.  Shrubs  or  trees  with  small  often  fragrant  flowers  and  usually  opposite, 
elliptical,  lanceolate  or  obovate  leaves. 

The  genus  consists  of  about  40  described  species  which  occur  in  the  tropics  and 
their  neighboring  regions.  Only  one  species  is  found  on  the  African  coasts. 

The  fruiting  perigone  of  the  Hawaiian  species  exudes  a  very  viscous  substance, 
which  was  used  by  the  natives  as  a  bird  lime. 

The  nomenclature  of  the  species  of  Pisonia  is  very  much  confused,  different 
authors  having  referred  our  species  to  plants  from  other  parts  of  the  world.  A. 
Heimerl  expresses  the  possibility  of  our  endemic  species  (P.  sandwicensis)  being 
identical  with  P.  artensis  from  New  Caledonia. 

The  writer  has  adhered  to  Hillebrand's  nomenclature  as  regards  this  latter 
species,  rather  than  Heimerl's,  who  says  that  our  Hawaiian  Pisonia  is  not  well 
known  to  him. 


Limb  of  perigone  lobed. 

Leaves  cuneate,  inflorescence  a  terminal  loose  umbel  or  contracted  panicle 

P.  umbellifera 

Leaves  broad  at  the  base,  inflorescence  a  globose  head P.  sandwicensis 

Limb  of  perigone  entire. 

Leaves  elliptical  oblong,  inflorescence  a  loose  open  panicle P.  inermis 


PLATE  51. 


Female  flowering  branch  and  fruits,  reduced  one-half. 


Pisonia  umbellifera  (Forst.)  Seem. 
Papala  kepau. 

PISONIA  UMBELLIFERA  (Forst.)  Seem,  in  Bonpl.  X.  (1862)  154;— et  Fl.  Vit.  (1866) 
195;— Xadeaud,  Enum.  Tahit.  PI.  (1873)  no.  326;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888) 
368;—  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pae.  VII  (1892)268,  et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.  (1893) 
157;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  823.— Ceodes  umbellifera  Forst.  Charact.  Gen. 
(1776)  141,  t.  71. — C.  umbellata  Forst.  Prodr.  (1786)  no.  569.— Pisonia  excelsa 
Blume,  Bijdr.  (1825)  735;— Choisy  in  DC.  Prodr.  XIII.  2.  (1849)  441;— H.  Maim 
Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  198.'— P.  macrocarpa  Presl.  Symb.  (1833)  t.  56. — P. 
Forsteriana  Endl.  In  Herb.  Meyen  ex  Seliauer  et  AValp.  Nov.  Act.  Nat.  Cur.  XIX., 
Suppl.  (1843)  403  t.  51.— P.  Sinclair!  Hook.  f.  Fl.  New  Zeal.  I.  (1853)  209  t.  50.— 
P.  Mooreana  F.  Muller  Fragm.  I.  (1858-59)  20. 

Brandies  large  and  stiff  with  long  internodes;  leaves  broadly  obovate,  cuneate  at 
the  base,  obtuse  or  shortly  acuminate  but  sometimes  broad  at  the  base  and  suborbicular, 
12  to  26  cm  long,  8  to  12  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  about  12  mm,  fleshy,  the  upper  ones 
crowded  in  a  whorl  at  the  internodes  of  the  branches,  the  lower  sub-opposite;  inflorescence 
terminal,  subumbellate,  one  or  several  peduncles  rising  from  the  apex  of  a  branch,  divid- 
ing at  or  near  the  apex  into  loose  umbel  or  contracted  panicle;  perigone  greenish  to  yel- 
lowish, smooth,  with  the  limb  5-fid;  fruiting  pedicels  of  6  to  18  mm,  obtusely  5-ribbed, 
viscid,  but  smooth;  utricle  1/2  to  2/3  the  length  of  the  perigone. 

A  low  tree  15  to  30  feet  high,  common  on  most  of  the  islands,  inhabiting  the 
forests  of  the  lower  regions.  On  Oahu  it  is  a  common  feature  of  the  vegetation 
back  of  Tantalus  and  adjoining  valleys.  Unlike  the  other  species,  it  is  moisture 
loving,  and  forms  large  clumps  in  the  valleys  on  the  windward  side,  where  the 
rainfall  is  very  large.  Logs  of  this  tree,  which  the  writer  collected  for  wood 
specimens,  shriveled  to  such  an  extent  that  it  was  impossible  to  recognize  them 
afterward,  resembling  the  stems  of  shriveled  banana  plants.  Trunks  of  a  foot 
in  diameter  can  be  felled  with  one  stroke  of  the  axe.  It  is  of  a  very  wide  geo- 
graphical distribution,  ranging  from  Polynesia  to  Australia  and  the  Philippines. 
On  Oahu  it  is  found  at  an  elevation  of  200  to  1600  feet,  and  possibly  higher.  It 
is  very  difficult  to  find  good  specimens  on  account  of  an  insect  which  feeds  on  the 
leaves,  and  thus  most  of  the  trees  have  a  very  ungainly  appearance. 

Pisonia  sandwicensis  Hbd. 
Aulu  on  Kauai. 

(Plate  51.) 

PISONIA  SANDWICENSIS  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  369;— Heimerl  in  Engl.  et  Prantl 
Pflzfam.  III.  1.  b.  (1889)  29;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  823.— Pisonia  umbelli- 
fera Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII  (1892)  268  (ex  parte)  et  Fl.  Polyn. 
Franc.  (1893)  157. 

Leaves  thick  coriaceous  10  to  30  cm  long,  6  to  15  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  3  to  5  cm, 
ovate  oblong,  obtuse  or  rounded  or  bluntly  acute  at  the  apex,  often  even  emarginate,  the 
base  rounded,  the  ribs  and  veins  prominent;  peduncles  in  the  axils  of  the  uppermost 
leaves,  3  to  6  cm  long,  dividing  in  few  short  rays,  forming  a  globose  head  of  about  5  cm 
in  diam.,  flowers  sessile;  male  perigone  5  to  6  mm,  deeply  parted  into  5  to  6  obtuse  lobes; 
stamens  18  to  20,  long  exserted,  twice  the  length  of  the  perigone;  female  perigone  tubular, 
style  exserted,  fringed  along  its  upper  clavate  portion;  fruiting  perigone  (mature)  4  cm 
long,  ovoid-cylindrical,  crowned  with  the  lobes  of  the  limb  and  style;  not  muricate,  but 
faintly  many  ribbed. 

The  Aiilu,  as  the  tree  is  called  on  Kauai,  is  a  tall  tree,  reaching  a  height 
of  50  to  60  feet,  with  usually  2  to  3  trunks  of  1  to  2  feet  in  diameter,  rising  from 



PLATE  52. 

Papala  kepau. 

Fruiting  branch.      Note  insects  caught  on  viscous  fruits.      One-half  natural  size. 


a  common  base.  The  writer  has  observed  splendid  specimens  on  the  Island  of 
Kauai,  in  the  dry  districts  and  gulches  below  Kaholuamano  about  2500  feet 
above  sea  level,  where  it  is  to  be  found  in  company  with  Cryptocarya  Mannii, 
Hibiscus  Waimeae,  Urera  sp.,  Xylosma  Hawaiiense  (Maua),  Osmanthus  sand- 
ivicensis,  the  native  olive,  Olopua  or  Pua,  and  others.  The  tree  is  conspicuous 
from  the  distance  on  account  of  its  large  and  very  dark-green  leaves ;  the  wood, 
like  that  of  the  other  species,  is  soft,  and  trees  are  never  cut  for  the  sake  of  the 
wood.  The  flowers,  which  are  arranged  in  globose  heads,  are  very  fragrant  and 
not  altogether  unattractive.  On  Lanai,  where  it  does  not  grow  to  such  a  height  as 
on  Kauai,  it  associates  with  Rauwolfia  sandwicensis,  Sideroxylon  sp.,  Suttonia 
Lanaiensis,  etc.,  and  thrives  best  at  an  altitude  of  about  2000  feet,  on  the  dry 
ridges  of  Kaiholena  and  Mahana  valleys.  It  has  also  been  recorded  from  Molokai 
and  Maui.  The  Aulu  flowers  usually  during  the  summer  months,  from  June  to 
August,  though  fruits,  which  have  the  same  properties  as  the  Papala  kepau,  may 
be  seen  together  with  flowers  on  one  and  the  same  tree.  It  is  peculiar  to  the 
Hawaiian  Islands.  The  largest  leafed  specimens  the  writer  observed  on  the  lava 
fields  of  Kapua,  S.  Kona,  Hawaii,  where  it  is  a  small  tree. 

The  wood  is  very  light  wrhen  dry  and  very  porous;  the  branches  are  very 
brittle  and  break  easily. 

Pisonia  inermis  Forst. 

Papala  kepau. 

(Plates  52,  53.) 

PISONIA  INERMIS  Forst.  Prodr.  (1776)  75.  no.  397;  — Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1866)  195.— 
P.  inermis  var.  leiocarpa  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  369.— P.  grandis  E,  Brown 
Prodr.  Nov.  Holl.  (1810)  422;— H.  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  197;— 
Heimerl  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  1.  b.  (1889)  29.— P.  procera,  Bertero,  mss. 
in  Guill.  Zeph.  Tait.  (1837)  39;— Delles.  Icon.  Select.  III.  t.  87. — P.  Brunoniana 
Eiidl.  Fl.  Norf.  (1833)  43.  n.  88;— F.  Bauer,  Illust.  PI.  Norf.  t.  145.— P.  umbelli- 
fera  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII.  (1892)  268  et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.  (1893) 
157,  ex  parte. 

Leaves  opposite,  elliptico  or  obovate  oblong  8  to  14  cm  long,,  3  to  8  em  wide,  on 
petioles  of  15  to  20  mm,  bluntly  acuminate,  contracted  at  the  base,  thin;  flowers  mostly 
hermaphrodite  in  a  loose  open  panicle  of  15  to  35  cm  in  length;  perigone  pale,  4  to  6  mm, 
tubular  funnel  shaped,  the  spreading  limb  entire,  plaited  with  5  to  10  crenatures;  stamens 
8  to  12  exserted;  style  as  long  as  the  stamens,  stigma  oblique,  not  fringed;  fruiting  peri- 
gone  fusiform  35  mm  long,  5-ribbed. 

This  tree,  as  well  as  Pisonia  umbellifera,  is  known  to  the  natives  as  Papala 
Kepau  (kepau  being  the  general  name  for  substances  such  as  tar,  pitch,  etc.), 
on  account  of  the  viscid  glue  which  exudes  from  the  fruits.  It  is  a  small  tree  15 
to  18  feet  high,  with  elliptical-oblong  thin  leaves;  it  differs  from  the  other  two 
species  in  its  large,  loose  panicle  and  in  the  flowers,  which  have  the  perigone  not 
parted  but  entire.  It  inhabits  the  dry  or  semi-dry  districts.  It  may  be  found  in 
gulches  back  of  Makawao,  Island  of  Maui,  in  company  with  Pelea  cinerea,  Xan- 
tlio.rylum  sp.,  Pseudomorus  Bninnoniana,  etc.,  as  well  as  on  the  lava  fields  of 
Auahi,  crater  of  Haleakala.  On  Hawaii  it  grows  on  the  outskirts  of  the  lava  fields 

PLATE  53. 


Papala  kepau. 
Growing  in  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  near  Volcano  Kilauea,  Hawaii;  elevation  4000  feet. 

in  Kona,  slope  of  Mt.  Hualalai,  elevation  2000  feet,  and  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna 
Loa,  land  of  Keauhou,  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet,  near  Kilauea  volcano ;  on  the 
Parker  Ranch  near  Waimea,  and  also  on  Molokai. 

The  fruits  of  this,  as  well  as  other  species,  were  used  by  the  natives  for  catch- 
ing birds,  and  was  spoken  of  as  the  "he  kepau  kapili  manu,"  or  bird  lime.  The 
wood  is  very  soft  and  of  no  value.  Pisonia  inermis  extends  over  the  Society,  Gam- 
bier,  Fiji,  and  Tonga  groups,  as  well  as  Australia  and  Ceylon.  It  forms  part  of 
the  beach  forests  of  the  Andaman  Islands.  The  fresh  leaves  are  used  in  India 
medicinally  to  subdue  elephantiac  inflammation  in  the  legs  or  other  parts.  It 
is  not  uncommon  in  New  Zealand,  where  it  is  called  "Para-para"  by  the  northern 


The  family  Lauraceae  is  distributed  over  the  tropical  and  subtropical  regions 
of  both  hemispheres.  It  consists  of  39  genera,  with  about  950  species.  The 
genus  Cassitha,  also  occurring  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  is  the  only  genus  with 
parasitic  species,  which  reminds  one  very  much  of  the  Dodder  or  Cuscuta  species. 

In  these  islands  only  one  genus  (Cryptocarya)  has  a  single  arborescent  repre- 
sentative, which  is  peculiar  to  Kauai  and  the  Waianae  range  of  Oahu. 


Flowers  hermaphrodite.  Tube  of  perianth,  after  flowering,  constricted.  Staminodia 
of  the  4  circles  ovate,  shortly  stipitate.  Fruit  dry,  but  entirely  enclosed  within 
the  fleshy  periantheal  tubes.  Testa  of  the  seed  hardly  separable  from  pericarp.  Flowers 
small  in  short  axillary  panicles.  Trees  with  alternate  penninerved  leaves. 

The  genus  Cryptocarya,  which  consists  of  about  40  species,  reaches  its  best  de- 
velopment in  South-east  Asia,  especially  Java  and  the  Sunda  Islands.  A  few  oc- 
cur in  South  Africa,  nine  in  tropical  Australia  and  a  single  one  in  the  Hawaiian 
Islands.  Ten  species  are  American,  especially  Brazilian.  To  this  genus  belongs 
Cr.  inoschata  Mart.,  the  American  nutmeg. 

Cryptccarya  Mannii  Hbd. 

CRYPTOCARYA  MANNH  TIbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  382; -Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Mar.  Pac. 
VII.  (1892)  278;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  826.— Oreodaphne?  Mann  in  Proc. 
Am.  Ac.  VII.  (1867)  199. 

Branches  angular,  the  young  leaves  and  inflorescence  silky  with  a  brownish  tomentum; 
leaves  thick  coriaceous,  glabrate,  oblong  7  to  10  cm  long,  30  to  40  mm  wide,  obtuse,  nar- 
rowing at  the  base,  the  flat  midrib  prolonged  into  a  flat  margined  petiole  of  8  to  16  mm; 
panicles  or  racemes  axillary,  12  to  18  mm  long,  few  flowered;  flowers  hermaphrodite; 
perianth  silky  outside  and  within,  funnel  shaped  4  to  5  mm;  lobes  6  in  two  series,  the 
inner  ones  larger,  rounded;  stamens  9  of  nearly  equal  length,  the  6  outer  ones  inserted  at 
the  base  of  the  lobes  and  shorter,  anthers  longer  than  the  broad  hairy  filaments;  the  3 
inner  anthers  extrorse,  ovoid,  alternating  with  broad  triangular  staminodia.  Ovary 
free,  ovoid;  style  short  obtuse;  drupe  ovoid  globose,  bluish-black,  about  16  mm  long, 
12-ribbed,  the  thin  putamen  closely  adherent  to  the  perianth;  seed  with  thin  testa;  the 
drupe  is  crowned  by  the  remains  of  the  perianth. 


PLATE  54. 


Kanawau  and  Puahanui. 
Male   and   female  branch,  the  latter  with  mature  fruits;   reduced. 

The  Holio  is  a  very  common  tree  in  the  forests  of  the  leeward  side  of  Kauai, 
where  it  associates  with  Bobea  Mannii  (Ahakea),  Elaeocarpus  bifidus  (Kalia),  Al- 
pliitonia  excelsa  (Kauila),  and  others.  It  is  a  medium-sized  tree,  reaching  a 
height  of  20  to  30  feet,  but  rarely  more.  The  trunk  is  somewhat  rough  and  not 
exceeding  10  to  12  inches  in  diameter.  It  inhabits  the  drier  districts  of  Kauai  at 
an  elevation  of  3000  to  4000  feet,  is  light-loving  and  therefore  mostly  found  on 
the  outskirts  of  the  forests.  Mr.  Forbes  has  found  this  tree,  which  was  thought 
to  be  peculiar  to  Kauai,  on  the  Waianae  range  of  Oahu,  whose  vegetation  is  very 
similar  to  that  of  Kauai.  Nothing  could  be  ascertained  from  the  natives  as  to 
the  uses  of  this  tree.  Even  the  name  Holio  was  not  known  to  many  of  them. 


The  family  Saxifragaceae,  which  consists  of  69  genera  and  about  581  species,  is 
very  widely  distributed  from  tropical  Asia  to  Africa  and  Australia,  also  in 
America  and  insular  regions.  In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  the  family  is  represented 
by  a  single  endemic  genus  with  two  species,  which  belongs  to  the  section  Hydran- 
geoideae,  as  it  is  a  relative  and  representative  of  the  well-known  Hydrangea. 



Flowers  through  abortion  unisexual.  Male  flowers  with  fiat  receptacle,  5  lanceolate 
sepals,  and  5  valvate  petals.  Stamens  10,  with  thick  subulate  filaments,  ovate  anthers,  and 
sterile  gynoeceum.  Female  flowers  with  cup-shaped  to  ovoid  receptacle,  triangular  sepals, 
and  small  scale-like  petals,  without  stamens.  Ovary  inferior,  five-celled;  ovules  numerous 
on  thick  bipartite  placentas,  with  thick  style  and  thick  5-lobed  stigma.  Berry  globose, 
fleshy,  many  seeded.  Trees  with  thick  densely  tomentose  terete  branches,  opposite  or 
whorled  serrate  leaves,  and  small  flowers  arranged  in  terminal  corymbs. 


Leaves  opposite;  petals  bluish  green B.  arguta 

Leaves  ternate;  petals  reddish B.  pellucida 

Broussaisia  arguta  Gaud. 
Kanawau  and  Puahanui. 

BROUSSAISIA  ARGUTA  Gaud.  Bot.  Voy.  Uranie  (1826,  1830)  479-80  t.  69;— DC.  Prodr. 
IV.  (1830)  17;— Hook,  et  Am.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  84;-Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836) 
no.  1417; — A.  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  683.  t.  87; — H.  Mann,  Proc.  Am.  Acad. 
VII.  (1867)  165,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  240;— Mrs.  Sinclair  Indig.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1885)  pi.  36  (is  not  B.  pellucida] i ;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  120;— Del  Cast. 
111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  163;— Engler  in  Engl.  et  Prantl.  Pflzfam.  III. 
2.  a.  (1891)  77;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  828. 

Leaves  opposite  (never  ternate)  obovate  oblong,  slightly  acuminate,  closely  serrate, 
gradually  tapering  into  a  thick  fleshy  petiole  which  is  dilated  at  the  base,  coriaceous  gla- 
brous, quite  opaque,  dark  green  above  with  impressed  Areins  which  are  shortly  hirsute; 
corymb  5  to  7  cm  in  height  and  about  10  cm  in  width,  hirsute,  the  branches  subtended  by 
foliaceous  sessile  bracts  of  12  to  25  mm,  the  bractlets  smaller,  caducous;  male  flowers: 
petals  greenish-blue,  spreading  triangular,  coriaceous,  much  longer  than  the  acute  sepals; 
stamens  exserted;  female  flowers  calyx  ovoid,  the  narrow  acute  teeth  2  mm,  petals  scale- 
like,  1  mm,  ovary  adnate  to  about  %  of  its  length;  berry  dark  red,  globose  with  a  free 
conical  apex,  with  distinct  persistent  style  and  crowned  by  the  calycine  teeth  and  petals; 
seed  V-2  mm. 



This  is  one  of  the  most  common  trees  or  shrubs  which  the  traveler  will  meet  in 
the  Hawaiian  rain  forests.  It  occurs  in  all  the  islands  of  the  group  at  elevations 
of  1000  to  3000  feet.  It  is  conspicuous  by  its  dark  green  shiny  leaves,  and  when 
in  fruit  it  is  not  at  all  unattractive.  The  native  name  of  this,  as  well  as  of  the 
other  species,  is  Puahanui  and  Kanawau.  It  is  never  found  in  the  dry  districts, 
but  is  confined  to  the  rain  forests,  where  precipitation  is  heavy.  It  is  easily  dis- 
tinguished from  the  other  species  by  its  small  corymb  and  opposite  leaves,  which 
are  not  transparent. 

Broussaisia  pellucida  Gaud. 
(Plate  54.) 

BROUSSAISIA  PELLUCIDA  Gaud.  Bot.  Voy.  Bon.  (1844-52)  pi.  9.  (exclus.  fig.  11  &  12);— 
Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  121;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  VI  (1890)  163;— Engl.  in 
Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  2.  a.  (1891)  77. 

Leaves  whorled,  ternate,  narrower,  4  to  6  cm  in  width;  corymb  larger  and  more 
open;  male  flowers:  calyx  about  2  mm;  petals  4  mm,  reddish;  female  flowers:  calycine 
lobes  short  dentiform,  not  longer  than  the  petaloid  scales;  ovary  adnate  only  in  the  lower 
half;  berry  smaller,  the  stigma  sessile  on  the  free  conical  apex. 

This  species  is  certainly  quite  distinct  from  B.  arguta,  but  is  not  confined  to 
Puna,  Hawaii,  as  it  occurs  on  all  the  islands  of  the  group,  but  at  higher  elevations 
than  B.  arguta.  This  latter  species  practically  goes  not  higher  than  3000  to  3500 
feet,  while  the  other  species  takes  its  place  up  to  5000  and  nearly  6000  feet  eleva- 
tion. It  differs  from  B.  arguta  in  the  larger  female  corymb,  which  is  more  open 
and  almost  as  long  as  broad,  while  the  male  corymb  is  smaller  and  denser.  A 
characteristic  is  the  ternate  leaves,  which  are  not  as  broad  as  in  B.  arguta,  and 
are  perfectly  pellucid,  a  characteristic  not  found  in  B.  arguta,  whose  leaves  are 
opaque.  All  these  characteristics  are  constant;  Gaudichaud's  plate  in  Bot.  Voy. 
Bonite  is  most  excellent  and  shows  at  a  glance  the  specific  distinction  from  B. 
arguta.  (Excluding  figures  11  and  12.) 

The  figs.  11  and  12  in  Gaudichaud's  plate  certainly  do  not  represent  B.  pellu- 
cida as  the  stigmas  in  all  specimens  examined  are  sessile  and  not  raised  on  a 
columnar  style  as  is  the  case  in  B.  arguta.  As  no  text  was  published  with  the 
plate,  they  perhaps  were  introduced  for  comparison. 

The  native  names  for  this  and  the  previous  species  are  Puahanui  and  Kanawau. 
It  occurs  on  all  the  islands  of  the  group,  and  is  not  confined  to  Puna,  Hawaii,  as 
;*iven  by  Hillebrand.  The  writer  collected  it  on  the  high  plateau  of  Kauai  and  at 
the  summit  of  Waialeale,  on  the  same  island :  on  Haleakala,  Maui,  it  is  not  uncom- 
mon in  the  rain  forests  at  an  elevation  of  4000  to  6000  feet.  It  is  found  on  all 
the  mountains  of  Hawaii,  Mauna  Loa,  Kau,  Hualalai,  South  and  North  Kona,  Ila- 
makua,  and  on  the  summit  of  the  Kohala  Mountains.  The  red  berries  are  much 
sought  for  by  the  native  birds. 

It  is  a  small  tree,  but  often  a  shrub  with  stout  and  soft  branches  which  are 
hirsute  at  their  ends. 



With  the  exception  of  the  genus  Pittosporum,  this  family  is  exclusively  Aus- 
tralian. It  consists  of  9  genera,  8  of  which  are  peculiar  to  Australia.  The 
genus  Pittosporum  is  distributed  over  the  tropics  of  the  old  world,  from  tropical 
and  extra-tropical  South  Africa  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  and  reaches  its 
northern  boundary  in  Japan  and  from  there  to  the  Canary  Islands.  Its  position 
in  the  natural  system  has  been  a  varied  one,  as  the  relationship  of  this  family 
to  other  plant  families  has  been  rather  a  mystery.  Pax,  in  his  treatise  in  Engler 
&  Prantl,  places  it  near  the  Hamamelidaceae,  in  common  with  which  it  has  the 
resin  ducts. 


Calyx  lobes  free  or  united  at  the  base,  petals  sometimes  united;  stamina  subulate; 
anthers  erect.  Ovary  sessile  or  shortly  stipitate,  incompletely  2,  rarely  3-5celled.  Style 
short.  Capsule  often  laterally  compressed,  with  coriaceous  or  woody  valves.  Seeds  smooth 
or  rugose,  covered  with  a  viscous  resinous  milky  white  pulp.  Evergreen  shrubs  or  trees, 
glabrous  or  tomentose.  Leaves  entire  or  dentate,  often  crowded  in  spurious  whorls. 
Flowers  in  terminal  or  axillary  racemes,  panicles  or  clusters. 

The  genus  consists  of  more  than  70  species,  and  is  distributed  from  Africa 
to  the  islands  of  the  Pacific,  as  in  Fiji,  Timor,  New  Guinea  and  in  the  Hawaiian 
Islands,  where  they  have  reached  a  wonderful  development.  The  species  are 
dependent  on  the  insects  for  pollination.  The  flowers  of  the  Hawaiian  species 
are  dimorphous;  that  is,  they  are  of  two  kinds — fertile  and  sterile.  It  is  very 
difficult  to  render  the  exact  limitation  of  each  species,  which  is  shown  by  the 
fact  that  the  writer  has  found  capsules  belonging  to  three  different  species  on  a 
single  inflorescence,  on  a  tree  found  on  the  island  of  Lanai.  Hillebrand,  who 
had  no  mature  capsules  of  each  species,  but  of  only  a  few,  based  his  key  to  the 
species  on  the  flowers.  Ten  species  were  originally  described,  to  which  number 
the  writer  has  added  three  new  ones. 


Inflorescence  axillary  or  cauline. 

Leaves    glabrous;    flowers    white    or    cream-colored,    the    raceme    pedunculate,    seeds 
Flowers  pedicellate. 

Sepals   ovate,   capsule   smooth   or   occasionally   roughened,   leaves   spathu- 

late  to  oblong  lanceolate P.  glabrum 

Sepals  lanceolate  acute  or  subulate,  capsule  rough. 

Pedicels  and  peduncle  very  long,  leaves  acuminate...       P.  acuminatum 

Pedicels  short,  leaves  thick  dark  green  rounded P.  spathulatum 

Flowers  sessile  or  glomerate  at  the  end  of  a  long  peduncle....     P.  glomeratum 
Leaves  tomentose,  obtuse  or  acuminate,  flowers  subsessile  or  pedicellate;   seeds  often 
rough  at  the  back. 

Flowers  small  in  a  sessile  cluster;  capsule  smooth P.  terminalioides 

Flowers  larger  on  a  distinct  peduncle,  capsule  smooth P.  cauliflorum 

Flowers  glomerate  pedicellate,  capsule  very  large  5  to  7  cm  long,  smooth 

P.  Hosmeri 

Flowers  pedicellate,  capsule  small,  rough,  densely  tomentose,  leaves  strongly 
curved P,  Gayanum 


PLATE  55. 


Fruiting  branch  about  one-half  natural  size. 


Inflorescence  terminal,  axillary  and  cauline. 
Leaves  glabrous,  seeds  smooth. 

Flowers  large  pedicellate,  capsule  rough,  glabrous P.  insigne 

Leaves  tomentose,  seeds  smooth. 

Flowers   large,   capsule  bluish  glaucous,   deeply  wrinkled P.  Hawaiiense 

Flowers  subsessile,  capsule  small,  quadrangular  smooth P.  Kauaiense 

Leaves  tomentose,  seeds  rough. 

Flowers  nearly  always  terminal,  capsule  rough,  tomentose P.  confertiflorum 

Pittosporum  glabrum  Hook,  et  Arn. 

(Plate  55.) 

PITTOSPORUM  GLABRUM  Hook,  et  Arn.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  110;— End.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836) 

no.   1585;— Gray,   Bot.   U.   S.   E.   E.    (1854)    229;— H.   Mann,   Proc.   Am.   Ac.   VII. 

(1867)  151  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  125;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  23;— Del  Cast. 

111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI   (1890)   110;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.   (1897)   829. 

A    small    tree    glabrous    throughout;    only    the    young    shoots    pubescent;    leaves    thin 

coriaceous,  on  slender  branches,  in  loose  whorls;  spathulate  to  ovate  oblong  or  oblanceolate, 

tapering  at  the  base  into  a  short  petiole,  the  apex  obtuse,  rounded  or  acuminate;  peduncles 

terminal,  axillary  or  below  the  leaves,  corymbose  racemose,  6  to  12  flowered;  sepals  ovate 

acute   3   mm,  glabrous;   corolla   12  mm,  white  or  cream-colored,  the  spreading  tips  4  mm 

long;   stamens  nearly  as  long  as  the  tube;  style  twice  the  length  of  the  glabrous  ovary; 

stigma  truncate;  capsule  subglobose  smooth,  or  rough,  (wrinkled)  two  to  three  valved,  the 

valves  coriaceous,  25  mm  in  diam.;  seeds  smooth,  angular. 

This  is  a  variable  species  and  presumably  occurs  on  the  whole  Koolau  range. 
It  was  collected  by  the  writer  in  Manoa  and  Pauoa  valleys,  also  in  Nuuanu  Val- 
ley* on  Konahuanui,  Mt.  Olympus,  and  especially  Palolo  Valley,  where  it  is  ex- 
ceedingly common.  In  Niu  Valley  occurs  a  plant  which  agrees  fairly  well  with 
those  from  the  mountains  back  of  Honolulu ;  the  leaves  are  little  shorter  and  not 
acuminate,  neither  are  the  capsules  rough,  but  smooth  and  more  or  less  oblong 
rather  than  subglobose.  It  must,  however,  be  referred  to  this  species. 

It  is  a  small  tree  15  to  20  feet  high  and  is  peculiar  to  the  rain,  as  well  as  the 
drier  forests  of  the  main  mountain  range  of  the  island  of  Oahu  at  an  elevation 
of  2000  feet. 

Pittosporum  acuminatum  Mann. 
Hoawa  or  Papahekili. 

PITTOSPORUM  ACUMINATUM  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  152,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1867)  125;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  22;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif. 
VI.  (1890)  110;— Pax  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  2  a  (1891)  ID  1;— Heller 
PI.  Haw  Isl.  (1897)  828. 

Leaves  chartaceous,  oblanceolate-acuminate,  perfectly  glabrous,  8  to  20  cm  long, 
2  to  4  cm  wide,  gradually  merging  into  a  short  petiole  of  about  1  cm;  axillary  peduncles 
very  slender  2.5  to  6  cm  with  flower,  with  fruit  8  cm,  corymbose-racemose,  the  peduncle  and 
pedicels  hirsute,  bracts  subulate;  flowers  very  fragrant,  5  to  12  or^even  more,  on  pedicels 
of  7  to  20  mm,  sepals  very  narrow  subulate,  pubescent,  petals  cream  colored,  stamens  as 
long  as  the  tube,  anthers  sagittate;  style  slender,  as  long  as  the  corolla,  often  exserted, 
stigma  capitate;  capsule  subglobose,  tomentose,  rugose  (wrinkled),  seeds  black,  minutely 

A  very  handsome,  graceful  tree  with  beautiful  cream-colored,  fragrant  flowers. 
Tree  about  18  to  20  feet  high.  It  is  a  very  distinct  species  and  differs  from  all 
the  rest  of  the  Hawaiian  Pittosporums  in  the  slender  long  peduncles  and 


PLATE  56. 


Fruiting  branch,  about  one-half  natural  size. 


Wawra  in  Flora  writes  that  P.  aciiminatum,  described  by  Mann,  may  belong 
to  the  group  of  P.  terminal ioidcs.  This  view  the  writer  does  not  share  with 
AVawra.  but  he  thinks  it  to  be  closer  to  P.  insigne  var.  (3  Hbd.  However,  it  is 
quite  a  distinct  species.  Specimens  were  collected  by  the  writer  on  Kauai,  to 
which  island  the  tree  is  peculiar.  It  is  plentiful  at  Halemanu,  and  Kaholua- 
mano  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet,  where  it  grows  in  the  drier  forests  or  on  ex- 
posed ridges.  It  was  also  observed  above  Makaweli  at  an  elevation  of  2000  feet. 
Specimens  from  this  locality  differ  somewhat  from  those  of  the  higher  elevations 
in  being  much  stouter,  and  in  having  coriaceous  instead  of  chartaceous  leaves. 

Pittosporum  spathulatum  Mann. 

(Plate  56.) 

PITTOSPORUM   SPATHULATUM   Mann.   Proc.   Am.   Ac.   VII.    (1867)    151,   et   Fl.   Haw. 

Isl.    (1867)   125;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.   (1888)   24;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac. 

VI.    (1890)    111;— Pax    in    Engl.    et    Prantl.    Pflzfam.    III.    2.    a.    (1891)    111.— P. 

terminalioides   Planch,    var.   spathulatum   Gray,   Bot.   U.   S.   E.   E.    (1854)    231;  — 

Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  169. 

Branches  stiff,  densely  foliose,  the  leaves  dark  green,  sub-coriaceous  glabrous,  cuneate 
or  obovate-spathulate,  gradually  narrowing  from  an  obtuse  and  rounded  apex  into  a  short 
petiole  of  1  to  1.5  cm;  6  to  12  cm  long,  2  to  4  cm  wide;  inflorescence  axillary  with  a  yel- 
lowish pubescence;  peduncle  very  short,  about  6  mm  or  more,  pedicels  of  the  same  length; 
sepals  ovate-elongate,  obtuse  or  acute,  sparingly  pubescent;  stamens  shorter  than  the  tube, 
anthers  sagittate;  ovary  densely  tomentose,  style  the  length  of  the  ovary,  stigma  capi- 
tate; 'capsule  glabrous  when  old,  subquadrangular,  deeply  furrowed  or  runcinate,  seeds 

A  tree  of  15  to  18  feet  in  height,  occurring  in  the  rain  forests  of  Oahu,  espe- 
cially in  the  Koolau  range.  It  is  a  very  distinct  and  not  variable  species,  as  its 
characteristics  are  quite  constant.  It  is  a  rather  handsome,  though  somber, 
plant,  and  is  conspicuous  from  a  distance  on  account  of  its  dark  green  foliage. 
It  is  quite  common  on  the  upper  slopes  of  Konahuanui,  elevation  3000  feet,  and  in 
the  mountains  of  Punaluu,  Waiahole,  and  Waikane.  In  the  upper  forests  of 
Oahu  it  takes  the  place  of  P.  glabrum.  which  grows  up  to  2000  feet  elevation. 
Horace  Mann's  specimens  came  from  Kaala  Mt.,  Waianae  range. 

Pittosporum  glomeratum  Hbd. 

PITTOSPORUM  GLOMERATUM  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)   23;— Del  Cast.  1.  c.  p.  110;— 
Pax  1.  c.  p.  111. 

Leaf  whorls  at  intervals  of  5  to  10  cm,  the  young  shoots  cinereous-pubescent;  leaves 
spathulate  elongate,  15  to  25  cm  x  2.5  to  5.5  cm,  acuminate  or  obtuse,  gradually  narrow- 
ing into  a  petiole  of  25  mm  or  less,  chartaceous  glabrous;  peduncle  axillary  25  to  32  mm, 
bracteate,  with  a  dense  cluster  of  almost  sessile  flowers  at  the  apex,  pubescent,  the  lanceo- 
late bracts  3  to  6  mm;  sepals  ovate,  obtuse  2  to  3  mm,  tomentose;  corolla  white;  with  a 
tube  of  10  mm;  ovary  tomentose;  capsule  and  seeds  as  in  P.  glabrum. 

A  small  tree  occurring  at  the  eastern  end  of  Oahu  in  Wailupe  Valley.  Hille- 
brand  also  describes  a  variety  ft.  acutisepala  from  the  same  region,  evidently  a 
slight  variation. 

The  species  comes  very  close  to  P.  glabrum  and  is  perhaps  only  a  form  of  it. 


PLATE  57. 

Flowering  and  fruiting  branch,  less  than  one-half  natural  size. 


Pittosporum  terminalioides  Planch. 

(Plate  57.) 

PITTOSPORUM  TERMINALIOIDES  Planch,  in  Herb.  Hook;— A.  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E. 
(1S.34)  231;— H.  Mann  Proc.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  151;— et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867) 
123;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  24;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI  (1890) 
111. — P.  glabratum  Putterl.  Syn.  Pittosp.  11.  (pro  parte  non  Hook,  et  Arn.). 

A  small  tree,  with  stiff  branches;  leaves  crowded  near  the  ends  of  the  branches, 
chartaeeous  to  thick  coriaceous,  the  upper  side  wrinkled  with  a  close  net-work,  the  lower 
side  pubescent  or  glabrous  when  old,  obovate  to  spathulate,  or  oblong,  rounded  at  the  apex 
or  bluntly  acuminate  with  revolute  margins,  7  to  10  cm  long,  2.5  to  3  cm  wide  on  a 
petiole  of  15  to  20  mm;  inflorescence  terminal,  axillary  or  cauline,  short  tomentose,  the 
thick  peduncle  about  2  to  10  mm  long,  the  flowers  subsessile;  sepals  ovate  tomentose,  4 
mm,  corolla  cream-colored,  the  tube  short,  6  mm,  its  lobes  half  as  long;  stamens  half  the 
length  of  the  tube;  ovary  tomeutose,  style  of  the  same  length  as  ovary,  the  two  lobes 
of  the  stigma  spreading;  capsule  quadrangular  to  oblong,  tomentose,  flattened,  about  25 
mm  each  way,  with  a  longitudinal  median  groove;  seeds  rough,  dull. 

This  species  occurs  on  the  island  of  Hawaii  in  the  scrub  forest  at  an  elevation 
of  2000  feet  and  again  in  the  scrub  forests  or  open  country  at  7000  feet  eleva- 
tion. On  Maui  the  writer  collected  specimens  on  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  dis- 
trict of  Kahikinui,  southern  slopes  of  Haleakala  at  an  elevation  of  1500  feet, 
which  belong  to  this  species.  It  differs  from  the  Hawaii  plants  in  the  leaves 
only;  which  are  of  much  thinner  texture,  being  chartaeeous  and  having  rather 
indistinct  veins,  while  in  the  plants  from  Kona  and  Kau,  Hawaii,  the  veins  are 
very  strong  and  prominent.  The  specimen  figured  came  from  East  Maui, 
southern  slopes  of  Haleakala,  where  it  grew  on  the  rough  aa  flows  along  the  gov- 
ernment road.  It  is  a  small  tree,  15  to  18  feet  in  height,  with  a  small  trunk 
about  5  inches  in  diameter. 

Pittosporum  cauliflorum  Mann. 

PITTOSPORUM  CAULIFLORUM  Mann  in  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  151,  et  Fl.  Haw. 
Isl.  (1867)  124;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  168;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  24; — 
Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI  (1890)  110;— Pax  in  Engl.  et  Prantl.  Pflzfam. 
III.  2.  a.  (1891)  111. 

A  loosely  branching  tree;  leaves  crowded  at  the  ends  of  the  stiff  stout  branches, 
coriaceous,  closely  areolate  above,  elongate-obovate  or  cuneate  15  to  20  cm  long,  5  to  7.5 
cm  wide,  rounded  or  shortly  apiculate,  gradually  narrowing  into  a  petiole  of  12  mm,  pale 
green,  densely  covered  underneath  with  a  soft  fawn  or  pale  lemon  colored  tomentum; 
flowers  cauline  on  the  bare  branches  below  the  leaves,  peduncle  4  to  8  mm,  bearing  at  the 
end  8  to  12  subsessile  flowers;  bracts  5  mm;  sepals  3  mm,  ovate  obtuse,  tomentose;  corolla 
cream  colored,  with  a  tube  of  8  to  10  mm;  stamens  half  as  long,  with  sagittate  anthers; 
ovary  tomentose,  the  stigma  capitate,  2-lobed;  capsule  thick  woody,  the  flattened  valves, 
with  a  median  furrow  and  transverse  waves  18  to  25  mm,  with  the  endocarp  pale  orange; 
seeds  flat  angular,  crenulate  or  tubercular  at  the  back  and  edges. 

A  tree  30  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  of  8  to  10  inches  in  diameter.  It  was. 
first  collected  by  H.  Mann  on  the  Waianae  range,  on  Mt.  Kaala,  and  by  Hille- 
brand  in  Makaleha  Valley  of  the  same  range. 


PLATE  58. 

PITTOSPORUM  HOSMERI  var.  longifolia  Eock  var.  nov, 
Flowering  and  fruiting  branch  much  reduced. 


The  writer  is  not  acquainted  with  this  species.  Hillebrand  records  three  va- 
rieties of  this  species  as  follows:  /?.  var.  fulvinn,  Oahu,  Ewa  to  Waialua;  y.  var. 
from  Mt.  Kaala,  and  finally  <5  var.  flocculosum,  also  from  Mt.  Kaala. 

It  is  exceeding!}-  difficult  properly  to  diagnose  the  Hawaiian  species  of  Pitto- 
sporum  and  more  so  the  varieties.  Pittosporum  terminalioides  has  all  possible 
intermediates  finally  approaching  P.  confertiHorum.  It  is  perhaps  one  of  the 
many  forms  of  the  latter.  The  two  species,  together  with  Pittosporum  Hosmeri, 
have  tuberculate  seeds  in  common,  while  all  the  other  species  have  the  seeds 
smooth  and  shining.  P.  Gcnjanum  also  belongs  to  this  group  as  far  as  foliage  is 
concerned,  but  the  seeds  are  smooth  and  not  tuberculate. 

The  writer  has  abundant  material,  but  even  so,  it  is  extremely  difficult  to  sepa- 
rate them  specifically,  as  all  seem  to  run  very  much  into  each  other. 

P.  glabrum  is  very  close  to  P.  glomeratum  and  differs  from  it  only  in  the 
sepals  and  pedicellate  flowers,  a  characteristic  which  can  not  be  very  well  relied 
upon,  as  both  forms  occur  often  on  one  and  the  same  plant.  The  capsules  of  P. 
confertiflorum  from  the  various  localities  have  all  possible  shapes  and  forms,  but 
can  not  be  separated  successfully  into  varieties.  It  will  have  to  remain  a  poly- 
morphous species. 

In  conclusion  the  writer  wishes  to  state  that  he  has  gathered  much  material 
from  localities  from  where  Pittosporums  had  never  been  recorded.  Some  of 
them  undoubtedly  are  new,  but  owing  to  incomplete  specimens,  as  the  wanting 
of  flowers,  or  mature  capsules,  the  writer  thinks  it,  advisable  not  to  include  them 
in  this  already  voluminous  book,  but  rather  to  wait  for  additional  material  and 
then  make  an  exhaustive  study  of  this  very  variable  group,  of  plants. 

Pittosporum  Hosmeri  Rock. 
Aawa  Jiua  kukui. 

PITTOSPORUM  HOSMERI  Eock  Bull.  Torr.  Bot.  Club.  37  (1910)  297  pi.  1,  et  Kept.  Board 
Com.  Agr.  &  For.  (1911)  84,  pi.  20. 

Branches  stout,  young  shoot  pubescent,  leaves  crowded  at  the  ends  of  the  branches, 
subcoriaceous,  glabrous  above,  wrinkled  with  a  close  network,  densely  tomentose  under- 
neath with  a  light  to  dark  brown  wool,  young  leaves  covered  on  both  sides,  entire  with 
revolute  margins,  10  to  26  em  long,  3  to  6  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  2  to  3  cm;  inflorescence 
axillary  and  cauline,  a  corymbose  raceme,  the  tomentose  peduncle  2  to  3  cm,  bracteate, 
the  peduncle  surrounded  at  the  base  with  numerous  linear  subulate  bracts,  sepals  tomen- 
tose, ovate  acute  4  mm  long;  corolla  cream-colored,  the  tube  about  8  to  10  mm  long,  the 
lobes  5  mm,  ovate,  with  prominent  veins;  stamens  as  long  as  the  tube,  anthers  oblong; 
ovary  tomentose,  ovoid-oblong,  the  style  nearly  twice  as  long,  slightly  exserted;  capsule 
tomentose  when  young,  glabrous  and  smooth  when  mature,  valves  woody,  oblong  to  sub- 
quadrangular  55  to  75  mm  long,  40  to  55  mm  wide,  and  about  45  mm  thick,  opening  into 
two  to  four  valves,  with  a  longitudinal  median  groove,  endocarp  bright  orange  colored, 
seeds  arranged  alternately  in  two  rows  on  each  placenta,  black,  rugose  6  to  7  mm  in 
diameter,  differing  from  the  other  Pittosporums  in  that  the  capsules  are  not  filled  com- 
pletely by  the  seeds,  but  are  arranged  only  in  two  rows. 

It  is  a  medium-sized  tree  18  to  25  feet  or  more  in  height  with  stiff  more  or 
less  ascending  branches ;  it  is  most  remarkable  for  the  enormous  capsules,  which 
are  the  largest  in  the  genus.  The  type  specimen  was  collected  on  the  lava  field 


PLATE  59. 

PITTOSPORUM  HOSMERI  var.  longifolia  Bock  var.  nov. 
Trunk  showing  bark,  and  flowering  and  fruiting  branch  pinned  to  trunk, 
the  lava   fields  of  South  Kona.  Kapua,  Hawaii. 

Growing  on 


of  Puuwaawaa,  in  North  Kona,  on  the  slopes  of  Mt.  Hualalai,  Hawaii,  on  June  17, 
1909.  Since  that  time  the  writer  visited  again  this  district  and  collected  addi- 
tional material ;  most  of  the  trees  were  then  in  flower.  The  writer  made  also 
extensive  exploration  of  the  forest  surroundins  Mauna  Loa,  especially  the  drier 
districts  in  South  Kona,  which  resemble  Puuwaawaa  greatly  as  far  as  vegetation 
is  concerned.  In  that  latter  locality  the  writer  found  this  species  very  common, 
and  it  is  certainly  astounding  that  it  has  been  kept  from  our  knowledge  for  so 
long.  The  plants  from  this  latter  locality,  however,  differ  somewhat  from  those 
from  Puuwaawaa,  in  size  of  capsules,  which  are  smaller,  and  in  the  size  of 
leaves,  which  are  much  larger.  The  tree  itself  is  much  smaller  and  more  nearly 
a  shrub,  while  the  trees  at  Puuwaawaa  have  often  a  diameter  of  a  foot  or  so. 

Near  Kilauea  Volcano  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet  is  a  small  Kipuka  or  piece 
of  land  of  great  age  which  is  surrounded  by  rough  (aa)  lava  flowrs.  The  area 
of  this  Kipuka  is  56  acres ;  on  it  are  to  be  found  not  less  than  42  species  of  trees. 
The  vegetation  is  such  that  one  would  immediately  look  for  Pittosporum,  but  in 
vain.  The  writer  persisted,  however,  to  locate  a  Pittosporum  representative  in 
the  vicinity,  and  after  a  search  of  several  days  found  a  small  triangular  lot  of 
about  an  acre  in  extent,  which  must  have  been  once  upon  a  time  a  part  of  the 
above  Kipuka;  it  was  surrounded  by  enormously  thick  aa  flows,  which  were  cov- 
ered with  stunted  Oliia  leliua  growth,  whilst  in  that  small  pocket  of  land  grew 
Pittosporum  Hosmeri  var.  longifolia,  together  with  Pelea  and  Xanthoxylum. 

The  trees  from  Kilauea  are  identical  with  those  from  Kapua,  S.  Kona,  and 
also  with  specimens  from  the  upper  slopes  of  Hualalai,  from  the  forests  above 
Huehue  at  an  elevation  of  5000  feet,  while  the  typical  Pittosporum  Hosmeri  is 
peculiar  to  Puuwaawaa. 

The  variety  is  here  described  as  follows: 

Var.  longifolia  var.  nov. 
(Plates  58,  59,  60.) 

Leaves  lanceolate-oblong  to  obovate  oblong,  rounded  or  acuminate  at  the  apex,  15  to 
40  cm  long,  5  to  9  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  2  to  5  cm,  glabrous  above,  densely  covered  under- 
neath with'  an  ochraceous  to  rufous  tomentum;  flowers  as  in  the  species;  capsules  smaller 
subsessile,  10  on  a  common  peduncle  forming  a  cluster  of  often  12  cm  in  diameter,  cap- 
sules globose,  quadrangular  to  oblong,  2-3-4  valved,  the  valves  woody,  4  to  5  cm  long  or 
5  cm  each  way,  glabrous,  smooth,  seeds  as  in  the  species.  Capsule  orange  yellow  when 

The  tree  is  quite  common  at  Kapua,  S.  Kona,  Hawaii,  on  the  lava  flows,  but 
does  not  reach  such  a  height  and  size  as  at  Puuwaawaa.  The  trees  of  the  latter 
locality  are  loaded  with  fruit  during  June  and  July,  while  those  of  Kapua  bear 
mature  fruit  during  the  month  of  February.  However,  the  fruiting  season  of 
these,  like  nearly  all  the  other  Hawaiian  trees,  can  not  be  relied  upon.  Occurs 
also  at  Kilauea,  and  Hualalai,  Hawaii. 

This  species  with  its  variety  resembles  somewhat  P.  terminalioides  of  the  same 
regions,  but  has  only  the  roughened  seeds  in  common  with  it. 

The  fruits  of  P.  Hosmeri  and  variety  are  a  source  of  food  for  the  native  crow, 


PLATE  60. 

PITTOSPORUM  HOSMERI  var.  longifolia  Bock  var.  nov. 
Growing  on  the  lava  flows  of  South  Kona,  Kapua,  Hawaii;  elevation  2000  feet. 

PLATE  61. 


Fruiting  branch;  less  than  one-half  natural  size. 


Corvus  hawaiiensis  or  Alala,  which  pecks  open  the  large  woody  capsules  and 
feeds  on  the  oily  seeds  within.  The  crow  is  peculiar  to  Kona,  Hawaii.  Nearly 
80%  of  all  the  capsules  of  this  species  examined  by  the  writer  were  eaten  out 
by  these  birds,  which  are  still  very  common. 

Pittosporum  Gayanum  Rock  sp.  nov. 
(Plate  61.) 

A  small  tree  15  to  18  feet  high  with  a  round  spreading  crown,  or  when  growing  on 
the  high  central  plateau  near  Waialeale  in  the  dense  rain  forest,  a  tree  with  very  few 
straight  ascending  branches;  leaves  crowded  at  the  ends  of  the  branches  or  scattered, 
obovate  oblong,  shortly  acuminate,  with  revolute  margins,  glabrous  above,  veins  very 
prominent  impressed,  dark  green  with  dark  brown  or  fulvous  tomentum  underneath, 
especially  on  the  very  prominent  veins,  the  young  leaves  covered  on  both  sides  with  a 
dark  reddish-brown  wool,  15  to  25  cm  long,  4  to  10  cm  wide,  on  somewhat  margined 
petioles  of  about  2  cm;  inflorescence  axillary  and  cauline,  peduncle  short,  12  mm,  with 
dark  reddish  brown  tomentum,  bracteate,  bracts  linear  subulate,  woolly  as  well  as  the 
ovate  Lo  linear  lanceolate  sepals;  flowers  on  pedicels  of  5  to  10  mm,  sepals  3  mm,  tube 
of  the  cream-colored  corolla  about  10  mm,  the  lobes  4  mm,  stamens  as  long  as  the  tube, 
anthers  oblong,  style  exserted,  three  times  the  length  of  the  tornentose  ovary;  capsule 
ovoid  to  cordate,  pointed,  densely  tomentose  with  dark  reddish  brown  wool,  about  2  cm 
or  more  in  diam.  the  valves  rugose,  wrinkled;  seeds  angular,  shining  black,  smooth, 
about  5  mm  long. 

This  very  interesting  tree  is  peculiar  to  the  interior,  high  plateau  of  Kauai, 
especially  the  upper  slopes  of  Waialeale.  It  grows  in  the  swamps  and  swampy 
forests  as  well  as  along  streambeds  several  miles  inland  from  Kaholuamano,  at 
an  elevation  of  4800  to  5000  feet.  It  is  not  uncommon  in  the  more  open  flat 
swamps  in  company  with  the  thousands  of  Lobelia  macrostachys  at  this  region, 
which  is  constantly  wrapped  in  clouds.  It  is  »  rather  curious  plant,  with  a 
short  trunk  and  perfectly  straight  branches,  which  are  only  few,  three  or  four, 
and  the  large  dark  green  and  brown  foliage.  It  is  a  constant  species  and  grows 
all  over  the  summit  of  Kauai.  It  was  collected  by  the  writer  first  in  Septem- 
ber, 1909,  and  again  in  October,  1909,  in  the  Alakai  swamp  near  the  head  of 
Wainiha,  and  on  Waialeale  October  20,  1911.  The  type  is  8867  in  the  College 
of  Hawaii  Herbarium,  Honolulu,  T.  H.  The  plant  is  named  in  honor  of  Mr. 
Francis  Gay  of  Kauai,  whose  kind  hospitality  and  help  in  exploring  the  Kauai 
forests  the  writer  was  fortunate  to  enjoy.  At  the  very  summit  of  Waialeale 
in  the  open  bog  the  writer  found  a  variety  of  this  species  perfectly  glabrous ;  it 
was  a  shrub  about  5  feet  high,  and  may  be  described  here  as  follows : 

Var.  Waialealae  var.  nov. 

Leaves  whorled  at  the  ends  of  the  branches,  glabrous  even  the  very  young  leaves, 
obovate  oblong,  acuminate" dull  green  on  both  sides,  5  to  10  cm  long,  2  to  3.5  cm  wide, 
contracting  into  a  petiole  of  1  cm;  capsules  2  cm  each  way,  the  valves  deeply  wrinkled 
glabrous,  young  capsules  tomentose,  seeds  as  in  the  species. 

Type  No.  8866  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium,  collected  by  the  writer 
October  10,  1911,  at  the  summit  bog  of  Waialeale,  Kauai,  elevation  5200  feet.  It 
grew  in  company  with  Pelea  Waialealae.  Labordea  Waialealae,  Lobelia  Kauai- 
ensis,  etc. 


PLATE  62. 


Fruiting  branch,  half  natural  size. 

PLATE  63. 


Showing  fruiting  branch. 


Pittosporum  insigne  Hbd. 

(Plate  62.) 

PITTOSPOKUM  INSIGNE  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  25;— Del  Cast.  111.  PI.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac. 
VI   (1890)   110;— Pax  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill  2.  a   (1891)   111. 

Leaves  in  distant  whorls,  thick,  chartaceous.  glabrous,  obovate-oblong,  acuminate 
6  to  12  cm  x  2.5  to  4  cm,  contracting  into  a  short  petiole  of  1  to  2  cm;  flowers  terminal 
in  the  uppermost  leaf -whorls  and  axillary  or  all  along  the  stem;  inflorescence  a  corymbose 
raceme  (or  in  East  Maui  specimens  more  or  less  glomerate)  the  flowers  on  pedicels  of  1  to  2 
mm,  the  rhachis  tomentose,  surrounded  at  the  base  with  numerous  linear  bracts  of  5  to  10 
mm,  bearing  15  to  25  flowers  on  pedicels  of  4  to  8  mm  (in  specimens  from  the  type 
locality) ;  sepals  ovate,  acute,  densely  tomentose,  tomentum  light  yellowish,  corolla  large, 
tube  10  to  12  mm,  the  lobes  broad  ovate  about  8  mm;  stamens  half  the  length  of  the 
tube,  style  and  ovary  as  long  as  the  tube,  the  latter  densely  villous;  capsule  oblong  about 
25  mm  long,  deeply  wrinkled,  seeds  smooth. 

A  very  handsome  tree  with  large  cream-colored  flowers;  it  reaches  a  height  of 
about  25  feet  and  has  stiff  ascending  branches.  Hillebrand's  description,  which 
has  been  enlarged  upon  to  suit  the  abundant  material  which  is  at  the  writer's 
disposal,  agrees  exactly  with  plants  from  the  type  locality.  It  is  not  uncommon 
on  West  Maui,  above  Kaanapali,  at  an  elevation  of  about  3500  to  4000  feet, 
where  it  grows  in  the  rain  forest.  It  was  also  collected  by  the  writer  in  lao 
Valley,  on  the  same  island. 

On  East  Maui,  in  the  rain  forest  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  at  an  elevation  of  4000 
feet,  the  writer  met  with  a  Pittosporum  which  he  must  refer  to  this  species, 
though  differing  somewhat  from  the  trees  found  on  West  Maui.  This  is,  how- 
ever, not  surprising,  since  all  Hawaiian  Pittosporums  are  very  variable.  The 
East  Maui  plants  differ  from  the  West  Maui  ones  in  the  inflorescence,  which  's 
shorter  peduncled  and  has  almost  sessile  flowers ;  the  latter  agree,  however,  with 
those  from  the  type  locality.  On  the  northern  slope  of  Haleakala,  at  Nahiku, 
on  the  crater  Hinai,  at  an  elevation  of  about  3000  feet,  the  writer  met  with  a 
large  number  of  trees  which  will  also  have  to  be  referred  to  this  species;  they 
differ  from  the  type  specimens  in  the  young  leaves,  which  are  covered  with  light 
brown  tomentum,  and  in  some  other  minor  points. 

On  the  same  mountain,  at  2000  feet  elevation,  the  writer  collected  Hillebrand's 
var.  ft  of  this  species,  which  is  easily  distinguished  by  the  long  axillary  pe- 
duncles, which  measure  often  5  cm.  and  more.  The  variety  is  a  small  tree,  15  to 
18  feet  in  height. 

Pittosporum  Hawaiiense  Hbd. 

(Plate  63.) 

PITTOSPORUM   HAWAIIENSE   Hbd.   Fl.   Haw.   Isl.    (1888)    26;— Del   Cast.   111.   Fl.   Ins. 
Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)   110;— Pax  in  Engl.  et  Prantl.  Pflzfam.  III.  2.  a  (1891)   111. 

Leaves  scattering  or  in  distant  whorls,  large  obovate-oblong,  acute  strongly  nerved, 
glabrous  on  both  sides  when  old  or  pubescent  underneath,  young  shoots  covered  with  a 
dense  fawn  colored  tomentum  on  both  sides,  thick  chartaceous,  12  to  22  cm  long,  5  to  7  cm 
wide,  on  petioles  of  1.5  to  3  cm,  flowers  axillary  or  cauline,  racemose  rarely  terminal  on 
hirsute  peduncles  of  about  15  mm,  pedicels  3  to  7  mm;  sepals  ovate,  triangular  3 


PLATE  64. 


Fruiting  branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree,  growing  near  Ukulele,  Haleakala,  Maui; 

elevation  about  6000  feet. 


mm,  bracts  ovate  lanceolate  5  to  8  mm;  tube  of  corolla  about  8  mm  split  up  to  the  upper 
third,  the  lobes  broadly  ovate;  stamens  as  long  as  the  tube,  anthers  oblong-sagittate; 
ovary  ovoid,  densely  tomentose  style  almost  twice  as  long;  capsule  bluish-glaucous  or 
colored,  subquadrangular,  about  3  cm  or  more  in  diameter,  valves  woody,  deeply  wrinkled; 
seeds  black,  smooth  or  minutely  tuberculate. 

This  species  is  a  small  tree,  15  to  18  feet  high,  with  straight  ascending 
branches,  bark  white,  smooth ;  flowers  cream-colored.  This  particular  species, 
occurs  on  the  island  of  Hawaii  in  the  forests  of  Naalehu,  Kau,  at  an  elevation 
of  from  2300  to  4000  feet  or  more,  where  it  is  quite  plentiful.  It  was  also 
collected  by  the  writer  on  the  great  plateau  of  the  Kohala  mountains  of  the 
same  island  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet,  but  not  at  all  common.  Its  distinctive 
characteristics  are  the  capsules,  which  are  bluish-glaucous  and  deeply  wrinkled,, 
as  well  as  the  very  large  foliage,  which  is,  however,  exceeded  in  size  by  Pit- 
tosporum Hosmeri  var.  lougifolia. 

Pittosporum  Kauaiense  Hbd. 

PITTOSPORUM  KAUAIENSE  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  25;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar. 
Pac.  VI.  (1890)  111;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  829. 

Leaves  chartaceous  with  strong  prominent  nerves,  obovate  oblong,  12  to  24  cm  long, 
4  to  8  cm  wide,  shortly  acuminate,  with  a  distinct  petiole  of  2  to  4  cm  long,  dark  green, 
glabrous  above,  covered  with  a  whitish  or  golden  yellowish  pubescence;  inflorescence 
axillary  or  cauline,  densely  hirsute  with  brownish  hair,  peduncle  short,  about  8  mmr 
pedicels  4  mm,  sepals  scarcely  2  mm,  acute,  villous,  corolla  cream  colored  the  lobes  about 
•2  mm  with  a  strong  median  nerve;  stamens  as  long  as  the  tube,  style  little  longer;  capsule 
subglobose  16  mm  in  diam.,  glabrous  when  mature,  covered  with  brownish  wool  when 
young,  with  4  deep  longitudinal  furrows;  seeds  smooth,  shiny. 

This  is  one  of  the  tallest  species  of  Pittosporum,  reaching  a  height  of  30  to  40" 
feet,  with  a  trunk  of  about  10  inches  in  diameter,  which  is  vested  in  a  smooth 
whitish  bark.  It  is  peculiar  to  the  island  of  Kauai,  where  it  grows  in  the 
forest  of  Kopiwai,  below  Halemanu,  3600  feet,  as  well  as  at  higher  elevation. 
It  is  not  common  at  Kaholuamano,  but  was  again  collected  by  the  writer  in  Olo- 
kele  canyon  and  in  the  woods  of  Makaweli,  elevation  2000  feet.  The  trees  from 
the  lower  locality  differ  from  those  of  the  type  locality,  Halemanu,  in  the  cap- 
sules, which  are  wrinkled,  but  are  otherwise  the  same.  The  pubescence  of  the 
underside  of  the  leaves  disappears  with  age. 

Pittosporum  confertiflorum  Gray. 

(Plate  64.) 

PITTOSPORUM  CONFERTIFLORUM  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  232,  pi.  19;— H.  Mann 
Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  150,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  123;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1888)  26;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI  (1890)  110;— Pax  in  Engl.  et 
Prantl.  Pflzfam.  Ill,  2.  a  (1891)  111.— P.  terminalioides  ,3.  Gray  1.  c.  p.  231. 

Branches  stout,  leafy,  woolly  when  young,  leaves  thick  coriaceous,  alternate  or  whorled 
obovate-oblong,  shortly  acuminate  12  to  20  cm  long,  3  to  6  cm  wide,  contracting  into  a 
distinct  petiole  of  2.5  cm,  pale  fulvo-tomentose  underneath,  and  occasionally  above;  in- 
florescence terminal,  axillary  and  cauline.  the  numerous  flowers  densely  packed  in  a 
corymbose  raceme  with  an  axis  of  about  25  mm;  pedicels  6  to  12  mm;  bracts  linear 
oblong  16  mm;  sepals  orbicular  ovate  densely  woolly,  obtuse  6  mm;  corolla  cream-colored 



or  white,  tube  10  to  12  mm  or  less,  lobes  about  6  mm,  stamens  nearly  as  long  as  the  tube, 
anthers  linear  sagittate;  pistil  short,  ovary  sessile,  oblong,  tomentose;  capsule  globose- 
ovoid,  somewhat  flattened,  the  thick  woody  valves  2.5  mm,  wrinkled  or  rough  or  some- 
times smooth;  seeds  purple,  compressed  and  angled,  closely  packed  in  two  rows  in  each 
cell,  testa  dull,  minutely  tuberculate-rugose. 

A  tree  20  feet  in  height  with  stiff,  stout,  ascending  branches.  It  is  a  some- 
what variable  species;  the  inflorescence  is  not  always  terminal,  but  also  axillary 
and  even  cauline  in  specimens  from  Haleakala,  Maui.  The  writer  collected 
specimens  of  this  species  from  the  type  locality  southern  slopes  of  Haleakala, 
Maui,  where  the  tree  is  not  at  all  common.  It  also  grows  near  Kaupo  at  an  ele- 
vation of  about  5000  feet.  The  leaves  in  the  writer 's  specimen  are  much  larger 
than  those  figured  by  Asa  Gray. 

Hillebrand  's  var.  ft.  from  Kau  and  Kona  agrees  well  with  the  writer 's  material 
from  Lanai.  The  genus  Pittosporum  is  exceedingly  well  represented  on  Lanai, 
the  species  confertiflorum  evidently  being  very  variable,  as  there  are  as  many  dif- 
ferent forms  as  there  are  Pittosporum  trees  and  one  would  be  naming  individual 
trees.  It  is  indeed  puzzling,  the  question  of  specific  distinction  in  the  Hawaiian 
Pittosporums,  thanks  to  the  insects  on  which  the  plants  depend  for  pollination. 

Hillebrand 's  typical  var.  /?.  occurs  in  nearly  all  the  valleys  of  Lanai,  as  Kai- 
holena,  Mahana,  Koele,  and  also  on  the  ridges.  It  differs  from  the  species  in  its 
smaller  leaves  and  lanceolate  sepals,  and  is  a  small  tree  about  18  feet  in  height. 
In  some  of  the  Lanai  specimens  the  capsules  are  deeply  wrinkled,  and  quad- 
rangular, with  perfectly  flat  valves  3  cm.  each  way;  one  specimen,  No.  8109, 
has  a  long  bracteate  peduncle  of  4  cm.,  with  large  pedicellate  flowers. 



This,  the  second  largest  plant  family — being  only  exceeded  by  the  Composite 
family — consists  of  nearly  450  genera,  with  over  7000  species,  and  is  of  much 
greater  economic  importance  than  the  latter. 

The  Leguminosae  family  is  distributed  all  over  the  world,  and  is  only  absent 
from  the  very  remote  islands  of  the  Antarctic,  though  only  sparingly  repre- 
sented in  New  Zealand. 

In  regard  to  the  sub-families,  the  Mimosoideae  are  entirely  absent  in  Europe, 
while  the  Papilionatae  are  to  be  found  in  the  Arctic  as  well  as  high  Alpine  re- 
gions of  both  hemispheres. 

The  family  is  represented  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands  by  25  genera,  only  four 
of  which,  however,  have  arborescent  species. 


Leaves  twice  pinnate;  flowers  in  heads  or  spikes: 

Stamens  indefinite;  leaves  mostly  replaced  by  dilated  petioles. . .       1.     Acacia 


Leaves  twice  pinnate: 

Pod-winged  along  the  upper  suture,  calyx  very  oblique 2.     Mezoneurum 

Leaves  abruptly  pinnate: 

Pod    four-winged 3.     Sophora 

Leaves  of  three  leaflets 4.     Erythrina 

ACACIA  Willd. 

Flowers  hermaphrodite  or  polygamous;  calyx  campanulate,  toothed  or  petals  free  or 
united;  stamens  numerous,  free  or  united  at  the  base;  ovary  sessile  or  raised,  two  to  many 
ovuled.  Legume  oval,  oblong  or  linear,  straight  or  curved,  flat  or  convex,  membraneous, 
coriaceous,  indehiscent.  Unarmed  or  thorny  trees  or  shrubs.  Leaves  bi-pinnate,  or  re- 
duced to  a  phyllodium  or  dilated  petiole.  Flowers  small,  numerous,  mostly  yellow  in 
globular  heads  or  cylindrical  spikes. 

The  genus  consists  of  about  450  species,  which  are  distributed  over  the  tropical 
and  subtropical  regions  of  both  worlds,  being  especially  numerous  in  Africa 
and  Australia.  In  these  islands  only  three  species  are  represented;  one  is 
doubtful  (Acacia  Kauaiensis,  Hbd.). 


Phyllodia  instead  of  true  leaves: 

Pod  flat,  broad  and  straight A.  Koa 

Pod  narrow  and  curved A.  Koaia 

Acacia  Koa  Gray. 
Koa  or  Koa  ka. 

(Plates  65,  66,  67,  68.) 

ACACIA  KOA  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  480;— H.  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1866) 
165;— H.  Mann  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  235;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  141;— Hbd.  Fl. 
Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  112;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI  (1890)  160;  — Engl. 
&  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  3  (1894)  110;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  830.— Acacia 
heterophylla  Hook,  et  Am.  Voy.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  81; — Benth.  Mimos.  in  Hook. 
Lond.  Journ.  Bot.  I.  (1839)  368. 


PLATE  65. 


About  one-third  natural  size.     Showing  true  leaves  and  phyllodia,  flowers  and  fruits. 


Phyllodia  falcate,  coriaceous,  10  to  15  cm  long,  varying  from  6  to  8  mm  to  24  mm  or 
more  in  breadth,  narrowed  at  the  base,  acute  or  obtuse  at  the  tapering  apex;  the  smooth 
surface  is  striate  with  many  nerves;  on  younger  plants  the  phyllodia  bear  a  bipiniiate 
leaf;  the  leaflets  12  to  15  pairs,  oblong,  emarginate,  crowded;  peduncles  solitary  or  fascicled 
in  the  axils,  about  12  mm  long,  bearing  a  dense  many  flowered  head  of  8  mm  in  diameter, 
calyx  teeth  very  short  5  in  number,  petals  5,  oblong  lanceolate,  glabrous,  more  or  less 
united,  longer  than  the  calyx,  half  the  length  of  the  stamens;  legume  broadly  linear, 
straight  or  slightly  falcate,  7.5  to  15  cm  long,  16  to  18  mm  broad,  glabrous,  flat,  two- 
valved,  about  12  seeded;  seeds  dark  brown  to  black. 

The  Koa  is  one  of  our  most  stately  forest  trees  and  is  next  to  the  07? la  lehua 
(Metrosideros  polymorplia),  the  most  common.  It  is  perhaps  the  most  valuable 
tree  which  the  islands  possess,  as  it  is  adapted  for  construction  as  well  as  for 
cabinet  work.  The  Koa  reaches  a  height  of  more  than  80  feet  in  certain  locali- 
ties, with  a  large  trunk  vested  in  a  rough,  scaly  bark  of  nearly  an  inch  in 
thickness.  When  growing  in  the  open,  it  develops  a  beautiful,  symmetrical 
crown,  with  usually  short  trunks  of  perhaps  15  to  20  feet  in  height  and  a  di- 
ameter of  more  than  6  feet.  The  lower  branches  are  then  almost  horizontal, 
far-spreading,  while  farther  up  the  branches  become  peculiarly  twisted  and 
more  or  less  ascending.  When  growing  in  the  rain  or  fern  forest,  it  develops  a 
long,  straight  bole  of  considerable  length  and  thickness,  clothed  in  a  rather 
smooth,  gray  bark ;  usually  branching  40  feet  or  so  above  the  ground.  ( See  plate 
68.)  It  is  this  sort  of  timber  which  is  most  valuable  for  construction  work, 
while  the  Koa  of  the  drier  districts  has  a  much  more  beautiful  wood  and  is 
more  suitable  for  cabinet  work.  The  Koa  has  two  kinds  of  leaves,  true  leaves 
and  phyllodia.  Young  twigs  or  young  trees  always  have  first  the  true  twice 
pinnate  leaves,  which  gradually  pass  into  phyllodia — that  is,  the  petioles  become 
dilated  and  take  the  place  of  the  true  leaf. 

The  adult  trees  bear  phyllodia  only,  though  an  occasional  twig  near  the  base 
of  the  trunk  will  have  true  leaves.  The  Koa  is  found  on  all  the  islands  of  the 
group,  and  adapts  itself  to  almost  any  condition.  It  descends  to  as  low  as  600 
feet,  and  ascends  to  an  elevation  of  5000  feet,  and  sometimes  higher.  Beautiful 
trees  can  be  observed  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  on  the  Island  of  Hawaii,  not 
far  from  the  volcano,  as  well  as  in  South  Kona  on  the  same  mountain.  It  is 
sad,  however,  to  see  these  gigantic  trees  succumb  to  the  ravages  of  cattle  and 

Large  tracts  of  Koa  forest  which  twenty  years  or  so  ago  were  in  their  prime 
have  now  perished,  and  nothing  is  left  but  the  dead  trunks  with  their  huge 
branches  dangling  on  strings  of  bark,  ready  to  drop  from  the  dizzy  heights, 
when  stirred  by  the  slightest  gust  of  wind,  crushing  everything  beneath  them. 
Such  is  the  condition  of  the  Koa  forest  of  today  in  certain  tracts  of  land  on 
Hawaii.  Cattle  are  the  great  enemy  of  the  Koa. 

Above  Kealakekua,  in  South  Kona,  of  the  once  beautiful  Koa  forest  90  per 
cent  of  the  trees  are  now  dead,  and  the  remaining  10  per  cent  in  a  dying  con- 
dition. Their  huge  trunks  and  limbs  cover  the  ground  so  thickly  that  it  is  diffi- 
cult to  ride  through  the  forest,  if  such  it  can  be  called.  It  might  be  said,  how- 


PLATE  66. 


Showing   trunk,   bark  and   flowering  branch;    near   tree-molds,   Kilauea,   Hawaii;    elevation 

4000  feet. 


ever,  that  there  are  still  tracts  of  land  where  the  Koa  forest  is  in  its  natural 
condition.  As  already  mentioned,  the  Koa  adapts  itself  to  almost  any 
environment.  Ancient  aa  (rough)  lava  flows  have  been  covered  by  Koa  trees 
to  the  exclusion  of  everything  else.  It  is  on  these  lava  fields  that  the  trees  are 
still  in  good  condition,  as  cattle  usually  avoid  crossing  these  sharp,  rugged  fields 
of  lava. 

From  the  big  trees  found  in  Kona,  Hawaii,  the  natives  of  by-gone  days  used 
to  carve  their  great  war  canoes.  Occasionally  one  can  find  an  unfinished  log 
which,  owing  to  its  enormous  weight,  was  abandoned  by  the  natives,  who  were 
unable  to  remove  it  to  the  lowlands  and  beach.  Today  the  wood  is  used  for 
furniture  and  is  sold  as  Hawaiian  mahogany,  though,  of  course,  it  bears  no 
relation  to  the  tree  of  that  name.  The  bark  of  the  Koa  was  used  by  natives 
for  tanning  purposes. 

At  lower  elevations,  as  on  Oahu  on  the  windward  side,  Koa  is  associated 
with  the  screw  pine  (Pandanus  odoratissimus),  while  at  the  middle  forest  zone, 
at  4000  feet,  it  is  usually  found  in  company  with  the  Naio  (Myoporum  sand- 
wicense),  Kolea  (Suttonia),  Metrosideros  polymorpha,  and  Mamani  (Sophora 
clirysopliylla),  while  in  the  forks  of  its  branches  in  accumulated  humus  flourish 
arborescent  species  of  Lobelias  of  the  genus  Clermontia. 

The  Koa  is  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  but  is  closely  related  to  a 
species  (Acacia  heterophylla  Willd.),  in  Mauritius  and  Bourbon;  while  Acacia 
laurifolia  is  a  seaside  tree  in  Viti  and  Samoa;  the  vernacular  name  in  Viti  is 
Tatakia,  and  in  Samoa  Tatakia  or  Tatagia. 

The  Koa  is  attacked  by  several  insects.  A  few  lepidopterous  insects  feed  on 
the  Koa  leaves,  such  as  Scotorythra  caryopis  Meyr  and  S.  idolias  Meyr,  which 
are  often  responsible  for  the  defoliated  Koa  trees,  as  well  as  the  S.  rara  (Bult), 
the  most  common  species  of  the  genus.  Of  borers,  several  beetles  live  in  the 
Koa  trunks,  such  as  Aegosomus,  while  the  larvae  of  Thyrocopa  alboonu- 
bila  Walsm.  are  found  in  dead  branches  of  Koa,  as  well  as  larvae  of  T.  abusa 
Walsm.  on  the  bark  and  dead  twigs.  Besides,  other  lepidopterous  insects  may 
be  found  in  more  or  less  decayed  Koa  trunks. 

Acacia  Koaia  Hbd. 
Koaia  or  Koa  oha. 

ACACIA  KOAIA  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.   (1888)   113;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif    VI 

(1890)  160. 

Leaves  as  in  Koa;  axillary  racemes  with  not  more  than  3  heads,  generally  reduced 
to  a  single  one;  pod  very  narrow,  not  over  8  mm  wide,  and  about  15.5  to  15  cm  long; 
otherwise  as  in  Acacia  Koa. 

The  Koaia,  unlike  the  Koa,  is  a  rather  small  tree,  reaching  a  height  of  only 
20  to  25  feet.  The  trunk  is  not  straight  as  in  the  Koa,  but  gnarled  and  twisted. 
The  bark  is  rough  and  corrugated.  It  differs  mainly  from  the  Koa  in  its  pods, 
which  are  very  narrow,  linear,  while  those  of  the  Koa  are  broad.  The  leaves 
are  the  same  as  in  the  Koa. 



PLATE  67. 


Tree  about  80  feet  tall,  with  diameter  of  trunk  about  4  feetj  growing  in  the  Klpuka 
Puaulu,  near  Volcano  Kilauea,  Hawaii;  elevation  4000  feet. 

PLATE  68. 


Showing  straight  growth  of  bole  in  wet  or  fern  forest,  near  Volcano  Kilauea,  Hawaii; 

elevation  4000  feet. 

PLATE  69. 


Flowering  and  fruiting  specimen.     About  one-third  natural  size. 


The  Koaia  inhabits  the  very  dry  districts  on  the  leeward  sides  of  the  Islands 
of  Molokai,  Maui,  and  Hawaii.  On  Molokai,  it  grows  at  Kalae  as  well  as  on  the 
edge  of  the  dry  canyon  below  Kamoku,  in  company  with  Naio  (Myoporum  sand- 
wicense),  Walahee  (Plectronia  odorata),  Aiea  (Nothocestrum),  Dodonaea,  etc. 
On  Maui  it  can  be  found  on  the  Kula  slopes  of  Haleakala  at  an  elevation  of 
2000  feet  or  more,  together  with  the  Halapepe,  while  on  Hawaii  it  grows  on  the 
lava  fields  of  North  Kona,  especially  on  the  slopes  of  the  ridge  between  Puua- 
nahulu  and  Puuwaawaa,  associated  with  Reynoldsia,  Maba,  Osteomeles  (Ulei), 
etc.,  as  well  as  on  the  lava  fields  of  Kawaihae  iuka,  along  the  road  together  with 
the  Maua,  Naio,  Mamani,  and  Kului. 

Koaia  wood,  which  is  much  harder  than  the  Koa  and  closer  grained,  was  used 
by  the  natives  for  spears  and  fancy  paddles.  It  is  endemic  to  the  islands,  and 
was  first  discovered  by  Dr.  W.  Hillebrand,  and  described  by  him  in  his  valuable 
work  on  the  Flora  of  the  Hawaiian  Islands. 

He  also  describes  a  species  of  Acacia  from  Kauai,  specimens  of  which  were 
sent  to  him  by  Valdemar  Knudsen  of  Kekaha,  Kauai.  He  gave  it  the  name 
Acacia  Kauaiensis,  but  does  not  say  whether  it  is  a  tree  or  shrub.  As  the  writer 
did  not  meet  with  any  trees  that  would  answer  the  description  given  by  Hille- 
brand, it  is  here  omitted  and  simply  mention  made  of  it. 

The  Koaia  flowers  during  the  early  part  of  the  summer  or  late  spring,  but 
flowers  and  fruits  usually  can  be  observed  on  the  same  tree  during  July  and 


Calyx  short  oblique,  the  lowest  lobe  larger  than  the  four  remaining;  concave;  petals 
5  nearly  all  equal;  stamens  10,  free  declinate,  ovary  sessile  free,  with  2  to  many  seeds; 
legume  flat  compressed,  indehiscent,  with  a  dorsal  wing;  seeds  flat,  compressed  exalbumin- 
ous.  Trees  or  climbing  shrubs.  Leaves  bipinnate.  Flowers  red  or  yellow. 

A  genus  of  eleven  species  found  in  the  tropics  of  the  old  world,  distributed 
from  India  to  Malay  archipelago,  Queensland,  and  New  South  Wales,  with  one 
species  in  tropical  West  Africa,  and  one  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands. 

Mezoneurum  Kauaiense   (Mann)   Hbd. 

Uhiuhi;  Kea  on  Maui. 

(Plates  69,  70,  71.) 

(The  native  name  "Kalamona"  is  not  applied  to  this  plant,  as  stated  by  Hillebrand,  but 

to  an  introduced  species   of  Cassia.) 
MEZONEURUM  KAUAIENSH  (Mann)  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.   (1888)   110;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl. 

Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VII.  (1890)  157. — Caesalpinia  Kavaiensis  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad. 

VII.   (1866)  164,  and  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.   (1867),  233;— Brigham  Mem.  B.  P.  B.  Mus.  III. 

(1911)   178. 

Branches  loose  spreading,  unarmed,  the  young  shoots  covered  with  a  hoary  pubescence; 
leaves  abruptly  pinnate  with  1  to  5  pairs  of  pinnae,  each  pinnae  with  4  to  8  pairs  of  leaf- 
lets, the  common  rhachis  7.5  to  12.5  cm,  the  pinnae  3.5  to  7.5  cm;  leaflets  oblong,  25  to  30 
mm  x  12.5  mm.  obtuse  at  both  ends  membraneous,  on  petioles  of  2  mm;  stipules  none  or 
small  wart-like;  raceme  terminal,  hoary  25  to  75  mm  long  densely  floriferous  from  the 
base;  the  pedicels  25  to  50  mm,  jointed  above  the  middle;  bracts  ciliate,  caducous; 
calyx  glabrous  pinkish  or  red;  petals  pinkish  purple  or  red,  shorter  than  the  calycine 

PLATE  70. 



Showing  trunk  with  bark  and  flowering  and  fruiting  branch  pinned  to  it.     (Trunk  about 

1  foot  in  diameter.)     On  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona, 

Hawaii:   elevation   2000  feet. 

PLATE  71. 


Along  the  government  road  in  North  Kona,  Hawaii;  elevation  2000  feet. 

PLATE  72. 


Flowering  branch. 


lubes;  stamens  exserted,  the  filaments  hairy,  broad  and  flat  below;  ovary  glabrous,  3  to  5- 
ovuled;  style  incurved;  stigma  small;  pod  broad-oblong  or  obovate  nearly  10  cm  long 
by  about  H  cm  wide,  with  a  dorsal  wing  of  6  to  2  mm  in  width  running  along  its  whole 
length  and  ending  in  an  uncinate  point,  indehiscent,  glaucous  reddish  when  young; 
seeds  2  to  4,  pale  ovate,  flat,  18  to  20  mm  x  14  to  16  mm. 

The  Uhiuhi  is  a  very  beautiful  tree  with  a  trunk  of  sometimes  more  than 
one  foot  in  diameter.  The  bark  is  rough-scaly  and  of  a  dark-gray  to  brown 
color.  The  leaves  are  pinnate,  having  4  to  8  pairs  of  leaflets  of  about  1^  inches 
in  length.  The  flowers  are  arranged  in  terminal  racemes  1  to  4  inches  long,  and 
are  of  a  beautiful  dark-red  color ;  legume  is  broad,  oblong,  3  to  3l/2  by  2  inches, 
and  is  winged  on  one  side;  when  young  it  is  pinkish,  glaucous,  and  very  pretty. 

The  tree,  which  was  first  discovered  on  the  Island  of  Kauai,  inhabits  the 
leeward  side  of  the  islands,  especially  the  aa  lava  fields.  It  is  not  uncommon  on 
the  Island  of  Hawaii.  At  North  Kona,  between  Huehue  and  Puuwaawaa,  eleva- 
tion 2000  feet,  the  writer  observed  the  biggest  trees.  They  are  not,  however, 
very  tall,  reaching  a  height  of  about  30  feet,  with  short  trunks.  On  Kauai  the;/ 
are  very  scarce  nowadays,  only  individual  trees  being  found  in  a  gulch  belov- 
Puu  ka  Pele  back  of  Waimea;  on  Hawaii  they  are  only  found  in  Kona,  where 
quite  a  number  of  trees  exist,  the  latter  place  being  a  new  locality,  as  no  Uhiuhi 
had  been  recorded  previously  from  Hawaii. 

The  tree  is  known  by  the  natives  as  Uhiuhi  on  Kauai  and  Hawaii,  while 
on  Maui,  along  Kaupo,  the  southern  outlet  of  Haleakala  crater,  it  is  known  as 
Kea.  It  blossoms  in  the  early  spring.  On  Hawaii  it  is  associated  with  Kokia 
Bockii  Lewton,  the  native  red  cotton  or  Kokio,  Erythrina  monosperma  or 
Wiliwili,  Colubrina  oppositifolia,  Dodonaea,  Sideroxylon,  Maba  sandwicensis, 
Osteomeles,  etc.  It  is  also  found  on  Oahu  in  the  mountains  of  Waianae  and  on 
Wailupe.  It  has  not  been  reported  from  Molokai  or  Lanai. 

The  wood  of  the  Uhiuhi  is  extremely  hard,  close-grained,  and  very  durable;  it 
is  of  almost  black  color,  with  a  light-colored  sapwood.  The  natives  made  their 
spears  from  it,  as  well  as  the  laau  melo-melo  or  laau  makaalei,  a  peculiar  imple- 
ment for  fishing.  The  laau  melo-melo  had  the  shape  of  a  club,  to  which  a  line  was 
attached  at  the  tapering  end.  When  fishing,  the  natives  used  to  drop  the  wood, 
which  previously  was  besmeared  with  a  sweet,  sticky  substance,  into  the  water, 
through  which  it  was  slowly  pulled  in  order  to  attract  the  fishes,  which  were 
then  caught  by  a  man  with  a  net,  who  followed  behind.  The  wood,  being  very 
heavy,  will  sink  in  the  water  even  if  a  hundred  years  old,  and  was  on  that  ac- 
count selected  by  the  natives  for  the  above-described  purpose. 

The  Uhiuhi  is  peculiar  to  these  islands,  outside  of  which  it  is  not  found. 
A  species  of  Tortrix  feeds  on  the  flat  seed-pods  of  the  Uhiuhi;  it  is  seldom 
that  perfect  pods  are  met  with. 


Calyx  with  short  teeth;  vexilum  broad,  obovate  or  circular,  often  shorter,  rarely  longer 
than  the  c.irina;  alae  oblong;  stamens  free  or  rarely  connected  at  the  base  in  a  ring,  with 
dorsifixed  anthers,  ovary  with  many  ovules;  pod  cylindrical  often  contracted  between  the 


PLATE  73. 


Kipuka  Puaulu,  near  Volcano  Kilauea,  Hawaii;   elevation  4000  feet. 


seeds,  or  slightly  compressed,  coriaceous,  often  four  winged,  fleshy  or  woody,  usually 
indehiscent;  seeds  ovate  or  globose.  Trees  or  shrubs,  rarely  perennial  herbs  with  impari- 
pinnate  leaves;  leaflets  usually  small  and  numerous;  flowers  yellow  or  white,  rarely  purple, 
in  simple  terminal  racemes  or  several  forming  a  terminal  panicle. 

Only  one  species  found  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  The  genus  consists  of  more 
than  twenty-five  species,  distributed  over  the  warmer  regions  of  both  hemispheres. 
Trees  or  shrubs,  distributed  from  Western  Thibet  to  Ceylon,  China  and  Japan, 
Siberia,  Texas,  California,  South  America,  New  Zealand,  Bourbon,  and  one  on 
our  islands.  8.  tomentosa  is  a  tropical  cosmopolitan,  and  is  found  in  all  the 
islands  of  the  South  Seas,  including  New  Guinea. 

Sophora  chrysophylla  Seem. 

(Plates  72,  73,  74.) 

SOPHORA  CHRYSOPHYLLA  Seem,  in  Flora  Vit.  (1873)  66;— H.  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad. 
VII  (1866)  164,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  192;— Hbd.  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  108;— 
Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI  (1890)  157.— Edwardsia  chrysophylla 
Salisb.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  IX  (1808)  302  t.  26,  f.  1;— Ker.  Bot.  Eeg.  t.  738;— 
DC.  Prodr.  2  (1825)  97;— Endl.  PL  Suds.  (1836)  no.  1610;— A.  Gray  U.  S.  E.  E. 
(1854)  459;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  140. 

Young  shoots  silky  pubescent;  leaves  15.5  to  15  cm  long,  with  6  to  10  pairs  of  leaflets; 
leaflets  obovate  oblong,  20  to  36  mm  x  8  to  12  mm,  obtuse,  often  retuse,  with  a  cinereous 
silvery  or  tawny  pubescence  (when  growing  at  high  altitudes)  or  glabrous  (at  low  eleva- 
tio'n);  racemes  terminal  and  lateral,  12  to  25  mm  long,  tomentose;  calyx  about  6  to  10  mm, 
cup-shaped  lobes  broad  and  obtuse;  petals  25  mm  long;  yellow,  the  broad  vexilum  re- 
curved, the  suberect  alae  and  carina  nearly  as  long;  stamens  as  long  as  the  carina;  ovary 
tomentose;  pod  10  to  15  cm  long,  8  mm  wide,  often  deeply  constricted  between  the  seeds, 
four-winged;  indehiscent;  seeds  4  to  8,  oval  somewhat  compressed,  yellow  8  mm  long. 
The  var.  ft  mentioned  in  the  Bot.  of  the  U.  S.  Exploring  Expedition  is  only  a  glabrous 
form  of  this  species  usually  found  in  the  lowlands  where  it  is  shrub,  and  never  a  tree. 

The  Mamani  is  a  tree  of  20  to  40  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  reaching  some- 
times 2  feet  in  diameter.  It  is  vested  in  a  light-brown  corrugated  bark  of  a 
half  inch  in  thickness.  The  leaves  are  5  to  6  inches  long,  and  have  from  6  to  10 
pairs  of  leaflets.  The  flowers  are  a  bright  yellow,  and  are  arranged  in  droop- 
ing racemes,  which  are  either  terminal  or  lateral. 

The  Mamani,  which  may  be  found  on  all  the  islands  with  the  exception  of 
Oahu  and  Molokai,  grows  from  almost  sea  level  up  to  nearly  10,000  feet  elevation. 
It  inhabits  the  high  mountains  of  Hawaii,  Mauna  Kea,  Mauna  Loa,  and  Hua- 
lalai  up  to  10,000  feet,  where  it  forms  the  upper  forest  zone  together  writh 
shrubby  Composites,  such  as  Raillardia  arborea  and  R.  struthioloides  and  other 
plants  peculiar  to  these  regions.  On  Kauai  it  never  grows  to  a  tree,  while  on  the 
slopes  of  Mauna  Loa,  on  Hawaii,  near  the  volcano  of  Kilauea,  it  reaches  its  best 
development.  Trees  of  40  feet  in  height  are  not  uncommon  at  an  elevation  of 
4000  feet.  In  North  Kona,  on  the  slopes  of  Hualalai  on  the  lava  fields  just 
below  Huehue,  it  is  about  2  to  4  feet  high,  branching  from  the  base,  and  does 
not  resemble  the  fine  trees  which  may  be  found  higher  up  at  7000  to  8000  feet 


PLATE  74. 



Growing  in  Kipuka  Puaulu,  near  Volcano  Kilauea,  Hawaii;   elevation   4000   feet. 

Tree  40  feet.  high. 


on  the  same  slopes.  At  low  elevation  the  plant  is  entirely  glabrous,  while  just 
below  and  above  the  snow-line  it  is  covered  with  silvery-gray  hair,  which  pro- 
tects it  from  the  severe  cold  which  it  experiences  not  only  during  the  winter 
but  also  in  the  summer  months.  The  writer  experienced  a  temperature  of  19° 
Fahr.  during  a  night  spent  on  Mauna  Kea  in  the  month  of  July.  A  few  small 
trees  were  found  on  Lanai  just  above  the  homestead  of  the  former  manager  of 
the  Lanai  Ranch  Co.,  in  a  small  gulch  all  by  themselves.  Whether  they  were 
planted  there  by  human  hand  or  by  birds  cannot  be  ascertained,  but  the  former 
may  be  more  reasonable,  as  they  were  not  found  elsewhere  on  Lanai. 

The  wood  of  the  Mamani  is  exceedingly  hard  and  very  durable  in  the  ground. 
It  is  therefore  mainly  used  for  fence  posts  by  the  cattle  ranchers  on  the  large 
estates  on  Hawaii.  On  Haleakala,  Maui,  the  trees  are  of  medium  size,  though 
reaching  a  similar  development  at  Auahi  as  near  the  volcano  at  Puaulu.  On  the 
upper  slopes  of  Haleakala  they  are  shrubby.  The  wild  cattle  and  horses,  which 
are  very  numerous  on  the  upper  slopes  of  Mauna  Kea,  live  almost  exclusively 
on  the  young  leaf  shoots  of  the  Mamani  during  the  dry  season,  when  there  is 
no  grass  available.  But,  thanks  to  the  hardiness  of  the  trees,  which  are  ex- 
ceedingly deep-rooted,  they  are  able  to  withstand  these  ravages  of  the  descend- 
ants of  Vancouver's  cattle. 

The  Mamani  is  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  while  8.  tomentosa  is  found 
in  the  South  Sea  Islands,  where  it  grows  on  the  beach.  In  Viti  or  Fiji  it  is 
known  by  the  name  Kau  ni  alewa,  or  women's  tree. 

Two  native  beetles  infest  the  Mamani.  They  belong  to  the  peculiar  genus 
Plagithmysus,  and  nearly  every  tree  can  be  seen  perforated  with  small  holes,  the 
work  of  the  beetle.  But  to  the  credit  of  the  beetle  may  it  be  said  that  they  at- 
tack only  trees  already  in  a  dying  condition.  The  two  species  are  P.  Blackburni 
and  P.  Darwinianus. 


Calyx  campanulate,  truncate,  or  5  toothed;  vexilum  large,  conduplicate,  alae  short, 
often  very  small  or  wanting;  carina  longer  or  shorter  than  the  alae,  the  two  petals  free 
or  partially  connate;  vexillary  stamens  free,  or  connate  with  the  others  which  are  connate 
to  the  middle;  ovary  stipitate,  with  several  ovules;  style  subulate,  with  a  small  terminal 
stigma;  pod  stipitate,  linear,  curved,  compressed  or  cylindrical,  tapering  at  both  ends, 
contracted  between  the  oval  seeds;  two  valved,  sometimes  follicular  or  indehiscent.  Trees 
or  erect  shrubs  with  stout,  often  prickly  branches.  Leaves  pinnately  three-foliolate,  with 
glandular  etipellae;  flowers  in  terminal  or  axillary  racemes,  generally  scarlet;  bracts  and 
bractlets  small  or  wanting. 

Only  one  species  represented  in  the  islands.  The  genus,  which  is  distributed 
over  the  tropics  and  subtropics  of  both  hemispheres,  consists  of  thirty  species. 
They  range  from  the  Himalayas  to  tropical  West  Africa,  Brazil,  Australia  and 
tropical  America,  one  species  being  cosmopolitan,  with  one  species  in  the  Ha- 
waiian Islands,  which  is,  however,  found  in  the  other  islands  of  the  Pacific. 


PLATE  75. 




Showing  trunk,  bark  and  fruiting  branch.     Lava  fields  near  Puuwaawaa,  Hawaii; 

elevation  2000  feet. 


Erythrina  monosperma  Gaud. 

(Plate  75.) 

ERYTHRINA  MONOSPERMA  Gaud.  Bot.  Voy.  Uranie  (1826)  486,  pi.  114;— Hook,  et 
Am.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  81;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no.  1641;— A.  Gray  U.  S.  E.  E. 
(1854)  444;— H.  Mann  1.  c.  p.  163,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  185;— Sinclair  Indig, 
Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1885)  pi.  18;—  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  99;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins. 
Mar.  Pacif.  VI  (1890)  151,  et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.  (1893)  47;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  IsL 
(1897)  834. — E.  montana  Forst.  in  Pancher,  Herb.,  et  iu  Cuzent,  Tahiti  (1860) 
240. — E.  tahitensis  Nadeaud  Enum.  (1873)  n.  499. — Corallodendron  monosperum  O 
Ktze.  Rev.  Gen.  PI.  I.  (1891)  173. 

Leaflets  ovate  or  deltoid,  broader  than  long  5  to  6.5  cm  x  6.5  to  9  cm,  obtuse,  entire, 
truncate  or  subcordate  at  the  base,  chartaceous,  tomentose  underneath;  the  petiole  of  the 
terminal  leaflet  10  to  25  cm  long,  the  petiolules  of  the  lateral  ones  5  mm;  stipules 
gland-like;  racemes  in  the  axils  of  the  ultimate  leaves,  fulvo-tomentose,  stout,  dense, 
nodose,  with  two  or  one  flowers  at  a  node,  15  to  20  cm  long;  bracts  2  mm  or  less; 
pedicels  4  to  8  mm;  calyx  thickly  tomentose;  minutely  toothed;  flowers  pale  yellow  or 
brick  red;  vexilum  25  to  50  mm  nearly  as  broad  as  long,  about  3  times  longer  than  the 
obtuse  alae  and  carina;  stamens  about  as  long  as  the  vexilum;  anthers  pointed,  versatile; 
ovary  tomentose,  about  12  mm  long,  stipitate  3  to  5  ovuled,  half  the  length  of  the  style; 
pod  35  to  50  mm  long,  1  to  many  seeded  (the  name  monosperma  is  badly  chosen) ;  seeds- 
about  12  mm,  bright  red. 

The  Wiliwili  is  a  medium-sized  tree  of  20  to  30  feet,  with  stiff,  gnarled 
branches  and  a  spreading  crown.  The  trunk  is  usually  short,  with  few  conical 
prickle's  on  its  otherwise  smooth,  thin,  yellowish  bark.  It  is  usually  of  very 
large  diameter,  often  3  to  4  feet  and  more.  The  Wiliwili  has  the  reputation  of 
having  the  lightest  wood  of  any  of  our  island  trees.  It  loses  its  leaves  in  the 
early  fall  or  late  summer  and  flowers  from  early  spring  to  June  or  July,  accord- 
ing to  environment,  before  the  new  leaves  appear,  though  sometimes  flowers  and 
leaves  may  be  found  together.  The  former  are  of  a  brick-red  or  white  color, 
and  not  altogether  unhandsome.  The  bright-red  seeds  are  usually  single,  one 
in  a  pod,  from  which  the  tree  derives  its  specific  name  monosperma  (one- 
seeded).  It  is  called  tiger 's-claw  by  the  foreigners,  on  account  of  its  flowers, 
which  are  claw-shaped. 

The  Wiliwili  is  the  feature  of  lowland  vegetation  up  to  1500  feet.  It  thrives 
best  in  the  hottest  and  driest  districts  on  the  leeward  sides  of  all  the  islands,  es- 
pecially on  the  scoria  and  among  rocks.  It  grows  usually  in  company  with 
Myoporum  sandwicense  (Naio),  Reynoldsia  sandwicensis,  Nototrichium  sandwi- 
cense, etc.  It  is  characteristic  of  the  lava  fields  of  North  Kona,  Hawaii,  on  the 
west  end  of  Molokai,  the  gorges  of  Mauna  Lei  and  Nahoku  on  Lanai,  the  lava 
fields  on  the  southern  slopes  of  Haleakala,  Maui,  in  the  dry  canyons  on  Kauai,  and 
even  on  the  barren  Island  of  Kahoolawe  a  few  trees  are  still  in  existence.  (See- 
Plate  XXVII.) 

The  very  soft,  white  wood  of  the  Wiliwili  was  and  is  still  used  by  the  na- 
tives for  outriggers  on  their  fishing  canoes,  but  since  it  has  become  more  and 
more  scarce,  the  Hau  is  used  as  a  substitute.  The  pretty  red  seeds  are  strung 
into  leis  and  worn  by  the  native  women ;  those  sold  as  Wiliwili  leis  in  the  curio' 
shops  are  not  of  the  native  Wiliwili,  but  are  the  seeds  of  the  so-called  Red  San- 



dalwood  or  Adenanthera  pavonina,  a  tree  introduced  into  the  islands  from 
India.  The  wood  of  other  species  is  manufactured  into  corks. 

The  Wiliwili  is  not  peculiar  to  Hawaii,  but  is  distributed  from  Hawaii  to 
Tahiti  and  New  Caledonia. 

Erythrina  indica  Lam.  is  a  cosmopolitan  species  of  the  South  Seas,  being 
found  in  Samoa,  New  Guinea,  Solomon  and  Marshall  Islands,  and  also  has 
found  its  way  even  into  North  Australia.  Its  vernacular  names  are  Malatum 
of  the  Tami  Islands,  Gatae  in  Samoa,  where  the  natives  have  even  a  name  for 
the  flowers,  which  they  call  alo'alo.  The  bark  is  used  as  a  remedy  for  colic,  etc. 


The  family  Rutaceae  belongs  to  the  warmer  regions  of  the  globe,  and  wherever 
they  appear  form  a  distinct  part,  or  contribute  to  the  vegetative  character  of 
that  particular  region.  This  is  especially  true  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  where 
the  family  is  one  of  the  most  prominent  features  of  the  Hawaiian  forest.  The 
group  of  Xanthoxyleae-Evodiinae,  to  which  our  Hawaiian  Eutaceae  belong,  finds 
its  best  development  on  the  islands  and  on  the  western  coast  of  the  Pacific  Ocean. 
The  family  is  represented  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands  by  three  genera,  one  of 
which,  Platydesma,  is  endemic,  while  Pelea  is  found  in  New  Caledonia  and 
Madagascar.  It  has  in  these  islands  the  largest  number  of  species.  The  whole 
family  consists  of  111  genera  with  over  900  species.  The  group  Aurantieae 
possesses  the  most  useful  members,  namely,  the  fruit  trees,  such  as  oranges,  cit- 
rons, etc. 


Leaves  compound,  alternate;  flowers  unisexual 1  Xanthoxylum 

Leaves  simple,  opposite  or  whorled. 

Stamens  free;  petals  valvate 2  Pelea 

Stamens  united;  petals  imbricate 3  Platydesma 


Flowers  polygamous  or  unisexual.  Calyx  lobes  1  to  5,  small,  more  or  less  united. 
Petals  2  to  10,  imbricate  or  valvate.  Stamens  3  to  5,  hypogynous,  alternate  with  the 
petals,  rudimentary  or  wanting  in  the  pistillate  flowers;  filaments  filiform  or  subulate; 
anthers  elliptic  to  nearly  orbicular  or  ovate.  Pistils  1  to  5,  raised  on  a  fleshy  gynophore, 
sometimes  slightly  united  below,  rudimentary  in  the  staminate  flowers.  Ovaries  1-celled; 
styles  short  and  slender,  more  or  less  united  toward  the  summit;  stigmas  capitate;  ovules 
2  in  each  cavity,  collateral,  pendulous  from  the  inner  angle  of  the  cell.  Follicles  1  to  5; 
endocarp  free.  Seeds  oblong,  ovoid,  or  globose,  suspended  on  a  slender  funiculus  often 
hanging  from  the  carpel  at  maturity;  seed-coat  black  or  reddish,  shining.  Embryo 
straight  or  curved.  Cotyledons  oval  or  obicular  foliaceous. — Trees  or  shrubs,  often  prickly, 
but  unarmed  in  the  Hawaiian  species,  with  acid  aromatic  bark,  alternate  equally  or 
odd  pinnate  or  three-foliolate  leaves,  rarely  unifoliolate,  dotted  with  pellucid  oil  glands. 
Infloresence  terminal  or  axillary,  cymose,  paniculate,  racemose  or  glomerate.  Type 
species  Xanthoxylum  Clava-Herculis  L. 

The  genus  Xanthoxylum,  or  Zanthoxylum  as  it  may  also  be  written,  consists 
of  numerous  species,  which  were  all  except  nine  placed  in  the  genus  Fagara  by 
Engler  in  the  Natiirlichen  Pflanzenfamilien.  The  writer,  however,  adheres 
rather  to  the  old  classification,  as  the  distinctions  on  which  Engler  based  his  new 



arrangement  are  not  at  all  well  brought  out  in  the  Hawaiian  species.     In  most 
of  the  other  works  Engler's  new  combinations  have  been  placed  as  synonyms. 

The  genus  Xanthoxylum  is  distributed  over  North  America,  Eastern  Asia  and 
also  most  tropical  countries.  It  is  found  in  Polynesia,  outside  of  the  Hawaiian 
Islands,  where  seven  species  and  numerous  varieties  have  so  far  been  discovered, 
only  in  Tahiti.  All  Hawaiian  species  are  unarmed.  The  leaves  are  quite  aro- 
matic, most  of  them  having  a  peculiar  soapy  odor,  while  one,  X.  hawaiiense  Hbd. 
var.  citriodoro,  is  strongly  lemon-scented.  The  flowers  of  some  species  are  also 
quite  fragrant. 

Most  of  our  Xanthoxyla  inhabit  the  dry  regions  on  the  leeward  sides,  espe- 
cially old  lava  flows,  where  they  reach  their  best  development,  as,  for  example, 
on  the  southern  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  Hawaii,  and 
on  Manna  Kea  in  the  open  scrub-country.  Several  species  occur  only  in  the  rain 
forests,  as  A",  oahuense  and  X.  Bluettianum.  They  are  usually  found  at  an  ele- 
vation of  2500  to  4000  feet,  but  rarely  higher.  All  Hawaiian  Xanthoxyla  are 
trees,  except  a  new  species  found  in  the  Kohala  rain  forests. 


Petals  4,  thin  and  slightly  imbricate.      Flowering  panicles  appear  before  the  leaves  in  the 
axils  of  large  scales. 

Leaflets  pedately  ternate,  the  lateral  ones  on  long  petiolules. 

All  petiolules  articulate  at  or  below  the  middle X.  Oahuense 

Lateral  petiolules  without  articulation X.  hawaiiense 

Leaflets  ovate  cuneate  on  petiolules  of  16-20  mm X.  Bluettianum 

Leaflets  7  to  3  foliolate  the  lateral  leaflets  sessile  or  on  short  petiolules. 

Leaflets  9-7  lanceolate  with  copious  oil-dots X.  glandulosum 

Leaflets  5-3  ovate  or  ovate  oblong  opaque X.  Kauaiense 

Leaflets  3  or  rarely  5,  thick,  tomentose  truncate  at  the  base...     X.  Mauiense 
Petals  4  or  2,  thick  coriaceous  and  valvate.      Small  stipelliform  leaflets  at  the  base 
of  the  lowest  leaflets .      X.  dipetalum 

Xanthoxylum  Oahuense  Hbd. 

Ae  or  Heae. 

(Plate  76.) 

XANTHOXYLUM  OAHUENSE  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  75;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar. 
Pac.  VI.   (1890)   130. — Fagara  Oahuensis  Engler  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III. 

4.  (1895)  119. 

A  small  tree,  glabrous;  leaves  3-foliolate,  on  long  petioles  of  8  to  10  cm,  their  leaflets 
on  petioles  of  nearly  even  length,  the  terminal  one  5  to  8  cm,  the  lateral  ones  4  to  5  cm, 
all  of  which  are  articulate  or  thickened  in  the  upper  fourth,  ovate  or  orbicular,  7  to  8 
cm  long,  5  to  7  cm  or  more  wide,  caudate-acuminate,  the  lateral  ones  unsymmetrical  at  the 
base,  excised  in  the  upper  half,  glabrous  coriaceous,  opaque,  dark  green,  brownish-black 
when  dry:  panicles  at  the  base  of  the  branch  6  to  12  cm  long,  loosely  and  few-flowered; 
male  flowers:  sepals  minute,  petals  greenish,  ovoid-oblong  blunt  at  the  apex,  imbricate  in 
the  bud,  stamens  slightly  exserted  2.5  mm  in  length,  with  subglobose  anthers;  follicles  10 
to  12  mm,  rugose  and  pitted. 

The  Oahuan  A'e  or  Hea'e  is  a  small,  rather  handsome  tree  and  is  peculiar  to 
the  island  after  which  it  is  named.  It  is  one  of  the  few  Hawaiian  Xanthoxyla 
which  inhabits  the  wet  middle,  or  rain  forest  zone,  growing  on  the  highest 



PLATE  76. 


A'e  or  Hea'e. 

Male  flowering  branch,  and  fruiting  panicles  in  the  upper  corners;  less  than  half 

natural  size. 


ridges,  as  on  Konahuanui,  Niu  Valley,  and  in  the  Koolau  range,  where  the  tree 
is  not  uncommon. 

The  bark,  as  of  nearly  all  the  other  Hawaiian  species  of  this  genus,  is  thin 
and  smoothish,  with  yellowish  lenticels ;  in  other  species  the  bark  is  dark  brown 
to  black  and  has  the  appearance  of  having  been  burned;  the  granular  mass  will 
come  off  even  when  only  touched,  in  others  again  the  bark  is  covered  with  very 
narrow  only  slightly  protruding  confluent  ridges.  The  wood  of  this,  as  of  the 
other  species,  is  yellow  and  bitter  to  the  taste. 

Xanthoxylum   hawaiiense   Hbd. 

A'e  or  Hea'e. 

(Plate  77.) 

XANTHOXYLUM  HAWAIIENSE  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (188)  76;—  Del  Cast.  111.  PI.  Ins. 
Mar.  Pacif.  VI.  (1890)  129.— Fagara  hawaiiensis  Engler  in  Engl.  et  Prantl 
Pflzfam.  III.  4.  (1895)  119. 

A  medium  sized  tree,  glabrous;  leaves  pedately  3-foliolate,  on  petioles  of  3.5  to  4.5 
em,  the  leaflets  on  petiolules  of  equal  length,  not  articulate,  but  occasionally  thickened 
near  the  blade,  acuminate,  ovate  to  deltoid,  the  lateral  ones  unsymmetrical  or  subcordate, 
5  to  7  cm  long,  4.5  to  5.5  cm  wide;  panicles  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves  or  at  the  end  of 
the  branches;  follicles  curved,  almost  smooth,  but  pitted,  1  cm  in  diameter. 

Hillebrand  records  this  tree  from  the  central  plateau  on  the  Island  of  Hawaii 
at  5000  to  6000  feet  elevation,  evidently  from  between  Mauna  Kea,  Mauna  Loa 
and  Mt.  Hualalai.  The  writer  did  not  meet  with  this  tree  on  that  great  plain, 
but  collected  specimens  of  an  evident  variety  of  this  species  on  the  slopes  of 
Mauna  Kea  near  Keaumoku,  among  composites  such  as  Raillardia  and  Lipo- 
chaeta,  near  the  extinct  crater  of  Xohonaohae  at  an  elevation  of  perhaps  4000 

On  his  last  visit  to  North  Kona,  Puuwaawaa,  he  collected  flowering  specimens 
of  a  Xanthoxylum ;  in  fact,  the  same  species  as  found  at  Nohonaohae,  referrable 
to  X.  hawaiiense.  The  specimens  were  collected  on  the  laAra  fields  beyond  Puu- 
anahulu  joining  the  pahoehoe  lava  flow  of  1859.  The  leaves  of  this  tree  as  well 
as  those  from  Xohonaohae  are  exceedingly  strong  lemon  scented,  exactly  as  those 
of  Eucalyptus  citriodom.  which  fact  caused  the  manager  of  the  Parker  Ranch, 
on  which  land  the  trees  are  found,  to  believe  that  the  tree  was  the  lemon-scented 

It  is  peculiar  that  Hillebrand  should  not  have  noticed  such  a  strong  aromatic 
odor,  which  none  of  our  other  Xanthoxyla  possess ;  he,  however,  fails  to  mention 
anything  about  it.  The  true  species,  answering  Hillebrand's  description  in 
nearly  every  detail,  was  found  by  the  writer  on  the  southern  slopes  of  Mt.  Hale- 
akala,  Maui,  where  the  tree  is,  however,  not  abundant.  There  the  trees  have  not 
the  slightest  odor  of  lemon,  but  the  ordinary,  somewhat  soapy  smell,  as  have  the 
rest  of  our  Xanthoxyla.  In  the  latter  locality  the  trees  were  in  fruit  during 
Xovember,  1910,  where  the  writer  collected  his  first  material  of  this  species  (no. 
8657  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium). 


PLATE  77. 


A'e  or  Hea'e  Tree. 

Growing  on   the  ancient  lava  fields   of  Auahi,   district  of  Kahikinui,   East   Maui. 
Tree  about  20  feet  in  height. 


The  trees  from  Hawaii  first  mentioned  differed  somewhat  from  Hillebrand's 
description,  and  on  this,  as  well  as  on  the  strength  of  its  exceedingly  aromatic 
odor,  it  is  here  described  as  a  new  variety. 

Var.  citriodora  Rock  var.  nov. 

Leaves  3-foliolate  on  a  common  pubescent  petiole  of  4  cm.  leaflets  deltoid  3.5  to  4  cm 
in  diameter  on  not  articulated  petiolules,  the  median  one  5  cm,  the  lateral  one  3  cm, 
puberulous  underneath,  transparent,  with  a  continuous  row  of  pellucid  oil  glands  along 
the  entire  margin,  strongly  lemon-scented  when  fresh,  young  leaves  velvety  tomentose. 
panicles  pubescent  at  the  end  of  the  branchlets.  sepals  and  petals  pubescent,  the  latter  2.5 
mm  ovoid,  stamens  as  long,  anthers  ovoid,  the  rudimentary  ovary  pubescent. 

Hillebrand's  variety  /?.  the  writer  collected  on  Lanai.  This  variety  has  cori- 
aceous leaves  which  are  also  larger,  ovoid  to  orbicular  and  even  deltoid;  it  is  as 
a  whole  a  much  more  robust  tree  and  entirely  glabrous.  Collected  without  flower 
or  fruit  July  24,  1910,  in  Kaiholena  Valley,  Lanai,  no.  8076  in  College  of  Ha- 
waii Herbarium.  On  Kauai  the  writer  saw  one  tree  and  collected  specimens  of 
the  same  below  Kaholuamano,  growing  on  the  edge  of  one  of  the  canyons.  It 
must  be  referred  to  Hillebrand's  var.  /?.,  from  which  it,  however,  differs  in  the 
lateral  petiolules,  which  are  only  1.5  cm  long.  Collected  Sept.  18,  1909,  Kaho- 
luamano, Kauai.  (No.  5207  in  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium.) 

Var.  velutinosum   Rock  var.  nov. 

Leaves  3-foliolate  on  a  common  petiole  of  4  to  5  cm,  leaflets  on  petiolules  of  nearly 
even  length,  ovate  acuminate,  not  articulate,  truncate  to  unevensided  at  the  base,  gray- 
velvety  tomentose  throughout  on  upper  and  lower  surface,  quite  opaque,  without  marginal 
oil  glands,  and  not  lemon-scented,  in  fact  without  any  odor,  even  when  leaves  are  crushed; 
stipules  below  the  leaf-whorls,  spathulate,  many  nerved,  pubescent. 

This  tree  occurs  on  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  Hawaii,  ad- 
joining the  lava  fields  of  Puuanahulu,  where  the  variety  citriodora  occurs.  This 
variety  differs  from  the  latter  in  the  shape  of  the  leaves,  which  are  inodoriferous 
and  densely  velvety  tomentose  and  quite  opaque  and  without  marginal  oil  glands. 
Collected  March,  1912 ;  type  no.  10205  in  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

Xanthoxylum  glandulosum  Hbd. 
A'e  or  Hea'e. 

XANTHOXYLUM  GLANDULOSUM  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  74;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl. 
Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI.  (1890)  129.— Fagara  glandulosa  Engl.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl 
Pflzfam.  III.  4.  (1895)  119. 

Leaves  9  to  7  foliolate,  18  to  20  cm  long,  the  leaflets  lanceolate  7.5  to  9  cm  x  2.5  to  3 
cm,  acute,  contracting  at  the  base,  membraneous,  glabrous,  copiously  punctate  with  large 
transparent  oil-dots,  the  common  petiole  about  2.5  cm,  that  of  the  terminal  leaflet  about  18 
mm,  the  lateral  leaflets  subsessile. 

Hillebrand  collected  this  species  on  AVest  Maui,  gulch  of  Lahainaluna.  The 
writer  found  a  small  tree  10  feet  high  of  this  species  in  Waihou  Gulch,  near  the 
spring  at  the  head  of  the  valley,  back  of  Makawao  on  the  northwestern  slope  of 
Mt.  Haleakala  on  East  Maui,  elevation  3000  feet.  The  tree  was  neither  in  flower 
nor  fruit;  the  7-foliolate  leaves  were  coriaceous  and  not  membraneous.  A  va- 


PLATE  78. 


A'e  or  Hea'e  Tree. 

The  three-foliolate  form  growing  on  the  aa  lava  fields  on  the  southern  slopes  of 
Mt.  Haleakala,  Auahi,  Maiii. 


riety  ft.  Hbd.  with  7  to  5  leaflets,  large,  oblong,  caudate-acuminate,  rounded  at 

the  base  and  dotted  as  before,  occurs  in  the  woods  of  Hilo,  on  the  Island  of 

Hawaii.     The  writer  is  not  acquainted  with  this  variety. 

Xanthoxylum   Kauaiense   Gray. 

A'e  or  Hea'e. 

(Plates  78,  79.) 

XANTHOXYLUM  KAUAIENSE   Gray  Bot.  U.   S.  E.   E.    (1854)    354;— H.   Mann  in  Proc. 

Bost.  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X.   (1866)   318;   et  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.   (1867)   160,  et  Fl. 

Haw.   Isl.   Proc.   Ess.  Inst.    (1869)    170;— Wawra   in   Flora    (1873)    139;— Hbd.  Fl. 

Haw.  Isl.   (1888)   73;—  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.   (1890)    130.— Fagara 

kauaiensis  Engler  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  4.   (1895)   119. 

A  small  graceful  tree,  about  6  to  12  m  high,  with  a  straight  trunk  and  a  dense  round 
crown;  leaves  5  or  3-foliolate  (in  the  trees  of  East  Maui,  southern  slopes  of  Mt.  Hale- 
akala)  on  petioles  of  2.5  to  3.5  cm;  the  leaflets  ovate  or  oblong,  4  to  6  cm  long,  2  to  3 
cm  wide,  subacuminate,  coriaceous  and  quite  opaque,  or  with  a  few  transparent  dots  along 
the  margin,  glabrous,  the  petiolule  of  the  terminal  one  occasionally  but  not  always  articu- 
late near  the  blade,  12  to  16  mm,  those  of  the  lateral  ones  2  to  3  mm;  panicles  1  to  4 
near  the  base  of  the  short  branchlets  3.5  to  7  cm  long,  the  compressed  peduncle  12  to  20 
mm,  the  pedicels  2  to  4  mm,  the  bracelets  minute;  flowers  tetramerous,  0.5  mm,  acute, 
petals  3  to  4  mm.  stamens  in  the  male  flowers  longer  than  the  petals,  (in  sterile  flowers 
according  to  Hillebrand  2  mm  long)  anthers  ovoid,  wanting  in  the  fertile  flowers; 
carpel  single,  with  a  globose  subsessile  stigma,  rudimentary  in  the  sterile  flowers;  follicle 
on  a  stipe  of  4  mm,  (teste  Hillebr.)  obovate,  glabrous,  faintly  pitted  and  striate;  seed 
solitary,  8  to  10  mm. 

The  Kauai  A'e  is  a  rather  handsome  tree  with  a  beautiful  round  crown  when 
growing  in  the  open.  It  occurs  most  frequently  at  Kaholuamano,  as  well  as 
at  Halemanu,  on  the  leeward  side  of  Kauai,  at  an  elevation  of  3600  to  4000  feet, 
at  the  outskirts  of  the  forest,  which  at  this  elevation  is  more  of  a  dry  nature  and 
of  a  mixed  type.  It  is  quite  common  along  stream  beds  in  company  with  various 
species  of  Pelea,  Xanthoxylum  dipetalum  var.  y,  Alphitonia  excelsa,  Cyanea  lep- 
tostegia,  Cryptocaria  Mannii,  Bobea  Mannii,  and  Tetraplasandra  Waimeae. 

The  leaves  of  the  Kauai  trees  of  this  species  are  all  5-foliolate,  that  is  consisting 
of  five  leaflets,  which  are  glabrous.  The  flowers  of  this  species  are  fragrant ;  the 
wood  is  yellowish  white. 

The  writer  collected  several  forms,  nos.  2103,  5677,  in  the  type  locality,  flow- 
ering only. 

On  the  Island  of  Maui  on  the  eastern  section,  which  is  formed  by  the  great 
mass  of  the  largest  extinct  volcano,  Mt.  Haleakala,  the  writer  found  on  its 
southern  flank,  on  ancient,  now  wooded,  aa  lava  flows,  numerous  trees  belonging 
to  this  species.  They  differ,  however,  in  some  respects  from  the  Kauai  specimens 
in  that  the  leaves  are  always  three-foliolate  and  never  five-foliolate,  in  being 
chartaceous  instead  of  coriaceous,  but  otherwise  exactly  as  in  the  specimens  from 
Kauai.  At  Auahi,  the  name  of  the  above-mentioned  locality  on  Maui,  the  trees 
reach  a  handsome  size  and  trunks  of  a  foot  and  a  half  or  even  more  in  diameter 
are  not  uncommon,  though  growing  never  taller  than  40  feet.  The  trees  are 
quite  numerous,  especially  on  the  southern  border  of  Auahi,  where  the  district 
of  Kahikinui  joins  that  of  Kaupo;  there  the  writer  saw  the  finest  specimens, 
which  formed  practically  the  sole  tree-growth.  On  the  northwestern  slope  of 


PLATE  79. 

XANTHOXYLUM  KAUAIENSE  Gray  var.  /3  Hbd. 

A'e  or  Hea'e. 

Branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree.     Growing  on  the  aa  lava  flows  of  Puuwaawaa, 
North  Kona,  Hawaii;   elevation   3000   feet. 


Haleakala  the  writer  met  with  trees  of  this  species  in  the  forests  above  Makawao, 
but  there  the  leaves  were  all  five-foliolate,  membraneous,  and  quite  glabrous.  This 
latter  tree  Hillebrand  refers  to  his  var.  ft.  of  the  same  species,  though  erroneously, 
in  the  writer's  opinion.  The  Auahi  specimens  were  collected  in  November,  1910 
fruiting,  no.  8658  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium.  On  his  last  visit  to 
Auahi  the  writer  photographed  one  of  these  trees,  which  is  figured  in  this  book. 
(See  plate  78.) 

Hillebrand 's  var.  ft.  is  five-foliolate  and  strongly  pubescent  underneath.  The 
leaflets  are,  however,  not  smaller  than  in  the  species,  at  least  in  certain  trees,  for 
this  variety  seems  to  be  quite  a  variable  one.  The  true  variety  ft.  the  writer  col- 
lected at  Puuwaawaa,  lava  fields  of  North  Kona,  fruiting  (no.  3651),  on  June 
17,  1909.  On  his  last  visit,  March,  1912,  he  collected  the  variety  again,  but  found 
numerous  trees  on  the  Puuwaawaa  hill  proper,  which  differed  somewhat  from 
those  found  on  the  plain  below,  in  having  much  larger  leaves  and  quite  pubescent 
follicles;  the  leaflets  are  broadly  ovate  to  ovate-acute,  wrhile  those  of  the  plain 
below  are  smaller  of  typical  A',  kauaiense  shape,  and  have  glabrous  follicles.  The 
leaf-branch  and  trunk  figured  is  the  true  var.  ft.  Hillebrand 's  material  came 
from  Kawaihaeiuka,  a  neighboring  district.  In  that  latter  locality  tree  growth 
has  disappeared  to  a  certain  extent,  owing  to  cattle  ranches;  only  the  most 
hardy  trees  have  survived. 

Hillebrand 's  variety  y,  with  rather  large  leaflets,  comes  from  Kauai  from  the 
forests  above  Waimea,  meaning  either  Halemanu  or  Kaholuamano.  The  va- 
riety is  represented  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium  by  the  number  5960  col- 
lected in  the  type  locality,  flowering  Sept.  6,  1909. 

In  order  to  have  this  monograph  on  the  genus  Xanthoxylum  complete,  the 
writer  wishes  to  describe  a  new  species  belonging  to  this  genus.  The  same  is, 
however,  only  a  shrub  three  feet  or  even  less  high  and  occurs  in  the  rain  forests 
of  the  Kohala  Mts.  at  an  elevation  of  4100  feet.  It  may  be  described  as  follows: 

Xanthoxylum  Bluettianum  Rock  sp.  nov. 

A  sparingly  branching  shrub  1  m  high,  glabrous;  leaves  three-foliolate  on  petioles 
of  5  to  6.5  cm,  leaflets  ovate,  acute,  with  a  cuneate  base,  the  lateral  ones  unevensided  5.5 
to  8.5  cm  x  3  to  5.5  cm,  thick  coriaceous  opaque  puberulous  underneath,  the  petiolule  of 
the  terminal  leaflet  often  articulate  near  the  blade  2.5  to  3.5  cm,  those  of  the  lateral 
leaflets  16  to  20  mm;  panicles  at  the  base  of  the  branchlets  8  to  12  cm  long  with  a  gray 
pubescent  compressed  peduncle  of  5  cm.  Flowers  unknown.  Follicles  1  cm,  pitted 
striately  rugose,  curved;  seeds  16  mm,  the  woody  testa  rugose  under  the  black  shining 

Hawaii :  High  mountains  of  Kohala  at  the  edge  of  Honokanenui  gulch  at  an 
elevation  of  4100  feet,  in  company  with  Schiedea  diffusa  (fruiting  June,  1910, 
Rock  n.  8373,  type  in  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium). 

Named  in  honor  of  Mr.  P.  W.  P.  Bluett,  Manager  of  Kohala  Ditch,  through 
whose  kindly  aid  the  exploration  of  Kohala  was  made  possible. 


PLATE  80. 

XANTHOXYLUM  MAUIENSE  Mann  var.  KIGIDUM  Rock  var.  nov. 
Fruiting  branch,  about  one-third   of  the   natural  size. 


Xanthoxylum  mauiense   Mann. 
Ae  or  Heae. 

XANTHOXYLUM  MAUIENSE  Mann,  Proc.  Bost.  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X.  (1866)  319,  et  Proc. 
Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  160,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Proc.  E?s.  Inst.  V.  (1867)  170;  — 
Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  74;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  130.— 
Fagara  mauiensis  Engler  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  4.  (1895)  119. 

Leaflets  3  on  a  common  petiole  of  2.5  to  3  cm,  ovate  or  ovate-oblong  6  to  8  em  long, 
3.5  to  5  cm  wide,  acuminate  or  somewhat  obtuse,  pale  coriaceous,  quite  opaque,  puberu- 
lent  above,  gray-tomentose  underneath  as  well  as  the  petioles  and  petiolules  in  the  writer's 
specimens,  the  lateral  ones  subtruncate  at  the  base,  more  or  less  cut  in  the  upper  half,  on 
petiolules  of  2  to  4  mm,  that  of  the  median  leaflet  16  to  18  mm,  and  often  articulate  near 
the  blade;  panicles  3.5  to  10  cm  long  many  flowered,  the  common  peduncle  2.5  to  4.5  cm, 
the  pedicels  about  4  mm,  tomentose;  follicles  8  to  10  mm.  stipitate,  luuulate-obovoid,  the 
apex  almost  lateral,  after  dehiscence  recurved,  rugose  and  pitted. 

This  species  seems  to  be  indeed  a  very  variable  one;  the  writer  has  collected 
material  of  this  species  on  Maui,  Hawaii  and  Lanai,  and  even  specimens  of  a 
small  tree  were  collected  by  him  on  Kauai,  which  seems  to  be  intermediate  be- 
tween A',  tnauicnse  and  A',  hawaiiense ;  the  petiolules  of  the  lateral  leaflets  being 
shorter  than  in  hawaiiense,  but  longer  than  in  mauiense.  The  specimens  from 
the  above-mentioned  islands  vary  considerably,  especially  those  from  Lanai,  and 
from  Maui  proper.  Horace  Mann's  type  came  from  West  Maui,  in  which 
latter  locality  the  writer  did  not  find  any  Xanthoxylum.  The  specimens  on 
which  Mann  based  his  species  were  collected  by  Remy  n.  615.  and  Lydgate,  but  no 
definite  locality  is  given,  other  than  West  Maui.  It  is  the  writer's  opinion 
that  the  tree  must  be  a  dry  district  species,  as  all  other  varieties  occur  in  the 
mixed  forests,  rather  than  in  mesophytic  forests.  The  writer's  specimen  which 
comes  closest  to  the  original  description  came  from  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaa- 
waa.  North  Kona,  Hawaii,  on  the  slopes  of  Mt.  Hualalai  (no.  3716),  where  the 
genus  Xanthoxylum  has  numerous  representatives. 

The  leaves  and  inflorescence  are  quite  pubescent,  and  the  former  opaque,  and 
as  a  whole  answer  well  to  Mann's  description;  there  seems,  however,  to  be  a 
transition  type  present  which  has  the  pubescent  leaves,  and  besides  being  tri- 
foliolate,  has  also  five  leaflets,  which  would  remind  one  of  X.  kauaiense.  The 
species  is  dioecious,  a  fact  of  which  Hillebrand  was  not  certain. 

Specimens  gathered  on  the  Island  of  Lanai,  in  Mahana  Valley  (no.  8112),  un- 
doubtedly will  have  to  be  referred  to  this  species,  though  differing  from  it  in 
the  less  coriaceous  and  perfectly  glabrous  leaves,  and  may  therefore  be  called 
forma  glabnim  f.  nov.  Hillebrand  describes  a  var.  (3.  from  Maunahui,  Molokai, 
which  differs  from  the  species  in  the  very  long  petioles  5  to  10  cm,  the  leaves  of 
which  are  glabrous  above  and  coarsely  pubescent  underneath,  with  pellucid  dots 
along  the  margin.  The  writer  is  unacquainted  with  this  variety. 

Another  variety  described  by  Hillebrand  as  var.  y  the  writer  collected  on  Lanai. 
This  latter  tree  is  indeed  quite  common  on  Lanai.  occurring  on  the  main  ridges 
Lanaihale  and  Haalelepakai ;  elevation  3000  feet.  It  may  be  described  as  follows : 


PLATE  81. 

Less  than  one-half  natural  size. 


Leaflets  thick  coriaceous,  opaque,  obtuse  or  rounded,  the  lateral  ones  subsessile, 
truncate  at  the  base,  rhomboidal,  the  lower  half  much  produced,  almost  auriculate,  the 
rib  puberulous  or  more  often  glabrate,  the  median  leaflet  rarely  articulate;  panicles  simple 
or  compound. 

The  writer's  number  8071,  collected  in  Mahana  Valley,  Lanai,  is  the  typical 
var.  y,  while  number  8217  has  the  leaves  not  quite  so  coriaceous  and  has  densely 
flowered  panicles. 

Var.  rigidum     Rock  var.  nov. 
(Plate  80.) 

A  small  tree  5  m  high,  with  few  very  stiff  stout  branches,  leaves  three  foliolate,  on 
petioles  of  5  to  6  cm,  leaflets  ovoid  to  ovoid-oblong,  bluntly  acute,  truncate  at  the  base, 
the  lateral  ones  subsessile  or  on  petiolules  of  4  mm,  the  median  leaflet  on  an  articulate 
petiolule  of  3  cm,  12  to  15  cm  long,  8  to  12  cm  wide,  (having  the  largest  leaves  of  any 
Hawaiian  Xanthoxylum)  thick  coriaceous,  opaque,  with  prominent  stramineous  midrib 
and  veins;  panicles  densely  flowered,  9  to  12  cm  long,  on  flat,  compressed  peduncles  of 
3.5  to  4  cm,  ultimate  pedicels  6  mm,  follicle  as  in  the  species. 

Collected  on  the  Island  of  Maui  on  the  northwestern  slopes  of  Haleakala  in 

Waihou  gulch,  back  of  Makawao,  elevation  3000  feet,  March,  1912,  in  company 
with  Pseudomorus  Brunoniana  and  Sideroxylon  Ceresolii.  Type  is  number 
10200  in  the  Herbarium  of  the  College  of  Hawaii.  It  is  a  small  tree  15  feet 
high  and  is  peculiar  to  Mt.  Haleakala,  where  it  grows  in  the  drier  regions  on  the 
steep  slopes  of  Waihou  gulch. 

From  the  Kaala  Mt.,  Oahu,  Hillebrand  describes  a  variety  8  with  3  to  5-foliolate 
leaves.  The  writer  is  not  acquainted  with  this  variety. 

Var.  anceps  Rock.  var.  nov. 

Leaves  trifoliolate  on  petioles  of  8  to  12  em,  pubescent  with  whitish  hair,  leaflets  lanceo- 
late to  ovate-lanceolate,  the  lateral  ones  sessile,  almost  rhomboidal  in  outline,  very  un- 
•evensided,  acuminate  at  the  apex,  the  terminal  leaflet  on  a  petiole  of  22  to  30  mm,  which 
is  not  articulate,  10  to  15  cm  long,  3.5  to  9  cm  wide  pubescent  or  glabrous  above,  pubes- 
cent underneath,  especially  along  the  prominent  midrib;  panicles  large  15  to  20  cm,  open, 
many  flowered,  pubescent  throughout,  with  a  common,  broad  and.  flat  (compressed) 
peduncle  of  6  to  9  cm,  ultimate  pedicels  5  mm;  male  flowers:  sepals  minute  dentiform, 
pubescent,  petals  cream-colored,  5  mm  long  ovoid,  acute,  stamens  slightly  shorter,  anthers 
orbicular,  ovary  pronounced,  though  rudimentary:  follicle  only  8  mm,  minutely  pitted. 

A  medium-sized  tree  20  feet  in  height,  pubescent  throughout.  It  is  peculiar 
to  the  Island  of  Hawaii,  where  it  grows  near  the  Volcano  of  Kilauea  at  an  ele- 
vation of  4000  feet  in  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  which  is  so  rich  in  species.  A  number 
of  other  species  of  Xanthoxylum  are  found  in  this  small  area  (56  acres),  which 
is  surrounded  by  ancient  aa  lava  flows  which  are  in  turn  covered  by  a  forest  of 
Acacia  Koa. 

Specimens  of  this  variety  were  collected  flowering  and  fruiting  by  the  writer 
in  July,  1911.  The  type  is  number  10201  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 
The  name  anceps  refers  to  the  broad  and  compressed  peduncle. 

In  the  same  locality  another  form  was  collected  with  3  to  5  leaflets  which  are 
glabrous  and  coriaceous.  In  fruit  only,  the  leaves  resemble  more  var.  rigidum 
(no.  10202). 


PLATE  82. 

XANTHOXYLUM  DIPETALUM  Matin  var.  GEMINICARPUM  Rock  var.  nov. 
Trunk  21/.   feet  in  diameter,  growing  in  Kipuka   Puaulu.   Kilauea,  Hawaii. 


To  the  variety  anceps  must  be  referred  another  tree  found  in  the  same  locality. 
The  inflorescence  is  exactly  as  in  the  variety,  but  the  leaves,  which  are  also 
pubescent,  have  three  but  rarely  five  leaflets  which  are  subcordate  to  truncate 
at  the  base ;  the  lateral  ones  instead  of  being  sessile  are  on  petiolules  of  about  10 
mm  and  are  subcordate  to  uneveusided ;  the  leaflets  remind  one  very  much  of 
those  of  Pterotropia  Kauaiensis.  The  terminal  leaflet  is  also  articulate.  Evi- 
dently the  length  of  the  petiolules  of  the  lateral  leaflets,  on  which  Hillebrand  laid 
so  much  stress,  is  not  a  good  specific  character.  According  to  his  key  to  the 
species,  this  latter  form,  which  may  be  known  now  as  forma  petiolulatum  f.  n., 
would  belong  to  A',  liaicaiiense,  rather  than  to  A",  mauiense,  but  can  not  be  sep- 
arated from  the  latter,  as  it  differs  otherwise  very  materially  from  the  former 
species,  whose  lateral  leaflets  are  practically  deltoid,  with  petiolules  as  long  as 
the  terminal  one.  These  varieties  and  forms  seem  to  be  intermediates  between 
A",  mauiense  and  A',  hawaiiense,  though  reminding  one  much  more  of  the  former 
than  of  the  latter. 

Xanthoxylum  dipetalum  Mann. 

XANTHOXYLUM  DIPETALUM  Mann  in  Proc.  Bost.   Soc.   Nat.  Hist.  X.   (1867)    160,  et 
Proc.  Ess.  Inst.  V.   (1868)   170;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.   (1888)   76;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl. 
Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)   129.— Fagara  dipetala  Engl.  in  "Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam. 
•    III.  4.   (1895)   119. 

Leaves  15  to  18  cm  long  including  a  petiole  of  2.5  to  3.5  cm,  pinnately  5  to  7  folio- 
late,  the  lowest  pair  of  leaflets  generally  with  a  pair  of  stipelliform  or  auricular  folioles 
dose  to  its  base;  lateral  petiolules  6  mm,  the  terminal  one  12  to  18  mm,  often  articulate; 
leaflets  oblong  7.5  to  8.75  cm  long,  3.75  to  4.5  cm  wide,  obtuse,  all  contracting  and  nearly 
symmetrical  at  the  base,  coriaceous,  with  faint  nerves  and  many  pellucid  dots,  glossy; 
panicles  terminal  and  oppositifolious,  7.5  to  10  cm  long,  with  a  peduncle  of  2.5  to  3.75  cm 
and  suberect  branches,  the  ternate  flowers  on  pedicels  of  6  mm,  the  lateral  pedicels 
minutely  bracteate  below  the  middle;  male  flowers:  sepals  4,  rounded,  little  more  than 
1  mm  high;  petals  2,  lanceolate,  thick  coriaceous  and  valvate,  10  mm  long,  stamens  4, 
scarcely  half  the  length  of  the  petals,  placed  on  the  edge  of  the  disc,  with  long  apiculate 
anthers  of  2  to  3  mm;  ovary  rudimentary. 

This  very  interesting  species,  which  is  quite  distinct  from  all  the  other  Ha- 
waiian Xanthoxyla,  was  first  collected  by  Dr.  Wm.  Hillebrand  and  communicated 
by  him  to  H.  Mann,  who  described  it.  The  writer  is  only  acquainted  with  sev- 
eral forms  or  varieties  of  this  species  found  on  the  other  islands,  but  has  never 
collected  the  species  proper,  found  on  Oahu  by  Hillebrand  on  the  slopes  of 
Waiolani,  also  called  Lanihuli,  in  Xuuanu  Valley.  The  dipetalous  flowers  occur 
in  the  species,  and  in  the  varieties  the  flowers  are  tetramerous.  It  is  a  tree  about 
30  feet  high  and  quite  glabrous.  In  regard  to  the  dipetalous  flowers  Hillebrand 
quite  correcthr  states:  ''The  reduced  number  of  the  petals  in  the  species  is 
owing  not  to  a  suppression  of  a  pair,  but  to  coalescence  of  two  contiguous  petals ; 
it  is  not  so  much  therefore  on  the  strength  of  these  characters  that  the  present 
species  must  claim  a  place  distinct  from  the  preceding  ones  within  the  genus,  as 
for  its  mode  of  inflorescence  and  the  presence  of  the  supplementary  pair  of 
reduced  leaflets  in  such  an  extraordinary  position,  where  they  appear  like  ap- 
pendages of  the  lowest  folioles. ' ' 


PLATE  83. 

Tree  growing  in  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  near  Volcano  Kilauea,  Hawaii;  elevation  4000  feet. 


H.  Mann  described  Hbd.  's  variety  y,  doubtfully  in  the  genus  Connarus  as  C.  ? 
Kauaiensis,  and  remarks  that  the  two  lower  lateral  leaflets,  which  are  very  small 
and  have  strongly  revolute  margins,  are  perhaps  a  diseased  state.  This  is,  how- 
ever, not  the  case,  as  in  all  forms  examined  from  Kauai  and  Hawaii  these  stipel- 
liform  leaflets  are  present. 

Hillebrand  describes  a  variety  /?  with  generally  3-foliolate  leaves  and  acute  an- 
thers which  are  longer  than  their  filaments,  from  the  Island  of  Hawaii,  from  the 
western,  dry  section  of  Kawaihaeiuka.  The  writer  did  not  meet  with  this  va- 
riety, though  he  found  another  form  in  the  neighboring  district  of  North  Kona 
on  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  which  proved  to  be  new  and  is  here  described 
as  follows : 

Var.  tomentosum  Rock  var.  nov. 

Leaves  5  to  7  foliolate,  including  the  reduced  pair  of  stipelliform  leaflets,  on  petioles 
of  2.5  to  4  cm,  densely  tomentose  throughout,  as  is  the  inflorescence;  leaflets  oblong  to 
linear-oblong,  or  orbiculate,  or  obovate-oblong,  rounded  at  the  apex  and  base,  or  bluntly 
acute,  or  with  even  emarginate  apex,  5.5  to  15  cm  long,  3  to  8  cm  wide,  pubescent  above, 
densely  velvety  tomentose  underneath,  the  terminal  petiolule  1  to  3  cm,  articulate,  the 
lateral  ones  1  to  5  cm,  densely  tomentose,  the  stipelliform  leaflets  immediately  below 
the  last  pair  of  normal  leaflets,  the  margins  revolute,  or  completely  folded,  opaque,  with- 
out oil  glands;  veins  and  midrib  prominent  underneath;  panicles  4  to  15  cm  long  including 
a  peduncle  of  5  mm  to  7  cm;  male  flowers:  sepals  4,  rounded  or  acute,  2  mm  high,  hispid, 
petals  2.  tomentose,  broadly  ovate,  acute,  stamens  4,  oblong,  1.5  mm  long,  four  times  as 
long  as  filament;  female  flowers:  stamens  wanting,  ovary  ovoid,  slightly  raised  on  a  disc, 
tomentose;  stigma  sessile,  with  two  flat  broad  lobes;  follicles  woody,  2.5  cm  long,  2  cm 
wide,  tapering  into  a  point  of  3  to  5  mm,  rugose  and  pitted;  seed  ovoid,  black,  16  mm  long, 
12  mm  wide,  shining,  raphe  extending  its  entire  length. 

This  very  interesting  tree  occurs  on  the  lava  flows  of  Mt.  Hualalai,  at  Puu- 
waawaa, North  Kona,  Hawaii,  wrhere  it  is,  however,  not  common.  It  was  first 
collected  by  the  writer,  fruiting  and  flowering,  on  June  17,  1909  (no.  3695),  and 
again  during  March,  1912,  when  several  forms  of  this  variety  were  found,  which 
have  been  here  described  collectively.  Type  is  10207  in  College  of  Hawaii  Her- 

Var.  geminicarpum  Rock  var.  nov. 
(Plates  81,  82,  83.) 

Leaves  one  to  three  foliolate  with  the  ever  present  stipellifoim  leaflets,  on  short 
petioles,  leaflets  entirely  glabrous,  thick  coriaceous,  with  midrib  and  nerves  prominent, 
united  by  a  reticulate  venation,  ovate-oblong,  or  elliptical-oblong,  acute  or  rounded  at 
the  apex,  the  terminal  leaflet  gradually  tapering  into  a  non-articulate  petiolule  of  1  to  3.5 
cm,  the  lateral  ones  subsessile  or  on  peduncles  of  often  more  than  5  cm;  female  flowers: 
sepals  4,  ovate,  acute  or  rounded  petals  2  to  4  reddish  yellow,  lanceolate,  10  mm,  thick, 
acute,  when  2;  terete  tapering  styles  distinct,  united  at  the  apex  by  the  reddish,  close 
grooved  stigma;  ovary  2,  rarely  3-celled;  follicles  usually  two,*  with  an  ovoid,  black 
smooth  seed  in  each,  occasionally  with  a  single  seed,  the  other  rudimentary. 

A  large  tree  40  feet  high  with  a  straight  trunk,  2,y2  feet  in  diameter,  bark  gray, 
covered  with  lenticels.  This  interesting  variety  the  writer  discovered  on  the 

*  In   the  writer's   material   each   fruit  consists   of  two  follicles,  though  the   figure   on 
plate  81   shows  only  a  single  one. 



slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet,  in  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  near 
the  Volcano  Kilauea  on  Hawaii.  Only  two  trees  were  observed;  both  were  of 
the  same  size,  about  40  feet  in  height,  with  stout,  ungainly  looking,  ascending 
branches.  Collected  flowering  and  fruiting  July  20,  1911.  Type  is  no.  10208  in 
the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

Xanthoxylum   dipetalum    Mann.    var.   -/    Hbd. 
Kawau  on  Kauai. 

XANTHOXYLUM  DIPETALUM   Mann.   var.   -y   Hbd.   Fl.   Haw.   lal.   1.   c.   p.;— Wawra   in 
Flora  (1873)  139. — Connarus  ?  Kauaiensis  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  162. 

Leaves  on  short  petioles  of  1  cm,  3  to  1  foliolate,  with  the  supplementary  pair  of 
stipellif  )rm  leaflets  besides,  obovate-oblong,  thick  coriaceous  and  quite  opaque,  with  promi- 
nent veins  and  a  distinct  intramarginal  nerve;  panicles  as  in  the  species,  few  flowered; 
female  flowers:  sepals  4,  1  mm  long,  rounded,  puberulous,  as  are  the  4  lanceolate  petals; 
stamens  wanting,  ovary  glabrous,  styles  apparently  two,  but  not  distinct  as  in  var. 
yeminicarpum,  appearing  only  to  be  grooved,  united  at  the  apex  by  a  broad,  flat,  orbicu- 
lar, grooved  stigma;  male  flowers:  petals  2,  ovoid,  smaller,  only  two-thirds  the  length  of 
the  female  flower,  anthers  4,  less  than  half  the  length  of  the  petals,  2.5  mm,  including 
the  0.5  mm  long  filament,  ovary  rudimentary;  follicle  single,  3  cm  long,  including  the  6 
mm  long  acumen  at  the  apex,  slightly  pitted,  woody;  seed  ovoid,  2  cm,  the  hard  woody 
testa  covered  with  a  black,  shining,  thin  and  brittle  epidermis,  the  raphe  extending  its 
entire  length;  cotyledons  thick  fleshy,  plano-convex,  the  radicle  very  short  and  enclosed. 

This  exceedingly  interesting  tree  reaches  a  height  of  more  than  30  feet  with  a 
trunk  of  often  over  a  foot  in  diameter.  It  favors  the  outskirts  of  the  forests 
on  the  leeward  side  of  Kauai,  especially  at  Kaholuamano  and  Halemanu  above 
Waimea  at  an  elevation  of  3600  to  4000  feet.  It  is  found  in  company  with 
Pelea  anisata,  Bobea  Mannii,  Pelea  Kauaiensis,  Elaeocarpus  bifidus,  Cyanea  lepto- 
stegia,  Tetraplasandra  Waimeae,  Sideroxylon  sandwicense,  Alphitonia  excelsa, 
Pterotropia  kauaiensis,  and  others  which  make  up  this  very  interesting  mixed 

On  Kauai,  to  which  island  this  tree  is  peculiar,  its  trunk  was  in  great  demand 
for  tapa  or  kapa  logs  or  anvils  on  which  the  strips  of  the  wauke  bark  were  beaten. 
The  yellowish  wood  of  this  tree  was  especially  in  favor  with  the  natives  on  ac- 
count of  the  resonant  tones  it  produced  when  struck  with  a  tapa  beater  made  of 
some  of  the  hard  woods,  such  as  Uhiuhi,  Kauila,  and  others.  The  sound  of  the 
tapa  beating  would  be  heard  from  valley  to  valley,  and  constituted  a  regular 
system  of  communication  by  means  of  a  code. 

This  Kawau  tree,  or  as  it  is  also  termed  Kawau  kua  kuku  kapa,  is  the  subject  of 
a  mele  or  old  Hawaiian  song,  which  begins  thus:  "Mehe  Kawau  laka  ale  i  ka 
moana,  etc. ' '  As  the  Kawau  so  is  the  sound  of  the  ocean.  The  old  natives  evi- 
dently had  reference  to  the  sounds  produced  by  the  pounding  surf,  which  can 
be  heard  for  a  long  distance,  and  compared  it  with  the  resonant  sound  produced 
when  beating  tapa  on  the  Kawau  log.  According  to  Mr.  Francis  Gay  of  Kauai, 
the  natives  of  that  island  preferred  this  tree  to  any  other  for  the  above  described 


PELEA  Gray. 

Flowers  polygamous.  Calyx  lobes  4,  rarely  5,  imbricate.  Lobes  of  corolla  4,  rarely  5, 
valvate.  Stamens  8,  rarely  10,  inserted  at  the  base  of  a  slightly  8  lobed  discus,  in  the 
fertile  flowers  rudimentary,  usually  the  height  of  the  ovary,  in  the  sterile  flowers  4,  often 
as  long  as  the  petals  and  occasionally  longer  and  protruding;  filaments  flat;  anthers  short 
ovate  or  sagittate,  introrse.  Carpels  4,  rarely  5,  united,  each  with  two  collateral  ovules, 
one  ascending,  the  other  pendulous.  Capsule  of  4  follicles  either  discreet  and  4-coccous 
or  more  or  less  deeply  4-parted,  in  a  few  species  cuboid;  follicles  2-valved.  Seeds  crus- 
taceous  with  black  shining  testa,  on  a  short  and  broad  funiculus.  Embryo  straight,  in  a 
fleshy  albumen,  with  broad  ovate  cotyledons  and  short  radicle. — Unarmed  trees  with 
opposite  or  whorled  leaves,  which  are  simple  and  entire,  and  have  an  intramarginal  nerve. 
Flowers  in  axillary,  simple  or  compound,  mostly  paniculate  cymes. 

The  genus  Pelea,  which  was  dedicated  by  Asa  Gray  to  the  Hawaiian  goddess 
of  the  Volcano,  Pele,  is  not  strictly  Hawaiian,  though  the  bulk  of  the  species  is 
found  in  these  Islands.  A  few  only  occur  outside  the  Hawaiian  archipelago,  as, 
for  example,  three  in  New  Caledonia  and  one  in  Madagascar. 

The  Hawaiian  Pelea  are  rather  difficult  for  the  systematist,  as  they  are  ex- 
tremely variable  and  have  numerous  forms  and  varieties  which  link  several  species 
together.  There  are,  strictly  speaking,  very  few  well  denned  species.  The 
writer  in  this  treatise  on  the  arboreous  species  of  this  genus,  has  added  five  new 
species  and  five  new  varieties.  The  work  of  classifying  all  the  variable  species  of 
Pelea  was  made  extremely  difficult  and  troublesome  through  the  publication  of 
supposed  new  species  of  Pelea  by  H.  Leveille  based  on  material  collected  by  Abbe 
U.  Faurie,  in  the  year  1910.  It  certainly  is  most  regrettable  that  this  material, 
which  often  is  beyond  recognition,  wras  turned  over  to  Mr.  Leveille,  who  was 
only  too  ambitious  to  swell  the  number  of  his  new  species.  The  descriptions  are 
so  incomplete  that  it  was  impossible  to  make  use  of  them  and  consequently  the 
work  had  to  be  ignored. 

The  writer  still  has  numerous  plants  of  Pelea  which  could  not  be  placed,  which 
are  undoubtedly  new,  but  the  material  is  incomplete,  either  flowers  or  capsules 
being  lacking,  and  it  certainly  would  be  of  no  help  to  describe  these  plants  as 
new,  without  complete  material,  such  as  sterile  and  fertile  flowers  and  fruits. 
Even  Hillebrand's  descriptions  are  not  too  complete,  some  of  them  are  even 
dubious,  and  references  to  such  will  be  found  in  their  proper  places.  The  writer 
could  also  have  swelled  the  number  of  new  species  of  Pelea  as  Mr.  Leveille  did, 
to  the  sorrow  of  future  workers  on  the  Hawaiian  Flora,  but  refrained  from  doing 
so  on  account  of  insufficient  material.  Of  the  new  species  of  Pelea  described  in 
this  book,  the  writer  had  abundant  and  complete  material,  having  visited  the 
various  localities  at  different  seasons  in  order  to  secure  the  plants  in  all  stages 
of  development.  Leveille  describes,  if  so  it  can  be  called,  five  species  of  Pelea 
in  Fedde  Repertorium  Vol.  X.  no.  10-14,  1911,  and  10  species  in  Vol.  X.  no.  27-29, 
1912,  the  names  of  all  of  which  are  as  follows:  Pelea  Leveillei  Faurie,  Pelea 
waianaiensis  Levl.,  P.  oahuensis  Levl.,  P.  penduliflora  Levl.,  P.  Feddei  Levl.,  P. 
subpeltata  Levl.,  P.  nodosa  Levl.,  P.  singuliflora  Levl.,  P.  peduncularis  Levl.,  P. 



grandipetala  Levl.,  P.  Hillebrandii  Levl.,  P.  foetida  Levl.,  P.  sessilis  LevL,  Pelea'l 
acutivalvata  Levl.,  P.  Fauriei  Levl. 

The  latter  one  the  writer  thinks  to  be  only  a  mere  variety  of  P.  clusiaefolia 
Gray.  It  is  a  very  small  leaved  form,  but  owing  to  the  fact  that  it  is  found  in 
the  rather  dry  forests  back  of  Kaluaha  and  Kamolo  on  the  leeward  side  of  Mo- 
lokai,  it  can  be  easily  the  result  of  the  location,  a  fact  which  has  disproved  many 
an  apparently  new  species.  Leveille  absolutely  ignores  fertile  or  sterile  flowers 
and  gives  only  a  general  description  that  may  be  applied  to  any  species  in  the 
genus.  An  example  may  follow.  P.  Hillebrandii,  Rami  fragiles,  nodosi; — flores 
magni  axillares  cymosi  pedicelli  bibracteolati,  caylce  minuto,  sepala  obtusa,  glabra, 
petala  4-5-plo  longiora,  glabra  apice  triangularia ;  stamina  paulo  breviora. 

This  description,  especially  of  the  flower,  is  really  a  marvel,  and  anyone  able 
to  place  P.  Hillebrandii  by  it,  must  be  a  clairvoyant,  and  a  clever  one  at  that. 
Anyone  acquainted  with  the  extreme  variability  of  the  Hawaiian  Pelea,  their 
many  intermediates,  and  who  has  at  his  disposal  such  a  large  material  as  is  at 
the  writer's  disposal,  cannot  help  but  deplore  such  work,  which  is  not  to  the  ad- 
vancement, but  to  the  hindrance  of  botanical  science. 

The  Hawaiian  Pelea,  for  the  sake  of  convenience,  may  be  classed  into  four 
units,  and  embraced  under  a  special  name  sp.  (ecies)  c.  (ollectiva). 

For  example:  Pelea  clusiaefolia  with  all  its  varieties  is  closely  related  to  P. 
auriculae  folia,  P.  Cookeana,  P.  sapotaefolia,  P.  Waialealae,  P.  microcarpa,  P.  Fau- 
riei and  perhaps  P.  pallida.  All  these  species  have  a  more  or  less  variable,  but 
always  small  capsule  in  common,  and  have  all  either  quaternate  or  ternate  leaves, 
and  never  opposite  ones  unless  it  be  in  very  rare  instances,  or  perhaps  in  a 
very  dubious  variety  of  some  one  of  these  species.  The  writer  would  propose  for 
this  group  of  species  the  name  Pelea  sp.  c.  verticillifolia ;  this  expresses  the  con- 
ception of  the  group  as  a  very  closely  related  one,  in  a  comprehensive  and  easy 

The  second  and  largest  group  has  opposite  leaves  and  is  characterized  by  the 
large  capsules,  which  are  deeply  parted  but  not  discreet.  The  typical  species  of 
this  group  is  Pelea  volcanica,  and  is  followed  by  Pelea  pseudoanisata,  P.  oblongi- 
folia,  P.  rotundifolia,  P.  orbicularis,  P.  molokaiensis,  P.  Mannii,  P.  parvifolia,  P. 
macropus,  P.  Kauaiensis,  and  P.  sandwicensis.  P.  Balloui,  of  which  only 
young  capsules  (which  are  silky  pubescent)  are  known,  may  also  belong  to  this 
group  for  which  the  writer  proposes  the  name  P.  sp.  c.  megacarpa.  This  in  itself 
is  a  practical  key  which  will  facilitate  the  identification  of  species. 

Another  marked  group,  though  small,  has  cuboid  capsules  and  opposite  leaves 
and  is  made  up  of  the  following  members :  Pelea  anisata,  P.  Wawraeana,  P. 
Zahlbruckneri,  and  may  be  termed  P.  sp.  c.  cubicarpa. 

The  fourth  group  is  composed  of  the  following,  with  Pelea  cinerea,  as  the  most 
variable  one,  in  the  lead;  it  is  followed  closely  by  P.  Knudsenii,  P.  multiflora,  P. 



barbigera,  and  the  P.  elliptica.     All  these  form  a  marked  group  which  can  be 
expressed  by  the  name  Pelea  sp.  c.  apocarpa. 

Drake  Del  Castillo,  in  his  " Illustrationes  Florae  Insularum  Maris  Pacifici," 
united  the  genera  Melicope  and  Pelea  with  Evodia.  The  latter  genus  differs, 
however,  from  Pelea  in  the  strictly  tetramerous  flowers,  while  the  genus  Pelea 
has  never  less  than  eight  stamens.  Melicope  again  differs  from  Pelea  in  the  im- 
bricate petals.  The  writer  has  here  adhered  to  the  original  classification,  uphold- 
ing the  genus  Pelea,  as  has  also  been  done  by  Engler  in  his  treatise  on  the  family 


I.  Verticillifoliae. 

Capsule  syncarpous  the  carpels  more  or  less  united. 
Flowers  fasciculate  on  a  short  axis. 
Leaves   quaternate   or   ternate. 
Capsule  deeply  parted,  small. 

Leaves  obovate,  shortly  petiolate,  capsule  woody,  small. 

P.  clusiaefolia 
Leaves  large  obovate-oblong,  attenuate  at  the  base,  subsessile, 

flowers  small    P.  Cookeana 

Leaves  ovate,  small,  2  to  5  cm.  subsessile ....      P.  Fauriei 
Leaves  large,  elongate  oblong,  spathulate,  villous  underneath 

P.  sapotaefolia 

Leaves  lanceolate-acute  capsule  thin P.  Waialealae 

Leaves  sessile  with  an  auriculate  base P.  auriculaefolia 

Leaves  ternate,  obovate,  petiolate,  the  midrib  pubescent,  cap- 
sule very  small P.  microcarpa 

II.  Megacarpae. 

Capsules  large,  deeply  4  parted. 

Leaves  opposite  branches  hirsute — tomentose. 

Leaves    oval,    hirsute   underneath P.  volcanica 

Leaves    oval    or   oblong,   strongly   reticulated,   glabrous   under- 
neath        P.  sandwicensis 

Leaves  orbicular,  petiolate,  mucronate P.  orbicularis 

Leaves  opposite,  branches  glabrous. 

Leaves    coriaceous,     velvety     villous     underneath     on     hirsute 

petioles P.  Kauaiensis 

Leaves  orbicular,  sessile,  glabrous P.  rotundifolia 

Leaves  obovate,  retuse  base,  glabrous,  chartaceous 

P.  Molokaiensis 
Leaves  elliptico-oblong,  contracted,  not  emarginate 

P.  macropus 

Leaves   ovate   to   obovate   oblong,   shining   on  both   sides,   cap- 
sule very  large,  strongly  anise-scented P.  pseudoanisata 

Leaves     ovate,     thick     coriaceous,     capsule     silky     tomentose, 
sepals  and  petals  persistent P.  Balloui 

III.  Cubicarpae. 

Capsules  cuboid,  almost  entire. 

Leaves  opposite,  capsules  small. 

Leaves  thin,  glabrous,  anise-scented P.  anista 

Leaves  elliptico  oblong,  coriaceous,  glabrous.      P.  Wawraeana 

Leaves  opposite,  capsule  large. 

Leaves  obovate-oblong,  chartaceous P.  Zahlbruckneri 

PLATE  84. 


Showing  flowering  and  fruiting  branch. 


IV.     Apocarpae. 

Capsules  apocarpous,   carpels  discreet. 

Leaves  opposite,  cobwebby,  capsules  glabrous. 

Leaves  oblong,  cobwebby  underneath,  flowers  up  to  200 

P.  multiflora 
Leaves  ovate  to  ovate-oblong,  cordate,  flowers  up  to  40 

P.  Knudsenii 
Leaves   elliptico   oblong,   curved,   concave,   chartaceous,   flowrers 

3  to  5 P.  barbigera 

Leaves  opposite,  capsules  pubescent. 

Leaves     thin     chartaceous,     obtuse,     pale     pubescent,     capsule 

puberulous P.  elliptica 

Leaves  ovate   oblong,  subcoriaceous,  tomentulose,   capsule  with 
fulvous  tomentum P.  cinerea 

Pelea  clusiaefolia  Gray. 

(Plate  84.) 

PELEA  CLUSIAEFOLIA  Gray,  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  340,  pi.  35;— Mann.  Proc.  Bost. 
Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X.  (1866)  312.  et  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  158,  et  Proc. 
Essex  Inst.  V.  (1867)  165;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  107;—  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1888)  62; — Heller  Plants  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  838. — Clusia  sessilis  Hook,  et  Arn. 
Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  80  (not  Forster).— Evodia  clusiaefolia  Drake  Del.  Cast.  111.  Fl. 
Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI.  (1890)  131. 

A  small  glabrous  tree;  leaves  in  whorls  of  4  or  3,  occasionally  2,  obovate  or  obovate- 
oblong,  rounded  or  emarginate,  with  contracted  base,  thick  coriaceous,  with  a  prominent 
midrib  and  continuous  intramarginal  nerve  which  is  close  to  the  edge,  shining  above,  dull 
underneath,  5  to  12  cm  long,  3  to  6  cm  wide,  on  either  short  petioles  of  1  cm  or  even 
subsessile,  or  on  petioles  of  2.5  cm;  flowers  in  axillary  clusters,  often  cauline,  the  thick 
peduncle  scarcely  2  mm  in  length,  the  pedicels  2  to  4  mm,  minutely  bracteate  at  the  base; 
sterile  flowers  of  the  same  size  as  the  fertile,  in  the  former  some  of  the  stamens  are  as 
long  as  the  petals  and  even  longer,  protruding,  the  sepals  and  petals  acute,  the  latter 
twice  as  long  as  the  former,  ovary  glabrous,  rudimentary,  composed  of  4  globose  carpels, 
with  apparently  no  style  in  the  writer's  specimens,  but  small  sessile  stigma;  fertile 
flowers  4  to  6  mm,  the  petals  more  than  twice  the  length  of  the  sepals,  stamens  rudi- 
mentary, little  longer  than  the  rather  depressed  ovary,  anthers  sagittate  on  broad  fila- 
ments, style  2  mm,  with  a  4  lobed  stigma,  the  lobes  rather  thick  and  blunt;  capsule  4 
lobed,  the  carpels  united  to  the  middle,  obtuse  or  obovate,  prominently  marked  with  con- 
centric wrinkles,  one  to  two  seeded,  16  mm  in  diameter. 

Wawra  says  of  this  species  that  the  flowers  are  hermaphrodite ;  this  is,  however, 
not  the  case.  All  Hawaiian  Peleae  have  fertile  and  sterile  flowers  with  either  one 
or  the  other  organ  rudimentary,  making  them  appear  to  be  hermaphrodite.  The 
male  flowers  of  this  species  were  not  known  to  Asa  Gray. 

Wawra  in  Flora  records  three  forms:  fm.  a  (normalis)  from  the  Waianae 
Mts.,  fm.  (3  (macrocarpa)  and  fm.  y  microcarpa.  Asa  Gray  enumerates  two  va- 
rieties— ft  and  y,  so  does  Hillebrand. 

The  writer  has  large  material  of  this  species  from  many  localities.  It  is  one 
of  the  most  common  Pelea  on  Oahu,  as  well  as  on  other  islands,  especially  on 
Hawaii  in  the  forests  of  Puna,  near  the  Volcano  Kilauea. 

It  is  a  medium-sized  tree  reaching  a  height  of  25  to  30  feet  in  certain  localities. 

Specimens  from  Konahuanui,  Oahu,  have  ovate  acute  leaves,  but  also  varying 
tremendously,  while  others  from  the  Waikane  Mts.,  on  the  windward  side  of 
Oahu,  have  obovate  subsessile  leaves.  From  the  same  locality  the  writer  col- 



lected  specimens  with  linear  oblong  leaves  15  cm  long,  and  3  cm  wide  and 

A  distinct  variety  recorded  as  ft  by  Hillebrand  the  writer  collected  in  the  type 
locality,  back  of  Wahiawa,  in  the  north  fork  of  Kaukonahua  gulch;  the  leaves 
are  narrow  and  on  rather  long  petioles  of  3  to  4.5  cm,  flowering,  fruiting  May  15, 
1909,  no.  3053. 

A  more  robust  variety  was  collected  on  Hawaii  in  the  Kohala  mountains,  with 
stout  branches  and  petioles;  flowering  and  fruiting  June,  1910,  no.  8366. 

Hillebrand 's  var.  y  was  collected  along  the  government  road  above  Glenwood 
and  near  the  Volcano  of  Kilauea  on  Hawaii,  fruiting  no.  8775,  April,  1911 ;  July, 
1911 ;  December,  1911. 

Pelea  Cookeana  Rock  sp.  nov. 

Branches  densely  foliate  at  the  ends;  leaves  obovate-oblong,  or  obovate,  or  even 
ovate,  quaternate,  rounded  at  the  apex  or  emarginate,  attenuate  at  the  base,  rounded  or 
subemarginate,  slightly  auriculate,  subsessile,  thick  coriaceous,  opaque,  with  a  prominent 
midrib,  leaves  punctate  underneath,  intramarginal  nerve  almost  straight,  close  to  the 
edge  of  the  leaf,  5.5  to  14  cm  long,  2.5  to  6.5  cm  wide;  inflorescence  as  in  P.  clusiaefolia, 
in  fascicles;  male  flowers:  sepals  ovate  acute,  petals  twice  the  length,  acute,  stamens  8, 
4  as  long  as  the  petals,  the  remaining  shorter  and  of  unequal  size,  filaments  broad,  anthers 
very  short,  acute,  deeply  emarginate  at  the  base,  ovary  glabrous,  style  1  mm,  with  a 
bluntly  4-lobed  stigma,  lobes  minute;  female  flowers  smaller,  petals  slightly  longer  than 
the  sepals,  stamens  minute,  less  than  1  mm,  ovary  flat,  circular  in  outline,  style  filiform, 
1  mm,  with  a  4-lobed  stigma;  capsule  as  in  P.  clusiaefolia  but  smaller. 

This  certainly  very  variable  species,  which  is  here  named  in  honor  of  Mr. 
George  P.  Cooke  of  Molokai,  occurs  in  the  dense  rain  forests  above  Kamoku,  on 
the  leeward  side  of  Molokai,  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet.  It  is  a  small  tree, 
though  often  inclined  to  be  shrubby  with  rather  stiff  and  stout  branches.  It 
occurs  all  over  Molokai  in  various  forms,  but  always  in  the  dense  rain  forest.  It 
is  closely  allied  to  P.  clusiaefolia,  and  perhaps  also  to  P.  auriculae  folia.  The 
leaves  are,  however,  much  larger,  subsessile,  of  thick  texture,  the  inflorescence 
smaller  as  well  as  the  capsules ;  the  tree  has  an  entirely  different  aspect  with  its 
stout  branches,  which  remind  somewhat  of  P.  microcarpa  from  Kauai. 

The  type  material  was  collected  on  the  Island  of  Molokai  in  the  swampy  forest 
above  Kamoku  camp,  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet ;  flowering  and  fruiting  no. 
6262,  March  23,  1910.  Flowering  April  10,  1910,  no.  7075,  from  Wailau  Pali, 
Molokai,  elevation  4000  feet. 

Pelea  Fauriei  Levl. 

PELEA  FAUEIEI  Levl.  in  Fedde  Eepert.  X.  10-14  (1911)  153. 

A  clusiaefolia  Gray  affini  distinguitur:  cortice  nigrescente,  ramulis  rugosis  vel  articu- 
latis;  foliis  brevibus  et  minoribus  1  to  5  x  1  to  2  cm  opacis,  subsessilibus,  profuse  nigro- 
punctatis  et  subtus  conspicue  tomentosis  et  validissime,  reticulatis;  capsula  et  cetera  fere 
P.  clusiaefoliae. 

A  P.  sessili  adhorret  colore  pallido  foliorum;  floribus  breviter  fasciculatis,  et  duplo 

Molokai:      Kamolo,  1000  m,  Pukoo,  600  m,  maio-jun.  1910;  Faurie  no.  104,  203. 

The  plant  in  question  was  collected  first  by  the  writer  in  April,  1910,  in  the 



woods  of  Kaluaha,  Molokai,  with  flower  buds;  no.  7066.  Owing  to  very  incom- 
plete material  the  writer  is  unable  to  enlarge  upon  Leveille's  description.  In  the 
writer's  hand  is  a  co-type  of  Faurie's  no.  203,  but  without  flower  and  fruit.  The 
writer  is  very  much  inclined  to  reduce  this  plant  to  a  variety  of  P.  clusiae  folia, 
as  it  only  differs  from  that  species  in  the  rather  small  subsessile  leaves;  but 
owing  to  insufficient  material  for  study,  it  is  left  at  present  unmolested.  It  is  a 
small  tree,  also  shrubby. 

Pelea  sapotaefolia  Mann. 

PELEA  SAPOTAEFOLIA  Mann  Proc.  Bost.  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X.  (1866)  312,  et  Proc.  Am. 
Ac.  VII.  (1867)  158,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Proc.  Ess.  Inst.  V.  (1867)  165;—  Wawra  in 
Flora  (1873)  109;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  63;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897) 
840.— Evodia  sapotaefolia  Drake  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  133. 

A  small  tree  much  branched;  the  young  naked  leaf -buds  hirsute,  the  branches  and 
inflorescence  glabrous;  leaves  verticillate,  in  fours,  elongated-oblong  or  slightly  spathulate- 
oblong,  chartaceous,  10  to  22.5  cm  long.  5  to  7.5  cm  wide,  somewhat  attenuated  at  the 
base,  or  sometimes  obtuse,  on  a  petiole  of  2.5  to  3.5  cm,  with  a  strong,  prominent  midrib, 
the  very  numerous  primary  veins  (30  to  50  pairs)  running  out  nearly  transversely  towards 
the  margin,  where  they  unite  with  a  distinct  intra-marginal  vein;  the  leaves  are  some- 
what villous  pubescent  on  the  under  surface,  more  especially  on  the  midrib,  but  quite 
glabrous  above;  the  texture  and  especially  the  venation  of  the  leaves  gives  them  some- 
what the  appearance  of  the  larger  forms  of  (Sapota  sandicicensis)  Sideroxylon  sandwiccnse; 
flowers  in  axillary  sessile  clusters,  the  pedicels  4  to  6  mm  long;  calyx  4-parted,  the  lobes 
broadly  ovate,  imbricated  in  aestivation,  about  2  to  3  mm  long;  petals  4,  valvate,  ovate, 
a  third  longer  than  the  sepals,  not  thickened  at  the  apex,  stamens  8,  much  shorter  than  the 
petals — evidently  from  a  fertile  flower  (Rock),  filaments  linear-lanceolate,  glabrous; 
anthers  deltoid-sagittate,  adnate-introrse;  hypogynous  disk  very  short;  ovary  glabrous, 
depressed,  globular,  4-lobed,  4-celled.  the  4  carpels  somewhat  united;  style  a  little  longer 
than  the  ovary;  4-parted  nearly  to  the  base,  the  divisions  clavate,  stigmatic  at  and  near 
the  summit ;  the  immature  capsule  is  puberulent  and  deeply  four-grooved. 

The  above  is  the  original  description  of  this  species  by  Mann,  as  found  in 
the  Proceedings  of  the  Boston  Society  of  Natural  History,  Vol.  10,  page  313.  In 
Hillebrand's  description  of  this  species  the  fact  that  the  immature  capsule  is 
deeply  4  grooved  is  omitted,  and  the  writer  thinks  it  altogether  wrong  to  place 
this  species  in  the  key  as  having  cuboid  subentire  capsules. 

The  writer  collected  specimens  of  a  Pelea  on  Mt.  Waialeale,  the  summit  of 
Kauai,  overlooking  directly  Kealia  and  Hanalei,  on  the  windward  side  of  Kauai, 
which  he  must  refer  as  a  variety  to  Pelea  sapotaefolia.  In  trying  to  place  the 
plant  according  to  Hillebrand's  key  to  the  species,  the  writer  was  quite  unsuc- 
cessful, as  his  key  calls  for  cuboid  capsules ;  however,  in  looking  up  the  original 
description  of  Mann,  which  is  very  complete  of  this  species,  he  came  to  the  con- 
clusion that  the  Waialeale  plant  is  a  variety  of  this  species.  The  capsules  are 
deeply  4-lobed  when  mature,  and  evidently  likewise  in  the  species  found  at 
Kealia,  of  which  no  one  seems  to  have  collected  mature  capsules.  Owing  to  a 
plant  collected  by  Knudsen  at  Waimea,  Kauai,  with  cuboid  capsules,  Hillebrand, 
who  seemed  not  to  have  collected  the  species,  referred  it  to  the  latter,  and  merely 
took  for  granted  that  P.  sapotaefolia  had  also  cuboid  fruits.  The  fact  is  strength- 
ened by  Heller's  statement,  who  collected  Hillebrand's  variety  ft,  which  says: 



"That  this  variety  is  specifically  distinct  from  P.  sapotaefolia  is  pretty  evident." 
He  goes  on  saying:  "One  old  capsule  was  found  on  the  tree,  but  unfortunately 
it  dropped  to  the  ground  and  could  not  be  found  in  the  dense  tangle  of  ferns 
and  weeds  which  were  growing  at  the  foot  of  the  tree.  *  *  *  From  what  I 
recollect  of  it,  it  was  entirely  too  deeply  lobed  to  belong  to  the  same  section  as 
P.  sapotae  folia." 

Unfortunately  the  writer  has  not  collected  the  species,  having  only  little  ex- 
plored the  forests  of  Kealia  or  Hanalei.  However,  there  seems  to  be  evident 
proof  that  the  true  species  P.  sapotaefolia  has  not  cuboid  but  deeply-grooved  or 
lobed  capsules.  The  variety  may  be  described  as  follows. 

Var.  dumosa  Rock  var.  nov. 

Shrubby,  with  rather  stout  branches,  leaves  smaller  than  in  the  species,  whorled, 
ovate  oblong  or  slightly  spathulate,  attenuated  at  the  base,  rounded  or  emarginate  at  the 
apex,  glabrous  above,  villous  underneath  especially  on  the  midrib,  the  petioles  of  the 
young  leaves  hirsute;  petioles  shorter  than  in  the  species  about  1.5  cm;  flowers  as  in 
the  species,  capsules  18  mm  in  diameter,  deeply  4-parted  to  more  than  half  the  length  of 
the  cocci,  strongly  marked  with  concentric  wrinkles;  endocarp  glabrous. 

This  variety  was  collected  by  the  writer  on  the  summit  of  Mt.  Waialeale,  Kauai, 
at  an  elevation  of  5200  feet,  flowering  and  fruiting  September  24,  1909.  The 
type  is  numbered  4974  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

It  is  very  unlikely  that  the  variety  y  procumbens  Hillebrand,  is  in  reality  a 
variety  of  P.  sapotaefolia,  and  until  better  material  is  at  hand  nothing  can  be 
done  towards  solving  the  question.  The  writer  collected  specimens  of  a  pro- 
cumbent Pelea  on  Waialeale  (no.  8854)  without  fruits,  which  seems  to  answer 
the  description  of  Hillebrand 's  variety  y  procumbens,  but  in  the  writer's  mind 
could  not  be  associated  with  P.  sapotaefolia. 

Pelea  Waialealae  Wawra. 
Anonia  or  Alaniwai. 

PELEA  WAIALEALAE  Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  108;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  63;— 
Heller  PI.  Haw.  Tsl.  (1897)  841.— Evodia  Waialealae  Drake,  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins. 
Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  134. 

A  shrub  or  tree;  leaves  quaternate,  lanceolate,  5  to  8  cm  long,  1  to  3  cm  wide,  acute, 
narrowing  at  the  base  into. a  margined  petiole  of  6  to  8  mm,  coriaceous,  glabrous,  covered 
underneath  with  minute  dots,  opaque,  with  prominent  veins  and  midrib,  marginal  nerve 
close  to  the  edge;  flowers  fasciculate,  shortly  stalked,  pedicels  bibracteolate  near  the 
base  and  puberulous;  male  flowers:  sepals  broader  than  high,  2  mm,  rounded,  petals  7  mm, 
thin  oblong  acute,  somewhat  pubescent  outside,  stamens,  8,  4  as  long  or  longer  than  the 
petals,  the  remaining  ones  a  little  shorter,  on  very  broad  filaments,  anthers  oblong,  ovary 
rudimentary,  with  a  4-notched  sessile  stigma;  female  flowers:  smaller  than  male  flowers; 
ovary  glabrous,  surrounded  at  the  base  with  the  rudimentary  anthers  which  are  scarcely 
as  high  as  the  ovary;  style  filiform,  2  mm,  stigma  4  lobed.  each  lobe  1  mm  long;  capsule 
10  mm  in  diameter,  glabrous,  strongly  veined,  deeply  parted,  thin  chartaceous,  the  cocci 
globose,  keeled  along  the  sutures,  endocarp  glabrous,  shining,  seeds  angular,  black  shining. 

Wawra  says  in  his  description:  "Male  floAvers  much  smaller  than  the  female 
flowers,"  a  statement  \vhich  the  writer  finds  to  be  the  reverse.  In  fact,  nearly 
all  species  of  Pelea  have  the  male  flowers  larger  than  the  female  flowers. 



The  Anonia  or  Alaniwai  is  one  of  the  handsomest  species  of  Pelea.  It  is  re- 
corded by  AVawra  and  Heller  as  a  shrub  3  feet  high.  The  writer  collected  ma- 
terial of  this  species  first  September  24,  1909,  and  again  October,  1911.  It  grows 
only  on  the  Island  of  Kauai  on  the  summit  of  Mt.  Waialeale,  a  big  flat  swamp  at 
an  elevation  of  5200  feet.  It  is  a  small  tree  with  a  straight  trvink  of  4  to  5  feet 
and  reaches  a  height  of  15  to  20  feet.  The  mountain  is  always  enshrouded  by 
clouds  and  it  is  extremely  difficult  to  see  farther  than  a  few  feet.  On  the  day 
of  the  writer's  last  ascent  the  sky  was  perfectly  cloudless  and  a  thorough  survey 
could  be  made  of  the  vegetation,  which  resulted  in  the  discovery  of  a  number  of 
new  species,  and  also  furnished  additional  data  in  regard  to  the  plants  already 
known.  During  the  writer's  first  visit  to  this  most  interesting  mountain,  the 
cold  was  so  intense,  the  wind  blew  with  such  great  force,  and  rain  came  down 
in  such  torrents,  that  it  was  impossible  to  remain  longer  than  a  couple  of  hours. 
The  second  time,  however,  the  writer  was  more  fortunate.  Collected  flowering 
and  fruiting  September  24,  1909,  no.  4975,  and  October,  1911,  no.  8883  in  the 
Herbarium  of  the  College  of  Hawaii.  Heller  records  the  plant  as  a  shrub  3  to  4 
feet  high  from  the  bog  of  Wahiawa,  Kauai;  this  latter  locality  is  at  a  much 
lower  elevation,  about  3000  feet. 

Pelea  auriculaefolia  Gray. 

PELEA  AURICULAEFOLIA  Gray.  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  343,  pi.  36;— Mann  Proc.  Bost. 
Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X.  (1866)  313,  et  Proc.  Am.  Ac.  VII.  (1867)  158,  et  Proc.  Ess.  Inst. 
V.  (1867)  166;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  838.— Platydesma  auriculaefolia  Hbd.  Fl. 
Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  72;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  134.— Platydesma 
auriculifolium  Engl.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  4  (1895)  128.. 

Following  is  a  quotation  of  A.  Gray's  brief  description  of  the  above  species: 

"P.  glabra;  foliis  ternis  oblongo-spatulatis  basi  auriculatis  sessilibus;  flori'nis 
fasciculatis  ad  axillas  foliorum  delapsorum  secus  caulem  virgatum  brevissime 
pedicellatis ;  capsula  quadripartita. " 

He  says:  "The  specimen,  taken  from  an  upright,  nearly  simple  shrub,  bears 
only  a  little  fruit,  and  a  few  fertile  ovaries,  from  which  the  perianth,  stamens, 
etc.,  have  fallen.  The  virgate  stem  is  very  leafy  above;  and  the  flowers  have 
been  produced  lower  down,  in  small  fascicles  from  the  axils  of  earlier  leaves, 
now  fallen.  Plant  glabrous  throughout.  Leaves  verticillate  in  threes,  coriaceous, 
pale,  oblong-spathulate,  obtuse,  auriculate  at  the  base,  sessile,  from  3  to  5  inches 
long,  veined  and  dotted  nearly  as  in  the  preceding  species;  the  midrib  salient 
underneath.  Ovary  more  deeply  lobed  than  in  P.  clusiae folia,  being  united  only 
at  the  base;  style  has  mostly  fallen.  Capsule  deeply  four-parted;  the  cocci  oval- 
oblong,  otherwise  similar,  as  apparently  are  the  seeds  to  those  of  Pelea  clusiae- 

"Forests  of  Hawaii,  on  the  flank  of  Mauna  Kea." 

How  Hillebrand  could  have  taken  this  plant  for  a  Platydesma  is  difficult  to 
understand.  Even  Engler  in  the  Natiirlichen  Pflanzenf  ami  lien  places  it  under 
the  latter  genus. 



The  writer  did  not  meet  with  this  plant  in  the  forests  of  Mauna  Kea,  but  on 
the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  at  about  5000  feet  elevation  the  writer  collected  speci- 
mens of  a  Pelea  which  resembles  very  much  the  above  species.  The  leaves  are 
quaternate  instead  of  ternate,  are  subsessile  and  very  slightly  auriculate ;  they  are, 
however,  decidedly  punctate  and  so  are  the  deeply-parted  capsules  which  answer 
well  Gray's  description.  It  is  an  erect  shrub  or  small  tree  with  straight  ascending 
branches ;  trunk  about  3  inches  in  diameter ;  leaves  quaternate  subsessile ;  flowers 
arranged  in  fascicles  as  in  P.  clusiaefolia;  female  flowers:  sepals  acuminate, 
petals  linear  oblong,  acute,  little  longer  than  the  sepals;  the  8  stamens  short, 
rudimentary,  little  higher  than  the  glabrous  ovary;  style  filiform,  2  mm,  with 
thickened  clavate  4-lobed  stigma. 

It  is  still  somewhat  doubtful  if  this  plant  is  actually  P.  auriculae  folia,  as  there 
is  no  description  of  either  fertile  or  sterile  flowers  given  by  Gray,  who  had  only  a 
fruiting  specimen.  As  the  leaves  are  very  variable  in  the  Hawaiian  Pelea,  the 
plant  collected  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  by  the  writer  seems  to  be  best  at 
present  referable  to  this  species. 

Collected  flowering  and  fruiting  in  the  forests  above  Naalehu,  Kau,  Hawaii, 
January  13,  1912 ;  no.  10012. 

On  Molokai  occur  several  Pelea  with  quaternate  leaves,  resembling  this  one  in 
question,  but  are  more  affiliated  with  P.  clusiaefolia  than  with  P.  auriculae  folia. 

Pelea  microcarpa  Heller. 

PELEA  MICROCARPA  Heller  PL  Haw.  Isl.  Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  IX.  (1897)  839,  pi.  49. 
A  small  tree  with  stout  trunk  and  grayish  bark;  branches  more  or  less  curved  up- 
wards; leaves  in  threes  or  quaternate,  near  the  ends  of  the  branches,  on  flattened,  some- 
what hirsute  petioles  of  3  to  3.5  cm,  obovate-oblong,  or  spathulate,  rounded  at  the  apex 
and  retuse,  quite  glabrous  above,  pubescent  below,  especially  along  the  midrib,  8  to  14 
cm  long,  4  to  6  em  wide,  coriaceous,  opaque,  the  secondary  veins  parallel,  at  almost  right 
angles  to  the  midrib,  united  by  an  intramarginal  nerve  which  is  very  close  to  the  edge; 
flowers  all  along  the  naked  branches,  in  the  axils  of  fallen  leaves;  peduncles  exceedingly 
short,  about  1  mm,  2  to  3  flowered,  pedicels  stoutish  2  mm;  sepals  ovate  acute,  3  mm, 
about  as  broad  as  high,  petals  twice  the  length  of  sepals,  acute,  stamens  8,  4  protruding 
from  the  corolla,  4  smaller,  half  the  length,  or  of  unequal  length,  on  broad  filaments; 
style  very  short  less  than  1  mm,  with  a  very  indistinctly  4  notched  stigma,  capsule  small, 
cuboid,  8  to  10  mm  in  diameter,  merely  notched  or  slightly  lobed,  glabrous. 

This  tree,  10  to  15  feet  high,  is  called  Kukaimoa  by  the  natives.  It  is  quite 
common  in  the  forests  of  Kaholuamano,  Kauai,  at  an  elevation  of  3600  to  4000 
feet  and  inhabits  the  swampy  forests  together  with  Pelea  Kauaiensis.  It  was 
first  discovered  by  Heller.  The  writer  found  the  tree  quite  numerous  and  col- 
lected flowering  and  fruiting  specimens  at  different  times  (no.  5621,  September  6, 
1909,  and  no.  2010  flowering  at  Halemanu,  Kauai). 

Were  it  not  for  the  small  cuboid  capsules  the  plant  could  be  mistaken  for 
Pelea  sapotaefolia,  of  which  Hillebrand  omits  the  description  of  its  fruits,  while 
Mann  says  the  immature  capsule  is  puberulent  and  deeply  four-grooved. 

The  native  name  of  this  species,  which  means  ' '  chicken  droppings, ' '  originated 



at  first  as  an  exclamation  of  disappointment,  insofar  as  the  capsules  of  this  species 
resemble  very  much  those  of  the  Mokihana,  but  are  without  the  fragrant  odor  of 
the  latter.  When  the  natives  gathered  the  capsules  for  leis  or  wreaths,  they  quite 
often  mistook  the  capsules  of  the  species  in  question  for  Mokihana  seeds  and  on 
finding  them  without  odor,  exclaimed  "Kukaimoa,"  by  which  the  tree  is  now 

Pelea  volcanica  Gray. 

PELEA  VOLCANICA  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  346,  pi.  38;—  H.  Mann  in  Proc.  Bost. 
Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X.  (1866)  315,  et  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  159,  et  Fl.  Haw. 
Isl.  in  Proc.  Ess.  Inst.  (1867)  167;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  67;— Engler  in 
Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  4.  (1895)  113  fig.  64.  K-N.— Evodia  volcanica  Drake 
Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  134. 

Leaves  opposite,  oval,  or  ovate  oblong,  coriaceous,  obtuse  at  both  ends,  occasionally 
retuse  at  the  apex,  glabrous  above,  glabrate  underneath  or  slightly  pubescent,  especially 
on  the  prominent  midrib,  not  shining,  somewhat  pellucid,  the  secondary  veins  nearly 
parallel,  united  by  an  arcuate  intramargiual  nerve,  not  distant  from  the  edge  of  the  leaf, 
8  to  16  cm  long,  5  to  9  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  3  to  5  cm  which  are  stout  and  apparently 
lignescent:  inflorescence  paniculate,  axillary;  female  flowers:  sepals  ovate  triangular, 
mucronulate,  pubescent,  3  mm,  petals  ovate  lanceolate,  twice  as  long,  glabrous,  ovary 
pubescent;  stamens  short  1  mm,  (as  long  as  the  petals  in  the  male  flowers)  anthers 
sagittate  (or  oblong  in  the  male  flowers) ;  style  4  mm  long  pubescent,  especially  in  its 
lower  half,  stigma  with  4  blunt  lobes  of  1  mm  in  length;  capsule  large  3.75  cm  in  dia- 
meter, but  often  with  one,  two,  or  three  cocci  abortive,  cocci  glabrous,  somewhat 
lignescent.  united  in  the  axis,  but  recurved;  the  papery  endocarp  glabrous;  seeds  ovoid 
black  shining. 

According  to  Asa  Gray,  this  tree  reaches  a  height  of  40  feet  with  a  trunk  of 
11/2  feet  in  diameter.  It  occurs  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Kea  near  the  bullock 
plains  in  the  forests  bordering  the  latter.  The  waiter's  material  (no.  3325)  came 
from  the  northern  slopes  of  Mauna  Kea  from  the  forests  of  Paauhau  No.  2  at 
an  elevation  of  3000  feet;  he  also  collected  it  in  the  Kohala  mountains  (no. 
8399)  ;  flowering  and  fruiting  June,  1910. 

It  is  a  striking  species  on  account  of  its  very  large  capsules,  but  is  also  very 
variable,  as  are  nearly  all  Hawaiian  Pelea.  Complete  material  is  needed  to  ar- 
range satisfactorily  and  determine  this  rather  difficult  genus.  The  writer  cannot 
help  but  deplore  the  awful  chaos  into  which  our  Hawaiian  Pelea  have  been 
thrown  through  the  very  inefficient  and  hasty  work  of  H.  Leveille,  which  owing 
to  the  poor  descriptions,  which  might  fit  any  species  in  the  genus,  will  have  to 
be  ignored. 

In  the  dense  rain  forest  of  Hamakuapoko,  Maui,  the  writer  collected  a  specimen 
of  a  tree  which  is  unquestionably  P.  volcanica  Gray,  fruiting  September,  1910  (no. 

Hillebrand  in  his  flora  enumerates  two  varieties.  The  first  is  var.  ft  grandi  folia, 
with  very  large  leaves  which  are  chartaceous,  and  a  tomentose  inflorescence;  the 
capsules  are  25  mm  across  and  parted  more  than  half  way.  It  occurs  in  the 
woods  near  Hilo,  Hawaii,  but  is  not  known  to  the  writer. 

The  second  variety,  y  ovalifolia,  is  a  tall  tree  with  oblong  or  ovate  oblong  emar- 

PLATE  85. 


Fruiting  branch,   about   one-half   natural   size. 


ginate,  or  subcordate  leaves,  with  a  5  to  9  flowered  panicle  and  capsules  as  in 
the  species.  This  variety  was  collected  by  Hillebrand  on  the  Island  of  Maui  in 
the  Valley  of  Waihee  and  on  the  southern  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala ;  the  writer  is 
not  acquainted  with  this  plant. 

Var.  montana  Rock  var.  nov. 

A  slender  tree  20  to  30  feet  tall,  the  branches  hirsute,  leaves  obovate  to  elliptico- 
oblong,  bluntly  acute  at  the  apex,  rounded  at  the  base,  very  thick  coriaceous,  strongly 
hirsute  above  when  young  but  glabrate  with  age,  densely  pubescent  underneath.,  the  promi- 
nent midrib  hirsute  as  are  the  1.5  to  4  cm  long  petioles,  margins  revolute,  the  secondary 
veins  parallel  at  nearly  right  angles  to  the  midrib  and  united  by  an  intramarginal  nerve 
not  distant  from  the  edge  of  the  leaf,  6  to  12  cm  long,  4  to  6  cm  wide;  inflorescence 
axillary  paniculate,  densely  hirsute  1  to  5  flowered;  female  flowers:  sepals  ovate- 
triangular  acute  3  mm,  pubescent,  as  are  the  ovate-lanceolate  petals,  the  latter  twice  as 
long  as  the  sepals,  stamens  rudimentary  the  height  of  the  yellowish  hirsuite  ovary,  anthers 
sagittate,  acute,  filaments  broad,  glabrous;  style  hirsute,  not  quite  as  long  as  the  petals, 
with  a  bluntly  four-lobed  stigma;  capsule  largest  in  the  genus,  5  cm  in  diameter,  puberu- 
lous,  parted  more  than  %,  the  cocci  acute,  at  maturity  the  apex  is  deeply  split,  often  one 
or  two  abortive,  always  two  seeded,  the  papery  endocarp  glabrous. 

This  variety  the  writer  discovered  on  the  upper  slopes  of  Mt.  Hualalai  at  an 
elevation  of  5000  to  6000  feet  on  the  rim  of  a  crater  called  Puuki.  It  is  a  slender 
tree  25  to  30  feet  in  height,  but  has  a  rather  small  trunk  of  3  to  5  inches  diameter. 
It  has  long  and  slender  branches  which  are  foliate  only  at  the  ends.  The  writer 
met  with  it  also  lower  down  at  3500  to  4000  feet,  but  it  was  more  numerous 
around  the  rims  and  at  the  floors  of  extinct  craters,  scattered  over  the  western 
slope  of  Hualalai  in  close  vicinity  to  the  dismal  cinder  plain  above  Huehue. 

The  type  is  3849  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium,  flowering  and  fruiting 
June,  1909.  A  very  similar  form  with  somewhat  smaller  capsules  the  writer 
collected  in  the  woods  back  of  Waimea,  Hawaii,  fruiting  June,  1910,  no.  8426. 

Here  must  also  be  referred  a  shrubby  form  with  long  rambling  branches,  often 
a  small  tree,  which  may  be  known  as : 

Var.  terminalis  Rock  var.  nov. 

Leaves  smaller,  more  or  less  glabrous,  on  short  petioles  of  1  to  1.5  cm,  linear-oblong, 
acute,  thick  coriaceous.  3.5  to  12  cm  long,  2  to  6  cm  wide,  on  long  slender  rambling 
branches;  capsules  smaller  than  in  variety  iiunitdna,  about  4  cm  in  diameter,  usually  4  to  6 
on  a  common  bracteate  peduncle  of  1  cm  or  more,  usually  terminal,  the  ends  of  the  branch- 
lets  drooping  under  the  weight  of  the  mature  capsules,  occasionally  also  axillary;  capsula 
as  in  var.  montana,  smaller. 

Collected  at  Auahi,  southern  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  Maui,  on  the  lava  fields 
at  an  elevation  of  2600  feet ;  type  no.  8655,  fruiting  November,  1910,  College  of 
Hawaii  Herbarium. 

On  the  Island  of  Lanai  in  the  scrub  vegetation  of  Mahana  Valley  occurs  a 
shrub  with  long  rambling  branches  which  becomes  finally  a  vine  entangling  all 
the  neighboring  trees  and  reaching  way  into  their  crowns.  It  is  in  all  respects  a 
variety  of  Pelea  volcanica  and  may  be  called : 

Var.  lianoides  Rock  var.  nov. 

Leaves  as  in  the  species,  glabrate  above,  pubescent  underneath,  especially  along  the 
salient  midrib,  on  shorter  petioles  than  in  the  species;  inflorescence  axillary,  paniculate, 
hearing  from  3  to  10  flowers;  female  flowers  large,  pubescent,  petals  twice  as  long  as  the 



sepals  exactly  as  in  the  species;  male  flowers  smaller,  stamens  of  all  sizes  some  as  long 
as  the  petals;  ovary  pubescent  stigma  with  4-globular  lobes,  and  sessile;  capsule  little 
smaller,  endocarp  glabrous. 

This  variety,  which  seems  to  be  a  typical  liane,  forming  dense  tangles,  was 
collected  flowering  and  fruiting  by  the  writer  in  the  valley  of  Mahana,  Island  of 
Lanai,  on  the  dry  open  wooded  forehills,  on  July  24,  1910.  The  type  is  no.  8057 
in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

Pelea  sandwicensis  Gray. 

(Plate  85.) 

PELEA  SANDWICENSIS  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  345;  t.  37;— H.  Mann,  Proc.  Bost. 

Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X.  (1866)  31-5,  et  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.   (1867)   159,  et  Proc.  Ess. 

Inst.  V.  (1867)  167; — Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  66. — Brunelia  sandwicensis  Gaud. 

Bot.   Voy.   Uranie    (1830)    39   sine   descript; — Hook,   et    Arn.   Beech.    (1832)    80; — 

Endl.  Fl.  Suds.   (1836)   184,  no.  1589.— Evodia  sandwicensis  Drake  Del  Cast.  III. 

Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI.   (1890)   133. 

New  branchlets,  inflorescence,  etc.,  tomentose  with  a  rather  hirsute  pubescence; 
leaves  opposite,  oval  or  oblong,  thick  coriaceous,  glabrous  above,  more  or  less  puberulent 
beneath,  when  young  pubescent  on  the  thick  midrib,  very  veiny  and  reticulated,  punctate, 
rounded  at  the  apex  or  acute  and  mucronate,  7  to  15  cm  long,  4  to  8  cm  wide,  on  stout 
lignescent  petioles  of  20  to  35  mm;  cymes  axillary,  short  peduncled,  3  to  9  flowered; 
pedicels  short,  annulate  by  the  broad  scars  of  the  ovate  subulate  bracts;  sterile  flowers: 
sepals  ovate,  acute,  puberulous,  3  mm;  petals  7  mm,  oblong  acute;  stamens  8,  4  as  long  or 
longer  than  the  petals,  on  broad  filaments,  4  shorter  of  unequal  length;  anthers  sagittate; 
ovary  smaller  than  in  the  fertile  flowers,  pubescent,  style  pubescent  1.5  mm  long  with 
short  bluntly  notched  stigma;  fertile  flowers  smaller,  ovary  tomentose,  style  longer,  with  a 
bluntly,  short-lobed  stigma;  stamens  not  quite  the  height  of  the  ovary,  anthers  smaller; 
capsule  finely  tomentose,  or  glabrous  when  old,  deeply  four  lobed,  20  to  24  mm  in  diameter, 
the  cocci  oval,  endocarp  finely  pubescent. 

A  medium-sized  tree,  but  perhaps  one  of  the  largest  for  the  genus  Pelea,  reach- 
ing a  height  of  30  feet  or  little  more,  with  a  trunk  10  to  12  inches  in  diameter. 

The  Alani  occurs  in  the  wet  forests  of  Oahu,  especially  of  the  main  western 
range,  where  it  is  a  common  tree  at  an  elevation  of  2000  to  2500  feet.  The  writer 
met  with  it  most  plentifuly  in  the  mountains  of  Punaluu,  on  the  windward  side 
of  Oahu,  as  well  as  on  Konahuanui,  back  of  Honolulu.  Several  varieties  of  IT.  is 
species  are  known,  perhaps  doubtful.  According  to  Dr.  Wm.  T.  Brigham,  the 
tough  wood  of  this  species  was  used  for  tapa  beaters.  (Flowering  and  fruiting 
November  14,  1908;  no.  912,  Mts.  of  Punaluu;  fruiting  Konahuanui,  November, 
1912,  no.  10215  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium.) 

Hillebrand's  var.  /?.  the  writer  collected  at  Wahiawa  in  the  north  fork  of  Kau- 
konahua  gulch  on  Oahu,  on  May  15,  1909,  fruiting  no.  3046.  The  leaves  are  per- 
fectly glabrous,  and  chartaceous,  the  capsules  are  larger  and  also  glabrous,  even 
when  very  young. 

Pelea  orbicularis  Hbd. 

PELEA   ORBICULARIS   Hbd.   Fl.    Haw.    Isl.    (1888)    67.— Evodia   orbicularis    Drake    De] 
Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI.  (1890)  133. 

A  rather  small  tree,  stunted,  the  young  shoots  coarsely  hirsute;  leaves  opposite,  sub- 
orbicular,  or  orbicular,  emarginate  at  both  ends,  mucronate  at  the  apex,  thick  coriaceous, 



dull,  glabrous  above,  pubescent  to  hirsute  underneath  in  the  young  leaves,  pubescent 
along  the  prominent  reddish  midrib,  the  marginal  nerve  close  to  the  edge  and  continuous 
6  to  8  cm  long,  5  to  7  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  15  to  20  mm;  panicles  hirsute  in  the  axils  of 
the  leaves.  6  to  15  flowered;  male  flowers:  sepals  ovate  acute,  3  mm,  petals  little  longer, 
stamens  of  unequal  length  some  as  long  as  the  petals,  anthers  ovoid,  ovary  hirsute;  female 
flowers:  stamens  rudimentary,  half  the  height  of  the  ovary,  the  latter  3  mm  high,  pubes- 
cent, deeply  parted,  style  filiform,  1.5  mm,  with  a  bluntly  4-lobed  stigma,  the  lobes  thick; 
capsule  not  known. 

This  small  stunted  tree  is  peculiar  to  the  summits  of  Puu  Kukui,  West  Maui, 
and  to  the  summit  of  Mt,  Waileale,  Kauai,  where  it  grows  on  the  borders  of  the 
great  swampy  plateau  and  in  little  gulches  of  the  summit  swamp  proper. 

The  writer  collected  specimens  of  this  tree  on  West  Maui,  Puu  Kukui  elevation 
5700  feet,  flowering  August  21,  1910,  in  company  with  Mr.  G.  Hammond,  no. 
815-i;  also  on  the  edge  of  Honokawai  Gulch  at  4300  feet,  flowering  August  24, 
1910,  no.  8184. 

On  the  summit  of  Kauai,  Mt.  Waialeale,  the  writer  collected  this  species  flow- 
ering on  September  24,  1909,  no.  4987,  and  again  flowering  October  20,  1911,  no. 
8880.  The  plants  from  this  latter  locality  have  the  leaves  from  orbicular  to  ovate 
and  even  oblong  on  the  same  branch ;  however,  they  do  not  differ  in  other  respects 
from  those  on  West  Maui,  with  the  exception  that  they  are  shrubs  on  Waialeale, 


Pelea  kauaiensis  Mann. 
Pilo  ula. 

PELEA  KAUAIENSIS  Mann  in  Proc.  Bost.  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X.  (1866)  313,  et  Proc.  Am. 
Acad.  VII.  (1867)  158,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Proc.  Ess.  Inst.  V.  (1867)  166;— Hbd.  Fl. 
Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  64.— Pelea  cruciata  Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  Minn.  Bot.  Stud.  IX. 
(1897)  839,  pi.  48.— Evodia  Kavaiensis  Drake  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac. 
VI.  (1890)  132. 

Leaves  opposite,  ovate  or  elliptico-oblong,  10  to  22  cm  long,  5  to  10  cm  wide,  thick 
coriaceous,  (and  not  chartaceous)  rounded  or  bluntly  acute  or  emarginate  at  the  apex, 
giadually  tapering  into  a  villous  angular  petiole  of  2.5  to  3.5  cm,  the  marginal  nerve  re- 
mote from  the  edge,  arched,  uniting  the  secondary  veins,  which  are  parallel  and  almost 
at  right  angles  to  the  midrib,  pubescent  above,  especially  along  the  impressed  midrib, 
villous  underneath,  velvety,  especially  thick  on  the  prominent  midrib;  finely  reticulated 
on  both  sides;  flowers  single,  2  to  5  in  a  cluster,  borne  on  slender  pubescent  pedicels 
of  2  mm;  sepals  ovate,  rounded,  broader  than  high,  with  subciliate  margins;  petals  some- 
what longer,  oblong-ovate,  the  apices  incurved,  thin,  glabrous,  valvate,  about  o  mm  long, 
anthers  rudimentary  in  the  female  flowers,  of  the  height  of  the  glabrous  ovary;  style 
filiform,  nearly  2  mm,  with  an  obtusely  4-lobed  stigma;  capsule  glabrous,  15  to  30  mm  in 
diameter  deeply  four  parted,  the  cocci  thick  in  the  full  grown  fruits,  one  to  two  seeded, 
the  cocci  elongate,  one  or  two  often  abortive. 

The  Pilo  ula  is  a  small  tree,  reaching  a  height  of  15  feet,  and  has  rather  stout 
villous  branches.  Its  trunk  is  short  and  only  a  few  (6  to  8)  inches  in  diameter. 
It  inhabits  the  high  central  plateau  of  Kauai  in  the  gray  swampy,  loamy  soil  near 
Kaholuamano,  especially  in  the  forests  bordering  the  bog  Lehua  Makanoe.  It 
grows  in  company  with  several  species  of  Pelea,  Wikstroemia  sandwicensis  var. 
furcata,  Platydesma  campamilatum,  etc.  It  is  not  uncommon  also  at  Halemanu 
above  Makaweli.  Heller  in  his  "Plants  of  the  Hawaiian  Islands"  described  it 
as  a  new  species  "Pelea  cruciata"  and  remarks  as  follows:  "Mann's  description 



calls  for  a  small  capsule,  while  these  are  large. ' '  But  had  Heller  seen  the  original 
description  he  would  have  noticed  Mann 's  remark,  '  'Ripe  fruit  unknown, ' '  which 
accounts  for  his  capsules  being  small,  as  they  were  not  fully  developed.  The 
writer  has  abundant  fruiting  material  in  which  the  capsules  are  of  various  sizes 
from  12  mm  to  over  30  mm  in  diameter.  Collected  Halemanu  flowering  and 
fruiting  February  14,  1909,  no.  2292,  and  Kaholuamano,  September,  1909,  no. 
5292,  and  fruiting  October,  1911,  no.  10214  in  Herbarium,  College  of  Hawaii. 
Faurie  no.  226  with  immature  fruits  March,  1910,  in  College  of  Hawaii  Her- 

From  within  5  minutes  walk  of  the  summit  of  Kauai,  Mt.  Waialeale,  the  writer 
collected  a  specimen  of  a  Pelea  which  must  be  referred  to  this  species ;  it  is,  how- 
ever, a  small  stunted  shrub,  but  answers  otherwise  the  description  of  P.  Kauai- 
ensis.  The  capsules  are  much  larger  and  all  cocci  are  fully  developed ;  the  diam- 
eter of  the  mature  capsule  is  3.5  cm.  Collected  September  24,  1909,  Waialeale, 
Kauai,  5000  feet  elevation,  no.  4990. 

Hillebrand  reports  a  variety  /?.  glabra,  from  the  same  locality  with  glabrous 
leaves  which  are  on  longer  petioles;  perhaps  the  writer's  no.  1994  from  Hale- 
manu, without  flowers  or  fruits. 

Pelea  rotundifolia  Gray. 

PELEA  ROTUNDIFOLIA  Gray.  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  344,  pi.  37,  fig.  A;— H.  Mann 
Proc.  Bost.  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X.  (1866)  315,  et  Proc.  Am.  Ac.  VII.  (1867)  159,  et 
Proc.  Ess.  Inst.  V.  (1867)  167;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  137;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1888)  68;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  (1897)  840.— Evodia  rotundi- 
folia Drake  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac,  VI.  (1890)  133. 

A  small  tree  or  shrub,  leaves  sessile  or  subsessile,  orbicular  to  ovate,  rounded  and 
emarginate  or  acute  at  the  apex,  cordate  at  the  base,  thick  coriaceous,  prominently  nerved 
below,  the  intramarginal  nerve  arched,  distant  from  the  edge,  with  intervening  meshes 
entirely  glabrous  6  to  12  cm  long,  little  less  wide,  flowers  several  in  a  short  peduneled 
somewhat  racemose  cyme  in  the  axils  of  the  upper  or  occasionally  lower  leaves;  bracts 
and  bractlets  opposite,  minute,  ovate,  subulate;  male  flowers:  sepals  ovate,  acute,  puberu- 
lous,  4  mm  high,  petals  more  than  twice  the  length,  oblong,  acute,  glabrous;  stamens  8, 
4  longer  than  the  petals,  protruding,  the  remaining  ones  shorter  and  of  unequal  size,  on 
broadened  filaments;  anthers  sagittate,  acute;  rudimentary  ovary  pubescent,  four  lobed, 
pubescence  encroaching  on  the  lower  part  of  the  style,  which  is  2  mm  in  length  and  ter- 
minates into  a  bluntly  4  lobed  stigma;  female  flowers  shorter,  about  half  the  length  of 
the  male  flowers,  petals  slightly  longer  than  the  sepals,  the  8  stamens  not  longer  than  the 
ovary;  ovules  2  in  each  cell;  fruit  nearly  as  in  Pelcti  rolcinii.ra,  but  smaller,  minutely 
pubescent,  the  carpels  united  at  the  base. 

This  peculiar  species  can  be  found  not  uncommon  in  the  mountains  back  of 
Honolulu,  and  is  easily  recognized  by  its  rather  large  sessile  cordate  leaves,  and 
rambling  or  long  drooping  branches.  Wawra  quite  correctly  remarks  that  the 
otherwise  excellent  figure  shows  undeveloped  flowers ;  the  detailed  drawings  rep- 
resent female  flowers,  so  does  Gray's  description,  as  he  had  not  seen  the  much 
larger  male  flowers.  It  is  peculiar  to  Oahu  and  occurs  throughout  the  main 
Koolau  range  at  an  elevation  of  2000  to  2500  feet. 

Flowering,  Punaluu  Mts.,  November  21,  1908,  no.  577;  flowering  and  fruitingr 



Wahiawa,  May  15,  1909,  no.  3026;  and  Waikane  Mts.  flowering  January  23, 
1909,  no.  1238.  The  inflorescence  in  the  specimens  from  the  last  locality  is 
more  than  10-flowered. 

Pelea  molokaiensis  Hbd. 

PELEA  MOLOKAIENSIS  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  65.— Evodia  Molokaiensis  Drake  Del 

Cast.  111.  Fl.  lus.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  132. 

A  small  tree  about  6  m  high,  the  young  shoots  slightly  puberulous,  leaves  10  to  12.5 
cm  long.  6.5  to  8  cm  or  more  wide,  on  petioles  of  12  to  24  mm,  or  often  subsessile,  or  on 
petioles  of  8  mm  (in  Lanai  specimens),  quite  glabrous,  even  on  the  reddish  midrib, 
obovate,  with  retuse  base  and  rounded  or  emarginate  apex,  the  marginal  nerve  at  some 
distance  from  the  edge,  with  one  or  two  sets  of  meshes  intervening;  flowers  glabrous,  or 
puberulous,  2  to  5  in  a  cyme  or  pseudo-raceme  of  18  to  36  mm  in  length,  the  terete  slender 
rhachis  with  2  to  3  nodes,  the  pedicels  10  to  12  mm,  nodose  near  the  middle  and  thickened 
beyond;  sepals  triangular,  3  to  4  mm;  petals  reddish  5  to  6  mm;  capsule  as  in  P.  volcanica 
20  to  36  mm  transversely. 

According  to  Hillebrand  this  is  the  most  prevailing  form  on  Molokai  and  is 
also  found  on  West  Maui.  The  writer's  material  of  this  species  is  scanty  and 
incomplete,  several  forms  having  been  collected  which  may  be  referred  to  this 
species.  A  few  plants  have  sessile  leaves,  others  subsessile,  others  again  on 
petioles  as  called  for  in  the  description,  but  the  leaves  are  much  smaller.  On 
Lanai  the  writer  collected  specimens  from  a  shrub  with  rambling  branches  which 
are  undoubtedly  Pelea  molokaiensis,  though  differing  somewhat  from  the  original 
description.  The  leaves  are  prominently  veined  on  both  sides,  while  Hillebrand 
says:  "nerves  little  prominent";  the  species  in  question  is  evidently  a  very 
variable  one,  and  as  the  writer's  material  of  this  species  is  without  fruit  in 
every  case,  the  diagnosis  is  somewhat  doubtful.  However,  no.  8023  from  the 
main  ridge  of  Lanai  is  here  referred  to  P.  molokaiensis,  flowering  July  25,  1910. 
At  first  glance  it  resembles  somewhat  Pelea  rotundifolia.  Hillebrand  records  a 
variety  ft  (doubtfully)  of  this  species  from  Oahu,  Niu  Valley;  leaves  as  in  P. 
orbicidaris,  all  on  long  petioles. 

Pelea  macropus  Hbd. 

PELEA  MACROPUS  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.   (1888)    65.— Evodia  macropus  Del  Cast    111    Fl. 
Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  132. 

A  small  tree  about  5  in  high,  quite  glabrous,  leaves  opposite  obovately  oblong,  con- 
tracted and  not  emarginate  at  the  base;  flowers  single,  on  a  short  peduncle  of  2  to  4  mm, 
which  bears  1  or  2  pairs  of  minute  bractlets,  the  pedicels  beyond  them  clavately  thickened 
to  the  length  of  24  to  30  mm;  petals  greenish;  capsule  nearly  3.75  cm  transversely  and 
8  mm  high,  its  carpels  parted  more  than  %  their  length. 

This  species  was  first  collected  by  V.  Knudsen  of  Kauai  (no.  189),  on  which 
island  it  is  found,  probably  in  the  forests  of  Halemanu,  back  of  Waimea. 

To  the  writer  the  species  is  not  known,  though  a  shrubby  variety  of  it  occurs 
on  the  high  plateau  of  Kauai  near  Waialeale. 

Pelea  pseudoanisata   Rock  sp.  nov. 

A  very  variable  small  tree  or  shrub;  branches  ascending;  every  part  of  the  plant 
emits  an  exceedingly  strong  odor  of  anise,  leaves  ovate,  obovate  oblong,  or  oblong,  shining 



on  both  sides,  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  glabrous,  densely  punctate  underneath  slightly 
pubescent  along  the  salient  midrib,  prominently  veined,  the  arcuate  intramarginal  nerve 
somewhat  distant  from  the  edge  of  the  leaf,  rounded  at  both  ends  or  retuse  at  the  apex, 
occasionally  bluntly  acute  and  mucronate,  often  subemarginate  at  the  base,  (i  to  12  cm 
long,  3  to  7  cm  wide,  on  stout  lignescent  angular  petioles  of  3  to  2  cm;  inflorescence  a 
cyme,  axillary,  usually  in  the  axils  of  the  lower  leaves,  single  to  3  flowered,  peduncle  and 
pedicels  filiform,  nodose,  the  former  6  to  10  mm  long,  the  pedicels  of  variable  length  2  to  3 
cm,  nodose,  bibracteolate  at  each  node,  bracteoles  linear-subulate  pubescent;  flowers  large 
in  both  sexes,  female  flowex's  greenish  yellow  to  red,  strongly  anise-scented  as  is  the  whole 
plant,  sepals  ovate,  acute,  3  mm,  almost  deltoid,  petals  linear-oblong,  acute,  1  cm  long, 
glabrous  as  are  the  sepals,  stamens  rudimentary,  as  high  as  the  ovary,  the  latter  1.5  mm. 
glabrous;  style  slender  filiform,  6  mm,  or  more,  often  protruding  beyond  the  petals, 
glabrous,  with  a  four  lobed  stigma,  the  lobes  slender  oblong,  1  to  1.5  mm  in  length, 
puberulous;  male  flowers  as  large  as  the  female  flowers  or  smaller;  petals  broad,  oblong, 
acute,  usually  12  mm  long  and  4.5  mm  wide,  glabrous,  many  nerved;  stamens  8,  4  nearly 
as  long  as  the  petals,  the  filaments  broad,  thin,  and  penninerved,  the  remaining  4,  two- 
thirds  the  length  of  the  others,  anthers  oblong,  deeply  split  at  the  base;  ovary  rudi- 
mentary; style  slender  3  mm,  with  a  very  indistinctly  four  notched,  almost  capitate 
stigma;  capsule  nearly  5  cm  transversely,  and  18  to  20  mm  high,  somewhat  chartaceous, 
glabrous,  the  4  follicles  united  half  their  length,  in  shape  much  like  that  of  P.  volcanica, 
recurved,  1  to  2  seeded,  rarely  one  or  two  abortive;  endocarp  loose,  chartaceous,  glabrous; 
seed  large,  9  mm  long,  ovoid  to  sub-orbiculir,  black,  shining. 

This  exceedingly  interesting  species,  which  has  been  called  the  mokihana  of 
Hawaii,  is  a  small  tree  or  shrub,  and  is  peculiar  to  the  summit  ridges  and 
swamps  of  the  Kohala  mountains  on  Hawaii.  It  occurs  only  at  an  elevation  of 
4000  to  5000  feet,  and  is  exceedingly  common  at  the  summit  of  the  Kohala  range 
called  Kaala.  It  inhabits  the  dense  rainforest  where  moss  covers  the  ground 
over  a  foot  deep  and  where  most  beautiful  5-feet-high  violets  abound.  When 
bruised  it  emits  an  exceedingly  strong  odor  of  anise,  much  more  so  than  the  true 
mokihana  of  Kauai,  Pelea  anisata.  If  a  branch  is  bruised  accidentally  by  work- 
ing one's  way  through  the  jungle,  the  odor  emitted  can  be  detected  for  a  long 
distance  through  the  forest  jungle.  The  species  has  the  biggest  capsule  in  the 
genus  and  also  the  largest  flowers. 

The  writer  has  excellent  and  most  complete  material  of  this  species,  which 
seems  to  be  related  to  P.  oblongifolia,  in  all  stages  of  growth.  It  was  first  col- 
lected by  the  writer  on  July  13,  1909,  flowering  and  fruiting,  in  the  forests  of 
Kohala,  no.  4455 ;  it  was  again  collected  in  June,  1910,  in  the  same  locality  and 
on  the  summit  of  Kohala  proper,  where  it  is  most  abundant  in  the  swampy  jungle 
bordering  a  big  open  bog.  Certain  forms  resemble  somewhat  Pelea  parvifolia 

The  type  is  no.  8306  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium  and  was  collected  at 
the  summit  of  Kohala,  Hawaii.  It  also  borders  the  edges  of  the  great  valleys  of 
Alakahi  and  Kawainui  in  the  heart  of  the  mountains  at  an  elevation  of  4200 
feet,  where  they  are  enwrapped  by  clouds  ten  months  or  more  of  the  year. 

Pelea  Balloui    Rock  sp.  nov. 

A  small  tree  or  shrub;  leaves  ovate  or  obovate  rounded  at  both  ends,  occasionally 
retuse  at  the  apex,  thick  coriaceous,  opaque,  finely  reticulated  on  both  sides  especially 
underneath,  the  salient  midrib  reddish,  pubescent,  as  is  the  under  surface  of  the  young 
leaves,  soon  glabrate,  the  intramarginal  nerve  not  distant  from  the  edge  of  the  leaf, 
but  with  one  set  of  meshes  intervening  5  to  10  cm  long,  3  to  7  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of 



1  to  2.5  cm;  inflorescence  axillary,  covered  with  a  silky  appressed  yellowish  green  pubes- 
cence throughout,  paniculate,  branching  from  every  node,  bracteate  throughout,  bracts  1 
mm,  triangular,  acute;  peduncle  3  to  12  mm,  the  ultimate  bibracteolate  pedicels  5  mm; 
sepals  ovate,  acute,  not  quite  3  mm,  petals  acuminate,  4  mm,  both  sepals  and  petals  per- 
sistent with  the  capsule,  (description  drawn  from  persistent  sepals  and  petals)  flowers 
unknown;  capsule  silky  tomentose,  parted  more  than  half  into  4  ovoid  cocci  which  when 
fresh  are  nearly  as  beaked  as  in  Platydesma,  rostrata. 

This  rather  interesting  species,  which  is  named  here  after  Prof.  Howard  M. 
Ballon,  to  whom  the  writer  is  indebted  for  corrections  of  the  proof  sheets  of 
this  book,  grows  in  the  dense  rain  forest  on  the  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  Mani, 
along  the  trail  leading  from  Ukulele  to  Waikamoi  Gulch,  at  an  elevation  of  5000 
feet.  It  was  collected  by  the  writer  in  the  above  locality,  fruiting,  October  25, 
1910,  in  company  with  Mr.  L.  von  Tempsky.  The  type  is  numbered  8609  in  the 
College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

It  is  apparently  related  to  the  rather  dubious  Pelea  Mannii  Hbd.,  but  differs 
from  the  latter  in  the  pedunculate  inflorescence  and  the  silky-haired  rostrate 
capsules;  while  the  ovary  in  Pelea  Mannii  is  glabrous. 

Pelea  anisata  Mann. 
Mokihana  or  Mokehana. 

PELEA   ANISATA   Mann   in   Proc.   Bost.    Soc.    Nat.   Hist.   X.    (1866)    314,   et   Proc.   Am. 

Acad.    (1867)    159,  et   Fl.   Haw.   Isl.   Proc.   Ess.   Inst.   V.    (1867)    166;— Wawra   in 

-      Flora    (1873)    109;— Hbd.   Fl.   Haw.   Isl.    (1888)    64;— Heller   PI.   Haw.  Isl.    (1897) 

837;— Brigham,  Ka  Hana   Kapa,    (1911)    163,  fig.  97.— Evodia  anisata  Drake   Del 

Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.   (1890)  130. 

A  slender  tree;  leaves  opposite  oblong,  5  to  12  cm  long,  3.75  to  5.5  cm  wide  on 
petioles  of  2.5  cm,  obtuse  or  rounded  at  both  ends,  or  emarginate  with  an  attenuate  base, 
chartaceous,  the  marginal  nerve  distant  from  the  edge,  with  smaller  secondary  meshes 
intervening;  flowers  small,  1  to  5  on  a  short  peduncle  of  4  mm,  which  is  bracteate  at  the 
apex,  pedicels  2  mm,  bracteolate  at  the  middle;  sepals  obtuse,  2  mm,  thin  and  transparent; 
petals  4  to  7  mm  long,  oblong,  acuminate,  stamens  8,  four  longer  than  the  petals,  the 
remaining  4  slightly  shorter,  or  as  long  as  the  petals;  ovary  glabrous,  style  1.5  mm,  with 
4  minute  stigmatic  branches;  capsule  coriaceous,  small  12  mm  in  diameter,  cuboid,  sub- 
entire,  the  outer  faces  notched  only  by  a  "shallow  sulcus,  the  axis  remaining  entire  after 
dehiscence;  all  parts  of  this  tree  emit  a  very  strong  anise  odor. 

This  very  strongly  scented  tree,  called  Mokihana  by  the  natives  of  Kauai,  is 
peculiar  to  the  latter  island.  It  is  a  slender  tree  reaching  a  height  of  over  20 
feet,  and  a  trunk  of  10  inches  or  more  in  diameter,  and  is  vested  in  a  smooth 
thin  bark ;  all  parts  of  the  tree  have  a  strong  anise  odor,  which  is  retained  even 
for  years  in  the  dry  wood  as  well  as  in  the  capsules.  The  latter  are  in  great 
favor  with  the  natives  and  are  threaded  and  worn  by  women  and  men  alike  as 
leis  or  wreaths.  It  was  one  of  their  favorite  perfumes  and  twigs  as  well  as  cap- 
sules were  placed  between  their  tapa  cloth. 

The  tree  is  evenly  distributed  over  the  Island  of  Kauai,  and  is  quite  common 
in  the  forest  of  Kaholuamano  and  Halemanu,  above  Waimea,  as  well  as  at  Ha- 
nalei  on  the  windward  side;  it,  however,  does  not  ascend  higher  than  4000  feet 
and  not  lower  than  3000  feet.  This  is  not  the  only  tree  of  this  genus  which 
possesses  an  odor  of  anise.  On  the  Island  of  Hawaii  in  the  high  swamp  forest  of 


PLATE  86. 

PELEA  ZAHLBRUCKNERI  Rock  sp.  nov. 
Flowering  and  fruiting  branch,  less  than  one-half  natural  size. 


the  Kohala  mountains  grows  a  species  with  exceedingly  strong  anise  odor,  even 
more  so  than  in  the  Kauai  plant,  but  it  does  not  retain  its  odor.  The  capsules  are 
three  times  as  large  as  those  of  the  Mokihana  and  resemble  very  much  the  cap- 
sules of  P.  volcanica. 

The  Mokihana  fruits  abundantly  during  the  early  fall,  especially  during  the 
month  of  September,  when  the  trees  are  loaded  with  the  mature  capsules. 

Pelea  Wawreana  Rock  sp.  nov. 

Leaves  elliptico-oblong  or  obovate-oblong,  opposite,  bright  green,  thick  coriaceous, 
shining  above,  dull  underneath,  glabrous  throughout,  even  on  the  reddish  prominent  mid- 
rib, rounded  at  the  apex,  often  retuse,  more  or  less  pellucid,  cuneate  or  often  rounded  at 
the  base,  veins  prominent  united  by  an  arched  intramarginal  nerve  which  is  close  to  the 
edge  of  the  leaf  at  the  base,  and  more  or  less  distant  toward  the  apex,  the  secondary  veins 
about  parallel  in  angles  of  about  85°  to  the  midrib,  8  to  15  em  long,  4  to  7  cm  wide,  on 
stout  petioles  which  are  thickened  near  the  blade,  angular  when  young,  2  to  3  cm  long; 
inflorescence  axillary,  2  to  3  flowered,  young  bud  pubescent;  peduncle  stiff,  thick,  about 
5  mm  or  little  longer,  pubescent,  bracteate,  the  pedicels  half  the  length,  bibracteolate  at 
the  middle;  capsule  cuboid,  scarcely  notched,  12  to  14  mm  in  diameter,  about  10  mm 
high,  the  cocci  one  to  two  seeded,  endocarp  glabrous. 

This  species,  named  in  memory  of  the  author's  compatriot,  Dr.  H.  Wawra  of 
the  Austrian  exploring  expedition,  is  a  small  tree  10  to  15  feet  high  with  a  short 
trunk  which  is  vested  in  a  smooth  brown  bark;  the  branches  are  ascending, 
robust  and  very  tough.  It  is  probably  related  to  P.  sapotaefolia,  from  which  it 
differs  in  the  opposite  glabrous  leaves  and  much  smaller  cuboid  capsules. 

It  is  not  uncommon  on  the  slopes  of  Konahuanui,  but  especially  along  the 
Manoa  cliff  trail  at  an  elevation  of  about  2000  feet,  together  with  Perrottetia 
sandwicensis,  Hibiscus,  Maba  sandwicensis,  Straussia  Kaduana,  and  others. 

Collected  November  30,  1912,  and  fruiting  February  2,  1913,  in  company  with 
Dr.  E.  A.  Back.  The  type  is  no.  10220  in  the  Herbarium  of  the  College  of 

A  pubescent  form  of  this  species  was  collected  at  Wahiawa  in  the  north  fork 
of  Kaukonahua  Gulch  of  the  Koolau  range  on  May  15,  1909,  flowering  and 
fruiting  (no.  3020). 

The  leaves  are  pubescent  along  the  midrib ;  the  inflorescence,  which  is  5  to  7 
flowered,  is  covered  with  a  yellowish  tomentum,  as  are  the  sepals.  The  petals 
are  glabrous ;  the  female  flowers  are  rather  small,  only  3  mm  in  length ;  stamens 
about  0.5  mm,  ovary  hirsute,  style  thick  writh  a  bluntly  four-lobed  stigma. 

Pelea  Zahlbruckneri  Rock  sp.  nov. 
(Plates  86,  87.) 

Leaves  opposite,  large,  elliptical  oblong,  obovate  oblong,  or  oblong  or  suborbicular, 
thin  chartaceous,  rounded  or  retuse  at  the  apex,  almost  cuneate  at  the  base,  midrib  promi- 
nent, secondary  veins  more  or  less  parallel,  at  not  quite  right  angles  to  the  midrib, 
united  by  an  arched  intramarginal  nerve  which  is  quite  distant  from  the  revolute  margin 
of  the  leaf,  glabrous  above,  puberulous  or  glabrate  underneath,  8  to  24  cm  long,  4.5  to 
12.5  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  2  to  6  cm,  pale  green,  whitish  when  dry,  cymes  axillary,  very 
slender,  2  to  4  flowered,  peduncle  somewhat  compressed,  1  cm,  bracteate,  pedicels  4  mm, 
bibracteate  at  the  base,  bracts  triangular  to  subulate;  flowers  very  small,  sepals  triangu- 
lar 1.5  mm,  petals  3  mm,  acute,  stamens  of  unequal  length,  all  shorter  than  the  petals; 


PLATE  87. 

PELEA  ZAHLBRUCKNERI  Eock  sp.  nov. 
Growing  in  the  Kipuka  Puanln,  near  Kilauea  Volcano,  Hawaii;  elevation  4000  feet. 


the  sagittate  anthers  on  broad  filaments;  the  glabrous  ovary  neither  lobed  nor  notched, 
entire,  crowned  by  a  short  style  with  a  bluntly  notched  stigma;  capsule  large.  3  cm  in  dia- 
meter, chartaceous,  entire,  cuboid,  scarcely  even  notched,  glabrous,  the  ovary  thin,  trans- 
parent, glabrous  endocarp  entirely  loose;  the  cocci  appear  to  be  somewhat  divided  after 
dehiscence  of  the  capsule,  each  cocci  1  to  2  seeded;  seeds  large  8  mm.  ovoid,  black,  shining. 

This  very  interesting  species,  which  seems  to  be  related  to  Hillebrand's  var.  ft 
of  Pelea  sapotaefolia  as  far  as  capsules  are  concerned,  occurs  in  the  park-like 
Kipuka  Puaulu  near  the  Volcano  of  Kilauea,  on  Hawaii,  at  an  elevation  of  4000 
feet.  It  is  a  conspicuous  tree  on  account  of  its  peculiar  branching  habit,  ex- 
ceedingly large  leaves,  and  very  large  cuboid  capsules.  It  is  quite  plentiful  in 
company  with  Pelea  rolcanica,  Pelea  dusiaefolia,  Xanthoxylum,  Sapindus  sapo- 
naria,  Suttonia  and  other  trees.  It  was  discovered  by  the  writer  in  July,  1911, 
when  he  collected  his  type  material,  which  is  no.  10216  in  the  College  of  Hawraii 
Herbarium.  Named  in  honor  of  Dr.  A.  Zahlbruckner,  Director  of  the  Botanical 
Museum  in  Vienna. 

Pelea  multiflora  Rock. 
(Plates  88,  89.) 

PELEA  MULTIFLORA  Eock  in  Coll.  Haw.  Publ.  Bot.  Bull.  I.  (1911),  pi.  III. 

Leaves  opposite,  oblong,  rounded  at  the  apex,  subcordate  at  the  base,  dull  green, 
glabrous  above,  densely  covered  underneath  with  an  olivaceous  tomentum,  as  well  as  the 
2.5  to  4  cm  long  petiole,  10  to  20  cm  long,  o  to  9  cm  wide,  thick  coriaceous,  quite  opaque, 
marginal  nerve  wanting;  young  leaves  golden  yellow,  densely  hirsute;  inflorescence  10  to 
15  cm  and  more  long,  cyniosely  paniculate,  densely  tomentose,  on  a  common  peduncle  of 
4  to  6  cm,  bracteate  throughout,  the  bracts  1  to  1.5  cm,  linear  oblong,  acuminate,  ultimate 
pedicels  3  to  5  mm  long;  flowers  10  to  200  on  a  single  inflorescence;  floral  bracts  subulate, 
enclosing  the  persistent  calyx  which  in  turn  encloses  the  four  valvate  petals  of  5  mm 
in  the  fertile  flowers;  male  flowers  larger  than  the  female  flowers,  calyx  half  the  length 
of  the  corolla;  stamens  8,  four  shorter  than  the  petals,  the  remaining  four  as  long  as  the 
corolla,  and  sometimes  protruding,  ovary  rudimentary  with  4  minute  stigmatic  branches; 
female  flowers,  calyx  as  long  as  the  corolla,  silky  gray,  the  lobes  acuminate,  smaller  than 
the  male  flowers;  ovary  large  glabrous,  four  lobed,  style  4  mm  long  with  a  white  four 
lobed  stigma,  each  lobe  2  mm  long;  follicles  glabrous,  3  cm  each  way,  carpels  parted  their 
entire  length;  endocarp  yellow,  shining,  glabrous,  more  or  less  loose;  each  follicle  1  to  2 
seeded,  seeds  ovoid,  black,  shining. 

This  exceedingly  interesting  species  was  discovered  by  the  writer  on  the  lava 
fields  of  Mt.  Haleakala  on  the  southern  slopes,  in  the  district  of  Kahikinui,  on 
Maui.  The  particular  locality  where  this  tree  occurs  is  called  Auahi,  and  is  sit- 
uated at  an  elevation  of  2600  to  3000  feet.  It  is  the  richest  botanical  section  in 
the  whole  Territory,  with  the  exception  of  Puuwaawaa  on  Hawaii. 

The  species  in  question  is  a  good-sized  tree  30  to  40  feet  in  height,  with  a 
trunk  of  over  one  foot  in  diameter,  which  is  clothed  in  a  gray  smooth  bark.  The 
tree  is  badly  attacked  by  a  lichen,  a  species  of  Usnea,  probably  australis,  which 
seems  to  check  the  growth  of  the  trees;  they  are  literally  covered,  trunk  and 
branches,  with  this  ungainly  looking  lichen. 

The  tree  was  discovered  during  November,  1910,  when  the-  first  specimens  were 
collected  (no.  8646  flowering  and  fruiting).  During  the  first  part  of  March, 
1912,  the  writer  revisited  that  locality  for  the  purpose  of  collecting  additional 
material  and  also  to  secure  photographs.  Many  trees  were  then  in  flower,  and 



Male  flowering  branch,  showing  a   (placed)   mature  capsule  in  the  upper  branch; 

one-half  natural  size. 


on  the  strength  of  the  new  material,  the  specific  description  is  herewith  enlarged. 
It  is  one  of  our  most  interesting  species  of  Pelea  in  that  it  has  the  greatest 
number  of  flowers  in  its  inflorescence,  bearing  often  more  than  200  flowers.  It 
belongs  to  the  same  group  as  Pelea  cinerea  and  Pelea  barbigera,  though  it  is  spe- 
cifically very  distinct  from  both.  At  Auahi,  to  which  place  this  tree  is  peculiar, 
it  is  associated  with  Alectryon  macrococcus,  Pterotropia  dipyrena,  Bobea  Hookeri, 
Alphitonia  excelsa,  Sideroxylon  aualiiense,  Antidesma  pulvinatum,  etc. 

Pelea  Knudsenii  Hbd. 

PELEA  KNUDSENII  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  70.— Evodia  Knudseni  Drake  Del  Cast. 
111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  132. 

A  tree  about  10  in  high,  the  young  shoots  and  inflorescence  covered  with  a  gray 
tomentum;  leaves  opposite,  12.5  to  15  cm  long,  7.5  to  10  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  5  to  6.5  cm, 
ovate  or  ovate-oblong,  cordate  at  the  base,  or  the  basal  lobes  connate,  with  the  petiole 
subpeltately  inserted  above  the  base,  bluntish,  glabrous  above,  pubescent  underneath,  the 
midrib  and  nerves  densely  villous  with  a  soft  grayish  wool,  thin  chartaceous,  with  the 
marginal  nerve  in  deep  arches;  flowers  numerous  20  to  40,  in  a  large  pyramidal  panicle 
of  5-6.5  cm  in  length,  with  3  to  4  pairs  of  divaricate  branches,  the  stiff  angular  peduncle 
about  24  mm,  the  ultimate  pedicels  very  short,  with  the  last  bractlets  close  to  the  calyx; 
bracts  8  to  6  mm;  calyx  and  corolla  villous  externally,  the  sepals  6  mm;  the  oblong  petals 
scarcely  longer;  disk  8  lobed  hairy;  ovary  sparsely  pubescent. 

The  plant  was  collected  by  Valdemar  Knudsen  of  Kauai,  for  whom  it  was 
named  by  Hillebrand.  It  is  recorded  as  growing  at  an  elevation  of  1500  feet 
back' of  Waimea,  Kauai,  and  is,  of  course,  a  dry  district  plant.  It  is  not  known 
to  the  writer,  who  collected  extensively  in  the  above  referred  to  locality,  but 
never  met  with  this  species.  It  is  evidently  closely  related  to  the  writer's  Pelea 
multiflora,  which  differs,  however,  from  the  foregoing  in  the  exceedingly  large 
inflorescence,  which  is  15  cm  long,  in  the  6  cm  long  peduncle,  and  in  the  number 
of  flowers,  which  is  up  to  200;  the  ovary  in  this  species  is  glabrous. 

The  capsule  of  P.  Knudsenii  is  not  known,  but  is  unquestionably  apocarpous, 
under  which  latter  heading  it  is  placed  in  Hillebrand 's  key  to  the  species. 

Pelea  barbigera  (Gray)   Hbd. 
Uahe  a  Pele. 

PELEA  BARBIGERA  (Gray)  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  70.— Melicope  barbigera  Gray 
Bot.  TJ.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  351,  t.  39,  fig.  B;— H.  Mann  Proc.  Bost.  Soc.  Nat.  Hist. 
X.  (1866)  316,  et  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  159,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Proc.  Ess. 
Inst,  V.  (1867)  168. — Melicope  cinerea  fm.  barbigera  Wawra  in  Flora  (1873) 
139.— Evodia  barbigera  Drake  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  130. 

Leaves  elliptical,  oblong,  10  to  16  cm  long,  5  to  6.5  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  2.5  to  5 
cm,  contracting  but  obtuse  at  both  ends,  pale  green,  dull,  not  shining  above,  beneath 
densely  clothed,  especially  along  the  midrib,  with  a  cobwebby  wool,  whk;h  disappears 
with  age,  chartaceous  with  faint  nerves,  the  leaves  all  curved,  the  upper  surface  convex, 
the  lower  concave;  flowers  3  to  5  on  a  stiff  angular  gray  tomentose  peduncle  of  20  to  24 
tarn,  the  pedicels  2  to  6  mm  long,  and  bracteolate  at  the  middle,  the  bracts  and  bractlets 
usually  large  for  the  genus,  8  to  6  mm;  sepals  and  petals  gray-tomentose,  the  former 
ovate-acute,  3  to  4  mm,  the  latter  5  to  6  mm;  ovary  sparingly  pubescent,  with  distinct 
style  and  4  short  stigmatic  branches;  follicles  discreet,  one  or  another  abortive,  obovoid, 
25  mm  in  diameter,  glabrous,  rather  thin,  concentrically  striate,  endocarp  glabrous;  one  to 
two  seeded. 


PLATE  89. 


Flowering  branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree;   growing  on  the  lava  fields  of 
Auahi,  Mt.  Haleakala,  Maui. 


This  rather  interesting  species,  called  Uahe  a  Pele  by  the  natives,  meaning: 
smoke  of  Pele,  owing  to  the  peculiar  smoky  gray  color  of  the  leaves,  is  only  found 
on  the  Island  of  Kauai,  where  it  inhabits  the  drier  districts  especially  near  Ka- 
holuamaiio  and  Halemanu,  above  "Waimea,  at  an  elevation  of  3600  to  4000  feet.  It 
is  a  rather  small  tree  or  often  only  a  shrub.  It  is  quite  different  from  Pelea 
clmrca  in  general  aspect  as  well  as  in  the  leaves,  which  are  thinner  and  curved,, 
and  mainly  in  its  fruits,  which  are  glabrous,  and  have  also  a  glabrous  endocarp. 
It  comes,  however,  nearest  to  that  species,  though  specifically  distinct  from  it  and 
not  a  mere  form,  as  Wawra  tried  to  make  out. 

Pelea  elliptica  Hbd. 

PELEA  ELLIPTICA  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  69.— Melicope  ?  elliptica  Gray  Bot.  U.  S. 
E.  E.  (1854)  353;— Mann.  Proc.  Bost.  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X.  (1866)  317,  "et  Proc.. 
Am.  Ac.  VII.  (1867)  159,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Proc.  Ess.  Inst.  V.  (1867)  168. — Pelea. 
Kaalae  Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  110.— Evodia  elliptica  Drake  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins. 
Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  131. 

A  small  tree;  leaves  thin  chartaceous,  with  pellucid  dots,  elliptico-oblong  7.5  to  12.5- 
cm  long,  2.5  to  3.5  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  8  to  16  mm,  broadly  obtuse  or  rounded,  even 
emarginate  at  both  ends,  faintly  nerved,  with  the  sinuous  marginal  nerve  rather  distant 
from  the  edge,  sparsely  dotted  underneath  with  a  pale  pubescence,  but  soon  glabrous 
and  pale;  flowers  1  to  3  on  a  short  angular  peduncle  of  2  to  6  mm,  the  pedicels  6  mm, 
bractQolate  below  the  middle  with  dentiform  bractlets;  sometimes  several  cymes  in  one 
axilla;  sepals  and  petals  coriaceous,  persistent  below  the  capsule,  both  canescent  in  the 
bud,  but  sub-glabrate  in  a  later  period;  sepals  2  mm,  obTuse,  petals  valvate  in  the  bud, 
oblong  3  to  5  mm;  style  obscurely  4-lobed,  almost  capitate  in  the  sterile  flowers;  follicle* 
discreet  to  the  base,  gray,  puberulous,  8  to  10  mm,  thin  papery,  dehiscent  in  both  sutures,, 
one  or  more  abortive. 

The  plant  was  first  collected  by  the  U.  S.  Exploring  Expedition  on  Kaala  of  the 
Waianae  range,  Island  of  Oahu.  The  writer  is  not  familiar  with  this  species,  as- 
he  has  never  collected  it.  Hillebrand  describes  five  varieties  of  this  species,  two 
from  Maui,  one  from  Niu  Valley,  Oahu,  and  the  last  var.  e.  from  Kalae  and 
Mauna  Loa,  Molokai. 

Pelea  cinerea    (Gray)    Hbd. 
Manena  on  Maui. 

(Plate  90.) 

PELEA  CINEREA  (Gray)  Hbd.  Flora  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  68.— Melicope  cinerea  Gray,  Bot- 
U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  350,  t.  39,  fig.  A;— H.  Mann  in  Proc.  Bost.  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X. 
(1866)  316,  et  Proc.  Am.  Ac.  VII.  (1867)  159,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Proc.  Ess.  Inst. 
V.  (1867)  168;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  139.— Evodia  cinerea  Drake  Del  Cast. 
111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  13.1. 

Young  shoots  covered  with  a  grayish  or  ochraceous  tomentum;  leaves  opposite,  ovate 
oblong  7.5  to  10  cm  long,  3.75  to  5  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  16  to  24  mm,  shortly  acuminate,, 
subcoriaceous.  with  faint  nerves,  the  marginal  nerve  distant  and  arcuate,  tomentulose  to 
pubescent  underneath,  glabrate  when  old;  flowers  3  to  5  in  a  short  cyme  or  raceme,  the- 
angular  peduncle  6  to  12  mm,  the  pedicels  4  to  8  mm,  bibracteolate  at  the  middle;  petals 
4  mm,  valvate  in  the  bud,  but  some  edges  forced  out  before  expansion,  gray  puberulous; 
ovary  tomentose;  capsule  20  to  24  mm  transversely,  the  follicles  cohering  slightly  at  the- 
base  only,  soon  glabrate,  thick  coriaceous,  opening  only  along  the  ventral  suture,  gener- 
ally all  maturing;  the  thick  endocarp  pubescent;  seeds  Y  or  2  in  each  follicle,  4  to  6  mm 
in  diameter;  cotyledons  plano-convex,  extending  the  whole  length  and  breadth  of  the- 


PLATE  90. 

PELEA  CINEREA  (Gray)  Hbd.  var.  7  Hbd. 

Manena  Tree. 
Growing  in  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  near  Volcano  Kilauea,  Hawaii;  elevation  4000  feet. 


Specimens  of  this  species  were  first  collected  by  the  U.  S.  Exploring  Expe- 
dition on  the  Island  of  Oahu,  on  the  Waianae  range,  in  a  ravine  of  Mt.  Kaala. 
This  species  is  a  typical  dry  district  Pelea  and  is  found  on  nearly  all  the  islands 
of  the  group  in  various  forms,  which  do  not  differ  much  from  the  species.  In 
certain  localities  they  are  small  trees  or  shrubs,  while  again  in  others  they  are 
handsome  trees  with  trunks  of  often  a  foot  or  more  in  diameter.  The  writer 
has  not  collected  the  species  on  this  island  (Oahu),  but  has  abundant  material 
from  the  other  islands. 

Hillebrand's  var.  ft.  with  an  olivaceous  tomentum,  and  coriaceous  leaves,  the 
writer  collected  on  Maui  in  the  dry  gulches  back  of  Makawao,  on  the  northwestern 
slope  of  Mt.  Ilaleakala ;  no.  8550,  flowering  and  fruiting  September,  1910.  The 
leaves  in  this  variety  are  quite  pale,  with  revolute  margins  and  more  or  less 
glabrous  on  both  sides ;  the  peduncles  are  3-flowered,  the  flowers  are  smaller 
than  in  the  species;  the  capsules  are  of  a  sulphur-yellow  and  are  densely  to- 
mentose ;  the  tree  is  conspicuous  on  account  of  its  leaves,  which  are  whitish  pale 
underneath.  Another  variety,  enumerated  as  y  in  Hillebrand's  Flora,  and  de- 
scribed as  Pelea  Hawaiiensis  by  Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  110,  occurs  in  Hawaii 
in  the  Kohala  range,  evidently  in  the  dry  districts  near  Mahukona,  as  this  par- 
ticular species  has  never  been  found  in  the  rain  forest,  but  always  on  ancient 
lava  flows  or  in  kipiikas. 

To  this  variety  evidently  will  have  to  be  referred  the  various  specimens  col- 
lected by  the  writer  on  the  Island  of  Hawaii.  At  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona, 
Hawaii,  on  the  ancient  lava  fields,  it  occurs  quite  plentifully  (no.  10211).  The 
young  shoots  as  well  as  the  leaves  are  tomentose,  but  become  glabrate  when  old; 
the  capsules  are  2  cm  in  diameter,  light  ochra-yellow  and  densely  tomentose;  the 
leaves  are  thick  coriaceous,  with  prominent  veins.  In  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  on 
the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa,  near  Kilauea  Volcano,  the  writer  met  with  the  finest 
trees  of  this  variety,  one  of  which  is  here  figured.  The  capsules  are  of  a  darker 
yellow  and  larger.  The  trunk  of  this  tree  is  vested  in  a  smooth  pinkish,  light 
brown  bark,  which  is  about  half  an  inch  thick  and  of  a  dirty  brownish  yellow 
color  inside.  (No.  10210,  fruiting  July,  1911.)  Another  form  of  this  variety 
was  collected  (no.  8774)  in  the  same  locality,  with  acute  glabrous  leaves  and  5-15 
or  more  flowered  panicles ;  petals  elongate  acute  tomentose  outside,  four  stamens 
protruding,  four  half  as  long,  filaments  puberulous,  as  long  as  the  petals  (3.5 
mm),  anthers  oblong,  1  mm,  ovary  hirsute. 

Hillebrand's  var.  8  the  writer  collected  on  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa  at  an 
elevation  of  2000  feet.  It  is  quite  distinct  from  the  variety  found  a  thousand 
feet  higher.  It  differs  mainly  in  the  thinner  perfectly  glabrous  acute  leaves; 
the  peduncles  in  the  writer's  specimens  are  about  8  mm,  each  bearing  a  single 
fruit ;  follicles  larger,  3  cm  in  diameter,  covered  with  a  reddish  yellow  velvety 
lomentum.  Collected  June  6,  1909,  fruiting  (no.  3561).  It  is  a  shrub  with 


PLATE  91. 



rather  rambling  branches.  Hillebrand's  material  came  from  Kau  and  South 

Var.    racemiflcra    Rock    var.    nov. 

Leaves  ovate,  cordate  at  the  base,  bluntly,  acute,  glabrous  above,  puberulous  under- 
neath, on  compressed  hirsute  petioles;  panicles  racemose,  terminal  and  in  the  axils  of 
the  leaves,  often  more  than  6  cm  long,  with  yellowish  pubescence;  flowers  small,  numer- 
ous, stamens  wanting  in  the  fertile  flowers,  ovary  tomentose. 

This  new  variety  is  a  small  tree  with  broad  flat  crown,  and  reaches  a  height  of 

10  to  15  feet.  The  branches  are  stout  and  woody  to  the  last  ramification.  It 
occurs  on  the  rough  aa  lava  flows  on  the  southern  slope  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  Maui, 
between  the  huge  blocks  of  lava,  at  an  elevation  of  1500  feet,  where  it  is  in  com- 
pany with  Reynoldsia  sandwiccnsis  and  Alpliitonia  excelsa,  the  most  predominant 
trees  in  the  district.  It  was  collected  by  the  writer  in  flower,  November,  1910. 
The  type  is  no.  8676  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium.  The  native  name  of 
the  tree  is  Manena. 


Flowers  hermaphrodite.  Sepals  4,  roundish,  broadly  imbricate.  Petals  3,  large, 
imbricate  or  convolute.  Discus  flat,  slightly  4  to  8  lobed.  Stamens  8  inserted  at  the 
margin  of  the  discus;  the  filaments  flat,  ovate  or  ovate-lanceolate,  united  into  a  wide 
tube,  with  elongate  sagittate  anthers,  with  linear  anther  cells  converging  at  the  apex. 
Carpels  4,  united,  each  with  5  to  8  ovules  suspended  from  a  broad  funiculus,  hemitropous. 
Ovary  deeply  lobed.  Style  terminal,  undivided,  with  thick  stigma.  Fruit  a  dry  4-lobed 
indehiscent  or  loculicidal  capsule,  with  thin  endocarp,  with  2  or  more  seeds  in  each  cell- 
Seeds  subglobose,  with  black  shining  crustaceous  testa,  and  with  albumen.  Embryo  in 
the  middle  of  the  albumen,  with  thin,  broad,  roundish  cotyledons  and  short  radicle. — 
Small  trees  or  shrubs  with  strong  pepsin  odor,  and  opposite  or  whorled,  single  entire 
leaves.  Flowers  large  in  axillary  cymes. 

The  genus  Platydesma  is  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands  and  consists  of 
three  endemic  species,  only  one  of  which  is  arborescent.  PI.  rostratum,  a  shrub 
branching  from  the  base,  with  rostrate  or  beaked  capsules,  is  peculiar  to  Kauai, 
while  PL  cor  nut  um  is  found  on  Oahu.  PI.  campamilatum  occurs  principally  on 
Oahu,  but  is  represented  on  the  other  islands  in  various  forms.  Pelea  auriculae- 
folia  Gray  has  erroneously  been  referred  to  Platydesma  by  both  Hillebrand  and 
Engler.  Leveille  described  two  species  collected  by  Abbe  Faurie,  both  from  the 
Punaluu  Mts.,  Oahu.  One,  Platydesma  Fauriei,  is  undoubtedly  PI.  campanu- 
latum  ;  the  other,  PL  oalmensis,  is  probably  referable  to  PI.  cornutum,  which  the 
writer  collected  in  the  Punaluu  Mts.  Leveille  in  his  description  of  his  second 
new  species  says  :  petalis  luteis  ?  None  of  the  Hawaiian  Platydesma  have  yellow 
petals,  but  are  of  a  waxy  white  or  cream  color. 

Platydesma   campanulatum   Mann. 

Pilo  kca. 
(Plate  91.) 

PLATYDESMA  CAMPANULATUM  Mann  Proc.  Bost.  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  X.  (1866)  317,  et 
Proc.  Am.  Ac.  TIL  (1867)  160.  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Proc.  Ess.  Ins.  V.  (1867)  169, 
et  Mem.  Bost.  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  I.  4.  (1869)  530,  pi.  22;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873) 




139;— Hillbr.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  71;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890) 
134; — Engler  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  4  (1895)  127,  fig.  69,  A-F; — Heller 
PI.  Haw.  Isl.  in  Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  IX.  (1897)  841. — Platydesma  Fauriei  Levl.  in 
Fedde  Eepert.  X.  no.  10-14.  (1911)  153.— Melicope  spathulata  Gray,  Bot.  U.  S. 
Expl.  E.  (1854)  352;  (doubtful). 

A  variable  species;  leaves  opposite,  obovate  oblong,  bluntly  acuminate  at  both  ends, 
or  rounded  at  the  apex,  narrowing  at  the  base,  chartaceous,  often  rather  thick  when 
fresh,  with  transparent  dots,  the  nerves  not  prominent,  with  the  exception  of  the  midrib 
which  is  salient,  punctate  on  the  underside,  glabrous  above,  occasionally  sparingly 
pubescent  along  the  veins  and  midrib,  leaves  varying  in  size  on  different  parts  of  the  tree, 
from  7.5  to  35  cm  long,  by  2.5  to  10  and  15.5  cm  wide,  the  petioles  from  1  to  5  cm  in 
length;  peduncles  of  about  the  same  length  as  the  petioles,  bearing  ovate  subulate  bracts; 
cyme  3  to  5  flowered,  occasionally  single  flowered;  pedicels  4  to  6  mm  long,  bracteolate; 
flowers  hermaphrodite,  18  to  20  mm  long,  12  to  14  mm  in  diameter,  campanulate;  sepals 
round,  8  to  10  mm  long,  decussatingly  imbricate,  clothed  with  a  sericeous  pubescence  ex- 
tending also  to  the  pedicels;  petals  4,  cream  colored,  alternate  with  the  sepals,  strongly 
imbricate,  16  to  18  mm  long,  obovate,  thick,  waxy,  minutely  sericeous,  bearded  on  the 
margins;  stamens  8,  nearly  as  long  as  the  petals,  inserted  on  the  margin  of  the  thin 
hypogynous  disc;  the  dilated  filaments  monadelphous  to  the  middle;  anthers  sagittate,  in- 
trorsely  dehiscent,  4  mm  long;  ovary  globular,  the  four  rounded  carpels  joined  only  by  the 
central  columnar  style,  which  is  four  times  their  length;  stigma  terminal,  entile,  slightly 
four-grooved;  ovules  5  in  each  cell,  collateral;  capsule  of  4  distinct  erect  cocci,  16  to  22 
mm  long  and  10  to  12  mm  in  diameter,  whole  capsules  30  mm  transversely;  endocarp 
smooth,  crustaceous,  and  half  enclosed  by  the  persistent  cup-shaped  calyx;  seeds  resembling 
very  much  those  of  Pelea.  The  capsule  often  rots  away  but  the  seed  remain  attached 
to  the  placenta  for  some  time.  Two  seeds  usually  ripen. 

This  exceedingly  interesting  tree,  which  must  have  been  much  more  common 
than  it  is  now,  can  still  be  found  in  the  mountains  behind  Honolulu  on  the 
slopes  of  Konahuanui,  and  also  in  the  whole  Koolau  range,  especially  in  the 
mountains  of  Punaluu,  on  the  windward  side  of  Oahu.  The  tree  is,  however,  not 
confined  to  the  Island  of  Oahu,  but  is  found  also  on  the  other  islands  of  the 
Hawaiian  group,  with  the  exception  of  Molokai  and  Lanai.  The  writer  observed 
it  only  as  a  shrub  outside  of  Oahu,  while  on  the  latter  island  it  reaches  a  height 
of  15  to  20  feet  or  perhaps  a  little  more;  the  trunk  is,  however,  not  more  than 
5  inches  or  so  in  diameter.  The  whole  plant,  when  bruised,  emits  an  exceedingly 
strong  odor  of  pepsin,  which  is  not  unpleasant.  This  species  is  the  type  of  the 
genus  and  has  the  largest  capsules,  while  the  other  two  species  have  much 
smaller  and  quite  different  capsules.  It  is  certainly  very  variable.  It  was 
collected  by  the  writer  first  at  Punaluu,  no.  65,  flowering  August,  1908,  and  again 
November  13,  1908,  flowering  and  fruiting  no.  630;  flowering  and  fruiting  No- 
vember 30,  1912,  Manoa  Valley,  Mt.  Olympus,  no.  10225. 

Hillebrand  describes  two  varieties,  ft.  var.  pallida  from  Kaala,  Oahu;  and 
East  Maui,  Hamakua.  It  differs  from  the  species  in  the  densely  pubescent  or 
tomentose  leaves.  The  second,  y  var.  macrophylla,  he  records  from  Kauai. 

The  writer  collected  this  variety  on  Kauai  in  the  mountains  of  Halemanu  and 
Kaholuamano  back  of  Waimea  at  an  elevation  of  3600  feet.  The  leaves  are 
quite  large,  some  of  them  36  cm  long,  on  petioles  of  4  cm,  and  are  densely  to- 
mentose underneath,  especially  along  the  midrib;  the  flowers  are  arranged  in 
cymes  on  a  peduncle  of  less  than  one  millimeter,  at  the  nodes  of  the  naked 
branches;  flowers  as  in  the  species;  a  very  robust  form  which  evidently  belongs 



here  was  collected  along  the  Honomanu  trail  on  the  northern  slopes  of  Mt.  Ha- 
leakala,  Maui,  elevation  2500  feet,  with  enormous  leaves  20  cm  wide;  another 
form  at  4000  feet  elevation  on  the  same  island  in  the  forests  near  Olinda,  with 
smaller  leaves,  flowering,  September,  1910 ;  no.  8534. 

Hillebrand's  var.  y.  macroplnjlla  with  large  glabrous  leaves  is  from  Kauai. 

On  the  Island  of  Hawaii,  in  the  Kohala  Mts.  proper,  west  of  Honokanenui  gorge, 
the  writer  collected  specimens  of  a  tree  15  to  20  feet  high,  with  very  robust 
branches ;  the  leaves  are  glabrous,  thick  coriaceous,  and  probably  belong  to  Hille- 
brand's  var.  y.  The  leaves  are  on  petioles  of  5  to  5.5  cm  and  differ  therefore  from 
the  latter  variety,  which  has  the  leaves  on  short  petioles  of  6  to  8  mm;  it  may 
be  known  as  forma  coriaceum  f.  nov. 

Collected  June,  1910,  fruiting,  no.  8367,  in  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

Var.   sessilifolia    Rock   var.    nov. 

A  shrubby  plant,  with  erect  stems  foliose  at  the  apex;  leaves  large,  opposite,  per- 
fectly sessile  with  a  broad  base,  oblong  or  obovate  oblong,  gradually  tapering  toward  the 
base,  very  thin  chartaceous,  transparent,  midrib  and  veins  prominent,  rounded  at  the 
apex,  glabrous  above,  pubescent  underneath,  26  to  38  cm  long,  9  to  14  cm  wide,  flowers 
as  in  the  species,  the  petals  acute;  capsule  exceedingly  large,  the  erect  cocci  separated  by 
a  very  broad  sinus  of  4  mm. 

Collected  in  the  dense  forests  of  the  summit  mountain  of  the  Kohala  range, 
Hawaii,  fruiting  July  12,  1909,  type  no.  4222  in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Her- 


This  is  an  exceedingly  large  family,  consisting  of  more  than  208  genera  with 
many  species,  distributed  over  all  parts  of  the  world,  with  the  exception  of  the 
Arctic  and  Alpine  regions. 

The  genus  Euphorbia  is  the  most  widely  distributed  of  the  family,  reaching 
as  far  as  the  polar  borders  of  the  northern  and  southern  hemispheres. 

In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  the  family  is  represented  by  five  genera,  four  of 
which  have  arborescent  species. 

Plants  not  milky: 

I.     PHYLLANTHEAE.       Flowers   monoecious   or   dioecious;    ovary   cells   two-ovulate: 
Leaves  alternate  entire,  fruit  a  berry,  three  celled,  seeds  arillate.  .  .  .     Neowawraea 

Leaves  alternate,  entire;   fruits  flat,  one-seeded Antidesma 

U.     CROTONEAE.      Flowers  monoecious  or  dioecious;   ovary  cells  one-ovulate: 
Leaves    alternate,    crenate    or    serrate;    fruits    capsular,    two-three    celled 


Leaves  alternate,  lobed;   stone  fruit  one-seeded,  splitting  into  two-four  cocci 


Plants  milky: 

III.     EUPHORBIEAE.     Flowers    mostly    monoecious,    rarely    dioecious;    ovary    three 

celled,  one-ovulate: 
Leaves  opposite,  linear;  fruit  a  three  celled  capsule Euphorbia 

NEOWAWRAEA  Rock  gen.  nov. 

Flowers  dioecious.  Male  flowers:  sepals  5,  of  unequal  shape  and  size.  Petals  none. 
Stamens  3'  to  4,  rarely  5,  inserted  between  the  sinuses  of  the  hypogynous  disc,  consisting 


PLATE  92. 

NEOWAWEAEA  PHYLLANTHOIDES  Eoek  gen.   et  sp.  nov. 
Showing  male  flowering  branch,  and  female  branch  in  fruit;  about  one-half  natural  size. 


usually  of  4  glands.  Female  flowers  unknown.  Fruit  a  globose  berry,  reddish-black,  with 
persistent  calyx.  Endocarp  of  3  thin  membraneous'  cocci  each  with  two  seeds,  rarely  4, 
»vhich  are  enclosed  in  an  arillus.  Embryo  filling  the  whole  cavity  of  the  seed,  cotyledons 
flat,  subrotundous.  radicle  exserted.  albumen  scanty. — An  unarmed  tree  with  alternate, 
ovate,  glabrous,  entire  leaves.  Flowers  in  fascicles  all  along  the  stipulate  branchlets. 

This  proposed  new  genus,  which  is  here  dedicated  to  the  memory  of  the  author's 
compatriot,  Dr.  IT.  Wawra,  Ritter  von  Fernsee,  of  the  Austrian  Exploring  Ex- 
pedition, consists  of  a  single  remarkable  species,  of  which  only  three  male  and 
one  female  trees  are  in  existence.  It  is  evidently  related  to  Phyllanthus.  Owing 
to  the  fruit  being  a  berry  it  would  come  closer  to  Bischofia,  from  which  it,  how- 
ever, differs  in  the  presence  of  a  discus  and  the  fasciculate  inflorescence. 


Neowawraea  phyllanthoides  Rock  sp.   nov. 

A  tree  10  to  12  m  high,  with  a  straight  trunk  of  about  4  dm  or  more  in  diameter; 
bark  light  brown,  rough  and  scaly;  branches  semi-erect,  with  many  small  branchlets 
which  are  covered  with  light  gray,  oblong  lenticels;  leaves  ovate,  rounded  or  truncate  at 
the  base,  bluntly  acute  at  the  apex,  light  green  above,  glaucous  underneath,  penni- 
nerved,  the  lateral  veins  nearly  parallel,  at  angles  of  about  60°  to  the  midrib,  thin, 
chartaceous,  glossy  above,  dull  underneath,  glabrous,  8  to  14  cm  long,  4  to  9  cm  wide,  on 
petioles  of  15  to  20  mm;  stipules  triangular,  subcaudate,  membraneous,  caducous;  in- 
florescence axillary,  fasciculate,  all  along  the  branchlets;  male  flowers  in  dense  fascicles  or 
close  clusters,  very  small  1.5  mm  in  diameter,  on  short  pedicels  of  2  mm,  which  are  sur- 
rounded at  the  base  by  several  roundish  bracts,  in  the  shape  of  a  cup,  out  of  whose 
center  the  pedicels  arise.  The  5  sepals  are  minute,  unequal,  petals  wanting,  stamens  3 
to  4,  rarely  5,  inserted  between  the  sinuses  of  an  hypogynous  disc,  usually  consisting  of 
4  glands,  female  flowers  not  known;  fruit  an  indehiscent  globose  berry,  6  mm  in  diameter, 
with  the  calyx  persistent,  reddish-black,  juicy,  staining  purplish,  endocarp  thin  mem- 
braneous, divided  into  three  cocci,  each  with  two  arillate  seeds,  rarely  4;  seeds  pale 
yellow,  about  2  mm  long,  convex  outside,  acute  angled  inside,  hilum  suborbicular  to  ovate 
situated  in  the  upper  third  of  the  seed;  embryo  2.3  mm  long,  cotyledons  flat,  filling  the 
whole  cavity  of  the  seed,  1  mm  long,  1.3  mm  wide,  radicle  1  mm,  protruding;  albumen 

This  very  interesting  and  remarkable  tree,  for  which  an  old  native  Hawaiian 
gave  the  name  Mehamehame,  is  exceedingly  rare,  only  three  males  and  one  female 
tree  being  in  existence.  In  regard  to  the  native  name,  the  writer  is  not  inclined 
to  accept  it.  The  outward  appearance  of  the  tree  resembles  somewhat  our  Ha- 
waiian Antidesma,  which  are  also  called  Home  or  Mehame  or  Mehamehame.  The 
old  native  might  have  easily  taken  it  for  such.  It  is  very  doubtful  if  the  natives 
ever  had  a  name  for  the  tree,  as  it  is  peculiar  to  such  a  small  area,  located  in 
a  most  inhospitable  place  on  the  southern  flanks  of  the  great  volcano  Mauna  Loa 
on  rough  aa  lava  flows,  made  accessible  only  very  recently. 

It  was  discovered  by  the  writer  in  the  above  locality  at  an  elevation  of  2000 
feet,  called  Kapua,  during  the  month  of  February,  1912 ;  but  was  at  that  time 
neither  in  flower  nor  in  fruit.  A  careful  search  of  the  ground  beneath  the 
trees,  revealed  no  sign  of  seeds  of  a  previous  season.  This,  however,  was  ex- 
plained on  a  later  visit  in  the  month  of  July  (15),  1912,  in  company  with  Mr. 
AV.  M.  Giffard,  when  it  wras  found  that  the  trees  first  examined  were  all  male  and 
in  flower.  Only  one  other  tree  was  seen,  which  fortunately  turned  out  to  be  a 
female  tree  bearing  fruit.  It  is  a  striking  tree  of  medium  height,  and  is  quite 


PLATE  93. 

NEOWAWRAEA  PHYLLANTHOIDES  Eock  gen.   et  sp.  nov. 
Branches  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree.     Growing  on  the  lava  fields  of  Kapua, 

South  Kona,  Hawaii. 


conspicuous  in  that  small  area  on  account  of  its  pale  glaucous  foliage.  The  wood 
is  exceedingly  heavy,  close  grained  and  very  hard.  The  sap  wood  is  red,  while 
the  heartwood  is  black,  making  a  beautiful  contrast.  The  type  is  no.  10030  in 
the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

It  is  associated  with  Antidesma  pulvinatum,  A.  platyphyllum,  Pittosporum 
Hosmeri  var.  longifolia,  Maba  sandwicensis,  Alpliitonia  excelsa,  Cohibrina  oppo- 
sitifolia,  Santalum  Freycinetianum,  Osmanthus  sandwicensis,  Tetraplasandra 
Ilawaiiensis,  and  many  other  interesting  tree  species. 


Flowers  dioecious.  Calyx  3  to  5  lobed.  Discus  teeth  free,  rarely  united.  Male  flow- 
ers: Stamens  2  to  5,  opposite  the  sepals;  anthers  bent  inward  in  the  bud,  later  erect. 
The  rudimentary  ovary  small.  Female  flowers:  Ovary  1 — very  rarely  also  2-celled. 
Style  3,  very  short,  2  lobed.  Stone  fruit  small  often  oblique.  Seeds  without  caruncle. 

A  genus  of  trees  and  shrubs,  with  more  than  70  species  in  the  warmer  re- 
gions of  the  old  world.  It  is  distributed  from  tropical  Africa  to  Australia, 
Japan  and  the  islands  of  the  Pacific. 

Two  species  or  probably  three  are  to  be  found  in  these  islands,  with  one  in 
the  Viti  (Fiji)  Islands,  one  in  Samoa,  and  two  in  New  Guinea.  The  only  repre- 
sentative of  the  genus  in  tropical  Polvnesia,  a  doubtful  one,  is  recorded  by 
Hemsley  from  Admiralty  Island.  None  have  so  far  been  discovered  in  America. 


Leaves  ovate  or  obovate.  glabrous A.  platyphyllum 

Leaves  cordate  with  a  patch  of  hairs  in  the  angles  of  rib  and  veins A.  pulvinatum 

Antidesma  platyphyllum   Mann. 

Ilame  or  Haa. 

(Plate  94.) 

ANTIDESMA  PLATYPHYLLUM  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  202;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw. 
Isl.  (1888)  402;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VII.  (1892)  289;— Heller  PI. 
Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  842. 

Leaves  ovate  to  obovate  or  orbicular  8  to  12  cm  long,  4  to  10  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of 
about  5  mm,  shortly  acuminate,  glabrous,  shining  above  but  punctato  papillose,  chartaceous 
to  coriaceous,  panicles  puberulous;  male  flowers:  subsessile  along  the  simple  branches  of 
a  paniculate  rhachis  of  about  8  cm;  bracts  conchoid,  as  long  as  the  calyx  or  longer; 
calyx  less  than  2  mm,  puberulous,  with  5  to  4  roundish  lobes;  petals  rudimentary,  diso 
glabrous,  lobed,  stamens  5  or  4,  long  exserted;  ovary  rudimentary,  with  peltate  stigmas. 
Female  flowers:  pedicellate  along  the  branches  of  a  solitary,  axile.  paniculate  rhachis  of 
5  to  14  cm;  bracts  linear;  calyx  less  than  2  mm,  5  to  8  cleft;  disc  small,  annular;  ovary 
glabrous;  style  terminal;  drupe  reddish  or  dark  purplish,  fleshy,  compressed,  suboblique 
the  osseous  putamen  irregularly  ridged.  Cotyledons  suborbicular,  as  broad  as  the  scanty 
albumen,  2  or  3  times  as  long  as  the  radicle. 

The  Hame  or  Haa  is  a  very  handsome  tree,  reaching  a  height  of  20  to  30  feet, 
with  a  trunk  of  a  foot  or  more  in  diameter;  the  bark  is  fibrous,  deeply  corru- 
gated, and  whitish.  It  has  no  round  crown,  as  the  few  branches  are  rather  as- 
cending and  have  only  a  few  branches.  It  is  conspicuous  by  its  large  leaves, 
which  are  bright  green  and  glossy,  and  is  on  that  account  often  mistaken  for 
the  Maua  tree  (Xijlosrna  Hillebrandii  or  X.  Hawaiiense') ,  which  it  resembles 


PLATE  94. 


Hame  or  Haa. 
Fruiting   branch,    less   than    one-half    natural    size. 


greatly.  During  the  months  of  June,  July,  and  August,  and  on  Kauai  as  late 
as  October,  the  trees  are  loaded  with  the  very  dark-red,  fleshy,  compressed  ber- 
ries, which  are  of  the  size  of  a  large  pea;  they  are  arranged  all  along  the 
branches  on  a  paniculate  rachis.  On  the  lava  fields  of  Kona,  especially  at 
Kapua,  it  fruits  in  December  and  January. 

The  Hame  inhabits  the  dry  as  well  as  the  wet  forests  on  all  the  islands,  espe- 
cially at  an  elevation  of  1500  to  3000  feet.  It  is  not  uncommon  above  Makawao, 
Maui,  where  it  grows  in  company  with  Sideroxylon,  Labordia,  Pelea,  Pittos- 
porum,  Ochrosia,  Xanthoxylum,  Straussia,  etc.  On  Molokai  it  inhabits  the  dry 
sections  and  is  also  found  in  the  wettest  district  along  the  stream  in  Wailau 
valley  proper,  which  has  an  enormous  rainfall.  On  Hawaii  it  is  plentiful  in 
North  and  South  Kona,  on  the  slopes  of  Hualalai.  and  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa, 
also  Waipio  valley  and  the  mountains  of  Kohala.  It  can  also  be  found  along 
the  Keanae  ditch  trail  on  the  windward  side  of  Maui,  but  not  growing  to  any 
size.  On  Kauai  a  variety  grows  just  below  Kaholuamano,  3000  feet  elevation, 
associated  with  Cyanea  leptostegia,  Xanthoxylum,  Charpentiera,  Osmanthus,  etc. 
The  wood  of  the  Hame  or  Haa  is  close-grained,  rather  hard,  and  of  a  reddish- 
brown  color.  It  was  used  by  the  natives  for  Olona  anvils.  The  Olona  formed 
one  of  their  principal  fiber  plants,  which  was  beaten  to  thin  strips  on  Hame 
logs.  The  wood,  which  takes  a  fine  polish,  is  excellent  for  cabinet  work,  but,  un- 
fortunately, it  is  not  found  in  sufficient  quantities  to  be  of  any  commercial 
value.  The  red  coloring  matter  of  the  fleshy  berries  was  used  in  conjunction 
with  the  Kamani  oil,  into  which  such  tapa  was  placed  as  was  intended  to  be 
worn  as  bathing  malos  by  the  chiefs ;  this  infusion  gave  it  a  bright  color. 

From  Kauai,  Hillebrand  describes  a  variety  /?  with  broad  obtuse  leaves  which 
are  shining  on  both  faces. 

X    Antidesma  Kapuae  Rock  nov.  hybr. 
(Antidesma  plat ypJiyll um  Mann  X  J--  pulvinatum  Hbd.) 

Leaves  as  in  A.  platyphyttum,  but  quite  acuminate,  while  the  fruits  are  al- 
most exactly  like  in  A.  pulvinatum  Hbd. 

Both  A.  platyphyllum  and  A.  pulvinatum  are  extremely  common  in  Kapua  on 
the  lava  fields  of  South  Kona,  Hawaii,  at  an  elevation  of  2000  feet.  Here  the 
writer  met-  with  trees  whose  leaves  are  identical  with  those  of  A.  platyphyttum, 
while  the  fruits  are  those  of  A.  pulvinatum.  It  could  not  be  placed  either  to  the 
one  or  the  other,  and  is  here  mentioned  as  a  probable  hybrid. 

Antidesma  pulvinatum  Hbd. 

Haa,  or  Mehama. 
(Plates  95,  96  and  97.) 

ANTIDESMA  PULVINATUM  Hbd.  PL  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  403;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar. 
Pac.  VII.  (1892)  289. 

Young  branches  and  inflorescence  ochraceous,  tomentose;  leaves  ovate,  cordate,  shortly 
acuminate,   thin   chartaceous,   dark   green   above,   lighter   and   tomentose   underneath,   witb 


PLATE  95. 

Haa  or  Mehame. 

Fruiting   branch,    less    than    one-half    natural    size. 

PLATE  96. 


Haa  or  Mehame. 

Fruiting  branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree;  showing  deep  longitudinal  corrugation  of 
bark.     Growing  on  the  lava  fields  of  Kapua,  South  Kona,  Hawaii. 

PLATE  97. 


Haa  or  Mehane  tree. 
Growing  on  the  a.a  lava  fields  of  Kapua,  South  Kona,  Hawaii. 


prominent  veins,  and  always  with  a  villous  patch  in  the  angles  of  rib  and  veins;  panicles 
short,  branching  only  near  the  base;  ovary  tomentose;  drupe  much  smaller  than  in  A. 
platj/phyllum,  4  to  6  mm,  black;  female  calyx  tomentose,  5  to  6  cleft;  style  branches  very 
short,  subentire. 

This  species,  unlike  the  previous,  is  confined  to  the  dry  districts,  especially 
to  the  aa  (rough)  lava  fields.  It  does  not  reach  the  height  of  A.  platyphyUum, 
but  has  a  beautiful  round,  symmetrical  crown.  The  trunk  is  short  and  about 
10  inches  to  over  one  foot  in  diameter.  The  bark  is  deeply  corrugated,  longi- 
tudinally furrowed,  fibrous,  and  whitish.  The  leaves  are  ovate,  generally  heart- 
shaped  at  the  base,  not  glossy,  of  a  dull-green,  and  haw  villous  patches  on  the 
underside  in  the  angles  of  rib  and  veins,  giving  them  a  brownish  color.  The 
berries  are  much  smaller  than  in  the  Hame  or  Haa,  and  are  blackish. 

It  inhabits  the  dry  region  of  the  lower  elevations  and  may  be  found  on  the 
southern  slope  of  Haleakala  on  the  aa  lava  fields  of  A.uahi  in  company  with 
Reynoldsia,  Maba  sandwicensis,  Xylosma  Hillebrandii,  etc.  On  Oahu  it  is 
found  in  the  Waianae  range,  but  it  is  most  plentiful  on  the  lava  fields  of  South 
Kona,  Hawaii,  especially  at  Kapua  (2000  feet),  where  it  forms  about  60  per 
cent  of  the  tree  growth. 


Dioecious,  rarely  monoecious.  Discus  of  various  formation.  Male  flowers:  calyx 
subglobose,  3  to  4  cleft;  filaments  free,  anthers  extrorse;  without  rudimentary  ovary. 
Female  flowers:  calyx  less  divided,  2  to  4  lobed.  Discus  entire  or  lobed.  Ovary  3  to  2 
celled.  Styles  short,  free  or  united  at  the  base.  Seeds  without  caruncle,  globose.  Albu- 
men fleshy.  Cotyledons  flat. — Glabrous  or  tomentose  trees  or  shrubs.  Leaves  alternate, 
petioled,  often  large,  subcoriaceous,  entire  or  serrate;  inflorescence  axillary  single  or  fas- 
ciculate, shorter  than  the  leaves.  Flowers  small,  the  male  flowers  usually  fascicled,  the 
female  flowers  single  under  each  bract. 

The  genus  Claoxylon  consists  of  over  40  species,  and  is  distributed  in  the 
tropics  of  the  old  world,  from  Africa  to  the  islands  of  the  Pacific.  Two  species 
occur  in  these  islands,  two  in  New  Guinea  (C.  longifolium  (Bl.)  Mull.-Arg.,  and 
C.  bicarpellatum  Laut.  &  SchJ.  One  species  is  recorded  from  New  Caledonia, 
one  from  Tahiti,  and  two  from  Viti  or  Fiji  Islands.  Of  the  Hawaiian  species 
only  one  is  arborescent. 

Claoxylon   sandwicense   Mull.-Arg. 

(Plate  98.) 

CLAOXYLON   SANDWICENSE    Mull.-Arg.   in   Linnaea   XXXIV.    (1865)    165;    et   in   DC. 

Prodr.   XV.   2.    (1866)    780;— H.  Mann  Proc.   Am.  Acad.  VII.    (1867)    203;— Seem. 

Flora  Vit.   (1867)   224;— Wawra  in  Flora   (1875)   148;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.   (1888) 

398;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII.   (1890)   291;— Pax  in  Engl.  et  Prantl 

Pflzfam.  III.  5  (1896)  48. 

A  small  soft  wooded  tree,  with  pale  spreading  branches,  the  youngest  shoots  tomentose; 
leaves  obovate-oblong  or  lanceolate,  10  to  20  cm  long,  5  to  7  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  2.5  to  5 
cm,  shortly  acuminate  or  obtuse,  crenate-serrate  with  callous  teeth;  membraneous,  lurid 
green,  scabro  papillose,  tut  glabrate;  flowers  clustered  in  distant  fascicles  of  2  to  4  and 
minutely  bracteate  along  a  simple  rachis  of  from  7  to  12  cm  in  length.  Male  flowers: 
calyx  6  mm,  parted  to  the  base  into  3  (rarely  2  or  4)  triangular  lobes;  no  disc  or  glands, 


PLATE  98. 


Flowering  and  fruiting  branch,  from  the  forest  about  Glenwood  above  Hilo,  Hawaii. 

About  one-half  natural  size. 


stamens  about  200;  female  flowers:  calyx  2  to  3  mm,  sepals  ovate,  glands  3,  oblong,  nearly 
the  size  of  the  sepals;  ovary  tomentose  or  silky;  styles  short,  spreading;  capsule  dividing 
into  3  cocci,  5  mm  high  and  6  mm  broad,  deeply  furrowed;  seeds  globose,  rugose;  embryo 
axile,  cotyledons  orbicular,  twice  as  long  as  the  radicle. 

The  Poola  is  a  very  small,  soft-wooded  tree,  reaching  a  height  of  not  more 
than  15  to  18  feet,  rarely  20.  The  trunk  is  usually  branching  6  to  8  feet  above 
the  ground  with  pale,  spreading  branches,  forming  rather  an  unsymmetrical 

On  East  Maui,  on  the  southern  slopes  of  Haleakala,  on  the  lava  fields  of 
Auahi,  it  grows  to  a  small  tree  at  an  elevation  of  2000  to  2500  feet,  in  company 
with  Alectryon,  Xanthoxylum,  Xylosma,  Pelea,  Tetraplasandra,  etc.  On  Ha- 
waii it  is  not  uncommon  on  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  where  it  is  a  small 
tree.  The  plants  from  the  latter  locality  differ  somewhat  from  those  of  other 
localities,  in  that  their  leaves  turn  to  a  steel-blue  color  on  drying,  and  in  some 
other  minor  points.  On  Lanai,  the  Poola  is  most  plentiful  in  the  valleys  of 
Kaiholena  and  Mahana.  It  is  endemic  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  No  record 
remains  as  to  the  usefulness  of  this  tree. 

The  second  Hawaiian  species,  C.  tomentosum  (Hbd.)  Heller,  is  a  shrub,  and 
occurs  on  Kauai  only. 


Monoecious  to  almost  dioecious.  Male  flowers:  calyx  irregularly  2  to  3  cleft.  Petals 
longer  than  the  calyx.  Stamens  inserted  on  a  conical  receptacle,  in  1  to  4  whorls,  the  5 
cuter  ones  epipetalous.  Alternipetalous  disc-glands  5,  without  rudimentary  ovary.  Fe- 
male flowers:  corolla  the  same  as  in  the  male  flower.  Disc  much  reduced.  Ovary  2  to  5- 
celled.  Style  divided  into  two  thick,  linear  branches;  stone  fruit  indehiscent,  exocarp 
thin,  endocarp  crusty,  2  to  5  celled.  Testa  thick,  woody.  Albumen  thick,  hard,  very 
oily. — Trees  with  stellate  pubescence.  Leaves  alternate,  long  petioled,  large,  5  to  7 
nerved  at  the  base,  entire  or  3  to  5  to  7-lobed;  peduncle  at  the  apex  with  two  glands.  Flow- 
ers in  loose,  widely  branched  eymose  corymbs. 

A  small  genus  of  3  to  5  species,  of  which  A.  moluccana  (L.)  Willd.  is  the 
most  common  and  widely  distributed  species;  it  occurs  in  the  tropics  and  sub- 
tropics  of  the  old  world,  in  the  West  Indies  and  Brazil,  Pacific  islands,  etc. 

Aleurites  moluccana   (L.)   Willd. 

(Plate  99.) 

ALEURITES  MOLUCCANA  (L.)  Willd.  Sp.  PI.  IV.  (1805)  590;— Mull.  Arg.  in  DC.  Prodr. 
XV.  2.  (1866)  723;— H.  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  203;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit. 
(1867)  223; — Nadeaud  Enum.  Tahit.  Plants  (1873)  No.  462; — Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1888)  400;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII.  (1892)  289,  et  Fl.  Polyn. 
Franc.  (1893)  183;— Pax  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  5.  (1896)  73.  fig.  44;— 
Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  842.— Brigham  Ka  Hana  Kapa  (1911)  138,  fig.  84.— 
Jatropha  moluccana  Linn.  Spec  PI.  ed.  1.  (1753)  1006.— Aleurites  triloba  Forst. 
Char.  Gen.  (1776)  112.  t.  56.,  et  Prodr.  (1786)  no.  360,  et  Incon.  (ined.  cf.  Seem.) 
t.  262;— Hook,  et  Arn.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  69,  et  95;— Endl  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no. 
1554;— GuilL  Zeph.  Tait.  (1836-37)  no.  180;— Jardin  lies  Marqu.  (1858)  25.— 
Telopia  perspicua  Soland.  Prin.  Fl.  Ins.  Pac.  (1858)  332,  et  in  Park.  Draw.  Tah. 
PI.  105,  et.  106  (ined.  cf.  Seem.). — Camirium  moluccanum  0.  Ktze.  Eev.  Gen.  PI.  II. 
(1891)  595. 
Leaves  of  variable  shape,  ovate  or  rhombeo-lanceolate,  undivided  or  3,  5  to  7  lobed, 

with  triangular  acuminate  lobes,  pale,  with  the  rib  and  nerves  tomentose;   corymb   10  to 


PLATE  99. 


Flowering  and  fruiting  branch,   reduced. 


15  cm  long.  Male  flowers:  calyx  ovoid  in  the  bud  petals  white  to  cream  colored,  oblanceo- 
late;  stamens  about  18,  anthers  erect,  introrse.  Female  flowers:  calyx  6  mm;  ovary  hairy, 
2-celled;  fruit  fleshy,  coriaceous,  globose,  about  5  cm  or  more  in  diameter,  with  4  shallow 
furrows;  seeds  1  or  '2,  rugose-gibbous. 

The  Kukui  is  one  of  the  most  common  of  Hawaiian  forest  trees,  growing  at 
elevations  of  from  about  sea  level  to  about  2200  feet.  It  reaches  a  height  of 
sometimes  80  feet  and  more,  especially  in  narrow,  rocky  gorges,  such  as  Mauna 
Lei  on  Lanai,  and  other  narrow  valleys.  The  trunks  reach  large  dimensions,  and 
it  is  not  uncommon  to  find  them  several  feet  in  diameter.  Of  all  Hawaiian  trees 
the  Kidiid  has  the  lightest  colored  foliage,  it  being  covered  with  a  silvery-gray 
powder  which  makes  it  very  conspicuous  in  the  forest,  and  can  be  recognized 
from  far  off.  The  trunks  are  not  always  erect,  but  sometimes  are  twisted  and 
running  on  the  ground,  as  are  also  the  huge  branches.  It  is  mainly  in  narrow 
gorges  that  the  tree  has  a  perfectly  straight  trunk,  branching  40  feet  or  so  above 
the  ground. 

It  inhabits  the  lower  slopes  of  the  mountains  in  the  dry  region  as  well  as  on 
the  windward  side,  where  the  rainfall  is  usually  heavy.  It  is  common  on  all 
the  islands  from  almost  sea  level  up  to  2200  feet,  but  not  higher. 

The  nuts  especially  were  a  necessity  to  the  natives,  who  made  their  torches 
from  the  seeds,  strung  on  coconut  or  palm-leaf  midribs.  An  oil  was  expressed 
from  tke  nuts,  which  they  burnt  in  stone  lamps.  Of  the  acrid  juice  of  the  fleshy 
covering  of  the  nuts  they  prepared  a  black  dye,  used  in  tattooing.  From  the 
bark  of  the  root  a  similar  dye  was  used  in  coloring  canoes  black.  The  trunk 
itself  was  sometimes  made  into  canoes,  while  the  soot  of  the  burning  nuts  was 
used  as  canoe  paint.  The  trunk,  Avhen  bruised,  exudes  a  gum  or  resin  called 
pilaU  by  the  natives,  who  employed  it  for  various  purposes.  The  gummy  sub- 
stance is  said  to  be  chewed  by  the  Tahitians,  especially  that  exuding  from  the 
fruits.  The  nuts  contain  50  per  cent  of  oil,  which  is  known  as  Kekuna  in  India 
and  Ceylon,  and  Kukui  in  Hawaii.  In  former  times  the  yearly  production  of 
the  Kukui  nut  oil  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands  amounted  to  10,000  gallons,  and  was 
exported  to  Europe.  The  cake,  after  expression  of  the  oil,  is  a  good  food  for 
cattle,  and  also  useful  for  manuring.  Medicinally,  the  oil  is  used  as  a  purgative, 
and  also  makes  an  ideal  dressing  for  ulcers. 

The  nuts  are  also  roasted  by  the  Hawaiians  and,  when  chopped,  are  mixed 
with  seaweed  and  served  at  luaus  or  native  feasts  as  a  relish.  In  Samoa  the 
nuts  are  strung  similarly  to  the  old  Hawaiian  method  and  used  as  house  lamps, 
50  to  60  nuts  being  necessary  for  one  night.  They  are  boiled  before  being 
strung  on  the  midribs  of  palm  leaves.  It  is  called  lama  and  tuitui  in  Samoa, 
nibbol  by  the  Tami  Islanders  in  New  Guinea,  and  raguar  in  the  Caroline  Islands; 
it  is  the  laud,  sikeci  and  tuitui  in  the  various  dialects  of  Fiji. 

The  wood  of  the  Kukui  is  of  a  light  color,  soft  and  absolutely  not  durable. 
It  decays  very  easily  when  cut  full  of  sap.  Many  insects  bore  into  the  wood, 
but  especial  mention  may  be  made  of  the  big  beetle  Aegosoma,  belonging  to  the 
Longicorn  family,  which  is  also  a  great  enemy  of  the  Koa  and  other  trees. 



PLATE  100. 


ITQPHORBIA  LORIFOLIA  (Gray)   Hbd.  var.  GRACILIS  Bock  var.  nov. 

Koko  or  Akoko. 

Fruiting  branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree;  bark  is  incised,  note  flow  of  latex.      Grow- 
ing on  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  Hawaii;   elevation  3000  feet. 


Cyathium  campanulate,  4  to  5  lobed,  the  lobes  entire  or  slit,  often  hidden  by  glands. 
Glands  between  the  lobes,  rarely  less,  entire  or  two  horned  or  digitate.  Male  flowers: 
numerous  without  calyx,  very  rarely  writh  a  small  scale  on  the  articulation  of  the  stamens. 
Female  flowers:  single  from  the  middle  of  the  cyathium,  finally  stipitate  and  exserted  from 
the  cyathium,  naked  or  with  a  calyx  formed  by  three  small  scales.  Styles  3,  free  or 
united,  entire  or  bifid.  Capsule  separating  into  3  two-valved  cocci. — Herbs,  shrubs  or 
trees,  abounding  in  milky  juice.  Leaves  entire,  opposite,  or  alternate.  Cyathia  in  ter- 
minal cymes  or  in  the  axis  of  two  dichotomous  branches,  or  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves; 
stem  often  thick  fleshy,  cactus-like  or  even  leafless. 

The  genus  consists  of  more  than  600  species,  and  is  distributed  especially 
over  the  warmer  regions;  it  is  absent  in  the  Arctic  regions,  and  only  very 
sparingly  represented  in  the  colder  parts  of  the  temperate  zone. 

In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  ten  species  are  endemic,  of  which  only  three  be- 
come small  trees. 

All  Hawaiian  Euphorbiae  are  called  Akoko  or  Atoto  by  the  natives.  The 
name  Atoto  appears  also  in  Tahiti  for  Euphorbia  atoto,  which  is  called  Totolu 
and  Totoyava  by  the  Fijians.  Euphorbia  atoto  is  credited  to  the  Hawaiian 
Islands  by  Seeman,  who  mistook  for  it  the  closely  allied  Euphorbia  cordata  of 
our  seashores. 


Leaves  linear  oblong;  flowerheads  terminal  or  axillary,  single;  capsule  small.      E.  lorifolia 
Leaves  obovate  oblong;  flowerheads  in  open  axillary  cymes;  capsules  large.       E.  Rockii 

Euphorbia  lorifolia   (Gray)    Hbd. 

Koko  or  Akoko. 

(Plate  100.) 

EUPHOEBIA  LORIFOLIA  (Gray)  Hbd.  Flora  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  395;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl. 
Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VII.  (1892)  285.— E.  multiformis  var.  lorifolia  Gray  in  H.  Mann, 
Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  202.— E.  multiformis  var.  angustifolia  Boiss.  in  DC. 
Prodr.  XV.  2  (1866)  11  (ex  parte). 

A  small  tree,  with  stiff  branches  which  are  nodose  with  short  internodes  and  puberu- 
lous;  leaves  opposite,  linear  or  oblong,  somewhat  spathulate,  2.5  to  5  cm  long,  4  to  10  mm 
wide,  on  petioles  of  1  mm  or  almost  sessile,  obtuse  or  truncate,  often  retuse  at  the  apex, 
entire,  slightly  contracted  and  subtruncate  or  uneven  sided  at  the  base,  chartaceous  or 
somewhat  fleshy;  stipules  very  low,  triangular  with  a  broad  base;  flowerheads  terminal  and 
axillary,  generally  single  or  (in  the  Main  specimens)  2  to  3  in  the  leaf-axils,  subsessile, 
supported  by  several  short  bracts;  involucre  less  than  3  mm,  pubescent  outside,  glabrous 
within,  with  4  suborbicular  glands;  the  lobes  obovate  or  quadrate,  with  ragged  margins; 
bracteoles  3  to  4  fid;  styles  free  to  the  base,  shortly  bifid  with  clavate  branches;  capsule 
erect  on  a  short  stalk,  3  mm  in  diameter,  puberulous,  obtuse  at  the  angles,  the  cocci 
broader  at  the  base;  seeds  rugose,  scrobiculate. 

Var.  gracilis  Rock.  var.  nov. 

Branches  not  erect  and  stiff,  but  very  slender  and  drooping;  leaves  linear  oblong, 
acute  at  both  ends,  chartaceous,  opposite,  on  petioles  of  2  to  3  mm,  midrib  and  veins  very 
prominent,  pubescent  underneath,  pellucid,  capsules  smaller,  the  cocci  of  equal  width. 
Type  no.  3593  in  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

This  variety  is  peculiar  to  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  Hawaii,  where  it  grows 
on  the  aa  lava  fields.     It  reaches  a  height  of  20  to  25  feet  and  a  diameter  of 


PLATE  101. 


Showing  fruiting  branch  and  flowers,  reduced. 


often  more  than  10  inches.  The  trunk  is  vested  in  a  pinkish,  rather  thin  bark 
which  is  smooth  when  young,  but  often  forms  thick  knobs  which  are  deeply 
wrinkled  in  very  old  trees.  It  has  a  tremendous  liow  of  latex,  which  does  no* 
coagulate  on  the  tree,  but  becomes  yellow,  especially  in  old  trees. 

The  species  occurs  in  the  gulches  back  of  Makawao,  Maui,  and  also  on  the 
slopes  of  Mauna  Kea,  Hawaii,  near  the  crater  Nan,  011  the  boundary  of  the 
Parker  and  Horner  ranches.  The  writer  met  with  it  also  on  the  Island  of  Lanai 
in  the  dry  gulches  of  Mahana. 

The  new  variety,  however,  occurs  only  on  the  slopes  of  Hualalai  between  Hue- 
hue  and  Puuwaawaa,  Hawaii,  at  an  elevation  of  3000  feet,  on  the  rough  aa  lava 
fields  and  also  in  the  more  humid  forest  of  Waihou.  The  area  with  which  this 
tree  is  practically  covered  amounts  to  about  5000  acres.  During  a  recent  visit  in 
North  Kona,  engaged  in  botanizing  in  this  most  interesting  locality,  the  writer 
was  struck  by  the  tremendous  flow  of  latex  and  the  large  amount  which  could 
be  procured  from  a  single  tree.  Thinking  it  worth  while  to  take  some  latex 
samples  for  examination,  the  writer  sent  a  large  bottleful  to  the  U.  S.  Agricul- 
tural Experiment  Station  in  Honolulu  for  analysis. 

This  Station  has  since  published  the  results  of  the  analysis  in  the  form  of  a 
Press  Bulletin  No.  37,  entitled  "Euphorbia  lorifolia,  a  Possible  Source  of  Eubber 
and  Chicle,"  by  Win.  McGeorge,  Assistant  Chemist,  and  W.  A.  Anderson,  Su- 
perintendent Rubber  Substation 

Euphorbia  Rockii  Forbes. 

(Plate  101.) 

EUPHORBIA  ROCKII  Forbes  Occas.  Pap.  Bernice  P.  Bishop  Mus.  Vol.  IV.  3.   (1909)   38, 

pi.  1. 

Leaves  opposite,  obovate-oblong,  obtuse,  uneven-sided  with  a  clasping  base,  nearly 
sessile,  8  to  12  cm  long,  2.5  to  3  cm  wide;  flowers  in  open  axillary  cymes  3  to  3.5  cm  long; 
involucre  campanulate,  minutely  hairy  or  glabrous  on  the  outside,  pubescent  on  the  inside, 
lobes  ovate,  minute,  glands  transversely  oblong,  not  appendiculate;  style  branches  short, 
nearly  free;  capsules  large  18  to  24  mm.  glabrous,  pink  or  dark  crimson,  on  nodding 

This  tree,  which  was  discovered  by  the  writer  in  August,  1908,  when  in  full 
fruit  is  exceedingly  handsome.  It  reaches  a  height  of  about  15  to  20  feet,  with 
a  trunk  of  about  eight  inches  in  diameter.  The  bark  is  smooth  and  whitish. 
Like  all  Euphorbiae,  it  exudes  a  sticky,  milky  sap  when  bruised.  The  branches 
are  flat  and  spreading,  giving  the  trees  a  broad,  flat  crown.  The  flowers  are 
small  and  inconspicuous  and  are  borne  on  dichotomous  cymes.  The  three-cor- 
nered capsules  are  bright  pink  or  deep  scarlet  when  mature,  of  an  inch  or  more 
in  length  clothing  the  whole  crown  in  scarlet,  which  is  beautifully  contrasted 
with  the  dark-green,  glossy,  sessile  foliage. 

The  Enplwrbia  Eockii  is  peculiar  to  the  Island  of  Oahu,  and  is  only  found 
on  the  windward  side,  in  the  mountains  of  Punaluu  above  Kaliuwaa  valley,  at 
an  elevation  of  2000  feet  or  more.  On  the  summit  ridge  it  grows  to  a  shrub, 



while  in  the  shaded  ravines  it  becomes  a  tree  15  to  18  feet  in  height.  It  asso- 
ciates with  Pittosporum  glomeratum,  Straussia  sp.,  Psychortia  liexandra,  Ptero- 
tropia  gymnocarpa,  Cyrtandra,  many  Lobelias  and  other  plants  peculiar  to  the 
rain  forest,  of  which  this  tree  is  also  typical. 


This  family,  which  consists  of  58  genera  with  over  420  species,  reaches  its  best 
development  in  the  tropical  regions  of  the  old  and  new  world,  but  mainly  in  the 
Malayan  Archipelago.  Only  a  few  genera  occur  in  the  extra  tropical  regions  of 
the  northern  and  southern  hemispheres,  as  in  the  Mediterranean,  and  Manchu- 
rian- Japanese  regions,  in  the  forests  of  North  America,  and  in  the  Andes  region 
of  South  America. 

Among  the  most  useful  members  of  this  family  are  the  Mango  (Mangifera 
indica),  Wi  (Spondias  dulcis),  Cacheu-nut  (Anacardium  occidentale)  and  many 


Flowers  polygamous,  calyx  5-lobed.  Petals  longer  than  the  calyx,  both  imbricate. 
Stamens  inserted  below  a  broad  disciis,  with  subulate  filaments,  and  ovate  anthers,  in  the 
female  flowers  often  small.  Ovary  ovate  or  subglobose,  with  a  single  ovule  suspended 
from  an  erect  funis;  styles  terminal  3,  free  or  somewhat  united,  with  truncate  or  capitate 
stigmas.  Drupe  globose  or  compressed,  with  thin  glabrous  or  tomentose  exocarp.  Seeds 
ovate  or  reniform  with  thin  testa. — Shrubs  or  trees  with  alternate,  simple,  trifoliate  or 
pinnate  leaves,  and  usually  small  flowers  arranged  in  compound  panicles. 

The  genus  Rhus  has  the  largest  number  of  species  of  any  genus  of  the  above 
family.  It  consists  of  over  120  species  and  subspecies,  and  is  distributed  over 
the  tropics,  subtropics  and  temperate  zones,  but  chiefly  in  South  Africa.  Sev- 
eral species  are  found  in  the  Viti  (Fiji)  and  Society  Islands. 

The  Hawaiian  variety  of  R.  semialata  differs  from  the  species  in  having  the 
rhachis  of  the  leaf  not  winged. 

R.  semialata  extends  from  the  Himalaya  Mts.  through  China  to  Japan. 

The  Japanese  Sumach  (R.  vernix)  has  been  introduced  into  the  islands  here. 

Some  species  of  Rhus  are  poisonous  to  the  touch,  others  are  employed  for  tan- 
ning and  dyeing  purposes. 

The  Tahitian  name  of  R.  Taitensis,  peculiar  to  the  South  Sea  Islands  ( Samoa, 
Viti,  and  Tongan  Islands)  is  "Waiwai,"  in  Samoa  "Tavai." 

Rhus  semialata  Murr.  var.  sandwicensis  Engl. 
Neneleau  or  Neleau. 

RHUS  SEMIALATA  Murr.  var.  SANDWICENSIS  Engl.  in  DC.  Monogr.  IV.  (1883)  380;— 
Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  89;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  145;— 
Engler  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  5  (1896)  168. — R.  semialata  Murr.,  Mann 
Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  162,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  177.— Rhus  sandwicensis 
Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  369,  — Toxicodendron  semialatum  (Murr.)  O.  Ktze  Rev. 
Gen.  PI.  I.  (1891)  154. 



Branches  feruginous  at  the  ends;  leaves  impari-pinnate,  v,Tith  2  to  6  pairs  of  leaflets, 
the  raehis  10  to  30  cm  long,  terete,  not  margined,  petiolate  in  the  lower  third  or  fourth; 
leaflets  oval  or  oblong,  more  or  less  acute  or  acuminate,  5  to  15  cm  long  and  2.5  to  8  cm 
wide,  almost  sessile,  feather  veined,  downy  underneath,  subglabrous  above;  panicle  ter- 
minal, very  large  and  compound,  very  dense,  30  cm  long,  many  flowered,  flowers  small 
yellowish,  calyx  1  mm,  deeply  5-cleft,  tomentose;  petals  5,  2  mm,  obovate,  glabrous  or 
ciliate;  anthers  5,  ovoid,  obtuse,  on  very  short  filaments,  styles  2  to  3,  short,  with  capi- 
tate stigmas;  fruit  3  to  4  mm,  ovoid,  somewhat  flattened,  tomentose. 

The  Neneleau,  or  Hawaiian  Sumach,  is  a  small  tree  of  15  to  25  feet  in  height. 
It  sometimes  sends  up  numerous  shoots  from  the  roots  and  thus  forms  dense 
clumps  of  great  extent.  The  trunk  is  seldom  a  foot  in  diameter  and  is  vested  in 
a  smooth  bark ;  the  leaves  are  pinnate,  of  a  bright  green  with  red  veins  and  peti- 
oles, and  when  it  is  in  flower  is  quite  an  attractive  looking  tree.  The  flowering 
panicle  is  terminal  rusty  tomentose,  and  very  dense.  The  flowers  are  very  small 
and  pale  yellow.  The  Neneleau  is  strictly  of  the  lowland  and  lower  forest  zone 
between  600  to  2000  feet  elevation,  and  may  be  found  in  more  or  less  isolated  clus- 
ters. On  Kauai  it  grows  above  Makaweli  together  with  the  Kukui  (Aleurites 
moluccana),  Sapindus  oahuensis,  Pisonia,  etc.,  while  on  Hawaii  it  is  most  com- 
mon all  along  the  road  back  of  Hilo.  It  is  also  found  in  Kona  and  back  of  the 
Waimea  village.  On  Maui  it  grows  on  the  windward  (Kailua)  and  leeward 
slopes  of  Haleakala  (at  Auahi),  together  with  the  Puhala  (Pandanus  odoratissi- 
mus),  and  it  is  not  uncommon  in  Nuuanu  Valley,  on  Oahu. 

The  wood  of  the  Neneleau  is  soft  and  very  light,  of  a  yellowish  gray  color,  and 
has  a  rather  coarse  grain  with  darker  streaks.  It,  however,  is  tough  and  is 
largely  used  for  ox  plows  by  the  ranchers. 

In  North  Kona  above  Kailua,  Hawaii,  there  is  a  large  grove  of  Neneleau, 
though  now  almost  dead,  due  to  a  fungus  pest  which  has  also  made  its  appear- 
ance in  Hilo. 

The  species  of  which  this  Hawaiian  tree  is  a  variety  is  a  small  tree  whose 
habitat  is  in  the  outer  Himalaya  Mts.,  from  the  Indus  to  Assam,  growing  at  an 
elevation  of  6000  feet,  and  on  the  Khasia  Mts.  at  altitudes  between  3000  and 
5000  feet.  The  fruit  is  used  by  the  hill  tribes  of  the  Himalaya  as  a  remedy  for 
colic.  From  the  pulp  which  surrounds  the  drupes,  the  omlu,  a  vegetable  wax, 
is  prepared  by  the  Nepalese.  which  is  similar  to  the  Japanese  wax  of  com- 
merce. The  Neneleau,  however,  is  peculiar  to  Hawaii. 


Of  the  family  Aquifoliaceae  only  about  176  species  are  known,  of  which  more 
than  170  belong  to  the  genus  Ilex.  The  remaining  species  belong  to  3  genera. 
The  center  of  distribution  of  Ilex  is  in  the  central  and  southern  part  of  America, 
with  nearly  half  as  many  species  in  Asia  and  a  few  in  the  Pacific  Isles.  One 
genus  (Xemopanthes)  is  North  American,  while  the  genus  Phelline  and  others 
belong  to  the  Australian  floral  region. 


PLATE  302. 

ILEX  SANDWICENSIS   (Endl.)  Loes. 

Kawau  or  Aiea  on  Kauai. 
Fruiting  branch  about  one-half  natural  size.     Typical  Oahu  specimen. 



Flowers  through  abortion  dioecious.  4  to  many  lobed,  usually  isomerous,  calyx 
rarely  oligomerous,  and  ovary  pleiomerous. 

Subgenus  BYEONIA   (Endl.)   Loes. 

Inflorescence  single  or  in  the  leaf  axils  or  single  lateral  at  the  base  of  young  shoots, 
usually  long  peduncled,  one  or  several  times  dichotomous  or  trichotomous,  cymose  or  ir- 
regularly forked,  rarely  umbellately  contracted.  Flowers  isomerous,  or  oftener  at  least 
the  female  flowers  heteromerous.  Petals  occasionally  shorter  than  the  ovary.  Staminodia 
of.  the  female  flower  often  without  anthers,  resembling  entirely  the  petals.  Ovary  5,  or 
more  often  6,  to  many  celled,  occasionally  22  celled.  Ovules  single  in  each  cell.  Trees 
with  chartaceous  or  mostly  thick  coriaceous,  entire,  or  rarely  serrulate  leaves. 

The  genus  Byronia,  established  by  Endlicher,  was  reduced  by  Loesener  to  a 
subgenus  under  the  genus  Ilex,  which  was  again  divided  into  two  classes,  A.  Eu- 
byronia,  into  which  falls  the  Hawaiian  representative,  now  Ilex  sandwicensis 
(Endl.)  Loes.,  and  B.  Micrococca  Loes.  with  a  single  species  found  in  Japan. 

Ilex  sandwicensis  (Endl.)   Loes. 

Kawau,  or  Aiea  on  Kauai. 

(Plate  102.) 

ILEX  SANDWICENSIS  (Endl.)  Loes.  in  Engler  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Nachtr.  I.  7  218.— 
Ilex  ?  anomala  Hook  et  Am.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  111  t.  25. — Byronia  sandwicensis 
Endl.  in  Ann.  Wien.  Mus.  I.  (1836)  184,— et  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no.  1577;— A.  Gray 
Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (3854)  296.  pi.  26;— H.  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  161, 
•  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Essex  Inst.  V.  (1867)  171;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  170;— 
Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  78;— Del  Cast.'  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pae.  VI.  (1890)  138;— 
Brigham  Ka  Hana  Kapa  (1911)  178,  fig  105. — Byronia  anomala  Heller  PI.  Haw. 
Isl.  (1897)  847,  et  B.  sandwicensis  Endl.  Heller  1.  c.  p.  848. 

Leaves  elliptico-oblong  or  obovate  to  ovate,  5  to  12  cm  long,  2  to  6  cm  wide,  on  petioles 
of  5  to  25  mm,  obtuse,  narrowing  toward  the  base,  entire  or  rarely  serrulate,  coriaceous, 
dark  green  above,  lighter  underneath,  glossy  above,  with  impressed  nerves;  flowers  numer- 
ous in  cymose  panicles  of  5  to  10  cm  in  length,  the  naked  compressed  two-edged  peduncle 
2.5  to  5  cm,  pedicels  6  mm,  bibracteolate  below  the  middle,  the  bractlets  2  to  3  mm; 
calyx  4-lobed,  the  lobes  rounded,  corolla  rotate  white,  deeply  6  to  10  cleft,  female  flowers 
with  staminodia  often  without  anthers,  as  many  as  the  lobes  of  the  corolla  and  alternate 
with  them;  ovary  closely  sessile  in  the  calyx,  globular,  12  to  18  celled;  in  sterile  flowers 
smaller  and  imperfect;  stigma  sessile,  broad,  radiate  with  12  to  18  lines,  persistent,  ovules 
single  in  each  cell,  stamens  half  the  length  of  the  corolla,  filaments  flattened,  anthers 
didymous,  drupe  spherical,  smooth,  12  to  18  grooved  when  mature  or  dry,  black,  dull,  with 
purplish  fruit  flesh,  containing  2  to  18  separable  pyrenae. 

The  writer  has  abundant  material  of  this  species  from  various  localities  all 
over  the  group,  and  after  comparing  the  many  specimens  he  comes  to  the  conclu- 
sion that,  as  so  many  of  our  Hawaiian  trees  are  polymorphous  or  variable,  the 
Kawau  or  Aiea  proves  to  be  no  exception.  Hillebrand  in  his  Flora  of  the  Ha- 
waiian Islands  fails  to  mention  that  the  flowers  are  often  sterile  and  that  the 
anthers  are  often  wanting  in  fertile  flowers. 

It  is  a  handsome  tree  reaching  a  height  of  20  to  40  feet,  with  a  trunk  of  often 
one  foot  in  diameter.  It  is,  however,  occasionally  a  shrub  with  stiff  ascending 
branches  and  leaves  crowded  at  the  ends  of  the  latter.  Such  shrubs  can  be  found 
near  Kilauea  Volcano  on  Hawaii,  elevation  4000  feet,  among  the  sub-xerophytic 
vegetation,  or  in  open  swampy  country.  It  is  one  of  the  most  common  forest  trees 
on  all  the  islands  and  is  more  or  less  confined  to  the  rain  forests,  though  occa- 


PLATE  103. 


Olomea  or  Waimea  on  Maui. 
Fruiting  branch,  about  one-half  natural  size. 


sionally  met  with  in  the  drier  districts.  It  can  be  found  usually  in  company 
with  Pcrrottetia  sandicicensis  (Olomea*),  Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii  (Olapa], 
Straussia,  Bobea,  Elaeocarpus  bifidus  (Kalia),  and  others  peculiar  to  that  zone. 
The  tree  is  seldom  tarnished  by  insects  or  blight,  and  the  dark  glossy  leaves  make 
the  tree  a  conspicuous  object  in  the  forest,  and  more  so  when  it  is  in  full  bloom, 
exhibiting  its  cymes  of  white  flowers  in  the  upper  axils,  and  abundant  small  black 
fruits  belowr  the  leaves,  along  the  stem. 

The  leaves  vary  tremendously  in  size,  shape  and  texture,  and  so  does  the  in- 
florescence, which  is  sometimes  very  shortly  peduncled  and  appears  to  be  ter- 
minal. A  form  with  very  small  leaves  is  not  uncommon  on  Kauai,  while  the 
biggest  fruited  specimens  the  writer  collected  on  the  slopes  of  Mt.  Hualalai,  in 
North  Kona,  Hawaii. 

The  wood  of  the  tree  is  whitish  and  rather  soft.  It  has  been  employed  for 
saddle-trees  by  the  Hawraiians  of  today. 


With  the  exception  of  the  Arctic  Zone,  the  Celastraceae  are  to  be  found  in  all 
floral  regions,  but  especially  in  southern  and  tropical  Africa,  including  Madagas- 
car; also  in  tropical  and  subtropical  Asia,  in  China,  and  Japan. 

The  genus  Perrottetia,  which  occurs  in  the  Indo-Malayan  region,  is  also  to  be 
found  in  tropical  America,  with  one  species  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  The  family 
consists  of  38  genera  with  numerous  species. 


Flowers  hermaphrodite  or  unisexual;  calyx  broad,  flat  cupshaped  to  obconical;  lobes 
triangular  5,  short,  erect,  open  or  imbricate  in  the  bud.  Petals  5,  erect,  similar  to  the 
sepals,  occasionally  ciliate,  valvate  in  the  bud.  Disc  flat,  cup  or  ring-shaped,  entire,  or 
minutely  wavy,  or  undulate.  Stamens  5,  inserted  in  the  margin  of  the  disc;  in  the  male 
flowers  longer  than  the  petals,  in  the  female  flowers  very  short,  sterile,  filaments  filiform 
or  subulate,  anthers  broad  round  or  oval,  versatile;  ovary  ovate,  or  lageniform,  free  from 
the  disc,  mostly  2  celled  or  oftener  apparently  4-celled  at  the  base.  Ovules  2  in  each  cell. 
Style  short,  stigma  2  or  3  to  4  parted,  1  to  2  erect  ovules  in  each  cell.  Fruit  a  thick  fleshy 
globose  berry  with  persistent  calyx,  corolla,  disc  and  stamens,  2  to  4  celled,  cells  1  to  2 
seeded.  Seeds  round  with  thin  fleshy  albumen. — Unarmed  trees  or  shrubs  with  alternate, 
thin  coriaceous  serrate  leaves;  stipules  triangular,  small  and  deciduous.  Inflorescence 
single  in  the  leaf-axils,  paniculate  or  cymosely  branched.  Flowers  small. 

Perrottetia  sandwicensis  A.  Gray. 

Olomea,  or   Waimea  on   Maui. 

(Plate  103.) 

PERROTTETIA  SANDWICENSIS  A.  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  291.  pi.  24;— Mann, 
Proc.  Am.  Ac.  VII  (1867)  161,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  172;— Wawra  in  Flora 
(1873)  141;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  79;— Del  Cast  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI. 
(1890)  139;— Loes.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  5.  (1896)  220,  et  Nachtr. 
I.  (1897)  224,— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  848. 

Leaves  alternate,  ovate  oblong,  somewhat  acuminate,  either  obtuse  or  acute  at  the 
base,  serrate,  rather  charta'ceous,  pinnately  veined,  shining  above,  pale  underneath,  veins 
and  nerves  as  well  as  petioles  red,  the  latter  12  to  25  mm  in  length;  stipules  minute, 


PLATE  104 


Ae  and  Manele. 
Showing  a  fruiting   branch   and   seeds   at   the   base. 


caducous;  flowers  small,  polygamo-dioecious,  greenish,  pedicellate,  numerous  in  com- 
pound panicles  from  the  axils  of  the  leaves,  peduncle  puberulent  or  tomeutose,  branching 
divaricately;  sepals  5,  ovate  lanceolate;  petals  5,  triangular  ovate,  acute;  stamens  5, 
alternate  with  the  petals;  anthers  2-celled;  ovary  ovoid,  in  the  male  flowers  abortive 
and  sterile;  ovules  2  in  each  cell;  fruit  bright  red,  globose,  slightly  depressed,  about  6  mm 
when  mature;  seeds  marked  with  minute  transverse  wavv  lines. 

A  tall  shrub  or  tree  10  to  18  feet  or  more  in  height,  nearly  glabrous.  The 
branches  are  short  and  stiff,  but  when  growing  at  higher  elevation  become  long 
and  more  or  less  drooping. 

During  the  month  of  October  and  November,  when  the  tree  is  in  full  fruit,  it 
is  not  unattractive.  The  bright  red  berries  gracefully  droop  on  densely  clustered 
panicles  from  every  branch.  The  Olomea  inhabits  both  the  dry  and  the  wet 
forests  on  all  the  islands,  ranging  from  1000  feet  to  6000  feet  elevation. 

It  is  most  common  on  Maui,  in  Koolau,  the  northern  gap  or  outlet  of  Haleakala 
crater,  where  the  tree  forms  a  forest  to  the  exclusion  of  nearly  everything  else 
at  an  elevation  of  6000  feet.  The  undergrowth  in  this  Olomea  jungle  consists  of 
the  native  Begonia,  Akaakaawa,  which  stands  10  feet  high.  It  is  not  uncommon 
near  Kilauea  Volcano,  Hawaii,  in  the  dry  forest  4000  feet  above  sea  level,  while 
it  is  a  common  feature  especially  in  the  rain  forests  on  all  the  islands. 

The  wood  of  the  Olomea  is  of  medium  strength,  of  a  golden  brown  color  with 
red*dish  tint,  and  was  used  by  the  natives  for  producing  fire  by  friction.  Two 
sticks  called  Aunaki  were  used,  the  upper  of  Olomea  wood  and  the  lower  of  the 
much  softer  Hau.  In  the  Hawaiian  mythology  their  origin  is  explained  thus : 
During  the  first  appearance  of  the  sun  which  caused  the  separation  of  the 
heavens,  Lailai  (goddess)  is  taken  up  to  him  ornamented  writh  the  dress  of  the 
dawn,  while  he  encloses  the  fire  on  earth  in  the  rubbing  sticks  called  Aunaki. 


The  family  Sapindaceae,  wrhich  is  almost  purely  tropical,  consists  of  not  less 
than  118  genera  with  over  one  thousand  species,  nearly  one-third  of  which  (be- 
longing to  five  genera  of  the  tribe  Paullinieae)  are  climbing  or  twining  plants 
peculiar  to  America.  The  only  exception  is  Cardiospermum,  which  is  found  in 
all  tropical  countries,  besides  one  other  climbing  species,  Paullinia  pinnata, 
occurring  in  Africa.  The  remaining  genera,  consisting  either  of  shrubs  or  trees, 
are  distributed  over  Asia,  Africa,  Australia,  and  Oceanea. 

In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  only  four  genera  are  represented,  three  of  which 
have  arborescent  species. 


Petals  present: 

Sepals  and  petals  5;  fruit  1-3  cocci,  leaves  simple  or  abruptly  pinnate.  .  .  .       Sapindus 

Petals  wanting: 

Sepals  5;  fruit  of  one  or  two  cocci Alectryon 

Sepals   2-5;    fruit   a   winged   capsule Dodonaea 


PLATE  105. 


A'e  or  Manele. 

Buttressed  trunk  of  a  very  large  A  'e  tree.      Growing  at  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  near  the 
Volcano  Kilauea,  Hawaii;   elevation  4000  feet. 



Sepals  5,  round  or  ovate,  concave,  either  small,  glabrous  and  petaloid,  or  larger,  and 
densely  villous  outside,  the  two  outer  smaller.  Petals  usually  5  densely  tomentose  outside. 
each  with  a  scale  at  the  base.  Disc  annular,  rarely  incomplete;  stamens  8  (10)  free,  gener- 
ally hairy.  Fruit  of  3  to  1  cocci,  indehiscent,  with  coriaceous  exocarp,  mesocarp  fleshy 
containing  saponine,  .putamen  chartaceous.  Seeds  globose  or  elliptical,  with  a  hard  bony 
testa.  Embryo  oily.  Large  or  medium  sized  trees  with  numerous  leaflets  and  occasionally 
winged  rhachis,  one  Hawaiian  species  only  with  simple  leaves.  Flowers  in  terminal  and 
axillary  panicles. 

A  genus  of  eleven  species,  mainly  medium-sized  or  large  trees,  occuring  in 
tropical  and  sub-tropical  countries,  with  the  exception  of  Africa  and  New  Hol- 
land. All  species  of  Sapindus  have  leaves  consisting  of  many  leaflets,  with  the 
exception  of  one  species  occurring  in  these  islands,  which  has  simple  and  entire 

Sapindus  Saponaria,  described  by  Linnaeus,  is  found  in  America  in  many 
forms,  which  have  been  mistaken  for  different  species. 

The  genus  is  represented  in  these  islands  by  two  species,  while  one  other 
occurs  in  the  Viti  (Fiji)  Islands.  The  species  of  Sapindus  found  in  Tahiti,  the 
Marquesas,  and  Easter  Island,  is  identified  by  some  botanists  with  the  already 
mentioned  S.  Saponaria  L. 


Leaves  abruptly  pinnate S.  Saponaria 

Leaves  simple,  entire S.  Oahuensis 

Sapindus  saponaria  L. 

A'e  and  Manele. 
(Plates  104,  105,  106.) 

SAPINDUS  SAPONARIA  L.  Spec,  pi.  ed.  1  (1753)  367;— Forst.  Prodr.  (1786)  178;— 
DC.  Prodr.  I.  (1S24)  607;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  No.  1534;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1866) 
47;_Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI.  (1890)  143,  et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.  (1893) 
35; — Eadlk.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  5.  (1896)  315,  fig.  164.— S.  microcarpa 
Jardin  Hist.  Nat.  lies  Marquises  (1858)  25.— S.  Thurstonii  Eock  Bull.  Hawaii 
Board  Agric,  and  For.  I.  (1911)  6,  fig.  2,  pi.  3. 

A  deciduous  tree;  leaves  alternate;  leaflets  opposite  or  slightly  alternate,  the  rhachis 
slightly  marginate  or  winged  in  young  leaves;  leaflets  subsessile  in  4  to  6  pairs,  chartace- 
ous, elliptical-oblong,  slightly  falcate,  6  to  12  cm  long,  2  to  3.5  cm  wide,  acuminate, 
rounded  at  the  base,  glabrous  above,  tomentose  underneath;  the  pubescent  panicles  ter- 
minal, about  12  cm  long;  flower-buds  green,  strongly  pubescent;  fruits  consisting  of  1  to  2 
globose  cocci,  17  to  20  mm  in  diam.  which  are  connate,  or  when  single  bear  the  rudi- 
ments of  two  abortive  ones;  pericarp  coriaceous,  endocarp  pergameneous,  pale,  seeds 
globose,  dark  reddish  brown  or  black,  10  to  12  mm  in  diam.  with  a  long  testa  bearing  no 
-tufts  of  hair  at  the  base  (in  the  Hawaiian  specimens). 

The  A'e  or  Manele  is  a  very  beautiful  tree,  attaining  a  height  of  about  80 
feet,  when  growing  in  the  middle  forest  zone  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet. 

The  bark  on  young  trees  is  of  a  light-brown  color  and  smooth,  and  falls  off 
-in  large  scales  from  mature  trees,  exposing  the  smooth  inner  layers. 

The  leaves  are  abruptly  pinnate,  light-green,  and  have  a  winged  rhachis 
when  young.  The  small  flowers  are  on  terminal  panicles  and  of  a  yellowish 
xjolor.  The  berries  are  round,  and  two  or  three  may  be  found  attached  to  each 


PLATE  106. 


A'e  or  Manele. 
Tree  growing  in  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  Hawaii;  elevation  4000  feet. 


other  with  a  parchment-like  covering,  but  are  usually  single  with  two  abortive 
ones  at  the  base;  the  seed  is  round,  brownish-black,  and  hard.  The  tree  loses  its 
leaves  in  the  winter  months ;  but  as  the  young  leaves  come  out  before  all  the  old 
ones  drop,  it  is  hardly  bare  for  any  length  of  time.  Owing  to  the  ravages  of  a 
caterpillar  which  feeds  on  the  flowers,  making  the  whole  inflorescence  wilt  be- 
fore expansion,  very  few  trees,  indeed,  bear  fruits. 

S.  Saponaria  L.  is  the  second  species  of  the  genus  Sapindus  found  in  these 
islands.  It  is  called  A'e  on  Mauna  Loa,  while  on  Hualalai  it  is  known  as  Ma- 
nele.  The  wood  is  whitish  and  is  of  medium  strength. 

After  reexamination  of  extensive  material  of  this  plant,  the  writer  came  to 
the  mature  conclusion  that  the  Hawaiian  A'e  or  Manele  is  identical  with  the 
American  Sapindus  saponaria  L.  The  tree  was  first  found  by  the  writer  on  the 
Island  of  Hawaii  on  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  in  North  Kona,  in  the  year 
1909.  Mr.  L.  A.  Thurston  called  the  writer's  attention  to  some  very  large  trees 
near  the  Kilauea  Volcano,  in  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  and  on  visiting  this  most  in- 
teresting district  the  writer  found  the  trees  identical  with  those  from  Puuwaa- 
waa, the  only  difference  being  in  the  size  of  trunk  (5  to  6  feet)  and  height  of 
tree  (80  feet),  while  in  the  latter  locality  the  tree  is  rather  small.  After  exam- 
ining the  material  and  comparing  it  with  specimens  of  the  introduced  Sapindus 
saponaria  L.,  growing  about  town,  the  writer  came  to  the  conclusion  that  the 
Hawaii  plant  was  new  to  science.  It  certainly  differed  materially  from  the 
trees  growing  at  Honolulu. 

The  writer  after  careful  examination  (unfortunately  after  the  publication  of 
the  name  Sapindus  Thurstonii}  came  to  the  conclusion  that  these  differences 
were  not  specific  and  that  the  tree  is  identical  with  the  American  Sapindus 
saponaria  L.,  and  as  such  it  is  here  published.  The  tree  had,  however,  never 
been  recorded  growing  in  its  native  state  on  Hawaii,  save  by  J.  Remy  (No.  566 
bis),  who  collected  on  these  islands  in  the  early  days,  and  is  only  cited  in  the  pub- 
lication by  Drake  del  Castillo. 

It  is  desired  to  state  that  the  trees  of  Sapindus  saponaria  L.  from  Hawaii  for- 
ests reach  a  larger  size  than  was  ever  recorded  of  that  species  in  other  parts  of 
the  world.  The  diameter  of  some  of  the  trees  measures  six  feet  and  is  also  but- 
tressed, as  can  be  seen  in  the  accompanying  illustration.  The  bark  of  old  trees 
comes  off  in  huge  thick  scales,  exposing  the  smooth  inner  layers.  The  Hawaiian 
trees  are  also  deciduous. 

Sapindus  Oahuensis  Hbd. 
Aulu  and  Kaulu  on  Oahu,  Lonomea  on  Kauai. 

SAPINDUS  OAHUENSIS  Hbd.  in  Radlkofer,  Berichte  d.  K.  Bayer.  Acad.  (1878)  401,— et 
FI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  85;— Radlk.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  5.  (1896)  316.— 
Celastrina?  Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  141. 

A  glabrous  tree,  with  whitish  bark  covered  with  lenticels,  the  wood  pale;  leaves 
ovate,  10  to  20  cm  long,  5  to  12  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  2.5  to  7  cm,  acuminate,  rounded  or 
truncate  at  the  base,  but  slightly  decurrent,  quite  entire,  thick  chartaceous.  pale  glabrous; 



PLATE  107. 


Showing  fruiting  branch,  with  young  and  mature  fruits;  less  than  one-half  natural  size. 


panicles  tomentose  with  a  fulvous  pubescence,  either  several  in  the  axils  of  the  uppermost 
leaves  and  then  5  to  10  cm  long,  or  single,  terminal  and  10  to  12  cm  long, 
with  the  lowest  bracts  foliaceous,  the  branches  alternate  and  patent,  the  pedi- 
cels 2  mm,  minutely  bracteolate  about  the  middle;  sepals  unequal,  orbicular, 
3  mm;  tomentose,  slightly  connate  at  the  base;  petals  5,  little  longer,  equal, 
pubescent  and  ciliate;  stamens  8,  inserted  on  the  thick  margin  of  a  pentagonal  glabrous 
disc  2  mm;  ovary  glabrous,  3  to  2  lobed;  stigma  subsessile,  lobes  broad,  rounded;  cocci 
either  2,  connate,  or  oftener  a  single  one  with  the  rudiments  of  1  or  2  abortive  one? 
at  the  base;  the  single  coccus  obovoid,  30  to  20  mm;  pericarp  leathery,  shining;  endocarp 
pergameneous,  pale,  villous  in  the  immature  state;  seed  obovoid,  20  to  12  mm;  testa  black, 
osseous,  rugose,  with  a  broad  truncate,  rather  carunculate  base;  embryo  curved,  cotyledons 
accumbent  to  the  short  tapering  radicle.  Hillebrand 's  var.  fi  differs  from  the  species  in 
its  leaves,  which  are  narrowing  at  the  base,  and  are  shorter  petioled;  the  flowering  panicle 
is  also  denser  and  not  open  as  in  the  species. 

This  tree,  which  reaches  a  height  of  20  to  30  feet,  is  endemic  to  the  Hawaiian 
Islands,  and  is  found  on  Oahu  and  Kauai.  It  develops  a  rather  short  trunk  of 
about  eight  inches  in  diameter,  and  is  vested  in  a  whitish  bark  which  is  covered 
with  lenticels.  While  all  other  known  species  of  Sapindus  have  pinnate  leaves, 
the  AuUi  or  Lonomea  is  a  remarkable  exception,  in  having  single,  oblong,  entire 
leaves,  which  never  show  any  indication  of  division. 

The  small,  yellow  flowers  are  arranged  in  long,  terminal  panicles,  which 
are  covered  with  a  rusty-brown  down. 

It  is  distinctly  a  tree  of  the  lower  forest  zone,  and  inhabits  the  leeward  sides 
of  the  Islands  of  Oahu  and  Kauai.  On  the  former  island  it  is  found  in  the 
valleys  of  Makaha  and  Makaleha  of  the  Kaala  range,  while  a  variety  of  it  grows 
in  the  valley  of  Niu.  On  the  latter  island  it  is  scattered  on  the  lower  levels  at 
an  elevation  of  1000  feet  back  of  Makaweli  and  Waimea,  together  with  the 
Ahuritcs  moluccana  (Kuknij,  Oclirosia  sandwicensis,  Straussia,  etc. 

The  wood  of  the  Aulu  is  whitish  and  of  no  value.  On  Kauai  the  seeds  were 
used  as  a  cathartic  by  the  natives.  A  dose  consisted  of  7  to  8  seeds. 

The  variety  occurs  in  Nui  Valley,  on  Oahu,  but  all  the  trees  found  in  Nui  by 
the  writer  were  attacked  very  badly  by  a  moth  (Rhyiocoppha  sp.  ?),  which  gave 
the  trees  an  ungainly  appearance;  in  fact,  most  of  them  were  devoid  of  leaves. 

(Mahoe  Hillebr.) 

Flowers  regular,  calyx  short,  cup-shaped,  4  to  5  toothed,  valvate  or  somewhat  imbri- 
cate. Petals  4  to  5,  with  2  scales,  or  wanting.  Discus  complete.  Stamens  8  to  10. 
Ovary  2  to  3  celled,  and  usually  of  2  to  3  cocci,  style  with  a  short  2  to  3  lobed  stigma, 
rarely  undivided;  cell  one  ovuled.  Fruit  of  2  or  3  or,  through  abortion,  of  one  coccus.  Cocci 
large  globose  or  ovate,  often  of  the  size  of  a  pea,  occasionally  keeled,  coriaceous  or 
cortico-crustaceous,  opening  in  an  irregular  fissure.  Seeds  nearly  globose  or  compressed, 
with  shining  brown,  smooth  testa,  arilate.  Trees  with  abruptly  pinnate  leaves  consisting 
of  1  to  5  pairs  of  leaflets,  entire,  or  serrate,  papillose  on  the  underside  in  a  few  species. 
Flowers  small,  in  thyrses  or  less  branched  panicles. 

The  genus  Alectryon  consists  of  16  species,  which  are  all  arborescent  and  are 
distributed  over  the  Malayan,  Papuan  and  Pacific  islands,  represented  by  the 
species  of  Xephelium  in  the  two  latter  groups. 

The  type  of  the  genus  is  the  Titaki  of  New  Zealand,  A.  excelsus,  which,  like 
our  Hawaiian  species,  the  Makoe  tree,  has  edible  fruits. 


PLATE  108. 


Mahoe  tree. 

Growing  or,  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi.  land  of  Kahikinui,  southern  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala, 

Maui;   elevation  2600  feet. 


Alectryon  macrococcus  Radlk. 

(Plates  107  and  108.) 

ALECTRYON  MACROCOCCUS  Badlk.  in  Sitzber.  k.  Bayer.  Acad.  XX  (1890)  255,  et  in 
Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  5.  (1895)  333,  et  in  Bull.  Hawaii  Bd.  Agric.  and 
Forest.  I.  (1911)  1;— Rock  Rep.  Hawaii  Board  Agric.  and  For.  (1910)  81.  pi.  19. 
et  Bull.  Bd.  Agric. "and  For.  I  (1911)  2.  pi.  1.  in  part. — Mahoe  gen.  nov.?  Hbd. 
Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  86.— Dodonaea  sp.  Del  Castill.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI. 
(1890)  144  in  obs.  ad.  Dod.  vise. — Vulgo  Mahoe  in  Molokai  et  Maui  (quo  nomine 
in  Nuov-Zealandia  Melicytus  ramiflorus  Forst.  salutatur  t.  Kirk,  in  Forest  Fl. 
X.-Zeal.  1889.  3.). 

Medium  sized  tree;  branches  terete,  glabrous,  young  branches  striate,  with  new  leaves 
covered  with  an  appressed  yellowish  silky  tomentum;  leaves  with  2  to  5  pair  of  leaflets; 
the  latter  large,  opposite,  elliptical  or  subovate,  obtuse  at  both  ends,  or  with  an  acuminate 
apex,  petioled,  entire  undulate,  coriaceous  to  chartaceous,  10  to  18  cm  long}  4  to  10  cm 
wide,  the  lateral  nerves  oblique;  shining  above,  densely  tomentose  underneath  with  a 
yellowish  brown  tomentum;  panicles  axillary;  female  flowers  small,  on  pedicels  of  2  mm, 
calyx  5-lobed,  the  lobes  2  mm,  subacute,  persistent  with  the  young  fruits;  petals  none, 
rudimentary;  stamens  6-8,  in  sinuses  within  the  pubescent  discus-margin,  filaments  very 
short,  hirsute;  anthers  red,  1  mm  long,  subdidymous  at  the  base;  ovary  compressed, 
densely  hirsute,  1  to  2  celled;  style  short,  almost  arched,  with  a  bifid  stigma;  male  flowers 
unknown;  fruits  of  1  to  2  cocci;  young  fruits  covered  densely  with  yellowish-golden 
setulose  hair,  crowned  by  the  remnants  of  the  style,  mature  fruits  glabrous,  dark  brown 
corticose-coriaceous,  globose  3  to  6  cm  in  diameter;  or  of  one  coccus  with  1  to  2  abortive 
ones,  largest  for  the  genus;  arillus  scarlet,  seeds  with  a  crustaceous  testa,  brown,  shining, 
(In  th'e  Herbarium  of  the  College  of  Hawaii  No.  8642). 

The  Mahoe,  which  is  the  single  representative  of  the  genus  Alectryon  in  the 
Hawaiian  Islands,  is  a  medium-sized  tree  20  to  25  feet  tall,  with  a  trunk  of  per- 
haps 6  to  8  inches  in  diameter.  The  bark  is  brown,  somewhat  rough;  the  wood 
is  hard,  dark  yellowish-brown,  and  very  tough. 

It  is  an  ungainly  tree.  The  branchlets  and  inflorescence,  as  well  as  young 
fruits,  are  covered  with  a  dense  coat  of  silky-brown  hair;  the  leaves  are  large, 
having  from  2  to  4  leaflets,  which  are  glabrous  above  and  tomentose  underneath. 
The  fruits  of  the  Mahoe,  which  are  of  very  large  size,  have  the  color  of  a 
potato  and  are  perfectly  smooth.  They  hang  in  clusters  from  the  branches  and 
become  ruptured  when  mature,  the  fissure  being  irregular,  exposing  a  bright 
scarlet  aril  and  the  glossy  surface  of  the  chestnut-brown  orbicular  seed,  giving 
a  not  altogether  unpleasing  contrast.  Flowering  and  fruiting  trees  were  ob- 
served by  the  writer  during  the  month  of  November, '  who  would  judge,  how- 
ever, that  the  flowering  period  would  fall  during  the  late  summer  months,  as 
most  of  the  trees  bore  young  fruits  and  old  ones  from  the  previous  year. 

The  Mahoe  inhabits  the  dry  regions  on  the  leeward  side  of  the  islands.  It 
is  very  scarce  on  Oahu,  where  it  grows  in  Makaha  valley  of  the  Kaala  range, 
and  practically  extinct  on  Molokai ;  on  Kauai  it  was  found  by  Mr.  Francis  Gay 
back  of  Makaweli,  while  the  writer  discovered  a  new  locality  from  which  it  had 
not  been  reported  previously.  About  seven  miles  from  Ulupalakua,  on  the 
Island  of  Maui,  is  a  small  area  of  forest  on  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi.  Unprom- 
ising as  it  looks  from  the  road,  this  forest  is  botanically,  nevertheless,  one  of  the 
richest  in  the  Territory.  It  is  there  that  the  Mahoe  is  not  uncommon,  and  still 



thrives  in  company  with  many  other  rare  trees  peculiar  to  that  small  area,  such 
as  Pelea,  Xanthoxylum,  Bobea,  Pittosporum,  Pterotropia,  Tetraplasandra,  etc. 
Owing  to  its  scarcity,  it  is  unknown  to  most  of  the  old  natives,  who  have  heard 
of  it  only  in  rare  instances  from  their  ancestors. 

The  wood,  which  is  very  hard  and  tough,  has  not  been  made  use  of  by  the 
natives,  as  far  as  can  be  ascertained.  The  bright  scarlet  fruit  flesh  is  eaten  by 
the  natives,  as  well  as  the  kernel  of  the  seed,  and  are  not  altogether  unpleasant 
to  the  taste. 

The  Malioe  is  endemic  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  and  is  remarkable  for  its 
fruits,  which  are  the  largest  in  the  genus. 

The  name  Malioe,  meaning  ' '  twins, ' '  undoubtedly  refers  to  the  double  fruits, 
which  are  not  uncommon  in  our  Alectryon. 


Flowers  dioecious,  regular  (often  appearing  as  if  hermaphrodite).  Sepals  3  to  7  im- 
bricate or  valvate;  petals  none.  Disc  developed  or  in  the  fern,  flowers  forming  a  short 
carpophore.  Stamens  8  or  less,  rarely  more,  with  short  filaments  and  elongate  anthers. 
Ovary  usually  orbicular  or  obcordate,  mostly  3-  also  2-  or  4,  rarely  5-6  ridged  with  as  many 
cells  as  ridges  and  with  2  ovules  in  each  cell,  the  upper  ascending  and  apotropous,  the 
lower  pendulous  and  epitropous,  styles  short,  with  3  to  6  short  stigmating  lobes.  Capsule 
papery  or  coriaceous,  3-2-6  celled,  winged,  rarely  without  wings.  Seeds  single  or  2  in 
each  cell,  globose  or  lentiform.  Embryo  spirally  twisted,  containing  aleuron  as  well  as 
saponine. — Trees  or  shrubs  often  only  bushes  with  a  viscous  surface;  leaves  simple,  or 
pinnate  (not  in  the  Hawaiian  species),  often  covered  with  resinal  glands.  Flowers  pedi- 
celed,  axillary  or  terminal,  single,  or  in  racemes  or  panicles. 

The  genus  Dodonaea  consists  of  46  species,  44  of  which  are  endemic  in  Aus- 
tralia, including  the  cosmopolitan  D.  viscosa  L.,  which  can  be  found  in  all 
tropical  countries. 

In  Hawaii  three  species  occur;  the  above-mentioned  D.  viscosa  L.,  besides 
D.  eriocarpa  Smith,  and  D.  stenoptera  Hbd.,  the  latter  a  shrub  2  to  4  feet  high 
and  peculiar  to  Molokai.  Outside  of  the  Australian  and  Hawaiian  species, 
there  is  only  one  other  species,  D.  madagascariensis  Rdlk..  which  is  peculiar  to 
Madagascar.  They  are  trees  or  shrubs,  or  also  bushes. 

The  leaves  in  the  Hawaiian  Dodonaea  or  Aalii,  as  they  are  called  by  the 
natives,  are  simple,  usually  covered  with  glands  which  secrete  a  resin. 


Capsule  broadly  winged,  with  wings  projecting  above: 

Capsule  glabrous,  flat,   2-winged D.  viscosa 

Capsule  pubescent,  3-4  winged D.  eriocarpa 

Dodonaea  viscosa  L. 
Aalii  or  Aalii  Jcumakua. 

DODONAEA  VISCOSA  L.,  Mant.  II.  (1771)  238;— Forst.  Prodr.  (1786)  no.  164;— DC. 
Prodr.  I.  (1824)  616;— Hook,  et  Am.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  61;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds. 
(1836)  no.  1539;— Guill.  Zeph.  Tait.  (1836-1837)  no.  335;— A.  Gray  Bot.  U.  S. 
E.  E.  (1854)  260;— Pancher  in  Cuz.  (1860)  1.  c.;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1866)  49;— 
Mann.  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  175;— Nadeaud  Enum.  Tahit.  PI.  (1873) 



447;— Sinclair  Indig.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1885)  pi.  39;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  87;— 
Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  144,  et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.  (1893)  36;— 
Eadlk.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  5.  (1895)  357;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897) 

Branches  angular,  stiff,  glabrous,  glutinous  at  the  ends;  leaves  lanceolate,  oblanceolate 
or  obovate,  acuminate,  or  obtuse,  entire,  chartaceous  panicles  terminal  and  axillary  2.5 
to  5  cm  long;  male  flowers:  sepals  4,  glabrous,  2  mm;  stamens  7  to  9;  ovary  rudimentary; 
female  flowers:  sepals  4,  stamens  wanting;  ovary  shortly  stipitate,  viscid,  glabrous,  2  to  3 
celled,  each  cell  with  2  ovules;  style  several  times  as  long  as  the  ovary  with  two  linear 
lobes  glued  together;  capsule  bright  yellow,  red  or  brown,  membraneous,  flat,  orbicular, 
faintly  ridged  along  the  middle,  2  to  3  winged  the  latter  4  to  6  mm  broad;  seeds  4  mm, 
ovate,  flattened. 

The  Aalii  or  Aalii  Kumakua  is  a  small  tree,  reaching  a  height  of  15  to  25  feet 
or  more;  the  branches  are  angular,  stiff,  and  glutinous  at  the  ends.  It  develops 
a  rather  short  trunk  of  only  a  few  feet  in  height  with  a  diameter  of  5  to  10 
inches.  The  bark  is  thick,  longitudinally  and  very  closely  wrinkled  or  corru- 
gated, and  of  a  reddish-brown  color.  Plants  may  be  found  only  a  foot  high  and 
bearing  profusely,  while  sometimes  trees  can  be  observed  up  to  30  feet  in  height. 
The  male  and  female  flowers  are  borne  on  different  trees,  but  female  trees  are 
met  with  much  oftener  than  male  trees.  The  Aalii  varies  tremendously  in 
habit  and  stature.  The  two-winged,  papery  capsules  are  of  a  bright  red,  or 
pale  -yellow,  and  very  conspicuous  on  that  account.  It  has  been  said  that 
owing  to  the  viscousness  of  the  very  light  capsules,  they  easily  adhere  to  the 
plumage  of  birds,  to  which  agents  the  plant  owes  its  world- wide  distribution; 
the  capsules  of  the  Hawaiian  Dodonaea  are  only  viscous  when  young,  and  are 
perfectly  glabrous  and  papery  when  mature. 

The  wood  of  the  Aalii  is  of  a  golden-brown  color,  with  black  heartwood,  and 
is  extremely  hard.  Its  density  and  heaviness  would  make  it  a  very  desirable 
wood  for  cabinet  work  and  many  other  purposes.  In  New  Zealand  it  has  been 
employed  as  a  substitute  for  brass  for  machine  bearings,  with  good  results. 

The  Aalii  is  common  on  all  the  islands  of  the  Hawaiian  archipelago,  and  is 
gregarious  at  elevations  of  1000  to  4000  feet.  On  Oahu  it  can  be  found  on  the 
main  range,  as  well  as  on  the  Waianae  mountains,  but  is  especially  common  in 
Palolo  valley  at  an  elevation  of  1000  feet.  As  already  mentioned,  it  is  a  cosmo- 
politan, and  occurs  in  all  tropical  countries  from  Australia  to  New  Zealand, 
Chatham  Islands,  Tahiti,  Viti,  and  Samoan  Islands,  to  Africa,  America,  and 
Asia.  In  Hawaii  it  has  a  variety  named  by  Hillebrand  ,5.  var.  spathulata.  J' 
is  a  stunted  shrub  and  occurs  on  the  higher  elevations,  especially  on  Hawaii.  It 
forms  almost  50  per  cent  of  the  vegetation  at  the  summit  slope  of  Mt.  Hualalai 
(8270  feet). 

Undoubtedly  the  wood  was  employed  by  the  natives  for  various  purposes, 
but  no  information  can  be  obtained  from  this  generation.  The  leaves  were  used 
as  medicine. 

It  is  known  to  the  Samoans  as  Togovao,  who  employ  its  leaves  for  baths  as 
a  remedy  for  rheumatism  and  other  inflammations.  In  the  Viti  Islands  it  i? 


PLATE  109. 


Aalii  Kumakani. 

Typical   specimen  from   the  upper  slopes   of   Mt.  Haleakala.      Male  flowering  branch. 

Mature  capsules  at  the  left. 


the  lVfl.$f.  and  in  Tahiti,  Apiri.     It  is  the  Ake  of  Rarotonga  and  New  Zealand; 
in  the  latter  place  often  called  Akeake. 

Dodonaea  eriocarpa  Smith. 

Aalii  kumakani. 

(Plate  109.) 

DODONAEA  ERIOCARPA  Smith  in  Rees.  Cycl.  XII.  No.  6;— DC.  Prodr.  I.  (1824)  617;— 
Eudl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  No.  1540;— Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  260;— Mann  Proc. 
Am.  Acad.  1.  c.  et  Flora  Haw.  Isl.  1.  c.  p.  176;— Hbd  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  88;— 
Del  Cast.  1.  c.;— Heller.  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  839. 

Flowers  polygamous,  with  male,  female  and  hermaphrodite  flowers  on  the  same  plant; 
leaves  narrow,  lanceolate  or  oblaneeolate,  acute,  puberulous  when  young;  panicle  terminal, 
pubescent;  sepals  5,  ovate,  pubescent,  stamens  10,  round  a  ciliate  torus  in  the  male  flow- 
ers; ovary  pubescent,  shortly  stipitate;  style  short,  stigmas  indicated  by  4  dots,  or  3  to  6 
mm  long  in  the  female  flowers;  capsule  turgid;  8  to  16  mm  high,  3  to  4  winged,  pubescent 
along  the  margins  of  the  wings;  seed  ovoid. 

The  Aalii  kumakani  is  a  small  shrub,  or  tall,  much-branched  shrub  or  medium- 
sized  tree  of  20  feet  or  so  in  height.  It  differs  very  little  from  the  Aalii  kuma- 
kua,  and  that  mainly  in  the  pubescent  capsules,  which  are  three  or  four- 
winged,  instead  of  having  two  wings.  It  is  a  shrub  on  the  leeward  side  of  Kauai, 
above  Waimea  on  the  open,  barren  slopes  at  an  elevation  of  2000  feet,  and  is  a 
small  tree  on  the  upper  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala  at  elevations  of  6000  to  8000 
feet,  where  it  grows  in  gulches  and  along  dry  stream  beds  in  company  with  a 
species  of  Suttonia,  with  the  Silversword,  Argyroxiphium  sandwicense  var. 
macroceplialum,  A.  virescens,  the  green  sword  plant,  and  numerous  other  Com- 
positae,  as  Raillardia,  and  Artemisia.  It  is  a  handsome  tree  with  dark-green, 
viscous,  shining  leaves,  forming  a  beautiful,  symmetrical,  round  crown.  It  also 
occurs  on  Hawraii  in  the  dry  regions  of  Kau,  and  on  the  central  plateau  on  the 
slopes  of  Maim  a  Loa. 

On  Molokai  above  Kamalo  grows  another  species  (Dodonaea  stenoptera  Hbd.) 
peculiar  to  the  above  locality.  It  is,  however,  never  a  tree  and  therefore  here 


The  family  Rhamnaceae  occurs  in  all  regions  whose  climate  permits  lignaceous 
growth.  The  genus  Rhamnus  is  the  widest  distributed;  its  center  of  develop- 
ment is  Europe  and  extra  tropical  Asia.  Here  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands  the 
family,  with  its  45  genera,  has  only  two  representatives,  the  genera  Alphitonia 
and  Colubrina,  with  only  one  endemic  species  belonging  to  the  latter  genus. 


Fruit  three-grooved  at  the  apex,  the  calycine  cup  not  extending  beyond  the  base. 

Fruit  not  grooved,  globose,  the  calycine  cup  extending  to  the  middle Alphitonia 


Sepals,  petals  and  stamens  5.  Calycine  cup  hemispherical,  not  extending  beyond  the 
ovary.  Disc  broad  annular,  more  or  less  flat.  Style  trifid.  Ovary  immersed  in  the  cup 
of  the  calyx,  three-celled.  Fruit  dry  or  with  somewhat  fleshy  exocarp,  enclosed  at  the 


PLATE  110. 



Flowering  and  fruiting  branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree.      Growing  on  the  ancient 
lava  flows  of  Puuwaawaa    Mt.  Hualalai,  Hawaii;  elevation  2000  feet. 


base  by  the  calycine  cup.  Endocarp  divided  into  three  cocci,  opening  elastically.  Seeds 
with  thick  smooth  testa,  occasionally  with  small  arillus.  Albumen  present. — Unarmed 
shrubs  or  trees  with  glabrous  or  more  or  less  tomentose  leaves  which  are  usually  alter- 
nate, or  opposite  in  one  of  the  Hawaiian  species,  cordate  to  elongate,  three  to  penninerved. 
Flowers  usually  in  axillary,  short  peduncled  cymules  or  single. 

The  genus  Colubrina  consists  of  about  15  species  distributed  mainly  in  trop- 
ical America  and  the  warmer  regions  of  North  America.  One  is  endemic  in  the 
Hawaiian  Islands,  and  one  is  widely  distributed  in  the  tropics  of  the  old  world. 

Colubrina  opposil  ifolia  Brongn. 

(Plates  110  and  111.) 

COLUBRINA  OPPOSITIFOLIA  Brongn.  (In  Herb.  Gray)  H.  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad. 
VII  (1867)  161,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Essex  Inst.  V.'  (1867)  173;— Wawra  in  Flora 
(1873)  170;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  80;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac. 
VI.  (1890)  140;— Weberb.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  III.  5.  (1896)  415. 

A  medium  sized  tree  (and  not  a  shrub)  10  to  12  m  high  with  a  trunk  of  often  3  dm 
and  more  in  diameter;  leaves  opposite,  ovate  or  oblong  7  to  lo  cm  long,  3  to  6  cm  wide, 
on  petioles  of  3  to  5  cm,  thin  chartaceous,  bright  green  on  both  sides,  entire;  penninerved, 
with  a  gland  at  the  base  of  each  nerve  on  the  lower  face;  flowers  5  to  10  in  an  umbellate 
cyme  on  a  common  peduncle  of  about  1  cm  or  more,  the  pedicels  6  to  12  mm,  with  minute 
ovate  bractlets  at  the  base;  calyx  cup-shaped  3  mm,  parted  to  the  middle;  petals  not  ex- 
ceeding the  calyx  and  enclosing  the  short  stamens;  anthers  ovoid;  style  very  short,  three- 
lobed;  fruit  subglobose,  3-grooved  at  the  apex,  about  10  to  12  mm  in  diameter,  the  calycine 
cup  not  exceeding  the  lower  third;  exocarp  woody,  not  separating  from  the  endocarp, 
cocci  3;  seeds  reddish-brown,  angular  convex;  cotyledons  rather  thick  and  fleshy,  nearly 
as  long  and  broad  as  the  thin  albumen;  radicle  short. 

This  is  the  Kauila  of  South  and  North  Kona,  Hawaii.  It  is  in  the  latter  lo- 
cality that  the  tree  is  quite  common,  while  in  South  Kona  on  the  lava  fields  of 
Kapua  the  tree  is  quite  scarce.  Between  Puuwaawaa  and  Huehue,  on  the  slopes 
of  Hualalai  in  North  Kona,  the  tree  reaches  its  best  development.  Trees  35  feet 
or  more  in  height  are  not  uncommon,  with  a  trunk  of  often  a  foot  or  more  in 
diameter.  The  bark  is  of  a  light  brown  color  and  scales  off  in  large  round 
flakes.  It  is  associated  with  Kokia  Rockii  (Kokio),  Mezoneurum  Kauaiense 
(riiiuhi),  Myoporum  sandwicense  (Naio),  and  many  others. 

The  wood  of  this  Kauila  is  harder  than  the  Kauila  (AlpJiitonia  excelsa}  of 
Kauai,  Hawaii  and  Maui ;  it  is  exceedingly  hard,  close  grained  and  of  a  dark 
red  color,  without  black  streaks  such  as  occur  in  Alphitonia  excelsa. 

The  wood  of  this  tree  was  used  by  the  natives  for  spears  on  account  of  its 
hardness  and  durability.  It  is  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  as  it  is  not 
known  from  other  parts  of  the  world.  A  second  species  occurs  in  the  islands, 
which  is  a  small  rambling  shrub  (Colubrina  asiatica)  and  is  at  once  distinguish- 
able by  its  alternate  leaves.  Its  native  name  is  Anapanapa  or  Kukuku.  It  is 
extremely  poisonous  and  was  often  used  for  stupefying  fish.  It  grows  only 
near  the  sea.  It  is  a  cosmopolitan  and  is  widely  distributed  over  the  tropics  of 
the  old  world. 


PLATE  111. 


Kauila  tree. 

Growing    along    the    North    Kona    road    between    Hnehue    and    Puuwaawaa,    Hawaii; 

elevation   2000   feet. 



Flowers  polygamous;  sepals,  petals  and  stamens  5;  disc  flat  annular.  Style  2  to  3  fid. 
Ovary  2  to  3  celled.  Fruit  below  and  at  the  middle  invested  by  the  cup-shaped  calyx- 
tube  and  coalesced  with  the  same;  exocarp  strongly  developed,  brittle,  but  not  so  much 
in  the  Hawaiian  plants.  Endocarp  divided  into  2  or  3  cocci  with  woody  or  crustaceous 
partitions  opening  inward  by  a  longitudinal  slit.  Seeds  with  aril,  often  enclosing  the 
seed  completely.  After  the  falling  away  of  the  pericarp,  the  seeds  remain  on  the  re- 
ceptacle; in  the  Hawaiian  plant  the  pericarp  never  falls  away  but  it  is  often  not  even 
cracked  o\ving  to  the  calyx  tube  investing  the  drupe  up  to  the  middle  and  even  beyond. 
(A  fact  which  Hillebrand  pointed  out  and  correctly).  A  tree  with  leaves,  petioles,  and 
inflorescence  tomeiitose.  Leaves  alternate,  coriaceous,  penuinerved,  broadly  ovate  to 
lanceolate,  glabrous  above,  with  a  whitish  to  reddish  brown  tomentum  underneath.  Flow- 
ers in  terminal  or  lateral  loose  cymes. 

The  genus  Alphitonia  consists  of  a  single  extremely  variable  species,  which 
is  distributed  from  Australia  to  Polynesia  and  Borneo. 

In  Hawaii  the  tree  is  known  as  Kauila.  Hillebrand  in  his  Flora  of  the  Ha- 
waiian Islands  described  it  as  a  new  species,  "Alphitonia  ponderosa."  It  is  true 
it  is  a  quite  different  plant  from  those  in  the  writer's  possession  from  Australia. 
In  the  Australian  plants  the  fruits  are  barely  6  mm.  in  diameter  and  are  cracked 
to  the  base,  while  the  Hawaiian  plants  have  the  fruits  14  mm.  in  diameter;  they 
also  are  hardly  even  split ;  only  on  rare  occasions  the  writer  found  cracked  fruits 
on  a  tree. 

He,. however,  refers  this  tree  to  A.  excelsa,  as  he  has  not  seen  the  intermediates 
of  the  Australian  and  South  Polynesian  plants. 

Alphitcnia  excelsa  Reiss. 

Kauila,  Kauwila  or  O'a  on  Maui. 

(Plate  112.) 

ALPHITONIA  EXCELSA  Reiss.  ex  Endl.  Gen.   (1840)   1098;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1866)  43;- 

H.  Mann,  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)   161,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)   174;— Wawra 

in  Flora  (1873)  170;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI.  (1890)  140  (ex  parte) 

et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.   (1893)  33;— Weberb.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  III.  5.   (1896)   419;— 

Brigham  Ka  Hana  Kapa   (1911)   174,  fig.  103. — Colubrina  excelsa  Fenzl.  in  Hugl. 

Enum.    (1837)   20.— Rhamnus  zizyphoides  Soland.  in  Forst.  Prodr.   (1786)   no.  510 

absqu.  char.);— Sprgl.  Syst.  I.  (1825)  768;— DC.  Prodr.  II.  (1825)  27;— Pancber,  in 

Tahiti,  (I860)  230.— Pomaderris  zizyphoides  Hook,  et  Am.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  61; — 

Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no.  1570;— Guill.  Zephyr.  T\it.  (1836-1837)  no.  330;— A.  ziz- 

phoides  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  278  t.  22;— Nadeaud  Ennm.  (1873)  no.  451.— 

A.  franguloides  Gray  1.  c.  280  t.  22". — Zizphoides  argentea  Soland.  Prim.  Fl.  Pac. 

378,  et  in  Parkins  Draw.  Tahit.  PI.   (ined.  cf.  Seem,  1.  c.) — A.  ponderosa  Hbd.  Fl 

Haw.  Isl.    (1888)    81;— Del  Cast.  1.  c.  140;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.    (1897)    849. 

Leaves  ovate,  ovate-oblong,  lanceolate,  generally  acute,  entire,  dark  green  above,  with 

a  rust  colored  tomentum  underneath;  flowers  in  the  axils  of  the  youngest  leaves,  in  short 

tomentose  dichotomous  cymes;   calyx  6  mm,  lobes  expanded;   petals  half  as  long  as  calyx 

lobes,  spathulate,  enclosing  the  short  stamens;  anthers  ovoid,  style  very  short  2  to  3  fid; 

fruit  globose  14  to  18  mm  in  diam.  ringed  at  the  middle  by  the  border  of  the  adnate  calyx 

in  the  Hawaiian  plants,  almost  indeshiscent;   arillus  a  dark  red  separable  film  enveloping 

the  whole  seed.      Cotyledons  broad,  oblong. 

The  Kauila  is  a  stately  tree  and  attains  its  greatest  height,  80  feet,  on  the 
Island  of  Kauai,  especially  in  the  forest  of  Kopiwai.  It  has  a  straight  trunk  of 
1%  to  2  feet  in  diameter  with  a  whitish  deeply  corrugated  bark  in  the  dry  dis- 


PLATE  112. 

Kauila  or  O'a. 

Fruiting  branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree.      Growing  on  the  <«i   (rough)   lava  fields  of 
Auahi,  Kahikinui,  southern  slopes  of  Haleakala,  Maui;  elevation  2600  feet. 


It  inhabits  the  dry  regions  on  the  leeward  slopes  of  all  the  islands,  but  is  no- 
where common  except  on  Kauai  and  at  Auahi,  district  of  Kahikinui,  on  Maui, 
where  it  is  gregarious  on  the  aa  lava  fields.  It  is  in  this  latter  place  that  the 
writer  met  with  trees  whose  trunks  were  more  than  2  feet  in  diameter. 

On  the  islands  of  Molokai  and  Lanai  it  is  very  scarce  indeed  and  found  only 
on  exposed  ridges  as  straggling  shrubs.  On  Maui,  on  the  southern  slopes  of 
Haleakala  at  an  elevation  of  2600  to  3000  feet,  it  is  a  beautiful  tree  with  a 
straight  trunk.  The  name  Kauila  is  unknown  on  the  Island  of  Maui,  for  this 
species;  it  is  always  referred  to  as  the  O'a,  while  the  name  Kauila  is  applied  to 
Colubrina  oppositi  folia,  from  Hawaii. 

On  Oahu  it  can  be  found  on  Mt.  Kaala  on  dry  exposed  ridges,  while  on  Ha- 
waii it  is  not  uncommon  in  Kau  and  North  and  South  Kona;  but  never  in  com- 
pany with  Colubrina  oppositi  folia,  which  inhabits  the  more  ancient  lava  flo\vs. 

The  wood,  which  is  of  a  beautiful  reddish  color  with  black  streaks,  is  very 
durable,  close  and  hard  grained  and  exceedingly  heavy.  It  was  employed  by 
the  natives  for  their  spears  as  well  as  for  tapa  beaters  or  mallets  and  other  tools. 

The  Kauila  or  O'a  is  indigenous  to  Hawaii,  but  not  endemic,  as  it  is  also 
found  in  most  of  the  Polynesian  islands  of  the  South  Seas,  Australia  and  Borneo. 

It  is  known  as  Doi  in  Fiji  and  as  Toi  in  Tahiti,  while  the  Samoan  name  of  the- 
species  is  also  Toi. 

The  Samoans  use  the  leaves  for  medicinal  purposes.  They  are  also  often 
ground  between  stones,  and  are  used  in  washing  out  the  lime  from  the  hair. 

In  Australia  the  tree  is  known  as  Mountain  Ash,  Red  Ash,  Leather  Jacket, 
and  Cooper's  Wood.  The  aboriginals  of  Australia  have  also  several  names  for 
it ;  among  them  are  Mee-a-mee,  Culgeraculgera,  and  Murrrung  in  the  Ilaawara 
district  of  New  South  Wales. 


The  family  Elaeocarpaceae  is  rather  small,  consisting  of  only  seven  genera, 
with  somewhat  more  than  120  species.  It  is  distributed  over  the  tropics  of  the 
old  and  new  world,  and  reaches  its  most  northern  point  in  Japan,  where  two 
species,  belonging  to  the  genus  Elaeocarpus,  are  to  be  found. 

The  genus  Elaeocarpus,  represented  in  thes^  islands  by  one  species,  is  the- 
largest  in  the  family,  with  more  than  60  species.  The  distribution  of  the  family 
ranges  from  the  West  Indies  to  the  latitude  of  the  Island  of  Chiloe,  and  from 
Japan  to  New  Zealand. 


Flowers  usually  hermaphrodite.  Sepals  5.  Petals  5,  usually  bifid  at  the  apex,  at  the 
base  flat,  free,  valvate  in  the  bud.  Androgynophor  mostly  5  lobed.  Stamens  numerous, 
anthers  linear,  often  ciliate,  with  two  adnate  cells  opening  at  the  apex  into  transverse 
valves.  Ovary  2  to  5  celled  with  several  ovules  in  each  cell.  Stone  fruit  with  hard, 
3  to  5  celled,  1  to  5  seeded  stone,  usually  very  hard  and  rugose.  Trees  with  usually 
alternate  leaves,  which  are  either  entire  or  serrate.  Flowers  in  simple  axillary,  often  many" 
flowered  racemes. 




Flowering  and   fruiting  branch  about   one-half  natural  size. 


A  genus  of  more  than  60  species  of  trees.  It  is  distributed  from  India 
through  the  Malayan  Archipelago  to  Australia,  New  Caledonia,  and  New  Zea- 
land ;  also  over  the  Philippines  to  Japan,  with  a  single  species  in  Hawaii. 

Elaeocarpus  bifidus  Hook,  et  Arn. 

(Plate  113.) 

ELAEOCARPUS  BITIDUS  Hook  et  Am.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  110,  t.  24;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds. 
(1836)  no.  14;— A.  Gray,  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  205;— H.  Mann,  Proc.  Am.  Acad. 
VII  (1867)  158,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  143;-Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  171;— 
Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  53;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  126;— 
Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  850.— Beythea  bifida  End.  Gen.  PI.  Walp.  Rep.  I.  (1840) 
365  et  V.  121. 

Leaves  ovate  to  ovate-oblong  10  to  18  cm  long,  5  to  9  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  5  cm, 
acuminate,  crenate  or  bluntly  serrate,  often  nearly  entire,  chartaceous;  stipules  lanceolate, 
2  mm  long,  caducous;  racemes  25  to  50  mm  long  with  5  to  8  flowers  on  pedicels  of  12  mm; 
sepals  narrow  lanceolate,  petals  as  long  as  sepals,  about  8  mm,  greenish,  linear  oblong, 
shortly  bifid  or  scarcely  emarginate,  pubescent  on  both  faces;  stamens  13  to  16,  1/3  the 
length  of  the  sepals,  with  short  filaments;  anthers  obtuse  or  emarginate,  ovary  ovoid, 
2  to  3  celled,  tapering  into  the  simple  2  to  3  grooved  style;  ovules  3  to  6  in  each  cell, 
stone  fruit  olive-shaped,  25  to  30  mm  long,  the  putamen  thick  woody;  seeds  generally 
solitary,  rarely  two,  with  a  thin  testa. 

The  Kalia  is  a  perfectly  glabrous  tree,  reaching  a  height  of  30  to  40  feet,  with 
a  trunk  of  several  inches  to  sometimes  a  foot  in  diameter.  The  bark  is  dark-gray, 
one-fourth  of  an  inch  thick,  and  roughened.  Its  branches  are  drooping  and 
sending  out  many  branchlets,  which  are  gummy  at  their  ends.  The  flowers  of 
the  Kalia  are  attacked  by  an  insect,  which  accounts  for  the  monstrous  deforma- 
tion of  the  flowers,  which  can  be  seen  on  nearly  every  tree.  The  insect  is  a 
species  of  Acari.  The  layman  would  certainly  mistake  it  for  the  flowers,  as  its 
bright-red  color  is  not  altogether  unattractive.  The  writer  on  all  of  his  rambles 
found  very  few  trees,  indeed,  which  had  normal  flowers.  The  real  flowers,  how- 
ever, are  small  and  greenish  and  rather  inconspicuous.  The  drupe  is  olive- 
shaped  and  over  an  inch  long,  with  usually  one  seed,  rarely  two. 

The  Kalia  is  most  common  on  Kauai,  where  it  inhabits  the  leeward  side  at 
an  elevation  of  3500  to  4000  feet.  It  is  distinctly  a  tree  of  the  rain  forest,  and 
is  never  found  in  the  dry  region  or  on  lava  fields. 

It  loves  boggy  forests  and  gray  loam.  It  associates  with  Straussia,  Bobea, 
Clieirodendron  platypliyllum,  Cryptocarya  Mannii,  Pelea  sp.,  etc.  On  Oahu  it 
is  not  uncommon  and  can  be  found  on  all  the  ranges,  windward  and  leeward. 
It  is,  however,  not  as  common  as  on  Kauai,  where  it  forms  30  per  cent  of  the 
leeward  forest.  On  all  the  explorations  undertaken  by  the  writer  he  was  un- 
able to  find  a  single  tree  on  any  of  the  other  islands,  making  the  tree  peculiar 
to  Kauai  and  Oahu.  This  may  be  explained  on  account  of  the  large  seed,  which 
is  impossible  to  be  carried  either  by  birds  or  winds,  and  as  the  tree  inhabits  the 
middle  forests  zones,  the  ocean  currents  can  have  nothing  to  do  with  its  dis- 
persal, especially  as  the  seeds  are  not  buoyant. 



PLATE  114. 


Kokio  Keokeo. 
Native   white   Hibiscus   from   Oahu.     Flowering  branch,   reduced   one-half. 


The  bast  of  the  Kalia  was  made  into  cordage,  while  its  slender  branches  were 
employed  for  "alioa"  or  thatching  rods  for  house  building,  the  larger  branches 
being  selected  for  rafters. 


The  family  Malvaceae  is  distributed  all  over  the  world  with  exception  of  the 
frigid  zones.  The  most  northern  species  is  Malva  rotundifolia  L.,  which  can  be 
found  in  Sweden  and  Russia.  The  farther  we  advance  towards  the  tropics  the 
richer  in  species  becomes  this  very  useful  family.  The  members  of  this  family 
inhabit  usually  the  lower  regions,  but  in  the  South  American  Andes  they  can 
be  found  at  considerable  elevation.  A  few  genera  have  a  very  restricted  dis- 
tribution, as,  for  example,  Hibiscadelphus,  which  is  peculiar  to  Hawaii,  while 
the  genus  Hoberia  is  only  found  in  New  Zealand.  On  the  other  hand,  we  find 
genera  as  Hibiscus,  Abutilon,  Sida  and  others  distributed  over  both  hemispheres. 
In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  we  have  several  genera,  of  which  two  are  endemic 
(Kokia  and  Hibiscadelphus),  and  also  Hibiscus  and  Thespesia,  all  of  which 
have  arborescent  species. 


Style  branches  long  as  many  as  divisions  in  the  ovary. 

Calyx  persistent  with  fruit Hibiscus 

Calyx  deciduous  before  maturity  of  fruit Hibiscadelphus 

Style  branches  simple,  club-shaped  or  divided  into  short  erect  clavate  branches. 

Bracteoles  small  or  narrow Thespesia 

Bracteoles  large  ovate,  sinuate  or  slightly  lobed Kokia 


Involucre  none  or  consisting  of  3  to  many  bracts.  Staminal  column  antheriferous 
below  the  truncate  or  5  toothed  apex.  Ovary  5-celled,  with  several  ascending  ovules  in 
each  cell.  Style-branches  short,  5,  somewhat  thickened  towards  the  apex.  Capsule 
loculicidal;  endocarp  always  smooth  and  glabrous,  rarely  detached. — Trees,  shrubs,  or 
herbs,  the  trees  usually  clothed  with  a  stellate  pubescence.  Leaves  lobed  or  entire. 
Flowers  usually  large,  and  of  a  conspicuous  color,  mostly  single,  axillary.  The  calyx 
remains  with  the  fruit. 

The  genus  Hibiscus  is  exceedingly  large,  consisting  of  not  less  than  180 
species,  which  occur  nearly  all  in  the  tropics  with  the  exception  of  two  found  in 


Flowers  yellow. 

Leaves  cordate,  acuminate H.  tiliaceus 

Flowers  white. 

Leaves  entire,  ovate,  bluntly  acuminate H.  Arnottiauus 

Leaves   crenate,   suborbicular,  tomentose H.  Waimeae 

Flowers  red. 

Leaves  crenate,  acuminate,  style  branches  horizontal H.  Kokio 


PLATE  115. 


Kokio  Keokeo. 
Kauai  white  Hibiscus,   one-half  natural  size. 


Hibiscus  tiliaceus    L. 

HIBISCUS  TILIACEUS  Linn.  Spec,  plant,  ed.  I.  (1753)  694;— Forst.  Prodr.  (1786)  no. 
261;— DC.  Prodr.  I.  (1824)  454;—  Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  182,  no.  1504;— Seem.  Fl. 
Vit.  (1865)  18;— Mann  in  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  157,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Jsl.  Proc. 
Ess.  Inst.  V.  (1867)  140; — Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  173; — Mrs.  Sincl.  Indig.  Flow. 
Haw.  Isl.  (1885)  pi.  1;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  121;— 
Brigham  Ka  Hana  Kapa,  Mem.  B.  P.  B.  Mus.  III.  (1911)  132,  fig.  82.— Paritium 
tiliaceum  A.  St.-Hil.  Flora  Bras,  mer.  I.  (1827)  256;  — Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E. 
(1854)  178;— Nadeaud  Enum.  Tahit.  PI.  (1873)  no.  429;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1888)  49. 

Leaves  on  long  petioles,  orbicular-cordate,  shortly  acuminate,  entire,  palmately  7  to  9 
nerved;  stipules  large  ovate,  caducous;  involucre  campanulate,  half  the  length  of  the  calyx 
with  10  to  12  acute  lobes;  lobes  of  the  calyx  lanceolate;  petals  large  yellow,  usually  with 
a  dark  center  or  pure  yellow;  capsule  about  2.5  cm  in  diameter,  opening  into  5  valves;  3 
naked  seeds  to  each  cell. 

The  Hau  is  one  of  the  most  common  trees  found  on  the  lowlands  and  on  the 
beaches  on  all  the  islands;  it  is  a  cosmopolitan  and  occurs  in  all  tropical  coun- 
tries, but  is  especially  plentiful  in  the  South  Sea  Islands.  It  is  a  very  useful 
tree  and  is  much  desired  on  account  of  its  shade,  and  is  therefore  trained  into 
lanais  or  arbors.  The  wood  serves  for  outriggers  of  canoes,  while  the  bark  fur- 
nishes a  tough  and  pliable  bast  for  ropes.  In  Fiji  the  bark  is  chiefly  used  for 
the  women's  "liku,"  a  dress  consisting  of  a  number  of  fringes  attached  to  a 
waist-band.  The  bark  is  stripped  off,  steeped  in  water  to  render  it  soft  and  to 
allow  the  fibers  to  separate.  According  to  Dr.  Hillebrand,  a  decoction  is  made 
of  the  flowers  by  the  natives  as  a  useful  emollient  in  bronchial  and  intestinal 
catarrhs.  The  Vitian  and  Tahitian  name  is  Fan,  Pago  at  Guam,  Varo  or  Baro 
in  Madagascar,  and  Au  in  Rarotonga. 

Hibiscus  Arnottianus  Gray. 

Koliia  keokeo. 

(Plate  114.) 

HIBISCUS  ARNOTTIANUS  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  176;— Mann  in  Proc.  Am.  Acad. 
VII.  (1867)  157,— et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Proc.  Ess.  Inst.  V.  (1867)  139;— Wawra  in 
Flora  (1873)  173;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1878)  48;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar. 
Pac.  VI.  (1890)  121;— Heller  in  Minnes  Bot.  Stud.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)  851  — 
H.  Boryamus  H.  et  A.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  79.  (n.  DC.);— Endl.  Flora  Suds.  (1836) 
182,  no.  1495.— Hibiscus  Fauriei  Leveil.  Fedde  Repert.  X.  6/9.  (1911)  120. 

Leaves  large  of  variable  size,  ovate,  bluntly  acuminate,  entire,  3-nerved,  chartaceous, 
dark  green;  stipules  subulate,  caducous;  flowers  solitary  in  the  axils,  white  with  pinkish 
veins,  or  pure  white  even  the  pistil,  (Molokai,  Wailau),  pedicels  articulate  near  the  end; 
involucral  bracts  5  to  7,.  triangular  to  lanceolate,  4  to  6  mm  long,  calyx  16  to  24  mm, 
tubular,  5-toothed  splitting  laterally  when  with  fruit;  petals  white,  obovate-oblong,  or 
lanceolate  and  free,  (very  variable),  7.5  to  10  cm  or  more  long;  staminal  column  long  ex- 
serted,  10  to  15  cm  long,  red  or  white,  sending  off  filaments  of  12  to  16  mm,  from  its 
upper  half  or  third;  style  branches  6  to  8  mm,  erect;  capsule  elongate,  as  long  as  the 
calyx,  chartaceous;  seeds  5  mm,  reniform. 

In  regard  to  the  nomenclature  of  this  species  there  seems  to  have  been  some 
doubt.  Heller  and  others  thought  that  the  white  native  Hibiscus  was  without 
a name,  as  Gray  in  his  description  of  H.  Arnottianus  says:  flowers  red  *  *  *. 


PLATE  116. 


Kokio  or  Pualoalo. 
Bed  native   Hibiscus,  somewhat  reduced. 


This  also  accounts  for  the  publication  of  a  Hibiscus  Fan  rid  by  Leveille,  coming 
from  the  mountains  behind  Honolulu,  where  the  tree  is  quite  common.  In  order 
to  straighten  matters  out  the  writer  sent  specimens  to  the  Gray  Herbarium  to  be 
compared  with  Asa  Gray's  type.  Dr.  B.  L.  Kobinson  kindly  replied  as  follows: 
"There  can  be  no  question  that  the  white  flowered  species  (no.  8831)  from  Oahu 
is  precisely  the  real  H.  Arnottianus  Gray. 

"The  red  flowered  species  (a  photograph  was  sent)  as  far  as  can  be  made  out 
from  the  photograph  corresponds  very  well  with  authentic  material  of  H.  Kokio 
Hbd. ;  the  chief  difference  being  the  larger  petioles. ' '  This,  however,  may  be 
due  to  the  fact  that  the  plant  was  grown  in  cultivation ;  it  came  from  the  garden 
of  Mr.  Gerrit  P.  Wilder.  This  now  settles  the  controversy  in  regard  to  one 
of  the  most  beautiful  native  flowering  trees  which  the  Islands  possess.  Along 
streambeds  in  the  mountains  of  Koolau,  Oahu,  it  is  usually  a  tree  30  feet  tall 
and  when  in  flower  makes  a  beautiful  display.  It  is  also  cultivated  by  residents 
of  Honolulu.  On  the  other  islands  it  is  not  uncommon,  but  varies  to  some 
extent.  A  pure  white  flowered  one  occurs  on  the  beach  of  Wailau  Valley,  on 

Hibiscus  Waimeae   Heller. 

Kokia  keokeo. 

(Plate  115.) 

HIBISCUS  WAIMEAE  Heller  in  Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)  851,  pi.  53.— Hibiscus 
Arnottianus  Gray  forma  Mrs.  Sinclair  Indig.  Flow.  Haw.  Isl.  (1885)  pi.  8. 

Leaves  suborbicular  about  5  cm  or  more  in  diameter,  pale  green,  crenate,  pubescent 
on  both  sides,  velvety  to  the  touch;  petioles  half  the  length  of  the  leaves;  stipules  small; 
flowers  axillary  near  the  ends  of  the  branches,  large  white  or  tinged  with  pink,  on 
pubescent  pedicels;  calyx  broadly  tubular,  pubescent  outside,  woolly  within,  petals  10  to  15 
cm  long,  18  to  25  mm  wide,  prominently  veined,  pubescent  on  the  outside;  staminal  column 
rather  stout,  long  exserted,  red,  otherwise  as  in  H.  Arnottianus  Gray. 

This  rather  distinct  plant  occurs  as  a  tree  20  to  30  feet  in  height  on  the 
leewrard  side  of  Kauai  below  the  forests  of  Kaholuamano  at  the  bottom  of  vertical 
cliffs,  in  dry  situations,  and  in  gulches  on  open  grass  lands  below  Halemanu, 
Kauai,  at  an  elevation  of  2500  feet  up  to  3000  feet,  in  company  with  Dracaena 
aurea,  Osmanthus  sandwicensis  and  others.  It  is  also  cultivated  now  in  Ho- 

Hibiscus  Kokio  Hbd. 

Kokia  ula  or  Pualoalo. 

(Plate  116.) 

HIBISCUS  KOKIO  Hbd.  mss.  in  Flora  (1873)  174;— Hbd.  Flora  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  48;— 
Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  121. — H.  Arnottianus  A.  Gray  forma 
Mrs.  Sinclair  Ind.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1885)  pi.  9. 

Leaves  ovate  or  elliptical-oblong,  rather  acuminate,  sinuately  crenate,  scarcely  pal- 
mate-nerved, chartaceous,  glabrous,  on  petioles  of  6  to  18  mm  or  more;  flowers  axillary, 
solitary;  pedicels  18  to  30  mm,  pubescent,  articulate  in  the  upper  third;  involucral  bracts 
6  to  7,  linear,  8  to  12  mm  long;  calyx  tubular  or  subeampanulate,  8  to  30  mm,  cleft  to  the 
middle  into  5  acute  lobes,  glabrate;  petals  5  to  6.5  cm,  entire,  red;  staminal  column 


PLATE  117. 


Hau  Kuahiwi. 

Showing  flowering  branch  and  mature  fruits  in  lower  left  hand  corner,  reduced. 
Showing  flowering  and  fruiting  branch;  one-half  natural  size. 


shorter,  red,  the  short  filaments  crowded  near  the  five-toothed  apex;  style  branches  8  to  10 
mm,  spreading  horizontally,  ciliate;  capsule  glabrous,  18  mm;  seeds  5  mm,  reniform 
covered  with  a  coarse  brownish  pubescence. 

This  species  is  somewhat  rare,  at  least  Dot  so  common  as  the  white  native  Hi- 
biscus. The  writer  met  with  two  varieties  on  Molokai —  one  at  Mapulehu,  where 
it  is  a  shrub  at  about  1000  feet  elevation;  the  other  at  the  bottom  of  Wailau 
Valley,  only  a  few  hundred  feet  above  sea  level.  On  Kauai  only,  it  is  apparently 
a  tree.  Mr.  Lydgate  informed  the  writer  that  he  saw  a  tree  about  40  feet  in 
height  back  of  Lihue,  along  the  pole-line.  As  the  writer  did  not  see  specimens, 
it  is  doubtful  whether  it  is  II.  Kokio  or  Forbes'  H.  Kaliilii,  a  tree  27  feet  high, 
which,  however,  seems  not  to  differ  very  much  from  the  former,  according  to 
Forbes,  only  in  the  pubescent  calyx  and  in  other  minor  points,  one  of  which, 
according  to  his  figure,  seems  to  be  the  bluntly  acute  or  somewhat  obtuse  apices 
of  the  leaves.  His  specimen  came  from  near  the  Wahiawa  swamp,  Kauai.  H. 
Kahilii  Forbes  Occ.  Pap.  B.  P.  B.  Mus.  V.  (1912)  4,  with  plate. 


Bracteoles  5  to  7,  very  narrow  linear  or  dentate,  free.  Calyx  deeply  and  unevenly 
2  to  3  cleft.  Stamiual  column  antheriferous  below  the  5-dentate  apex.  Ovary  5-celled, 
with  1  to  3  ovules  in  each  cell;  style  branches  5,  suberect  with  capitate  flesh-colored  stig- 
mas. Capsule  woody  or  coriaceous,  5  valved;  endocarp  chartaceous,  detached.  Seeds 
reniform,  covered  with  a  dirty  white  tomentum. — Medium  sized  trees  with  a  stellate 
tomentum.  Leaves  cordate,  unevenly  3  to  5  pointed  or  rounded  and  entire.  Flowers 
single  or  several  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves  at  the  ends  of  the  branches;  color  of  petals 
magenta,  yellowish  and  green.  Calyx  deciduous  before  maturation  of  the  fruit. 

The  genus  Hibiscadelphus  established  by  the  wrriter  consists  of  3  species  wrhich 
are  peculiar  to  the  dry  sections  of  Hawaii  and  Maui.  Of  two  of  the  species 
only  an  individual  tree  is  in  existence,  wrhile  of  the  third  several  can  still  be 
found  on  the  slopes  of  Mt.  Hualalai,  in  the  forest  of  Waihau,  in  North  Kona, 

The  genus,  of  which  Hibiscadelphus  Giffardianus  is  the  type,  is  closely  re- 
lated to  Hibiscus,  from  which  it  differs  mainly  in  the  deciduous  calyx,  and  quite 
different  flowers. 


Flowers  5  to  6  cm  long. 

Involucral  bracts  2  cm,  filiform,  free H.  Giffardianus 

Involucral  bracts  linear-spathulate,  one  nerved H.  Wilderianus 

Flowers  2.5  to  3  cm  long. 

Involucral  bracts  dentiform,  1  mm H.  Hualalaiensis 

Hibiscadelphus  Giffardianus  Rock. 

Hau  kuahiwi. 

(Plate  117.) 

HIBISCADELPHUS  GIFFARDIANUS  Bock  in  Bull.  Hawaii  Bd.  of  Agric.  and  Forestry  I. 

(1911)   10.  pi.  4. 

A  medium  sized  tree;  bark  smooth,  fibrous,  whitish;  branches  terete,  glabrous,  covered 
with  leaf  scars;  leaves  on  long  petioles  orbicular  in  outline  cordate,  bluntly  acute  at  the 
apex,  12-15  cm  each  way,  unevenly  lobed  or  pointed,  chartaceous,  covered  on  both  sides 


PLATE  118. 

Hau  Kuahiwi. 

Showing  flowering  and  fruiting  branch;  less  than  one-half  natural  size. 


with  a  stellate  tomentum,  palmately  7-nerved,  with  hispid  glands  in  the  angles  of  ribs 
and  veins  on  both  sides;  stipules  small  triangular  caducous;  flowers  solitary  or  several  in 
the  axils  of  the  leaves  on  the  ends  of  the  branches;  bracteoles  5  to  7  very  narrow,  2  cm 
long,  free,  filiform;  calyx  saccate,  deeply  and  unevenly  2  to  3  cleft,  lobes  acuminate,  many- 
nerved,  yellowish  green  outside,  with  stellate  hairs,  glabrous  inside;  corolla  convolute, 
curved,  only  the  very  apex  slightly  opening,  on  account  of  the  almost  completely  con- 
torted aestivation;  on  pedicels  of  2  to  3  cm,  petals  5  to  6  cm  long  acute  at  the  apex, 
oblong  very  uneven-sided,  deep  magenta  inside,  grayish-green  outside  with  a  stellate 
hispid  tomentum  on  the  exposed  parts,  especially  on  the  prominent  nerves;  staminal 
column  1/3  longer  than  the  petals,  with  numerous  long  filaments  on  nearly  half  its  length, 
hispid  at  its  base;  style  branches  sub-erect  5  mm,  hispid;  stigmas  flesh-colored;  capsule 
coriaceous  to  woody  oblong  tapering  toward  the  apex  4  to  5  cm  x  2  to  2.5  cm,  broadest 
at  the  base,  rugose,  yellowish-green,  covered  with  stellate  hairs;  the  calyx  and  bracteoles 
deciduous  before  maturation  of  fruit;  endocarp  chartaceous  shining  glabrous,  loose;  seeds 
large  7  to  10  mm,  reniform,  covered  with  dirty  whitish-gray  wool. 

The  Hau  Kualnici  is  a  remarkable  tree.  At  first  appearance  one  would  think 
it  to  be  the  common  Hau  (Hibiscus  tiliaceus),  but  at  closer  inspection  one  can- 
not but  wonder  at  the  most  peculiar  shape  of  the  flowers,  which  are  of  a  deep 
magenta,  and  the  large  yellowish  tuberculate  capsules.  It  is  a  rather  low  tree, 
with  not  erect  but  rather  inclining  trunk  of  a  foot  in  diameter,  with  a  many- 
branching  round  crown.  The  genus  ' ' Hibiscadelphus, "  meaning  "brother  of 
Hibiscus,"  was  described  by  the  author  and  the  species  named  in  honor  of  Mr. 
W.  M.  Giffard  of  Honolulu,  in  whose  company  the  writer  collected  his  first 

It  differs  from  the  genus  Hibiscus  in  its  very  peculiar  flowers  and  mainly  in 
the  calyx,  which  is  not  persistent  with  the  capsules,  but  drops  together  with 
the  bracts  as  soon  as  the  capsules  are  formed. 

Unfortunately  the  tree,  of  which  a  specimen  is  figured  in  this  book,  is  the  only 
one  in  existence.  It  is  unique  among  all  Hawaiian  plants,  and  the  author  is 
sorry  to  relate  that  nothing  has  been  done  to  protect  it.  Like  many  other  Ha- 
waiian trees,  it  will  succumb  to  the  ravages  of  cattle,  which  inhabit  a  great  many 
of  our  native  forests. 

This  single  tree  is  found  on  a  small  Kipuka  of  56  acres  called  Puaulu,  on  the 
land  of  Keauhou,  near  Kilauea  Volcano,  at  an  elevation  of  4200  feet,  on  the 
Island  of  Hawaii.  It  is  surrounded  by  a  great  many  rare  trees,  which  will  share 
its  fate  sooner  or  later.  Among  them  are  beautiful  trees  of  Sapindus  saponaria, 
Pelea,  Xanthoxylum,  Urera,  Straussia,  Ochrosia,  etc. 

The  genus  consists  of  three  species — the  above  described  one  on  Hawaii,  one 
on  Maui  with  only  a  single  tree  left,  and  the  third  on  Hualalai,  Hawaii.  The 
wood  is  white,  not  so  soft  as  in  the  Hau,  while  the  bark  is  whitish  and  fibrous. 

Hibiscadelphus  Wilderianus  Rock. 
Hau  kuahiwi. 

HIBISCADELPHUS  WILDERIANUS  Rock  in  Bull.  Haw  Bd.  of  Agric.  &  For.  I.   (1911) 
12.  pi.  5. 

A  tree  5  m,  trunk  erect;  leaves  orbicular  in  outline  trilobed  wavy,  cordate  with  a 
broad  sinus  at  the  base,  with  subacute  or  blunt  apex,  on  petioles  of  7  to  10  cm,  palmately 
5  to  7  nerved,  puberulous  above,  with  minute  stellate  hair  underneath;  nerves  prominent, 


PLATE  119. 


Hau  Kuahiwi  tree. 
Growing  inWaihou  forest  sj.ope  of  Mt.  Hualalai,  North  Kona,  Hawaii;  elevation  3000  feet. 


hispid;  the  subulate  stipules  small  and  puberulous;  flowers  solitary  on  pedicels  of  1.5  to  4 
cm,  bracteoles  linear,  spathulate,  free,  2  cm  long  one-nerved;  calyx  saccate  unevenly 
tri-lobed,  the  lobes  triangular  acute;  hirsute  outside,  puberulous  inside,  2.5  cm  long, 
flowers  nearly  the  same  size  as  in  H.  Giffardiantts,  petals  greenish  yellow  outside,  yellowish 
inside,  many  and  strongly  ribbed,  the  nerves  branching  at  the  apex,  densely  hirsute  es- 
pecially on  the  very  prominent  nerves,  4  to  5  cm  long,  contorted,  with  oiunt  or  acute  apex; 
staminal  column  long  exserted,  antheriferous  to  the  five  lobed  apex,  the  lobes  acuminate, 
less  than  2  mm;  stamens  numerous,  filaments  6  mm  long,  anthers  dark  red;  style  branches 
erect,  3  mm;  capsule  ovoid  3.5  cm  x  4  cm  greenish-black,  woody,  tuberculate,  stellate- 
hispid,  seeds  same  as  in  the  previous  species. 

Of  this  interesting  tree  only  one  is  in  existence  and  when  last  visited  (1912) 
by  Mr.  Gerrit  P.  Wilder,  who  also  collected  the  first  open  flowers  from  which  the 
description  is  drawn,  the  tree  was  found  to  be  in  a  dying  condition ;  the  branches 
were  completely  covered  with  a  species  of  Usnea,  probably  australis.  The  tree 
occurs  on  the  ancient  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  on  the  land  of  Kahikinui,  southern 
slope  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  on  the  lee  side,  where  rain  is  very  infrequent.  Mr. 
Wilder  visited  the  tree  twice,  and  only  on  the  last  trip  was  enabled  to  find  one 
open  flower  and  a  few  more  or  less  developed  buds.  Seeds  of  this  species  were 
planted  by  Mr.  Wilder,  who  succeeded  in  raising  one  single  plant.  As  the  tree 
is  situated  on  a  cattle  ranch,  it  will  be  only  a  very  short  time  until  it  will  have 
disappeared  from  its  natural  habitat.  It  was  first  discovered  by  the  writer  in 
November,  1910.  The  type  is  8663  in  the  Herbarium  of  the  Board  of  Agri- 
ture"  and  Forestry,  now  in  the  safe-keeping  of  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

Hibiscadelphus  Hualalaiensis  Rock. 

Hau  kuahiwi. 
(Plates  118,  119.) 

HIBISCADELPHUS  HUALALAIENSIS  Rock  in  Bull.  Hawaii  Bd.  Agric.  &  For.  I.  (1911) 
14.  pi.  6. 

Tree  5  to  7  m  high,  with  an  erect  trunk  0.3  m  in  diameter,  bark  white,  branches 
terete,  with  young  leaves  densely  hirsute,  leaves  somewhat  reniform,  or  bluntly  and 
shallow  trilobed.  on  long  petioles  (10  to  16  cm)  with  scattered  stellate  hair  above,  to-. 
mentose  underneath,  the  main  nerves  branching  several  times;  flowers  usually  single  on 
tomeutose  pedicels  of  1.5  to  2  cm;  bracteoles  minute  dentiform  about  1  mm,  calyx  irregu- 
larly 3  to  6  lobed,  the  lobes  acuminate  of  unequal  size,  some  only  2  mm,  others  15  mm, 
flowers  half  the  size  as  in  the  two  other  species,  2.5  to  3  cm  curved,  petals  green,  some- 
what reddish  inside,  contorted,  many  ribbed  hirsute  near  the  bluntly  acuminate  lobes 
and  on  the  nerves,  silky  at  the  base,  the  margins  even  ciliate;  corolla  only  slightly  open- 
ing, apex  of  the  petals  recurved;  staminal  column  exserted  one-third  its  length,  bearing 
numerous  filaments,  with  semicircularly  curved  anthers;  style  branches  erect,  ciliate,  with 
«lavate  hirsute  stigmas;  ovary  conical  densely  silky  tomentose  five  celled,  with  3  ovate 
ovules  in  each  cell  of  which  the  upper  is  ascending  the  lower  horizontal;  capsule  small 
ovate,  2  cm  long,  1.5  cm  wide  covered  with  yellowish  stellate  hair;  seeds  reniform,  covered 
with  a  yellowish  white  wool. 

This  exceedingly  interesting  and  distinct  species  was  found  by  the  writer  in 
the  year  1909  on  the  lava  fields  of  Mt.  Hualalai,  in  North  Kona,  Hawaii,  and  in 
the  forest  of  Waihou  of  the  same  district,  where  about  a  dozen  trees  are  still  in 
existence.  The  writer  revisited  the  above  locality  in  March,  1912,  and  found 
the  trees  in  flower,  while  on  his  previous  visit.  June  18,  1909,  only  a  few  worm- 
eaten  capsules  could  be  found.  The  trees  are  badly  attacked  by  several  species 



of  moths  which  feed  on  the  leaves  and  also  mature  capsules.  Mr.  Gerrit  Wilder, 
however,  succeeded  in  growing  a  few  plants  from  healthy  seeds  collected  by  the 


Involueral  bracts  3  to  5,  small.  Calyx  not  punctate,  usually  cup-shaped  and  trun- 
cate. Staminal  column  antheriferous  below  the  toothed  apex.  Ovary  5-celled,  with  few 
ascending  ovules  in  each  cell;  style  club-shaped,  5-grooved.  Capsule  woody  or  coriaceous, 
almost  baccate,  dehiscent  or  almost  indehiscent.  Seeds  woolly;  cotyledons  black-punc- 
tate.— Trees  with  entire  leaves.  Flowers  large,  single  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves. 

This  genus  possesses  only  a  few  species  in  tropical  Asia  and  Polynesia.  T. 
populnea  (L.)  Corr.,  the  Hawaiian  ~M.Ho,  is  a  cosmopolitan  beach-tree,  occurring 
in  tropical  Africa,  Asia  and  Polynesia;  in  Hawaii  it  is  not  as  common  now  as 
in  the  early  days. 

Thespesia  populnea  (L).  Corr. 

THESPESIA  POPULNEA  (L.)  Corr.  in  Ann.  Mus.  Par.  IX.  (1807)  290,  t.  8.  fig.  2;— 
DC.  Prodr.  I.  (1824)  457;— H.  et  A.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  60;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds. 
(1836)  182.  no.  1506;— Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  179;'— Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1865) 
18;— Mann  in  Proc.  Ess.  Inst.  V.  (1867)  140;— Mrs.  Sincl.  Indig.  Flow.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1885)  pi.  10;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  49;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac. 
VI.  (1890)  119;— Brigham  Ka  Hana  Kapa,  Mem.  B.  P.  B.  Mus..  III.  (1911)  135.— 
Hibiscus  populneus  Linn.  Spec.  pi.  ed.  I.  (1753)  694. — H.  bacciferus  Forst.  Prodr. 
(1786)  no.  260. 

Leaves  roundish,  cordate,  acuminate  entire,  10  to  12.5  cm  in  diameter,  glabrous; 
peduncles  as  long  as  the  petioles;  involucral  bracts  lanceolate  equalling  the  calyx,  soon, 
deciduous;  calyx  truncate  12  mm;  petals  obovate-oblong  5  cm,  yellow;  capsule  globose,  24 
to  30  mm  in  diameter,  almost  woody,  very  tardily  dehiscent;  seed  8  mm,  villous  at  the 
base  and  angles. 

The  Milo,  like  the  Hau,  is  a  tree  not  uncommonly  found  along  the  sandy 
beaches  on  all  the  islands.  Its  habit  of  growth  is,  however,  different,  as  it 
develops  a  straight  trunk  of  often  2  feet  or  more  in  diameter,  with  a  thick  ccr- 
rugated  bark. 

It  is  a  favorite  shade  tree,  reaching  a  height  of  over  40  feet,  and  is  often 
planted.  The  name  Milo  occurs  also  in  Tonga,  Samoa,  and  Tahiti  for  the  same 
tree,  while  it  is  called  Miro  in  Rarotonga  and  Mulo  in  Viti. 

Hillebrand  in  his  Flora  p.  50  remarks  that  the  tree  was  regarded  sacred  in 
Tahiti  and  used  to  be  planted  in  Morais  or  temples  and  its  leaves  were  employed 
in  religious  ceremonies.  That  the  tree  was  held  in  high  esteem  by  the  Hawaiians 
is  shown  by  the  fact  that  several  of  them  surrounded  the  house  of  King  Kame- 
hameha  I.  at  Waikiki. 

The  wood  of  the  Milo  is  very  beautiful,  being  of  a  rich  brown  color  and 
capable  of  taking  a  fine  polish.  It  is  made  into  poi  calabashes  by  the  natives, 
and  is  highly  prized,  though  not  so  much  as  those  of  the  less  common  Ron, 
(Cordia  subcordata) . 


KOKIA  Lewton. 

Tree  4  to  8  m  high,  woody  throughout.  Flowers  single  in  the  axils  of  the  upper- 
most leaves;  peduncle  bearing  below  the  middle  a  broadly  sessile,  obliquely  clasping  cadu- 
cous, ovate  bract.  Bracteoles  3,  persistent,  accrescent,  ovate,  entire,  sinuate  or  slightly 
lobed,  narrowed  at  the  base,  not  in  the  least  auriculate.  coriaceous,  glabrous,  strongly 
reticulated,  7  to  13  nerved.  Calyx  urceolate,  thin  scarious,  punctate  with  black  warts; 
lobes  5,  shallow,  rounded,  the  scarious  almost  hyaline  margins  overlapping  and  completely 
enclosing  the  bud.  Calyx  tube  often  with  median  transverse  vein,  the  upper  half  of  the 
calyx  usually  soon  breaking  off  at  this  point,  giving  the  appearance  of  being  truncate. 
At  the  base  of  the  calyx  at  the  point  of  insertion  of  the  petals  there  is  a  ring  of  stiff 
brownish  hairs.  Floral  nectary  naked,  extra  floral  nectaries  not  evident.  Corolla  two  to 
three  times  the  length  of  the  bracteoles,  red.  Ovary  5-celled,  with  one  ascending  ovum 
in  each  cell.  Capsule  ovoid,  ligneous,  opening  tardily.  Seeds  ovoid,  sharply  angled 
on  the  ventral  side,  rounded  on  the  dorsal,  covered  with  short  brick-red  tomentum. 
Cotyledons  punctuate  with  black  dots.  Bark  containing  a  reddish  brown  sap. 

This  genus  established  by  Lewton  consists  of  two  species  and  one  variety.  The 
type  is  Kokia  Rockii  Lewton,  no.  691082  in  the  U.  S.  National  Herbarium.  The 
co-type  is  in  the  Herbarium,  College  of  Hawaii,  no.  3549. 

The  writer  sent  specimens  of  this  plant  to  Mr.  Fairchild,  agricultural  explorer 
in  charge  of  the  U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  Washington,  D.  C.,  at  his 
request,  as  there  were  no  specimens  of  this  plant  in  the  U.  S.  Nat.  Herbarium, 
Mr.  Fairchild 's  attention  having  been  called  to  this  interesting  plant  in  the 
writer's  report  to  the  Board  of  Commissioners  of  Agriculture  and  Forestry, 
1910.  The  plants  were  sent  under  the  name  Gossypium  drynarioides  Seem.,  with 
the  remark  that  it  is  at  least  a  new  variety  of  the  plant  by  the  above  name,  which 
is  found  on  Molokai,  while  the  writer's  material  came  from  a  new  locality: 
slopes  of  Mt.  Hualalai,  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  Kona,  Hawaii.  The  specimens, 
with  additional  notes  on  the  living  trees,  were  furnished  Mr.  Lewton,  who  then 
proceeded  to  describe  the  plant  under  a  new  genus.  Specimens  of  the 
original  Gossypium  drynarioides  Seem,  from  Molokai  were  also  sent.  Hille- 
brand  found  one  tree  on  Oahu,  with  lanceolate  bracts,  which  he  called  variety 
ft.  Mr.  Lewton  named  this  variety  Kokia  lanceolata  on  the  strength  of  a  few 
scraps  of  lanceolate  bracts  in  the  Gray  Herbarium.  The  writer  does  not  think 
it  justifiable  to  create  a  new  species  on  such  incomplete  material  and  more  or 
less  on  the  strength  that  it  grew  on  another  island.  The  writer  knows  the  Ha- 
waiian flora  thoroughly,  and  is  well  acquainted  with  tremendous  variations  found 
in  all  Hawaiian  plants,  and  therefore  prefers  to  retain  the  varietal  rank  rather 
than  specific.  The  plant  in  question  has,  however,  become  extinct.  The  fact 
that  Lewton 's  third  species  grows  on  another  island  is  not  sufficient  to  make  it 
a  species.  Besides,  Makapuu  Point,  on  Oahu,  where  Hbd's  var,  ft  grew,  is 
exactly  opposite  the  point  on  Molokai  where  Kokia  drynarioides  grows,  and  is 
only  about  25  miles  distant. 


Bracts  broadly  obovate,  6.5  cm  x  8  em K.  Eockii 

Bracts  broadly  ovate,  entire,  2.5  to  3  cm  x  2.5  cm. K.  drynarioides 


PLATE  120. 




Flowering  branch,  flowers  bright  red  of  silky  texture.      About  one-third  natural  size. 


Kckia  Rockii  Lewton. 

(Plates  120,  121.) 

KOKIA  ROCKII  Lewt.  in  Smithson.  Misc.  Coll.  LX.  5.  (1912)  3,  pi.  1,  2,  3,  4;— Rock  in 
Report.  Haw.  Bd.  Agric.  &  For.  (1912)  pi.  19-20 ;— Gossypium  drynarioides  Rock 
in  Rep.  Haw.  Bd.  Agr.  &  For.  (1910)  71.  pi.  13. 

Bracts  broadly  obovate  6.5  cm  long  6.5  to  8  cm  broad,  with  three  to  five  blunt  and 
shallow  lobes,  very  strongly  reticulated  and  veined  below.  Leaves  glabrous  below  except 
for  a  dense  patch  of  rusty  hairs  2  to  2.5  cm  in  diameter  at  point  of  attachment  of  the 
petiole,  the  pulvinus  of  which  is  also  hairy;  staminal  tube  9  to  10  cm  long  curved;  seeds 
2  cm  long  by  1  cm  wide;  lint  3  mm  long. 

The  KoJiio  or  native  red  cotton  (not  to  be  mistaken  for  the  Kokio  ula  or  Pua- 
loalo,  red  native  Hibiscus)  is  an  exceedingly  rare  tree  of  12  to  13  feet  in  height, 
with  a  trunk  up  to  one  foot  in  diameter  and  vested  in  a  thin  grayish-brown 
bark,  which  is  covered  with  lenticels.  The  trunks  of  the  Hawaii  plants  are 
straight  and  not  gnarled.  It  is  sparingly  branching  and  woody  in  its  last  rami- 
fication. The  leaves  resemble  those  of  a  young  Kukui  tree,  though  they  have  the 
color  of  a  maple  leaf  with  the  autumn  tints  from  reddish-yellow  to  green. 

The  tree  is  of  striking  beauty  when  in  flowrer  and  is  worthy  of  cultivation. 

The  writer  observed  a  young  tree  in  Kona,  Hawaii,  which  was  literally  loaded 
with  the  bright  red  blossoms  which  excel  in  beauty  many  a  Hibiscus  flower.  On 
the  Island  of  Hawaii  the  writer  discovered  several  trees  of  this  species,  some  of 
which  were  in  excellent  condition.  It  inhabits  the  dry  region  of  North  Kona 
and  is  scattered  all  along  the  Government  Road  between  Huehue  and  Puuwaa- 
waa,  elevation  2000  feet.  There  it  is  associated  with  the  Lama  (Maba  sand- 
ii'icensis),  Kauila  (Colubrina  oppositifolia) ,  Halapepe  (Dracaena  aurea),  etc. 

The  bark,  which  contains  a  rich  reddish-brown  juice,  is  used  by  the  natives, 
who  dye  their  fish  nets  with  it.  They  strip  the  tree  for  several  feet  of  its  bark, 
which  is  macerated,  and  the  juice  thus  obtained  is  used  as  a  dye.  The  wood  is 
soft  and  of  a  reddish-brown  color. 

This  particular  Kokio  is  endemic  and  peculiar  to  the  Island  of  Hawraii,  where 
it  is  still  in  its  prime  and,  if  properly  protected  from  cattle  and  man,  should  not 
become  extinct. 

The  writer  is  glad  to  relate  that  the  owners  as  well  as  the  lessee  of  the  land  on 
which  these  few  trees  are  growing,  have  already  fenced  these  trees,  so  as  to 
protect  them  from  the  ravages  of  cattle.  A  regulation  has  also  been  posted  to 
prevent  the  natives  from  stripping  the  trees  of  their  bark,  and  thus  the  writer 
hopes  that  this  interesting  species  may  live  many  more  years.  Abundant  seed 
has  been  collected  and  forwarded  to  the  U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture  in 
Washington,  D.  C.  A  quantity  of  seed  has  also  been  distributed  here  in  Hono- 
lulu, and  people  interested  in  showy  flowers  have  been  urged  to  plant  them 

Quite  a  number  are  now  growing  in  Honolulu. 



PLATE   121. 


Kokio  tree. 
Growing  on  the  la\7a  flows  of  Puuanahulu,  Kona,  Hawaii;  elevation  2500  feet. 

Mai  va  eeae-Theaceae. 

Kokia  drynarioides    (Seem.)    Lewt. 

KOKIA  DRYNARIOIDES  (Seem.)  Lewt.  in  Smithson.  Misc.  Coll.  LX.  5.  (1912)  3.  pi.  5.— 
Gossypium  drynarioides  Seem.  Fl.  Yit.  (1865)  22;— ET.  Mann  in  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII. 
(1867)  157;  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Proc.  Ess.  Inst.  V.  (1867)  141;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1888)  51;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  1 20.— Hibiscus  drynarioides 
Kuntze  Eev.  Gen.  PL  I.  (1891)  68. 

Leaves  on  long  petioles,  membraneous,  glabrous,  but  with  a  few  brownish  hairs  at 
the  base  of  the  veins,  cordate  7  to  5  lobed,  the  deltoid  lobes  about  3.5  cm  deep,  the  basal 
sinus  quite  open;  flowers  single  in  the  axils  of  the  uppermost  leaves,  on  stout  peduncles 
of  2.5  to  5  cm,  which  bear  at  the  middle  a  broadly  sessile  and  obliquely  clasping  caducous 
bract  of  8  to  10  mm  in  length;  inyolucral  bracts  broadly  ovate  to  sub-cordate,  obtuse, 
entire,  7  to  13-nerved,  2.5  to  3  cm  long,  and  2.5  cm  or  more  broad,  glabrous,  coriaceous; 
calyx  urceolate,  truncate,  thin  scarious;  petals  red,  obovate-oblong,  entire,  7.5  to  10  cm 
long,  silky  outside;  staminal  column  of  same  length,  truncate  or  obsoletely  2  to  3-toothed 
at  the  apex,  antheriferous  in  the  upper  third  with  short  filaments;  style  shortly  exserted, 
clavate,  5-grooved;  ovary  5-celled,  each  cell  with  one  ascending  ovule;  capsule  ovoid 
2.5  cm,  thick  woody,  opening  tardily  near  the  apex;  seeds  obovoid,  covered  with  a  short 
reddish-brown  tomentum. 

Of  this  exceedingly  interesting  species  there  has  been  only  one  tree  in  existence 
np  to  a  few  months  ago.  This  same  tree  which  was  declared  dead,  showed  still 
some  signs  of  life  and  produced  a  few  capsules  with  mature  seeds ;  but  this  is 
evidently  the  last,  only  a  small  branchlet  having  produced  a  few  leaves.  Seeds 
of  this  tree  have  been  planted  by  the  manager  of  the  Molokai  Ranch  Co.  and  by 
Mr.  G.  P.  Wilder,  who  secured  the  last  ones  to  be  had.  A  few  have  been  sent 
to  Washington  to  the  Bureau  of  Plant  Introduction.  Thus  it  is  hoped  still  to 
perpetuate  this  most  interesting  plant.  Several  trees  occurred  on  the  west  end 
of  Moloaki,  at  Mahana,  all  having  now  died,  owing  to  ravages  of  cattle,  sheep 
and  goats,  which  eat  off  the  bark  and  leaves.  On  Oahu,  at  the  eastern  end,  on 
the  hills  of  Makapuu  and  Koko  Head,  grew  a  variety  of  this  species  with  lanceo- 
late involucral  bracts,  which  has  long  been  extinct.  It  was  described  by  Lewton 
as  a  new  species,  though  really  only  of  varietal  rank. 

It  should  be  called  Kokia  drynarioides  var.  lonceolata.  The  reasons  for  this 
change  are  explained  in  the  generic  discussion. 


The  family  Theaceae,  with  its  16  genera  and  about  174  species,  is  rather  con- 
fined to  the  tropical  and  subtropical  regions  of  the  world.  A  few  appear  in  the 
temperate  regions  of  the  northern  hemisphere  in  America  and  Asia.  The  genus 
Eurya  is  the  only  representative  of  this  family  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  where  it 
has  one  endemic  species.  To  this  family  belongs  Thea  sinensis  L.,  the  Tea  of 
commerce,  which  is  found  wild  in  the  interior  of  the  south  Chinese  island  Hai- 
nan, and  Upper  Assam  in  Bengal,  from  whence  it  was  introduced  as  an  agricul- 
tural plant  into  China  and  Japan  about  810  A.  D. 


EURYA  Thunb. 

Trees  or  shrubs  with  coriaceous  leaves.  Flowers  single  or  exceptionally  in 
very  short  racemes,  which  are  axillary. 


Flowers  dioecious,  corolla  fleshy.  Male  flowers,  with  10  to  15  stamens  in  one  row, 
the  anthers  twice  as  long  as  the  filaments,  linear  lanceolate,  split  down  to  the  base.  Ovary 
3-celled,  in  each  cell  15  ovules,  of  which  the  most  are  pendulous  while  the  upper  are 
nearly  horizontal.  Styles  3,  with  ovate  lanceolate  stigmas.  Fruit  a  berry  with  12  seeds 
in  each  cell.  Cotyledons  shorter  than  the  radicle  of  the  embryo. — Leaves  spiral.  To 
this  subgenus  belongs  the  Hawaiian  species  (Eitri/a  sandwicetwis  Gray)  only. 

The  genus  to  which  the  Hawaiian  species  belongs  consists  of  about  36  species 
and  several  subspecies  which  are  distributed  over  Mexico,  South  America  and 
the  East  and  West  Indies. 

Eurya  sandwicensis  A.  Gray. 
Anini  or  Wanini. 

EURYA  SANDWICENSIS  A.  Gray.  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  209;— H.  Mann.  Proc. 
Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  156,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  134;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873) 
168;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  41;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890) 
117;— Szyszyl.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  6.  (1895)  189,  et  Engl.  in  Nachtr. 
(1897)  247; — Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  856. — Ternstroemiopsis  sandwicensis 
Urban  in  Ber.  Deutsch.  Bot.  Ges.  XIV.  (1896)  49. 

A  small  tree  5  to  6  m  in  height,  or  at  higher  altitudes  a  shrub  2  to  3  m,  the  ultimate 
branchlets  pubescent;  leaves  obovate  oblong,  obovate  or  oval,  obtuse,  or  bluntly  acuminate 
at  the  apex,  cordate  at  the  base,  closely  serrate,  thick  coriaceous,  or  subchartaceous. 
somewhat  shining  above,  5  to  7.5  cm  long,  25  to  30  mm  wide,  on  short  petioles  of  2  to  3 
mm;  flowers  solitary  in  the  axils,  subsessile  or  on  pedicels  of  6  mm;  sepals  dark  purplish, 
coriaceous,  suborbicular,  persistent;  petals  deciduous  in  the  fertile  flowers,  somewhat 
fleshy,  ovate  or  obovate,  about  8  mm,  yellowish;  stamens  free,  very  short;  anthers  mucro- 
nate;  styles  2  to  3.  distinct;  berry  dryish,  globose,  black,  about  10  mm  in  diameter, 
tubereulate,  crowned  by  the  styles;  seeds  12  in  each  cell,  globular-reniform,  with  a  thin 
testa;  albumen  scanty;  cotyledons  thick  and  broad;  radicle  somewhat  longer. 

Hillebrand  in  his  Flora  of  the  Hawaiian  Islands  describes  a  variety  ft,  with 
larger  leaves,  rounded  or  acute  at  the  base,  from  Kealia,  Kauai. 

Wawra  in  Flora  (1873),  page  168,  describes  this  particular  form  as  Eurya 
sandwicensis  Gray,  fm.  grandi folia  Wawra,  arbuscula  foliis  tenerioribus,  spar  sis, 
4  poll,  longis,  l1/^  poll,  latis,  basi  rotundatis  vel  acutis,  minutissime  serrulatis; 
pedunculis  4  lin.  longis.  Kauai  um  Kealia,  etc.  2025. 

The  variety  is  not  known  to  the  writer.  The  species  occurs  on  all  the  islands 
of  the  group,  especially  in  the  middle  forest  zone  up  to  5000  feet  and  even 
higher.  It  is  a  small,  rather  glabrous  tree,  but  more  often  a  shrub.  It  is 
known  to  the  old  natives  as  Wanini,  or  Anini.  On  the  summit  of  Waialeale, 
Kauai,  the  writer  met  with  this  species  as  a  stiff  shrub,  with  very  large  fruits, 
as  compared  with  those  of  the  middle  forest  zone,  where  the  berries  do  not 
become  larger  than  6  mm. 

The  Wanini  is  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  outside  of  which  it  has  not 
been  found. 



The  family  Guttiferae  reaches  its  highest  development  between  the  tropics  of 
Cancer  and  Capricorn,  and  only  the  genus  Hypericum  is  found  also  outside  the 
tropics.  To  this  family  belong  the  Mammei  apple,  the  Mangosteen,  and  other 
edible  fruits.  The  genus  Calophyllum  is  here  represented  by  only  one  cosmo- 
politan species. 


Flowers  polygamous;  sepals  and  petals  not  always  distinguishable  from  each  other, 
together  4  to  12,  in  2  to  3  rows,  imbricate;  stamens  many,  free  or  hardly  united  at  the 
base,  filiform,  with  ovate  or  elongate  anthers,  long  style  and  peltate  stigma.  Fruit  a 
drupe  with  thin  sarcocarp,  with  crustaceous  stone  and  globose  or  ovoid  seed.  Trees  with 
shiny  coriaceous  leaves,  with  numerous  parallel  nerves,  and  medium  sized  or  rather  small 
flowers,  arranged  in  racemes  or  panicles. 

The  genus  Calophyllum  with  its  55  species  occurs  in  the  old  world,  with  the 
exception  of  4  species  which  are  found  in  tropical  America.  Only  one  species, 
C.  Inopliyllum,  the  true  Hawaiian  Kamani,  is  represented  in  these  islands.  It 
is  the  most  noteworthy  species  of  those  occurring  in  the  old  world.  It  produces 
the  real  Balsamum  Mariae,  and  a  resin  called  Tacamaliak. 

Calophyllum  inophyllum  Linn. 

(Plate  122.) 

CALOPHYLLUM  INOPHYLLUM  Linn.  Spec.  Plant.  I.  (1753)  513;— Forst.  Prodr.  (1786) 
no.  225;— DC.  Prodr.  I.  (1824)  562;— Guillem.  Zeph.  Tait.  (1836-1837)— no.  337;— 
Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no.  1397;— A.  Gray,  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  218;— Pancher 
in  Cuzent,  Tahiti  (1860)  223;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1865)  12;— Parkins  Draw.  Tab. 
PI.  (ined.  cf.  Seem.)  t.  55;— H.  Mann,  Proc.  Am.  Ac-ad.  VII.  (1867)  156,  et  Fl. 
Haw.  Isl.  in  Proc.  Essex  Inst.  V.  (1867)  133; — Nadeaud  Enum.  Tahit.  PI.  (1873) 
no  440.— Wawra  in  Flora  (1874);— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  40;— Del  Cast.  111. 
Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  116,  et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.  (1893)  10:— Erigler  in  Engl.  et 
Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  6.  (1895)  222.  Fig.  105;— Wilder  Fr.  Haw.  Isl.  (1911)  152. 
pi.  74.— Brigham  Ka  Hana  Kapa  (1911)  171,  fig.  102. 

Leaves  coriaceous,  shining,  broadly  oblong  or  obovate,  20  cm  x  10  cm  rounded  or 
emarginate.  on  petioles  of  about  2.5  cm;  racemes  axillary,  5  to  17  cm  long,  the  pedicles 
2.5  to  3.5  cm  with  short,  soon  deciduous  bracts  at  the  base;  sepals  4,  rounded  8  to  10  mm 
long;  petals  4,  rarely  6  to  8,  white,  oblong  14  to  16  mm;  stamens  numerous,  style  4  to  6 
mm;  fruit  globose  2.5  to  4  cm  thick;  the  flowers  are  fragrant. 

This  beautiful  cosmopolitan  tree,  which  grows  always  near  or  at  the  sea- 
shore, reaches  a  height  of  50  to  60  feet  or  even  more ;  it  forms  large  groves  in 
certain  districts  of  the  islands.  One  is  especially  remarkable  on  the  Island  of 
Molokai.  at  the  entrance  of  the  vallev  of  Halawa,  which  has  been  referred  to 
by  the  earliest  navigators.  Trees  of  this  species,  which  was  found  here  by  the 
first  white  men  and  is  therefore  counted  as  indigenous,  occur  on  all  the  islands 
of  the  group  on  the  sea-shores.  It  is  also  known  through  all  tropical  Asia  and 
Polynesia.  Its  Tahitian  name  is  Tamanu,  while  it  is  known  in  Samoa  as  Tefau. 
The  Samoans  employ  the  oil  of  the  nuts  as  a  remedy  for  eye  catarrh,  while  in 


PLATE  122. 



Trunk  of  tree  with  fruiting  and  flowering  branch  pinned  to  it. 

with  scale. 

Leaves  badly  infested 


Nauru  (Micronesia)  it  is  employed  for  skin  diseases.  In  Fiji  the  tree  is  known 
as  Diol.  Seeman  in  his  Flora  of  Fiji  writes:  "The  most  valuable  oil  pro- 
duced in  Fiji  is  that  extracted  from  the  seeds  of  this  tree.  The  natives  use  it 
for  greasing  their  bodies  and  polishing  their  arms." 

The  Hawaiians  used  the  wood  for  calabashes  or  poi  bowls.  In  India  the  tree 
is  known  as  Alexandrian  Laurel  and  its  wood  is  used  for  cabinet  work,  ma- 
chinery, railway  sleepers  and  mast  spars.  The  wood  is  moderately  hard,  close 
grained  and  of  a  reddish  brown  color.  The  resin  exuding  from  the  bark  is 
useful  in  indolent  ulcers. 


This  family,  consisting  of  70  genera  and  more  than  500  species,  is  exclu- 
sively tropical.  Not  a  single  species  is  found  either  in  Europe  or  North  America. 
They  are  distributed  from  India  to  Australia,  Africa  and  the  Pacific  islands. 
Nearly  all  Flacourtiaceae  inhabit  the  lowlands  or  lower  forest  zone. 

The  family  is  represented  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands  by  two  species  belonging 
to  the  genus  Xylosma. 

XYLOSMA  Forst. 

Flowers  dioecious,  rarely  polygamous.  Calyx  lobes  4  to  5,  somewhat  united  at  the 
base,  imbricate,  usually  ciliate.  Petals  none.  Stamens  numerous,  surrounded  by  an  an- 
nular discus,  the  latter  often  consisting  of  several  glands;  filaments  free,  filiform,  long; 
anthers  round  or  elliptical,  2-celled,  extrorse,  versatile.  Ovary  wanting  in  the  male  flow- 
ers, surrounded  by  a  discus  or  rarely  by  staminodia,  1-celled,  free,  with  2  to  3  placentas, 
each  with  2  or  (4  to  6)  ascending,  epitropous  ovules.  Style  short,  occasionally  entirely 
missing.  Stigma  peltately  lobed.  Fruit  a  2  to  8  seeded  berry  with  little  fruit  flesh.  Seeds 
obovoid  with  rich  albumen,  embryo  large,  with  broad  cotyledons.— Small  trees  or  shrubs, 
often  with  axillary  thorns,  but  unarmed  in  the  Hawaiian  species.  Leaves  alternate, 
shortly  petioled,  entire  ,or  dentate-crenate,  coriaceous  without  stipules.  Flowers  small, 
in  short  axillary  racemes  with  small  bracts. 

A  genus  of  45  species,  distributed  over  all  tropical  countries,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  Africa.  Thirty-two  species  alone  are  found  in  America,  while  only  four 
are  known  from  Polynesia,  including  the  two  Hawaiian  species. 


Leaves  entire;  stigma  sessile,  generally  3 X.  Hawaiiense 

Leaves  crenate  or  sinuate;  stigmas  raised  on  a  style,  generally  2 X.  Hillfcbrandii 

Xylosma  Hawaiiense  Seem. 

XYLOSMA  HAWAIIENSE  Seem.  Flora  Vit.  (1865)  7;— Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII. 
(1867)  150,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Proc.  Ess.  Inst.  V.  (1867)  122; — Wawra  in  Florg 
(1873)  171;  — Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  20;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac. 
VI.  (1890)  109.— Myroxylon  Hawaiiense  (Seem.)  O.  Ktze.  Eev.  Gen.  PI.  (1891) 
44;— Warburg  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  III.  6a.  (1893)  41;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl. 
Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)  856. 

Leaves  distichous  on  petioles  of  12  mm,  ovate  or  rounded  7.5  to  10  cm  long,  6  to  7.5 
cm  wide,  shortly  acuminate,  entire,  thick,  coriaceous,  glabrous;  flowers  small  greenish  or 


PLATE  123. 


Fruiting  branch,  one-half  natural  size. 


reddish,  about  8  in  racemes  of  10  to  15  mm  in  length,  often  several  racemes  from  one 
gemma,  the  pedicels  of  about  the  same  length,  bracteolate  below  the  middle;  male  flowers: 
sepals  4,  connected  at  the  base,  ovate,  obtuse  3  mm,  margins  ciliate;  stamens  2  or  3  times 
as  long,  on  a  raised  torus  and  surrounded  by  a  crenulate  disc;  female  flowers:  sepals  5, 
quincunial;  ovary  surrounded  by  a  crenulate  disc  and  a  few  rudimentary  stamens;  stigma 
sessile,  peltately  2  to  3  (or  4)  lobed,  the  lobes  reflexed;  placentas  3  (-4)  with  3  pendulous 
ovules  to  each;  berry  reddish  somewhat  dry  8  to  12  mm  long,  ovoid;  seeds  5  mm;  embryo 
straight  in  copious  albumen,  but  shorter,  the  radicle  shorter  than  the  broad  foliaceous 

The  Maua  is  a  very  handsome  tree,  conspicuous  in  the  forest  by  its  reddish 
young  leaves.  It  thrives  best  in  the  drier  districts  on  the  Islands  of  Oahu  and 
Kauai  only.  The  Maua  of  Molokai,  Hawaii,  and  Maui  is  botanically  referred 
to  another  species. 

In  the  forest  of  Kopiwai,  a  semi-dry  district  on  the  leeward  side  of  Kauai. 
it  grows  to  a  height  of  30  feet,  developing  a  more  or  less  straight  trunk  of  some- 
times more  than  a  foot  in  diameter,  with  a  smooth  bark.  It  is  conspicuous  on 
account  of  its  large  ovate  or  rounded  leaves,  which  are  of  a  dark-green  color 
with  reddish  hue  and  shining.  It  is  not  uncommon  at  an  altitude  of  2000  feet, 
and  sometimes  as  high  as  3000  feet,  where  it  can  usually  be  found  in  company 
with  the  Hame  or  Haa,  Kopiko,  Ahakea,  and  others. 

It  is  confined,  like  the  Kalia,  to  the  Islands  of  Oahu  and  Kauai.  In  the 
former  island  it  grows  in  nearly  all  the  valleys  of  the  leeward  side,  but  has  also 
been-  observed  in  Punaluu,  on  the  windward  side  of  Oahu ;  at  lower  elevation  it 
usually  is  not  taller  than  20  feet,  or  sometimes  even  less. 

On  Kauai  it  is  found  in  the  lower  forest  zone  above  Waimea,  in  the  woods  of 
Kopiwai,  where  it  is  associated  with  the  Alphitonia  excelsa  (Kauila),  Dracae- 
na aurea,  the  Halapepa,  8  ant  alum  pryrularium,  Sandalwood,  and  others;  also  at 
Kaholuamano  and  probably  in  the  woods  above  Koloa.  It  is  not  found  outside 
of  the  Hawaiian  group,  but  has  a  relative  in  the  Marquesas,  Tonga  and  Viti 

There  seem  to  be  intermediate  leaves  between  this  species  and  the  following; 
on  Lanai  occurs  a  tree  with  entire  leaves,  while  others  have  a  faint  suggestion 
of  crenate  leaves;  evidently  the  two  species  are  very  little  distinct  specifically. 
The  following  may  only  be  a  good  variety  of  the  former. 

Xylosma  Hillebrandii  Wawra. 

(Plate  123.) 

XYLOSMA  HILLEBRANDII  Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  171;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  20;— 
Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins..  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  109.— Myroxylon  Hillebrandii  (Wawra) 
O.  Ktze.  Eev.  Gen.  PI.  I.  (1891)  44;— Warburg  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill  6  a. 

(1893")    41. 

Leaves  on  petioles  of  12  mm,  ovate-oblong,  6  to  10  cm  long,  3  to  7  em  wide,  somewhat 
obtuse,  or  acute,  contracted  at  the  base  or  rounded,  repandly  crenate,  even  sinuate,  the 
teeth  tipped  with  a  callous  gland,  membraneous,  chartaceous  or  in  very  dry  districts  cori- 
caeous,  glabrous  and  shining,  racemes  puberulous.  12  to  25  mm  long,  with  10  to  12  flowers 
on  pedicels  of  2  to  6  mm,  which  are  bracteolate  above  the  base  and  articulate:  male 
flowers:  sepals  4,  broadly  ovate  or  triangular,  with  a  white  pubescence  on  both  faces, 


PLATK  124. 


Flowering    branch,    two-thirds    natural    size. 


ciliate,  disc  4-lobed;  female  flowers:  sepals  4,  occasionally  5,  stigma  2-lobed,  on  a  short 
style;  placentas  (2,  rarely  3),  each  with  3  pendulous  ovules;  fruit  subglobose  to  obovoid, 
beaked  with  the  permanent  style.. 

This  tree,  which  is  also  called  Maua  by  the  natives,  is  to  be  found  on  all  the 
islands  of  the  group,  with  the  exception  of  Oahu  and  Kauai.  It  differs  mainly 
from  its  cogener  in  its  leaves,  which  are  not  entire,  but  crenate.  It  is  a  much 
smaller  tree  in  certain  localities,  only  reaching  a  height  of  10  to  15  feet,  pre- 
fering  the  very  dry  lands  on  the  leeward  sides  of  Lanai,  Molokai,  Hawaii,  and 
Maui.  On  the  latter  island  on  the  southern  slopes  of  Haleakala,  and  on  Hawaii 
in  the  rain  forest  of  Kau,  it  reaches  its  best  development :  there  have  been  ob- 
served trees  40  feet  in  height  with  a  trunk  of  over  one  foot  in  diameter.  This 
Maua  presents  a  very  poor  appearance  on  the  west  end  of  Molokai,  where  in- 
dividual trees  are  still  to  be  found  on  the  slopes  of  Mahana  valley.  Windswept 
and  stunted,  it  stands  as  a  relic  of  by-gone  days,  the  remnant  of  what  was  once 
a  beautiful  forest.  Its  associates,  Gardenia  Brighami  (Nau),  Keynoldsia  sand- 
wicensis  (Olie),  Kokia  drynarioides  (Kokio),  and  others,  of  which  only  a 
few  are  left,  have  experienced  a  similar  fate,  and  in  time  not  far  hence  will  be 
things  of  the  past.  On  Hawaii,  it  grows  on  the  aa  (rough)  lava  fields  of  Puu- 
waawaa  and  Huehue,  North  Kona,  and  Kawaihaeiuka  (2000  feet),  and  at  an 
elevation  of  4000  feet  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  on  the  land  of  Keauhou  near 
Kilauea  volcano.  Here  the  tree  is  larger  and  of  similar  size  to  the  Maua  of 
Kauai  and  Oahu.  On  Lanai  it  may  be  found  on  the  dry  ridges  as  well  as  on  the 
flat  land  of  Kaa,  where  a  peculiar  forest  of  an  area  of  perhaps  30  acres  has  with- 
stood the  ravages  of  cattle  and  sheep,  but,  as  on  Molokai,  is  rapidly  succumbing. 
On  Maui  it  grows  above  Makawao  and  on  the  southern  slopes  of  the  crater  of 
Haleakala  on  the  lava  field  of  Auahi.  district  of  Kahikinui,  at  a  height  of  2600 
feet  above  sea  level.  Both  Mauas  blossom  usually  in  midsummer,  but  no  par- 
ticular month  can  be  stated,  as  the  flowering  period  varies  greatly  according  to 
locality  and  environment. 

This  species  is  closely  related  to  the  Tahitian  Xylosma  suaveolens  Forst., 
while  the  other  Maua  approaches  very  closely  Xylosma  orbiculatum  from 
the  Viti,  Marquesas,  and  Tongan  islands. 

This  species  is  quite  variable.  Specimens  from  the  west  of  Molokai  are  quite 
distinct  from  those  of  East  Maui,  above  Makawao;  from  the  latter  place  the 
racemes  are  the  longest  in  any  specimen  of  this  species,  being  25  to  30  mm  long 
on  the  naked  branch  below  the  leaves,  while  in  those  from  Molokai  the  racemes 
are  very  short  and  axillary  only.  In  regard  to  the  leaves,  the  crenation  differs 
very  much  also,  some  having  almost  entire  leaves. 


The  family  Thymelaeaceae  is  a  rather  small  one,  consisting  of  37  genera  with 
about  455  species.  With  the  exception  of  the  Polar  zones,  the  family  is  dis- 
tributed over  the  whole  globe,  and  ranges  from  Terra  del  Fuego  to  Canada, 



in  America,  and  In  the  old  world  from  New  Zealand  to  Norway.  It  is  poorly 
represented  in  the  tropical  and  temperate  regions,  but  is  very  rich  in  species  in 
the  sub-tropical  regions  of  Africa  and  Australia,  and  in  the  steppes  of  Asia. 
In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  the  family  is  represented  by  the  genus  Wikstroemia, 
which  has  about  eight  species  in  this  archipelago,  all  of  which,  with  the  ex- 
ception perhaps  of  one,  are  endemic.  Three  species  become  trees.  The  others 
are  small  shrubs. 


Flowers  hermaphrodite,  tetramerous.  Eeceptacle  long  cylindrical.  Calyx  lobes 
spreading,  petals  none.  Stamens  in  two  alternate  rows,  inserted  in  the  upper  portion  of 
the  receptacular  tube,  the  upper  near  the  top  of  the  tube  opposite  the  lobes.  Hypogynous 
scales  4  to  2.  Ovary  sessile,  glabrous  or  tomentose.  Style  very  short,  the  large  globose 
stigma  therefore  almost  sessile.  Fruit  a  drupe,  or  dry,  and  then  enclosed  by  the 
receptacular  base.  Albumen  scanty  or  none.  Embryo  with  fleshy  cotyledons. — Shrubs  or 
trees  with  opposite  or  rarely  alternate  leaves.  Flowers  terminal  ill  short  racemes  or 
spikes.  Bracts  none. 

This  genus,  whose  Hawaiian  species  are  known  to  the  natives  by  the  name 
Akia,  is  composed  of  about  20  species,  found  in  the  Indo-Malayan  region,  China, 
Australia  and  the  Hawaiian  Islands;  in  the  latter  locality  about  eight  species 
are  endemic.  All  have  a  very  tough  bark  and  furnished  one  of  the  strongest 
Hawaiian  fibers.  The  Hawaiian  Akia  or  Akea  contain  an  acrid  narcotic  and 
were  used  for  stupefying  fish. 

Leaves  ovate,  small,  3.5  cm,  glabrous. 

Spikes  short,  glabrous W.  oahuensis 

Leaves  large,  ovate-oblong,  occasionally  pubescent. 
Spikes  tomentose,  thick. 

Branches  often  drooping,  spikes  often  3  cm  long W.  sandwicensis 

Branches  stiff,  erect,  spikes  4  to  7.5  cm,  many  forked W.  furcata 

Wikstroemia  oahuensis   (Gray)   Rock. 

(Plate  124.) 

WIKSTEOEMIA  OAHUENSIS  (Gray)  Eock.— Wikstroemia  foetida  var.  Oahuensis  Gray 
in  Seem.  Journ.  Bot.  III.  (1865)  302;— Seem.  Flora  Vit.  (1866)  207;— H.  Mann  in 
Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  199;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1875)  175;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw. 
Isl.  (1888)  385.— Wikstroemia  indica  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII  (1892) 
280. — Diplomorpha  Oahuensis  Heller  in  Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)  860. 

Leaves  ovate  or  ovate-lanceolate  2.5  to  5  cm  long,  12  to  25  mm  wide,  on  petioles  of 
2  to  4  mm,  acute  at  the  apex,  rounded  or  slightly  contracted  at  the  base,  glabrous,  pale 
underneath,  thin  chartaceous;  flowers  6  to  12  on  pedicels  of  1  mm,  clustered  at  the  head 
of  a  short  terminal  peduncle,  the  cluster  at  most  elongating  into  a  spikelet  of  4  mm  in 
length;  perianth  pale  or  greenish  yellow,  tubular,  puberulous,  about  7  mm  long,  including 
the  spreading  lobes,  which  are  somewhat  obtuse,  and  perhaps  half,  often  less,  the  length  of 
the  tube;  lower  stamens  at  the  middle  of  the  tube  or  somewhat  higher;  hypogynous 
scales  4  to  5,  linear,  connate  at  the  base,  as  long  as  the  ovary,  which  is  glabrous  except 
the  apex  which  is  often,  but  not  always,  strigose-pubescent,  style  very  short,  with  capi- 
tate stigma;  drupe  ovoid,  6  to  8  mm,  reddish  yellow. 

This  species  of  Akia  is  usually  a  shrub  2  to  4  feet  high,  but  on  the  upper 
slopes  of  Mt.  Konahuanui  it  is  a  small  tree  12  to  15  feet  in  height,  where  it 



grows  in  company  with  Cheirodendron  platyphyllum,  Lobelia  macrostaclnjs, 
Pittosponim  spathidatum,  several  species  of  Pelea,  Scaevola  glabra  and  others. 
On  the  low  lands  on  the  outskirts  of  the  forest  on  open  glades,  as  in  Niu  Valley, 
it  is  only  2  feet  or  so  in  height.  The  trunk  and  branches  are  clothed  in  a 
black,  very  tough,  fibrous  bark,  which,  owing  to  its  strength,  was  employed  by 
the  natives  for  ropes  and  other  purposes  where  strong  fiber  was  needed;  it 
almost  equals  the  Olona  in  strength.  The  plant  is  poisonous  and  was  employed 
by  the  natives,  similarly  to  the  Auhola  or  Auhiilu  (Tephrosia  piscatoria)  for 
fishing.  The  plant  was  pounded  to  pulp  and  thrown  into  the  water,  which 
stupefied  the  fishes  in  the  immediate  neighborhood,  which  floated  to  the  surface 
of  the  water.  This  mode  of  fishing  has  been  forbidden  of  late. 

Wikstroemia  sandwicensis  Meisn. 

WIKSTROEMIA  SANDWICENSIS  Meisner  in  DC.  Prodr.  XIV.  (1856)  545;—  Gray  in 
Seem.  Jour.  Bot.  III.  (1865)  303;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1866)  206;— Mann  Proc.  'Am. 
Acad.  VII.  (1867)  199;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  386;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins. 
Mar.  Pac.  VII.  (1892)  280;— Gilg.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  6a.  (1894)  235.— 
W.  foetida  var.  glauca  Wawra  in  Flora  (1875)  176— Diplomorpha  sandwice-isis 
Heller  in  Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)  861. 

Leaves  dark  green,  glabrous,  or  slightly  pubescent  underneath,  especially  along  the 
midrib  and  veins,  chartaceous  and  faintly  nerved,  ovate  or  ovate  oblong  to  lanceolate,  5-10 
cm  long,  2.5-4  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  6-8  mm  which  are  often  pubescent,  acute  at  both  ends 
or  often  rounded  at  the  base;  adult  spikes  4-30  mm  long  on  peduncles  of  2-6  mm,  suberect 
or  drooping,  usually  terminal,  densely  flowered  near  the  apex,  the  rachys  thick  squarrose 
and  tomentose,  sometimes  dichotomously  forking;  perianth  on  a  short  pedicel  of  1  mm, 
silky  tomentose  5-6  mm  long,  the  lobes  somewhat  obtuse;  scales  4  linear,  free,  as  long  as 
the  ovary,  drupe  ovoid  8-10  mm,  usually  only  two  maturing  at  the  apex  of  the  spike. 

To  this  species  will  have  to  be  referred  Leveille's  Wikstroemia  Fauriei,  which 
is  based  mainly  on  the  pubescent  leaves. 

The  writer  has  large  material  of  this  species  (TV.  sandwicensis)  with  perfectly 
glabrous  leaves,  and  again  specimens  with  leaves  which  are  pubescent  under- 
neath. Pubescence  in  Hawaiian  plants  is  not  at  all  a  characteristic  to  be  relied 
upon,  which  anyone  who  has  collected  in  these  islands  can  readily  verify.  If 
one  should  make  new  species  of  a  plant  based  on  such  characteristics  there 
would  be  no  end  and  the  number  of  Hawaiian  plants  would  reach  several 

This  species  occurs  mainly  on  Hawaii  on  the  lava  fields  and  on  the  great 
central  plain  on  the  outskirts  of  the  forest  and  in  the  Koa  forest  at  an  elevation 
of  5000  feet,  where  it  is  a  small  tree  15  feet  high.  At  this  elevation  it  is  much 
branching  and  the  branches  are  drooping  and  sparingly  foliose.  Like  all  other 
Hawaiian  Akia,  the  bark  is  very  tough  and  blackish.  It  fruits  prolifically 
during  the  winter  months.  Hillebrand  records  it  from  Hilo,  where  Faurie's 
specimens  were  collected  also. 


PLATE  125. 


Ohia  Ai  or  Ohia,  Mountain  Apple. 
Flowering  branch,  about   one-half  natural  size. 


Wikstroemia  furcata  (Hbd.)  Rock. 

WIKSTROEMIA  FURCATA  (Hbd.)  Bock.— Wikstroemia  sandwicensis  Meisn.  var.  furcata 
Hbd.  Flora  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  386;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII.  (1892) 

Leaves  6  to  14  cm  long,  2  to  5  cm  wide,  dark  green  above,  pale  underneath,  glabrous 
on  both  sides,  shortly  contracted  at  the  base,  acute  or  rounded  or  subcordate,  acute  or 
obtuse  at  the  apex,  on  petioles  of  4  to  8  mm,  chartaceous;  spikes  5  to  7.5  cm  long  re- 
peatedly forking  3  to  5  times,  yellowish  pubescent,  many  flowered,  the  perianth  silky 
tomentose  on  a  pedicel  of  2  mm,  tube  of  perianth  yellowish,  about  4  mm,  the  spreading 
lobes  acute,  about  one  third  the  length  of  the  tube,  apex  of  ovary  silky  pubescent,  as  well 
as  the  short  style  and  thick  stigma;  drupes  much  larger  than  in  'IT.  Mindicieeiisis,  15  mm 
long,  ovoid,  bright  red;  seed  ovoid  to  acute,  testa  thin,  black,  and  shining. 

Found  on  Kauai,  especially  in  the  swampy  jungles  back  of  Kaholuamano  and 
Halemanu  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet.  It  certainly  is  a  very  striking  plant, 
especially  during  the  month  of  October,  when  the  small  trees  are  loaded  with 
the  rather  large,  bright  red  fruits.  The  branches  are  erect  and  not  drooping, 
and  rather  stout. 

It  differs  from  W.  sandwicensis  in  the  long  and  many-forked  spike,  the  large 
leaves,  and  the  large  bright  red  drupes.  The  native  name,  like  that  of  all 
other  species,  is  Akia. 


The  family  Myrtaceae  consists  of  72  genera  with  about  2750  species,  which 
belong  to  two  main  evolutional  centers,  one  in  tropical  America,  the  other  on 
the  Australian  continent.  It  is  less  numerous  in  species  in  Polynesia,  tropical 
Asia,  Africa  and  subtropical  America.  In  the  Mediterranean  region  only  one 
species  occurs,  the  ordinary  Myrtle.  The  family  cannot  adapt  itself  to  cold 
climates;  only  a  few  species  of  Eucalypti  occur  in  such  regions  in  Tasmania 
as  are  covered  with  snowr  for  several  months  in  the  year. 

In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  four  genera  are  represented,  three  of  which  possess 
one  species  each,  while  the  genus  Metrosideros  has  several  species,  of  which  one 
occurs  from  sea-level  to  9000  feet  elevation  in  the  most  varied  forms. 

Of  early  introduction  are  the  various  Guayava  species  (Guava)  and  of  late 
the  genus  Eucalyptus,  with  about  60  to  70  species. 


Fruit  a  berry. 

Petals  falling  off  single;  staminal  discus  distinct Jambosa 

Petals  cohering,  falling  off  together;  staminal  discus  not  distinct Syzygium 

Fruit  a  capsule Metrosideros 


Keceptacle  obconical,  funnel-shaped,  cup-shaped  or  cylindrical,  gradually  tapering  into 
the  peduncle,  and  prolonged  over  the  ovary;  dilated  discus-like  at  the  insertion  of  the 
stamens.  Calyx  lobes  comparatively  large,  usually  semicircular.  Flowers  single  or  in 
terminal  or  lateral  cymes  or  corymbs. 


PLATE  126. 


Ohia  Ha  or  Paihi. 
Flowering  and  fruiting  branch,  about  one-half  natural  size. 


The  genus  Jambosa  consists  of  about  120  species,  which  are  distributed  over 
the  Indo-Malayan,  but  especially  Malagassic,  regions;  also  over  north-eastern 
Australia  and  Polynesia. 

In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  the  genus  is  represented  by  one  cosmopolitan  species. 

Jambosa  malaccensis  (Linn.)  P.DC. 

Oliia  ai,  Mountain  Apple. 

(Plate  125.) 

JAMBOSA  MALACCENSIS  (Linn.)  P.  DC.  Prodr.  III.  (1828)  286;— Hook,  et  Am.  Bot. 
Beech.  (1832)  83;— Endl.  Flora  Suds,  in  Ann.  Wien.  Mus.  (1836)  181,  n.  1466;— 
Guillem.  Zeph.  Tait.  (1836-1837)  no.  298;— Pancher  in  Cuz.  Tahiti,  (1860)  232;— 
Jardin  Hist.  Nat.  lies  Marqu.  (1858)  24;— Nadeaud  Enum.  Tab.  PI.  (1873)  488;— 
Niedenzu  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  7.  (1893)  84;— Wilder  Fruits  Haw.  Isl. 
(1911)  20.  pi.  8. — Eugenia  malaccensis  Linn.  Spec.  PI.  ed.  I.  (1753)  470; — Forst. 
Prodr.  (1786)  no.  220;— Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  510;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1866) 
77;  — Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  166,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  Proc.  Ess.  Inst. 
V.  (1867)  245;— Mrs.  Sinclair  Ind.  Flow.  Haw.  Isl.  (1885)  pi.  41;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw. 
Isl.  (1888)  128;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  169,  et  Fl.  Polyn. 
Franc.  (2893)  67;— Heller  in  Minnes.  Bot.  S'tud.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)  862;— Brigham 
Ka  Hana  Kapa  Mem.  B.  P.  Bish.  Mus.  III.  (1911)  156,  fig.  93. — Jambosa  domestica 
Eumph.  Herb.  Amb.  I.  (1741)  127.  t.  37; — Blume  Mus.  Bot.  (1849)  91. — J.  pur- 
purascens  DC.  1.  c. 

Leaves  opposite,  elliptical  or  obovate-oblong,  15  to  20  cm  long,  5  to  7.5  cm  wide, 
on  petioles  of  12  mm,  suddenly  acuminate,  dark  green  and  shining,  not  dotte-I,  the  sinuate 
marginal  nerve  distant  from  the  edge;  cymes  axillary,  usually  cauline,  short,  about  5  cm 
long,  their  lowest  branches  8  to  12  mm  long  and  3  flowered,  the  middle  and  terminal 
branch  racemose;  pedicels  short,  gradually  enlarging  into  the  calyx;  calyx  turbinate,  pro- 
duced beyond  the  ovary,  with  4  rounded  lobes;  petals  obovate,  red,  reddish-purple  or 
white,  6  mm;  the  red  or  white  stamens  18  mm  long;  fruit  obovate;  about  7.5  cm  in  dia- 
meter, umbilicate  at  the  top  and  crowned  by  the  truncate  scar  of  the  calyx-lobes,  deep 
crimson,  pale  pinkish,  or  white;  seed  generally  one. 

Occasionally  a  tree  of  60  feet  in  height.  It  is  the  mountain  apple  of  the 
white  man  and  the  Ohio,  ai  or  edible  Ohio,  of  the  native  Hawaiian.  So  much  has 
been  written  about  this  cosmopolitan  species  that  only  a  brief  account  of  it 
will  be  given  in  the  following  lines. 

The  Oliia  ai  was  undoubtedly  brought  to  Hawaii  by  the  natives  long  before 
the  arrival  of  the  first  white  man,  and  was  the  only  Hawaiian  fruit  before  the 
coming  of  the  latter.  It  is  widely  distributed  over  the  islands  of  the  Pacific, 
where  it  is  known  by  various  names.  It  favors  the  windward  sides  of  the 
islands  in  the  valleys  and  gorges,  where  it  forms  almost  pure  stands,  along 
streambeds.  It  is  restricted  to  the  lowlands  and  never  ascends  into  the 

It  flowers  and  fruits  at  various  times  of  the  year  according  to  locality.  In 
one  district  the  trees  can  be  seen  in  flower  while  in  another  the  trees  are  loaded 
with  the  bright  red  watery  apples. 

The  Oliia  ai  played  an  important  role  in  the  legends  of  Hawaii  and  Polynesia 
as  a  whole,  and  was  regarded  as  sacred,  and  from  its  wood  many  idols  were 

The  white  variety  is  known  in  Hawaii  as  Oliia  ai  Ima  ~keokeo,  and  in  Fiji  as 



PLATE  127. 


Oliia  Lehua. 
High  mountain  form  from  Mt.  Haleakala,  Maui;  belongs  to  section  IT.  var.  t\  reduced. 


Kavika  vulavula,  while  the  red  is  called  Kavika  damudamu  by  the  Fijians.  In 
Samoa  the  tree  is  called  nonufi  afi'a  or  nomula  for  the  red  variety,  while  the 
white  variety  is  known  as  nonuui.  The  bark  of  the  trees  is  used  as  an  astringent, 
while  the  flowers  and  leaves  are  used  for  lung  troubles. 

The  trunks  of  the  trees  were  hewn  into  posts  and  rafters  for  houses,  also  used 
in  making  the  enclosures  about  temples.  From  it  were  also  made  the  sticks  to 
couple  together  the  double  canoes. 

SYZYGIUM  Gaertn. 

S'taminal  discus  wanting.  Sepals  usually  short  and  broad  or  entirely  missing.  Petals 
usually  united  and  falling  off  together  at  the  opening  of  the  flowers. — Otherwise  as  in 

The  genus  Syzygium  consists  of  more  than  140  species,  of  which  only  two  or 
three  are  found  in  tropical  Africa.  The  majority  of  the  species  of  this  genus 
occur  in  the  East  Indian-Malayan  archipelago  or  region,  while  four  are  found 
in  Australia,  of  which  two  are  endemic.  The  Hawaiian  Islands  possess  a  single 
endemic  species  which  is  known  by  the  natives  as  Ohio,  ha  or  Paihi. 

Syzygium  sandwicense  (Gray)  Ndz. 

Ohia  ha  or  Paihi  on  Maui. 

(Plate  126.) 

SYZYGIUM  SANDWICENSE  (Gray)  Ndz.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  7.  (1893)  85.— 
Eugenia  sandwicensis  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  519; — Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad. 
VII.  (1867)  166,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  246;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  171;— 
Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  129.— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  170;— 
Heller  in  Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)  862. 

Sometimes  a  tree  of  20  m;  branches  angular,  sharply  margined;  leaves  obovate  or 
obovate-oblong,  rounded  and  usually  emarginate  at  the  apex,  glabrous,  dark  green  or 
yellowish  brown  with  red  veins,  subcoriaceous,  4-10  cm  long,  3-5  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of 
about  12  mm,  the  marginal  nerve  continuous;  cymes  single  or  compound  in  the  axils  of  the 
upper  leaves,  the  common  peduncle  angular  and  elongate,  2.5-3.5  cm,  the  pedicels  only 
about  3  mm,  articulate  and  bibracteolate  below  the  calyx;  bractlets  small  triangular;  calyx 
turbinate,  3-4  mm  long,  4-lobed,  imbricate,  early  deciduous;  petals  obovate,  often  emarginate, 
pinkish,  about  2  mm,  generally  discreet,  but  sometimes  united  and  falling  off  togefher; 
stamens  20-30,  shorter  than  the  petals;  style  short;  ovary  2-celled,  with  10  or  more  ovules 
in  each  cell;  berry  turbinate  or  globose,  flat  at  the  top,  8-10  mm  in  diameter,  red;  seeds 
1  or  2,  with  a  pale  thin  testa,  the  thick  cotyledons  not  consolidated. 

The  Ohia  ha,  or  Paihi  as  it  is  called  on  Maui,  occurs  on  all  the  islands  of  the 
group  and  becomes  often  a  tree  60  feet  or  more  in  height,  with  a  diameter  of 
trunk  of  one  to  one  and  a  half  feet. 

The  bark  is  reddish  brown  and  smooth  and  it  can  therefore  be  distinguished 
easily  from  the  Ohia  lehua  ( Metros! deros),  which  has  rough  scaly  bark.  The 
wood  of  the  Ohia  ha  is  hard  and  durable  and  is  of  a  reddish  color.  It  inhabits 
the  forests  of  lower  elevations,  but  can  often  be  found  also  up  to  4000  feet,  as, 
for  example,  on  Kauai  in  the  forests  of  Kaholuamano  and  Halemanu.  It 
reaches  its  best  development  in  the  dense  rain  forest,  while  on  open,  exposed 
ridges  it  becomes  stunted  and  is  inclined  to  be  shrubby.  During  the  late  summer 


PLATE  128. 


Ohia  Lehua. 
From  near  Kilauea  Volcano,  Hawaii;  belongs  to  section  III.  var.  t;  reduced. 


months  the  trees  are  often  loaded  with  the  bright  red  berries,  which  are  edible, 
though  somewhat  insipid.  The  inflorescence  is  often  monstrously  deformed, 
similarly  to  that  of  the  Kalia  tree  (Elaeocarpus  bifidus),  the  work  of  a  species 
of  Acari. 

The  wood  was  used  as  fuel  and  also  in  house-making,  while  the  bark  was 
employed  in  staining  tapa  a  black  color. 


Flowers  perigynous.  Receptaculum  funnel-shaped  or  campanulate.  Calyx-lobes 
deltoid  or  obtuse,  5.  Petals  5,  rounded.  Stamens  numerous,  usually  in  a  row;  filaments 
free,  long;  anthers  elongate,  dorsifixed,  versatile.  Ovary  united  at  the  base  with  the 
receptaculum,  3-celled.  Style  very  long;  stigma  simple.  Seeds  many,  covering  the  whole 
placenta,  only  partially  fertile;  testa  thin;  embryo  straight;  cotyledons  flat  or  folded, 
longer  than  the  radicle. — Trees  or  shrubs,  rarely  climbers  (in  New  Zealand).  Leaves  op- 
posite. Flowers  in  terminal  or  axillary  cymes. 

The  genus  Metrosideros  consists  of  over  20  species,  of  which  only  one  occurs 
in  the  Cape  Colony,  one  in  the  Sunda  Islands,  and  the  remainder  are  distributed 
over  Australia  and  Polynesia.  The  Hawaiian  Islands  possess  five  species,  of 
which  one  is  cosmopolitan  (M.  polymorpha)  and  occurs  here  in  numerous  va- 
rieties, while  the  others  are  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands. 

This  genus  furnishes  the  bulk  of  the  Hawaiian  forests;  next  in  number  is 
the  Acacia  Koa. 

For  the  numerous  varieties  of  the  OJtia  lehiia  the  natives  of  the  olden  days 
had  many  names,  as,  for  example,  Lehua  mamo,  an  orange  yellow  flowering  Me- 
trosideros polymorpha;  Lehua  humakua,  w7ith  sessile  cordate  leaves;  Lehua 
laulii,  with  very  small  leaves;  Lehua  puakea,  with  white  flowers,  and  others. 


Leaves  on  short  petioles. 

Leaves  suborbicular,  cordate  ovate  or  oblong;  capsule  almost  free.  ...  M.  polymorpha 

Leaves  linear  or  elliptical,  acute  at  both  ends M.  tremuloides 

Leaves  rugose  and  impressed  above;  capsule  adnate  to  near  the  apex  M.  rugosa 

Leaves  on  long  petioles  of  2  to  5  cm. 

Leaves  ovate  to  ovate-oblong;  capsule  hidden  in  the  calyx  tube M.  macropus 

Leaves  acuminate-caudate,  capsule  projecting  beyond  the  calyx-tube  M.  tremuloides 

var.  Waialealae 

Metrosideros  polymorpha  Gaud. 

Ohia  lehua  or  Lehua. 
(Plates  127,  128,  129,  130,  131,  132.) 

METROSIDEROS  POLYMORPHA  Gaud.  Bot.  Voy.  Uranie  (1826-1830)  482.  pi.  108  et 
109;— DC.  Prodr.  III.  (1828)  225;— H.  et  A.  Bot.  Beech.  Voy.  (1832)  82;— Endl.  PI. 
Suds.  (1836)  181.  no.  1452;— A.  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  562; — Seem.  PI.  Vit. 
(1866)  83;— Mann  in  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  166,  et  PL  Haw.  Isl.  Proc. 
Ess.  Inst.  V.  (1867)  243;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  171;— Mrs.  Sin- 
clair Indig.  Flow.  Haw.  Isl.  (1885)  pi.  2;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Tsl.  (1888) 
125.— Metrosideros  collina  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  558.  pi.  68;— Nadeaud 
Enum.  Tahit.  PI.  (1873)  no.  484;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890)  167, 
et  Fl.  Polyn.  Franc.  (1893)  64;— Ndz.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  III.  7.  (1893)  87.— 
M.  lutea  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  560  pi.  69.  B.— M.  villosa  Smith  in  Trans. 


PLATE  129. 

%     lm 

TRUNK    OF    METROSIDEROS    POLYMORPHA    Gaud.,    showing    scaly    bark    and    young 

branches  growing  from  the  base  of  the  trunk.    In  the  forests  of  Kaholuamano, 

Katiai;  elevation  4000  feet. 


Linn.  Soc.  III.  (1797)  268.— M.  spectabilis  Gaertn.  Fruct.  I.  (1788)  172,  pi.  34. 
fig.  9;— Sol.  Prim.  Fl.  Ins.  Pacif.  263  (ined.)  et  in  Parkins.  Draw.  Tali.  PI.  t.  54. — 
M.  diffusa  Hook,  et  Arn.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  63,  (non  Smith).— M.  obovata 
Hook,  et  Arn.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  63.  pi.  12. — Melaleuca  villosa  Linn. 
fig.  m-p.— Nania  collina  O.  K.  Rev.  Gen.  PI.  I.  (1891)  242.— Nania  pumila  Heller 
in  Minn.  Bot.  Stud.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)864.— Nania  glabrifolia  Heller  1.  c.  866.— 
Nania  lutea  Heller  1.  c.  867. —  X  Nania  Fauriei  Levl.  in  Fedde  Eepert.  X.  10/14 
(1911)  150. —  x  Nania  Feddei  Levl.  1.  c.  150. — N.  polymorpha  var.  nummularifolia 
Levl.  Eepert.  X.  10/14  (1911)  149. 

Branches  angular  or  terete,  tomento=e  or  glabrate;  bracts  of  leaf  buds  short,  scarlet, 
early  deciduous;  leaves  opposite  on  short  or  long  petioles,  lanceolate,  oblong,  ovate,  obovate 
or  orbicuJar,  at  the  base  acute,  rounded  or  cordate,  glabrous  or  tomentose  underneath, 
with  faint  nerves;  flowers  in  terminal  cymose  corymbs,  pedicellate  or  subsessile,  3  on  a 
branchlet  or  peduncle,  red,  salmon,  pink,  or  yellow,  bractlets  3  mm  caducous;  calyx 
turbinate,  3  to  5  mm,  glabrose  or  tomentose,  with  deltoid  or  rounded  lobes;  petals  3  to  6 
mm,  oblong  or  obovate;  capsule  semi-adnate,  at  last  almost  free,  3-lobed,  3-valved,  glabrous 
or  tomentose;  seeds  linear  fusiform. 

The  numerous  varieties  of  Metrosideros  polymorpha  may  be  arranged  into 
three  sections  as  follows : 

Sect.       I.     Glabrae. 

Leaves  glabrous  on  both  sides,  calyx  also  glabrous. 
Sect.     II.     Hemilanatae. 

Leaves  glabrous  on  both  sides,  calyx  silvery  or  whitish  tomentose  or  woolly. 
Sect.  III.     Tomentosae. 

Leaves  whitish  or  grayish  tomentose,  calyx  tomentose  or  woolly. 
Sect.      I.     Glabrae. 

a  '  Small  plants  usually  only  found  at  the  summit  swamps  as  on  Mt.  Puukukui, 
and  Mauna  Eke  on  Maui,  (no.  8145). 

Leaves  small  cordate,  suborbicular,  glabrous  on  both  faces,  strongly  but  finely  reticu- 
lated; calyx  glabrous  or  here  and  there  with  a  small  patch  of  minute  silky  pubescence; 
petals  and  stamens  red,  the  former  slightly  ciliate  at  the  margins. 

ft  Trees  on  the  main  range  of  Oahu,  at  an  elevation  of  1000-2000  feet.  Niu 
Valley,  (no.  4829),  Pauoa.  Valley  (no.  1010),  Manoa  Valley. 

Leaves  small  ovate-elliptical,  acute  or  rounded  at  the  apex,  tapering  at  the  base  into 
a  somewhat  margined  petiole;  calyx  perfectly  glabrous,  the  lobes  triangular  acute, 
branchlets  red;  resembles  M.  tremuloides.  Inflorescence  occasionally  but  sparingly 
sprinkled  with  a  silky  pubescence. 

y  Large  trees,  probably  the  typical  M.  polymorpha  on  the  main  range,  Koolau 
Mts.  (no.  1279),  Oahu;  also  from  Kauai. 

Leaves  elliptical  to  ovate-oblong,  larger,  glabrous  on  both  faces  bluntly  acute,  dark 
green,  with  a  straight  marginal  nerve,  shortly  petioled;  calyx  and  corolla  glabrous  or  very 
finely  pubescent,  of  a  silky  white. 

Sect.     II.     Hemilanatae. 

8     Trees  or  shrubs.     Kamoku  forest,  Molokai,  (no.  6181). 

Leaves  ovate  to  ovate-oblong,  obtuse  at  both  ends,  rather  large,  long  petiolate, 
glabrous  on  both  faces  with  indistinct  marginal  nerve;  calyx  and  pedicels  densely  white 
tomentose,  the  rounded  sepals  green  and  glabrous,  petals  red  and  margins  not  ciliate. 

£  Creepers  in  swampy  open  places,  or  bogs,  on  Molokai,  Kawela,  (no.  5087 
and  6097),  resembles  var.  a  sect.  I.  glabrae. 


PLATE  130. 



Ohia  Lehua  Tree. 

STiowing  large   bunch   of  aerial  roots   common   to   this  species.     Growing   on   lava 

fields,  Hawaii. 

PLATE  131. 

remnants  of  tree-fern  trunk  in  the  upper  portion  of  tree  trunk.  For  explanation 
see  text.  Forests  near  Glenwood,  Hawaii;  elevation  3500  feet.  The  tree  to  the 
left  is  Straussia  sp. 

PLATE  132. 

GEOVE   OF  METROSIDEROS  POLYMOKPHA  Gaud.,  Ohia  Lehua;   near  the  Volcano   of 
Kilauea,  Hawaii,  elevation  4000  feet.      Some  of  the  trees  are  nearly  100  feet  high. 


Leaves  small,  suborfcicular,  cordate,  subsessile,  pale  green  or  yellowish,  glabrous  on 
both  faces;  inflorescence  and  calyx  densely  tomentose  or  white  woolly,  the  lobes  green, 
pubescent,  with  ciliate  margins,  red- punctate  on  the  outer  face,  petals  glabrous;  leaves 
often  slightly  pubescent  when  young. 

£     Large  trees  found  on  Kauai,  above  Waimea,  (no.  2044). 

Leaves  large,  ovate  oblong,  shortly  petiolate,  the  petioles  and  part  of  leaf-midrib 
pubescent,  thick  coriaceous,  subcordate  at  the  base;  young  branches  and  inflorescence 
covered  with  a  white  pubescence;  calyx,  sepals  and  petals  white  tomentose  or  woolly,  the 
latter  showing  the  red  through  the  white  pubescence,  the  margins  white  ciliate. 

r,     Trees,  at  high  elevation  6000-7000  feet.     Mt.  Haleakala,  Maui,  (no.  8593). 

Brandies  stout,  stiff  and  gnarled,  scaly;  leaves  small,  thick  coriaceous,  suborbicular, 
cordate,  sessile,  or  auriculate  at  the  base;  inflorescence  densely  and  thickly  white  woolly, 
as  are  the  pedicels  and  calyx  lobes,  petals  red,  glabrous,  the  margins  only  white  ciliate. 

6     Trees,  main  ridge  of  Mahana,  Lanai,  (no.  8055). 

Leaves  ovate,  or  suborbicular,  cordate  at  the  base,  thin,  subcoriaceous,  entirely 
glabrous  on  both  faces,  very  shortly  petiolate;  calyx  slightly  or  thinly  pubescent,  of  a  dark 
silvery  or  dirty  gray  color,  sepals  green  and  puberulous  or  glabrous;  petals  and  stamens 
yellowish,  or  salmon  pink,  the  former  glabrous  with  slightly  ciliate  margins;  here  also 
belongs  a  form  with  longer  petiolate  leaves,  which  are  suborbicular  and  cordate,  pale 
green;  calyx  and  sepals  densely  white  woolly,  petals  large,  yellow,  glabrous,  with  ciliate 
margins;  the  petioles  pubescent. 

Sect.  III.     Tomentosae. 

i  Trees  at  4000-9000  feet  elevation  Kilauea,  Hawaii,  also  Oahu,  Pauoa  Val- 
ley, (no.  722)  ;  Hualalai,  Hawaii  (no.  3626). 

Leaves  large  orbicular,  cordate  at  the  base,  coriaceous,  glabrous  above,  or  finely 
pubescent,  tomentose  underneath  of  a  dirty  gray  color,  petioles  short,  tomentose,  inflores- 
cence and  calyx  pubescent;  often  yellow  flowered. 

K     Creepers  from  the  summit  swamp  of  Kohala,  Hawaii,  (no.  8414). 

Leaves  small,  orbicular,  emarginate  at  the  apex,  cordate  at  the  base,  sessile,  glabrous 
above,  densely  covered  underneath  with  a  yellow  strigose  pubescence;  inflorescence,  calyx 
and  sepals  with  yellowish  strigose  hairs,  petals  red,  slightly  pubescent,  margins  ciliate. 

The  Oliia  lelnia  is  the  most  prevalent  tree  in  the  forests  of  the  islands  of  the 
Hawaiian  archipelago.  It  can  be  found  from  sea-level  to  an  elevation  of  9000 
feet.  It  certainly  deserves  its  specific  name  polymorpha  as  it  is  the  most  vari- 
able tree  which  the  Islands  possess.  On  the  summits  of  Kohala,  Hawaii,  Mt. 
AYaialeale  on  Kauai.  and  Pimkukui,  West  Maui,  which  have  an  elevation  rang- 
ing from  5000-5600  feet,  it  is  a  creeper,  only  a  few  inches  in  length,  though 
flowering.  It  grows  in  company  with  native  violets,  geraniums  and  sundews 
(Drosera  longifolia)  while  in  the  middle  forest  zone  it  becomes  a  giant  of  often 
100  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  of  several  feet  in  diameter.  At  the  seashore,  as 
for  example  at  Xapoopoo,  Hawaii,  it  is  a  stunted  gnarled  tree  10-15  feet  in  height 
growing  on  ancient  pahoehoe  lava  in  company  with  Eeynoldsia  sandwicensis, 
the  OJic  kukuluaeo  of  the  natives,  and  other  trees.  On  the  windward  side  of 
Hawaii,  not  far  from  Hilo,  it  covers  the  vertical  cliffs  down  to  the  water's  edge, 
but  does  not  attain  any  size.  Its  best  development  and  the  largest  forests 
composed  of  this  tree  are  found  on  the  volcanic  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  and  Mauna 


PLATE  133. 


Lehua  Ahihi. 
Flowering  branch,   one-half  natural  size. 


Kea,  on  the  island  of  Hawaii,  and  it  is  there  that  the  trees  reach  their  biggest 

On  Hawaii  the  Ohio,  leliua  is  usually  associated  with  the  tree  ferns,  the 
Hapu  and  Hapu  Hi  (which  see).  In  such  forests,  the  seeds  of  the  Ohio,  trees 
fall  011  the  moist  woolly  trunks  of  the  tree  ferns;  there  they  germinate.  At 
first  the  young  tree  finds  enough  nourishment  in  the  humus,  dead  leaves,  etc., 
which  collect  in  the  axils  of  dead  fern  leaves  all  along  the  tall  fern  trunks, 
but  finally  it  sends  its  roots  down  along  the  fern  trunks  into  the  ground.  As 
the  tree  grows  larger  and  taller,  the  fern  becomes  enclosed  between  the  stilt -like 
roots  of  the  Oliia  tree,  until  finally  the  fern  dies  and  decays,  leaving  the  stilt  roots 
standing  some  15-20  feet  above  the  ground,  after  which  the  real  trunk  of  the  tree 
commences.  Such  stilt-like  Oliia  trees  are  very  common  in  the  Hawaiian  forest, 
but  mainly  on  Hawaii.  The  accompanying  illustration  shows  an  Ohia  tree  with 
stilt-roots  between  which  remnants  of  a  decayed  tree-fern  trunk  are  still  visible. 

The  wood  of  the  Oliia  lehua  is  of  a  dark  reddish  color,  durable,  hard  and  equal 
in  strength  to  the  Oak.  It  was  employed  by  the  natives  for  the  carving  of  their 
idols,  spears,  mallets,  etc.,  but  is  used  now  for  paving-blocks,  flooring,  and 
interior  house  finishings.  Mills  have  been  erected  on  Hawaii  at  Pahoa  where 
lumber  is  turned  out  at  a  profit.  Several  railroads,  especially  the  Santa  Fe  rail- 
road of  the  mainland,  have  ordered  large  shipments  of  Ohia  ties. 

The  flowers  of  the  Ohia  lelma  are  of  a  bright  red,  pale  yellow  to  orange  yel- 
low and  pink-salmon,  while  some  are  even  white.  They  are  the  source  of  food 
for  some  of  the  native  birds,  as  the  liwi  and  Olokele,  both  of  which  possess  a 
bright  red  plumage,  matching  the  scarlet  Lehua  blossom  while  flitting  from 
flower  to  flower  for  their  honey. 

The  name  Lelma  is  an  interesting  one.  Lehua  in  everyday  language  means 
"hair."  It  was  undoubtedly  applied  to  the  tree  in  question  on  account  of  the 
numerous  long  red  stamens  resembling  fine  hair,  which  makes  the  Ohia  lehua 
flower  attractive. 

The  tree  in  its  various  forms  is  not  peculiar  to  Hawaii,  but  is  well  distributed 
over  Polynesia  and  New  Zealand,  wrhere  the  tree  is  known  as  Rata  and  Pohutu- 
kaica.  It  has  the  most  numerous  varieties,  however,  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands. 
A  number  of  species  have  been  described  from  other  islands  of  the  Pacific, 
which  later  turned  out  to  be  identical  with  the  Ohia  lehua. 

Metrosideros   tremuloides    (Heller)    Rock. 
Lehua  ahiJti. 
(Plate  133.) 

METEOSIDEKOS  TREMULOIDES  (Heller)  Eock  comb.  nov. — Nania  tremuloides  Heller 
in  Minnes.  Rot.  Stud.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)  866. — Metrosideros  polymorpha  Gaud.  var.  i\ 
Hhd.  Flora  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  127. 

A  small  tree,  with  slender  trunk  and  smooth  grayish  bark,  glabrous  throughout,  even 
the  inflorescence;  branches  slender,  loosely  spreading;  leaves  narrowly  lanceolate,  acute 
or  acuminate  at  both  ends,  bright  green,  shining  above,  paler  underneath,  coriaceous,  on 


PLATE  134. 

\  - 


Lcliua  papa. 
Two-thirds  natural  size. 


flat  slightly  winged  petioles  of  about  6  mm  in  length,  not  prominently  veined,  but  midrib 
conspicuous;  cyme  branches  divaricate,  peduncles  slender  of  varying  length  though  hardly 
longer  than  10  mm;  pedicels  half  the  length;  calyx  campanulate,  the  lobes  rounded  and 
equaling  the  tube  in  length,  margins  scarious;  petals,  bright  red,  almost  orbicular  twice 
the  length  of  the  calyx  lobes,  stamens  bright  red,  barely  2  cm  in  length,  capsule  half  free. 

The  Lehua  alnlii  is  one  of  the  handsomest  species  of  the  genus  Metrosideros. 
The  fine  bright  green  graceful  foliage  stands  quite  distinct  from  all  the  other 
species  and  varieties  and  certainly  deserves  specific  rank.  It  can  be  found  on 
Oahti  at  the  lower  elevation  around  Tantalus  back  of  Honolulu,  and  in  nearly 
all  the  neighboring  valleys  on  their  upper  slopes  at  about  1000-2000  feet  eleva- 
tion. When  in  full  flower  the  slender  branches  are  drooping  and  almost  con- 
tinually in  motion,  whence  its  specific  name. 

Var.   Waialealae   Rock.   var.   nov. 

Leaves  larger,  bright  green  above  pale  underneath,  with  bright  red  midrib  and  leaf- 
margin,  5  to  7  cm  long,  2  to  2.5  cm  wide,  coriaceous,  acute  at  the  base,  acuminate-caudate 
at  the  apex,  the  apex  curved,  the  bright  red  petiole  15  to  20  mm  long,  flat  and  somewhat 
margined;  flowers  as  in  the  species;  fruits  very  large,  the  same  size  as  in  M.  macropus> 
the  calyx-lobes  persistent  but  the  capsule  projecting  almost  its  whole  height  beyond  the 
calyx,  almost  free;  seeds  linear,  lunulate,  pointed  at  each  end. 

This  variety  is  peculiar  to  the  summit  ridge  of  Mt.  Waialeale  on  Kauai,  where 
it  was  observed  and  collected  by  the  writer.  It  certainly  is  the  most  beautiful 
Metrosideros  or  Ohio,  lehua  known  to  him.  It  only  grows  at  a  certain  ridge  at 
the  summit  of  the  mountain  of  Kauai  where  it  forms  pure  stands  with  hardly 
any  other  tree  around  it.  It  is  a  small  tree  25  feet  high.  Collected  flowering 
and  fruiting  Sept.  24,  1909,  Mt.  Waialeale,  Kauai,  elev.  5200  feet,  type  no.  5083, 
in  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

Metrosideros  rugosa  Gray. 
Lekua  papa. 
(Plate  134.) 

METROSIDEEOS  RUGOSA  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1853)  561.  t.  69  B.; — Mann  in  Proc. 
Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1807)  166,  et  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  244;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873) 
173;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  127;— Niedz.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  IIF.  7. 
(1893)  87.— Metrosideros  polymorpha  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890) 
167  (ex  parte). — Nania  rugosa  Kuntze  Eev.  Gen.  PI.  (1891)  242; — Heller  in 
Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)  864. 

A  small  tree  or  shrub,  with  quadrangular  branchlets,  only  the  ultimate  ones  tomen- 
tose;  leaves  orbicular,  about  2.5  cm  in  diameter,  thick  and  coriaceous,  strikingly  rugose 
above  and  deeply  impressed  along  the  veins,  which  are  remarkably  strong  and  ridged 
underneath,  the  under-surface  thickly  tomentose  with  a  ferruginous  wool  as  arc  the  leaf- 
buds  on  both  faces,  the  petiole  .scarcely  2  mm;  cymes  small,  solitary  or  in  pairs  at  thd 
summit  of  the  branches,  the  peduncles  and  their  divisions  short  and  stout,  thick  tomen- 
tose, the  whole  subtended  by  rather  conspicuous  and  coriaceous  bud-scales;  bractlets  as 
long  as  the  calyx,  oval  tomentose,  soon  deciduous;  flowers  subsessile,  about  as  large  as 
in  the  common  species;  calyx  tomentose;  petals  and  stamens  red,  the  former  pubescent; 
ovary  deeply  immersed  in  the  tube  of  the  calyx,  its  summit  only  free. 

This  species,  which  is  called  Lehua  papa  by  the  natives,  is  peculiar  to  the 
Island  of  Oahu,  where  it  can  be  found  at  the  summits  of  the  ridges  of  the  main 



range,  and  on  the  vertical  cliffs  or  pali  on  the  windward  side  of  the  island.  It 
certainly  is  quite  distinct  from  the  ordinary  Ohio,  lehua  and  can  be  distinguished 
from  it  at  a  glance  by  the  deeply  rugose  small  leaves.  It  is  never  a  large  tree, 
but  only  of  about  10-15  feet  in  height  or  more  often  a  shrub.  Flowering,  Koolau 
Mts.  Punaluu,  Nov.  14-21,  1908.  no.  294,  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium. 

Metrosideros  macropus  Hook,  et  Arn. 
Oliia  lehua. 

METROSIDEEOS  MACROPUS  Hook,  et  Arn.  Bot.  Beech.  (1832)  83;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds,  in 
Ann.  Wien.  Mus.  (1836)  181,  no.  1453;— Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  564.  t.  70;— 
Mann  in  Proe.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  166,  et  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1867)  244; — Wawra 
in  Flora  (1873)  172;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  127;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar. 
Pac.  VI.  (1890)  168;— Ndz.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  III.  7.  (1893)  87.— Nania 
macropus  0.  Kuntze  Kev.  Gen.  PI.  (1891)  242;  — Heller  in  Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  Bull. 
IX.  (1897)  865. 

A  well  proportioned  tree  glabrous  throughout;  the  branchlets  angled;  leaves  ovate  or 
ovate-oblong,  coriaceous  rather  dull,  acute  at  the  base,  copiously  feather-veined;  petioles 
2.5  to  5  cm  long  usually  margined,  and  standing  nearly  at  right  angles  to  the  stem; 
cymes  terminal  usually  geminate,  subsessile,  many-flowered,  crowded,  evolved  from  a 
large  scaly  bud,  the  scales  of  which  remain  persistent  for  some  time  as  ovate  or  oblong 
pointed  bracts,  12  mm  in  length;  pedicels  about  4  mm  long,  subtended  by  similar  smaller 
ovate  lanceolate  bractlets  which  are  deciduous;  flowers  larger  than  in  the  largest  flowered 
forms  of  M.  polymorpha;  petals  and  stamens  red  or  yellow,  ovary  three-celled,  free  nearly 
to  the  middle;  capsule  nearly  included  in  the  turbinate  tube  of  the  calyx,  of  which  the 
lobes  are  persistent,  free  to  the  middle,  three-valved.  many  seeded;  seeds  fusiform,  subu- 
late, not  much  pointed. 

This  species  is  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands  and  differs  from  the  cosmopoli- 
tan M.  polymorpha  in  the  long  petioled  leaves,  large  floral  scales,  and  much 
larger  flowers.  It  is  a  tree  of  considerable  size  and  can  be  found  in  the  moun- 
tains of  Oahu  on  the  main  Koolau  range,  as  well  as  on  Molokai  and  on  Kauai. 

Hybrids  of  this  and  the  cosmopolitan  species  can  be  met  with  wherever  they 
occur  together. 


The  family  Araliaceae,  which  is  chiefly  tropical,  consists  of  51  genera  and 
numerous  species.  In  Polynesia  it  is  represented  by  the  genera  Plerandra,  Rey- 
noldsia,  Meryta,  and  others ;  while  in  Hawaii,  the  most  northern  islands  of  Poly- 
nesia, it  has  two  endemic  genera,  Pterotropia  and  Cheirodendron,  besides  several 
species  of  Tetraplasandra,  which  nowT  includes  also  Triplasandra,  which  genus 
has  been  merged  into  the  former  by  Harms.  The  genus  Tetraplasandra  is  not 
peculiar  to  the  islands,  as  it  has  two  species  which  occur  outside  of  Hawaii,  one 
in  New  Guinea  and  the  other  in  Celebes.  Reynoldsia,  which  is  represented  in 
Hawaii  by  one  species,  has  also  one  species  in  the  Society  Islands  and  one  in 




Leaves  pinnate,  alternate. 
Leaflets  entire: 

Leaflets  13-21,  flowers  racemose  umbellate,  arranged'  in  a  long  drooping 

panicle Pterotropia 

Leaflets      5-13,      inflor.      racemose-umbellate      or      umbellate      and      panicu- 
late        Tetraplasandra 

Leaflets   sinuate   creuate Reynoldsia 

Leaves  digitate,  opposite Cheirodendron 

(Triplasandra  Seem.) 

Calyx  border  undulate  or  denticulate,  petals  5  to  8,  valvate  in  the  bud.  Stamens  as 
many  as  petals  or  2  to  3  times  or  even  6  times  as  many,  arranged  in  1  or  4  series,  with 
rather  thick  filaments  and  ovate  or  lanceolate  anthers.  Ovary  quite  inferior,  ovate,  13-7-5-2 
celled.  The  stigmas  on  a  short  stylopod  or  subsessile;  drupes  globose  to  ovate-elongate 
or  cylindrical,  with  a  somewhat  fleshy  covering.  Pyrenae  chartaceous,  crustaceous  or 
coriaceous,  compressed.  Seeds  often  ribbed  or  furrowed.  Unarmed  glabrous  or  tomeutose 
trees  or  shrubs  with  a  glutinous  sap.  Leaves  large,  alternate  impari-pinnate,  with  5  to  13 
entire  leaflets;  petiolule  of  the  terminal  leaflet  usually  articulate.  Stipules  wanting  or 
rudimentary.  Inflorescence  a  racemose  umbellate  panicle  or  a  simple  or  compound  umbel; 
bracts  caducous,  small  or  larger;  peduncles  not  articulate,  often  very  thick. 

The  genus  Tetraplasandra  derives  its  name  from  the  Greek  rerpairXa^io^ 
(tetraplasios),  fourfold,  and  arSpa  (andra),  stamens,  having-  four  times  as  many 
stamens'  as  petals.  It  consists  of  possibly  12  species,  two  of  which  are  not  found 
in  the  Hawaiian  Islands;  T.  paucidens  Miq.  occurs  in  New  Guinea,  while  T. 
Koerdersii  Harms  is  found  in  Celebes.  Of  Hawaiian  species,  only  two  were  de- 
scribed originally,  T.  Jiawaiiensis  A.  Gray  and  T.  Waimeae  Wawra.  All  the 
species  of  Triplasandra  (established  by  Seeman)  have  been  merged  into  Tetra- 
plasandra by  H.  Harms.  The  writer  has  since  added  two  new  species:  T. 
Lanaiensis  and  T.  Waialealae. 


I.     EUTETEAPLASANDRA.      Stamens  2-6-8  times  as  many  as  petals. 
Leaves  tomentose  underneath. 
Inflorescence   paniculate. 

Stamens  4  times  as  many  as  petals T.  Hawaiiensis 

Leaves  glabrous  underneath. 
Inflorescence  umbellate. 

Stamens  numerous,  6-8  times  as  many  as  petals...     T.  Waimeae 
Inflorescence  compound  umbellate. 

Stamens  4  times  as  many  as  petals;  ovary  6  celled.  .  T.  Waialealae 
Stamens  twice  as  many  as  petals;  ovary  3  celled.  . .  T.  Lanaiensis 
Stamens  2-3  times  as  many  as  petals. 

Drupe  ovoid  with  conical  vertex T.  Lydgatei 

Drupe  cylindrical  truncate. 

Stamens  l()-lo;  ovary  5-6  celled T.  Oahuensis 

Stamens  12-18;   ovary  4-3  celled T.  Kaalae 

II.     NOTHOTETRAPIASANDRA.      Stamens  as  many  as  petals,  5-8;   ovary,  5-2  celled. 
Inflorescence  umbellate  or  compound  umbellate T.  meiandra  and  varieties 


PLATE  135. 


Showing  fruiting  branch  and  flower  buds  pinned  against  trunk   of  tree,  bark  in  the   dry 
districts  rough  and  scaly.     South  Kona,  lava  fields  of  Kapua;  elevation  1200  feet. 


Tetraplasandra  hawaiiensis  A.  Gray. 

(Plate  135.) 

TETRAPLASANDRA  HAWAIIENSIS  A.  Gray  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  728,  t.  94;— 
H.  Mann.  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  169;—  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  154;— 
Del.  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI.  (1890)  183;— Harms  in  Engler  et  Prantl 
Pflzfam.  Ill,  8  (1898)  30,  Fig.  2,  g-h. 

BrancLlets  with  the  leaf -stalks,  inflorescence  and  the  exterior  of  the  flowers  canescent 
with  a  soft  tomeiituin;  leaves  alternate,  exstipulate,  3  to  4.5  cm  long,  pinnately  5  to  7  folio- 
late;  leaflets  oblong  or  elliptical  10  to  17  cm  long  and  5  cm  or  more  in  width,  obtuse  at  both 
ends,  entire,  coriaceous,  glabrous  above,  densely  canescent-tomeutose  underneath,  the  ribs 
hirsute;  peduncle  terminal  stout,  bearing  an  ample  and  open  panicle  of  compound  or  de- 
compound umbels;  peduncles  and  pedicels  articulate,  densely  tomeutose;  calyx  tube  cup- 
shaped,  the  truncate  limb  very  short,  entire;  petals  5  to  8  tomentose  as  is  the  calyx, 
cohering  at  the  apex,  6  to  8  mm  long;  stamens  4  times  as  many  as  petals  or  less  in  one 
circle,  recurved;  ovary  7  to  13  celled;  the  apex  crowned  with  a  short  and  conical  stylopod 
which  bears  an  obscurely  7  to  13  rayed  stigma;  ovules  solitary;  fruit  a  globose  baccate 
drupe  1  cm  in  diameter,  many  ribbed  when  dry,  containing  7  to  13  flat  chartaceous  com- 
pressed pyrenae. 

The  olie,  not  to  be  mistaken  for  the  ohe  of  the  lowlands,  is  a  beautiful  tree 
with  a  broad,  flat  crown  reaching  a  height  of  40  to  80  feet,  with  a  trunk  of  1  to  2 
feet  or  more  in  diameter.  The  writer  met  with  huge  trees  in  Kona,  Hawaii,  in 
the  semi-wet  forest,  overtowering  the  tallest  Oliia  trees.  The  bark  is  whitish  and 
more  or  less  smooth. 

It4  can  be  distinguished  from  afar  on  account  of  its  large  pinnate  leaves, 
which  are  1  to  \l/2  feet  long,  having  from  5  to  9  oblong  leaflets,  which  are  light- 
green  above  and  pale-ocher  colored  underneath,  due  to  a  dense  tomentum.  The 
flowering  panicles  are  often  more  than  one  foot  long,  bearing  umbellate  racemes 
along  umbellate  and  racemose  tertiary  and  secondary  branches.  The  globose 
fruits  become  many-ribbed  when  dry. 

The  olie  inhabits  the  drier  as  well  as  very  wet  regions  and  is  not  uncommon 
in  the  valley  of  Wailau,  Molokai,  where  it  grows  on  the  steep  pali  or  cliff  covered 
with  tropical  verdure.  On  Eanai,  from  which  island  it  had  not  been  been  re- 
corded previously,  it  can  be  found  near  the  summit  ridges  of  Haalelepakai  and 
Lanaihale,  at  an  elevation  of  3000  feet,  and  also  on  Mahana  ridge. 

On  Maui  it  growes  above  Kaanapali,  and  on  Hawaii  it  is  found  in  the  rain 
forests  of  Puna  and  semi-wet  forests  of  South  Kona,  together  with  Xylosma, 
Pelea.  etc. 

Its  associates  are  usually  species  of  Straussia,  Bobea,  Metrosideros,  Cheiro- 
dendron,  and  such  as  are  peculiar  to  the  rain  forests. 

Tetraplasandra  Waimeae  Wawra. 
Ohe  Kikoola. 
(Plate  136.) 

TETRAPLASANDRA  WAIMEAE  Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  158;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888) 

155;— Del  Cast.  111.   Fl.   Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI.    (1890)    184;—  Heller   PI.  Haw.  Isl. 

(1897)    871;— Harms  in   Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill,  8    (1898)    30. 

Leave?  30  to  45  cm  long,  leaflets  5  to  13,  oblong  or  ovate-oblong,  10  to  15  cm  long,  3.5 

to  5  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  12  to  18  mm,  obtuse  with  rounded,  the  laterals  ones  with  un- 

symmetrical,  bases,  chartaceous  to  coriaceous,  glabrous;  inflorescence  a  terminal  umbel  of 


PLATE  136. 


Ohe  kikoola. 
Growing  in  the  mountains  of  Kauai  in  the  forest  of  Kaholuamano;  elevation  3600  feet. 


10  to  12  rays,  with  or  without  a  short  common  rhachis,  each  10  to  15  cm  long  and  bear- 
ing at  its  npex  an  umbel  of  ]5  to  30  flowers  011  thick  and  long  pedicels  of  2.5  to  5  cm;  calyx 
8  to  12  mm  long  broad  tubular,  slightly  constricted  below  the  wavy  denticulate  border; 
petals  7  to  8,  triangular  lanceolate,  12  mm  long,  pink  or  reddish,  coriaceous,  glabrous,  at 
last  expanded,  the  open  corolla  measuring  sometimes  3.5  cm  in  diameter,  the  largest  in  the 
genus;  stamens  6,  7  or  8  times  as  many  as  petals,  8  to  10  mm  long,  in  two  rows;  ovary  6  to 
8  celled,  the  stigma  on  a  short  stylopod  of  1  mm;  drupe  globose,  about  3  cm  or  often  more  in 
diameter,  somewhat  fleshy,  strongly  ribbed  when  dry;  pyrenae  compressed,  thick  coriace- 
ous, deeply  notched  at  the  upper  inner  angle,  and  with  two  prominent  ridges  on  each  side. 

The  Ohe  kikoola  is  a  medium-sized  tree  with  an  erect  trunk  of  30  to  40  feet 
in  height  and  a  diameter  of  a  foot  or  more.  The  erect  bole  is  vested  in  a  grayish- 
white  smooth  bark.  It  divides  very  sparingly  near  the  top  into  rather  short  as- 
cending branches,  which  bear  large  leaf  whorls  at  the  apex.  The  leaves  are 
over  a  foot  long  and  consist  of  5  to  13  leaflets.  The  inflorescence  is  a  terminal 
umbel  of  several  rays,  bearing  at  its  apex  peculiar  rose-colored  flowers,  which 
are  the  largest  in  the  genus,  measuring  an  inch  or  more  in  diameter.  The  drupe 
is  globose,  an  inch  or  more  across,  'somewhat  fleshy,  and  becomes  ribbed  on  drying. 

The  tree  is  peculiar  to  the  Island  of  Kauai,  where  it  grows  on  the  leeward 
side  above  Waimea  at  an  altitude  of  3600  feet,  in  the  drier  forest  or  outskirts 
of  the  woods  around  Kaholuamano.  It  is  associated  with  Cyanea  leptostegia, 
Cryptocaria  Mannii,  Bobea  Mannii,  Sidero  ylon  sandwicense,  Elaeocarpus  bifidus, 
etc.  It  also  is  not  uncommon  at  Halemanu,  where  it  was  first  collected  by  Dr. 
Wawra  of  the  Austrian  Exploring  Expedition  ship  "Donau,"  and  named  by 
him  after  the  district  of  Waimea. 

The  wood  is  whitish,  of  a  silky,  wavy  green,  and  of  medium  strength. 

Tetraplasandra   Waialealae   Rock. 

TETKAPLASANDBA  WAIALEALAE  Eock  Coll.  Haw.  Publ.  Bull.   1.   (1911)    10,  pi.  I. 

Leaves  30  to  45  cm  long;  leaflets  oblong  acuminate  thick  coriaceous,  unevensided  at  the 
base,  otherwise  rounded;  inflorescence  a  terminal  compound  umbel  of  usually  4  peduncles, 
each  about  from  7  to,  10  cm  long,  bearing  6  rays  about  6  cm  long,  each  bearing  an  umbel 
of  2-5  pedicels  about  2  cm  long;  calyx  tubular  purplish-black  with  an  undulate  border; 
petals  5  to  7,  triangular,  thick,  with  a  prominent  median  nerve,  glabrous;  stamens  in  two 
circles,  four  times  as  many  as  petals;  ovary  6  celled;  stigma  on  a  conical  stylopod  of  5  mm. 

This  remarkable  tree,  which  as  far  as  is  known  has  no  native  name,  is  of 
rather  small  size,  15  to  25  feet  high,  with  sub-erect  long  branches,  bearing, 
crowded  at  their  ends,  irregularly  pinnate  leaves.  The  leaflets  are  dark-green 
and  glossy;  the  trunk  is  rather  short,  is  vested  in  a  white  bark,  and  is  about  6 
to  8  inches  in  diameter. 

The  inflorescence  is  compound  umbellate,  not  as  large  as  that  of  the  Ohe 
kikoola,  but  is  also  terminal. 

This  interesting  tree,  which  the  writer  discovered  on  the  summit  of  Mt.  Wai- 
aleale,  on  Kauai,  5200  feet  elevation,  was  named  by  him  after  that  wonderful 
mountain.  Unlike  the  Ohe  kikoola,  which  grows  in  the  dryer  forest  on  Kauai 
back  of  AVaimea,  it  inhabits  the  high  summit  swamp,  where  the  rainfall  is  im- 
mense. This  swamp  is  enshrouded  by  clouds  nearly  all  the  year  round,  and  is 
swept  by  the  strong  trade  winds  for  over  nine  months  of  the  year. 


PLATE  137. 

TETRAPLASANDRA  MEIANDRA  (Hbd.)   Harms,  var.  y. 

Flowering   and   fruiting   branch   pinned   against   trunk   of   tree.      Growing   at   Puuwaawaa, 
North  Kona,  Hawaii,  elevation  2800  feet.      Trunk  about  a  foot  in  diameter. 


Tetraplasandra  Waialealae  is  really  the  only  tree  of  any  size  at  the  summit, 
where  the  rest  of  the  vegetation  is  stunted.  It  is  associated  with  Pelea  Waia- 
lealae, the  Anouia  of  the  natives,  LagenopJtora  mauiensis,  Sanicula  sandwicensis 
var..  Lobelia  kauaiensis.  Lobelia  macrostacJtys  var.,  Drosera  longifolia,  Dubautia 
Waialealae,  Geranium  Jin  mile  var.  Kauaiense,  etc. 

It  is  the  second  species  of  Tetraplasandra  which  has  been  so  far  recorded 
from  Kauai,  and  is  peculiar  to  Waialeale,  though  it  may  be  found  along  the 
Kaluiti  and  Kailiili  streams  a  little  below  the  summit.  The  wood  is  soft  and 

Tetraplasandra  Lanaiensis  Rock. 

TETRAPLASANDRA  LANAIENSIS   Rock.   Coll.   Haw.   Publ.  Bull.   1.    (1911)    12,  pi.   2. 

Leaves  30  to  38  cm  long,  leaflets  5  to  7,  oblong  obtuse  or  bluntly  acuminate,  uneven- 
sided  at  the  base,  midrib  prominent,  8  to  10  cm  long,  4  to  5  cm  wide,  dark  green  above, 
light  underneath,  the  terminal  leaflet  on  a  petiolule  of  4  cm  which  is  articulate  near  the 
blade,  the  lateral  ones  on  petiolules  of  1  to  1.5  cm,  subcoriaceous;  inflorescence  thrice 
umbellate,  not  erect,  but  drooping,  the  3  to  5  peduncles  on  a  common  rhachis  of  about 
2.5  cm,  about  20  cm  long,  bearing  umbels  of  17  to  21  slender  droopings  rays  of  8  to  10  cm 
length,  these  again  umbellate  with  7  to  13  pedicels;  calyx  tubular  6  mm  with  a  denticu- 
late border,  petals  5  to  6,  lanceolate,  greenish-yellow,  7  mm  long,  stamens  twice  as  many 
as  petals,  ovary  3-celled,  stigmas  sessile. 

This  tree  was  discovered  by  the  writer  on  the  Island  of  Lanai  and  described 
by  him  under  the  above  name.  It  is  rather  small,  only  about  20  feet  high,  with 
a  trunk  of  a  few  inches  in  diameter.  It  branches  irregularly,  and  as  it  was 
crowded  in  with  other  trees  it  was  impossible  to  form  an  idea  of  its  general 

It  is  remarkable  in  the  genus  Tetraplasandra  for  its  large  inflorescence, 
which,  instead  of  being  erect,  is  drooping,  and  for  its  very  small  flowers.  The 
leaves  are  dull  and  of  a  light-green  color,  making  the  tree  quite  conspicuous 
among  the  dark-leaved  Maba,  Suttonia,  and  Sideroxylon,  with  which  it  is  asso- 
ciated. The  tree  is  peculiar  to  the  Island  of  Lanai  and  was  seen  only  in  Kai- 
holena  Valley,  crowded  by  other  trees  at  an  elevation  of  2000  feet.  Kaiholena 
Valley,  belonging  to  the  drier  regions  of  Lanai,  is  extremely  interesting  and 
harbors  a  very  multiformous  tree  flora. 

Tetraplasandra  Lydgatei  (Hbd.)  Harms. 

TETRAPLASANDRA  LYDGATEI  (Hbd.)  Harms  in  Engl.  et.  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill,  8 
(1898)  20.— Triplasandra  Lydgatei  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  153;— Del  Cast.  111. 
Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI  (1890)  184. 

Leaves  20  to  30  cm  long;  leaflets  5  to  9  on  petioles  of  8  to  16  mm,  oblong  7.5  to  9 
cm  long,  2.5  to  4  cm,  obtuse  and  slightly  emarginate,  contracting  at  the  base,  thin 
chartaceous;  inflorescence  compound-umbellate  from  a  short  common  rhachis  of  about  12 
mm,  the  4  or  5  slender  peduncles  bearing  umbels  of  about  12  slender  pedicels  of  16  to  18 
mm;  calyx  broad  obconical,  5  mm,  with  an  undulating  border;  petals  5,  cohering  at 
their  apices,  6  mm;  stamens  12,  about  1/3  shorter,  with  straight  or  recurved  anthers; 
ovary  4  celled,  inferior,  the  disk  slightly  raised,  with  sessile  stigmas;  drupe  ovoid-globose, 
8  to  10  mm  in  diameter,  obtusely  4  angled,  the  short  conical  apex  finally  elongated  into 
a  short  stylopod. 


PLATE  138. 



TETRAPLASANDKA   MEIANDRA    (Hbd.)    Harms,    var.   5 

Flowering  branch   pinned   against   trunk   of   tree.      Growing   on   the   lava   fields   of   Auahi, 
East  Maui,  southern  slopes  of  Haleakala,  elevation  3000  feet.     Diameter  of  trunk  2  ft. 


This  species,  which  like  the  two  following  has  no  native  name,  is  a  small  tree 
originally  found  by  John  Lydgate  in  the  valley  of  Wailupe  on  Oahu,  and  re- 
sembles somewhat  Pterotropia  gymnocarpa  from  the  same  mountain  range. 

It  has  not  been  collected  by  the  writer,  and  as  there  are  no  specimens  of  this 
plant  in  herbaria  in  the  Territory  of  Hawaii,  the  above  short  description  will 
have  to  suffice. 

Tetraplasandra  oahuensis  (A.  Gray)   Harms. 
Olie  mauka. 

TETRAPLASANDRA  OAHUENSIS  (A.  Gray)  Harms  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill, 
8  (1898)  30.— Gastonia?  oahuensis  A.  Gray  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  726.— H.  Mann 
Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  169. — Triplasandra  Oahuensis  Seem,  in  Jonrn.  Bot. 
VI  (1868)  139;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  153;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar. 
Pacif.  VI  (1890)  184. 

Leaves  about  3  cm  long;  leaflets  7  to  13,  ovate  or  broad  oblong.  5.5  to  8.5  cm  long, 
2.5  to  5  cm  wide,  on  petiolules  of  3  to  6  mm,  obtuse,  coriaceous  glabrous;  inflorescence 
compound  umbellate,  3  to  5  peduncles,  5  to  7.5  cm  long,  either  free  or  united  on  a  short 
rhachis  of  about  12  mm,  each  bearing  an  umbel  of  16  to  20  pedicels  of  12  mm  in  length; 
calyx  cylindrical  4  to  6  mm;  petals  5  to  6,  about  6  mm  long;  stamens  10  to  15,  half  as 
long  as  the  petals,  with  recurved  anthers;  ovary  5  to  6  celled;  drupe  ovoid  or  short  cylin- 
drical, 6  to  8  mm,  inferior  5  to  6  ribbed  or  angled,  truncate,  the  stigmas  on  a  short  stylopod. 

This  species  and  a  variety  /;.  occur  on  the  Island  of  Oahu  on  the  slopes  of 
Waiolani  and  Konahuanui  back  of  Honolulu.  It  differs  from  the  foregoing 
species  mainly  in  the  drupe,  which  is  cylindrical  and  truncate,  while  the  former 
has  ovoid  drupes  with  conical  vertices. 

It  is  a  small  tree  about  20  feet  in  height  and  is  peculiar  to  Oahu.  The  writer 
observed  several  trees  at  the  head  of  Pauoa  Valley  and  on  the  slopes  of  Koiia- 
huanui.  It  is  sparingly  branching  about  6  feet  above  the  ground;  the  trunk  is 
vested  in  a  gray,  smooth  bark,  and  is  about  6  to  8  inches  in  diameter.  Accord- 
ing to  Horace  Mann,  its  native  name  is  Ohe  mauka  or  the  mountain  Ohe,  while 
Reynoldsia  sandwiccHsis  is  Ohe  makai;  the  latter,  however,  is  also  known  as  Olie 

Tetraplasandra  Kaalae  (Hbd.)  Harms. 

TETRAPLASANDRA  KAALAE  (Hbd.)  Harms  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill,  8  (1898) 
30.— Triplasandra  Kaalae  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  154;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins. 
Mar.  Pacif.  VI  (1890)  184. 

Leaves  about  3  dm  long,  with  widely  clasping  base,  leaflets  7  to  11,  ovate  or  ovate- 
oblong.  7.5  to  10  cm  long,  5  to  7.5  cm  wide,  on  petiolules  of  12  to  24  mm,  obtusely 
acuminate,  rounded  and  unsymmetrical  at  the  base,  thick  coriaceous,  glabrous  under- 
neath, dark  green;  inflorescence  thrice  umbellate,  3  to  5  peduncles  rising  from  a  short 
common  rhachis,  each  4  to  6.5  cm  long,  with  an  umbel  of  about  12  rays  of  2.5  to  3.5 
cm  or  more  long,  these  again  umbellate  with  10  to  12  pedicels  of  8  to  12  mm;  calyx 
obeonical,  glabrous,  2  mm;  petals  6  at  last  expanded,  6  to  8  mm;  stamens_  three  times  as 
many  as  petals  or  less,  18  to  12;  ovary  4-  rarely  3-celled;  stigmas  sessile  on  a  conical  apex. 

This  tree  was  first  collected  by  Hillebrand  on  the  summit  of  Mt.  Kaala  of  the 
Waianae  range  on  Oahu  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet.  It  is,  like  the  two  fore- 
going species,  a  small  tree  12  to  16  feet  in  height  and  of  no  economic  value. 


PLATE  139. 

TETRAPLASANDRA  MEIANDRA   (Hbd.)   Harms,  var. 
Fruiting  specimen,  much  reduced. 


Tetraplasandra  meiandra  (Hbd.)  Harms. 
(Plates  137,  138,  139.) 

TETRAPLASANDRA  MEIANDRA  (Hbd.)  Harms  in  Eng.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill,  8 
(1898)  30.— Triplasandra  meiandra  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  152; — Del  Cast.  111. 
Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI  (1890)  184. — Triplasandra  Waimeae  (Wawra)  Heller 
PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  871.— Heptapleurum  (?)  Waimeae  Wawra  in  Flora  (1873) 
158.  (Wawra's  specific  name  Waimeae  should  hold  good  on  account  of  priority, 
but  as  there  is  already  a  species  with  that  name  in  Tetraplasandra,  Hillebrand 's 
moiandra  is  here  adhered  to.) 

Leaves  3  to  4.5  cm  long,  the  petiole  dilated  at  the  base  and  clasping;  leaflets  7  to 
J3;  inflorescence,  umbellate  but  variable:  either  the  pedicels  at  the  end  of  3  to  5  ter- 
minal peduncles  (simply  umbellate,  but  then  shrubs),  or  at  the  ends  of  rays  which 
proceed  from  the  ends  of  3  to  5  peduncles,  the  latter  rarely  united  by  a  common  rhachis 
(compoundly  umbellate);  bracts  broadly  ovate,  4  to  8  mm  long,  caducous  long  before 
the  flowers  expand;  calyx  cylindrical,  ovate  or  obovate,  with  a  short  denticulate  or 
undulate  border;  petals  5  to  8,  triangular  or  linear  lanceolate;  stamens  as  many,  shorter, 
or  as  long  as  the  petals  (in  one  variety  only).  Ovary  2  to  6  celled;  stigmas  2  to  6, 
sessile  on  the  conical  vertex,  or,  when  4  to  6,  raised  on  a  short  stylopod,  drupe  cylindrical, 
ovate,  oblong,  or  obovate,  or  subglobose. 

Hillebrand,   in  his  Flora   of  the   Hawaiian  Islands,   says  in   a   foot   note  on 
page  152 : 

"Under  this  collective  species  I  have  united  the  following  forms,  which  are 
exceedingly  rare,  each  corresponding  to  a  single  or  a  few  individuals,  found  in 
closely-circumscribed  localities. ' ' 

He  then  describes  six  varieties,  as  follows : — 
Stigmas  2,  rarely  3. 

a.     7  to  12  leaflets. 
/3.     7  to     9  leaflets, 
y.     11  leaflets. 
Stigmas  3   (4). 

8.     7  to  9  leaflets. 
Stigmas  3-4-5. 

e.     9  to  13  leaflets. 
Stigmas  4-5-6. 

£.     Leaflets  as  in  8,  drupe  ovoid. 

The  above  key  to  the  varieties  of  this  species  can  not  be  relied  upon,  as  one 
may  find  plants  with  only  2  stigmas  and  13  leaflets,  and  plants  with  4  stigmas, 
6  stamens  and  9  leaflets.  The  specimens  from  Oahu  are  more  or  less  shrubs,  and 
have  rather  long  rays  or  peduncles,  while  the  plants  from  the  other  islands  are 
always  trees,  and  have  rather  short  rays.  It  is  unfortunate  that  Hillebrand  did 
not  define  them  more  clearly.  However,  complete  material  is  not  always  possible 
to  obtain,  and  therefore  an  exact  diagnosis  not  always  possible,  as  the  stamens 
play  an  important  part  in  the  identification  of  this  very  variable  species. 

Only  such  variations  are  here  cited  as  are  trees,  and  the  writer  is  sorry  to 
state  that,  owing  to  incomplete  material  from  other  varieties  occuring  in  the 
Kohala  Mountains,  Hawaii,  and  West  Maui  mountains,  certain  trees  are  here- 
with omitted.  They  are,  however,  all  referable  to  Tetraplasandra  meiandra. 
It  is  the  writer's  intention  later  to  monograph  this  interesting  family. 

On  Hawaii  on  the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  growr  a  few  speci- 


PLATE  140. 

Fruiting  branch. 


meiis  of  a  tree  which  may  be  referred  to  Hillebrand's  var  y.  It  is  a  medium- 
sized  tree  35  feet  or  so  in  height,  with  bright-green  imparipinnate  foliage.  The 
inflorescence,  which  is  compound  umbellate,  arises  usually  in  the  axil  of  the  two 
uppermost  branchlets. 

On  Maui,  on  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  situated  on  the  southern  slopes  of  Hale- 
akala, grows  a  beautiful  tree  which  has  to  be  referred  to  variety  d,  though  differ- 
ing from  the  plants  on  Lanai ;  the  drupes  of  var.  8  resemble  very  much  var.  £ 
which  see.  It  is  a  handsome  tree  of  50  feet  or  so  in  height,  with  a  trunk  of  almost 
two  feet  in  diameter.  The  trunk  is  perfectly  straight  and  vested  in  a  smooth 
gray  bark.  The  branches  are  thick  and  ascending,  bearing  at  their  ends  large 
leaf-whorls,  underneath  which  are  umbels  with  small  greenish  flowers. 

The  writer  found  many  varieties  from  new  localities,  such  as  Haleakala, 
West  Maui,  Kau  forests,  Kohala  Mountains,  etc.,  which  all  come  under  Tetra- 
plasandra  meiandra;  while  Hillebrand's  varieties  came  mostly  from  Oahu.  They 
are,  however,  not  quite  so  rare  as  Hillebrand  thought  them  to  be;  the  forests 
have  merely  been  opened  up  nowadays  by  ditch  trails,  while  in  Hillebrand's 
time  the  rain  forests  were  almost  inaccessible. 

Varieties  of  the  above  species  occur  both  in  extremely  wet  forests  and  in  ex- 
ceedingly dry  or  mixed  forests.  It  is  in  the  latter  regions  that  they  reach  their 
best  development.  They  are  there  associated  with  Pterotropia,  Alectryon,  Pelea, 
Xaiithoxylum,  Hibiscadelphus,  etc. 

Variety  £,.  which  is  here  illustrated,  grows  in  the  forests  of  Kau  above  Naa- 
lehu  on  Hawaii.  Hillebrand's  plant  came  from  the  wroods  of  Hilo,  where  it  was 
collected  by  Mr.  J.  Lydgate.  In  Kau  it  is  a  medium-sized  tree,  35  feet  in  height, 
with  a  rather  short  trunk  and  large,  stout,  ascending  branches;  the  leaves  are 
over  a  foot  long  and  consist  of  7  to  13  leaflets;  the  inflorescence  is  a  compound 
umbel  with  usually  five  rays,  each  ray  bearing  an  umbel  of  5  to  16  peduncles, 
each  peduncle  having  again  from  5  to  12  pedicels  half  an  inch  long,  petals  7, 
stamens  as  many ;  the  ovarian  portion  is  ovoid  and  has  a  conical  vertex  with  four 
stigmas  raised  on  a  minute  stylopod. 

As  far  as  known  the  natives  made  no  use  of  this  tree.  Its  wood  is  white  and 
soft  and  of  no  value,  as  is  the  case  with  all  the  rest  of  the  species  belonging  to 
this  genus  and  those  closely  allied  to  it. 

Varieties  of  this  species  grow  also  above  Awini  in  the  rain  forests  of  Kohala, 
Hawaii;  in  the  mountains  of  West  Maui,  on  the  ridges  of  Honokawai;  on  the 
summit  ridge  of  Lanai,  Haalelepakai ;  in  the  Punaluu  Mountains,  and  Kona- 
huanui  on  Oahu,  as  well  as  in  Xiu  and  Wailupe  Valley  of  the  same  island.  On 
Molokai,  it  grows  in  the  forests  of  Kamoku;  in  the  swamp  forest  on  the  wind- 
ward side  of  Haleakala  a  new  variety  is  not  uncommon.  The  species  and  its 
forms  grow  at  altitudes  of  from  1000  to  4000  feet,  and  are  either  small  shrubs 
or  medium-sized  trees  in  the  wret  forests,  and  larger  trees  in  the  dry  regions  (on 
lava  fields). 


PLATE  141. 


Fruiting  branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree;  diameter  of  the  latter  2  feet;  growing  on  the 
land  of  Kapua,  South  Kona,  Hawaii;  elevation  1800  feet. 



Calyx  border  short,  undulate.  Petals  8  to  10,  linear-lanceolate,  valvate  in  the  bud. 
Stamens  as  many  as  petals  and  somewhat  shorter.  Ovary  8  to  10  or  15  to  22  celled. 
Stigmas  arranged  in  a  circle  around  the  very  short,  thick  style.  Drupe  globose,  some 
what  fleshy.  Pyreuae  laterally  compressed,  chartaceous  or  crustaeeous.  Embryo  small 
at  the  apex  of  an  even  fleshy  albumen. — Unarmed,  glabrous  trees.  Leaves  large,  impari- 
piunate,  with  3  to  9  oval  or  cordate  sinuate-crenate  or  (in  the  species  not  from  Hawraii) 
entire  leaflets;  exstipulate.  Flowers  racemose-umbellate  on  the  alternate  branches  of  a 
terminal  panicle.  Bracts  minute  linear. 

A  genus  of  three  species,  one  inhabiting  Tahiti   (R.  verrucosa  Seem.),  one 
Samoa  (Savaii)  (E.  pleiosperma  A.  Gray),  and  the  third  our  islands. 

Reynoldsia  sandwicensis  A.  Gray. 

Ohe,  or  Ohe  makai. 
(Plates  140,  1-41,  142.) 

HEYNOLDSIA  SANDWICENSIS  A.  Gray  U.  S.  E.  E.  (1854)  724,  pi.  92;— H.  Mann  Proc. 
Am.  Acad.  VII  (1807)  169;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  142;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1888)  156;— Harms  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill,  8  (1898)  30.— Eschweileria 
Sandwicensis  Durand  Ind.  Gen.  167;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI.  (1890) 

Leaves  about  3  dm  long,  glabrous,  the  slender  petioles  shortly  toothed  at  the  dilating 
Lase  (according  to  Hillebr.  but  not  in  the  writer's  specimens);  leaflets  7  to  11,  ovate  to 
•cordate,  7  to  10  cm  x  5  to  8.5  cm  on  petiolules  of  2  cm  in  the  upper  pair  of  leaflets  and 
4  cm  in  the  lower  pair,  obtuse  or  bluntly  acuminate,  repando,  or  sinuate  crenate,  stiff 
membraneous,  light  green,  glossy;  inflorescence  of  3  terminal  peduncles,  rising  from  a 
short  cpmmon  rhachis,  each  about  12  to  20  cm  long  and  branching  from  the  base  upward, 
the  branches  horizontal,  4  to  5  cm  when  with  flower,  7  to  9  cm  when  in  fruit,  and 
jacemose  umbellate  in  their  upper  halves,  with  pedicels  of  10  to  12  mm;  calyx  obconical 
truncate,  2  to  3  mm;  petals  8  to  10,  about  6  mm  long,  cohering;  ovary  8  to  10  celled, 
wholly  inferior;  drupe  globose  6  to  8  mm  in  diameter  ribbed  when  dry;  pyrenae  crustaee- 
ous, with  smooth  sides. 

The  Ohe  is  a  very  peculiar  Hawaiian  tree,  which  sheds  its  leaves  in  the  winter 
months  and  flowers  before  the  reappearance  of  the  leaves  in  the  early  summer. 
When  bare,  it  resembles  somewhat  the  WiUwili,  which  also  sheds  its  leaves  dur- 
ing the  rainy  season. 

It  reaches  a  height  of  from  15  to  60  feet  and  develops  thick  and  often  short 
trunks  with  bluish-gray,  smooth  bark,  and  a  spreading  crown  with  straight  as- 
cending branches.  The  leaves,  which  are  about  a  foot  long,  consist  of  7  to  11 
leaflets,  heart-shaped  at  the  base.  The  flowers  are  arranged  on  stiff,  erect  term- 
inal peduncles,  rising  from  a  short  common  rhachis,  branching  from  the  base 
upward,  and  racemose-umbellate  in  the  upper  half. 

It  is  peculiar  to  the  very  dry  districts  of  the  lowland  zone  and  especially  on 
-aa  lava  fields,  where  the  heat  is  intense  and  rain  is  very  infrequent.  The  trunk 
exudes  a  very  thick  resin  or  gum  which  is  of  a  clear  yellowish-golden  color. 

On  Mani  it  is  not  uncommon  on  the  lava  fields  near  Ulupalakua  on  the  south- 
ern slopes  of  Haleakala,  as  well  as  on  Molokai,  where  it  can  be  found  at  the 
western  end  at  Mahana  in  gulches,  and  on  the  heights  above  Kamolo,  associated 
with  Dracaena  aurea  (Halapepe).  On  Hawaii,  on  the  lava  fields  of  North  and 
'South  Kona.  it  reaches  its  best  development,  trunks  with  a  diameter  of  lj/2  to  2 
:feet  being  not  uncommon.  It  also  grows  on  Lanai  on  the  slopes  above  Manele 


PLATE  142. 



Growing   ou    the   lava    fields   of    Kahikinui,   southern    slopes   of    Mt.    Haleakala,   Island    of 

Maui.      Elevation  1500  feet. 


and  Kalama  in  company  with  a  variety  of  8  ant  alum  Freycinetianum  (Sandal- 
wood).  Owing  to  the  softness  of  the  whitish  wood,  it  is  of  no  commercial  value. 
The  gum  or  resin  which  the  tree  is  capable  of  producing  was  used  by  the  natives 
for  various  purposes. 

The  wood  was  used  for  making  the  kukuluaeo,  or  stilts,  employed  by  the  old 
Hawaiians  in  a  game  by  that  name,  and  it  is  spoken  of  as  the  "He  ohe  kahi  laau 
liana  ia  i  mea  kukuluaeo." 

In  Tahiti  the  name  "Ofe"  is  applied  to  a  tree  of  the  same  family  to  which 
our  Reynoldsia  belongs. 

(Dipanax  Seem.) 

Calyx  border  slightly  prominent  and  repandly  dentate.  Petals  5  to  9,  valvate  in  the 
bud,  thick,  cohering  or  finally  spreading.  Stamens  as  many  as  petals,  shorter  than  the 
latter;  anthers  ovate  to  oblong.  Ovary  2  to  5  celled;  stigmas  sessile  on  the  top  of  the 
conical  vertex  or  raised  on  a  conspicuous  style.  Drupe  somewhat  succulent,  ovoid  or 
sub-globose,  with  conical  apex,  round  not  angular,  ringed  above,  below  or  at  the  middle, 
or  at  the  base  by  the  calycine  border  and  naked  above.  Pyrenae  with  a  thin  endocarp, 
ovoid  or  slightly  compressed,  with  a  broad  back  and  a  prominent  ridge  on  either  side. — 
Trees  with  glutinous  sap.  Leaves  alternate,  large,  impari-pinnate,  with  13  to  21  ovoid 
or  oblong  entire  leaflets,  with  a  scattering  scaly  or  stellate  pubescence,  but  occasionally 
glabrous.  Inflorescence  terminal  and  lateral;  flowers  umbellate-racemose  on  the  umbellate 
racemose  branches  of  a  panicle  with  a  short  rhachis.  Pedicels  not  articulate;  bracts 
minute',  deciduous.  (The  name  Dipanax  is  not  as  old  as  Mann's  section  name  Pterotropia 
and  the  latter  is  therefore  retained.) 

A  Hawaiian  genus  of  three  species.  Tall  or  medium-sized  trees  with 
straight  trunks  and  smooth  bark.  Easily  distinguished  from  all  other  Hawaiian 
Araliaceae  by  their  leaves,  which  reach  a  size  of  over  three  feet  and  have  from 
9  to  21  leaflets,  and  their  large  inflorescence,  which  is  racemose-umbellate  and 
drooping  below  the  leaf -whorls,  often  two  feet  and  more  long ;  in  P.  gymnocarpa 
apparently  above  the  leaf -whorls. 

The  native  name  for  all  three  species  is  Ohe  ohe.  They  are  peculiar  to  the 
dry  districts,  with  the  exception  of  P.  gymnocarpa,  which  occurs  in  the  rain 

The  only  distinguishing  character  between  P.  Kavaiensis  (Mann)  Hbd.  and 
P.  dipyrena  (Mann)  Hbd.  is  the  number  of  stigmas.  In  Hillebrand's  key  to  the 
species  he  also  mentions  the  definite  number  of  leaflets,  which,  since,  more  mate- 
rial is  at  hand,  can  no  longer  be  relied  upon. 

Specimens  of  P.  dipyrena  collected  by  the  writer  in  Kau  have  21  leaflets, 
which  are  truncate,  and  flowers  with  2  to  3  stigmas.  The  same  number  of  leaflets 
and  stigmas  occurs  in  plants  from  East  Maui  on  the  southern  slopes  of  Haleakala 
on  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  and  also  on  plants  back  of  Ulupalakua. 

As  the  number  of  stigmas  varies  in  that  species  and  differs  mainly  from  the 
Kauai  species  in  the  fact  that  they  are  sessile,  the  writer  is  almost  persuaded  to 
unite  them  both  under  P.  dipyrena. 

The  character  of  the  fruit  as  given  in  Hillebrand's  Flora  regarding  the  two 



PLATE  143. 

One-half  natural  size.      Fruiting  specimen. 


species  in  question  is  also  uncertain,  since  drupes  ringed  above  and  below  the 
middle  can  be  observed  in  P.  Kavaiensis;  the  drupes  of  P.  dipyrena  are  ringed 
above  the  middle  only. 


Drupe  ringed  at  the  base. 

Stigmas  2  to  3,  sessile P.  gymnocarpa 

Drupe  ringed  either  above  or  below  or  at  the  middle. 

Stigmas  2,  3  to  4,  sessile P.  dipyrena 

Stigmas  4  to  5  on  a  conspicuous  style P.  Kavaiensis 

Pterotropia  gymnocarpa  Hbd. 
(Plate  143.) 

PTEROTROPIA  GYMNOCARPA  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  151;— Harms  in  Engl.  et  Prantl 
Pflzfam.  Ill,  8  (1898)  31.— Heptapleurum  gymnocarpum  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins. 
Mar.  Pae.  VI  (1890)  183.— Dipanax  gymnocarpa  Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  870. 
Leaves  3  to  4  dm  long,  leaflets  9  to  11  (according  to  Hillebrand  15  to  17),  8  to  18 
cm  long,  4.5  to  8  cm  wide,  ovate  oblong,  the  lower  pair  diminishing  in  size  on  petioles 
of  2  to  18  mm,  obtuse  or  obliquely  acuminate,  with  rounded  base  or  unevensided,  char- 
taceous  to  coriaceous,  glabrous  underneath,  shining  above;  rhachis  of  panicle  rather 
short,  with  3  to  5  umbellately  radiating  primary  branches  of  10  to  20  cm,  the  flowers 
about  12  in  an  umbel  at  the  ends  of  racemose  and  umbellate  secondary  branches  of 
5  to  9  cm,  on  pedicels  of  8  to  20  mm;  calyx  very  short;  petals  6,  rarely  7,  cohering  at 
the  apex,  about  8  mm  in  length;  ovary  2  to  3  celled  (in  one  of  the  writer's  specimens  all 
ovaries  are  two  celled,  one  of  which  is  abortive);  stigmas  sessile;  drupe  globose  (accord- 
ing to  Hillebr.)  or  oblong-turbinate  in  the  writer's  specimens,  12  to  15  mm  long,  and 
about  7  mm  in  diameter,  nearly  entirely  free  and  naked,  the  adherent  calyx  forming  a 
low  disk  at  its  base;  pyrenae  thin  papery,  ovoid,  beaked  above  and  faintly  notched  below 
the  beak. 

This  is  a  small  or  medium-sized  tree  reaching  a  height  of  15  to  30  feet.  It 
differs  from  the  other  two  species  in  its  smaller  leaves  and  leaflets,  which  be- 
come quite  glabrous  when  old,  while  only  the  very  young  branchlets  are  mealy. 
The  branching  habit  is  similar  to  Oahuan  species  of  Tetraplasandra, 
rather  than  Pterotropia,  and  it  is  oiten  mistaken  for  such  at  first  glance.  It 
inhabits  the  main  range  of  Oahu,  to  which  island  it  is  peculiar.  It  is,  however, 
easily  distinguished  from  Tetraplasandra  by  its  rather  dark  foliage. 

Fine  trees  may  be  found  in  the  forest  on  the  windward  side  of  Punaluu  and 
above  Kaliuwaa  valley  at  an  elevation  of  2000  feet  or  more,  usually  along 
streambeds  and  in  gulches.  It  is  associated  with  Pelea  sandwicensis,  Euphorbia 
Rockii,  Hibiscus  Anwttiaitus,  Syzijyium  sandivicense,  Elaeocarpus  bifidus,  Pit- 
tosporum,  etc. 

On  Mt.  Olympus  at  the  head  of  Palolo  Valley  near  the  summit  ridge  fine 
trees  may  be  observed ;  also  on  Mt.  Konahuanui  of  the  same  range.  The  biggest 
trees  occur  in  the  Punaluu  Mountains  of  the  Koolau  range.  Hillebrand 's 
specimens  came  from  Niu  Valley.  This  tree  is  in  every  respect  a  Pterotropia 
but  in  habit,  as  it  does  not  reach  the  height  of  the  other  two  species,  which  is 
sometimes  60  to  80  feet. 

The  trees  from  Mt.  Olympus  have  a  two-celled  ovary,  while  those  from  other 
localities  are  three-celled.  The  inflorescence  is  not  drooping,  but  almost  erect 
above  the  leaves. 


PLATE  144. 

Showing  fruiting  specimen.      Much  reduced. 


Pterotropia  kavaiensis  (Mann)  Hbd. 
Ohe  ohe. 

PTEROTROPIA  KAVAIENSIS   (Mann)   Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.   (1888)   150;— Harms  in  Engl. 

et    Prantl    Pflzfam.    Ill,    8    (1898)    31.— Heptapleurum    (Pterotropia)    kavaiense 

Maun   Proc.   Am.   Acad.   VII    (1867)    168;— Del   Cast.   111.   Fl.   Ins.   Mar.   Pac.   VI. 

(1890)    183.— Agalma    kavaiense    Seem.    Eevis.    Hederac.    (1868)     103.— Dipanax 

kavaiensis  Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)   871. 

Leaves  impari-pinnate,  6  to  9  dm  long;  leaflets  11  to  21,  ovate  oblong,  7  to  19  cm 
long,  4  to  8  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  2  to  15  mm  (the  last  upper  pair  of  leaflets  almost 
sessile  in  some  specimens,  the  lowest  pair  of  leaflets  much  smaller  than  the  others,  but 
on  the  longest  petiolules),  acuminate  or  rounded  at  the  apex,  rounded  or  truncate  at  the 
base,  coriaceous,  sprinkled  above,  but  densely  tomentose  underneath;  panicle  large  and 
ample,  its  5  primary  branches  1  to  3  dm  long  mostly  alternate  on  a  common  rhachis  of  5  to 
7  cm,  the  secondary  branches  4  to  7  cm,  mostly  alternate;  petals  6  to  7,  rarely  9,  densely 
tomentose  especially  in  the  bud;  ovary  generally  4-celled,  or  3  to  5  celled,  stigmas  on  a 
distinct  stylopod  of  1  mm;  drupe  ovoid  about  12  mm,  ringed  below,  at,  or  above  the  middle, 
the  pyrenae  chartaceous. 

This  species  differs  very  little  from  P.  dipyrena,  and  is  only  distinguishable 
from  the  latter  in  the  raised  stigmas,  the  number  of  which  is  usually  four  in 
P.  kavaiensis  and  two  to  three  to  four  in  P.  dipyrena.  The  characters  of  the 
leaves  can  not  at  all  be  relied  upon,  the  leaflets  of  P.  dipyrena  varying  from 
linear  oblong  to  ovoid,  and  are  either  cordate,  truncate  or  rounded  at  the  base, 
on  petiolules  of  about  1  mm  to  30  mm;  the  stigmas  are  more  or  less  sessile  in 
P.  dipyrena. 

Pterotropia  kavaiensis,  in  the  writer's  mind,  should  be  united  with  P.  dipy- 
rena, b.ut  as  only  one  good  flowering  specimen  from  one  locality  is  at  present  in 
his  possession,  he  defers  such  action  until  the  future,  when  more  complete  mate- 
rial shall  be  at  hand. 

The  Olie  ohe  of  Kauai  is  a  very  beautiful  and  symmetrical  tree  reaching  a 
height  of  50  feet  and  occasionally  more,  with  a  trunk  of  over  one  foot  in  diam- 
eter. It  divides  near  the  top  into  a  few  ascending  stout  branches,  at  the  end  of 
which  are  large  leaf-whorls.  The  crown  is  flat  and  is  about  one-fifth  the  height 
of  the  tree.  When  growing,  crowded  by  other  trees,  it  branches  10  or  15  feet 
above  the  ground  and  is  not  as  symmetrical  as  trees  growing  apart.  It  is  a  tree 
which  inhabits  the  mountains  on  the  leeward  side  of  Kauai,  above  Waimea,  in 
the  dry  regions  at  an  elevation  of  2800  to  4000  feet. 

Its  associates  are  Bobea  Mannii,  Cryptocaria  Mannii,  Cyanea  leptostegia, 
Tetraplasandra  Waimeae,  Metrosideros,  etc.  It  can  be  recognized  from  afar,  as 
it  usually  towers  above  the  trees  surrounding  it,  giving  the  landscape  a  peculiar 

The  wood  of  the  Ohe  ohe  is  white  and  rather  soft. 

Pterotropia  dipyrena  (Mann)   Hbd. 

Ohe  ohe. 
(Plates  144,  145.) 

PTEROTROPIA  DIPYRENA  (Mann)  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  150;  Harms  in  Engl.  et 
Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill,  8  (1898)  31. — Heptapleurum  (Pterotropia)  dipyrenum  Mann 
Proc.  Amer.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  160. — Dipanax  Mannii  Seem.  Journ.  Bot.  VI 
(1868)  41;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VI  (1890)  182;— Heller  PI.  Haw. 
Isl.  (1897)  870. 


PLATE  145. 

Ohe  Ohe. 

Growing  at  an  elevation  of  4500  feet  above  Ulupalakua  on  the  southeastern  slopes  of 

Mt.  Haleakala,  Maui. 


Leaves  36  to  100  cm  long,  composed  of  15  to  21  leaflets  varying  greatly  in  size 
and  shape,  usually  ovate  oblong  8  to  21  cm  long,  4  to  11  cm  wide,  cordate,  truncate  or  un- 
evensided  at  the  base,  acuminate  at  the  apex,  the  longest  pair  of  leaflets  at  about  the  middle 
of  the  leaf,  the  lowest  pair  the  broadest  but  shorter,  on  short  petioles  in  the  smaller 
leaf-forms,  and  on  petioles  of  often  25  mm  in  the  large  leaf  forms,  glabrous  above,  fur- 
furaceous  below;  panicle  very  large  almost  one  meter  long  (in  the  Kau,  Hawaii,  speci- 
mens, but  about  36  cm  in  some  of  the  Maui  specimens)  rising  from  a  common  rhachis  of 
sometimes  15  cm,  with  8  drooping  rays,  each  ray  often  7.5  dm  long,  covered  with  a  brown 
tomentum,  the  secondary  branches  4  to  10  cm  long,  alternate,  the  flowers  racemose  and 
subumbellate  on  pedicels  of  about  1  cm,  bracts  short  triangular;  calyx  small  with  an 
undulate  border;  petals  6  to  8,  12  mm  long,  lanceolate,  cohering,  but  finally  free;  stamens 
6  to  8,  anthers  white;  drupe  ovoid  to  subglobose,  ringed  with  the  calyx  border  above  the 
middle,  stigmas  2  or  3  or  4,  slightly  raised  or  sessile  on  a  conical  disk;  pyrenae  coriace- 
ous inseparable. 

The  Ohe  olie  of  Maui  and  Hawaii  is  like  that  of  Kauai,  a  stately  tree  50  to  60 
feet  and  sometimes  even  80  feet  in  height.  It  has  a  straight  bole  for  30  feet  or 
more,  with  few  stout  ascending  branches.  The  trunk,  which  is  clothed  in  a  whit- 
ish-gray smooth  bark,  is  often  a  foot  or  more  in  diameter.  The  tree  was  first 
described  by  H.  Mann,  who  collected  it  on  the  Island  of  Lanai,  recording  it  as 
a  small  tree  12  to  20  feet  in  height.  It  has  since  been  found  on  Maui  and  Ha- 
waii. It  is,  however,  still  most  numerous  on  the  southeastern  and  strictly  south- 
ern slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  Island  of  Maui.  In  the  former  locality  above  Ulu- 
palakua  it  is  the  only  species  alive,  as  can  be  seen  in  the  picture,  all  the  rest  of 
the  vegetation  having  been  killed  by  cattle,  goats  and  sheep. 

On  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  district  of  Kahikinui,  the  writer  found  some  very 
big  trees  in  company  with  Pelea  multiflora,  Bobea  Hookeri,  Alectryon  macro- 
coccus,  Xanthoxylum  sp.,  Tetraplasandra  meiandra,  and  many  others.  It  is  more 
or  less  peculiar  to  the  dry  districts,  but  is  also  not  uncommon  in  the  rain  forest 
on  the  northeastern  slope  of  Haleakala  along  the  Kula  pipe  line  trail,  especially 
on  the  crater  of  Puukakai  at  an  elevation  of  about  4500  feet. 

On  Hawaii  it  has  been  found  by  Hillebrand  in  the  dry  district  of  Kawaihae- 
iuka,  but  could  not  be  located  during  a  visit  made  by  the  writer  in  that  locality, 
though  the  writer  was  fortunate,  however,  to  find  it  in  the  forests  of  Hilea  in 
Kau,  the  most  southern  point  on  the  Island  of  Hawaii,  at  an  elevation  of  2000 
feet.  In  this  latter  locality  occur  the  biggest  trees  of  this  species,  while  in  the 
Kaiholena  Mountains,  elevation  4000  feet,  of  the  same  district,  the  trees  are 
smaller  and  resemble  the  description  (outward  appearance)  given  by  Mann  of 
the  trees  which  he  found  on  Lanai. 

The  wood  of  the  Ohe  ohe  is  rather  soft  and  of  no  particular  value.  It  is  a 
hardy  tree  and  can  stand  the  ravages  of  cattle  and  other  enemies  better  than  any 
other  Hawaiian  tree. 


Calyx  border  with  5  short  teeth.  Petals  5,  valvate  in  the  bud,  triangular.  Stamens 
5  shorter  than  the  petals,  anthers  ovoid.  Ovary  5  to  2  celled,  stigmas  sessile  on  a 
conical  elevation  of  the  disk,  or  apical  on  a  thick  and  short  style.  Fruit  globose,  ribbed 
when  dry,  with  somewhat  fleshy  exocarp;  pyrenae  laterally  compressed,  coriaceous. 
Albumen  even,  not  wrinkled,  fleshy  to  horny. — Glabrous  unarmed  trees.  Leaves  opposite, 


PLATE   146. 


Fruiting  branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree,  diameter  of  the  latter  nearly  2  feet.      Grow- 
ing in  Kipuka  Puaulu,  near  Volcano  Kilauea,  Hawaii;  elevation  4000  feet. 


digitate  with  3  to  5  leaflets,  long  petiolate.  entire  or  toothed.  Flowers  umbellate  on  the 
ultimate  division  of  a  terminal  or  lateral  panicle,  with  opposite  horizontal  branches, 
which  are  articulate  at  all  nodes  and  below  the  calyx.  Bracts  small  opposite. 

A  genus  of  two  species  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  but  related  to 
Xothopanax,  a  genus  occurring  in  New  Zealand,  Samoa  and  Tasmania.  Xotko- 
panax  samoense  Gray  is  called  Tanc-tane  by  the  Samoans. 


Leaflets  3  to  5,  longer  than  broad Ch.  Gaudichaudii 

Leaflets  3,  broader  than  long Ch.  platyphyllum 

Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii  (DC.)   Seem. 

Olapa,  or  Kauila  Malm  on  Kauai. 

(Plates  146,  147.) 

CHEIRODENDRON  GAUDICHAUDII  (DC.)  Seem.  Journ.  Bot.  V.  (1867)  236;—  Hbd. 
Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  148;— Harms  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill,  8  (1898)  48.— 
Panax?  Gaudichaudi  DC.  Prodr.  IV  (1830)  253; — Hook,  et  Am.  Bot.  Beechey 
(1832)  84;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no.  1340;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif. 
VI  (1890)  181.— Aralia  trigyna  Gaud.  Bot.  Toy.  Uranie  (1826)  (but  appeared 
in  reality  1830)  474,  pi.  98. — Hedera  Gaudichaudii  A.  Gray.  Bot.  U.  S.  E.  E. 
(1854)  719,  t.  90; — H.  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  168; —  Wawra  in 
Flora  (1873)  142.  — Cheirodendron  trigynum.  (Gaud.)  Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1897)  870. 

Had  Gaudichaud's  Botany  of  the  Voyage  Uranie  appeared  really  in  1826,  as 
indicated  on  the  title  page,  Heller's  combination  would  hold  good;  Gaudichaud's 
description,  however,  appeared  in  1830  after  the  publication  of  the  species  by 
DeCandolle  in  his  Prodromus  (1830). 

Leaflets  3  to  5,  the  outer  ones  smaller,  petioled,  ovate,  oblong  or  obovate,  the  margin 
generally  thickened  and  toothed  or  serrulate,  with  a  gland  in  the  notch  of  each  serrature, 
or  entire  (in  specimens  from  the  Punaluu  mountains,  Oahu)  with  no  signs  of  any  denta- 
tion, chartaceous  to  coriaceous,  glabrous,  shining  above;  panicle  subpyramidal,  shorter 
than  the  leaves,  compact,  with  4  to  5  nodes  to  the  rhachis;  flowers  4  mm  greenish; 
pedicels  2  mm;  petals  thick  ovate  2  to  3  mm,  soon  caducous;  stamens  nearly  as  long; 
ovary  generally  3  celled,  or  2  or  4  celled,  rarely  5  celled;  stigmas  short  and  thick,  re- 
curved, sessile  or  subsessile  on  a  short  stylopod;  drupe  ovoid  6  mm  long,  2  to  5  angled 
when  dry. 

Hooker  et  Arnott's  Panaxf  ovatum  is  Cheirodendron  Gaudichaudii  (DC.) 
Seem.  var.  'X  Hbd.  I.e. 

The  Olapa,  as  the  tree  is  usually  called  on  all  the  islands,  reaches  a  height 
of  40  to  50  feet  and  sometimes  more.  It  derives  its  name  ' '  Cheirodendron ' '  from 
the  Greek  (Keiros — hand  and  Dendron — tree)  on  account  of  its  leaves,  which 
consist  usually  of  five  leaflets,  giving  it  the  shape  of  a  hand.  It  is  one  of  our 
most  common  forest  trees,  and  is  always  conspicuous  in  the  woods  by  its  foliage, 
which  is  constantly  in  motion,  even  if  there  is  hardly  any  breeze.  Its  trunk  is 
sometimes  two  feet  and  even  more  in  diameter,  and  is  vested  in  a  smooth,  yel- 
lowish bark  when  growing  in  wet  forest,  and  rough,  scaly  bark  in  dry  districts. 
All  parts  of  this  tree,  as  well  as  of  the  Lapalapa,  emit  a  very  strong  carroty 
odor  when  bruised,  not  unlike  turpentine,  and  the  wood  of  both  species  is  said 
to  burn  when  green.  Several  varieties  are  recognized  which  are  peculiar  to  cer- 
tain sections  of  the  various  islands,  and  are  as  follows : — 


PLATE  147. 


Tree  growing  on  the  old  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  southern  slope  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  Maui; 

elevation  2800  feet. 


var.    a- — Leaflets   5   to   3,   ovate   oblong,   deeply   crenate   or   serrate;    panicles   short, 

styles  3,  rarely  2  to  4.      (E.  Maui  and  Hawaii.) 
var.    fi. — Leaflets    generally    3,    rarely    5,    ovate    to    suborbicular,    remotely    dentate, 

on  a  long  common  petiole,  panicle  large;  stigmas  3  or  2.      (W.  Maui,  Molo_- 

kai,  Hawaii.) 
var.    v. — Leaflets   3,   entire,   the   common   petiole   rather   long;    panicle   large,   open, 

panicle  drawn  out,  stigmas  3  to  2.      (Koolau  Eange,  Oahu.) 
var.    3.— Leaflets  3,  rarely  5,  remotely  and  faintly  dentate,  on  rather  short  petioles, 

styles  3,  4  or  5.      (Oahu,  Koolau  range;  Mt.  Kaala,  and  Niihau.) 
var.     £. — Leaflets  subentire,  small,  membraneous,  styles  2  to  5.     (Woods  of  Kauai.) 

The  Olapa  is  most  common  on  East  Maui,  in  the  middle  forest  zone  on  the 
slopes  of  Haleakala  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet,  and  it  is  here  that  it  attains  its 
best  development.  As  mentioned  before,  it  is  common  on  all  the  islands  of  the 
group  at  elevations  from  2000  to  4000  feet. 

The  performers  of  the  native  liula,  or  dance,  were  divided  into  two  groups, 
the  Olapa  and  the  Hoopaa.  The  former,  who  undoubtedly  derive  their  name 
from  the  Olapa  tree,  were  those  whose  part  in  the  dance  was  the  agile  one,  who 
could  best  illustrate,  by  the  graceful  bending  of  their  bodies,  the  motion  of  the 
leaves  of  the  Olapa  trees.  From  the  leaves  and  bark  the  natives  extracted  a 
bluish  dye,  which  they  employed  in  dyeing  their  tapa,  or  paper  cloth. 

Cheirodendron  platyphyllum  (Hook,  et  Arn.)  Seem. 
(Plate  148.) 

CHEIRODENDRON  PLATYPHYLLUM  (Hook,  et  Arn.)  Seem.  Journ.  Bot.  V.  (1867) 
236;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  149;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1897)  869;— 
Harms  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Ill,  8  (1898)  48.— Panax?  platyphyllum  Hook, 
et  Arn.  Bot.  Beechey  (1832)  84;— Endl.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  no.  1342;— Del  Cast.  111. 
Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VI  (1890)  182.— Hedera  platyphylla  A.  Gray  Bot.  TJ.  S.  E.  E. 
(1854)  720,  t.  91;— Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  168;— Wawra  in  Flora 
(1873)  157. 

Leaflets  3,  ovate,  broader  than  long,  4  to  8  cm  x  5  to  7.5  cm,  mucronate  or  suddenly 
and  shortly  acuminate,  truncate  at  the  base,  or  sometimes  cuneate,  entire  or  shortly  den- 
tate or  almost  sinuate-dentate  (Waialeale,  Kauai,  plants),  with  thickened  margin,  coriace- 
ous and  shining,  on  long  spreading  petioles  about  4  cm,  the  common  petioles  6  to  8  cm 
long;  panicles  single,  or  three  together,  very  open,  10  to  15  cm  long,  pedunculate;  um- 
bellets  4  to  7  flowered,  the  pedicles  2  to  6  mm;  flowers  6  mm;  stigmas  5,  rarely  4,  in- 
curved or  truncate,  triangular  on  a  very  short  and  thick  stylopod;  drupe  subglobose, 
6  to  7  mm  in  diameter,  5  to  4  angled  when  dry. 

The  Lapalapa,  somewhat  smaller  than  the  Olapa,  is  a  very  handsome  tree, 
though  by  far  not  as  common  as  the  latter,  as  it  is  only  found  on  the  high 
plateau  of  Kauai  up  to  the  summit  of  Waialeale,  and  on  the  Koolau  mountain 
range  of  Oahu.  It  is  easily  distinguished  from  the  Olapa  by  its  leaves,  which 
are  much  broader  than  long  and  are  on  long,  spreading  petioles  with  only  three 
leaflets.  What  has  been  said  of  the  Olapa  in  regard  to  the  constant  motion  of 
its  leaves  applies  also  to  the  Lapalapa. 

It  is  confined  to  the  Islands  of  Kauai  and  Oahu  and  inhabits  the  very  wet 
or  rain  forests  at  an  elevation  of  4000  feet  up  to  5000  feet;  it  hardly  descends 
lower  than  3000  feet.  It  thrives  best  in  swampy  ground,  and  is  a  common  fea- 


PLATE  148. 

CHEIRODENDRON  PLATYPHYLLUM   (Hook,   et  Am.)    Seem. 
Flowering  branch,   reduced. 


ture  of  the  vegetation  on  the  high  plateau  of  Kauai,  bordering  the  extensive  open 
bogs  of  Kauluwehi,  Alakai,  and  Lehua  makanoe.  At  the  summit  of  Waialeale  it 
is  a  small  tree  or  rather  shrub,  with  almost  sinuate  leaves.  At  lower  elevations 
the  leaves  are  entire.  It  is  associated  with  Pelea,  Dubautia  (the  high  mountain 
forms),  Labordea,  Lobelia  Gaudicliaudii,  Scaevola  glabra,  etc.  On  Oahu  it  is 
confined  to  the  summit  ridges  of  the  Koolau  range,  especially  Konahuanui,  and 
has  also  been  found  on  Kaala  of  the  Waianae  range. 

The  wood  of  the  Lapalapa  is  whitish,  with  a  yellow  tinge,  and  is  said  to  burn 
when  green. 


The  family  Epacridaceae  has  only  a  limited  distribution.  The  bulk  of  its 
species  is  to  be  found  in  Australia  and  Tasmania,  with  quite  a  number  of  genera 
in  New  Zealand.  The  family  possesses  21  genera  of  which  273  species  occur  in 
Australia.  Of  all  the  21  genera  only  one  genus  with  one  subgenus  is  not  to  be 
found  in  Australia  or  Tasmania.  A  few  endemic  species  occur  in  New  Cale- 
donia and  the  most  southern  part  of  South  America,  besides  a  few  species  of 
large  genera  in  India  and  the  Malayan-Archipelago.  Here  in  the  Hawaiian 
Islands  we  have  two  species  represented,  of  the  subgenus  Cyathodes,  formerly 
recognized  as  a  genus,  but  now  a  subgenus  of  Styphelia  by  Drude. 


Corolla  campanulate,  funnel-shaped  or  tubular.  Stamens  enclosed  in  the  tubes  of 
the  corolla;  anthers  hardly  visible,  or  exserted  on  long  filaments.  Style  longer  than  the 
stamens,  stigma  simple  small.  Disc  a  ring  or  composed  of  5  lobes  or  scales.  Ovary  usually 
5-celled,  rarely  through  abortion  3-  or  2-celled.  Fruit  a  berry  or  drupe. — Shrubs  or  low  trees 
with  usually  broad  or  narrow  lanceolate,  spathulate-elliptical  leaves,  the  flowers  single, 
axillary,  or  in  racemes,  with  2  to  several  bracts. 

This  is  the  richest  genus  in  the  family  Epacridaceae  of  which  the  largest 
number  of  species  belongs  to  Australia.  The  Hawaiian  species  St.  Tameiameia 
and  St.  Grayana  come  under  the  fourth  subgenus  Cyathodes  which  may  be  de- 
scribed as  follows: 

Subgen.   Cyathodes   Lab. 

Calyx  surrounded  by  many  bracts;  corolla  funnel-shaped,  its  tube  hardly  protruding 
from  the  calyx,  inside  and  at  the  throat  without  glands  and  beardless;  stamens  enclosed; 
ovary  5-10  celled. 

The  subgenus  Cyathodes  occurs  in  Tasmania,  New  Zealand,  and  in  the  Ha- 
waiian Islands  with  two  species. 

Styphelia  tameiameia   F.  Muell. 
Pukeawe  or  Puakeawe. 

STYPHELIA  TAMEIAMEIA  F.  Muell.  Fragm.  VI.  (1867)  55;— Drude  in  Engl.  et  Prantl 
Pflzfam.  IV.  1.  78.— Cyathodes  tameiameia  Cham,  in  Linnaea  I.  (1826) 
539;— End!.  Fl.  Suds.  (1836)  170.  No.  1070;— DC.  Prodr.  VTT  '1839)  741;— 



Th.  Nuttal  in  Transact.  Am.  Phil.  S'oc.  VIII.  (1843)  270;— A.  Gray 
Proc.  Am.  Acad.  V.  (1862)  325;— Mann  Proc.  Am.  Ac.  VII.  (1867)  188;— 
Wawra  in  Flora  (1873)  59;— Hbd.  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  272;— Del  Cast.  111.  PI.  Ins. 
Mar.  Pac.  VII.  (1892)  224;— Heller  PI.  Haw.  Isl.  in  Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  Bull.  IX. 
(1897)  872. 

Leaves  stiff  coriaceous,  linear  or  oblong  8-12  mm  long,  2-4  mm  broad,  on  broadish 
petioles  of  less  than  1  mm,  acute  or  somewhat  obtuse,  shortly  mucronate,  cuneate  or  some- 
what obtuse  at  the  base,  naked,  smooth  above,  waxy-white  or  glaucous  underneath  and 
striate  with  9-13  longitudinal  nerves,  which  fork  or  branch  more  or  less,  particularly  in 
the  obovate  leaves;  peduncle  with  flower  shorter  than  the  leaf;  bracts  (5-9)  and  sepals 
obtuse  coriaceous;  corolla  whitish,  3  mm  long,  the  tube  included  in  the  calyx,  the  acute 
lobes  V-2  the  length  of  the  tube,  with  5  lines  of  hairlets  running  down  the  tube;  anthers 
oblong,  obtuse,  subexserted,  about  as  long  as  their  filaments;  disc  small;  ovary  5-8  celled; 
style  as  long  as  the  ovary,  thick  tapering;  drupe  globose  4-6  mm  in  diameter,  red,  white 
or  pink,  rather  dry;  seeds  ovoid,  with  thin  testa;  embryo  axile  two-third  the  length  of  the 
mealy  albumen,  the  radicle  scarcely  distinguishable  from  the  cotyledons. 

The  Pukeaive,  or  as  it  is  also  called  Maiele,  Puakeawe  and  Kawau  on  Lanai, 
is  a  shrub  in  the  lower  elevations,  but  becomes  a  small  tree  10-15  feet  in  height 
in  the  upper  regions  at  6000-7000  feet  elevation.  The  trunk  is  rather  twisted 
and  vested  in  a  finely  corrugated  brown  bark;  the  tallest  specimens  were  ob- 
served by  the  writer  on  the  upper  slopes  of  Mt.  Hualalai  on  Hawaii  at  an  eleva- 
tion of  6000  feet.  The  species  occurs  on  all  the  islands  of  the  group  and  can  be 
found  at  all  elevations.  The  species  besides  being  found  in  Hawaii  exists  also 
in  Tahiti  and  Eimeo  of  the  Society  group. 

Interesting  legends  are  connected  with  this  plant  in  Hawaii ;  it  was  a  favorite 
of  the  Kahuna  or  native  priest.  David  Malo,  the  Hawaiian  historian,  tells  us 
that  it  was  used  in  incremating  the  body  of  any  one  who  had  made  himself  an 
outlaw  beyond  the  protection  of  the  tabu.  Dr.  N.  Emerson  gives  an  interesting 
explanation  of  this  procedure  of  incremation.  He  also  says :  ' '  When  a  kapu-chief 
found  it  convenient  to  lay  aside  his  dread  exclusiveness  for  a  time,  that  he  might 
perhaps  mingle  with  people  on  equal  terms  without  injury  to  them  or  to  himself, 
it  was  the  custom  for  him  and  according  to  one  authority  those  with  whom  he 
intended  to  mingle  joined  with  him  in  the  ceremony — to  shut  himself  into  a 
little  house  and  smudge  himself  with  the  smoke  from  a  fire  of  the  Pukeawe 
shrub.  At  the  conclusion  of  this  fumigation  a  priest  recited  a  Pule  Huikala — 
prayer  for  a  dispensation. 

The  Pukeawa  is  familiar  to  all  who  have  been  at  all  in  the  Hawaiian  forests, 
especially  around  the  Volcano  of  Kilauea  on  Hawaii  where  the  plant  is  very 
common  in  company  with  the  Olelo  berries.  It  is  very  striking  on  account  of 
its  heath-like  appearance,  and  the  white  or  red  dry  berries.  On  the  high 
mountains  at  from  10,000  feet  elevation  up  to  the  limit  of  plant  growth  occurs 
another  species,  which  is  a  shrub.  Its  scientific  name,  which  was  Cyathodes 
imbricata  Stschegleew,  will  have  to  be  changed,  as  there  is  already  a  St.  im- 
bricata  in  that  genus  as  a  synonym,  and  therefore  will  be  known  from  now  on 
as  Styphelia  Gray  ana  (Stschegleew)  Eock. 



The  family  Myrsinaceae  consists  of  32  genera  and  about  770  species.  The 
family  is  a  distinctly  tropical  one  and  is  distributed  over  the  whole  world.  In 
the  eastern  hemisphere  it  ranges  from  the  island  of  Tsu  Sima,  Korea  straits, 
to  Victoria  in  Australia,  and  in  the  western  hemisphere  from  Florida  to  Argen- 

In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  only  two  genera  are  represented,  Suttonia  and  Em- 
belia,  the  former  occurs  outside  of  Hawaii  only  in  New  Zealand  arid  has  arbores- 
cent forms,  while  the  genus  Embelia  has  two  species  in  these  Islands,  which 
are  climbers,  but  consists  of  more  than  92  species  which  have  a  wide  distribution 
(Africa,  India,  Hawaii,  Australia). 


Flowers  hermaphrodite,  4  or  5-merous.  Sepals  shortly,  or  very  shortly  united,  or  free 
at  the  base,  imbricate  or  open,  with  ciliolate  margins.  Petals  free,  valvate  or  very  obscurely 
imbricate,  broadly  or  rarely  narrow-elliptical,  or  very  rarely  obovate,  rounded  or  subacute 
at  the  apex,  with  papillulose  or  ciliate  margins,  often  punctate  or  lineate.  Anthers  usually 
sessile  and  little  shorter  than  the  petals,  introrse,  somewhat  acute  at  the  apex  or  subobtuse, 
and  papillose.  Ovary  ovoid,  style  wanting  or  very  short;  stigma  capitate  and  often 
fimbriate.  Placenta  2-4  ovulate.  Fruits  globose  or  ovoid,  1-seeded,  crowned  by  the  stigma; 
endocarp'crustaeeous  to  chartaceous.  Seeds  globose  with  the  rudiments  of  the  placenta, 
albumen  horny,  embryo  cylindrical.  Trees  or  shrubs  with  entire,  very  variable  leaves. 
Inflorescence  lateral,  fasciculate  in  the  axils  of  fallen  leaves,  few-flowered.  Flowers  small, 

The  Hawaiian  species  of  the  genus  Suttonia  form  a  section  by  themselves 
"Subgenus  Rapaneopsis  Mez;"  with  pentamerous  flowers. 

The  Hawaiian  Kolea  were  originally  placed  in  the  genus  Myrsine  by  A. 
DeCandolle,  and  later  transferred  to  the  genus  Suttonia  by  Mez.  The  whole 
genus  consists  of  17  species,  11  of  which  are  endemic  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands; 
of  the  remaining  6,  5  are  found  in  New  Zealand  and  one  in  Norfolk  Island. 
Originally  only  four  Hawaiian  species  were  known  and  are  described  in  Hille- 
braud's  Flora  of  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  Since  then  4  were  added  by  Mez,  and 
3  distinct  new  species  and  3  new  varieties  by  the  writer.  H.  Leveille  described 
10  new  species  of  which  6  are  now  synonyms ;  one  of  his  species,  Suttonia  molo- 
kaiensis,  is  a  small  leaved  form  of  Sideroxylon  sandwicense.  As  the  descrip- 
tion of  the  remaining  ones  is  so  vague,  and  material  of  them  not  in  the  writer  '& 
possession,  they  are  very  dubious  and  are  here  ignored. 


Leaves  tomentose  underneath. 

Branches  glabrous,  leaves  65  mm S.  Kauaiensis 

Branches  covered  with  ferruginous  tomentum,  leaves  100  mm  or  mor<  S.  Wawraea 

Leaves  glabrous. 

Leaves  thin,  without  marginal  nerve,  petals  markedly  punctate S.  Lanaiensis- 

Leaves  large  210  mm,  elongate  elliptical,  petiolate,  chartaceous....  S.  Fernseei 

Leave's  succulent,  spathulate,  75  mm,  petiole  margined, S.  spathulata, 



Leaves   dark,   chartaceous,   pale   veined,  not   punctate;   drupe   very 

small  3  mm,  spheroidal S.  volcanica 

Leaves    ovate    to    suborbicular,    glaucous,    margins    revolute,    style 

distinct S.  Knudsenii 

Leaves  thick  coriaceous,  100  mm  long  or  more,  reticulate,  euneate 

at  the"  base .  .  ._„_. S.  Lessertiana 

Leaves  coriaceous,  small,  24  mm,  emarginate  at  the  apex S.  Sandwicensis 

Leaves  elliptical-oblong,  petiolate,  50  mm  long,  strongly  reticulate.  S.  Hillebrandii 

Leaves  sessile,  very  narrow,  lanceolate,  apex  caudate,  acuminate..  S.  lanceolata 

Suttonia  kauaiensis   (Hbd.)    Mez. 

SUTTONIA  KAUAIENSIS  (Hbd.)  Mez  Das  Pflzenreich  9.  IV.  236.  (1902)  335;— Pax  in 
Ehgl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  IV.  1.  (1908)  278.— Myrsine  kauaiensis  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl. 
(1888)  280;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII.  (1892)  227.— Heller  in  Minnes. 
Bot.  Stud.  IX.  (1897)  873. 

A  small  tree  12  m  in  height;  branches  slender,  glabrous;  leaves  pilose  when  young, 
glabrate  when  old,  on  petioles  of  4-15  mm,  oblong  or  oblong-lanceolate,  shortly  and  obscurely 
acuminate  at  the  apex  or  somewhat  obtuse,  reticulate  on  both  sides,  the  adult  leaves  densely 
set  with  blackish  minute  dots;  inflorescence  of  1-5-7  flowers,  bracts  linear,  2-2.5  mm,  the 
slender  pedicels  5.7  mm,  glabrous  or  pilose;  flowers  3  mm  long;  sepals  connate  one-third 
their  length,  often  covered  with  long  hair  at  the  dorsal  side,  ovate;  petals  elliptical, 
subrotundate  at  tBe  apex,  with  elongate,  brownish,  or  shortly  linear  dots;  stamens  with 
large,  ovate-elliptical,  somewhat  acuminate  anthers,  slightly  papillose;  ovary  glabrous,  ovoid, 
style  shert  and  thick,  stigma  obtuse,  very  obscurely  5-angular;  drupe  globose,  4  mm. 

This  species  was  first  collected  by  V.  Knudsen  (no.  191)  of  Kauai.  It  grows 
in  the  outskirts  of  the  forests  of  Halemanu  and  Kaholuamano  on  Kauai.  Speci- 
mens which  evidently  belong  to  this  species  were  collected  by  the  writer  in  the 
type  locality  (Halemanu)  flowering  (no.  1567)  Febr.  14,  1909;  and  in  Milolii 
gorge  (no.  2355)  Febr.  26,  1909.  In  this  latter  form  the  young  leaves  are 
membraneous  and  puberulous ;  without  flower  or  fruit. 

The  typical  Suttonia  kauaiensis  was  collected  in  the  forests  of  Kaholuamano, 
at  an  elevation  of  3800  feet,  flowering  March,  1909,  (no.  2359).  The  pedicels 
are  glabrous,  as  well  as  the  flowers,  with  the  exception  of  the  ciliate  margin  of 
sepals  and  petals ;  the  leaves  are  subemarginate  at  the  base. 

Suttonia  Wawraea  Mez. 

SUTTONIA  WAWRAEA  Mez  Das  Pflzreich  9.  IV.  236.  (1902)  335.— Myrsine  Gaudichaudii 
var.  hirsuta  Wawra  in  Flora  (1874)  524. — Myrsine  Kauaiensis  var.  £  hirsuta  Hbd. 
in  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  281;  Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII.  (1892)  227. 

A  small  tree  or  shrub;  young  branches  densely  and  shortly  covered  v/ith  a  turbid 
brown-ferruginous  tomentum;  leaves  on  petioles  of  4  mm,  elliptical  or  obovate-elliptical, 
somewhat  obtuse  at  the  apex,  8-16  cm  long,  40-60  mm  wide,  the  medium  nerve  covered 
with  an  appressed  reddish  tomentum,  the  under  side  of  the  young  leaves  with  a  scattered 
pubescence  of  the  same  color,  prominently  reticulate  on  both  sides,  the  upper  side  glabrous, 
punctulate,  with  transparent  dots;  flowers  6-10,  14  mm  long,  pedicels  densely  tomentose  5-7 
mm  long;  flowers  densely  tomentose,  sepals  connate  at  the  base  one-fourth  their  length, 
ovate,  somewhat  acute,  with  the  margins  very  densely  "illous-ciliate;  petals  linear,  anthers 
barbellate  at  the  apex;  stigma  in  the  female  flowers  echiuate-capitulate;  drupe  dark 
bluish,  glaucous,  globose  8  mm  in  diameter,  crowned  by  the  persistent  stigma;  seeds  globose, 
many-ribbed,  6  mm  in  diameter,  endocarp  thin,  papery. 



This  exceedingly  interesting  and  handsome  species,  which  is  undoubtedly  very 
closely  related  to  S.  Kauaiensis,  occurs  only  in  the  very  dense  forest  of  the  in- 
terior of  Kauai,  often  bordering  the  extensive  bogs.  It  is  quite  conspicuous  on 
account  of  its  dark  green  leaves  which  are  dark  reddish  pubescent  underneath, 
and  also  for  its  fruits,  which  are  blackish  blue  with  glaucous  hue.  It  rarely 
attains  a  height  of  more  than  12  feet  and  is  often  shrubby ;  the  writer  collected 
it  on  the  borders  of  the  bog  Kauluwehi,  elevation  4300  feet,  in  the  heart  of  the 
Kauai  forests,  fruiting  October,  1911,  (no.  10229)  ;  and  flowering,  Kaholuamano 
forests  (no.  2362),  March  3-10,  1909;  (no.  5956)  fruiting  from  the  tabular 
summit  of  Kauai  Sept.  4,  1909.  Abbe  Faurie  flowering  March,  1910,  (no.  424). 

Suttonia  lanaiensis    (Hbd.)    Mez. 

SUTTONIA  LANAIENSIS  (Hbd.)  Mez  Das  Pflzenreich  9.  IV.  326.  (1902)  336.— Myrsine 
Lanaiensis  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  281. — Del  Cast.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pae.  VII.  (1892) 

A  small  tree,  glabrous  throughout,  the  bark  of  the  rather  stiff  branches  covered  with 
lenticels;  leaves  on  petioles  of  4-18  mm,  elliptical,  or  obovate-oblong,  shortly  acute  at  the 
base,  moderately  acuminate  at  the  apex,  pale,  dull,  membraneous  to  chartaceous,  minutely 
dotted  above,  very  obscurely  so  underneath,  85  mm  or  more  long,  40-60  mm  wide,  flowers 
rameal  and  in  the  axils  of  leaves,  flowers  usually  5-8  or  even  more,  pedicels  5-6  mm, 
slender,  glabrous;  flowers  3  mm  long;  sepals  almost  free,  ovate  to  suborbicular,  with  the 
margins  papillose-fimbriate;  petals  elliptico-lanceolate,  subacute,  dotted  with  black  roundish 
dots  or  lines;  anthers  ovate,  subacute,  the  apex  papillulose;  ovary  ovoid,  narrowed  toward 
the  apex, .glabrous,  style  none,  stigma  large,  pulvinate;  drupe  globose,  depressed  5-6  mm  in 
diam.  reddish,  with  chartaceous  putamen,  1-seeded,  with  the  rudiments  of  2  or  three  ovules; 
embryo  arcuately  curved  in  horny  albumen. 

This  handsome  species,  which  has  hitherto  been  thought  to  be  peculiar  to  the 
Island  of  Lanai,  has  also  been  collected  on  the  eastern  part  of  Maui  in  open  dry 
gulches  back  of  Makawao  at  an  elevation  of  2500  feet,  where  it  reaches  a  height 
of  30  feet. 

It  is  exceedingly  common  on  the  Island  of  Lanai  in  the  open  dry  gulches, 
such  as  Kaiholena,  Mahana  and  Koele,  where  it  is  a  small  tree,  and  quite  con- 
spicuous on  account  of  its  pale,  graceful  foliage,  which  has  always  a  pinkish 
tint.  It  is  associated  with  Rauwolfia  sandwicensis,  Xanthoxylum  hawaiiense 
var.  ft.,  Pisonia  sandwicensis,  and  many  others. 

It  is  collected  by  the  writer  on  Lanai,  flowering  July  27,  1910,  (no.  8027)  ; 
and  flowering  and  fruiting  Sept.,  1910,  (no.  8533)  in  a  gulch  above  Makawao, 
Island  of  Maui. 

Var.  coriacea  Rock  var.  nov. 

A  tree  with  stout  and  robust  branches;  leaves  thick  coriaceous,  ovate-oblong,  somewhat 
shining  above,  copper  colored  on  both  sides,  dull  underneath,  prominently  veined,  very 
minutely  punctate  above,  subacute  or  slightly  emarginate  at  the  apex,  somewhat  acute  at 
the  base,  slightly  contracted  on  puberulous  stout  petioles  of  10-12  mm;  flowers  8,  on  stout 
pedicels  of  6  mm,  glabrous,  otherwise  as  in  the  species;  fruit  not  seen. 

Of  this  variety  only  one  tree  was  observed  in  the  xerophylous  forest  on  the 
western  end  of  Lanai,  called  Kaa,  where  a  remnant  of  what  must  have  been 




once  an  interesting  forest  is  still  to  be  found.  The  tree  was  at  once  conspicu- 
ous by  its  thick  leathery  bronze  colored  leaves;  it  was  just  beginning  to  flower. 
It  is  associated  with  Osmanthus  sandwicensis,  Xylosma  Hillebrandii,  and  Maba 
sandwicensis.  From  a  distance  the  tree  looked  almost  exactly  like  a  Sideroxylon 
or  Chrysophyllum.  Collected  flowering  July  27,  1910,  (no.  8078),  type  in  the 
Herbarium  of  the  College  of  Hawaii. 

Suttonia   Fernseei   Mez. 

SUTTONIA  FEENSEEI  Mez.  in  Das  Pflzenreich  9.  IV.  236.   (1902)   336.— Myrsine  G-audi- 

chaudii  var.  grandifolia  Wawra  in  Flora  (1874)  524. 

Branches  very  thick,  at  the  very  apex  beset  with  minute  ferruginous  scales;  leaves 
on  petioles  of  7  mm  or  more,  elongate  and  narrowly  elliptical,  acute  at  the  base,  shortly 
contracted,  210  mm  or  more  long,  65  mm  broad,  membranaceous  to  chartaceous,  somewhat 
shining,  reticulate;  flowers  5-8,  12  mm  or  more  long,  pedicels  slender,  glabrous,  8  nun; 
flowers  3  mm  long,  glabrous;  sepals  connate  one-third  their  length,  the  lobes  triangular, 
with  the  margins  densely  ciliate,  petals  acute,  very  obscurely  marked  with  lines;  anthers 
of  the  female  flowers  little  reduced,  acute;  ovary  glabrous,  with  a  sessile  capitate  stigma. 

This  species  named  by  Mez  in  honor  of  Wawra,  Ritter  von  Fernsee,  was  col- 
lected by  the  latter  on  the  Island  of  Kauai  (no.  2019).  It  is  not  known  to  the 
writer.  It  may,  however,  be  identical  with  an  exceeding^  large  Suttonia  tree 
with  a  trunk  of  2  feet  in  diameter,  and  very  large  leaves,  found  at  Opaiwela 
near  Kaholuamano,  Kauai.  Owing  to  the  size  of  the  tree  it  was  impossible  to 
secure  specimens.  The  writer  did  not  meet  with  any  other  tree  of  this  sort,  and 
was  assured  by  Mr.  Francis  Gay  of  Kauai,  who  is  more  familiar  with  the  Kauai 
forests  than  any  other  man,  that  the  one  in  question  is  the  only  one  known 
to  him  in  the  surrounding  forests. 

On  the  Koolau  range  on  the  Island  of  Oahu,  in  the  mountains  of  Punaluu,  the 
writer  collected  specimens  of  a  Suttonia  (no.  473)  but  without  flower  or  fruit, 
whose  leaves  answer  well  Mez's  description  of  8.  Fernseei,  and  it  is  here  doubt- 
fully referred  to  that  species.  Among  the  numerous  duplicates  of  the  various 
Suttonia,  the  writer  found  a  sheet  numbered  2364  collected  at  Kaholuamano, 
Kauai,  March,  1909,  but  without  flower  or  fruit ;  it  must  however  be  referred 
to  S.  Fernseei,  as  the  leaves  answer  the  description. 

Suttonia  spathulata  Rock  sp.  nov. 

A  small  tree  6-8  m  high,  glabrous  throughout;  branches  stiff,  more  or  less  ascending; 
leaves  decidedly  spathulate,  bluntly  acute  at  the  apex  or  rounded,  thick  fleshy,  rather 
succulent,  on  short  margined  petioles  of  5-8  mm,  or  often  subsessile,  dark  green  above,  light 
underneath,  petioles  reddish,  veins  quite  inconspicuous,  sparingly  punctate  with  minute 
black  dots,  5-7.5  cm  long,  2-3  cm  wide;  branchlets  densely  flowered  their  whole  length, 
(flowers  unknown);  fruits  usually  4-6  in  a  cluster  on  pedicels  of  10  mm,  bracts  broad, 
triangular;  pedicels  and  the  persistent  ovate  sepals  glabrous,  the  latter  with  slightly 
fimbriate  margins;  fruit  globose,  black,  6  mm  in  diameter,  crowned  by  the  stigma. 

This  rather  striking  species  is  a  small  tree  of  15-20  feet  or  little  more^  and  is 
peculiar  to  Mt.  Haleakala,  Maul,  where  it  grows  on  the  northwest  slope  at  an 
elevation  of  6500  feet  in  the  gulches  back  of  the  extinct  crater  of  Puunianiau, 



associated  with  Dodonaea  eriocarpa,  Argyroxiphium  virescens,  Raillardia  platy- 
pkylla;  S  ant  alum  Haleakalae,  Geranium  arbor  eum,  and  others. 

It  was  collected  by  the  writer  fruiting  on  Oct.  11,  1910.  The  type  is  number 
8591  in  the  Herbarium  of  the  College  of  Hawaii. 

It  is  at  once  distinguished  from  other  Suttonia  by  its  small  spathulate,  very 
thick  leaves,  and  branchlets,  which  are  densely  covered  with  the  rather  large 
fruits.  In  the  dry  specimens  the  leaves  turn  pale  and  the  fruits  yellowish. 

Suttonia  volcanica  Rock  sp.  nov. 

A  small  tree  4-5  m  high,  with  slender  branches,  glabrous  throughout;  leaves  dark  green, 
very  prominently  and  pale  veined,  midrib  red,  pale  underneath,  not  dotted,  thin  chartaceous, 
shining  above,  dull  underneath,  ovate-oblong,  bluntly  acuminate  or  acute,  or  slightly  obtuse, 
rounded  at  the  base,  5-10  cm  long,  2-4.5  cm  wide,  on  somewhat  margined  petioles  of  6-8 
mm;  the  slender  branchlets  densely  covered  with  mature  fruits;  (flowers  unknown);  fruits 
2-8  in  a  cluster  on  very  slender  glabrous  pedicels  of  6-8  mm;  bracts  reddish-brown,  dentiform 
to  linear,  the  persistent  calyx  parted  two-third  its  length  into  5-7  triangular  lobes  of 
1  mm,  with  slightly  ciliate  margins;  fruit  subglobose  or  rather  spheroidal,  black  when 
mature,  very  small  for  a  Suttonia,  3-4  mm  in  diameter,  glabrous,  crowned  by  the  stigma. 

This  species  is  remarkable  for  its  very  small  fruits,  which  are  densely  clus- 
tered around  the  slender  branchlets,  and  for  its  leaves,  which  are  chartaceous, 
thin,  and  prominently  veined,  but  not  punctate.  It  was  found  by  the  writer 
on  the  great  central  plain  between  Mauna  Loa  and  Mt.  Hualalai  on  Hawaii  on 
the  cinder  slopes  of  a  crater  called  Puuokeanue,  at  an  elevation  of  5300  feet  in 
company  with  Solatium  incompletum,  S  ant  alum  Freycinetianum,  and  Raillardia 
sp.  It  was  collected  fruiting  Feb.  13,  1912.  The  type  is  no.  10230  in  the  Her- 
barium of  the  College  of  Hawaii. 

Var.  lavarum  Rock  var.  nov. 

Leaves  elliptical-oblong,  to  oblong-lanceolate,  of  the  same  texture  and  venation  as  the 
species,  obscurely  acute,  or  obtuse,  slightly  contracted  at  the  base,  dark  green  above,  dull 
and  lighter  underneath,  not  punctate,  6-12  cm  long,  2-3.5  cm  wide,  on  black  petioles  10-15 
mm,  inflorescence  in  fascicles,  mainly  in  leaf-axils  and  also  along  the  branches  but  not 
very  numerous;  inflorescence  of  8  flowers,  on  slender  pedicels  4-7  mm,  bracts  as  in  the 
species;  calyx  parted  one-half  its  length  into  5-7  ovate  rounded  lobes  with  ciliate  margins; 
petals  pubescent  with  ciliate-fimbriate  margins,  densely  punctate  with  rather  large  black 
dots;  anthers  sagittate,  with  pubescent  apex;  ovary  globose,  with  sessile  capitate  stigma; 
fruits  as  in  the  species,  little  larger. 

The  variety  lavarum  occurs  on  the  southern  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  Maui, 
on  the  aa  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  on  the  land  of  Kahikinui,  an  exceedingly  dry 
locality  at  an  elevation  of  2000  feet.  It  was  collected  by  the  writer  flowering 
and  fruiting  November,  1910.  The  type  is  number  8678  in  the  College  of 
Hawaii  Herbarium. 

It  is  a  small  tree  and  quite  distinct  from  Suttonia  Lessertiana  and  its  numer- 
ous variations,  which  occur  at  little  higher  elevation  in  the  same  locality.  In 
texture  and  venation  of  leaf,  shape  and  size  of  fruit,  as  well  as  general  aspeet, 
it  is  almost  identical  with  Suttonia  volcanica  from  Mauna  Loa,  Hawaii,  of  which 
it  is  here  made  a  variety. 


PLATE  149. 



Flowering  branch,  from  a  tall  tree  found  in  the  rain  forests  of  Naalehu,  Kau,  Hawaii; 

one-half  natural  size. 

Suttonia  Knudsenii  Rock  sp.  nov. 

A  small  tree  or  shrub,  branches  tortuose,  glabrous;  leaves  ovate  to  obovate,  or  subor- 
bicular,  glabrous  on  both  sides,  venation  prominent,  reticulated,  the  margins  revolute, 
quite  opaque,  sparingly  punctate  underneath,  dark  green,  with  glaucous  hue,  shining  above, 
dull  beneath,  quite  chartaceous,  4.5-7  cm  long,  3-4.5  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  2-4  mm; 
inflorescence  fasciculated  at  intervals  of  15  mm  along  the  slender  branchlets  and  in  the 
axils  of  the  leaves,  of  3-12  flowers,  puberulous,  pedicels  of  2-2.5  mm,  the  bracts  1  mm, 
triangular,  with  ciliate  margins;  calyx  2  mm,  parted  more  than  half  its  length  into  acute 
lobes,  densely  punctate,  with  fimbriate  margins,  corolla  twice  as  long  as  the  calyx,  orna- 
mented with  dark  dots,  anthers  oblong,  puberulous  at  the  apex,  ovary  ovoid,  with  distinct 
style;  fruit  unknown. 

This  exceedingly  handsome  species  is  peculiar  to  the  Island  of  Kauai  and  is 
only  found  in  the  forests  of  Halemanu,  in  the  interior  swampy  woods ;  it  is  dis- 
tinguished from  the  other  Suttonias  by  its  thin  leaves  which  are  ovate  to  suborbi- 
cular  and  are  of  a  glaucous  color,  and  in  the  very  shortly  pedicellate  red  flowers. 
It  is  a  striking  species  and  is  here  named  for  Mr.  Augustus  Knudsen,  of  Waiawa, 
Kauai,  to  whom  the  \vriter  is  greatly  indebted  for  extended  hospitality  and 
facilities  for  collecting  in  the  mountains  of  Kauai.  The  type  is  number  2337 
in  the  College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium.  Collected  February  14-26,  1909,  Hale- 
manu, Kauai,  flowering. 

A  form  with  somewhat  smaller  leaves,  which  are  acute  at  the  apex  instead 
of  rounded,  and  more  elliptical  in  outline,  must  be  referred  here  as  forma 
elliptica'hn.  nov.  (no.  1661),  flowering,  February,  1909,  Halemanu,  Kauai. 

Suttonia  Hillebrandii  Mez. 

SUTTONIA  HILLEBKANDII  Mez  Das  Pflzenreich  9.  IV.  236.   (1908)   337. 

Branches  entirely  glabrous,  leaves  on  petioles  of  about  3  mm,  acute  at  the  base, 
shortly  contracted,  quite  acuminate  at  the  apex,  rarely  somewhat  obtuse,  about  50  mm 
long,  20  mm  broad,  not  punctate;  inflorescence  5  or  more  flowered,  10  mm  long,  pedicels 
slender,  glabrous,  7  mm  long  sepals  1/3  connate,  the  lobes  ovate  somewhat  acute,  the 
margins  remotely  dentate  and  ciliate,  lineate;  ovary  globose,  stigma  thick  capituliform. 

This  species,  which  is  not  known  to  the  writer,  was  collected  by  Wawra  on 
the  Island  of  Kauai,  evidently  at  Halemanu.  There  are  several  forms  found 
on  the  Island  of  Oahu  which  are  certainly  referable  to  this  species;  some  of 
them  are  varieties. 

On  the  Island  of  Oahu  in  the  Koolau  range,  Mountains  of  Waikane,  the 
writer  collected  specimens  of  a  tree  which  is  a  good  variety  and  may  be  de- 
scribed as  follows: 

Var,   emarginata   Rock  var.   nov. 

A  small  tree;  leaves  lanceolate  oblong,  glabrous  throughout,  chartaceous,  3.5  to 
8  cm  long,  12  to  15  mm  wide,  contracting  at  the  base  into  a  slightly  margined  petiole  of 
2  to  3  mm,  veins  prominent;  intramarginal  nerve  continuous  and  very  close  to  the  edge, 
rounded  at  the  apex  and  always  emarginate;  dark  green  above,  lighter  beneath;  in- 
florescence in  the  axils  of  the  leaves  and  along  the  branchlets,  3  to  8  flowered,  pedicels 
slender,  puberulous,  as  are  the  petals,  which  are  sparingly  punctulate  with  reddish  dots 
or  even  lined;  stamens  oblong,  little  shorter  than  the  petals;  ovary  ovoid,  style  distinct; 
fruits  large,  black,  8  to  9  mm  in  diameter. 


PLATE  150. 



Fruiting  branch  from  a  stunted  tree  found  on  open  exposed  ridges  on  Mt.  Konahuanui, 
Oahu;  about  one-half  natural  size. 


In  Niu  Valley,  Oahu,  occurs  a  small  tree  which  belongs  to  this  variety.  In 
specimens  from  the  latter  locality  the  fruits  are  densely  clustered  along  the 
branchlets,  especially  on  defoliate  ones,  making  them  appear  like  axillary 

Collected  flowering  (no.  1217))  January  23,  1909,  AVaikane  Mts.,  Oahu,  and 
Niu  Valley,  fruiting  Aug.  22,  1909  (no.  4807),  and  Feb.  8,  1913,  fruiting  (no. 
10232),  same  locality. 

Suttonia  Lessertiana   (A.  DC.)   Mez. 

(Plates  149,  150,  151.) 

SUTTONIA  LESSERTIANA  (A.DC.)  Mez  Das  Pflzenreich  9.  IV.  236.  (1902)  336;— Pax 
in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  Nachtr.  IV.  1.  (1908)  278.— Brigham  Ka  Hana  Kapa 
in  Mem.  B.  P.  Bish.  Mus.  (1911)  148.  fig.  89.— Myrsine  Lessertiana  A.  DC.  in 
Ann.  Sc.  Nat.  2.  Ser.  XVI.  (1841)  85  et  in  DC.  Prodr.  VIII.  (1844)  96;— Gray 
in  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  V.  (1862)  331;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit.  (1866)  149;— Mann  in  Proc. 
Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1866)  188;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  279;— Del  Cast.  111.  Ins. 
Mar.  Pac.  VII.  (1892)  227;— Heller  in  Minnes.  Bot.  Stud.  IX.  (1897)  874.— 
Myrsine  Gaudichaudii  Wawra  (non  DC.)  in  Flora  (1874)  523; — Gray  1.  c.  331; 
Seem.  1.  c.;— Mann  1.  c.  188;— Hbd.  1.  e.  280;— Heller  1.  c.  873.— Myrsine 
Fauriei  Levl.  in  Fedde  Kepert.  X.  10-14.  (1911)  154. — Suttonia  Fauriei  Levl.  in 
Fedde  Eepert.  X.  24-26.  (1912)  373. — Suttonia  cuneata  Levl.  et  Faurie  in  Fedde 
Repert.  X.  27-29.  (1912)  443 ;— Suttonia  pukooensis  Levl.  1.  c.  444. 

Branches  thick  or  very  thick,  quite  glabrous,  old  ones  verrucous;  leaves  very  shortly 
petioled  or  often  broadly  sessile,  broad  or  narrow  elliptical,  or  elliptical-lanceolate  or 
obovate,  somewhat  obtuse  at  both  ends  or  rounded  at  the  apex,  often  acut£  at  the  base,  of 
variable  length  and  width,  coriaceous,  the  adult  leaves  densely  and  minutely  punctulate 
above  with  black  dots,  the  veins  little  prominent  and  connected  by  a  straight  marginal 
nerve;  flowers  in  the  axils  of  the  oldest  leaves  and  all  along  the  branchlets  and  on  pro- 
jecting spurs  of  the  bare  branches,  in  fascicles  of  3  to  7  or  more,  pedicels  slender,  glabrous, 
5  to  6  mm  with  flowers,  and  longer  with  fruits;  flowers  3  to  3.5  mm  long,  glabrous,  sepals 
shortly  (1/5)  united  at  the  base,  lobes  5  to  7  ovate  somewhat  acute,  the  margins  very 
shortly  fimbriate;  petals  broadly  elliptical  twice  the  length  of  the  calyx,  yellowish  with 
reddish  dots,  apex  obtuse,  the  margin  papillose;  stamens  little  shorter  than  the  petals, 
anthers  ovate,  apex  papillulose,  emarginate  at  the  base;  ovary  ovoid-conical,  stigma  sessile 
or  on  a  short  style,  capitate,  fimbriate  or  5-laciniate  on  the  fruit;  drupe  globose,  reddish 
or  black,  4  to  6  mm  with  chartaceous  pyrena. 

This  species  is  one  of  the  most  variable  ones  in  the  genus,  and  that  to  such 
an  extent  that  hardly  two  trees  are  alike.  The  leaves  are  the  most  variable 
part  of  the  plant ;  also  shape  and  branching  habit  vary  greatly.  It  certainly  is  a 
graceful  tree  in  the  rain  forests  of  Oahu  and  Hawaii,  as  well  as  on  the  other 
islands  of  the  Hawaiian  group.  Should  one  undertake  to  describe  all  the  vari- 
ous forms  as  new  species,  as  H.  Leveille  did,  one  would  certainly  be  naming 
individuals,  and  swell  the  synonyms  of  Suttonia  Lessertiana,  into  which  most 
of  II.  Leveille  species  have  wandered  to  remain  there  forever;  the  remaining 
ones  are  synonyms  of  S.  sandwicensis. 

As  already  stated  the  species  occurs  on  all  the  islands  of  the  group  in  many 
forms  which  are  too  numerous  to  cite,  but  have  been  incorporated  in  the  de- 
scription to  some  extent.  The  trees  reach  often  a  height  of  60  feet  or  so, 
with  a  trunk  of  one  to  two  feet  in  diameter,  and  clothed  in  a  gray  bark  which 


PLATE  151. 


Kolea  Tree. 
Growing  in  the  Kipuka  Puaulu,  near  the  Volcano  of  Kilauea,  Hawaii,  elevation  4000  feet. 


is  either  smooth  or  covered  with  lenticels;  when  cut  into,  a  red  sap  exudes 
very  freely,  which  was  employed  by  the  natives  of  by-gone  days  for  dyeing 
the  tapa  or  paper  cloth.  The  wood  is  quite  handsome,  of  a  pink  color  and  mot- 
tled throughout.  It  is  not  very  hard,  but  was  used  by  the  natives  for  house 
posts  and  beams ;  it  takes  a  fine  polish  and  could  be  employed  for  cabinet  work 
as  it  can  be  easily  worked.  The  biggest  trees  the  writer  observed  on  the  Island 
of  Hawaii  on  the  slopes  of  Mauna  Kea  and  Mauna  Loa,  as  well  as  in  Waihou 
forest  on  the  flanks  of  Mt.  Hualalai.  It  favors  an  elevation  of  from  3000-4000 
feet,  but  descends  lower  on  Oahu,  though  higher  on  Hawaii.  It  grows  in  the  rain 
forests,  though  its  best  development  is  attained  in  the  more  open  park-like  for- 
ests situated  on  the  above  mentioned  mountains. 

On  the  Island  of  Lanai  occurs  a  tree  which  must  be  referred  to  S.  Lessertiana, 
but  from  which  it  differs  in  the  decidedly  ovate  fruits,  or  even  elongate-ovate, 
and  is  here  named  forma  ovicarpa  fm.  nov.  Collected  in  Mahana  Valley,  Lanai, 
fruiting  Aug.  1st,  1910 ;  no.  8102. 

Suttonia  sandwicensis   (A.  DC.)   Mez. 
Kolea  laulii. 
(Plate  152.) 

SUTTONIA  SANDWICENSIS  (A.  DC.)  Mez  Das  Pflanzenreich  9.  IV.  236.  (1902)  336.— 
Myrsine  sandwicensis  A.  DC.  in  Ann.  Sc.  Nat.  2.  S'er.  XVI.  (1841.)  85  et  in  DC. 
Prodr.  VIII.  (1844)  96;— Gray  Proc.  Am.  Ac.  V.  (1862)  331;— Seem.  Fl.  Vit. 
(1866)  149;— Mann  Proc.  Am.  Ac.  VII.  (1867)  188;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1874) 
523?;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  281;— Pax  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  IV.  1. 
(1889)  92;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII.  (1892)  227:— Heller  in  Miniies. 
Bot.  Stud.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)  874  (not  Myrsine  lanceolate).— Myrsine  Vanioti  Levl. 
in  Fedde  Kepert.  X.  10/14.  (1911)  157. — Myrsine  sandwicensis  var.  mauiensis 
Lev!.  1.  c.  157. — M.  sandwicensis  var.  punctata  Levl.  1.  c.  157. — Suttonia  mauiensis 
(Levl.)  Levl.  in  Fedde  Eepert.  X.  27/29  444.— S.  punctata  (Levl.)  Levl.  1.  c. 
144,  identical  with  Myrsine  sandwicensis  DC.  var.  f3  denticulata  Hbd.  1.  c. 

A  small  tree  or  shrub  of  myrtillaceous  habit,  with  the  young  branches  somewhat 
tomentulose,  or  in  Kauai  specimens  covered  with  a  rufous  tomei.'tum.  leaves  on  petioles  of 
up  to  3  mm,  obovate  or  lanceolate-obovate,  acute  at  the  base,  emarginate  at  the  apex,  14 
to  24  mm  long,  6  to  10  mm  broad,  coriaceous,  with  hidden  veins,  quite  opaque,  rugose 
underneath,  glabrous,  the  3roung  leaves  often  densely  punctulate  with  reddish  dots;  in- 
florescence of  3  to  7  flowers,  on  not  protruding  gemmae,  the  pedicels  4  to  6  mm;  flowers 
2  to  2.5  inm  long;  sepals  little  connate,  ovate,  the  margins  papillulose-ciliate;  petals 
elliptical-lanceolate,  acute,  scarcely  twice  as  long  as  the  sepals,  yellowish  or  reddish,  with 
reddish-brown  streaks;  stamens  only  half  as  long  as  the  corolla,  anthers  shortly  acuminate 
at  the  apex;  ovary  ovoid,  gabrous,  stigma  subsessile,  large,  capitate-pulvinate;  drupe  black 
or  bluish  aud  glaucous,  globose  or  ovoid,  3  to  5  mm  in  diameter. 

This  very  handsome  species  is  usually  found  as  a  shrub,  but  also  as  a  tree, 
especially  in  the  forest  of  the  southern  slopes  of  Mauna  Loa  at  an  elevation 
of  5500  feet,  where  it  attains  a  height  of  25  feet.  It  is  quite  conspicuous  in  the 
woods  on  account  of  its  small  foliage  which  is  less  than  an  inch  long,  dark 
green  above  and  pale  underneath.  It  occurs  on  all  the  islands  of  the  group 
and  is  more  or  less  uniform,  with  the  exception  of  on  Kauai,  where  it  is  quite 


PLATE  152. 


Kolea  Laulii. 
Flowering  branch,  about  one-half  natural  size. 


variable.      It  is  plentiful  in  different  forms  in  the  forests  of  Halemanu,  above 
AVaimea,  Kauai,  where  it  is  a  small  tree  or  shrub. 

It  is  not  found  at  low  elevations  where  8.  Lessertiana  abounds,  but  is  more 
or  less  restricted  to  the  higher  levels,  that  is  between  3000-5500  feet,  or  occa- 
sionally even  higher.  To  this  species  are  referred  Leveille's  numerous  new 
species,  which  are  not  even  forms  of  8.  sandwicensis.  His  8.  punctata  is  identical 
with  Hillebrand's  var.  ft.  denticulata  a  low  shrub,  which  occurs  on  the  high 
plateau  of  Kauai  in  open  bogs,  or  often  also  in  the  swampy  forests.  The 
writer  had  at  his  disposal  co-types  of  Leveille's  plants,  which  were  kindly  loaned 
to  him  by  the  Brothers  of  the  Catholic  school  of  Hilo,  to  whom  Abbe  Faurie  sent 
one  set  of  his  duplicates.  With  the  help  of  these  plants  the  writer  was  en- 
abled to  straighten  out  Leveille's  species,  which  could  not  have  been  done  satis- 
factorily with  Leveille's  short  description  only. 

Var.   apodocarpa    (Levl.)    Rock. 

Suttonia  apodocarpa  Levl.  et  Faurie  in  Fedde  Kepertor.  X.  27/29  (1912)  44. 

Leaves  linear,  indistinctly  multipunctate,  1  to  2  cm  long,  2  to  5  mm  wide,  acuminate 
glabrous,  rugulose,  with  revolute  margin,  subpetiolate,  long  attenuate,  fruits  usually  single 
or  2  to  4  in  a  cluster,  on  very  short  pedicels,  (according  to  Leveille  sessile,  but  his  specimen 
at  my  disposal  bears  neither  flower  nor  fruit)  globose,  3  to  4  mm,  crowned  by  the  capitate 
stigma.  Abbe  Faurie 's  number  is  446,  coll.  Waimea,  Kauai,  Febr.,  1910. 

The  writer's  own  material  of  this  plant,  which  is  not  specifically  distinct  from 
8.  sandwicensis,,  but  is  a  variety,  was  collected  on  the  central  plateau  of  Kauai  in 
September,  1909,  fruiting  no.  5605.  Hillebrand's  var.  ft.denticulata  occurs  also 
in  that  locality,  flowering  and  fruiting  no.  4967,  Sept.,  1909,  and  Oct.,  1911. 

Suttonia  lanceolata  (Wawra)  Rock. 

Myrsine  saruiwicensis  var.  lanceolata  Wawra  in  Flora  (1874)  526. — Myrsine 
lanceolata  Heller  in  Minnes.  Bot.  Bull.  IX.  (1897)  873,  not  M.  angustifolia, 
Heller  —Suttonia  angustifolia  Mez  Das  Pflzenreich  9.  IV.  236.  (1902)  337. 

Branches  slender,  glabrous,  nodose,  dark  reddish  brown,  foliate  only  at  the  apex; 
leaves,  linear-lanceolate,  dark  green  above,  pale  underneath,  caudate-acuminate  at  the 
apex,  acute  at  the  base,  sessile  or  subsessile,  minutely  reticulate  underneath,  minutely 
punctulate  above,  with  black  dots,  40  to  65  mm  long,  5  to  8  mm  wide;  flowers  single  or 
two  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves  on  short  pedicels  of  2  mm;  flowers  3  mm,  glabrous,  sepals 
ovate,  subacute,  sparingly  punctate,  half  the  length  of  the  corolla;  petals  oblong,  subacute, 
sparingly  punctate,  with  a  reddish  thickened  margin,  stamens  the  height  of  the  ovary, 
which  is  less  than  half  the  length  of  the  petals,  anthers  acute,  glabrous,  ovary  conical 
with  a  sessile  capitate  stigma;  drupes  usually  on  the  naked  branchlets,  bluish-black, 
glaucous,  8  mm  in  diameter. 

This  very  distinct  species  is  peculiar  to  the  high  mountains  of  Kauai,  and  is 
not  uncommon  at  the  summit  of  Kauai,  Mt.  Waialeale,  elevation  5200  feet,  where 
it  grows  as  a  small  tree  15  feet  or  more  in  height  in  the  open  boggy  country,  in 
company  with  Labordea  Waialealae,  Pelea  Waialealae,  Dubautia  paleata, 
Tctraplasandra  ^Va^alealae,  Lobelia  Kauaiensis,  and  others.  It  is  an  exceedingly 



handsome  species  on  account  of  its  beautiful  delicate  foliage.  Lower  down,  in 
the  great  bogs  of  Lehua  makanoe  and  Kauluwehi  (4500  feet)  it  is  a  shrub  8 
feet  in  height. 

Collected  by  the  writer  on  September  24,  1909,  fruiting  (no.  4958),  on  the 
summit  of  Waialeale,  Kauai,  and  flowering  and  fruiting  October  20,  1911,  (no. 
8887),  Mt.  Waialeale,  Kauai. 


The  family  Sapotaceae,  which  consists  of  about  445  species  distributed  in 
more  than  31  genera,  occurs  in  the  tropics  of  the  whole  world,  but  is  absent  in 
Europe  and  extra-tropical  Asia.  In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  two  genera  are  rep- 
resented: Chrysophyllum  with  a  single  species,  and  Sideroxylon  with  four  dis- 
tinct species  and  several  varieties,  all  of  which  are  peculiar  to  these  Islands.  The 
Sapotaceae  are  characterized  mainly  by  their  milky  sap,  and  regular  cyclic  con- 
struction of  their  flowers.  All  Sapotaceae  are  woody  plants  with  entire  leaves, 
save  in  a  single  exception. 


Corolla  8  to  10  lobed,  without  staminodia,  fruit  small,  black,  olive  shaped. 


Corolla  5  lobed,  with  staminodia,  fruit  large,  globose  or  ovate Sideroxylon 


Calyx  with  5,  rarely  6  to  7  imbricate  lobes.  Corolla  with  campanulate  or  short  cylin- 
drical tube  of  5,  rarely  6  to  7,  occasionally,  as  in  the  Hawaiian  species,  8  to  10  imbricate 
segments.  Stamens  as  many  as  segments  in  the  corolla,  filaments  filiform;  anthers  short. 
ovoid,  opening  outside  or  laterally,  occasionally  abortive.  Ovary  5  to  10  celled,  pubescent. 
Style  short,  with  small  capitate  stigma.  Berry  rarely  more  than  one-celled,  and  with 
several  compressed  seeds;  usually  with  one  ovate  or  olive  shaped  seed,  testa  opaque,  shin- 
ing. Cotyledons  thin,  foliaceous. — Milky  trees  with  alternate  ovate  or  lanceolate  leaves, 
without  stipules.  Flowers  usually  small,  whitish  or  yellowish,  shortly  stipitate  in  axil- 
lary fascicles. 

The  genus  Chrysophyllum,  with  its  70  species,  is  mainly  tropical  and  is  most 
numerous  in  species  in  tropical  America. 

In  Hawaii  the  genus  is  represented  by  a  single  species,  Ch.  Polynesicum  Hbd., 
which  is  peculiar  to  these  Islands,  and  inhabits  the  dry  regions  on  the  leeward 
sides,  but  is  by  no  means  common. 

Chrysophyllum  Polynesicum  Hbd. 

CHRYSOPHYLLUM  POLYNESICUM  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  277;-Engler  in  Engl. 
et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  IV.  1.  (1890)  149. — Isonandra  polynesica  Benth.  et  Hook.  Gen. 
PI.  II.  (1876)  658;— Del.  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VII.  (1892)  229. 

Branches  stiff,  cinereous;  young  leaves  and  inflorescence  rusty-tomentose,  leaves  scat- 
tering, oblong  or  obovate  5  to  10  cm  long,  5.5  to  5  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  12  to  25  mm, 
rounded  or  emarginate  at  the  apex,  thick  coriaceous,  glabrate  with  age;  flowers  axillary  on 
prominent  nodes,  3  to  6  in  a  cluster,  on  pedicels  of  4  to  6  mm,  which  are  bracteate  at  the 



base;  calyx  persistent,  coriaceous,  deeply  4  to  o  parted;  corolla  little  longer  4  to  5  mm, 
urceolate,  divided  into  twice  as  many  lobes  as  the  calyx;  staminodia  none;  stamens 
inserted  at  the  base  of  the  corolla,  as  many  as  lobes;  ovary  hairy  4  to  5  celled;  style 
angular;  fruit  a  somewhat  fleshy  black  shining  olive-shaped  berry  with  a  thin  fibrous 
endocarp,  about  16  mm  long,  1-  rarely  2-seeded,  the  single  seed  ovoid,  with  thick,  bony, 
shining,  pale  brown  testa;  hilum  obliquely  basal,  leaving  a  broad  roundish  deep  scar; 
embryo  axillary,  cotyledons  oblong,  obtuse,  radicle  very  short,  inferior. 

The  Kealii  is  a  medium-sized  milky  tree  with  a  roundish  crown,  and  rough 
drooping  branches.  The  leaves  resemble  somewhat  those  of  the  Sapota  pear,  or 
more  so  the  Alaa  (Sideroxylon  sandwicense) ,  and  is  hardly  distinguishable  from 
it  when  without  fruit  or  flower. 

The  flowers  are  borne  all  along  the  branchlets  and  very  densely.  It  is  a  very 
prolifically  bearing  tree  and  can  be  found  loaded  with  the  black,  olive-shaped 
shining  fruits  during  the  months  of  May  to  August.  It  inhabits  the  very  dry 
regions  on  the  leeward  sides  of  most  of  the  islands,  and  is  very  common  on 
Lanai,  where  it  grows  in  company  with  Sideroxylon  sandwicense,  S.  spathu- 
latum,  the  leaves  of  which  look  all  very  much  alike  and  when  not  in  fruit  are 
exceedingly  difficult  to  distinguish.  On  Molokai  it  is  also  common,  as  well  as 
on  the  Island  of  Maui  on  the  slopes  of  Haleakala,  district  of  Kahikinui,  while  it 
has  so  far  not  been  found  on  Hawaii.  Together  with  Sideroxylon,  Nothoces- 
trum,  Suttonia,  Osmanthus,  Reynoldsia,  Gardenia,  Antidesma,  Bobea  Hookeri, 
and  Rauwolfia,  it  forms  the  typical  dry  forest  at  the  lower  elevation  on  Mt. 
Haleakala,  on  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi. 

The  Kealii  is  peculiar  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  As  far  as  can  be  ascertained, 
the  natives  made  no  use  of  this  tree,  though  the  wood  is  quite  hard  and  durable, 
while  the  fruits  are  not  edible. 


Flowers  occasionally  polygamous;  caVyx  lobes  5  to  6,  imbricate;  corolla  broad-cam- 
panulate,  with  short  or  longer  tube  and  5  to  6  obtuse  or  acute  segments.  Staminodia 
5  to  6,  petaloid,  or  only  scale-like  to  filiform.  Stamens  5  to  6,  with  short  or  long  fila- 
ments and  ovate  to  lanceolate  anthers.  Ovary  glabrous  or  pubescent,  5  to  2  celled.  Style 
short  or  long,  with  small  stigma.  Berry  ovoid  to  globose,  usually  small  or  often  large, 
with  thin  pericarp,  with  5  to  2  seeds,  more  often  one-seeded.  Seeds  with  shining  hard 
testa  and  elongate  linear  hilum;  albuminous.  Cotyledons  broad,  flat. — Trees  with  usually 
coriaceous  leaves,  with  and  without  stipules,  and  small  sessile  or  peduncled  flowers. 

A  genus  of  over  100  species,  occurring  in  the  tropical  and  subtropical  regions 
of  the  old  and  new  world.  In  the  Hawaiian  Islands  the  genus  is  represented  by 
several  species  usually  growing  in  the  dry  districts  on  the  lee  sides  on  the  various 
islands.  Originally  only  two  species  were  known  from  Hawaii,  to  which  the 
writer  had  added  two  new  ones. 

What  has  been  said  of  the  polymorphism  of  the  genus  Pittosporum  in  Hawaii, 
holds  also  good  for  the  genus  Sideroxylon. 

The  tremendous  variations  which  we  find  in  the  species  growing  in  Hawaii 
make  it  indeed  difficult  to  separate  all  these  forms  satisfactorily.  The  fruits 
of  the  Hawaiian  Sideroxyla  are  of  various  shapes  and  colors,  the  largest  fruits 


_    PLATE  153. 

SIDEROXYLON  SANDWICENSE    (Gray)    Benth.   and   Hook 

Showing  fruiting  branch,  about   two-third  natural  size. 


occurring  in  8.  rliyncliospermnm  Rock.  They  are  ovoid  and  of  a  deep  purplish 
black  color.  The  fruits  of  8.  sandwicense  (Gray)  B.  &  H.  are  pear-shaped  to 
ovoid  and  also  black  and  long  peduncled,  while  those  of  8.  auahiense  Rock  and  its 
varieties  on  Hawaii  are  bright  citron  yellow,  globose  to  top-shaped  and  sessile. 
The  writer  has  collected  large  material  of  this  genus  from  numerous  localities. 
That  8.  auahiense  is  a  good  species  is  brought  out  by  the  fact  that  the  latter 
grows  in  company  with  8.  sandwicense  with  black  ovoid  fruits  on  the  lava  fields 
of  Auahi,  Maui,  and  nothing  is  more  in  contrast  than  to  see  these  two  species 
growing  side  by  side,  especially  when  loaded  with  respectively  the  bright  yellow 
and  the  black  fruits.  On  the  slopes  of  Haleakala,  back  of  Makawao,  the  writer 
collected  specimens  of  a  tree  with  large  cone  shaped,  whitish-gray  fruits,  whose 
seeds  differ  decidedly  from  all  the  other  Hawaiian  species,  while  in  the  same 
locality  only  50  yards  off  grew  the  typical  8.  sandwicense. 

On  Molokai  occurs  a  very  small-leaved  species,  which  was  unfortunately  not 
in  fruit,  perhaps  a  form  of  8.  spathulatum  Hillebr.  from  Lanai.  On  the  latter 
island  the  writer  collected  the  largest  leaved  Sideroxylon  with  long  pear-shaped 
black  fruits.  Another  form  was  in  flower  only,  the  latter  being  of  exceedingly 
large  size  compared  with  the  other  Hawaiian  Sideroxyla.  All  the  specimens  col- 
lected by  the  writer  on  Kauai  are  one  seeded,  while  those  from  the  other  islands 
are  all  five  seeded,  save  a  few  exceptions. 

The*  Hawaiian  species  of  Sideroxylon  may  be  arranged  as  follows : 


Flowers  2  to  4,  in  clusters,  pedicellate. 

Fruits  globose  ovoid  to  obovate,  purplish  black. 

Seeds  thick,  rounded  at  both  ends S.  sandwicense 

Seeds  thin  flat,  beaked  at  both  ends S.  rhynchospermum 

Flowers  single  and  sessile. 

Fruits  globose  citron  or  orange  yellow. 

Seeds  as  in  S.  sandwicense  but  smaller S.  auahiense 

Flowers  2  to  3,  pedicellate. 

Fruits  conical,  brownish  yellow. 

Seeds  small,  linear-elongate,  dull S.  spathulatum 

Flowers  single,  pedicellate. 

Fruits  large  conical,  grayish-white. 

Seeds  elliptical  elongate,  dull;  radicle  long,  protruding S.  Ceresolii 

Sideroxylon  sandwicense  (Gray)  Benth.  &  Hook. 

Alaa  or  Aulu,  Kaulu  according  to  Hillebrand. 

(Plate  153.) 

SIDEROXYLON  SANDWICENSE  (Gray)  Benth.  &  Hook.  Gen.  PI.  II.  (1876)  655;— 
Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888))  276;— Engi.  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  IV.  I.  (1890) 
144.  fig.  77,  L  (Sect.  VIII.,  in  Nachtr.  Sect.  IX.);— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar. 
Pao.  VII.  (1892)  288.— Sapota  Sandwicensis  A.  Gray  in  Proc.  Am.  Ac.  V.  (1862) 
328;— H.  Mann  Prqc.  Am.  Ac.  VII.  (1867)  188;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1875)  Ad- 
denda 252. 

Leaves  coriaceous,  obovate-oblong,  on  petioles  of  2.5  to  3.5  cm,  equally  rounded  at 
both  ends,  or  contracted  at  the  base,  quite  entire,  old  leaves  glabrous  on  both  faces,  often 
clothed  with  a  brownish  pubescence  underneath,  shining  above,  veins  prominent  straight 


PLATE  154. 


Showing  fruiting  branch  and  seeds;   about  one-half  natural  size. 


and  close,  connected  by  an  intra-marginal  nerve;  flowers  in  clusters  of  2  to  4  on  tomen- 
tose  pedicels  of  about  20  mm;  calyx  5  lobed,  (3  int.  2  ext.)  broadly  ovate,  covered  with  a 
rusty  brown  tomentnm,  the  two  inner  only  pubescent  on  the  exposed  parts;  corolla 
glabrous,  slightly  longer  than  the  calyx,  parted  to  little  beyond  the  middle  into  5  obtuse 
broad  lobes,  6  mm,  includ.  the  corolla  tube;  staminodia  linear  in  front  of  the  sinus; 
stamens  inserted  at  the  base  of  each  lobe,  perfectly  glabrous,  anthers  sagittate,  opening 
laterally,  included;  ovary  conical  densely  hirsute  with  long  stiff  hair,  5-celled  with  one 
ascending  ovule  in  each  cell;  style  short,  grooved  at  the  apex;  berry  globose,  or  pear- 
shaped,  to  obovate,  black,  3  cm  in  diameter,  or  3  to  4.5  cm  when  obovate  or  ovate, 
rather  dry,  5  to  1  seeded,  each  seed  enclosed  in  a  thin  chartaceous  pyrena,  20  mm  long, 
8  mm  thick  when  single,  more  or  less  compressed  when  many,  the  crustaceous  testa  yel- 
lowish brown  and  shining,  the  elongate  scar  of  the  raphe  occupying  nearly  the  whole 
central  angle;  cotyledons  nearly  as  long  and  broad  as  the  albumen,  the  minute  radicle 

The  Alaa  is  a  fine  tree  of  often  50  feet  in  height  and  is  conspicuous  in  the 
forest  by  its  leaves,  which  are  of  bronze  to  reddish  brown  color  underneath,  due 
to  a  hairiness  of  that  color.  It  is  usually  found  in  the  dry  districts  of  nearly  all 
the  islands,  and  is  especially  common  on  Lanai  in  the  valleys  of  Kaiholena  and 
Mahana.  On  Maui  big  trees  can  be  found  above  Makawao,  in  the  gulches  of  the 
north-western  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  as  well  as  at  Auahi,  on  the  south  side  of 
the  said  mountain.  On  Hawaii  this  species  is  wanting,  but  the  genus  is  repre- 
sented by  another  species,  S.  auahiense  var.  aurantium  Rock,  with  globose  orange 
colored  sessile  fruits.  The  natives  employed  the  milky  sap  as  a  bird  glue.  Hille- 
brand remarks  in  his  Flora  that  the  fruit  of  this  tree  is  rarely  met  with  perhaps 
on  account  of  dimorphism  in  the  flower.  This  the  writer  cannot  verify,  as  all 
the  trees  found  by  him  bore  fruit  in  abundance,  with  the  exception  of  on  Kauai, 
where  none  of  the  trees  bore  perfect  fruits,  but  were  all  abortive  and  conse- 
quently of  very  small  size.  The  fruits  are  not  always  globose,  but  are  quite  often 
ovate,  obovate  and  even  long  pear-shaped  and  of  a  black  color.  It  inhabits 
mainly  the  dry  districts,  but  can  also  be  found  along  the  Manoa  Valley  trail  and 
Tantalus  on  Oahu,  as  well  as  at  Kahuku,  Waialua,  and  the  Waianae  range. 

Hillebrand  records  a  variety  ft.  auratum  with  leaves  and  calyx,  as  well  as  co- 
rolla, densely  ferruginous.  The  flowers  are  also  generally  single.  Collected  by 
Hillebrand  on  the  dry  forehills  of  Molokai  and  Lanai.  From  the  latter  islands 
the  writer  collected  material  which  he  must  refer  to  this  variety,  though  the 
flowers  are  not  always  single  but  often  two  in  each  leaf  axil.  Rock,  Lanai,  Kai- 
holena Valley,  July,  1910.  No.  8064. 

Sideroxylon  Ceresolii  Rock  spec.  nov. 

Leaves  perfectly  glabrous  when  old,  chartaceous,  (not  thick  leathery)  obovate-oblong, 
bluntly  acuminate,  gradually  tapering  into  a  margined  petiole  of  2.5  to  3  cm;  fruits  single 
in  the  axils  of  the  leaves,  on  peduncles  of  5  mm,  berry  ovoid,  acuminate  at  the  apex, 
grayish-white  in  color,  very  soft  and  fleshy,  4  cm  long,  2.5  cm  wide,  yellowish  inside, 
5-seeded,  seeds  elliptical-elongate,  acute  at  both  ends  but  not  beaked,  or  somewhat  obtuse, 
thin  flat,  dull  brown,  mottled,  24  mm  long,  10  rnm  wide  at  the  middle,  testa  rather  thin, 
the  raphe  not  quite  as  long  as  the  ventral  angle;  cotyledons  as  broad  as  the  albumen  but 
only  2/3  its  length,  the  inferior  radicle  8  mm  long,  protruding  half  its  length. 

Collected  on  the  Island  of  Maui  in  Waihou  gulch  on  the  northwestern  slope 
of  Mt.  Haleakala,  elevation  3000  feet,  in  company  with  my  friend,  Dr.  P.  Cere- 



PLATE  155. 


Showing  fruits  and  seeds  about  natural  size. 


sole,  after  whom  the  tree  is  named.     Rock  &  Ceresole,  March,  1912;  type  in 
College  of  Hawaii  Herbarium,  No.  10150. 

A  medium-sized  tree  20  to  30  feet  in  height  with  straight  ascending  branches. 
The  fruit  and  seeds  of  this  species  differ  very  materially  from  all  other  known 
Hawaiian  Sideroxyla. 

Sideroxylon  rhynchospermum  Rock. 

(Plates  154,  155.) 

SIDEROXYLON  RHYNCHOSPERMUM  Kock  in  Torrey  Bot.  CJ.  Bull.  Vol.  37,  6.   (1910) 
29o,  fig.  2  &  3  a.  b.  et  Eeport  Hawn.  Bd.  Com.  Agr.  &  For.   (1911)   84,  pi.  21. 

A  tree  10  to  20  m  high,  dividing  freely  into  ascending  branches;  bark  brownish,  with 
shallow,  narrow  longitudinal  corrugations  about  3  mm  thick,  trunk  up  to  45  cm  in  diam. 
four  feet  from  the  ground;  leaves  coriaceous,  obovate  oblong  14  to  18  cm  x  4.5  to  8  cm, 
on  petioles  2.5  to  3  cm,  alternate,  exstipulate,  quite  glabrous  with  age,  some  pubescence 
remaining  on  the  sides  and  angles  of  midrib  and  veins,  especially  on  the  lower  surface, 
shining  above,  dull  beneath,  midrib  prominent,  with  lateral  veins  leaving  midrib  at  wide 
angles,  parallel  and  connected  with  a  continuous  intra-marginal  nerve;  young  leaves 
densely  covered  with  appressed  brown  hair  on  both  surfaces;  flowers  in  cluster  2  or  3  on 
tomentose  pedicels  12  to  20  mm  long;  calyx  5  parted  to  near  the  base,  lobes  acute,  3  to  5 
mm;  corolla  light  yellow,  longer  than  the  calyx,  4  to  5  parted  to  the  base,  lobes  acute; 
staminodia  half  as  long  linear;  stamens  5,  inserted  at  the  base  of  the  corolla,  glabrous, 
anthers  ovate,  the  cells  confluent  at  the  apex,  opening  laterally;  ovary  hirsute,  5-celled, 
style  short;  fruit  a  purplish  black  plum-like  berry  4.5  to  5.5  cm  long,  3.5  cm  wide,  rather 
fleshy,  3  to  5  seeded;  seeds  enclosed  in  a  papery  pyrena  25  to  30  mm  x  12  to  14  mm, 
perfectly*  flat,  about  3  mm  thick,  beaked  at  both  ends  of  the  ventral  angle,  which  is  occu- 
pied by  the  sear  of  the  raphe,  the  crustaceous  testa  thin,  of  a  light  brown  color. 

This  rather  handsome  tree  was  first  collected  by  Dr.  H.  L.  Lyon  in  the  woods 
of  Xahiku,  on  the  north-eastern  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  Maui,  at  an  elevation 
of  1300  feet.  The  species  differs  from  the  other  Hawaiian  Sideroxyla  in  the 
large  black  ovoid  fruits  and  mainly  in  the  very  flat  thin-beaked  seeds.  It  grows 
in  the  rain  forest  of  Nahiku,  where  precipitation  is  exceedingly  heavy;  while 
most  of  the  other  Hawaiian  Sideroxyla  are  peculiar  to  the  dry  regions.  When 
the  writer  visited  the  forests  of  Nahiku  in  the  year  1911,  the  trees  were  neither 
in  flower  nor  in  fruit.  The  trees  are  not  very  abundant,  but  only  individual 
trees  could  be  seen  scattered  through  the  forest. 

Sideroxylon   auahiense    Rock. 

SIDEROXYLON  AUAHIENSE  Rock  Coll.  Haw.  Publ.  Bot.  Bull.  1.   (1911)   18.  pi.  5. 

Leaves  coriaceous,  pale  green,  glabrous  on  both  sides  when  old,  shining  above,  covered 
with  a  gray  silvery  tomentum  when  young,  elliptical  oblong,  bluntly  acuminate  or  rounded, 
8  to  12  cm  long,  4  to  6  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  3  to  4  cm,  veins  parallel  leaving  midrib 
at  wide  angles  of  about  80°;  flowers  single,  rarely  two  in  the  axils  of  the  alternate  leaves, 
calyx  hirsute,  5  parted  to  near  the  base,  the  lobes  rounded,  corolla  lobes  5,  obtuse, 
staminodia  shorter  than  the  lobes,  5,  triangular;  stamens  wanting  in  the  female  flowers; 
ovary  hirsute  with  a  dense  circle  of  long  reddish  hair  at  its  base,  5-celled;  style  short 
conical;  berry  sessile  or  subsessile,  pale  citron  yellow,  with  a  grayish  hue,  rather  globose 
with  the  apex  drawn  out  into  a  short  acumen;  3.5  to  4.5  cm  in  diam.,  bright  yellow  inside, 
quite  fleshy;  seeds  20  mm  long,  10  mm  wide,  enclosed  in  a  thin  papery  pyrena,  the  thick 
hard  testa  pale  yellow,  with  reddish  spots,  shining;  the  scar  of  the  raphe  shorter  than  the 
ventral  angle;  cotyledons  broad,  the  minute  radicle  inferior. 


PLATE  156. 

SIDEROXYLON  AUAHIENSE   var.   AURANTIUM   Rock   var.   nov. 


Showing  fruiting  branch  with  mature  fruits;  specimen  from  Kapua,  South  Kona. 
Less  than  one-half  natural  size. 

PLATE  157. 



Fruiting  branch  pinned  against  trunk  of  tree,  showing  thick  scaly  bark.     Growing  on 
the  lava  fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  Hawaii. 

PLATE  158. 


Alaa  Tree. 
Growing  at  Puuwaawaa,  on  the  lava  fields  of  Mt.  Hualalai,  North  Kona,  Hawaii. 


This  species,  which  is  a  tree  25  to  30  feet  high,  has  a  rather  broad  round  crown, 
and  pale  glaucous,  terete,  glabrous  branches.  The  tree  differs  from  S.  sand- 
wicense  mainly  in  its  pale  yellow  sessile  fruits,  in  its  single  unisexual  flowers,  and 
very  pale  glabrous  foliage.  It  was  discovered  by  the  writer  during  the  month 
of  November,  1910,  on  the  Island  of  Maui,  southern  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  on 
the  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  district  of  Kahikinui,  elevation  3000  feet.  It  grows  in 
company  with  Alectryon  macrococcus,  Pelca  multiflora,  Pterotropia  dipyrena  and 
Siderojcylon  sandicicense,  as  well  as  with  another  Sideroxylon  with  perfectly 
globose,  orange-colored  fruits  which  are  smaller  than  in  the  species  in  question, 
and  may  be  described  as  follows: 

Var.  aurantium  Rock  var.  nov. 
(Plates  156,  157,  158.) 

Leaves  elliptical-ovate  to  linear-oblong,  acuminate  or  rounded  at  the  apex,  covered 
with  a  bronze-colored  tomentum  underneath,  pale  green  and  dull  above;  flowers  single; 
fruits  perfectly  sessile  deep  orange-colored,  globose,  2  to  2.5  cm  in  diam.,  one  to  five 
seeded,  seeds  smaller  than  in  the  species,  enclosed  in  a  thick  pergameneous  pyrena. 

This  variety  is  a  medium-sized  tree,  of  different  habit  than  the  species,  with 
straight  ascending  branches.  The  biggest  tree  the  writer  observed  on  the  lava 
fields  of  Puuwaawaa,  North  Kona,  Hawaii,  with  trunks  of  nearly  two  feet  in 
diameter,  and  clothed  in  a  thick  gray  very  rough  bark,  while  the  younger  trees 
have  a  smooth  grayish-white  bark.  The  variety  occurs  on  the  Island  of  Hawaii 
in  North  and  South  Kona,  as  well  as  at  Auahi,  Maui,  and  can  be  distinguished 
at  a  glance  from  the  species,  even  at  a  distance. 

SIDEROXYLON  SPATHULATUM  Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  277;— Engl.  in  Engl.  et 
Prantl  Pflzfam.  IV.  i.  (1890)  144;-Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII.  (1892) 
228;— Eock  Coll.  Haw.  Publ.  Bot.  Bull.  1.  (1911)  20.— Sapota  sandwicensis  var.  /3 
Gray  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  V.  (1862)  328. 

A  small  stiff-branched  tree  or  shrub  4  to  5  m  in  height;  leaves  spathulate  or  elliptico- 
oblong,  bluntly  acuminate,  contracting  into  a  margined  petiole  of  12  to  18  mm,  rusty- 
tomentose  underneath,  thick  coriaceous,  with  the  veins  little  prominent;  flowers  single  or 
in  clusters  of  2  to  3,  on  short  pedicels  of  2  to  4  mm;  calyx  and  corolla  rusty-tomentose 
4  mm  high,  their  lobes  somewhat  acute;  stamens  inserted  at  the  middle  of  the  corolla,  at 
the  base  of  the  lobes,  the  short  filaments  slightly  reflected,  not  hairy  below,  the  anthers 
apiculate;  staminodia  broad,  half  the  width  of  the  lobes;  ovary  hairy,  with  short  style; 
berry  dark  orange  colored  and  glabrous  when  mature,  covered  with  a  rufous  tomentum 
when  young,  3.5  cm  long,  by  little  over  2  cm  wide,  conical  in  outline,  with  an  acuminate 
apex,  5-seeded,  each  seed  enclosed  in  a  membraneous  yellow  pyrena,  20  mm  long,  7  mm 
wide,  rounded  at  both  ends,  grayish-brown,  rather  dull,  linear  elongate,  cotyledons  nearly 
as  long  and  broad  as  the  albumen,  radicle  about  3  mm  long  and  superior,  fruit  flesh 
light  yellow. 

This  species  is  quite  common  on  the  Island  of  Lanai  in  the  valleys  of  Kai- 
holena  and  Mahana,  as  well  as  on  the  windward  side  toward  Halepalaua,  and 
in  the  Kaa  forest.  It  grows  in  company  with  ChrysOphyttum  polynesicum, 
Bobea  Hooker  i,  Osmanthus  sandwicensis,  etc.  The  writer  met  with  this  same 
species  on  the  southern  slopes  of  Mt.  Haleakala,  on  the  lava  fields  of  Auahi,  at 
an  elevation  of  2000,  near  the  government  road,  in  company  with  Reynoldsia 
sandwicensis,  Antidesma  pulvitiatum,  etc. 



Var.  /?  densiflorum  Hbcl. 

Leaves  large  7.5  em  long,  generally  glabrous  when  old;  flowers  in  clusters  of  4  to  6 
in  the  axils  of  the  upper  closely  set  leaves,  on  pedicels  of  4  mm,  completely  covering  the 
end  of  the  branch. 

Hillebrand  records  this  variety  from  the  leeward  slopes  of  Mt.  Kaala  of  the 
Waianae  range  on  Oahu.  The  plant  is  not  known  to  the  author,  but  he  col- 
lected specimens  of  another  variety,  coming  rather  close  to  this  one,  on  Molokai, 
near  Kapulo'u  below  Kamoku  camp  in  the  rather  dry  district,  in  company 
with  Myoporum  sandwicense,  Ochrosia  sandwicensis,  and  Nothocestrum  lati- 
folium.  It  may  be  described  as  follows: 

Var.  molokaiense   (Levl.)    Rock  comb.  nov. 

Myrsine  molokaiensis  Levl.  in  Fedde  Eep.  Spec,  nov,  regn.  veg.  X.  10-14  (1911)  154  et 
Suttonia  molokaiensis  Lev!,  nov.  nom.  in  Fedde,  1.  c.  X.  24-26  (1912)  373. 

Leaves  elliptical  oblong,  dark  green,  glabrous  above,  with  a  fine  silvery  pubescence 
underneath,  young  leaves  yellowish  pubescent;  flowers  either  single  or  4  to  6  in  the  axils 
of  the  upper  leaves,  often  very  densely  flowered,  on  pedicels  of  10  to  12  mm,  whole  in- 
florescence of  a  golden  yellow,  the  glabrous  petals  longer  than  the  calyx,  staminodia 
petaloid,  ovary  densely  hirsute  with  distinct  style;  fruit  subglobose,  beaked,  resembling 
the  fruit  of  8.  spathulatum. 

In  Abbe  Faurie's  collection,  which  I  have  at  hand,  is  a  plant  numbered  435 
and  labelled  " Myrsine  molokaiensis  Levl.  sp.  nov.  Molokai,  Kamolo  1000  m.  leg. 
Faurie  Junio  1910. ' '  The  plant  is  at  a  first  glance  recognizable  as  a  Sideroxylon 
and  is  identical  with  my  number  6154  Sideroxylon  spathulatum  var.  molokai- 
ense Rock. 

At  first  the  writer  could  not  believe  that  such  a  gross  error  could  be  committed, 
but  after  reading  the  most  incomplete  description  by  Leveille,  which  says:  "Af- 
finis  M.  sandwicensis  DC.  a  quo  secernitur  foliis  supra  atro-viridibus,  subtus  in- 
canis  vel  incano-tomentosis, "  it  can  be  no  other  plant  than  Faurie's  specimen 
marked  435.  Faurie's  specimen  is  in  fruit,  but  quite  immature. 

The  material  collected  by  the  writer  came  from  almost  the  identical  locality 
where  Faurie  collected  his  plants,  but  a  little  more  toward  the  west.  However, 
one  cannot  depend  very  well  on  Faurie's  exactness  in  citing  localities,  as  can  be 
seen  in  Leveille 's  publication,  who  places  Hilo  on  the  Island  of  Maui  and  Mt. 
Haleakala  on  a  different  island  than  Maui.  Some  plants  are  simply  marked: 
Sandwich.  It  is  indeed  very  regrettable  that  the  material  of  Abbe  Faurie  (which 
is  often  beyond  recognition)  fell  in  the  hands  of  H.  Leveille,  whose  ambition 
seems  to  be  to  bring  the  number  of  his  new  species  up  to  1000.  A  goodly 
number  of  his  new  species  are  European  weeds  which  have  been  imported  by 
the  cattle  estates  with  grass  seeds,  and  have  become  scattered  over  the  mountains 
in  the  pasture  lands  which  he  calls  in  herbidis;  may  it  be  said  that  in  these  vast 
meadows  not  even  a  native  grass  can  be  found,  still  less  herbaceous  native  plants, 
which  have  been  crowded  out  by  imported  grasses  and  such  weeds  which  Leveille 
describes  now  as  new  species,  and  thus  would  change  the  whole  endemic  aspect 
of  our  most  interesting  flora. 



The  family  Ebenaceae  is  almost  exclusively  tropical  and  subtropical,  inhabit- 
ing especially  the  eastern  hemisphere.  They  have  reached  their  best  develop- 
ment in  the  East  Indies  and  the  Malayan  Archipelago.  In  the  Hawaiian  Islands 
the  family  is  represented  by  the  genus  Maba  only.  The  family  is  closely  re- 
lated to  the  Symplocaceae,  from  which  it  however  differs  in  the  superior  ovary 
and  the  unisexual  flowers. 

MABA  J.  R.  et  G.  Forster. 

Flowers  usually  3-  rarely  3-6-fid.  Calyx  enlarged  with  fruit.  Male  flowers:  Stamens 
3  to  several,  usually  9;  filaments  free  or  united  to  2  to  3;  anthers  elongate,  opening 
laterally.  Ovary  3-  or  6-celled,  with  6  ovules.  Style  3-fid  or  3  single  styles.  Fruit  usually 
an  ovate  or  globose,  glabrous  or  pubescent  1  to  6  seeded  berry. — Trees  or  shrubs  with  alter- 
nate, simple  and  entire  leaves.  Flowers  solitary  or  in  short  axillary  cymes. 

The  genus  Maba  consists  of  about  63  species  and  is  distributed  over  the  same 
regions  as  the  family  with  the  exception  of  South  Africa.  In  the  Hawaiian 
Islands  only  two  species  and  one  variety  are  to  be  found.  One  of  the  two  species, 
Maba  Hillebra-ndii  Seem.,  is  endemic,  while  Maba  sandwicensis  occurs  also  in  Fiji. 


Leaves  pale  green,  smooth  on  both  faces,  calycine  lobes  obtuse M.  sandwicensis 

Leaves  dark  green,  wrinkled  on  the  upper  face,  calycine  lobes  acute.  . .  M.  Hillebrandii 

Maba   sandwicensis   A.    DC. 

(Plates  159,  160.) 

MABA  SANDWICENSIS  A.  DC.  Prodr.  VIII.  (1844)  242;— A.  Gray  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  V. 
(1862)  327;— Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII.  (1867)  188;— Wawra  in  Flora  (1873) 
59;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (188)  274. — Gurke  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  IV.  1. 
(1891)  160;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pacif.  VII.  (1892)  230.— Ebenus  eandwi- 
censis  0.  Ktze.  Eev.  Gen.  PI.  II.  (1891)  408. 

Leaves  distichous,  coriaceous,  with  hidden  veins,  pale  green,  elliptical,  or,  ovate-oblong 
3.5  to  5  cm  long,  1.5  to  2.5  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  4  to  6  mm,  shortly  acuminate.,  entire 
glabrous,  but  silky  haired  when  young;  flowers  single,  rarely  the  male  in  clusters  of  2  to  5, 
the  very  short  peduncle  covered  with  about  6  small,  ovate-obtuse,  deciduous  bracts;  calyx 
coriaceous,  silky  with  oppressed  hair,  4  to  5  mm,  shortly  3  to  4  fid  with  obtuse  lobes;, 
corolla  coriaceous,  5  to  6  mm,  densely  hairy  in  the  upper  half,  3-toothed,  the  lobules  blunt, 
and  sinistrorsely  convolute  in  the  bud;  male  flowers,  stamens  free,  12  to  18,  around  the 
hirsute  rudiments  of  an  ovary,  1/3  the  length  of  the  corolla,  glabrous,  anthers  short, 
oblong,  as  long  as  the  filaments;  female  flowers  without  stamens,  the  ovary  hairy;  style 
very  short  3-rayed;  fruit  dry  or  somewhat  fleshy;  18  mm  high,  pubescent  when  young, 
3-celled,  with  1  seed  in  each  cell,  but  generally  one-seeded  when  mature;  seeds  oblong  witfi 
thin  testa  and  smooth  albumen;  cotyledons  half  the  length  of  the  radicle,  complanate, 
oblong,  obtuse. 

The  Lama  is  a  beautiful  medium  sized  tree  reaching  a  height  of  20  to  40  feet. 
The  leaves  are  thick,  leathery,  dull  green  and  are  arranged  alternately  in  op- 
posite rows,  making  the  little  branchlets  resemble  pinnate  leaves. 


PLATE  159. 


Fruiting  branch,  typical  Oahu  specimen;   one-half  natural  size. 


The  Lama  inhabits  the  wet  as  well  as  the  dry  regions  on  all  the  islands  of  the 
group.  The  small  leaved  form  occurs  on  the  Koolau  range  of  Oahu,  as  in 
Manoa  Valley  and  Niu  as  well  as  all  along  toward  Kahuku.  Back  of  Hilo  on 
Hawaii  it  is  a  very  common  tree,  reaching  a  height  of  40  feet;  in  this  latter 
locality  it  is  quite  common  in  company  with  Straussia,  Metrosideros,  etc.,  fol- 
lowing immediately  the  Pandanus  forest.  The  trunk  of  the  Lama  is  vested  in  a 
black  rather  smooth  bark,  but  in  old  trees  the  bark  becomes  rough  and  scaly, 
forming  irregular  squares  of  a  dark  gray  color.  The  tree  is  common  on  all  the 
islands  of  the  group,  but  especially  so  in  the  dry  districts,  where  it  forms  often 
pure  stands,  as  in  the  low  lands  of  Kapua  in  South  Kona  where  the  writer  met 
with  the  finest  trees  with  perfectly  straight  trunks  of  a  foot  in  diameter.  It 
grows  in  company  with  Ale  H  rites  Moluccana,  Pittosporum  Hosmeri  var.  longi- 
folia,  and  Antidesma  pulvinatum.  The  berries,  which  are  of  a  reddish  yellow 
color  when  mature,  are  quite  palatable  and  are  eaten  by  the  natives  and  birds. 
The  trees  fruit  prolifically  during  the  late  winter  months,  especially  in  the 
month  of  February,  when  the  trees  are  loaded  with  the  bright  colored  fruits. 

The  wood  is  very  hard,  close  grained,  and  of  a  rich  reddish  brown  color  when 
old;  it  was  employed  in  building  houses  for  the  gods.  A  block  of  Lama  wood 
was  always  placed  upon  the  Kualiu,  altar,  in  the  temple  of  the  goddess  of  the 
sacred  Hula  dance,  Laka,  which  latter  personality  it  represented.  This  un- 
carved  block  was  wrapped  in  choice  yellow  tapa,  scented  with  turmeric  and  was 
set  conspicuously  upon  the  altar.*  The  wood  was  also  used  in  making  sacred 
inclosures  for  other  tabu  purposes. 

A  variety  /?  Hbd.  with  ovate  or  ovate  oblong,  larger  leaves,  which  are  broadly 
rounded  at  the  base,  and  pubescent  underneath,  occurs  on  the  lava  flows  and 
on  the  leeward  sides  of  the  islands  in  general,  but  always  in  dry  situations. 
On  Kauai  the  variety  has  the  largest  leaves  10  to  12.5  cm  x  5  to  5.5  cm. 

Maba  Hillebrandii  Seem. 

MABA  HILLEBRANDII  Seem,  in  Flora  Vitiensis  (1866)  151;— H.  Mann  1.  c.;—  Hillebr. 
Fl.  Hw.  Isl.  (1888)  275;— Gurke  in  Engl.  et  Prantl  Natiirl.  Pflzfam.  1.  c.; — Del 
Cast  1.  c.— Ebenus  Hillebrandii  O.  Ktze.  Kev.  Gen.  PI.  II.  (1891)  408. 

Leaves  oblong,  8  to  12  cm  long,  3.5  to  6  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  4  mm,  obtuse  or  bluntly 
acute,  contracted,  rounded  or  truncate  or  even  emarginate  at  the  base,  glabrous,  dark  green, 
coriaceous,  smooth  on  the  lower  face,  but  deeply  rugose  on  the  upper  by  a  close  and 
fine  areolar  network;  bracts  and  calyx  glabrous,  coriaceous,  the  latter  3-fid  almost  to  the 
middle  with  broad  triangular  acute  lobes;  corolla  7  mm,  hairy,  shortly  3-toothed;  stamens 
9,  short,  glabrous,  with  pointed  anthers;  fruit  obovoid,  about  2  cm  long  and  15  to  18 
mm  in  diameter,  pubescent  at  the  apex  only. 

This  species,  which  is  quite  different  from  the  lama,  is  endemic  in  the  Ha- 
waiian Islands  and  is  peculiar  to  Oahu,  where  it  can  be  found  in  the  hills  of 

Emerson,  Unwritten  Literature  of  Hawaii. 


PLATE  160. 

MABA  SANDWICENSIS  DC.  var.  /3.  Hbd. 


Fruiting  branch   pinned   to   trunk   of  tree.     Growing  on   the  lava  fields   of 
Kapua,  &'.  Kona,  Hawaii;   elevation   1500  feet. 


Kalmku  and  Waialua;  the  writer  met  with  it  in  Niu  Valley  where  it  is  quite 
plentiful  at  an  elevation  of  2000  feet.  Hillebrand  records  it  also  from  Wailupe 


The  family  Oleaceae,  which  consists  of  about  370  to  390  species,  inhabits  the 
temperate,  subtropical  and  tropical  regions  of  the  earth,  especially  in  East  India, 
where  some  of  the  genera  like  Jasminum  and  others  are  rich  in  species.  Only 
about  12  species  belonging  to  this  family  occur  in  Europe ;  in  Polynesia  and  Aus- 
tralia about  26 ;  in  America  and  Africa  each  about  46  species.  In  the  Hawaiian 
Islands  the  family  is  represented  by  the  genus  Osmanthus  with  a  single  species. 


Flowers  hermaphrodite,  polygamous  or  dioecious,  calyx  short,  4  toothed  or  4  lobed. 
Tube  of  corolla  short.  Stamens  2,  rarely  4,  with  short  filaments  inserted  on  the  tube  of 
the  corolla  and  enclosed  by  the  same.  Anthers  laterally  dehiscing.  Style  short.  Stigma 
small,  entire  or  2-lobed. — Shrubs  or  trees  with  evergreen  leaves.  The  small  flowers  are 
arranged  on  axillary  simple  or  compound  racemes. 

The  genus  Osmanthus  with  its  10  species  is  distributed  in  South  Asia,  East 
Asia,  Polynesia  and  North  America,  with  one  species — Osmanthus  sandwicensis 
(A.  Gray)  Knobl. — in  the  Hawaiian  Islands. 

Osmanthus  sandwicensis   (A.   Gray)    Knobl. 

Pua  or  Olopua. 
(Plates  161,  162,  163.) 

OSMANTHUS  SANDWICENSIS  (A.  Gray)  Knobl.  in  Bot.  Centralbl.  LXI  (1895)  82,  et  in 
Engl.  et  Prantl  Pflzfam.  IV.  2.  (1895)  9. — Olea  sandwicensis  A.  Gray  Proc.  Am. 
Ac-ad.  V.  (1862)  331;— H.  Mann  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  VII  (1867)  197;— Wawra  in 
Flora  (1874)  548;— Hbd.  Fl.  Haw.  Isl.  (1888)  301;— inclus.  var.  ft  Hbd.  from 
Kauai;— Del  Cast.  111.  Fl.  Ins.  Mar.  Pac.  VII  (1892)  231;— Heller  PI.  Haw. 
Isl.  (1897)  876. 

A  large  tree  often  20  in  high,  quite  glabrous;  leaves  pale  underneath,  darker  above, 
coriaceous  elliptico-obloiig  or  lanceolate  acute,  or  acuminate  or  obtuse,  7  to  15  cm  long, 
2.5  to  7  cm  wide,  on  petioles  of  about  12  mm;  racemes  axillary  tomentose,  short;  flowers 
hermaphrodite;  calyx  obtusely  4-toothed;  corolla  about  4  mm,  pale  yellow,  rotate,  deeply 
4  parted;  anthers  always  4,  alternate  with  the  lobes  of  the  corolla  and  as  long  as  the 
latter  (in  the  writer's  specimens)  sessile  on  the  short  tube,  oblong  obtuse;  ovary  conical, 
elongate,  stigma  subsessile,  2-lobed;  drupe  ovoid,  peaked  or  obtuse,  12  to  22  mm  long, 
bluish-black,  when  mature  rather  dry,  but  the  exocarp  somewhat  fleshy  and  staining, 
with  an  osseous  putamen  and  a  single  seed;  embryo  straight  in  the  axis  of  horny  albumen, 
the  obtuse  cotyledons  as  long  as  the  superior  radicle. 

The  Pua  or  Olopua  is  one  of  the  most  common  Hawaiian  trees,  but  rarely  in- 
habiting the  rain  forests  or  even  their  outskirts.  It  is  more  confined  to  the 
lower  forest  zone,  especially  on  the  leeward  sides  of  all  the  islands,  and  is  usually 
the  predominating  tree  on  the  lava  fields  of  Hawaii.  The  Pua,  like  all  Hawaiian 
trees,  is  very  variable  and  only  a  trained  eye  can  at  first  glance  decide  if  it 
is  the  Pua  or  not.  The  leaves  are  often  very  large  and  again  very  small,  as  in 
the  Molokai  specimens,  which  have  elliptical  lanceolate  leaves,  while  those  of 


PLATE   161. 



Pua  or  Olopua. 
Fruiting  branch,  less  than  one-third  natural  size. 

PLATE  162. 


Pua  or  Olopua. 

Trunk  of  tree  showing  roughness  of  bark;  about  3  feet  in  diameter.      Growing  in  Kipuka 
I'uaulu   near  Kilauea  Volcano,  Hawaii;   elevation   4000  feet. 

PLATE  163. 


Pua  or  Olopua. 

One  of  the  biggest  pua  trees  in  the  islands,  growing  in  the  Kipuka  Fuaultt  near  Kilauea 
Volcano,  Hawaii;   height  of  tree  about  60  feet. 


Kauai  are  exceedingly  large  and  oblong  acuminate.  It  flowers  usually  in  March 
in  certain  localities,  but  the  writer  found  the  trees  in  South  Kona  on  the  lava 
fields  of  Kapua  loaded  with  the  ripe  bluish  fruits  during  the  month  of  January. 
It  is  a  graceful  tree  and  reaches  often  a  height  of  60  feet,  with  a  trunk  of  3  feet 
in  diameter;  the  bark  is  thick  and  very  corrugated,  often  divided  into  oblong 
scales.  It  occurs  on  all  the  islands  of  the  group,  especially  on  the  dry  leesides 
from  600  to  4000  feet  elevation.  On  Kauai  it  grows  in  the  great  Waimea  Canyon 
and  at  Halemanu,  as  well  as  Milolii  and  in  Kopiwai  forest,  where  the  writer  met 
with  handsome  specimens.  The  biggest  tree  the  writer  saw  in  the  Kipuka  Puaulu 
on  the  edge  of  an  old  aa  lava  flow  near  the  Volcano  Kilauea,  on  the  slopes  of 
Mauna  Loa,  elevation  4000  feet. 

The  wood  of  the  Pua  is  extremely  hard,  close  grained  and  very  durable;  it  is 
of  a  dark  browrnish  color  with  blackish  streaks,  exceedingly  heavy  and  takes  a 
most  excellent  polish.  The  wood  was  often  used  by  the  natives  for  various  pur- 
poses such  as  adze-handles.  In  helping  to  shape  the  fish  hooks,  the  Pua  wood  was 
used,  as  well  as  the  rough  pahoehoe  lava  rock,  as  rasps. 


The  family  Loganiaceae,  with  its  31  genera  and  more  than  370  species,  is  de- 
cidedly tropical ;  only  few  representatives  are  found  outside  the  tropics,  and 
only  two  genera  are  found  distributed  in  the  tropics  of  the  whole  world,  while 
the  remaining  ones  are  restricted  to  certain  regions.  In  the  Hawaiian  Islands 
only  one  genus  (Labordia)  of  this  family  occurs,  which  is  endemic. 


Flowers  hermaphrodite  or  unisexual,  pentamerous.  Calycine  lobes  large,  lanceolate 
or  foliaceous,  occasionally  unequal.  Corolla  distinctly  tubular,  with  narrow,  lanceolate 
contorted  lobes.  Stamens  with  short  filaments  and  enclosed  linear  anthers.  Ovary  2  to  3 
celled,  with  cylindrical  style  and  elongate  clavate  stigma;  ovules  many.  Fruit  a  capsule. 
Seeds  ovoid  or  ellipsoidal  imbedded  in  an  orange  colored  or  greenish  pulp;  with  fleshy 
albumen.  Embryo  straight  with  short  cotyledons  and  longer  radicle. — Small  trees  or 
shrubs;  stipules  sheathing.  Inflorescence  a  terminal  cyme,  corymbiform  or  paniculate, 
sometimes  reduced  to  a  single  flower. 

The  genus  Labordia  consists  of  numerous  species,  and  is  endemic  to  the  Ha- 
waiian Islands.  Only  a  few  become  trees,  while  the  maj